Whereas, Jim B. Clarke will soon be honored for his many contributions in government and politics; and

Whereas, Jim B. Clarke serves as Director of Federal Relations for Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, and prior to that Chief of Staff to two Los Angeles Congressmembers- Diane E. Watson and ; and

Whereas, He has also been the executive director of two non-profit organizations - the Clean Money Campaign, about public financing of state and local elections, and the Southern California chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, a liberal progressive organization founded by Eleanor Roosevelt, and previously spent 14 years as an executive recruiter, most notably with the firm ofKorn/Ferry International; and

Whereas, Jim B. Clarke has served as President of the California Democratic Council, a statewide organization of Democratic clubs; Secretary of the California Democratic Party; Chairman of the Los Angeles Democratic Party; Chairman of the then-49th Assembly District Committee and co-chair of the then-30th Senate District Committee; President of the Richmond District Democratic Club (in San Francisco), President of the Marina Democratic Club and Vice President of the Culver City Democratic Club; and

Whereas, He began his political involvement working on the successful campaigns of Gwen Moore for Assembly, for State Senate and Julian Dixon for Congress, and was a congressional district representative to the 1978 Democratic Mid­ term Convention, was floor manager for the Jerry Brown delegates to the 1992 Democratic Convention and attended the 2000 and 2004 Democratic Conventions; and

Whereas, Jim B. Clarke holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT, and a Master of Public Administration from California State University Long Beach, and is also a graduate of the prestigious CORO Foundation public affairs fellowship and a retired commander in the Coast Guard Reserves;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Los Angeles City Council hereby congratulates Jim B. Clarke on his distinguished career and offers best wishes for continued success in all of his endeavors

PRESENTEDBY: ~~ ~ COUNCiLM 8R iiERBJ:WEON, JR. 1oth Council District


Whereas, Edward R. Johnson will be honored for his many years of service in govermnent and politics; and

Whereas, Edward R. Johnson has served as Assistant Chief Deputy for Los Angeles City Councilmember Herb J. Wesson, Jr., since his election to the City Council in 2005; and in this capacity serves as communications director and legislative assistant; and

Whereas, He began his career in govermnent and politiCs in 1973, when he joined the district staff of Congressman George E. Brown, Jr., who represented areas of Riverside and San Bernardino counties; serving as Congressman Brown's liaison to the African American communities, organizing constituent outreach and coordinating the Congressman's office in Ontario, California; and

Whereas, He became active in state and local democratic central committees and was an original organizer and founder of the California Democratic Party's African American Caucus; and

Whereas, In 1979 he joined the district staff of Congressman Julian C. Dixon, serving as Congressman Dixon's liaison for military affairs, working with a myriad of community organizations and groups in the Congressman's ethnically diverse district, particularly in the African American and Jewish communities; and

Whereas, In 1983 to 1985, Edward R. Johnson was elected and served as Southern Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party, improving the party's outreach to Inland counties and developing new fundraising efforts; and over the years has been a delegate to the 1996, 2000, 2004 Democratic National Conventions; and

Whereas, Following Congressman Dixon's untimely death in December 2000, he joined the staff of Assemblyman Herb J. Wesson, Jr., who later was elected the 65th Speaker of the California State Assembly; where he served as a Principal Assistant, and later as District Director and Southern California Coordinator assisting the Speaker in his dual roles as representative of his district and as leader of the California State Assembly; and

Whereas, In 2004 he joined the staff of State Senator Kevin Murray when Speaker Wesson was termed out of the Assembly, serving as Senator Murray's District Director; and in 2005 rejoined newly elected Councilmember Herb J. Wesson upon his election to the Los Angeles City Council; and

Whereas, Edward R. Johnson's professionalism and experience over 30 years of government service has made him a valuable asset to the office of Councilmember Wesson, and has earned the high esteem of his colleagues and the appreciation of the public; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Los Angeles City Council hereby expresses its congratulations and commends Edward R. Johnson on his exceptional achievements and offers best wishes for his continued success.

PRESENTED BY: c0uNCJLEMBERHE~WESSON, JR. 1 10 h Council District