October 16, 2001 — HOUSE H6827 When he died in that automobile accident, designates the facility of the United Ms. WATSON of . Mr. he was picked up by a chariot and taken to a States Postal Service located at 5472 Speaker, I rise to speak in support of higher place. He asked for no praise, but he Crenshaw Boulevard in , H.R. 2454, a bill I introduced to name a will never be forgotten. Where he walked, California as the Congressman Julian post office in my con- there remains traces of his life on the hearts C. Dixon Post Office. Members of the gressional district, and Julian’s, after of everyone. We must all be grateful for his entire House delegation from the State the late Congressman Julian C. Dixon. life and sing his memory in our songs. of California are co-sponsors of this Julian Dixon dedicated his life to Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. legislation. serving his community. He ably rep- Speaker, I yield back the balance of Julian C. Dixon served as a Member resented his friends, his neighbors, and my time. of Congress representing the Los Ange- his constituents from Los Angeles and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. les, California area. Mr. Dixon served Culver City in Congress for over 2 dec- QUINN). The question is on the motion 10 terms in the U.S. House and had just ades. We went to high school together. offered by the gentlewoman from Vir- been elected to an 11th term when he I graduated the year ahead of him, and ginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) that the passed away in December of last year. I followed him into the legislature. House suspend the rules and pass the Congressman Dixon was a tireless ad- When he went to Congress, I went to bill, H.R. 2261. vocate of civil rights and as the highest the Senate. I took his staff, who re- The question was taken; and (two- ranking Democrat on the Permanent mained with me for over a decade. thirds having voted in favor thereof) Select Committee on Intelligence, a During his tenure, Julian served his the rules were suspended and the bill highly respected voice on national se- community, his country and this insti- was passed. curity issues. He was also a friend of tution by often taking on some of the A motion to reconsider was laid on many Members of this House and will toughest jobs here in Congress. Among the table. be sorely missed. those tough assignments was his chair- Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of H.R. manship of the House Committee on f 2454, as amended. Standards of Official Conduct. As CONGRESSMAN JULIAN C. DIXON Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of chairman of this ethics panel, Julian my time. POST OFFICE BUILDING was praised for the even-handed and de- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I liberate manner in which he handled Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. yield myself such time as I may con- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules sume. difficult cases involving his colleagues and pass the bill (H.R. 2454) to redesig- Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride in the House. nate the facility of the United States and pleasure that I stand to help honor Julian also served as the most senior Postal Service located at 5472 and pay tribute to the late Congress- Democrat on the House Permanent Se- Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles, man Julian Dixon. Julian grew up in lect Committee on Intelligence. His California, as the ‘‘Congressman Julian California, went to school, went in to colleagues in the House and within the C. Dixon Post Office Building,’’ as the military, returned home, finished U.S. intelligence establishment have amended. college, went to law school, became a often commented on how they valued The Clerk read as follows: member of the California assembly. He Julian’s experience and wisdom on questions of national security. H.R. 2454 was a graduate of California State Uni- versity in 1962 and a 1967 graduate of With the risk and challenges of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- America’s current struggle against ter- resentatives of the United States of America in Southwest University Law School in Congress assembled, Los Angeles. He served in the military rorism, Julian’s contribution to this ef- fort will be sorely missed by his SECTION 1. REDESIGNATION. from 1957 to 1960, rising to the rank of The facility of the United States Postal sergeant before returning home where friends, his colleagues and his constitu- Service located at 5472 Crenshaw Boulevard he practiced law. ents. in Los Angeles, California, and known as the Mr. Dixon got involved in public ac- b 1715 Latijera Station, shall be known and des- tivities and public life. He was elected ignated as the ‘‘Congressman Julian C. to the California assembly. He was While serving his Nation, Julian Dixon Post Office’’. elected to the U.S. House of Represent- never forgot about serving his commu- SEC. 2. REFERENCES. atives where he served as a senior nity back home in Los Angeles, Cali- Any reference in a law, map, regulation, member of the powerful Committee on fornia, and in Culver City. When the document, paper, or other record of the Appropriations where he once chaired 1992 civil disturbances tore apart United States to the facility referred to in neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Julian section 1 shall be deemed to be a reference to the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia. In addition to serving as responded with creative ideas to re- the Congressman Julian C. Dixon Post Of- build neighborhoods and restore the fice. ranking Democrat on the House Per- manent Select Committee on Intel- hope. He fought for aid to small busi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nesses and families impacted by the ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from ligence, he served as chairman of the Committee on Standards of Official emergency. Typical of his approach Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) and the was the ‘‘Angel Gate’’ program, which gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Davis) Conduct. During the 1980’s, Julian Dixon was takes disadvantaged youth from inner each will control 20 minutes. the chairman of the Congressional city schools and gives them the oppor- The Chair recognizes the gentle- Black Caucus. He was noted as being a tunity to get additional math and woman from Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN sound politician who was not only well science education from the California DAVIS). respected among his colleagues but his National Guard. When the Northridge GENERAL LEAVE constituents also. I was pleased to call Earthquake struck Los Angeles in 1994, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. him brother because we both were Julian once again responded quickly to Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that members, and I still am, of Alpha Phi help his community recover. all Members may have 5 legislative Alpha fraternity where Julian was well Julian’s commitment to Los Angeles days within which to revise and extend known, well respected and well loved. was not limited to responding to crises. their remarks on the bill, H.R. 2454. Mr. Speaker, I encourage all of my He was a tireless booster of his commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there colleagues to support H.R. 2454, to nity and worked to bring improve- objection to the request of the gentle- name a post office the Julian C. Dixon ments to the lives of his constituents. woman from Virginia? Post Office Building. Many Angelenos probably remember There was no objection. Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. him as a moving force behind the con- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my struction of the region’s public transit Speaker, I yield myself such time as I time. infrastructure. Anyone from Los Ange- may consume. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I les knows that traffic is a constant Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2454, introduced by yield 5 minutes to the gentlewoman challenge. Julian worked hard to find our distinguished colleague, the gentle- from California (Ms. WATSON), the au- solutions to improve mobility for all woman from California (Ms. WATSON), thor of this legislation. Angelenos.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:39 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16OC7.059 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1 H6828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 16, 2001 But I believe that Julian’s most last- that Julian carved out in the Congress, tleman from Illinois and the gentle- ing legacy will be his commitment to his prolific work as a model legislator, woman from Virginia for their manage- civil rights. Julian represented a dis- his unique service to the District of Co- ment of this bill, and my dear friend trict that is still one of the most di- lumbia, and the character and and colleague, the gentlewoman from verse in the country, both in ethnic or- collegiality of this man, one of our California (Ms. WATSON), for sponsoring igin and social economic status. most admired in this House. this important piece of legislation. Throughout his career, he worked to First, institutionally. Julian not Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay hom- promote policies that would give all only served his constituents with the age to the late Julian Dixon, the great Americans the opportunity they de- most extraordinary excellence, he Congressman who represented the 32nd serve to share in the American Dream. served this institution uniquely. He Congressional District of California. Julian was a tireless advocate for his was Chair of the Committee on Stand- Julian Dixon served in the House of constituents, his community, and his ards of Official Conduct when the Representatives with distinction and Nation. The ‘‘Congressman Julian C. Speaker of his party was brought be- honor. He was a personal friend whom Dixon Post Office’’ can only be a small fore the committee, and he was a Mem- I admired and respected. It is appro- part of the legacy of this great Amer- ber of the Permanent Select Com- priate and fitting that we are honoring ican; but I am so proud to play a role mittee on Intelligence advising on the his life and political legacy by redesig- in serving the memory of my class- security of the United States of Amer- nating the post office located at 5472 mate, my friend, my neighbor, and my ica. Very difficult assignments, which Crenshaw Boulevard in his name. Julian Dixon was a tireless public congressman, Julian C. Dixon. he performed, passionate man though H.R. 2454, I am proud to say, has been he was, with such balance and non- servant. He aspired to and succeeded in cosponsored by 69 of Julian’s House partisanship that his stature grew in effectively representing his constitu- ents. Julian won reelection in west Los colleagues from both parties; and I this House to a towering dimension. He Angeles with over 84 percent of the would like to thank Speaker HASTERT, served on both these committees at vote. He enjoyed immense bipartisan Leader GEPHARDT, the gentleman from very difficult periods in the life of this support among his peers. He was known Texas (Mr. ARMEY), the gentleman body. for his integrity, patience, intellect from Michigan (Mr. BONIOR), and the Second, his work as a legislator and and diligence. Those qualities served entire California delegation for their as a model for other Members, Julian him particularly well during his tenure cosponsorship. I am certain that Julian was fifth on the Committee on Appro- as the ranking Democrat on the House would be honored by the amount of priations when he died. He had been Permanent Select Committee on Intel- support that this bill has received. named one of 12 unsung heroes for his ligence and as a senior member of the Once again, I thank my colleagues, sheer ability to gather support for his Committee on Appropriations. He pre- and I urge a huge vote for H.R. 2454. position on appropriations and in the viously chaired the Subcommittee on Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Congress. Of course, he brought mil- the District of Columbia for the full Speaker, I reserve the balance of my lions of dollars to his own district in Committee on Appropriations. At a time. California; but he will be remembered time when allies for the District were Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I just as much as the architect of appro- yield 4 minutes to the distinguished few in numbers, Julian’s efforts were, priations in the national interest, espe- indeed, Herculean. gentlewoman from the District of Co- cially civil rights. Leadership was always his calling; lumbia (Ms. NORTON). Third, his unique role in service to and during the 1980s, he served as the Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Nation’s Capital. Here was a labor chairman of the Congressional Black the gentleman for yielding me this of love, Mr. Speaker. Because you get Caucus. His leadership was under a mi- time and also for his work in bringing nothing for being Chair of the Sub- croscope and bright lights during his forward this bill, and I thank the gen- committee on the District of Columbia. term as chairman of the Committee on tlewoman from Virginia as well for her Of course, this was a native Washing- Standards of Official Conduct. Julian’s work. tonian whose parents took him to Cali- chairmanship coincided with the turbu- I am particularly grateful to the gen- fornia. That should have been enough lent era of House scrutiny that focused tlewoman from California, the worthy for Julian to say ‘‘bye-bye, D.C.’’ In- on ethics violations by a former illus- successor of Julian Dixon, for her work stead, he, in fact, for 14 years, worked trious Democratic Speaker of the early in her term in bringing forward a tough love with great respect for self- House, who was later forced to resign. bill that she will find unanimous agree- government and democracy in the Na- Julian Dixon had the unenviable task ment on, I am almost sure, in this tion’s Capital. of conducting a fair and impartial bi- body. Finally, the man himself. Here is a partisan investigation of a well-re- Mr. Speaker, we like to think that Member who ranks among the most ad- spected Speaker. With his quiet and post offices are named on the basis of mired. If there were a list of all-time calm demeanor, Julian dispelled false sheer merit. I am not prepared to speak most admired, Julian Dixon is going to notions that he could not be fair in in the aggregate, but I will vouch for be right up there near the top. Why? conducting a historic investigation. He this one. No one was prepared for the Character, temperament, for proved his detractors wrong and re- sudden death of Julian Dixon, or for collegiality, for intelligence, for hard ceived kudos for his impartiality. that matter of any Member; and when work. An astute politician, Representative Julian died, he brought a huge plane He was a man of few words. He did Dixon was also a staunch ally of the load of people from both parties to not jump up on this House floor every defense industry in California. As a California to his funeral. Least pre- time we were in session just to say member of the Subcommittee on De- pared, of course, were his own constitu- what everybody else was already say- fense, he planned his work and worked ents, if I may say so, and a close second ing. And people, therefore, listened, his plan until he delivered the scope of were the residents of the District of Co- stopped to listen, stopped to hear, be- appropriations necessary to ensure the lumbia, whom he served for 15 years as cause they knew when Julian spoke it competitiveness of defense contracting Chair of the Subcommittee on the Dis- was worth hearing. companies in Southern California. trict of Columbia of the Committee on In naming a courthouse for Julian Julian was committed to ensuring Appropriations. Dixon, we only begin the process of that the Los Angeles transportation It should be enough to have a post of- honoring a man of the House who al- system would accommodate the needs fice named for you because you were a ways will be remembered, I believe, in of his citizens. He was especially atten- good Member, or even that you served the House that he loved. tive to expanding the commuter rail. two districts, the way Julian did, his Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I His efforts were instrumental in ena- own preeminently, but also the Dis- yield 3 minutes to the distinguished bling employees to reach work via rail trict of Columbia; but I would like to gentlewoman from California (Ms. as opposed to having to rely on per- put forward four reasons why I think MILLENDER-MCDONALD). sonal vehicles. this courthouse naming is especially Ms. MILLENDER-McDONALD. Mr. The premature death of Representa- merited: the unique institutional role Speaker, let me first thank the gen- tive Dixon surprised all of us, because

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:41 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16OC7.083 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1 October 16, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6829 as elected officials from Southern Cali- have the opportunity to know Mr. chaired the rules committee at the Democratic fornia, we relied on his steadfastness Dixon, but he sounds like a great man National Convention in 1989. Later in 1989 he and consistency. Although his passing and I urge all of my colleagues to sup- chaired the House ethics Committee where he created a tremendous sense of loss for port this measure. also served with distinction. In acknowledge- the members of the Congressional Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ment of his keen leadership, In Janaury 1999, Black Caucus, it sparked a resurgence I rise today in strong support of this legislation Minority Leader RICHARD GEPHARDT pointed of political rededication by local elect- which will redesignate the postal facility at the Congressman ranking member on the ed officials to seize the mantle of lead- 5472 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles as House Permanent Select Committee on Intel- ership and fill the void. the ‘‘Congressman Julian C. Dixon Post Office ligence, making him the highest—ranking Julian cast a giant political shadow, Building,’’ in honor of my colleague and friend Democrat on this exclusive 16-member panel. and we continue to reflect on his last- Congressman Julian C. Dixon of California. The 106th Congress marked Congressman ing political contributions. I treasure There is much that I could say, but a day, a Dixon’s 11th term in the House of Representa- my service in Congress with my former week, even a month would not allow me tives. His work as a public servant was highly colleague. The naming of this post of- enough time to express all that Julian C. respected, and his stature as a statesman un- fice in his name is a small symbol of Dixon was to his family, colleagues, friends, matched. For this reason and many others, our congressional gratitude for his constituents nor to God’s good works here on members from both sides of the aisle will miss work. But our efforts pale in compari- earth. Julian. Julian Dixon, while serving in the son to the wonderful and many deeds A son is a mother’s and father’s best hopes United States House of Representative, lived he performed on behalf of the constitu- and dreams personified. A husband is a wife’s the lessons of his life in earnest—truth, justice, ents he loved and faithfully served. best friend, companion and advisor. A father is equality, and compassion for all. Nonetheless, I am proud to offer my a counselor, aide and active participant in the God called Julian to Himself and now it is political support on behalf of H.R. 2454. lives of his children. Congressman is the title our heavy burden to continue Congressman Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I bestowed to those among us who are selected Dixon’s example without his guidance and ma- yield 3 minutes to the gentlewoman by the residents of our communities to rep- turity. This postal dedication is a fitting tribute from California (Ms. WOOLSEY). resent the people’s interest in our nation’s de- to a man whose, selflessness, compassion, Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, Con- mocracy. A leader among Members of Con- and patriotism serves as a beacon to all citi- gressman Julian Dixon was a legisla- gress demonstrates himself as a pillar of zens of this national committed to living in a tive pioneer and a trusted colleague. It strength for our community of public servants better America. is only fitting that this post office in who populate the halls of power within federal Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong sup- Los Angeles be named as a testament government. port of H.R. 2454, to dedicate a U.S. Postal to his legendary career. These are only a few of the titles that the Service facility in Los Angeles after the late During Julian’s 22 years in Congress, Honorable Julian C. Dixon gathered during his Congressman Julian Dixon. he worked tirelessly as an advocate for brief 66 years with us. Representative Dixon proudly represented the people of the 32nd district of Cali- Congressman Dixon honorably represented west Los Angeles as a Member of Congress fornia, as well as for all of the people of the residents of the 32nd Congressional Dis- from 1979 until his untimely passing in 2000. California and of the people of this Na- trict for twenty-two years. He was first elected He was the ranking Democrat on the House tion. in 1978 to serve the residents of the 32nd Dis- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence One of Julian’s most notable, but trict of California, which includes the greater and a senior member of the Appropriations perhaps lesser-known, accomplish- Crenshaw community, parts of West Los An- Committee, where he tirelessly worked to ex- ments came in 1994, when he spear- geles, and the city of Culver City. Julian Dix- pand and uphold civil rights. headed the passage of a bill that pro- on’s reputation as an intelligent, politically Representative Dixon worked hard to rep- vided $8.6 billion in relief for the Los savvy team player with high ethics and tough resent his district and beyond. He was a Angeles earthquake victims, and spe- judgement made him a mover and shaker on champion and leading supporter of the Los cifically forbade using the funds for Capitol Hill from his earliest days here in Angeles commuter rail system. He was known discrimination on the basis of sexual Washington, DC. for his efforts to boost the economic standards orientation. Julian Dixon was appointed to the House of his district and maintain the nation’s com- Appropriations Committee and rose quickly to mitment to uphold basic human rights. b 1730 become chairman of the District of Columbia Representative Julian Dixon was regarded This was the first time language ban- Subcommittee, where he championed the as a leader, friend, and mentor to many of us. ning sexual discrimination was in- cause of disenfranchised District of Columbia I urge my colleagues to support this bill to cluded in Federal law. residents for a larger voice their city’s govern- designate the post office in honor of Rep- Julian was a great hero. He was a ance. As a member of the Appropriation Sub- resentative Julian Dixon and his heroic work great hero for human rights. We in this committee on Defense; the Subcommittee on throughout his lifetime. body must follow his example. We must Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; and Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I would like to build on the essence of his inclusive vi- the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia take this opportunity to honor the memory of sion. Mr. Speaker, we miss Julian. he always put people first, and did so with a Representative Julian Dixon by strongly sup- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I spirit of cooperation and conviction rarely porting the redesignation of the facility of the yield myself such time as I may con- found in these hallowed halls. United States Postal Service located in Los sume. As a member of the House Appropriations Angeles, California, as the ‘‘Congressman Ju- Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- Committee Congressman Dixon found ways to lian C. Dixon Post Office Building.’’ quests for time, although I note that balance the needs of poorer residents of his Born in Washington, D.C., Dixon moved to the gentleman from California (Mr. District with those holding large economic in- Los Angeles where he attended California FARR) and the gentleman from Georgia terests. For example, he sponsored a loan State University at Los Angeles and earned a (Mr. LEWIS) were desirous of making guarantee act for small businesses hurt by law degree at Southwestern University. A comments relative to the contributions military base closings and defense contract bold, consistent voice for minority rights, Dixon made by Representative Dixon. I know terminations. devoted his life to serving Los Angeles, D.C., all of the brothers of our fraternity, Julian Dixon believed in helping the helpless and the country as a whole. , every time they visit and proud to stand under that banner. He was Starting out as an attorney, he spent three California and get an opportunity, each not apologetic, as some have been, because years in the California State Legislature where one of them will go by and visit the Ju- of the scorn shown to public servants that he rose to the post of chairman of the Assem- lian C. Dixon Post Office. work for justice and equity for the poorest bly’s Democratic Caucus before running to Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentle- Americans, while insuring fairness for all. In represent the area of west Los Angeles in the woman from Virginia for her courtesy. living his convictions to serve all of his con- U.S. Congress. Once there, he tirelessly Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance stituents he stepped in with ‘‘dire emergency’’ served his district, which stretches from of my time. supplements for Los Angeles after the riots in Koreatown to Culver City and from Cheviot Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. 1992 and the Northridge earthquake in Janu- Hills to Crenshaw, for eleven impressive Speaker, I yield myself 30 seconds. ary 1994. terms. Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- Because of his impeccable character and Dixon served on the Ethics and Appropria- leagues to support H.R. 2454. I did not commitment to the Democratic Party he tions Committees, was the ranking Democrat

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:41 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16OC7.084 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1 H6830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 16, 2001 on the House Permanent Select Committee on He never asked for public credit or press at- I am grateful to have served with Julian Intelligence, and chaired the subcommittee tention. He simply worked hard and effectively Dixon and I know his constituents were grate- overseeing the District of Columbia. Addition- for our country and the people he served. His ful for his service. Julian was one of those all- ally, he served as a chairman of the Congres- leadership over the years on the Appropria- too-rare Members of Congress who had the sional Black Caucus. tions, Defense, Ethics and Intelligence Com- ability to approach the most difficult and divi- He was a relentless, charismatic leader of mittees and in the Congressional Black Cau- sive questions in a judicious, thoughtful, and civil rights, education, and urban development cus earned him the respect and admiration of non-partisan manner. Julian served with dis- and loyally committed to his constituents. A all Members of Congress. Julian never failed tinction in many roles in Congress, but his perfect example of this is the effort he put to rise above partisanship for the good of the work as Chair of the Ethics Committee and forth in 1994 to introduce and spearhead the Congress and our nation. Chair of the District of Columbia Appropria- passage of a bill providing $8.6 billion in relief Congressman Dixon was a great statesman. tions Subcommittee perfectly illustrate his for Los Angeles earthquake victims. Because I urge the passage of this fitting tribute. commitment to take on thankless tasks in an this bill specifically forbade discrimination on Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise effort to make his country a better place. the basis of sexual orientation, it set a prece- in strong support of H.R. 2454, to name a This was a man who truly connected with dent as the first language banning discrimina- Post Office in Los Angeles, California after my the people, regardless of where they lived. tion based on sexual orientation being in- friend, mentor, and fellow Angeleno, Con- There was never a time when he was too cluded in federal law. However, this was not gressman Julian Dixon. busy to talk to those who wanted to bend his the only time he set precedent. While on the And I commend my colleague, Congress- ear; the Rayburn subway driver, the com- Appropriations Committee, he successfully woman , for sponsoring this fit- mittee secretary, and of course, there was al- lead the fight for federal funding of Los Ange- ting legislation. ways time to talk to a former staffer. To name I had the privilege of knowing Julian Dixon les area public transportation measures—spe- this post office for Julian Dixon is to give prop- for many years, including the years he served cifically its much-needed Metro Rail subway er tribute to a man who dedicated his life to with my father, Congressman Edward R. Roy- project. Additionally, he responded to constitu- public service. bal, in the 1970s and 80s. Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ents needs by making constant inroads on Julian Dixon’s achievements during his crime and gang prevention, by committing nearly three-decade tenure as a legislator are join my colleagues in honoring the late Julian himself to improving Los Angeles schools, and too numerous to recount. C. Dixon. I had the distinct pleasure of coming by obtaining a ‘‘dire emergency’’ supplemental He was chairman of the House ethics com- to Congress with Mr. Dixon in 1978 and it is appropriations bill after the Los Angeles riots mittee, maintaining bipartisanship on a tradi- with a heavy heart that I pay tribute to him to meet emergency needs in his district and tionally partisan committee. A fighter in the today as a cosponsor of H.R. 2454 to redesig- other affected areas. struggle for civil rights, he brought that com- nate the U.S. Postal Service facility located at Julian Dixon is a true example of the dif- mitment to his chairmanship of the District of 5422 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles, ference one person’s passion can make upon Columbia Appropriations subcommittee where California as the Julian C. Dixon Post Office the lives of the American people and the way he was a strong advocate for the rights of DC Building. government works. His life-long commitment residents. Recognizing his leadership capabili- With only four Democrats in that year’s to improving his city and country is truly com- ties, Julian was elected Chairman of the influ- freshman class, Mr. Dixon and I became fast mendable and will not be forgotten. ential Congressional Black Caucus in the friends and close confidants. From the start, I Mr. BISHOP. Mr. Speaker, when Julian 1980s. More recently, he served as ranking greatly admired his political sophistication and Dixon became chairman of the House Ethics democrat on the prestigious and demanding extraordinary sensitivity. His reliably liberal Committee some years ago, a reporter asked Select Intelligence Committee. voice served as a consistent champion for mi- a political scholar at one of Washington’s While Julian accomplished many great norities, but was decidedly silent during par- think-tanks to evaluate the veteran House things during his tenure in the House of Rep- tisan wrangling. For this and many other rea- member from California. The scholar thought resentatives, his first and most cherished pri- sons, Mr. Dixon was held by the California for a moment, and answered that he was basi- ority was always his constituents and his Los delegation as the moral compass of our State. cally a quiet man—but one who was also ex- Angeles-area community. This body has lost a distinguished gentleman, tremely bright, deep, thoughtful, tough, and Whether it was fighting for emergency fund- but will forever be richer in his memory. extraordinarily effective. ing for Los Angeles after the riot in 1992 and Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong To those of us who knew him and served the Northridge earthquake in 1994, or advo- support of H.R. 2454, which would name the with him, he was all of these things during his cating on behalf of the Los Angeles public United States Postal Service located at 5472 many years of legislative service—and more! transportation system, Julian Dixon was a de- Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles in honor To me, he was a mentor and friend. When voted and effective legislator. of our colleague and friend, Julian C. Dixon. I arrived in Congress, I soon recognized that His constituents and community will con- As many have already said, Julian was a while his style may have been low-key, he tinue to benefit from his great legacy of serv- wonderful person. His strength flowed from his was truly an impressive mover and shaker ice for many years to come. quiet, yet determined, manner. His success who was achieving many things others were I can think of no more appropriate tribute derived from his friendliness and good humor unable to achieve—one who was uplifting the than to have a community institution, such as and his ability to fill the shoes of other individ- poor and disadvantaged protecting the integ- this post office, named after Julian Dixon—for uals, even adversaries. rity of the legislative process, and building a Julian was and continues to be a true institu- As chairman of the District of Columbia Ap- stronger and more secure country. tion in his community and throughout our great propriations Subcommittee, in particular, he While he fought as hard as anyone I know state of California. demonstrated that influence is often more for causes he believed in, he fought truthfully Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in powerful when not exercised and that the abil- and fairly. And, when it was over, he invariably support of H.R. 2454, designating the Con- ity of Congress to legislate outcomes is often retained the deep respect and friendship of gressman Julian Dixon Post Office in Los An- counter-productive when actually used. He those with whom he differed. There are many geles, California. had a deep respect for the citizens of the Dis- fighters, but only a rare few who end up bring- Julian Dixon was a true statesman who trict, as he did for his own constituents. ing people closer together. served his constituents in California, and the The respect this chamber had for Julian is It is a privilege to rise in support of H.R. people of the United States with great distinc- evident by the difficult assignments he was 2454 to designate a Post Office in his home- tion for over 20 years. Julian cared passion- asked to undertake, including chairing the town of Los Angeles as the ‘‘Congressman Ju- ately for the poor and worked to see that their House Committee on Standards for two suc- lian C. Dixon Post Office Building.’’ interests were heard in Washington. With se- cessive Congresses. Just prior to his death, Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- rene eloquence, Julian worked to increase di- he was the ranking member on the House In- leagues to support H.R. 2454, a bill that would versity on the Hill, successfully initiated and telligence Committee, on which I also served name the U.S. post office facility on Crenshaw funded residential programs for ‘‘at risk’’ youth and where I had the opportunity to witness Boulevard in Los Angeles after my good friend in the inner city, and provided training and both his love for our nation and his deep con- Julian Dixon, who served in the House from education to the high school students of his cerned about its security. 1979 until his death last December. district in the high-tech defense industry for, Julian was the consummate legislator. He Julian was a giant of a man and a great leg- as he once stated, ‘‘what good is it to have believed in the innate goodness of people and islator. I was fortunate to have the opportunity high tech weapons and inadequate training for it was that belief which invariably helped him to know and work with him for three decades. the kids who will be using them?’’ win the day.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:39 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC7.065 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1 October 16, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6831 As future generations pass by the Postal bill (H.R. 2904) making appropriations thorized by law, $1,194,880,000, to remain avail- Service at 5472 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los for military construction, family hous- able until September 30, 2006: Provided, That of Angeles, I hope they too will appreciate the ing, and base realignment and closure this amount, not to exceed $83,210,000 shall be values, the service and dedication which char- for the Department of Defense for the available for study, planning, design, architect and engineer services, as authorized by law, un- acterized the life of Julian C. Dixon. fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, less the Secretary of Defense determines that ad- I was proud to serve with him and proud to and for other purposes: ditional obligations are necessary for such pur- have him as a friend. CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 107–246) poses and notifies the Committees on Appropria- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. tions of both Houses of Congress of his deter- The committee of conference on the dis- Speaker, I yield back the balance of mination and the reasons therefor: Provided agreeing votes of the two Houses on the my time. further, That of the funds appropriated for amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ‘‘Military Construction, Air Force’’ under pre- 2904) ‘‘making appropriations for military vious Military Construction Appropriations QUINN). The question is on the motion construction, family housing, and base re- Acts, $4,000,000 are rescinded. offered by the gentlewoman from Vir- alignment and closure for the Department of ginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) that the Defense for the fiscal year ending September MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, DEFENSE-WIDE House suspend the rules and pass the 30, 2002, and for other purposes,’’ having met, (INCLUDING TRANSFER AND RESCISSIONS OF bill, H.R. 2454, as amended. after full and free conference, have agreed to FUNDS) The question was taken; and (two- recommend and do recommend to their re- For acquisition, construction, installation, thirds having voted in favor thereof) spective Houses as follows: and equipment of temporary or permanent pub- the rules were suspended and the bill, That the House recede from its disagree- lic works, installations, facilities, and real prop- as amended, was passed. ment to the amendment of the Senate, and erty for activities and agencies of the Depart- The title of the bill was amended so agree to the same with an amendment, as ment of Defense (other than the military depart- follows: ments), as currently authorized by law, as to read: ‘‘A bill to redesignate the In lieu of the matter stricken and inserted $840,558,000, to remain available until September facility of the United States Postal by said amendment, insert: 30, 2006: Provided, That such amounts of this Service located at 5472 Crenshaw Bou- That the following sums are appropriated, out appropriation as may be determined by the Sec- levard in Los Angeles, California, as of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- retary of Defense may be transferred to such ap- the ‘Congressman Julian C. Dixon Post propriated for military construction, family propriations of the Department of Defense avail- Office’.’’. housing, and base realignment and closure able for military construction or family housing A motion to reconsider was laid on functions administered by the Department of as he may designate, to be merged with and to the table. Defense, for the fiscal year ending September 30, be available for the same purposes, and for the 2002, and for other purposes, namely: same time period, as the appropriation or fund f MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY to which transferred: Provided further, That of the amount appropriated, not to exceed COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON- (INCLUDING RESCISSION) $66,496,000 shall be available for study, plan- ORABLE CAROLYN B. MALONEY, For acquisition, construction, installation, ning, design, architect and engineer services, as MEMBER OF CONGRESS and equipment of temporary or permanent pub- authorized by law, unless the Secretary of De- lic works, military installations, facilities, and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- fense determines that additional obligations are real property for the Army as currently author- fore the House the following commu- necessary for such purposes and notifies the ized by law, including personnel in the Army nication from the Hon. CAROLYN B. Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Corps of Engineers and other personal services Congress of his determination and the reasons MALONEY, Member of Congress: necessary for the purposes of this appropriation, therefor: Provided further, That of the funds CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, and for construction and operation of facilities appropriated for ‘‘Military Construction, De- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, in support of the functions of the Commander in fense-wide’’ under Public Law 106–246, Washington, DC, October 10, 2001. Chief, $1,778,256,000, to remain available until $65,280,000 are rescinded: provided further; That Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, September 30, 2006: Provided, That of this of the funds appropriated for ‘‘Military Con- Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, amount, not to exceed $163,198,000 shall be struction, Defense-wide’’ under previous Mili- DC. available for study, planning, design, architect tary Construction Appropriations Acts, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- and engineer services, and host nation support, $4,000,000 are rescinded. tify you pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules as authorized by law, unless the Secretary of of the House that I have received a subpoena Defense determines that additional obligations MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL for testimony and documents issued by the are necessary for such purposes and notifies the GUARD Supreme Court of New York. Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of For construction, acquisition, expansion, re- After consultation with the Office of Gen- Congress of his determination and the reasons habilitation, and conversion of facilities for the eral Counsel, I have determined that the sub- therefor: Provided further, That of the funds training and administration of the Army Na- poena for testimony does not comply with appropriated for ‘‘Military Construction, Army’’ tional Guard, and contributions therefor, as au- the requirements of Rule VIII. under Public Law 106–52, $36,400,000 are re- thorized by chapter 1803 of title 10, United Sincerely, scinded. States Code, and Military Construction Author- CAROLYN B. MALONEY, MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY ization Acts, $405,565,000, to remain available Member of Congress. until September 30, 2006. (INCLUDING RESCISSION) f MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR NATIONAL GUARD For acquisition, construction, installation, RECESS and equipment of temporary or permanent pub- For construction, acquisition, expansion, re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lic works, naval installations, facilities, and real habilitation, and conversion of facilities for the property for the Navy as currently authorized training and administration of the Air National ant to clause 12 of rule I, the Chair de- Guard, and contributions therefor, as author- clares the House in recess until ap- by law, including personnel in the Naval Facili- ties Engineering Command and other personal ized by chapter 1803 of title 10, United States proximately 6:30 p.m. today. services necessary for the purposes of this ap- Code, and Military Construction Authorization Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 31 min- propriation, $1,144,221,000, to remain available Acts, $253,386,000, to remain available until Sep- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess until September 30, 2006: Provided, That of this tember 30, 2006. until approximately 6:30 p.m. amount, not to exceed $34,152,000 shall be avail- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY RESERVE f able for study, planning, design, architect and For construction, acquisition, expansion, re- engineer services, as authorized by law, unless habilitation, and conversion of facilities for the b 1833 the Secretary of Defense determines that addi- training and administration of the Army Re- AFTER RECESS tional obligations are necessary for such pur- serve as authorized by chapter 1803 of title 10, poses and notifies the Committees on Appropria- The recess having expired, the House United States Code, and Military Construction tions of both Houses of Congress of his deter- Authorization Acts, $167,019,000, to remain was called to order by the Speaker pro mination and the reasons therefor: Provided available until September 30, 2006. tempore (Mr. HAYES) at 6 o’clock and 33 further, That of the funds appropriated for MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVAL RESERVE minutes p.m. ‘‘Military Construction, Navy’’ under Public Law 106–246, $19,588,000 are rescinded. (INCLUDING RESCISSION) f For construction, acquisition, expansion, re- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2904, habilitation, and conversion of facilities for the MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AP- (INCLUDING RESCISSION) training and administration of the reserve com- PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2002 For acquisition, construction, installation, ponents of the Navy and Marine Corps as au- and equipment of temporary or permanent pub- thorized by chapter 1803 of title 10, United Mr. HOBSON submitted the following lic works, military installations, facilities, and States Code, and Military Construction Author- conference report and statement on the real property for the Air Force as currently au- ization Acts, $53,201,000, to remain available

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:39 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A16OC7.067 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1