Long Branch Daily Record. Vol
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LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NUMBER 28 LONG BRANCH, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 2 1912. 14 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS GOES TO JAIL FUR 6,000 PARTICIPANTS TROLLEY AND PAVING DEEP SEA FISHERMAN AND SPECTATORS AT FOR BROADWAY ARE ANSWERS DEATH CALL Red Bank Colored Man Pleads Banker Unanimously Elected John Burke, For Many Years a Guilty—Asbury Parker Con- RED BANK CARNIVAL In His Absence at Organiza- PUBLICLY DISCUSSED Resident, Succumbs, at Home victed and Acquitted tion of New Board. —, of Daughter Here. Fred HendrtckBon, colored, retract- Skating Races, Trotting Races, Ice Yacht Exhibi- Six of the nine members of tho Resolutions Adopted At Public Meeting Favor John Burke, one of the old««t Habar- ed a plea of not guilty of atrocious as- Board of Education appointed by Mav mon lu tils vicinity, dited at 8:80 sault and battery upon Fannie Holmes tion and Festival On The Ice in The Evening or Edwin \V. Packer a week ago were o'clock last night at the home of hl» at Bed Bank before Judge Footer at present at the organlzaton yesterday Trolley, Mare Patching If Trolley is in Sight dauKlitor, Mjr«: Rlohard Harvey, of Freehold yesterday, and entered a afternoon. The absentees were Ed Cleveland avenue. Th4j deceased, who plea of guilty of simple assault. He Draw Immense Throngs — Long Branchers ward R. Slocum, who 1B on a three was 74 years old, had' been complain- was sentenced to four months in the weeks' cruise and Charles A. Wtropf- And New Pavement At Once if it Isn't — ing for over a year past. He suffered' county jail. HendrickBon admitted to Took Part heimer and Park M. Woolley, summer from a complication of disease*, but -Judge Foster that be had served eight residents. City Might Lay Tracks ;_ WAS able to 'be About and visited tho years in orison on a conviction of The two latter will not accept the beach to gather woodi up until about The second ice carnival, held on the manslaughter. appointment on fhe school board. The Ha|>ld transit for Broadway and a month ago. He realized* that he waa Angelo Flgelo, who, with his son, North Snrewslbury river, at Red Bank, vacancies, it 1B stated, will not be fill Kmdually getting worse, but having within a week, is now a matter of his- Third avenue, the nwur facing of the were recently fined ¥150 and costs ed until the constitutionality qS the asphalt and the material to be used always b«m actlva In life, he fought each on a conviction of illegal sale of tory. T*he first was held last Friday Uiw giving the mayor power to appoint SIXTY-ONE PUPILS utiiinst ldlenesBv afternoon and evening in the heavy the building of a viaduct at the Broad liquor at Hed Bank, was released from the school board is settled. H!!( 1 Of late he would be forced to remain snowstorm. The second, held yester- way croueitMK ' £&• olovjitlon of tht the county Jail on motion of lawyer Edward R. Slocum was elected pies In toed for a day or two, 'but would ral- day afternoon and evening, was a bril Now York and Long Branch Hailroiid Joseph Rellly, who said that Figelo'B LANDS GOOD BERTH idem of the new school board, sue Company's uwks wort* among Lho ly and movo about tho bouse. Wednes- iant success in every sense of the sun, who has been out on bail, had feeding his uncle, Thomas R. Woolley. day evening he paused Into a stAte of word. *Mlly 2,000 people witnessed! salltMH points dtectiAtel at thn public succeeded in raising $200 to pay upon E. T. M. Carr was chosen secretary. unronucloueness, remuinlne In this con- the skating events on the Ice and albout meeting held at City Hall last night. the tins*. The elder Flgelo was then Mr. Carr succeedH John T. Brit ton, dition until tbe end. 1,000 lined the snow-covered course in J. S. Slocum Superintendent of Tiio councilinauic. chamber wtis nlh-d released under $200 bait, conditioned t ho has been acting secretary since Finish Grammar School Course and for niorr than two hours trolley The deceased' was well-known not 3road street, where the trotting events the resignation of C. Asa Francis l to pay the balance of the fine by the ^xleiiBion and resurfaoiiiK wen* dls- only In long Branch but throaghont were held In the afternoon. Elizabeth's New Fire Alarm fall. first Thursday in April. and Will Begin Chattle High CUarfwl In all their phases. the county. He wae bora at Marlboro, Last evening, it Is conservatively The new secretary was directed to The trial of Frederick Rogers on a Telegraph System. Nine of the twelve councilmon were hln parents being ISdiward and Mar>" „ .large of burning the baron of Jane estimated, 3,000 either took part or file MB bond in the sum of $2,000 anil School Work Monday. IJurki'. Ht> oatne- here about do ytnirs witnessed: the mnsquerade skating to notify .the outgoing board to turn Ipreuvnt, Tho absentees bei&fi Mvfit Uulit in Wall township the night of J. Steward Slocum, a bong Branch' Hritton, Quirk and Kewler. URo, and built the Conover house on DocfinjflW 30, was laid over to Febru- carnival, and heartily applauded the over all its effects. The graduation exerclKes of the boy, has been appointed superintend- President of tho City Council lU'iiry Broudwuy, opposite Third avenue. ray 15th, and bail was fixed at $500. selection of the judges, Thomas Cono- Dr. James Cliasey is the new vice Urammar School were held this after- ent or the municipal flr'e alarm tel- Jollne presided*. After explaining the He later built a house on Thlrdi avenun Rogers' wife, a material witness in Ver, Howard dole and Thomas* Irving president of the board, succeeding noon in the auditorium of the build- graph system at Elizabeth. Tlie office objects of the RatherliiR, thti cliairman adjoining the Independent engine tho Case, it was stated. Is very ill. Brown, who awarded) the gold-pieces druggist Frank K. Ua.no. ing, when a class of sixty-one pupils was only recently created by the presented some liioughtu to bo con- Wuse, where he hag since resided. Tbe indictment against John Her Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allaire iind Board of Fire Commissioners, and Mr. Dr. J. T. Welch acted as temporary were awarded their diplomas for hav» slilered. They were as follows; hdiiK was hlB occupation for many Ken, colored, who last week pleaded Randolph MacDougall. Slocum assumed hia duties Wednes- nairman of the meeting and William ug completed thecourae prescribed J)o you tlilnk that ihe asphalt streets .warn, and he could relate many tales not guilty to the theft of five chick- No Ice-Boat Races day of this week. With the comple- Asher Stevens as temporary secretary. for them in the cjchoul. These mid- Hhould be rewuifiiced or do you think of the Bea. i-ns in Manalapan township, was The only Incident that marred' the tion of the new fire headquarters and Mr. Slocum, the new president, is, ft year promotions have only been tak- It bust to continue to try and repair llesldes the widow there are flro quashed on motion of Assistant Pros- celebration was the > fact that tne ice the installation of the new system, graduate of the Chattle High School, ing place for a year or BO, but are re- thorn ati ha.s 'been done in the past, surviving children, Frank, of New ecutor Vredenburgh. Cbat races, scheduled between the the control passes into the hands of and an enthusiastic advocate of the garded with equal Interest aa 111** June with the same unsatisfactory results, York; Mrs. William Berry, of SanPron- Frank Scott, an ABbury Park ne- fliers of the third, fourth and fifth the new superintendent and his young public school system. commencement. Those who received andi the name large *H>nt ? cisco; Mrs. M. Buckley and Mra. P. C. gro, was convicted yesterday by a jury classese, had to be called because of assistant. The official minutes of the meeting their diplomat) this afternoon will go If you think it best to resurface Streckfusa, of Pammlc, and Mrs. before Judge John E. Foster at Free- he crusty condition of the ice. Frozen Supt. Slooum is 22 years old. He are printed on another page of this ts- to the High School next Monday them, what i» your idea of the mater- illchanl) Harvey, of this city. hold of one robbery and acquitted by snow to the dtepth of a couple of Inches was born in this city May 27th, 1839. Bue. morning. ial to fbe used? There are two sisters and four another of a second charge of rob- covered i he ice practically all over and Is the . of J. Slew- The large hall had been decorated ri If to he resurfaced, when do you jrothers living, Mrs. Sarah W««t andi bery. The charge upon which he ws and In places small mounds were the art and Elizabeth Slocum, who are Nationals to Play Perth Amboy. with Rrenjis, through which the school tuink it should be done? V1IB. Elizabeth Brewster, of tills city, f-onvicted was of robbery from the result of the play of the winds, making now residing in Madison Hvenue, Eliz- The Champion Nationals of this colora were interspersed. city will journey to Perth Amboy to- Do you think It wise to go ahead Vougto, 8amuel, William andi Henry. Klberta Hotel, Fourth avenue and Env racing Impossible.