the magazine of waverley college i SSUe 21 nUmBER 1 @ WINTER 2014 Distinguished Waverley College alumnus Peter Cosgrove was sworn in as Governor General of Australia on 28 March 2014 > 5 Waverley 2014 Swimming College Season and the < 19 Great War < 6 Old Boy Immersions to India and Nepal Tales from > 25 the Junior School Full contents > 16 see page 2 ISSUE 21 VOLUME 1 note from the edItor WINTER 2014 Print POST PP349181/01591 As Waverley College reinvents itself to meet new challenges in educating young people, it continues to celebrate the richness of its heritage and its significant role in our community. Wavelength plays an important PUBLISHER role in this, helping us to understand our identity and celebrate our achievements. This could not happen Waverley College without the support of the Old Boys’ Union and I would like to acknowledge the importance of their 131 Birrell Street, contribution and thank them most sincerely. Waverley NSW 2024 Jennifer Divall TELEPHONE 02 9369 0600 EMAIL
[email protected] In thIs Issue WEB 3 FROM THE HEADMASTER 21 PrESIDEnt’s REPOrt Fostering Leadership at Waverley College A Call to Arms EDITOR 4 Meet the Waverley College Board Waverley College Old Boys’ Union Jennifer Divall Notice of Annual General Meeting 5 LEADERSHIP, StrENGTH, DECENCY, Marketing Manager COMPASSION Rosary Beads for May Procession A Governor General for all Australians ALUMni RELAtiONS & 22 OLD BOYS’ SPOrtinG AcHIEVEMEntS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER 6 IN GOOD FAitH David Misson (Class of 1984) Ross Lewis Waverley College and the Great War 1914-1918 Massimo Luongo (Class of 2010) TELEPHONE The College is publishing a book to mark the Gabriel Farley (Class of 2012) 02 9369 0753 Centenary of WW1.