CENTRAL Zone NEWS Zone Your Health Care in Your Community 2013 AUGUST
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FLOODS 2013: To all Albertans, AHS staff, first responders and partner providers Thank you! YOU HELPED BRING OUT THE BEST IN EVERYONE IN THE WORST OF SITUATIONS: PAGES 3-6 CENTRAL Zone NEWS Zone Your HealtH Care in Your CommunitY 2013 aUGUsT THe s“Taff anD PHysiCians ... WHo PUlleD ToGeTHer To Co-orDinaTe THe evaCUaTion DemonsTraTeD TrUe Team efforT — Barb Frere, Alberta Health Services Area Director for Kneehill, Starland and Special Area 2 Home safe Wayna mcPhee, front, long-term care resident at the Drumheller Health Centre, is welcomed home by, from Adam Eisenbarth photo | left, volunteer Brenda Jones, and staff members Debbie Briese and Kim moar, after being relocated due to the Photo by Barb Frere | threat of flooding. PAGEs 3-6 CominG ToGeTHer in Times of Crisis f there is one thing we know in health care, it is mcmurray and surrounding areas. our people worked that an emergency, a crisis, or even a disaster can DR. CHRIS EAGLE closely with the municipality to ensure residents ihappen anywhere, at any time. Alberta Health Services had the information they needed and, as we’ve although we were focused on the devastating President and CEO seen during the floods, our colleagues ignored their flooding in the south during June and July, we know personal situations to come to work and help others. that tomorrow we could be dealing with a similar colleagues doing what they do best, acting selflessly We saw it during the H1n1 pandemic, when we situation somewhere else in alberta. it could be a to help others, doing whatever it takes to ensure vaccinated one million albertans against the virus in wildfire; a multi-vehicle collision; a tornado; or, it could people remain safe. just under six weeks. as a still-new organization, aHs be an infectious illness in a seniors’ lodge. We saw it in slave lake, when wildfires tore through staff and physicians mobilized as a team to organize fortunately, we know how to respond. as an that northern community just two years ago. Within and execute a large-scale vaccination effort across organization – from those on the frontlines, to those hours, our people had evacuated the entire slave the province. That team effort protected thousands running emergency operations centres – we are good lake Healthcare Centre without a single injury. The from the virus, making our communities safer. at this. We know what needs to be done, when it last staff member left as flames licked at the hospital’s and we also see it almost every day, in our needs to be done, and how to get it done. back door. Then, with the fire extinguished, our emergency departments, when people faced with We saw great examples of that when floodwaters northern colleagues played a critical role in getting the their own personal crisis get the help, care and began to rise across southern alberta. We sprang into community back on its feet. attention they need from our dedicated emergency action and did what we could to ensure the safety of We saw it this past winter, when more than 100 physicians, nurses and staff. our patients and residents, to look after those people vehicles collided during white-out conditions on the another thing we are good at is learning from these who need help the most, to protect our infrastructure, Queen elizabeth ii highway south of edmonton. ems experiences, and we get better at responding to and to look after one another. staff attended to patients vehicle by vehicle. local them, because we look back at what happened and i have said this many times – i am incredibly hospital staff and physicians were on standby to at how we can improve. proud of what our people achieved before and respond to crash victims as needed. The response Because, in the end, it’s about knowing albertans during this disaster. i have witnessed some of that was fast, effective and a credit to those involved. can feel safe in the knowledge that we will look after work firsthand, and i will never forget what i saw – We saw it this spring, when floodwaters hit fort them in a crisis; that we will be there. n PAGE 2 i n Y o u r z o n e arTHriTis ProGram CHanGinG lives Story by Heather Kipling | could reduce hundreds of pounds of wear to Photo by Adam Eisenbarth | their joints by using a cane or walker. Those PeoPle see THaT are little things people can do to manage their iving with a chronic health condition like THey Can manaGe arthritis pain,” says Hoar. “We also look at energy arthritis can present many challenges. THeir arTHriTis management and how, when you have a chronic lWhile arthritis isn’t a life sentence, the pain, effeCTively so iT condition, there are ways to conserve your swelling and stiffness it can bring to a person’s “ energy and use it wisely. We only have so much body can be life-changing. isn’T ComPromisinG energy in our banks, so we get clients to look adjusting to that change isn’t always easy. THeir QUaliTy closely at how they want to spend that energy.” fortunately, there are programs like the arthritis of life sessions also teach the importance of proper education and Pool Program in red Deer that footwear, which includes examining a selection can help. facilitated by both a physical therapist — Occupational therapist Carla Falk, on of appropriate shoes. Diet and nutrition are also and an cccupational therapist, the program the success of the Arthritis Education discussed, as is stress management, and the provides a multidisciplinary approach to help and Pool Program in Red Deer power of positive thinking and hope. patients manage their arthritis in order to live life additional health care professionals, including to the fullest. pharmacists, dietitians and mental health “The program is open to anyone with complex arthritis is and what it does to the joints and counsellors are also involved, because, as falk arthritis which is strongly impacting their quality structures of the body. says, “managing a chronic illness like severe of life,” says physical therapist Barb Hoar, who “We want our clients to go away from their arthritis really does require multidisciplinary was instrumental in establishing the program in time with us with a good toolkit of information, management.” central alberta. strategies, and ideas to better help them in their The therapy pool is used for exercises to build “There was nothing like this program own quests for wellness.” muscle strength and range of motion. other here. People say they have gained so much Classes are held two mornings a week for exercise options include tai chi and yoga. knowledge from the classes that it helps them six weeks with concurrent sessions running and, while the program provides a wealth of understand their arthritis better, or that they are september to June. Classes involve education knowledge and support, it also creates bonds seeing a change, an improvement. By the end, plus exercising with the physical therapist in the and connections among participants. we hear them say they are better equipped to therapeutic pool at red Deer regional Hospital “They’re able to bond with people in similar manage their condition, which is the goal.” Centre. situations and it lets them know they aren’t arthritis is a chronic disorder that can affect “Prior to Week one of the program, we alone,” says Hoar, a sentiment that falk echoes. one in seven Canadians. many people are most complete a one-on-one assessment with clients “some of those bonds are long-lasting. We’ve familiar with arthritis in the joints and the pain, to establish baselines on areas such as walking had past clients start their own pool groups in swelling and stiffness it can bring. However, there performance, their balance and activities of daily the community, which is a great example of self- are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis, living,” says Hoar. “at the end of the program, management. it can be an amazing experience occurring in muscles, the eyes, skin and in major we reassess to show the improvements and for participants.” organs. benefits, which helps people see that they The red Deer arthritis program serves The arthritis education and Pool Program, can manage their arthritis effectively so it isn’t residents in the city, as well as those from which started in red Deer in 1998, provides compromising their quality of life.” surrounding areas such as elnora, rocky clients with support and education. a physician’s other subjects include what pain is and how mountain House, lacombe, Ponoka and stettler. referral is needed. it impacts the body, joint protection, how canes To access the program, a doctor’s referral is “our basic philosophy for the program is, or walkers can help reduce pain and how splints required and can be faxed to the rehabilitation ‘knowledge is power,’” says occupational can help preserve and protect a joint. Department at the red Deer regional Hospital at therapist Carla falk. “We start by explaining what “if someone takes 100 steps a day, they 403.343.4419. n Occupational therapist Carla Falk, left, and physical therapist Barb Hoar, help those with arthritis manage their condition, providing education on joint protection, using mobility aids, stress management, nutrition and the power of positive thinking. www.albertahealthservices.ca There are plenty of health care options available. Learn yours by visiting the AHS website. e m e r g e n C Y : f l o o d s 2 0 1 3 PAGE 3 An outPourinG of community suPPort Bystanders watch as the Red Deer River continued to rise in June.