Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2010 A Historical Overview of the Development of Collegiate and Professional Tuba Euphonium Ensembles in the United States Christopher Lair Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF COLLEGIATE AND PROFESSIONAL TUBA EUPHONIUM ENSEMBLES IN THE UNITED STATES By CHRISTOPHER LAIR A Treatise su mitted to the College of Music in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Music Degree A,arded- Spring Semester. 2010 The mem ers of the committee appro2e the treatise of Christopher Lair defended on Octo er 23. 2003. __________________________________ 6ohn Dre, Professor Co7Directing Treatise __________________________________ Paul E ers Professor Co7Directing Treatise __________________________________ Charles Bre,er Uni2ersity Representati2e __________________________________ Eric Ohlsson Committee Mem er The Graduate School has 2erified and appro2ed the a o2e7named committee mem ers. ii AC8NOWLEDGEMENTS During the preparation of this document. I recei2ed assistance from a 2ariety of generous indi2iduals and organi9ations. I am deeply inde ted to all of them. I ,ould li:e to offer my than:s to professors R. Winston Morris. Scott Watson. 6erry Young. Har2ey Phillips. 6ohn Ste2ens. 6oe S:illen. Demondrae Thurman. and S:ip Gray. ,ho generously donated their time and expertise for inter2ie,s. Special than:s to R. Winston Morris for pro2iding decades of recital and concert programs. and for a ,ealth of in2alua le information in a 2ariety of forms. I ,ould li:e to offer my gratitude to The Florida State Uni2ersity and to my doctoral committee.