
LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NUMBER 28 LONG BRANCH, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 2 1912. 14 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS GOES TO JAIL FUR 6,000 PARTICIPANTS TROLLEY AND PAVING DEEP SEA FISHERMAN AND SPECTATORS AT FOR BROADWAY ARE ANSWERS DEATH CALL Red Bank Colored Man Pleads Banker Unanimously Elected John Burke, For Many Years a Guilty—Asbury Parker Con- RED BANK CARNIVAL In His Absence at Organiza- PUBLICLY DISCUSSED Resident, Succumbs, at Home victed and Acquitted tion of New Board. —, of Daughter Here. Fred HendrtckBon, colored, retract- Skating Races, Trotting Races, Ice Yacht Exhibi- Six of the nine members of tho Resolutions Adopted At Public Meeting Favor John Burke, one of the old««t Habar- ed a plea of not guilty of atrocious as- Board of Education appointed by Mav mon lu tils vicinity, dited at 8:80 sault and battery upon Fannie Holmes tion and Festival On The Ice in The Evening or Edwin \V. Packer a week ago were o'clock last night at the home of hl» at Bed Bank before Judge Footer at present at the organlzaton yesterday Trolley, Mare Patching If Trolley is in Sight dauKlitor, Mjr«: Rlohard Harvey, of Freehold yesterday, and entered a afternoon. The absentees were Ed Cleveland avenue. Th4j deceased, who plea of guilty of simple assault. He Draw Immense Throngs — Long Branchers ward R. Slocum, who 1B on a three was 74 years old, had' been complain- was sentenced to four months in the weeks' cruise and Charles A. Wtropf- And New Pavement At Once if it Isn't — ing for over a year past. He suffered' county jail. HendrickBon admitted to Took Part heimer and Park M. Woolley, summer from a complication of disease*, but -Judge Foster that be had served eight residents. City Might Lay Tracks ;_ WAS able to 'be About and visited tho years in orison on a conviction of The two latter will not accept the beach to gather woodi up until about The second ice carnival, held on the manslaughter. appointment on fhe school board. The Ha|>ld transit for Broadway and a month ago. He realized* that he waa Angelo Flgelo, who, with his son, North Snrewslbury river, at Red Bank, vacancies, it 1B stated, will not be fill Kmdually getting worse, but having within a week, is now a matter of his- Third avenue, the nwur facing of the were recently fined ¥150 and costs ed until the constitutionality qS the asphalt and the material to be used always b«m actlva In life, he fought each on a conviction of illegal sale of tory. T*he first was held last Friday Uiw giving the mayor power to appoint SIXTY-ONE PUPILS utiiinst ldlenesBv afternoon and evening in the heavy the building of a viaduct at the Broad liquor at Hed Bank, was released from the school board is settled. H!!( 1 Of late he would be forced to remain snowstorm. The second, held yester- way croueitMK ' £&• olovjitlon of tht the county Jail on motion of lawyer Edward R. Slocum was elected pies In toed for a day or two, 'but would ral- day afternoon and evening, was a bril Now York and Long Branch Hailroiid Joseph Rellly, who said that Figelo'B LANDS GOOD BERTH idem of the new school board, sue Company's uwks wort* among Lho ly and movo about tho bouse. Wednes- iant success in every sense of the sun, who has been out on bail, had feeding his uncle, Thomas R. Woolley. day evening he paused Into a stAte of word. *Mlly 2,000 people witnessed! salltMH points dtectiAtel at thn public succeeded in raising $200 to pay upon E. T. M. Carr was chosen secretary. unronucloueness, remuinlne In this con- the skating events on the Ice and albout meeting held at City Hall last night. the tins*. The elder Flgelo was then Mr. Carr succeedH John T. Brit ton, dition until tbe end. 1,000 lined the snow-covered course in J. S. Slocum Superintendent of Tiio councilinauic. chamber wtis nlh-d released under $200 bait, conditioned t ho has been acting secretary since Finish Grammar School Course and for niorr than two hours trolley The deceased' was well-known not 3road street, where the trotting events the resignation of C. Asa Francis l to pay the balance of the fine by the ^xleiiBion and resurfaoiiiK wen* dls- only In long Branch but throaghont were held In the afternoon. Elizabeth's New Fire Alarm fall. first Thursday in April. and Will Begin Chattle High CUarfwl In all their phases. the county. He wae bora at Marlboro, Last evening, it Is conservatively The new secretary was directed to The trial of Frederick Rogers on a Telegraph System. Nine of the twelve councilmon were hln parents being ISdiward and Mar>" „ .large of burning the baron of Jane estimated, 3,000 either took part or file MB bond in the sum of $2,000 anil School Work Monday. IJurki'. Ht> oatne- here about do ytnirs witnessed: the mnsquerade skating to notify .the outgoing board to turn Ipreuvnt, Tho absentees bei&fi Mvfit Uulit in Wall township the night of J. Steward Slocum, a bong Branch' Hritton, Quirk and Kewler. URo, and built the Conover house on DocfinjflW 30, was laid over to Febru- carnival, and heartily applauded the over all its effects. The graduation exerclKes of the boy, has been appointed superintend- President of tho City Council lU'iiry Broudwuy, opposite Third avenue. ray 15th, and bail was fixed at $500. selection of the judges, Thomas Cono- Dr. James Cliasey is the new vice Urammar School were held this after- ent or the municipal flr'e alarm tel- Jollne presided*. After explaining the He later built a house on Thlrdi avenun Rogers' wife, a material witness in Ver, Howard dole and Thomas* Irving president of the board, succeeding noon in the auditorium of the build- graph system at Elizabeth. Tlie office objects of the RatherliiR, thti cliairman adjoining the Independent engine tho Case, it was stated. Is very ill. Brown, who awarded) the gold-pieces druggist Frank K. Ua.no. ing, when a class of sixty-one pupils was only recently created by the presented some liioughtu to bo con- Wuse, where he hag since resided. Tbe indictment against John Her Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allaire iind Board of Fire Commissioners, and Mr. Dr. J. T. Welch acted as temporary were awarded their diplomas for hav» slilered. They were as follows; hdiiK was hlB occupation for many Ken, colored, who last week pleaded Randolph MacDougall. Slocum assumed hia duties Wednes- nairman of the meeting and William ug completed thecourae prescribed J)o you tlilnk that ihe asphalt streets .warn, and he could relate many tales not guilty to the theft of five chick- No Ice-Boat Races day of this week. With the comple- Asher Stevens as temporary secretary. for them in the cjchoul. These mid- Hhould be rewuifiiced or do you think of the Bea. i-ns in Manalapan township, was The only Incident that marred' the tion of the new fire headquarters and Mr. Slocum, the new president, is, ft year promotions have only been tak- It bust to continue to try and repair llesldes the widow there are flro quashed on motion of Assistant Pros- celebration was the > fact that tne ice the installation of the new system, graduate of the Chattle High School, ing place for a year or BO, but are re- thorn ati ha.s 'been done in the past, surviving children, Frank, of New ecutor Vredenburgh. Cbat races, scheduled between the the control passes into the hands of and an enthusiastic advocate of the garded with equal Interest aa 111** June with the same unsatisfactory results, York; Mrs. William Berry, of SanPron- Frank Scott, an ABbury Park ne- fliers of the third, fourth and fifth the new superintendent and his young public school system. commencement. Those who received andi the name large *H>nt ? cisco; Mrs. M. Buckley and Mra. P. C. gro, was convicted yesterday by a jury classese, had to be called because of assistant. The official minutes of the meeting their diplomat) this afternoon will go If you think it best to resurface Streckfusa, of Pammlc, and Mrs. before Judge John E. Foster at Free- he crusty condition of the ice. Frozen Supt. Slooum is 22 years old. He are printed on another page of this ts- to the High School next Monday them, what i» your idea of the mater- illchanl) Harvey, of this city. hold of one robbery and acquitted by snow to the dtepth of a couple of Inches was born in this city May 27th, 1839. Bue. morning. ial to fbe used? There are two sisters and four another of a second charge of rob- covered i he ice practically all over and Is the . of J. Slew- The large hall had been decorated ri If to he resurfaced, when do you jrothers living, Mrs. Sarah W««t andi bery. The charge upon which he ws and In places small mounds were the art and Elizabeth Slocum, who are Nationals to Play Perth Amboy. with Rrenjis, through which the school tuink it should be done? V1IB. Elizabeth Brewster, of tills city, f-onvicted was of robbery from the result of the play of the winds, making now residing in Madison Hvenue, Eliz- The Champion Nationals of this colora were interspersed. city will journey to Perth Amboy to- Do you think It wise to go ahead Vougto, 8amuel, William andi Henry. Klberta Hotel, Fourth avenue and Env racing Impossible. abeth. He spent hia boyhood days The program was undoubtedly the of Knplishtown. here, attending the public schools un- morrow night, where they will play with tho resurfacing or wait until we ory .street, on December 24th. Mrsl AB It was, there was ongjMsefdent in best ever given at any graduating ex- Funeral director Wm. H. Mwrls, Jr., til lie was 15 years old, when his par- the Riversides of that place. The find out wlielher a trolley is likely to Ella C. Clayton, owner of the Elberta, he afternoon, when Creprge FrTck'.s ercises of the school. The Grammar will l)i> In charge ot ttie bnrliil. said she missed many articles from Flight, sailed by Harry Bosky and Wil- ents moved to Elizabeth and settled Riversides have a reputation, but ihe School orchestra favored with some br built or not? there. Harvey R, and Percy, two Nationals will take some of that away Do y you think that there in any likeli- High School team to-morrow night on Jack Woods Wins Under Protest pany, and hag been identified with the R. S. 8. Club at her home in Spring- friends of the graduates were proBi-nt hood of a trolley being buIH on Broad- DISCUSS DOCK AT HIGHLANDS . the Lyceum court. This is an import- The ekating races were held over a elet trlcal business since. He was dale avenue, Thursday afternoon. Vo- and wen- highly pleased with the way in'the near future? ant league game and considerable course In front ot Capt. Charles P. with lhe telephone company for sev- ;il ami Instrumental mu&lc was a whole program, applauding at times, Are you In favor of having a via- Much Speculation Whethir Psttsn tin* hinges on the outcome of this con- rwln'n "boat livery" which measure* 8raI »««™. rMnK to a foremanshlp, pleasing feature. A dainty repast was At the conclusion of the exercises diuct 'built on Broadway at Edwardls' Will Build One for teat. The locals, however* are confi- about «ix laps to the mile. No time antl ll»ler worked tor ">° Government served. Those present were: MIs&ea the presentation of diplomas to the Being for the utre of tbe trolley and 191S'« Uss dent that they have the "Bankers" at was kept of any race -because the °n the electrical work at the Govern- Catherine Realty, Viola Golden, Elsie graduates was made by Kev. t)r. John (Continued an Third Page.) The proposition of the Pitton Steam- mercy and wjll have a strong-rooting course was not officially measured and me O'Keefe, Helen Smith and Catherine O. Loveli, of the First Presbyterian boat Company for 'building a doclc at. line at. the gams. he contests were not sanctioned by Two years ago he entered the em- McCaatland. (Continued on Third Page.) he foot or Miller ntpeet, lllgtiland*, In ploy of the Inter-State Telephone he Amateur Athletic Union. "•hilt dlscumed again by the pooplw New Fire Co. to Repetition. Company as assistant to Superintend- Jack Woods, of this city, captured HAS FILLED TEN ICE HOUSES uf the town u> a great extent. Tnls . The newly organized fire company ent Mortimer Van Houten, at Eliza- nii.ltx-t lui» been the topic of dlscuB- he mile open, but bis victory was dial- beth, and has since been connected at Kensington Park had a petition be- sion every spring for a number of engedby Del Fisher, of Red Hank, on ' fl , , SUED FOR $3,000; Chas. E. Brown Also In Charge of fore the Borough Council at. West he groud that Woods shoved him away wh| £ „,„ . Filling Lenni* House, Hervettlng t Ixjng Branch last night for recogni- This year those who are most aetivo from the pole at. the turn leading to „ 8upervlsion He is a member 1,000 Tons a Day. FOR CLAMMING LI tion. The petition was received and n their efforts to Bavo a dock built he homestretch in the final heat of Elizabeth Lodge, No. 393, Loyal Or referred to the Fire and Water Com Woods also entered the two mile hand! Councilman Charles K. Brown, the at thin end of the town are more coa- mltt.ee for consideration. The petl- der of Moose. <- well known ice dealer, has be-en ex cap race, slanting from scratch, 'bui Sentiment Strongly in Favor of Bdont than ever that by the tln» the tlou must be signed by at least ten of dlfopped out at the completion of a ceedingly busy during the ice harvest loats are ready for service in the early the charier members before any ac- ntVIVAL rniUT.NIltUUNIINU?t Ing period. He haa filled at leaBt ten mile. In the one-mile open. Woods fell Jury In Peter-Creighton Suit, Prohibiting Taking Clams By prlng that the much coveted dock will tion can be taken. The firefighters private Ice houses, carting over 1,000 be built. They claim a bis boom to the fourth lap and' withdrew from Rev. Fisler to Preach and Mr. Pltz- will again petition; the borough au- loads from the different ponds In this hn lower end of the town will result,. Jie race. - - gerald to Sing at St. Luke's After Being Out All Night, thorities wihout delay. vicinity. Mechanical Means. The steamboat company as far so The different races for the Bchool- Tonight. . : Mr. Brown has also been, in charge can be learned! has not as yet given wys under twelve and fifteen years, Rev. Harry T. Flsler, of Oakhurst, Bring In Small Verdict. Over two hundred clammers and cit- Held Class Initiation- respectively, created much amusement. of filling the Dennis ice houses, har- any answer to this question that In At the meeting of Pride of Holly- will preach at St. Luke's M. E. Church vesting 1,000 tons a day. One of tbe izens of the borough turned out yes- Boys of all sizes, and shapes, entered where special revival services A verdict of $473.2.4 waa given My- so often ibeea put to them. wood Council, No. 2, Daughters of ton(ght( large houses has been closed, It being terday afternoon to the town hall, these events. Over a majority of them nave been underway for the past three ron Peter in his $3,006 damage suit Highlands, N. J., to meet. Senator liberty, held in Od-d Fellows' Hall against Harold T. Creighton by a jury filled with 5,000 tons. Some of the had never participated in a race | ^ Bmnoh ^ was tendered a pleasing surprise party, nd several fine.picture* were ^ Van Note, one of the "chain" meetings that UP held. Mr. I>erby was the only man TIfe LonR Branch postofflce has this h Counc|L clerk A D The V, S. Weather Bureau forecast brtng held weekly to raise fund* for hat spoke against the passage of th'' four generations being represented ID year been Included among the offices Ui« . •'•• Mrs. Cook received a sftq'wef of Trenton Man to Speak. siats of 824 postofflces with 68 separa c'clock a. m. Mrs. Charles O. McFaddin Thurnday These remarks were answered by birthday post cards and other little tions. , Robert A. Mewler, of Trenton, who Eatontown Man Sells House Highest temperature yesterday, 32 Hfrnnoon of nnxt week. =evera} men who said that if thB prac tolctns. Examiner W. E. Hoover, of the su took an active part in bringing about Richard P. Walters has sold hit 'Lowest temperature last night, 23. 'led of ciamminR wa* allowed to con- Those present were Mr, and Mrs. peiintendent'B office, vifltted Long commission government for Trenton, house on nroad street, Eatontown, U Temperature, S o'clock a. ro.,~ 27. Unue for another year or so the river John McWood, 8r, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kranch on Wednesday and examined will address the Long Branch Commis- Edward Caffyn for $4,5)tf. Mr. Wai Change in temperature in 24 hours, May Change Date of Smoker. would be worthless as clamming flats B. West, Mr. and Mrs. John McWaoil, H. S. Nelson and H. C Seibel. Both sion Government League at Library practically rebuilt it and transformed phiH K degrees. Former Trade Board President Geo and men who had made their homer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Normaa Blair, Mr Hall tonight. Mr. Messier is a close young men qualified with excellent it into a handsome rtaMtaOCtj with all Haromt'ter. 29.71. K Poland, who is rhalrman of th' for years with no other employment and Mrs. W. C Nys, Miss Mattln friend of former Councilman Hughes, averages and were highly compliment- modern Improvements. Mr. Caffyn Barometer H o'clock last night, Committee on Amue»T«entB and Public or trade to follow would be thrown out Knott, Mrs. Kits Hand, Miss Jewell who will entertain him over night. ed by the examiner and postmaster will take pospsftlon the first of April 29.80. PwmoBtH"»Uu—, the committee ih*t of work because there would be no West. Miss Helen West, William O*ok, Next Friday night Mayor Frederick R T. Woolley. The Bland inn of each Mr. Walters has started a house for Wind velocity, 10 miles «ill be in charRfo of the board amokei clams to catch. Tohn Potter, \v»lter K.uott and Robert < tort was as follows: W .Donnelly, of Trenton, will address his own occupancy on the lot adjoin and social this month, will meat bit Blair a mass meeting at the Lyceum Wind direction, west. Tbe Assemblymen and the Senator H. S. Nelson—Cards handled, 824 ing the torth end of t he Advent Highest wind velocity in past 24 committee for & (p'Vi! minutes totnorafter ihe meeting, viewed tbe clam Mrs. Cook Is one of the oldest rsst- not known nons; mtsthrown 3-; per church.' hours to 8 o'clock a. m., 30 miles, row afternoon at the Broadway offlc latft In person and are said to have lents of Ocean township. Tbent «r» i rut. correct 9%63. Mrs- Stflwell Stricken. s Direction, west. of Van Hu*'l & HolUon in the Town ~na<1e the remark that they werein fa- it least three others, Captain Mmuch. H. C. Seibel—Cards bandied 824 Mrs. Stilwell, mother of Mrs John Reao\ What Schmidt Says. Humidity, 8 o*elo«fc a m., 9f» per ley building. TIIP change of holding vor of the bin and would «o all 1n ot Monmouth Bwck; WUJUm Bed- not known none; mlsthrown 4; per C. Cloughly. of Campbell avenue, was Phil Schmidt will sell to-morrow cent., humidity, 10 o'clock a. m., S3 fhe smoker and social on the even their power to have M passed. mond, Oakhurst's centepar^an, and cent, correet 99.61 stricken with paralysis yesterday. Her fresh batna 12 !-2c lb ami hind quarter per cent. of Washington's Birthday Instead ot They were convinced that a large Mrs. Bennett, of Oakwood svonim, who The other clerks will be examined condition is critical. She said to of Lambs. 12 l-2c lb Ewy purchas On© year ago to-day the weather February It Lteeftta'a Birthday, wii majority want the practice stopped -ire older, bnt none more active. at a later date. be sinking at noon today er of either one of the*so items are en was partly cloudy and rainy , be taken up and a decision rearfi titled to a pound of Switfis Premium Minimum t emperalure, 32; maxi The Columbia is not for sale or Walnut Kisses, l»c lb, at Sugar At Empire Theatre, Monmomh St. Stuffed Dates. 21cW, tomorrow at Oleomargerine, at 20c lb. These mum temperature, 42. Wanted, white orderly, M on mouth uui remains under same managem Bowl, tomorrow • Hed Bank, hlgb-class motion pictures Sugar Bowl. * prices are strictly for cash, as E. T Memorial Hospital- Mm J N. rianigan. and "crack'1 vtud«Tllle act! are pre- Bonne)), our bookkeeper rut his hand Grand Social and Dance. ~i KuU Drsss Bults for rant for Urn sented every afternoon and evening Commission Government League and can't write now days. We handle Lvcoum. Monday ^veiling, Feh^&th-. Commission1 Commission Government Charity Ball, at Many OoldstsU'a. * Stop In once and you will always raretlng to-night. Library Hall Rob- only home dressed t>oultry benenTTKtSr at fhp Sea Parorhial m'-ciiiig toDight, Ulbrar meeting to-niKht, Ubrary Wall Rob come her* 7tr* eii A. Messier. *peak»r. * account* *t the regular ;;rJc«- Fchool 2tfto30* ert A McMler, speaker ert A M«Ml^r, speaker AdvsrtlM In ths Dally I TWO 1OKO BRANCH ^AJLY R«6ORD, FRIDAY, W!B. 2, 1912. A Surprise at Steinbach's An Important Day in Our Our Winter Shoe Stock is to do the Disappear n j Act The stock should change with soii.sn.v--enr title Iliuugh it often inoa'n i:iiyin| Dress Fabrics Section same thing over again. This Kebi-uun. H.ile i» l.'ie gr«;:lest oni> ci trie >ear, ,\ii ,V«MI U Saturday, February 3rd which is added the neecssify of the rtcmoviflf K»!H. * ADVANCE OPENING "Odd Size" Table of Spring and Summer Dress Goods and Silks Inspectiorirbf superb fabrics invited Have you hei'ii wuiling fur Damn Fashion fo speak? Regals In our opening display jofl v.ill fiml lie;- anawor to ail your queries regarding the com- ing season's fabrics. . ' • • , What colors?-—what weaves*' • ~S ,-L Lucky Men to Find Such Shoe Bargains /They are here to see—worth volumes of thu printed descriptions you find in fashion journals. Courteous salesmen to furnish information regarding the merchandise and its prices io help you with selections us much as dcsiwtl;—-JF^ •-iv^ $1.98 for Regals Wo havo bean fortunate in securing many exclusive things such as ore usually barred from popular priced tines. There is. no precedent for this sale in the annals of shoe history. "" Your inspection and criticism respectfully inviUJ. * . Regal shoes are a standard value. "As good as Regals" is ono of the SILKS DRESS GOODS best recommendations shoe men use for a shoe. Cheney Bros. Foulards, shower proof, new de- Serges, the new Steinbach Special, snower Tomorrow we offer a table of Regal shoes and ties, principally $4.00 signs for spring of 10 12 at 85c proof;,.look for the stamp on selvedge, 44 inch , 85c values, at $1.88. Fancy Spring Silks, in stylei ground colors, English Clay Worsted, our customers will be Odd sizes, no two pairs alike. . ~ Black, Navy and Groan, Brown, White, 30 i .vdelightod with this fabric; 50 inches at inches .at Sty • • VI.00 yd S1.50 yd. Prunellas, a very popular cloth and shown in \ Fancy Silks. Thi* spring's new nWdels in a all desirable shades, 44 inches at 91.00 yd"' variety of colors; \ery stylish; 27 inches- at French Challles, this is !he year for this goods, Men's Waterproof Shoes $2.59 76c yd. fasj.ions declare; g7 inches at 68c yd Striped English Flannel for waists and tennis Values $3.50 and $4.00 Crepe Meteor, Pathioni deolara this fabric dresses; U2 inches at 75c yd We do not believe there is another such sale on record. We have taken our entire line of the best for evening woarj shown in nil de- Chiffon Broadcloth, sponged und shrunk in siruble shades; 40 inehei at $2.00 yd Black, Hrown and Navy Blue; 54 inch- es at $2.00 yd Men's Oilgrained Calf Shoes Charmeuto, latlrelj Ue« ; shown in bluck only, Black Wool Taffeta, 54 inches; valued at $1.39 knd marked them at $2.69. 40 ijicliea wide .it ?3.00 yd Special $1.00 yd These shoes are Goodyear welt, have oak soles and every pair has two or three years wear in it. We are going out of the waterproof shoe business for the season and therefore this sen- Bed Lineiis Under Price First Spring Showing sational sale. . • Sizes 8 to 11 .only Steinbac'.i's Piicesjir of 1912 ; Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes Ii the Southland They Are ilways the Lowest. Wash Fabrics Mfcrked*t$l,98 Wearing Orlando Tissue\i White Shoss First Qua-it/ Utca Sli^t Paula Voiles Such pretty shoes, so temptingly low In price are sure to go early tomorrow and that's a precursor for a iize Ti-'x'jo; v«iuc T6U, special al bOo eac! Pongerian Foulards .iize 81x00;" valu.1 80c, special at 55e each white season here next summer. Dunkirk Poulards A new page is being written in the Removing Sale If you are going south or ex- story every day—Item after item withou-t regard to cost. First Qua ily "_ ru t of tht Organdie Flurille pect to be in styje next sum- Our stock must go, howsoever great the sacrifice. mer and believe in economy Loom Sheets." Bordered Lawns Here we have selected our entire line of odd lots of ttse r.-ixOu; value 66c, n»d«l at 3So eaci Embroidered French IMumites Steiubuch Shoes—the kind made with our label—guaran- Bay White Shoes Now teed in everyway and marked them $1.98. jize 72x00; value 6Uc, Bpecial at 43c eaci Novelty Hordered Zephyrs White Shoes of every de- at 03c eac. •Jize 81x1)0; value .70c, l) t 03 Not a pair that sold for-less than $3.50, many of our scription for Men and Women c.ualouier. Anderson's Scotch (iinghums Limit 0 slue. Is regular $4 values, famous th/uoul the country, giiarante-ed >l very low prices. • Dress (iinghams just as fully as if you paid full price—your choice at $1.98. Utiqa Mills Sheeting^ Imported Percales 8-4 Bleached; Ngnlsr :1"''' ^rinl 1Oc 0-4 Bteached; wfulM 38c, special 21c White Voiles White Check and Striped Lawns Removing Sale Prices in Women's Coats, Suits & Dresses 36 Inch Lonsdale Muslin Ofto Limit 10 yai'il- to « customer. Wide Welt Piques '- .. i : '•..,, .,;,'-: • .-r p ri vf ; ^ s P « ' Q (-,a x <5 , Suits and Dres«es ot tneljest imported and domestic fabrics, man tailored, stjitable for traveling or motoring as well as many «mart models for general wear. A Surprising Overcoat^ Offer Valentines Black Broadcloth Coati Fur Lined and Trimmed Coats l)o you realize that Fehruary, to Men l-i is almost here and you hav" Regular $39.50, Special at. 522.5O Regular $48.00, Special . . $2O OO lot secured a single Valentine Regu.ar 26.50, Special at. ' 14.50 Regular 39.50, Special. . 18.7 5 0 mail to your friends. Regular 22.50, Special at. 12.5O Ci 1. ' J T r Our regular stock of Overcoats in Blacks, Grays, I wisli to kceii you pnrted And thiit'H tin- II:IMIII why Regular 14.50, Special al. 6.75 Street aid Toiling Coats and Fancy Mixtures; 48 and 50 inclus long; with L'm Bemliiig > on ihis papsr. Regular $38.50, Special T'w:i! maks ><>ur lirlKht eyes . $15.75 velvet or convertible collars. AIM BlCftllH 1 kinuv > on wish Women's and Misses' Dresses, in cloth, serge, velveteen and cordu- 50 Regular If 10 ," '. Bom< luiii. valentlnei. roy. Regular J18.50 and #12.50, to close at $7 Regular If 18 Lo\*e ami humor Irealed vnr- Regular W ami |M itusly in oil!1 large eollerfion ol Women's Skirts, of all wool serge, panama, mannish mixtures, black and in Valentine's Day Postals, Hook- colors at — $1, $2 and $3 Hats 25c els, heap Yeai"(.ai'tls, Proposal '.artis nnd Fancy and Cotntc Regular $4.50, Special at $2.50 HouseJFurn sh nga Only 171 in the lot compri»in« Men'! and Regular 6.50, Special at 4.75 Boy's Kelt lluls, mostly all 1-V.lora and Al- Regular 8.50, Special at .... i .... 5.50 A Stock pine shapes in Ularks, Browns, Hark Green, Women's Garments- Clean-up. Odd lot of coats, dresses and suits. .00 Reducing tirays and Light Tans; regular 1ft to >.-:S values. Saturday only 25c. Were #10.00 to #15.00 at . . . , , , $3 Bargain List Stap'e Notions Our HoUMfurnl«ll'.n» Depart- $1.50 Jerseys 50c lavingn Mm cannot tail to Guaranteed Furs For Women and Misses PIT iguitf. Ki t tl.es,. arlic les IB.nl h»»h "a MdUlred to ac- Man's High Nerk ami V shape lighl weight in (i.uh IIXill i'\in holt commodate Itiel* to »ui.h n umall 1 Jersey BwWstMt in Navy, While. Hark Red ho. t). Tht'-t n •e a few Miff- 'S- B ack Lynx Set White Fox •pac« that It 1» »n Rb.oluie ne- and Oxford; sizes ;i'i to «; regular |i.5O IliiT i>i from p 1irg« lisl of l WMlty lor in »tock tu be "till mo iiifr Sale S leriste. and $"«! \alues. Saturday only 50c. PjKJ •1 Silk, ble.cS ,,,,1 , ,,:,irs 7( Regular $110.00, Special $75.00 Regular $14.50, Special . . . . $850 «urtb*r W' r c Hair PfM ,4t Regular 96.50, Special 6800 Decorated and white tea «au- Am tirti n W'SM' 4c Separate Muffa tai a eaoh 1c 50c Sitt. How 29c- T'in 1 'n) ,.;l 8c 13c Siberian M irten Cupi, Platee, Baker« and Another slupnicMit ol those heavy weighl 1 ml 19c and39c Black Wolf, Regular $23.50, at. $15.03 bowl*, all «Ue«, eacb « i v5 8c Black silk hose, also a line pi Onyx drop 1 Regular §22.50; Special. . . .$14.50 Seal Skin, Regular 16.50, at. 10.50 stihh silk hos.' in Plain Black »nd Colors: V.-- r fait*. Repp rt s eet 8c Decorated platee of all klnde, Qi rinttty tu p;)<-hiiiatnTTipr limiipc Pony, Regular 19S0, at. 14 50 gj [-ft .*•••*.*« .-••.• our regular 50e value. Saturday onlj '8C. Flatten, each «• Stem Glaeeei, TumblerH, Whliklee, Wine, Caampalgne. Our Removing Sale Offers etc., e«h \° gtove Pokerl and LJfters, «ach ••• ••• • • -» RenmaBWBI Bbelf OH fioth,' each /»• 2V,c Bargains in Furniture Sllihtly eolled frying pan«. all eUet, each » ('•at makeyou f>t\ that many of thtte w dily ad- Muse, Bruah Vaae and Soap DUhee In all color". §>tnnfaarl verturd tali* you read about arejkapositions. eaoh ' . l,tt our contrast department quW* you prut* \f Pepper and BaM Shaken, each you ntetti qumtxly btyff Star Enamel, all color* . , 10c Afilnmj ^ark; elumiimr*, lane alae...... •.....•••.•.'" LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1912, THREE

favor of a viaduct. He declared that it \r«4i)d fa years before the sieain rail- TROLLEY AND PAVING road would elevate its tracks. 'He Stock Taking Is Over favored patching with concrete, ce- Have You a Bargain I have weeded qut lota of shoes that you c»n buy at your own ment and sand until nuch time as the irolJry Hacks were Cmilt. lie said prices almost; if size is here. Have priced them at less FOR BROADWAY ARE that a repair force coald b«? put to work j $•0 Offer the People of Long Branch ? (ContflMed from First Page.) forty weeks in a year at a tost of labor than half they cost me, to make qujc'.< clearance. of not more than |2,000 with possibly Is there something you want to buy at a bargain ? Have you something that you want |general traffic, and if so are you willing |.$3.0tX» to $1,500 for material, to exchange for something else ? Remember that this is the market place of Long Branch. that the city should contribute one- I Mr. Hughes at this point placed him- third of the cost fcf constructing the j t=t*lf on record as favoring a trolley on It a t,h» fyace where you can get together with your neighbors and match your wants with samel j Broadway and Third avenue. CLARENCE WHITE, thtir desires. Do you think that the voters wouki ! Arthur Suseman said that the trol- 9 BROAD ST., Red Bank, N. J. authorize an issue of bonds to pay forley in Broadway and Third avenue was The Price is Only One Cent a Word the city's share of the cost 7 a business necessity. He spoke of the What suggestions have you to offer growth of other towns and cities as a Why not'get busy and let your wantsjbelknown ? that are not prompted b yUie questions result of good trolley, facilities. He OCEANPORT NEWS just asked? said that it was the sense of the busi- AfterwardMhe meeting was thrown ness men that every inducement should [ Standard Bearer Society will hold open to the public. be offered to get a trolley built at thean entertainment next Wednesday SIXTY-ONE PUPILS After a free discussion the conclu- earliest possible moment. evening, Feb. 7th in the Ladies' Aid *•.. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT sions reached, embodied in a resolu- building. MONEY TO LOAN Andy 1-UBtbaum struck n popular H. P. Miller met With Wl accide.it tion offered by W. S. B, Parker were note. When he said that it would be PURS and Ladies' Suits remodeled TO LET— HouBC, James St. W. H, MONEY TO LOAN on bond and these: Sunday night while taking his oo.t. RECEIVE DIPLOMAS good judgment when tho road was re-from a hall rack. He hit his eye and and repaired to latest styles at reson- Brehm. 2S-29* mortgage in sums of $500, $1,000, First, Taat it is the consensus of surfaced for the city to put down the ulile pricea, also fur sets for sale. J. J1.500, $3,000 and pwards to suit bor- opinion that a trolley is need*ed on cut Jt. The wound has been very 1 TO LET—A five room house, 2nd trolley tracks. "Then,"' said he, "youpainful. (Continued from First. Page.) t' also spoke Mrs. J. K. Hall spent Wednesday Overture—Star of Hope ... .Qrc^ieBtm H,. RITZAU, remover of dead ani- 27to29* RENT. Third, That the steam rail wad of the grade crossing hill and taild and Thui'gUiiy with her daughter, Mrs. Chorus Who is Sylvia' , School mafe, Red Haulty N. J. Telephone should elevate its tracks. that he believed Home kind, of a grade John Silvers in Jersey City. Recitation/—Brown Dwarf of ltugen 12'Jl. . - Ul HOUSE to let with gas, No. 254 M°r- FOR Rent' or Sale—Eight-room An effort was made to get the hulors- crossing bill would be passed at this Prank Welch, of Flat Bush, spent Sadie baneloff ris Ave., near Weetwood Ave. Apply bouse i n Rockwell Avo. Improve- ment of the meeting to move or locate sestion of the Legislature. Tuesday with hia father, K. T. Welch, Hviiiation -The Second Table.. •. - - . ." to Sacco's offlce 117 S. 7th Ave. 25tf ments. Inquire 157 Union Ave. ltf a new diepot at tho Broadway'crosaing, Dr. .!, T. Welch, ashed the question Sr. Isidor Gitow HELP WANTED—FEMALE but as the question was irrevelant no Recitation—The Legend Beautiful^- TO LET—House, 226 Union Ave. whether the asphalt would stand patch- The Bush family ha\e moved from COWS FOR SALE action was take.ii. Former Council- ing for two years. Ho asked Mr. tho Mary Jano White property to one Dorothea Heaves' WANTEtt-JGirl for Beneral house Inquire 227. 26to28* men Richard H. Hughes and Thomas Trio—Cornet, violin and piano woifU. 11 '!» Jf'^aukliu avenue. Bracket!, a repair man, the question. of Harry Herbert's houses on Main 2Stf FOR RENT—Basement store in FOR SALE—Cow and calf by herMcKenna opposed the plan to reconi The latter replied in the negative. street. Herbert Wardell, John Klnt;leben PoBtofflco Building, suitablo for bar-side. Inquire John P. Evens, 48(i High mend the change iln the railroad sta- Councilman Worwick said that it Chester Wemule spent Sunday wlih and Kilnn Moran. ber or blumbing strop. Apply to H. W.street. 27to tftm; wouldn't be a bad Idea for the City to hia •inter, Mrs. Pearl Kiddle. Uvcltation-Counting (no Family... . WANTED1^ : - Green & Bro. 3Stf Richardl H. Hughes favored resur put down the tracks. "We could make Tho Kpworth League devotional Italpli Cheetham men'WANTED^s night Ipliir— t^Operatorlearners taketo nmak ande facing before the busy summer sea enough money out of such a deal," meeting Sundwy nislit will be led byRocttaUon—Red Hiding Hood lialij wli I Steiner & Son.ltf . .TO LET—From April, part of house, stable. Inquire M. K. Sutphin, 403 son sets in. He said that he washe, "to pay Uie interest on the resur- Mrs. K. \V, Crater. The topic: "False Barbara Dockert Willow Ave. 24to29» GOES TO JAIL FOR against vitrified brick, for resurfacing facing bonds." Secudity of the Unrighteous." Recitation Johnny's History Leueon declaring that the present base was W. S. II. Parker opened the discus Mr, and Mrs. Brasilia Taylor, of Jumes Grt'eiu- FOR RENT—Two desirable cot- not suitable. Mr. Hughes tald that aion, favoring vitrilled brick for re-Manasquan, spent last Tuesday with Chorus Hod Scarf School HORSES FOR SALE ttiges, nicely furnished. Attractive he was In fj^yor of the material used aurfruing the streets. He clain,ied Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sickles, of Bran-h Rncitiition - The Brave Boy '. grounds. Located corner Bath and on Norwood avenue road at. ANenhurM that, with vitrified brick for resurfac- u venue. BiiBHie Nathansnu HORSES—Just arrived; an express Weatwood avenue. Season or by year. which ho said was cheap and durable ing, a city repair plant could ho put Mr, and Mrs. Floyd N. Sickles and Recitation—How the Whale (lot His load of Western horses, 27 heads. • S. Apply Aaron E. Johnston, Asbury He aaid that the resurfacing with trap in operation for repair work without Miss Oenevieve Kolb, of Newark, Throat -. Harold MacGregor Park; nenjamin P. Morris, Long pite could be done for about $1.30 JM?I spent Saturday with Mr. and Mi's. J. P. Itodpers, £lale and Exchange Sta- (Continued from First Page.) employing experienced hands. Chorus , School blefc 99 South;.^Main St., Ashury Park, Branch, or any agent. 346tf Mr. ?sarker put himself on record N. Sickle*. Presentation of Diplomas N. J. 14tf Mr, and. Mrs. W. H. Hall spent Mon- Rev. J. O. Lovell TO LET.—House, all mprovements, Mr. Hughes, quoting from the late favoring the building of a Broadway Brooklyn the last of December. Isaac Superintendent Blodigett, said that tho day with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Maps, of March Grammar School OrcheHtru 8 South Fifth avenue. 18tf C. Johnson, a colored hackman, Bald trolley, but objected to a turn at latter said some time before his death Dudley street, near his home. He de Branch port avenue, Tho list of graduates follows'. WORK WANTED—FEMALE HOUSE TO LET—126 Lippincott he had been engaged by Scott to gothat the quetrtion of raising the rail- Mr. John N. Sickles spent fiunday Llllle P, Vautler, teacher—Dor- to the Elbertn, where Scott secured cJared (hat In* wjia was perfectly will Aye T. L. Maps. . 18tt road tracks would come within the ing to give his consent when ?the with his mother, Mrs. Catherine othy Brakes, Adeline Chapman- WOMAN wishes sewing by the day a large bundle. He then drove him next three or four years. He said that Skkles, of Oak wood avenue, l&ng Lucy Denuccl, Gertrude Gardiner, 6-ROOM HOUSE TO LET—262 to the weBt side. Scott, he said, paid proper lime aniveii. He said that he or "insisting with general housework. he did not favor a viaduct. was against the building of a viaduct Brain U. Mrs. BtokiM is 91 years old Ksther Morris, Mary Mniter, Lucie dieus A., lipcord Office. 27-28* Hamilton Ave., Chandler and Maps. him for the hack hire and also gave and in mjoylUK the best of health- Miller, Virginia Oxley, UOHQ RasEas, 48tf. !iim live towels, two portieres and 11 -Clarence G. VanNote said Umt hbecause of the damage U would do. was in favor of a Broadway trolley Ho spok^ oi the movement inaugural Miss Bessie Blair spent Thursday Alnm Sickles, Margaret Tuthill, lh-U- FOR RENT—Store; 229 Broadway; blanket, and Mamie Gritt said that with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert nil Vanderveer, Beatrice Wardell, Ver- LOST AND FOUND she had purchased a comfortable, line, but as t^ the method of crossing ed by New Jersey mayors to elimi- at present occupied by A~. & P. Tea] tho tracks he was not clear. He said nate grade crusHings in cities and said Blair. na Youmana, Fanny Zuckerman; Kr- Co. Apply Goldstein's. lGtl blanket and felt mats from Scott for W H nest Cooper, Valjeau Dnrimll, Jamcn LOST—White, French Toy Poodle; $1.G<>, Scott having told her be that there seemed to him but two that he believed that, tbe time & otiS fear brown. Misbins since Sunday, ways, either a viaduct or the eleva-coming aoon v.hen definite action Ure?nt WlUard Houlihan, Robert Eld- TO LET—South side Alpha Cottage. breaking up housekeeping. Chiof of KILLS CHUM, TRIES SUICIDE. ridge. Michael Kallman, Angelo TIT .Ian. us. Nfi:ne "Buttons." Please Re- Police Smith ilnd officer Thomas Bro- tion of the tracks. Fbr the present would be ttken. Mr. Parker said th.it turn 10 iH.nr;uui Ave. 28-29* R. H] Hughes. 304tl he favored laying the tracks level to ho favo lid B L tation at the Broadway rando, Albert Morris, HuHflell, Sher (ieriek testified that Scott admitted New York Boy Fights to End Lif, Be- man, Samuel Shermau, John Saesano, FOR RENT— 7-room house, Fifth stealing the articles from the Klberta. tbo railroad track nnd itwui&# fraiiS' crossing C«u«* of Grief. LOST—Mcsaic pto, set in gold.. Re- Ave. Inquire. Cohen Bros.' Grocery fere. -Mr. Van Note was against the President' II. C. Kelim, of the Board Abrum ijacks, Nicholas Suozzo, Stan w:inl. iCnU'i'iirlsp Market, 14$ Broad- Scott, in hia defense, declared that he New yurk. H*ttb. •*.. Arthur Kchm-fet. ley Van Ktyke, William Woolley, ffld- : re. 301 tf project of the city Haying its share of of Trade, chairman of the special trol- fifteen, was itcctilentitlly stiol and In way. 28 29 secured the bundle of tfuodB from the ley committee, spoke In favor of the gar West, Harold Peirco. 6-room house, $2 per week. 78 First porch of the Klberta, having been a viaduct's coat. He said that he siiinlly killed by hi-, humi companion, LOST—Wednesday night, between agreed with Councilman Warwick Broadway and Third avenue trolley. KiiJph Stiuer, hi (he •Smier homo, 0S1 Mary K- Jackson, teacher—Pauline Ave., Van Huel and lialtson. 27tf told by a man named Frank Williams He Baid that active work had been Blums, Nettie BrittoJi, Albertn Ftrrw 341 Liberty St. and 491 Atlanta Avo., to go there and get it. the city sliould stick to the repairing ruK.Mict iivenue. Ki.uiu liKK^toiitniiiinK sewing articles. until a trolley is secured. Mr. Vandone by the Board of Trade commit- Bter, Nellie Cocuzza. Sadie Daneoff, Scott wau next tried on a charge tee to locate a trolley on Broadway. Win-n he xuiw he had killed his friend Florence Danietz, Lily Khrenhali, Mm Harpffi Scsupnn. * FOR SALE of mealing goods to the value of $6ttO Nnte raid that th<> Ix>ng' BYahch Pro- pOttag Saner iittempted to nhm>t him pert v Jiolriw'M Association had inThe illness of George I. Brown, vice •elf «ml w»u only prevented from do Frances Hanlsch, (irace Ijovcilaaa, Kl- from the hotel of Mrs. Kliza K. Hunt president and general manager of the Hie Mielke, Mary Murray, Jennie Pear GOOD Singer Sewing Machine, drop at 207 Third itvenue on November stnu'trd him to say that the aBsocla Ins MO nfler A itnig^Q thnl rdiitinued t'iid, cheap, H., Record office. tion would furnish without expense Jersey Central Traction Company, the •all, Gertrude BtoUar, lU'U»n Vun im 11th. William .Tone*, colored, testi- (.oinpiiny that ie anxious lo reach ten iuiiiuteH. an expert to assist in preparing spec Coroner Schwunmjcfce lunl itntph aim, Camilla Welcome, Paulino Wt»»l FOR SALE—Indian Motor Cycle, 15 fied iliat Scott engaged'him to belp fiction for pavJng. He urged th Long Branch, had prevented a more ley, Hattie Zernoeklo, Calvin Cunnius, gallons of Mobo oil, best grade; auto him tafte some goods over to the definite report. Ho said, however, Snuer and Lao Uovgwioalui in in-, of. greatest publietiy in paving and the flt-p nnd niiesliniied them. He laid that Chester ('ubberley, fleorgo De Camp, mobile luggage carrier. Lester Haven home of James Barton on the west obtaining of a value of a hundred cents that when a few obstacles ' were re- Harry Felnberg, Abraham Greenberg, side, and officer Thomas Brokerick moved the way would be openod for aHie klUliii: of Sclmefei- WIIH purely nn The Wretchedness El boron. 26to28* on the dollar. accident, nnd ho ini-est WIIK made. Julius Lodwitz, Mitchell Llebermtin, said that he recovered home of the Broadway trolley and within a few l.eHter Northam, Jes«e Moore, Harold FOR SALE—Franklin five ps«»en stolen articles from the Rfirfon' [ionic, leim Ctrfjtverley spoke In favor of tiondis tit the longest. He sairf that of Constipation g«f Touring car, in execellent coniii AlcJGreffor, (leorge Sutphin, Cecil We|l. where Scott had boarded, after hia tBU&altt blocks. He said that they the Broadway consents were practl- Buried Tr««tun. C»n quickly be overcome by tlon. Appjy H. W. Qreen & Bro. 25tf ( oily in hand. Mr. Rehm said that if arrest on December 28th. OaiBy Ser- untie-a tpl-endld roadbed. Medium—I cnu tell yon about » "What's tho Matter with g CARTER'S LITTLE FOR SALE—10 shares of capita gent and Nathan Johnson, both col- Gcoige H. Poland spoke or a con vitrified brick was used in resurfac- ing tht> installing of B trolley line buried trensure. rttlroii—riease don't. Branch 7" ^_ LIVER PILLS. stock of New Jersey Mtgo. & Trusi ored, admitted that Scott gave them fieriee with the troiloy men njjrnrJlng My Iiiisfuitnl Is uluii.vs tooting that i" "What'a the Matter wjtli LOHA Purely vegetable some of the stolon articles, which the oe&t of cutting up ihe present con- would not bo so hard as if asphalt was Co. Stock at. {130 per sharp. Inquire used. my eurs. Medium—Does he know uiiy Branch?" will be subject of the Hun —"Set aurely and of E. W. Phares, 225 Broad at., Eliz were recovered after their arrest. The crete bAS9< He said that he was uatiB- HIIHK iiboutu buried treasure1.' Patt'on day night normon by Rev. T. B. Ready on the Sargent woman, Johnson and Julius liver. Curs beth. N- •!• 24to29 flud that the (rolley company would, Charles (*. Byard said that he favor- -VCM; IIIN tlrst wife. Hughes at the F1r»t Bftptist Church, mil!/;, «hn Here arretifed by Offl- tiding they could IKQIIHB a reanon- d (ho laying of vitrified brick, the Bath avenue, at 7.30 p. m. MornhiK Had. Broderick, together with Scott, in a frauchihc, c/>nBitlcM' the laying of •levation of tho steam railroad and namum nt 10.30 a .m., foilowetl by REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Newark, were released after the trial, traclis before the street was resur- the building of a Broadway trolley. communion service. All aro cordially n Diui- the indictment against them having faced . OUR TURN OF SERVICE. nviLed. 9 aat, ssd Indigeitiou. They do (liefc duly. EASY terms monthly for beautiful been nolle proased on motion of As- iN.'-ltiB Chandler spoke in favor Below Stair*. There is to much lo be set right |I homeshon , all improvements, on Norwood ; ProBecutor Vredenburgh. Scott of vitrified brick. He said that, th*1 in the world, there are so many to Sra.l] POL Sra.ll Do.., 3n.ll Prieo. J. H. Parker, WcBt Long Branch "WhnCs vour missis kicking about?" A v«iu«bl« Haul. ave denied absolutely having stolon any- Irolley comjwny years feffQ favored inquired the honsemsiid from next be led and helped and comforted, Genuine mu.ii*«i Signature thing from lift, 11tint's house. The tiifieU lirick for imving and that It "Vuu say your jewels were stohn door. that we must continually come in while thf family w»s at dinner?" jury took his version of UlQ affair and i WHS ivadn bf)lev to-day. contact with such in our daily life. "Tiff* IN Ivr JifKlii "»'• hut 1 told Urn- "Xo, no. This in an fuiportaut rol> Frederick K. Ball acquitted him. He will be sentenced J <*ounrihnan Warwick thought ii 1 li.ul ;ui engagement lueself."— Kansas Lei us take care that we do not next Thursday on the, first charge. j would lie butler to dtefer resurfacing bery. oHlcur. Our dinner was Htolcti Vlolla—INSTRUCTION—Plant City Journal.- mi?s our turn of service.—-Elizabeth while we were puttlus on our jewel*." I for a year if there was a chnnce to peA Charles. I ORCHESTRAL MUSIC FURNISHED. erfiso iu the Daily Heiunl ia tioltny iu Broadway. >Je gjwki' in Advertise in the, Upily Record. Pittsburgh Poit | Phone 111. Stadia. 70 Nonraod Art THE RECORD'S DULY PUZZLE PICTURE Our 1st. Anniversary Sale TOMORROW SHOE PRICES ARE CUT WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE.

H- I - " •' —-. j For Men, Women, Boys, I At Cost I A Price Cutting, Money Saving f Misses and Children I and Less. | Event that you must not miss.

•4* ••I Int.n ALL $5.00 SHOES IN SALE AT ALL $4.00 SHOES IN SALE AT R. M. HARRIS ALL $3.50 SHOES IN SALE AT SHOE STORE ALL $3.00 SHOES IN SALE AT ALL $2.50 SHOES IN SALE AT 185 BROADWAY ALL $2.00 SHOES. IN SALE AT Where all the best ALL $1.50 SHOES IN SALE AT Footwear is sold. ALL $1.00 SHOES IN SA.E AT rouB LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1912. did. He has done more to purify the DAILY RECORD civil seTVice than Roosevelt ever did. ISSUED EVERY WEEK-DAY He has done more to strengthen and elevate the Federal judiciary than BenJ. BolBseau Bobbltt, Editor Roosevelt ever did. He has done need not be felt by your family WHY WORRY? more to encourage a sane, economical ^Necessity's SUBSCRIPTION RATES administration of government then if their future is protected by life during slow and tedious Terms (Postage Free) outside of theRoosevelt ev4r did. He has been a City of Long Branch and the lxing better President and a more truly pro-1 Sharp " Branch mall delivery limlu. gressive President than RooBeveK Insurance in The Prudential. It is times when a savings ac- One year, ID advance .... $5.00 ever WBB. His record will more than Three months, In advance . . 1.25 bear comparison, line by line, with Pinch" the surest way to provide support and count with One month, In advance . . .. .50 Koosevelt'8 record. Single copies, in advance . . .02 "Fa'cts are facts. The World is not confort for one's dependents. The First National Bank Published by one of Mr. Taft's enthusiastic admir- F. M. TAYLOR PUBLISHING CO ers, but when Republican Progressives of Chae. L. Edwards, Sec'y and Manager, turn from him to Tbeodore Roosevelt _ 192 Broadway they convict tbeniBelves of political Long Branch, New Jersey LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY hypocrisy." Day Telephone, 291, Long Branch. That's well said. They sacrifice wUl prevent it Night Telephone, 387 Long Branch. principle to expediency. They want Roosevelt not because be would make Friday, February 2, 1912. PRUDENTIAL a better President but because he is ; innna jfi . STRENGTH Or ft' Business on Business Principles A PRACTICAL SOLUTION OF TWOan adept ut fooling the people and /'GIBRALTAR •If; The Prudential PROBLEMS. they think could come nearer being It's not at all strange that the sug-elected, and his election would mean gestion of Mr. LuBtbaum that trolley offices for them. K'H a discouraging tracks be laid on Broadway when tli« inhibition of insincerity which they Write for particulars of polices. street la resurfaced ' was enthusing are giving. The Experience tlcally received at the public meeting gained in keeping a flank Account in held at City Hall last night to con- MARERO, DIAZ AND MEXICO. a flourishing condition is certainly sider the paving and trolley questions. Madero, hailed a few mouths ago of the time, even in this latitude. son from the newly converted Mr. Sentiment is strongly In favur of when he became PreHident as the sav- What more ideal conditions could it llniihi; with Bryan acting as a House worth, the effort; and will more than of Representatives*, and with Mr. Un- Fifty Years Ago Today. both a Broadway trolley and the re-or of Mexico, already faceH a crisis. have produced than it did, for instance, derwood defying Mr. Bryan to do his Feb. 2. repay you for your present and future Its troops are mutinying. Laborers surfacing of the street. It's agreed for the Red Dank Ice carnival of yes-worst—it has been years since we had Army camps in Virginia were economies. We invite your account. that It would Involve a waste for aand others are joining the rebels for terday and last night? a Democrat party BO full of vigor and snowedj under. Bixth snowstorm action and the joy of living. new pavement to be. laid on the eve'ear that they will be shot as suspects of tbe season caused a heavy , blockade. A carnival of skating of the trolley tracks being put down, f they do not take sides. Nobody knows yet who will be the Enlargement. throughout tbe north when the 3|% Interest Paid on Deposits because a considerable portion of the Industry is paralyzed and general next President, but everybody knows What great things In our own days snow did not prevent. have we donev pavement would have to be torn up conditions are said to be worse than a gfcoci many who will not- be. 1 Complaints were made tuat h\tt liberty, and progres-s, and the Mrs. Lincoln was too aristocratic- and a new pavement laid in tbe pro-*ver before throughout the country. right! in her White House reception in- NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY cess. There's a pronounced difference One wonders when he readtt all The groundhog theory will again Surely we have revealed a lordly vitations. of opinion as to whether the city can hese things how Diaz ever managed give people something to talk about. might, LONG BRANCH, N. J. And1 what our fathers strove for we afford to wait for a trolley In the lib-o preserve a semblance of peace That's all. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. have won. A midwinter thunder storm bence of some sort of definite assur- and order In the country for thirty- Look, how our path» have widened to rnged from Pennsylvania to Illi- ance that there Is a company ready six years. It confirms the belieY that EDITORIAL COMMENT. the sain! nois wbile snow nnd bnll were to build and operate a line on fair le was a very remarkable man and OUP old age Hlopcs more gently and frtlllug. Letting the Women Do it. more bright; -•«ry great ruler. California tutu 87,000 more female We have smoothed the paths wherein RICHARD R. HUGHES The proposition that tin; city go on Mexico will be crying for him back, than mule voters, so if things go wrong the young feet run. . General Invitation. the women will huve to take the with resurfacing and at the same time n all probability, within a year of his One morning Miss Lucy Ualcomb, l>lam<\—Haiti more Star. Yea, verily, the boundaries of outhr e most fastidious housekeeper in Landscape Gardening and General Contractor . lay tracks, to be disposed ul to u •xile. world Busbby, who wa« reported to ha,ve trolley company later. Instantly ap- Newspapers and Statesman We have enlarged; OUT fla£ is now un-washed an unfortunate grandnepliew furled ^ peals to one as a practical solution EXPRESS TRUST EXTORTION. Whenever a puhtlk: man »ayn that he into a decline, opened bw ft'oiit door, does not road new^papel's ho betrays Over a vaster reach of lands and having henrd strange noises on the WEST LONG BRANCH NEW JERSEY of two difficult problems. If it's acted Express trust extortion has been th«* fact that he hat* an uncomfortable st'as; piazza. There stood n tramp, II!R shoes upon the place need not suffer from u Known to be bad, but no one timm- wledKe of what they would be justi- Our people have grown one in heart caked with mud, which he was Hcrap- and aim, ing off with a knife and kicking off l\v Telephone 656 West End disgracefully dilapidated pavement on ned that it was so bud as it hns been fied In printing about him.—Wanhing- ton Star. Coequal heirs and builders of our fame, ulteruate applications of his heels on its principal business thoroughfare uvealed to be at the investigation into And one In human nature's chari- her doormat. any longer, nor need it in making the he business being made by the Inter- The New Treasure Box ties. •What are you doing'" demanded improvement put any obstacle in the tat." Commerce Commission. uroe-iiroud millionaires now lead —The Christian Herald Miss Lucy Indignantly. thHr quests to the kitchen and open | "Doing!" echoed the tramp. "I wns way of a trolley. This statistical summary tells the the. lcefbox, aiHplaying at whole pound THOUGHTS _W0PTH READING starting-round to tbe kitchen to ask a While Ringing Are there two sides to it? tory; of butter and creating an enormoim the young lady 1 saw ba>Btf out your Average unnual gross re- HaUon among said1 guests.—Cleve- We should give as we would receive, .•u.ihes if she'd hand we a l>Ue of The only point to be settled, it cheerfully, quickly, and without hesi- breakfast. Then I thought l didn't the Alarm ceipts of Adams, Ameri- land Plnln DeHler. would appear, Is whether the city tation; for there is no grace In a make a very good appearnm-is mid 1 is no time to wonder if ran legally lay the trolley tracks. If unc, Wells Fargo, United Shall Our Navy be Crippled benefit that sticks to the fingers.— was about to go on to the nest house Seneca when I saw this mat with the invita- tint, It should be possible to secure sun es, National and In all probability (lie foolish action tion, 'Please use this mat,' right on it. your insurance is all right. Southern express com- taken 'by the Democratic CRUCUH look- no I stepped up here. In about flvu legislation enabliug it to do so. ing to the elilnation of tho two l>atth'- You should know now. panies $150,000,000 24 TEACHERS STRIKE. minutes more I'll look wet) enough so 1 tthlp appropriation from tho naval bill can fforoun d to the kitchen.'' Don't put it off for a PROGRESSIVE INSINCERITY. irrying charges to rail- this year will not bo adhered to. The American public likes to MM Congress Delay In Pay Close* Schools of Bank- ••Wetl!" said Miss Lucy. "Welir -A Very thoughtful and sensible re- roads, 67 Vn per cent. - rupt Borough. and then she closed the door.—Youth's day. Look up your 8 .-HI-MIIi/. the national ex ]vencU lures, view of the situation in the Ht'niibli* maximum :'.. ..-,' 816,600,000 bu't not In a way to cripple the nation- Sciiinton, Pa., Febi 2.—Twenty-four Companion. , •£ policies. schoolteachers In the borough of can party as it concerns the Progrett- Net earnings above all u* i al defenses anu miike our naVy infer- Wlnron, near here. tlM on strike an Eagle Stonei and Luck. If you are insured rives, Hooeevelt and Tuft, is made by penses '•.'''.'»;. program, at least until the the question, if it were put to him, as in a demand for tariff revision, and county register of wills, (urns uvcr liftt to how much of his great SIH'CVKS, how you need not worry. But there's eveu more. Reserves to- Panama Canal is finished and xhe ves-collections. reached Itn culmination when Mr. Taft sels of tho navy can" be quickly trans- ninny of his millions, were duo to his For 100 years it taling it- $44,000,000 had been ac- Lawler snyw tbe borough will have eugle stone. Vet for a quarter of a delivered his absurd Winoua speech ported from one ocean to the other.— to wait until the regular date for hi* has promptly paid cumulated up to 1907, the last date Newark Star. century, perhaps even more, that eiiftlo describing the Payne-Aldrtch act asfor which the figures are known, In Rtatement. which will be about th«> stone has reposed in a pocket of his every honest loss. The "Hartford" insures all classes of property. l~)1b. tueanwlille the schools tin* t-los trousers each business day. When It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard the best tariff ever enacted. addition, .there were except* profits The Democratic Joy of Living ed. There lire four IHUUIIMKK liming pondering over propositions tbnt hove "The insurgent movement is end-over dividend require men Is .stock dis- The World enthusiastically welcomes twenty-three rooms and an iittendinnv needed Immediate derision this mng- against the dangers of fire. It has published a book oh the lH olri fashiom'd revival of Demo- of about 1.000 pupils. Tbe iirtlon of iiiK," it notes, "in a Roosevelt third- tributions and extra dividends report- nnte has lieen seen to take out thin subject, with separate chapters for householders, merchants, and cratic activities. the leacliet'H wns .taken following ;. stone and paM it from one hand to tbe term boom. Most of the iusurgenta ed up to that lime of over $67,000,000. With Wood row Wlison chasing Col. meetliiff uf Wiuston branch of theother. It is n gouuiue "cbarm" that manufacturers, that will be sent free to those who apply for it. are identified either directly or indi- And the express companies were all Harvey out of the front yard; with State Teachers' league, an or^a n Iza will koep away disaster, it in aflld. and If you are not now insured in the "Hartford," see to it when next tlou for the protection of the ncbool gets its name from the fact ih»t it rectly with the Roosevelt candidacy start eel practically on a BhoentrlnR, Col. Watterereon denouncing Oov, Wil- son an an ingrale; with Mr. Hearst teachers. was found in nu eagle's nest. Tbost* you insure that you get a " Hartford " policy. Home of them may profesB to favor the railways furnishing the equip- bing hysterically "over Governor who know simietliiug of tho lore of How to Carry Water. superstitious say tliat If a ribbon or La Follette or Cummins, but all ofment, and accumulated their capitiil Wilson's historical references lo Chl- If you wnut to carry n full pail of Ittlwr; with Mayor Qaynon having some semp of fabric is parsed through them know that the defeat of Taft in out of their earnings. water any distance without spilling or the hole which a pWfscl engle Btfioi* H. W. GREEN & BRO., over the wickedness of Mr. H<-arst: to carry water from one room to an- tho convention means Roosevelt's It comes out, too, that identical with Col. Harvey tearfully turning is always supposed to contain the p«> POST OFFICE BUILDING, LONG BRANCH Wooiirow ' Wilson's picture to the wall: other In a fiat AJffa or tray you nhoiilrt tenoy of tbe "cliann" is mueli en- nomination. financial interests control the expresa always hnve something floating on It.hanced.—New Vork Sun. monopoly and the railroads. with ,Mr. Hr>Jin alternately humping "So far as the tariff is concerned Jurison- Harmon and reading Oscar Un- If It is drinking witter a clean siuieer llooscvelt iB as much of a stand-patter Campaign contributions have been vooii out of tho party; with Champ will, do. ninl n tint piece of WOed i» the lK'st thing for u pall. It IH the lit- Just Causa For Anger. as Aldrich or Cannon. During all therespHoiiBlble, it seeme well establish Clark clawing Joe Folk anti Joe Polk her wing Champ Clark; with Martlu tle waves Mint arise from the waters "Mrs, Tin more Is so augry wit h .wars be wan in the White House be ed, for the goverumput not intert'erinR lapping HpihiHt tbe Rides and then tlenlist she vows she never will \r.\y Littleton weeping over the• atrocities Ills hill," tayi the neighboi'. never lifted a finger to bring about a but permitting the wholesale robbery which the House Democrats are about rusliitm t<> tbC "i her Hide that makes As a Matter of Economy, Uie ^nter spill «>\er. Tbe floater stop* "Why iu the wnrldV asks the <;illeii . reduction of tbe extortionate Dingley of the people practiced and submit o commit on Wall Hired; with Roger "Well, she got him to put in n luiilgf Sullivan trying to steal Carter Harri- tbis. New York Him. you should have modern plumbing installed. duties He was the Intimate political ting to an animal postal deficit due for her, and she euuiplttiitetl lohim It will not only save the expenses and an- associate of Aldrich and Camion and to the absence of a parcels post. Mini It did Dot feel right, hut h saiil it wi^s all right, ami wuulil n<»i in* noyances that poor plumbing causes, but it wilj pro- lie played their tariff game. An illustration of how the people ticed when she got used to ft. a i M "Since the Payne-HftdYtch bill WHB ar*' an'cctpd in uffouJcd by this com- she kept it, of UUtilHi. althougl i ii tect the health of your family by keeping your home seem«tl to make H lutrtl for b»*r t talk pa&sed, Roosevelt has indorsed tin* pariHUD of express rates in this coun- ITIZBNS -kliul of imule her vuk-o thi.-k. ou in good sanitary condition. 1 Tariff Board wheim* of revision, and try and Kurop* , brought out in the know. Aud yestcnlny Hi»e e.-Uletl Up in the New York Htate Convention at pTB>eBt invent iKat ton : Mr. Tin more and nskeit him lo ltini u "^tMtdamr fixtures are NATIONAL home some MIIOP-* and shirts f heir Saratoga in 1910, which he boused, the On a parcel weighing Hfte-en pounds little iN>yH, nnil Mr. Tlinnnie Kept ber designed to give the very platform declared that 'advances in for Htditiauci' oi thirty miles iin- MM BANK rpp*^iting it over and over to tiiiit highest sanitary efficiency, tlM cost of living are only the local longest time uutil lie tlntught lie k in this country is :ii> to '',;. ceuis, iu OK LONG BRANCH. N J. wli:!t tbfl fFgaHaV Ami wbni da and lasting service. You reflection of a tendency that in world- IPrin— II uafta, in QfWtt Britain 12 suppose lie hroughl iHHlie? A hottl take no chances in buying wide and cannot be truthfully Haid to cents and in Germany 8 cents. On CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED this ware, because you are be due to the present tariff.' parcels weighing from tt to 50 fully protected by the Could Cannon or Aldrich have said PROFITS OVER $250,000 pounds to distHtU'e not EY &, SON guarantee. over fifty mile* the rate o BO Offers unusual facilities and assures its customers "•CCOTM6* IWCTOR9" prompt and efficient service, courteous Cleanirg, Dyeing, Repairiogand "In spite of all bis blunders Taft cents in theI'niled Stat« enttt We can supply just the fixtures that you need, has don** more to reform the tariff in France, 1 i cents in (i< and and liberal treatment Pressing 71 UWOAllWAV whether for your bathroom, kitchen, or laundry. than Roosevelt ever did He hah. done || cents in Great Britain. Depositary of the United States Fotal-Savings WE CLKAN GLOVES more to enforce the Sherman Anti-j How le 'tliis to continiu Why not consult us now T Trust law than Roosevelt ever did. UP: ••aff"™11.1"- Funds Tho eenorai appwiranre of our rooHuie apppal* to many. Let Ui Shaw You. has done more to curb Wall street and] The pervernii> oi ih< State of New Jersey, County of Monmouth, City James Enright, Jr. the corporation* than Roosevelt ever mbject of constant cor wmL, hut mt OCEANIC WM R. WARWICK of Long Branch 27» Bro»dw«y 'Phone 184 Long Branch, N. J. did He has done more to destroy thej probably dot, f ffW-tlrf alhrr CNM Furnished cottage* on Rumion < ".rrupt partnership between p6tttlc&! where It d'-MpM • A Strong* Conservative Bank Road and Shrewsbury River, HIMI Dig BUPincPB than Roosevelt everjwe do in-opli- H r.t-*ia $200 to $2,000. LONG BHAKOH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1912. FIVE

ORCHESTRA AND MLLE. CANTARELLI. RESTAURANT, DAILY "m February Sales Now in Progress Lace CnrmlMs. Upholstery. China. Glassware. Lamps. Domes, Pic- SIXTH*AYE. lav-TO20* STREET. 9 HEW YORK tures, Piaoos Our Annual Clearance Shoe

HE formal introduction of this momentous sale to the public of New York City and Tributary Towns Sale Starts To-morrow T needs but the word that we are ready. For years the Simpson Crawford Furniture Sales have been A Club Plan of First in Importance because First in Quality and Value Giving. Every year we learn a little more of Fur- niture and a little more of modern Merchandising. So we launch the 1912 February Furniture Sale with Easy Monthly all the pride and satisfaction of worthy achievement, knowing that we have Payments May The Best Furniture in America from the Best Be Arranged If CONE SHARE THE SAYINGS WITH THE Makers in America at the Lowest Prices in America Desired. The Furniture Drill. Now Decuple* th*> Bollr« Fifth Floor. $40 3-Piece Parlor Suites $50.00 Brass Beds Fine Mahogany OTHER SHOPPERS WHO WILL BE HERE Napoleon Beds $19.95

This itilte has a heavier frame thnn any suite we Women's Shoes That Were $3.00 have heretofore offered at thia price, and ia also superior in every respect. Beautifully finished in mahogany and upholstered with loose $ C\ G* cushions in panne plush. February Sale Prieel and $3.50 at At Less Than Half Price Full size or Win beds, ziorao with claw feet and '20 Box Spring, *10 with colonial scroll feet. These Fifteen fillers, all one-inch tubing, beds are worth fully double our Made with 66 beavy steel apriagg, thickly covered posts 2-inch, satin finish; all sizes. on top with layers of white Sea Island felt. The special price covering is striped satin finished hair ticking $1.95 "^ 'aver Felt $40 Kindel Divanette Bed We are pleased to announce the selling of these high-grade and much superior sofa beds. Kindel con- struction all the way through. oak or mahogany finish. Men's Swell Shod and Ralston Shoes Kor the first week of the sale 3

issive in construc- $100 Parlor Suit—Five Pieces very dignified and $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values at lU7 irious in design and beautifully made throughout. U p h o 1 - stored in panne plush or This $45 Buffet any other fabric of equal $2.95 Made of finest quar- vahie. tered oak, beautifully polished, 48 inches long, at a price that renders you an actual saving of $20. $65.00 takes all next summer. * • * $24.75 9x12 Royal Axminster Rugs $ Kensington Park fire laddies were An exceptionally good opportunity for those who want a fine rug at 1-3 oft. These nigs are u! the very beat quality. Informed last night that they b»IU« extra Line it and heavy texture, closely resembling the genuine Or lental rugs. Pull 9x12 ft size February sale price wrong to Ret re-cognition from the Uorough of West long nraneb. In KAUFMAN'S other words, they should have given Three Very Special Lots of Beautiful Small Oriental Russ notice of their Intention of organizing TEL.9-J 2258RO«DWHY I £15 Bemchistan Hugs, $10.75 $9 Hamac'an Kugs, $5 $14 KuzeKjie Ku3«, $9.7S Pnwtti n a fire company ard afterward present Kxquisite in their sort, lustrous, warm red Beautiful silKy effects; sl»a about 2.3x3.6; Woiidcrrully rlcb In tbelr strong. Drl a netlllori signed by a given nuin'irr colors and will increase!!) value wttb tones they make a most extraordinary bar^m made In the heart of Persia. - of charier members* to the council nuk- Some Of Our Saturday Specials ing- for rocognitioni TiiiB Uttlo error, 85c Cork Linoleum, Sq. Yd., 50c * -' however, does not deter the Kensing- Foasting P rk - - - - - 12c b. $1.45 Inlaid Linoleum, Sq. Yd., ij}8c , ton Park firemen from "getting next," 4 yda. wide. Covering almost any room without a seam, giving The kind on *hich the coiurs go clear through to tbe bacli: for the fire andi water committee of Pork Chops - - - •••"' 12Jc b. double the service. Tile, wood and floral effects. large variety of patterns. ic? Hfih rinor the council will give them a chance to Sugar Cured Call. Hams - - - 10c b. 1 remedy the defect. There In need of -•- fire protection in Kensington Pari&r All other meats eq ally low, give \*u a call and which ..it1 West l/Mig Hrancli Hnronr.h .convi ice ourselv* s how mui*h sup rior "the quality GARFIELD HONOR PUPILS Frame, Christine Van Oleaf, Mabel Jceepli Sacco. Leonard Sacco, Mar it Council realizes, and when the proper of our rm>ats is tu the meats Ipf others offend at Woody. Honor pupils for term—Revo ffuerite* AlplKinso, I^ellon l>e L.uwla Lime comes for equipment the (ire lad- the same price. List of Honor For January and Honor Ferguson, William HeUberL, Emily Marjoile Morris. ? PICKED UP ON dies will be given fighting ammunition. Pupils for Term at Primary Byrd, Doris Frame*. | 2H and 1 A Grade, Olive G. Wrigh' —THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. School 3B Grade, Anna D. Sherman, teacher, teadicr. lioys 10—Al'pliohso FVrraro I The Garfleld avenue school honor Hoys. 12—Tony Bruno, John Dangler, Harry Ledwltz. Ormand West, Anton OAKHURSTJEWS roll for January is as follows: Frances IH'Cloe, Henry Davis, Hnvrj . lo Arzi'iitl, ,Patpy Bruno, Garret t Di- THE STREET" Mr. and Mrs. Wilney I. Cook, of Ix>ng TO OUST ACTING MAYOR 4A and 4B Grades, Bortha A. Shaw- Ferguson, Aurham Pei,nbere, Raymond' brow, Jkroph Farbell, Anlnirio Irene George K. Van Note, wlio has hew in liranch. ger, teacher—Boys, 11; Peter Ar/.enti, •JreiMi, leodor Gruber, Frank l.uiiarelli, I Saimml l.cilttitz. GeorKe Van 'Fell :h<" horse shoeing 'tnis-hx^s In New Mi*. Nelson OlmstPad, of Hath ave- Ford Garretton Ai»erts that He. Not Thadius Alwyn, Leonard Gettleson, Frank MinnlEch, Edwin Vanllyke,' <;irls 0—Anirte Honcfnrlr, I.i'iia 1'iMitii Although a young man, being a lit- Vnrk City, hHB Uoen home HufTering nue, long i.ranfh, wan the recent L. C. Dalton, la Chief Executive iver .forty, Harry Vanllrunt, of Hroad- Bertram Gross, Gilbert katz, Ed'wapl 1Is Wi'inkofsUy. Girls, 11— Rose | Annie EK( zia, Hannah Selvvarlz. Ma: from a KXV fin^r. in MHO* UH*O- gti< of her mother, Mrs William ' In Perth Amboy. ' in; . *v i. iniwi&h y. VIIIIM. 11—nusi ""»"' '-h' "m. 11 •» »" "*•> "• ' '•• >"«• vay, ts a globe girdler when the nuin- iiiown. o West I'ai It avenue. Knox, Harry Lipplncott, Rclbt. Meyers, Hninp, Minnie Cole, Delia Julian, l.emi Rie Slrollo, Rose SuvriMiiino. Honoi -;oui]talilc niniincr a piece of Htrc! Trenton, Feb. 2.—Ford Garretenon :er of miles ho has travelled are figur- 'Ihe Kijjworth League held a eocial Benj. s-acoo, Samuel VanDyke, Marcel- Mazza, Helen Morris, Beatrice Morris, pupils or term—Ormand West, Anlonk lodffcx] In his hiQcx finger wlii''h rau^ttl in the Supreme Court yeeterday be- IUB Nautere. Girls, 13—Rose Christ i,' Ar.na NorPell, Mary Slinms, Rosina Arzonti. Patsy Bmiio,,l-etia peiila. >d. Mr. Van Brunt 1B eonneeted with mtftCA Buffering. At the RoOMV«t1 as well as a buslnefH nuHMhiK at tho gan quo warranto proceedings to test 1 me of Gothem's 'Ijest known banlfs, Reva Deaver, Maud Flammer, Kl.sk iatito, Hose SwersUy, Grac A'anWin- U E. Clark Bo 14—Val- hoMitltal, In NPW York t'it>( the x-i'iiy imrgonage on Saturday evening, Since ihe right of Lawrence C. Daltou to. Foulkea, Rose Flare, Sadie -Gruber, kle. Honur roll to]' term—Hnyjs—An- entine Mari'Ui, Feji\ NU:io, Paul CoJes nd fr IJII jvils for term—Hciward Kiispn. Ku\nKiud (iicen. Frank l^tiiuir- I tirara, Boooo Pomaoola, Antonio lay every woiking day in the year, ].son, of tho Mon- Mnyor in November,' 1910, and served fears, Of a 1ntal of three quarters of a i Boys—Alfred BoltOQ, Roefiman Collins, 3B (iruilc. llmi'vieve Rliwr, MMbaT pi UK- Girls !j- -Floreln'c llanieil^ Mrs. James King, of Lowls 8tr» Pt, until his election as Sheriff. In 1909 ni'Jii.n <>i' miU's, a record that in harif mouth road, who was operated! on four Edigar Conovcr, Samuel Dillione, Har- Hr.ys, i; Williiiln m-ni'ilk'i. IlMnrn Mary Oirimi, Annie iiamald, Kaiiifiim liiis liven indin]x).H) BotMai ..if 4omr..H« tor tsfi AntMiiio Cblistl, E\ a Ma> lNM» laid, a n«w "Wliite Way" has beeonie acting Mayor. At the meet- 3B and 4B Grades, R HI Twillllllsl. -locti'd ihe f'tllowlng nfflciTH f*»r tin- Mrs. Hurry (I VanN'nte, Of West old Dtten. llM Wolkome. Wiltlam P*nn. Heli i! Vf tit-r I>ci i] (.ipiiiiil UJI and a bank building ing .January 3, however, the Board of teacher; 13 Boys--America An;is!nsiu, ens.iing term: ptfll avcniH-. Kpfiit a iKirtlon of th" Ariafltii;:u. ADtoala BfoUa IB Gradr, .M. U. PoUfWSl, u-nctn-r. it? ln-iim iTMinl. C/redit. for iho many 1 Aldermen elected Mr. Dalton. Harry DraVe. Martin Faubie/<\ [trad Snpt. jHaa^ B> Whtip. wftk with friftids in New York. Boy a liunn ()x!ey, Arndlfl Tbolop rhaiifcfs \vrou«iit in a few years is t.amra, Clarence Raimo, Rol" •< Hid 2A—M. M in Firn. MHriMftat Biiperint'-ndt-'ti! Wil Harry (J. VaiiNote and Leroy ljilrd W&m, Otfls— l-'t-aiH is Sciiwartz. Honor due to the efforts of a few men piBg. Henry Ratafin. Car! inn LI Frank Ilruni Ahraham jam Belshaw. -tui!! SatiudHv at Newark, N, J. Woman'* Suffrage for Sweden. Joseph Gantley, Fred Fornicolo, Swi S>u])il for ierm -F^aBcla Bc&vartB who formed Hie Ratonlown imjlTOVfr- Second. as> isf H nt supf i intt ndfiii DauiiHidf. dosna Kraho>;io, CliarH'g 1 Stockholm^felS. 2.—The enactment 1 Kindergarten GiaU^ , C. B. Of*born, meat Society a ft»w years eg*). The Martin, Barrett Oxly. neorp-f Bytow | f.arsen. (Jeorpe Piega^f- . HamM H<:i>in- William Woolley. of the woman's miffrage bill for Swed- teacher. Boys Tonj Schwitz, .lohn 13 Girls—Angelina Bruno, Adeh- I us, son, Theodore Pinson, John Bon&ett, nembera of the new a«BOc!atlon were Secretary—Carrol DanRlor. The Credit They Oiv* You. en is believed to be assured, as a re- Rose Lup-arelli, Irene Poppa, Oarmella Oeria, Wiliie Dartatl. QWbi Auc< determined to gel Baton town out of t fssiliii* Lasj DBICJ, .]<"•.>ph Imckmi . Trnapurer^—Miss Lav in la TJenn**n. •Wtmt is wrtinr Huhed the man jBult of the recent elections in which Krann1,' Mary Maz^n, Priscilli i' b» Tin and they have sneoecded. The strollo, Helen BtlfHUt, Aafteliaa , Merwin Hiein, Franii fsMl>i». Arthur Lilirai i;m- Arthur .larkflon. with n liking for tlif Hlwtrusc. jihe Ltberals were victorious. , The village ha- MM <>f the finest grammar <'oU'w, Sarah Coles. Bortfca. fiittmr .\>i- : MrCarW'< . QUU 7 (";*'•• ' I 9onW! », Ortufit- Wm rniic ncishiiw. "tm&ttkf 'MHANMi tb** cynfcal leader of the party, MTstaaff, said to- Asbury Church Topics. in the mate and is d"estin*'d to lie Know, Minnie Lawlev, AiUnnia Sac I LWCJ Cnrcii, U 'lliic JMV I • A4sif?tant organist—Mfas llonie friend. "Is sonietbing that impels your i!av that he attributes Its success co, Helen White. Honor pup IN tor ; ^|:l.]^'i<. SHU W««1 t •witHrtiucK tin WW» I#'HI b oon • {conic H !i\•<>!> hnronfth Rome dny Dangler. largely to the. campaigning done by I HeU?t" This will B4 tlif Bid •njMlntunn— to smile signKtruDt term—Anierico Anu.-tasia, Frod Forni- I enti. Bert.ha UelQeKon. Honor piipiiB Aiih a nunor and a board of aldermen , ihf suffragettes, especially In the ag- tri^>ir of th" evening Bern ly iind reniiirk, 'A fool for luck.'" vi>t*>. t8yfdMTiK of ge.tfing out of tlM nil " siret-t, has bepn confined to h»'r hom. diet, Angelina Coles, Sarah CMtt, Min Tins .vim • •••- win wtiu .niji•('- en r>f a definition of tsM word nip Lawley, Anfonia MMOVt B K Wi rut" given by a Red Bank pastor it Theodore Brown, of WfRt ParU j 3B and 3A Grades, T-iliian W Qtae w%M ih:n. a gravp with both end* i"pcov«?rinR from n j All th» cbolcedt cntflnw- teacher. Boys 11—-Revo F> n*rkeO out." Rather a crude expres- f-r\ imM a*t«ck of inflstnftiory \ T« o' th« spasnn, FLORAL 1 B It 2nd What i Carmen Forntcol»>, OtartM «u. Harrv To;... '"larenoi. ion, ji-ni ft, but it fiorveR 1O answer 'heumatifm. DESIGNS for funeralu and • ir j .lose]th Penn. Raymond Sohenke. Han v • ~ P. William Rsadolph, 'nip-- in lionr Mrs, Lewis Harvc> kM ' '' n India I any occasion arti**i<*ally MoGarvej, toteaw Win (ISMST. BSCRV&? Topic oT tnori; • :>ot-**d durinK the week. 'Why did rbri=t romp m • ^n-nnie, itiii from the en- arranged. Mail and Phone Katz, t>avid l>auda. Benjamin 1 i Th*rp will V>e a nj**'in*'v \ Girls '• aiiPii>ff, BSJWD Tie l.u.-ia. Don Ittcaca sawU&g titM.- ;ii. mt^Mfl :n (hf Bdroel I • • i A. CORUM, Norwood Ave. «ttention, and safe delive- GirU, • l•"»— Kmily Byrd. M U M on Maud Coitani, la Adverse in the Daiiy U+l&XSj&JS?,? WHli«ffi Jeffriv, of \h*» M&m-\- S. E.btron. Tel. L'ctl M04 ry ird. It will pay you. anii Tfclrt ai tn.|le\ «V«a mon-ih road, wa** t-he recent guest of. LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, PBB. 2,, 1912. 6,0000 PARTiCiPflNTS MUTINEERS HOLD r« « • • •»•••© o o««oe»*o«T«eV AND SPECTATORS AT; MEXICAN TOWN (Continued from First Page.) "/ney 'Davis of Red Bank. Mbvlng Damage by Fire and Loot pjctures were also taken or Ihe antics of the fifth clans ice boats and several animated photographs were secured. ers Is $200,000. I Le MAI STRFS9 ! Skating Races Summaries. 9 Tlie sura man* of the skating races j follows: 9 Half-mile open, heats—1st heat. REIGN OF TERROR IN JUAREZ Jack Woods and Everett Warden, of | this city, and Shinty J'lttV'S)t,j&f ^eii Bank, qualified. _'nd hfj&*J^T*ish heat won by Woods, Fisher 2nd, Davis I Promised Reform* 3rd. Wends' victory'^(ioteftted by ' HJ! i'a Tex.. Feb. 2.~\V.iU disorder Embroideries, Laces a 1 White Goods Fisher. tin* Mexican town uf Jim : naii-iuiUHalf-mile' opeopenn to BcnooittoyiBchoolboys unaerunder, * - fifteen years—Won by Bdwa^, How- l'*z- avrutm the river from here, is In land, Sea Bright; Jg£e«w**f Pavla, Red I'"' ImmlH of noo mutineers. They bev*. UK Ifcuik, 2nd; K4tf ArHlcks. R«l Flank.!elected their mvn officers, unit » mnjor 1**1 ••,"."* l -^ I II,i(y. .ar...... e „,.,.BOW• ,.,..,,,1drunk. , ,,,wJUMI l .1,,tin* . ,.t*i., j '• Half-milt' open schoolboys-—Won who dnicd'ri'iuniu arc t utl New Embroideries • New Laces bj Myron Mfnton. Fir Haven; Harry The re in the place Jarvls, Red Bank, 2nd; Clarence Hend- that of Kittelscii . on, Fair Haven, 3rd. silbjt* (s. Can^Iaj M atOCl. vtlluej ;ii ' 2-miie handicap open—Won by ih-\1200,000. was burned. Heard Bros.. Fisher, Red Bank, 40 yards; Sfflney ••. oiicriHing Hit; "Three I Fine Embroidered Edgings, 10c to 12c values, 5c yd. New Val Lacei and Insertions, values'up to ioc. ifj I*VJB. Red Bank 2nd, 40 y*rd«: Phillj. u^'^oi-ri'n^JuaSV cVaim'tUelP*^ DeBlaBi.Now York. 3rd, R>Tyards; Jacji fj.(,,u ||le |oo(in.s )o,.lN ffl^oOO. Other yd. Special 5c yd. 9 Woo.ie. of this city, BXartedi tnim\\wne* w«n» not so tieavy, bat the total gcratch •but withdrew after first mile (,X|W1| ,,f (|H. \iMtt\ng |« S2OO,O0O, in nd « l^Tne* Embroidered Flourfcings, 15c to 20c values, had been completed. dittoU to the .l.'sfi'iH-liuii tis' lire. Xew All Over Shadow Laces and Nets, 50c, 9 One-mile open—Won by Del. Fisher, Tlie iiiutiiKvi's IIIMI Information ...... I SOc yd. Red Bank; Sidney Davla, Red Bank federal troops litnl (>< 75c, $1.00 and up. ,4 2nd; Everett Warden, Ijong Branch, Juarez from Ihe t'lly ut Mexico and # \, Insertions to match tlie abova 3rd. that HadwletQ noldlflri, beaded byPaa Half-mile open to schoolboys—Won t-uiil Oiuzco, u-pre comlo^ from ('hi by VernoQ Morford, Red Bank; Myron huiilni.i Tills WSJ otlichilly i-oiiflrnird FinS All Over Venice Laces, $1, $1.25, $1.50, % Minion, fair Haven, 2nd; Christopher tn the Mexieiin consul in 151 PIIHO. K. O. « 18-inch Embroidered Flouncings, l2j^c yd. Doughty, Fair Haven, 3rd. IIJoi'ftote ,• in (llapiitcho• a both from Mu $1.76 and up. 9 ThretMnlie handicap open — Resulted ,^vv" :J( tiie^Ciiy ot Mexico and G ei1 - { 9 in dtead heat between Del. Fisher :ind '"" " "" n"t* * Sidney Davis, of Red Bank. Fisher To meet (1)1H exigency the inutiiiw;r.i j Fine Venice Edgings and Banding*, 15c yd. and ^ starting from ecratcb, and Davis from liui-neil lirld^fH and IHi Vniph WIIVK fur |. 27-inch Embroidered Flouncings, 20c and 25c yd. the 20-yard line. The winner was st'vi'ml miles soiiili uf Jiiiire/, on Hit? decided by a Sip of a <*oln and FSsher Helicon Niitiouiii and .Mrxienu North upward. 9 was the victor. Da via, 2nd; Philip western niilrotids ami posted Kunrd.s to | [•''ine Embroidered Flouncings, 27 inches wide, DeBlasi, New York, 300 yards, 3rd. wiiii-h for the iipprmu-u uf the troops 9 'I'liey doClaNI they have iiu feiir from Special race for* non-wtnnera, one- the troops In Chihuahua am Torreon; Xew Cluny Laces, 2Oc and 25c yd. and up- 9 mile—Won by Philip DeBlasi, N. Y.;thin these tTOOpI will refuse to lire | 50c, 65c, 75c, 95c, $1 and up Harold Coleman, Long: Ltranoh. 2nd; ,ip»h them, but will juin tljetii on nr- ward. —~_ ::s :'M Sidney Davis, Red! Bank, 3rd. •IvnI. The mutineers liiue been chiliu- Fancy Skating Exhibitions. • - , 9 A.n intermission was taken duriuu bnt (ienernl OnNteb would join f! ^ine All Over Embroideries, 5Oc, 75c, $1 and up. i . . , • Ibem, but Couaul Llorelite (leehires thiit fm - ho racesn ,a swhe gen na b yfanc Mry. anskatind Mrgu Aexr - ^ thuhlbitior Q.n waWilliamss given, boyf MrRe.d an Bankd Mra, Mr- Ar,- uu,|j( 9 Williams is the champion lanry •mat AuiericnnH wlio visited Juarez claim uf skater of the world and he ami Ills tti have counted ei^ht dearl and to have wife were heartily ayDja^U'dJur itnii Men nint! wounded men as u result uf I fine performance. AW M QKeWhficy the ur^ioH, but the mutineem eliiiin thiit glides wire HhitJfruted by tlio jMrform- july three were killed. i era and they also went through it All the residents of .Inure/, have lied tn VA TIIKO, and many of the pool New White Goods "dance" on their skates. fiimilles are camping in the ojteu euuu i First Race. . try JIIOIIK the river on itie AmeritHii Spreads and Toweling Ia«o, W. T. Van Brunt, t 1 1 bana of ihe ltl<> tirande. lflghland'Laildles, W. M. Morris, Jr., | The Amerifau tr*>ps are. keeping n I 40-inch English Nainsook, 20c value, very special, Long IJ. .'J, 2 2 i]Kit| pimrd on tliu river oinl iiro not Miss Morris. Mr. Van Brunt,. 4 periu.lliug Ameiienns to ss Jnt< Second Race. Jiuirez. 12J/ c yd Dirk Crockett, Edward Funtu 'J'iiu Kl Paso chamber of 3 Full^Size Spreads, $1 value 80c. <* ,Lim rofi f. ."* held :\ nieetiiigjui'l went a telegram to Viceroy, William A. Tru . ^ I I'resUleut T»lt iiHUiiiK that more troops . J .Hank, '. , 8 ! 8 he dispatched here. Artell. William Van l»elt, Key-^ i Vnrlou« renwous are given for tbe mn- I $1.00 English Long Cloth, piece of 10 yards, 85o. port 7 '2 If ;i iiny. Borne «ny the men mullnhHl tw 12^ Extra Size Huck Towels, 9d. J Third Race. 'iillKe S'IHIC of their fellow soldiers luiti both mliii'ihiK tauctoot^ to etc. on tlie cleared ipftCfl of ice near ih.'lr denuUHta the iteamboat. tlasdim una also en- he niiii'TM iwkcil u Jen caat ||wr («n J rettae and Ihe o MAISTRPS joyed by a number on the bow of the iN rlV-tiiitnii 11 steamboat. per cBBI dectwai o( tin mlnei EMORY ST., ASBURY PARK ur .-iilliuK iiiLii ni ferenw 0 Barry Allaire, ai \\'VHI if'ioin KUCVI. but II. will not l>e held, it' at ;i!l. until Hewi Bank, waa nwarded the lirsi tU'ler 1-Vb. ^7. on wiiirh dflte Hie nn pri7e foi Hi'- most oriRiiuil OMttUH. ini'-ile tnhieis ami ojn'ratois nie to Mr Allaire wat tlfOMOd as • woman 1 .llfeF 111 New fart BOth sides M an(Thin make-up' was sim|t!y "grtat". ewmrj [he helief Hint it wniild he IH'| Mn. Harry Allaire, dreaa^d, iis it 1 •!• n-il tu meet ngilh until after the flow11,' was ifiven an ;iward for tIn llhrnrUe ..•ourerejirt'. Indies' noil i-omieal .costume, and Randolph MiuHoujtiiH. or Red Hank. ilrfufied as a "Chinaman," was award Frank E. Harris Dead. •*d for wearing tae must liumorous Itiiejhamion. N. V. IVl), % -I'rank WE'RE GOING TO MOVE I-]. Umtb. proiuiuetit hUlHttn tnau tU(l \1;IKUI:. is (leatl Owing to the Increase in business, we have been compelled to take a larger store. Be- LEAP YEAR DANC ginning Monday, we will be located at 145 Broadway instead of 147. Ladies of Reserve oV AUxilia^ In WEATHER EVERYWHERE. Charge of Affair Which Was Attended By 250 ohscrvationa of the Initeil 1 sinies ^fiither hurenu taken at One of th* leadinR BOCIH! esfiatn o! S | in mlUltajr folion-; the Reason, and ppfliaps one" of Che ALL PRESENT STOCK MUST BE SOLD SATURDAY REGARDLESS OF COST. i Teiun. Weather. moM ^BUjoyabl#» m ('loudy x Hoatun L'l rioiifly Loin of Pork 12"Ac lb. Sirloin Steaks out of Prime Native Beef - 14c lb. n; i hi' Hftt'ivr hUne rumpanv. Th«-re Muffitlo tW vciv i jartirlpantfl. Snow Chicago 14 Clear Frankfurters Porterhouse Steak of the same beef - - 14c lb. When the Ruenta b«Ran arriving SI LiMiia 24 Cloud; Leges of Veal they were ^n-.ied by* prHtilj decor- New Orleans .. Ti4 Clear 12Hclb. Scrapple , - - - - 4 lbs. 25c ated Auditorium and u b*vy of accom- Cloudy Forquarters Veal modating jadles. • hi> uoQutftMted the 10c lb. Prime Rib Roast Heavy Native Beef - 14c lb. CHiiniJtlM ot arraDReiHeutti I! tiemen wrere pres< nieii witt- plmka as Cairo's Books. ook* priutod in C^iiro are reail hy All goods left after 10 oVldck Saturday Night will be sold at auction, regardless of cost. ramp 'ii'1"* "I Hi'1 Snhani. iu tlw u-ltet nf '1 nnbiiiitii under the » eiy iilitws of file KiiaKa Uinl are MsM* di. s Takinc advantage ot 'In- |#ap M-.II ei! in the ni.i*'|iies i.f Jiiva and wrst- privil*-K" T1H'\ ;>.

ana tear down our little red school- house, one of the most sacred spots on BOWSER'S CIDER. eartb. to us, and you haven't a word t<) say! Even when I tell you that '•«W8 are uow chewing their cuds on NOTE:—We never carry merchandise from one season to another. In order to make room for It Brought Tender Memories f lie ppot where 1 first told you of my C. B. OEAVER love, you do not shed a tear." , new models daily arriving, we have reduced prices regardless of cost. Back With a Rush. "I can't weep over nil the sad things t hear. In this case 1 suppose the 232 Broadway opp- building wns about ready to fall any- A JUG OF TEARS AND LAUGHS how. Won't you lie dowu?" . Rockwell Ave. "And there wan an old oak *inder . which w e used to gather acorns," eon- Tha Gift From an Old Friend In Cha # Telephone 22-J riinieil Mr. Bowser as his face prew mung County Inspire! Him to an Al redder and more tears came. "They most Lyrical Outburst, With Which have gone and cut down that denr old The Place Where Every Mr*. Bowser Show* an Annoying tree and put up a windmill in its place. Lack of Sympathy. How dare they do It! It was under By M. QUAD. the uni-umbrageous branches of that Clever House Wife Knows old oak that I first told you of my [Copyright, 1912, by the Associated It! erary Press.] love; that you told me my love v.ae re- She Gets Her Full Valie HE Bowsers had Just finished turned. 1 wanted to buy that tree and dinner the other evening when preserve it under a glass to me, but an expressman drove up with a they have rut down and fold it for T two gallon jug: which wns tog- stove wood!" Special for Saturday ged in Mr. Bowser's name/ Tlje cork Too Unsympathetic. being removed and the contents sam- "It's too bad," said Mrs. Bowrter. and Monday pled, he smacked his lipn and explain- "but doh't you think you'd better go ed: to, bed now? I'm nfrald you're not feel- •"i'liis nnisi oe hard cider. I had ;i ing well.' We have a few cases of letter away along last fall from au old "No, I'm not feeling well. Do you friend in Cheniung county,'and I re- know, I feel that I won't live to bother COOKMAN AND GRAND AVES., member that he hinted about sending a-ny one much longer? I shall be found ASBURY PARK. Hire's Evaporated Milk me down a jug of something gooxl later dcrrd In my bed Rome morning, and left from our last weeks on. By John, the taste of ft hriisgH that will he the end of it. I dtd want buck the days when I used to walk to see that dear old hill again, the spot sale as long as they last three miles to the cider mill! The old where 1 first told you of my love as days are gone never to return, but here we were sliding down the hill, but it 7c 4 cans for 25c is the cider, and I'd rather have it than cannot be. Do you know they him1 so much champagne." torn that hill down and made a wood- Extraordinary Sale Sharps, Carmelo, or Magnolia "1 have beard that hard cider is al- yard on the spot? How could they do M Ik IOJ, 1.15 doz. most an bad as whisky to intoxicate," it—how eould they?" observed Mrs. Bowser as Mr. Bowser "Well, we are sorry, but w> cuuft Domestic Sardines 5c got away with his second glass within help It, and I think you'd better go to five minutes. bed now. You know you were up late To-morrow, February 3rd 6 cans for 25c "That's all nonsense. There isn't last night." enough alcohol in a barrel of it to nf- "Go to bed? Never! -How can I go •-., i Norwegian Smoked Sardines fect the brains of a canary bird. I'm! to bed when I know that the dear ottl very special 10c But that is olfl times! I feel almost us Tiorse pond In which I first told you of my love has been out up and sold by Izuma Crab Meat large can 45c the piece? Such things sink deep Into Final Clearance my heart, and if you were a true heart- Deviled Grab Meat 28c ed woman you would be weeping In- 6 Crab Shells Free with each stead of sitting there like a log of Can. wood. You wouldn't care,lf all the dear old things of your childhood were LEFT-OVER LOTS traded off for turnips." Premier Dry Pack Shrimp "Where are you going?" asked Mrs. 15c and 25c Bowser as he started down the hall. "Where am I going? I'm golug to Sweet Spanish Pimentoes find some one who can sympathize with me and understand my feelings. 12c can You can sit there with your heart of TAILORED SUITS stone, and the blamed old can sit Runkel's Cocoa 10c tin 9c there with you, but I—I"— 25c tin 17c The Last Chapter. He put on his hat and went out. The 35 Tailored Suits, in Cheviot, Serge, and Runkel's Milk Chocolate night wind dried his tears, but at the 7.50 5c cake 6 for 25c same time it set that hard cider work- Mannish Materials ing up in the top of his head, and Mr. Value $15 to $30 Runkel's Almond Bars 5c Bowser had only reached the corner when he had to reach out for the 6 for 2£c fence. What happened to him in the next quarter of an hour was told by Loose Cocoa 21c Ib. the policeman who brought him home. "Madam," he said as Mrs. Bowser Granulated Sugar 5He Ib. "HE FELL OVKK A DOG." answered his ring at the bell, "la thin WINTER COATS if I were climbing apple trees again. your husband?" with other groceries. If only we had a pumpkin pie now I'd "Yes," she replied as Mr. Bowser Anchovy Shrimp and Bloater feel myself an.Uncle Kube." was assisted Into the hall. Mr. Bowser read his paper for ten "His name Is Bowser, isn't It?"' Paste 25c can minutes and then descended to the din- "Yes." 25 Winter Coats, in mixtures, Zibeline, 5.00 ing room to see if the gas wus turned "Yesta, name's Bowser," mused the Nabob Table Sauce 12c bot. out. He decided to kill two birds with culprit as he lenned up against" the Camel's Hair and two-tone effects. one kBtone, and a third glass of hard wnll and started around. Value $15 to $25 Capers 12c bot. cider followed the second and first. A "Has anything happened to uuhinge quarter of an hour later the jug was his mind?" continued the officer. Cwry Powder 12c bot. tipped up for the fourth time within found him at the corner muttering forty minutes, and soon after he came a IK MII a lit t le red schoolhouse. He Celery Salt 9c, 3 bot. 25c upstairs he began to grin and chuckle. an't crazy, Is he?" Fancy Maine Corn 9c can Hia Spirits Rite. "Not at all. He simply received a "Anything funny , happen today?" jug of hard elder from Chemung coun- SERGE DRESSES queried Mrs. Bowser after a sharp ty tonight." 3 for 25: took at him. "I see, mnduni; I understand." L mon Cling Paaches 20c "Yes; a •• fat man was running to Ten minute* later Mr. Bowser was eaten a car, and—ha, ha, ha!—it was In jhert and unconscious to the world, 48 Serge and Messaline Dresses in Navy, California Asparagus tips menu to laugh at him, but when be and Mrs. Bowser was downstairs 7.50 fell over a dog and rolled over and pouring out the rest of the cider and 20c can over how could any one help but—ho, replacing the contents with water, Black and White. Newest models. ho, ho!" When he came down to breakfast he Value $15 to $30 California Large White *Tt wouldn't drink any more of that sought the jug for another drink, but hard cider this evening if I were you." after a taste he set It down niul Asparagus 23c "What's the matter with the cider? growled: Ha, ha, ha! Say, now, look at your 'Humph! Chemung county must be Good Butter 32c Ib. old cut. Isn't she a perfect picture of mighty hard up for tea!" domestic contentment? With a dear Good Eggs 34c doz. little wife at my elbow and hluuidd CHIFFON WAISTS old cat on the hearth rug I ought to Broken Along the Highway. Strictly Fresh Eggs 45c doz. be a happy husband, eh? I think the If good resolutions were made None over 3 or 4 days old. basement door muy be open, and I'll of glass what a tremendous lot Sunbeam Buckwheat 13c go down and see." of tire punctures there would be! 55 Chiffon and messaline Waists, in all "I'll call the girl." -rCIevelfttid'Platn Dealer. 2.00 2 for 25c "No; I'll go. Yes; she's a nice old rat, and you are a dear little wife, the latest prevailing shades. Value $5 to $7.50 the be st put in package iinii If you'd seen that fat man fell Unmistakable Evidence. over that dog you'd have g«ue iuto a "Aha!" exclaimed Hurlock 8 holmes Old Fashioned Buckwheat —ha, ha, ha!" as he entered the apartment. "There 4c Ib. The basement door, was not open. WUH a mouse in the room." The cider jug was, however, find Mr. 1 "Your power of scent, Hurlock, * com- as long as they last Bowser took advantage of the occa- mented Wootor Dotsou, "is simply mar- sion. AH he WHS all alone and in no Smith Cider Apples 25c basket hurry he drank a couple of glasses, velous." LINGERIE WAISTS :'inl the tush- carried him back to the "Hcent nothing!" said the great de- Yellow Turnips 20c basket days when harvest apples gave him tective. "See the heel marks of a wota- the colic. He smiled to himself while an's shoe on this chair!"—Browning's Jersey Cranberries 10c qt. drinking, but when he returned to Magazine. 150 Lingerie Waists, embroidery & lace the sitting room Mrs. Bowser noticed 1.00 Boston Mince Meat 10c Ib. that his hilarity was on the wane. Perish the Thought! Five minutes later he turned to her "My dear,"' said Mr. ciarkson, "I trimmed, new 1912 Models. 3 lbs. for 25c and said: don't want you tp think I hove any de- V alua S 3 .0 0 sire in criticise you for the way you a very fine quality "Do you remember that little red minium1, but, really, we must try to school house beyond the bridge where live within our income." "Within ou; we went to school together?" income? Goodness! And be regarded "Of course,*' elie replied by everybody in our set as eccentric?"1 PLEASE SEND IN YOUR "Did I tell you Ihut it had been torn —J ml go's Library. down? Yes, turn down and a cow questioned as to "what takes the lately is that different classes of pic- stable put up there. How could they it must be admitted, say the returned ORDER EARLY place of the theatre and other amuse- tures are popular in different parts of (lO. it? That dear old school lum«e wan Market Quiet. visitors, that theatres—as auch—are are ou ments in the zone?" the zone, and the managers, realizing surrounded with sentiment. There was V^ky T rushing around so to- PLENTY DF GAYETY not much of a Success in Panama. Am- this, cater to the tastes of their aud- where I first met you. There wsi» day?" Unfortunately no data arc available ateur theatricals, particularly when iences. At Empire and Chrlstabol the where I first loved you. There was "I'm trying to get something for my either here or in Panama to makn the play presented is a well-known Good Goods, slaughter of Indians and like Western where—where"— wife." possible a comparison between this one, are extremely popular, however. "Had any offers?"—Louisville Coar- IN THE CHL ZONE country and the (anal Zone, but it pictures elicit the most applause; at Low Prices Depression Ensues. l»r-Journal. is. the opinion of careful observers Gorgona the residents seem to care Last year a choral society was or- He could not iro on. He pulled out that the American canal workers have j more for the sightly pathetic or tragic ganized at Empire and rendered ef- his handkerchief and held It to Ml aa many breaks, and on the average I films, white at Culebra, Corozal and fectively several oratorios. This year Prompt Service Cinches. Moving Pictures, Theatricals, of as good quality, in the routine of a similar society Is practicing at Ga- eyes, and Mrs. Bowser realized thflf The po*t has an «aiy Job. Gatufl there is a distinct leaning to- the hard elder fmiu old ("helming linil H« nev^r has to think; their lives as they had in the cities ward the more romantic scenes. tun and a glee club is rounding Into got in its work in good ffhnpe. He only needs a fountain pen. Choral Societies and Other of the "home country." shape at Culebra for a tour of the Did you get a can pf the The < 'oniinJHRion elubhoufw,,, as a "Hadn't you better lie dowu on tHe Borne paper and some Ink canal villages. I Amusement Features. Moving pictures, that element of in- concession to the demands for danc- Italian Tomatoe Paste lounge for an hour or so?" she sup struction and entertainment second to ing and music, have secured the ser- So that the American in Panama, be jreaieil as his tears mntvmied fn fall. ' Tha cook ah«- alao has-a. *ji»oh none when price and €?ase of acces- vices of bands which play at stated he visitor or permanent resident, will "No, etr!" he replied wltb considers Shr ne\*r'haa to eat. last week? If so I know Put ei . IIK>V. her Jaws awhile Washington, Feb. 2.—As the work Bibilfty is considered, are the princi- | times at the popular clubs, while have bat little trouble in finding some- you are satisfied, it not We force "Mrs. Itnwser. wh»t Irtiwt And iimel! the roaatlng meat. jn the Panama Canal draws to a close pal sources of entertainment in the dances, to which the only necessary thing to while away the long tropical we have a few cars left of n woman are you? Here they gu ^0 -Tonkeii Statesman. and It becomes apparent that the dif- zone. A large number of "wiggle I invitation is a respectable character, nights. ficult problems of construction and picture" bouses, many of them as are of frequent occurrence. In addi- at 5c per can. engineering have been successfully elaborate as those in the States, dot tion to this, there are a number of solved. Interest in social conditions in the Isthmus, and those draw their I minstrel shows given every winter the Canal Zone increases and visitors nightly quota of amusement seekers. by organisations 111 lh» ilifferpul V? Advertise in the Daily Rec- returning from Colon and other A fact that attracts the attention tie*, while itinerant theatrical trotfps ord. It will pay you. places In the vicinity are eagerly of Canal Zone visitors almost immed have been known to visit the solic- *^*f™" yf*ff ™"fr Mjtwitu Official Minutes of the Board of Education of the City of Long Branch.

I COMMISSION GOVERNMENT Meeting of the New Board of Edu- ' cation of th« City of Long Branch, GQLDSTIEN'S county Of Monmouth, New Jertey, at the Office Of William A. Steveng, poet- j- LEAGUE MEETING v * office building, Thtjriday, February 1, 1912, at 3.30 p. m. Members present—Dr. Joseph T. Welch, Alonzo D. Hherinan, H. 8. Hco- bey. Or. James Chasey, E. T. M. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY) Carr and William A Stevens. Meeting; called to order at 3.30 The Most o'clock and Dr. Joseph'T. Welch was appointed temporary chairman and William A. Stevens temporary secre- ! at Library Hall tary. A roll call was taken, and those members above stated were present The board went Into the election of a president, vice president and secre- Me Of The Season tary, as follows: E. T. M. Carr plac- Address by Mr. ROBERT A. MESSLER ed In nomination for president of the board K H. H locum, Jr. Mr. Slocum's nomination was seconded by Dr. James Chawy. No further nomina- of TRENTON, N. J. tions being made. It was moved that Commences Tomorrow the secretary cast toe ballot for the election of K. It. 8 locum, .)r, as presi- dent of said board, and Mr. Slocum "You have before you the question, of whether you shall abandon wns duly declared presldrnt of the board. February, 3rd a plan of government, which has never been a success; in favor of a Dr. .lames Chase y was nominated by Mr. Sherman to the vice presidency plan of government, which has never been a failure". of tbe board, and hit* nominatio.n was seconded by Mr. Scobey. No further nominations being made, the secretary was directed to cast the ballot for tbe election of Dr. Chasey as vice president of the board, and he was The Drug Clerk's Caller. A SMALL PHILOSOPHER. BULLETS IN BATTLE. duly elected vice president of the Our Entire Stock of Women's, Misses 4 M A mnn . .iniclii ywtterday Bad wont- H. L«t Mil Mother Worry About Lot- board. t-H NuwotlifUR we illdu't have. lie hfttl ing Him. Qeath Wound, and Flash Wound, and hi-i'ii looking Into the window, and he the Fealing Whan Struck. lir. JiimeH Chasey placed in nomina- must have thought this was n book WOMAN leading a small boy In -serving the Republic" General tion E. T. M Carr as secretary of the more just because we wore advertis A hounlcd a westbound car to tbe Nelson A. Mile* says that, like every board. The nomination was seconded and Junior's Cloth Coats at $7.90 some novels and stationery nod dic- en*t ••nil and. finding the seat; other soldier who has seen much active >y Alonzo Sherman. No further nom- tionaries and n lot of that left over nearly all occupied, told the boy to service, he is often asked how It feels natious being made, Mr. Carr was Jimk. • *'ell, anyhow, he rant to uiw lake one neur tlie front of tbe car, to be wounded- Fie himself was unanimously elected secretary of the iiud he says, says he, 'I want Lincoln's wlille sue Hut nearer the rear door. wounded four times ami twice almost joard. Gettysburg address.' He WHM a stout boy of about leu, fatally. »o t4 I* able to speak from It was moved by Mr. Stevens that V.'^ook for It yourself, sir,' "says 1 with 11 liirKi' while face and pale blue experience. Uc says: Mr: Carr qualify as secretary of the politely, like we're taught to do. "One is often asked how It seems to >oard by filing with the board a bond Have Been Selling All The (Season 'Tliere's a directory over there In the The mother must hove forgotten that be wounded in battle. The flight of a n the sum of |2,000, to be approved >- calmly looked around at the with nn fluxions look, a frown or a empty neat*. If the conductor expect- xuille on their cold and rUttd faces. loard of Education of the meeting Broome—112, 210, 170, 18Q, 235, 229, Th* Popular 8id« of the Street. eld by this board, an election had BROOME CRACK BOWLER "«i un outburst of grief he was dl*tnp "My wounds received at Fair Oaks. 196, 215, ft»9, 202. 17«, 202. Gootheil Owners or renters of retail stores pointed. of officers and Its results, with a re- —1«7, 201, 184, 179, 169, 210, 189, 309. should look out. for the side of the F'rederickiiburg nml Petersburg were quest that tbe books of accounts and Defeat. Sylvester Goothell by Win- "That's nit light," he said. "Hue ning Eight Games Out of Thirteen 197. 201. 190, 164, 195. street on whleh the property Is located. flesh wounds and disabled me but a llier paraphernalia of the old board The Big Value Store. won't git far. I got all her money In short time. While riding down the On Recreation Alleys. Illustrative of this Is the testimony of iliis pocket, f 14.21".. Ace the liuljje? line at ClumcellorsvlUe'oue of the ene- ie turned over to the secretary of the Qeorge iiroome, of the Record me- Spaniards Going to South America. a real estate expert In a recent case She give It to me to carry '<-au*e she's my's bullets struck my metallic belt new board at their early convenience, chanical department, is gaining a rep- Paris, Feb. 2. — Spain is losing dint ground floors on tbe west side Zimmerman's 'frnld of these fellers I hat snatehe* pluie with groat force. This caused n 'his motion was seconded by Drutatio. n as a clever bowler. He is Inthrough emigration to Chile, Brazil of Broadway, New York, should lease The popular Food mar- hand bugs, on' she ain't got no pocket. slight deviation as It entered the body. 'huHey and carried by the unanimous the top notch class, and. rolls against and Argentine* annually 260,000 of her for $150 a front foot more than similar My p;i nays my nut will IUMC her head The insult WAS an Instant doatlily sick oto of the members present. the star players. Last night on the populatlon, and, the number is growing property across the street. The vn.ue ket where the best If i*he nln't fa refill, an* now she's lost enliiK sensation. My sttord dropped No objection being raised, it was de- Elk wood Recreation alleys he defeat- constantly, says "Le Temps," In a of a retail business depends on the ided that no further election or offl- number of pftssersby, and the differ- goods are to be had at me. I'll stay on th' car an' gll my full from my right hand: my scahbnrd and ed Sylvester Qootheil in a match con- special from Madrid. So great is the 1 the lowest prices. ride oiil 1 don't want to take no belt dropped to the left. 1 was com- ent and employes of tne board nor test, the conditions being best out of rush now that the shipping compan- erice In this respect may result in a I'huuceH on ultlln' held up. Here's rtiy picte'y paralysed below the walat My alarles be considered and fixed until fifteen games. ies are Obliged to refuse passengers. booming trade on one side of a strnet borsc seemed to realize what had or- he next meeting of the board. and only moderate success on tbe oth- 3 eenls." Tho series die, not go the limit as Over 8,000 left in one week and in one er. Some men are able to acquire such Good Table Butter Anil he continued to Blare Impas- ourre'l. He stopped, turned and walked On motion of Mr. Scobey, seconded Instance all the inhabitants oti a vil- slowly back. 1 holding to the pommel y Mr. Carr, the board adjourned to Broome won 8 out of 13 games, mu.3h a reputation for their goods that the sively out of the window. to the surprise of the Ooothetl support lage, from mayor to street-s^^per, people go to them even when they The conductor mildly wondered If of the saddle with my hands. We meet again on Friday afternoon, Feb- left In a body 33c Ib, soon reached a group of soldiers, who ruary 9, instant, at 3 i>. m. efs. The opening game, when the are Inconveniently located, bnt It Is a the unhappy mother would take tbe men were warming up, went to Goo- good deal easier In building up a trade affnlr »s plainly. - - Cleveland Plata took me off and, placing me In a hlan 1 W. A. STEVENS, Best White Lard 9c Ib. kot, carried me to the Cbanqcllorsvlll* thell by a large margin. In the sec- Finger Arithmetic. to put yourself on the route traversed lienler. I1..1IM- nnd pulled a dead auan otT a Temporary Secretary. ond game both men rolled over the hy tho crowds—Leslie's. 200 mark, Broome leading by 9 pins. The earliest way of counting was by Square Brand Condensed Her Advic«. couch to make room for rise.*' moans Of tho fingers, ftnd In tho pic- 1 Five Pauls. Gootheil came back in the third with i'least , don't leiine me to niarry 14 pins to the good. Broome then set- turfe writing of the ancients the draw- NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Milk 8c can Tbls H a good example of whnt Is a Ing of nn "I't'ii hand'invarhthfy Mini- u." she berated. "It seems to me TOOK HIS TIME. common phenomenon in the polyglot tled down, winning the 4th, 5th, 6th, Hires Evaporated u me foolish tu wont to handicap Itnlkaus: A man named Pavel--that Is, 7th and 8th games right off the reel. fied the uiiim-nil V. Homo nations, in- iir*p|f with H wife now. Yoii ought Paul, had five sons. One settled In He made another run in the last three deed, even went so far as to innke LEAVE LONG BRANCH wait uniil you huvi' done, something ill Qava the Old Man a L.nj Wait concluding games, winning the 11th, their week consist of five days. A few Milk 7c can Far the (aoklog. Athens and called himself Parlopoulo, Sat New York, Newark aod Elisabeth, 6.28. tu nutke yourself important -something the Greek form of Paulson; the sec- 12th and 13th frames. tribes were not content to const solely •7.1X, *S.17, 9.M, 11.4T a, m.; 2.3T, 4.17, 5.11 that will mnke the girl you choose to Skipper Norwood was bom In a lit. (Saturday* only), 7.17, (1.15 p. m. Sundays. Karo Syrup 10c can 8c tie Nova Scotia, town During the long ond went to Belgrade ant) called him- Broome's high roll was 235, made in by the fingers aloue und udded their S.Sft a. m.; 4i8* 7 DO, 8.50 p, m. share your lot feel thtil nhe Is for- self Pavlovlcu; the third In Sofia Will- the '5th game when Goothell 'tallied toes as well. The Aztecs, for example, For Btlttmore and Washington, 9.04, 11.17 tunnte." winter evenings young Bill used to lie a. m. ; 2.37, 4.17 p. to. Sundays, 8.95 a. m.; 15c can 12c out In front of the big open fireplace, ed himself Pavloff; the fourth made but 169. Bpoome's second high score counted in multiples of twenty and 1.38 p. m. * • • He twirliil hi- lint for u moment his home In Bucharest under the name 229 in the 6th game. He rolled over bad twenty dnyt> in their months. The For Atlantic City, 9.30 a. m.; 4.17 p. m,, dint was silent. and jiiHt about the time ho bad got Tin Red Back. Suddayi, B.25 a. m. i Best Sugar Corn 8c can warm and comfortable and a trifle Pavlenoti. while the youngest set upthe 200 mark in six games. Gootbell's Roman notation consisted of a ten fin- For Freehold (leare N. T. *fc L. B. ft. It. I hope." she said, "I have not hurt, m^pfcrtnetis In Constantinople, assum- high score was 210 in the 6th game. gered system, and the X used to n\g Station), via MftUnan. 7.12, 9.04, 11.47 A. your feelings. Please rememlwr that drowsy Norwood senior would make m ; 4.17 p. . Sunday!. 8.55 a. m.; 4.33, B.50 Pork and Beans up Ms mind the Ore was getting low ing the Turkish form of Pavlogln.— He succeeded In'rolling over the 200 nify ten is. after nil, only two V'SJ p. m. I have MIM what 1 did only for your Londoti b mark in four games. placed point to point or «pex to npex, —New Totjk only. own good. I know you rmv<> it In you and send tils son out into the snow to 10c size 8c, 15c size 12c. bring In a backlog from the wood pile It was an exciting match through- the V typifying five. W. C. BBSLKR, W. C. HOPE, to do things. It would he a pity If Advertise in the Dally Record. out, the following being the scores: V. P. A G. II. Q. P. A- you were tied down by matrimony so Eventually these nocturnal pilgrim Large Can Kippered Herring that you could never come Into your ages got on young Bill's nerves, and own." one night when his father sent him Imported 12c Well," he replied at last, "I supout after the backlog the son conilo pose you're right about it. A wife ued on past the wood pile and across Good Whole Rice 5c Ib. mlKht tnu'treir" with my progress. ountry to th» nearest seaport,.where he shipped on a whaler. Buy while the buying's is good Carolina Head Rice Thank you fur opening my eyes while t is not yet too late." Nine years later Bill came back. It 4 lbs, 25c "Of course," she said when he was was a bitter winter night, and the snow THIS is really a great chance you have to get fine clothes at so much .about to start away, "It wouldn't do was falling. BUI sueaked up to the nny harm fur us to 1M> engaged. We window and looked Into the old sitting less than they're really worth. If you haven't been in to see, you ought to Apple Jelly Tumbler 5c could put off the wedding for six or room. The fire was burning In the old seven months, you know."- Chicago ".replace, ana Bill's father and mother come at once. Heconi-Hernld. were seated in front of it. He noticed French Mustard that the lire was a trifle low. Ho he went to the wood pile, selected a big Tumbler 5c Coal Bin M*aaur*m*nta. backlog^ carried It into the house and Hart Schaffner & Marx A solid cubic foot of anthracite roal stood fur a moment by the fire with Catsup Large bot. 10c weighs ninety three younds. When bro- the log on his shoulder. clothes at such prices as ours now, are too good a thing to miss. You ought to jump at the ken fur uw It weighs about fltty-fuur "Father.' Mid Bill, "I've brought In chance; you'll never have a better one. We'll keep it going as long as the goods fast; but you pound*. UltumlDoUB coal Wben broken hat backlog you seat me after." Macaroni Spaghette up fur use weighs about fifty pound*. The old' man never budged an inch. don't expect them to last long at figures like these: The consequent rule for the approxi- Instead he spat into the fire and re Large Pfcg. 7c mate measurement of coal in a bin or orted teatlly: box In to multiply the length In feet b.v "Bet It on the fire. You've been a CLOTHING Butterine the height In feet nnd uguln by the ong while gittln' It •"- Saturday Rven $10.00 Suits and Overcoats 9 7.60 *18.(K) Suits anil OvercoatK 13.50 brendtb in feet nud (Us result by fifty ng Post. four for nntbraclte coal or hy fifty for 12.00 Suits and Overcoats 9.00 20.00 Suits and (>vorooatn 15.00 Fancy Roll Butterine liltuniluotls coal. The reault will equal Baauty. 1.X50 Suits and Overcoats 10.12 22.50 Suits and Overcoats 16.88 the number of pounds, and to find the 15.1H) Suits and Overcoats 11.26 16c Ib. number of tot» divide by 2,000—Popu "Beauty Is only skin deen." quoted 25.00 Suits and (>vpro9ats 18.75 tar Mechanics. .he wise guy "Yea," assented the simple mug; "a Very Best Butterine girl may hare tecih like pearls and. still MEN'S PANTS Th. Obliging Friend. »e. us dumb us an oyster."- Phllsdet $L60 Trousers , A $1.13 $3.6Q Trousers $2.63 "Tou know that iirlg([« and I both )hla Record 22c Ib. lore you. <'nn't you make a choice to 2.00 Trousers 1.60 4.00 Trousers 3.00 2.50 Trousers 1.88 4.50 Trousers 3.38 Best Santos Coffee '•A choice, indeed! When t da make H»rm and Hon. 3.00 Trousers 225 V(H) Trousers ; 3.75 • choice you can real atanred that It It takes a blacksmith to shoo a home 25c .b. will not Interest you!" but anybody .00 Suits utid Overcoats slice of cake. Robbie* Robbie—No, HANSON 3.75 in.dO Suits and Overcoats -, 7.60 thank you: mother said I must re- 6()O Suits nnd Overcoats 4-50 12.00 Suits and ()vorcoats 9.00 fuse a »e<-oiid piece, cause you The Uptown Store Zimmerman's mightn't hare It to spare.— Jndfe 39c Batter Days. LadlM' Sweater*, Honeycomb W. H. WOQLLEY & CO. Grocery i Ethel (of her Da Dee*—Poor Fred bsi Pattern, t Pocket No More I eeen better days Kitty—Yes. be need Than Two to Any One Cuetom- "WATCH US GROW" Wi. Cirr BiiiliBf, 100 l'«i>. ! tri he engag-M to me — Boston Ttao er. | a.-rlpt. . Long Branch'* Finest Exclusive Man'* and Boys' Shop TEL. 130-J Where lair ends tyranny begin*-— William l-llt 569 Broadway 181 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1912. KTNE

Weflsner's middle until he doubled up ITe unbuttoned the band of his right PRETTY BIRTHDAY PARTY TWITCHING NERVES find fell heavily. In a flash Freckles sied away. "Time!" be yelled like a pit of Wessner's stomach. whUh wen* constantly paining me /ury. "Be getting up. Mr. Wessner. The dining room was beautifully nmI w Matthew ftarbeson Held For "Freckles. Freckles," said McLean's lecorated for tho occasion. Piano BO- » *tr1ihig *° that 1 could not and don't be afraid of hurting me. J*iJ voice. HIPO llt wcak and ruu lot yon throw la an extra hand nnd OB were rendered by M1BMiss« KnmSarah »» "**#•** ' ™ Taking Loaf of Bread. Freckles snatched down his sleeve 'ohn, of Uelmar, accompanied by Miss down. Hearing that Vlnol was an ex- lick you to me complnte satisfaction, and rose to his feet. VeHent ionic ami Bt|eng1h creator 1 all the same. Did you bear me call Deborah Sharkowitz, Vocal solo were COPYRIGHT. 1904. BY DOUBLEDAY. "Excuse me. sir," be said. "Ton'H ilso rendered by Miss Hay SharRo- commenced USIHK it %rtd immediately PAGE & CO the limit? Will you get up and be •urely be belavln' 1 thought meseli beg&n to feel much better^. My nerve facing me?" alone." vitz. Master Sharkowitz was the re- trouble left mt' and 1 t;tn now sleep IS ACCUSED BY A GROCER. As Wessner struggled to his feet he McLean pushed him carefully to thf iplmit of many handsome presents. better than I have Tor a long Hmo. resembled a battlefield, for bis cloth- seat nnd. bending over him, opened o Those who participated in making "1 tun truthfully nay that Vlnol lias SYNOPSIS. ing was in ribbons and his face and pocket case thnt he enrried as regu he evening pleasant were: Mrs. dune all for me thai iu claimed for it."' Son of the Late Matthew W. Harbeton, I'reeklcH, a homeless boy, is hired by hands streaming blood. larly as his revolver and watch, fot 'ohn, Mr. and Mrs. A, Sharkowitz, Founder of Brick Trust, Sentenced to- MtLwiii to uunnl the i-sjinisivc timber In liii? .Jr. and Mrs. A. Volovirh, of i*0S£ The reason Vlnol did Mr. Uruch so I.imbcrloxt frgm timber thieves. "I —1 guess 1 got enough," he mum- cuts nnd bruises vrpre of daily oc much good ie because it gave tittn new Thirty Days by Recorder of Hudson Freckles does, Ifis work faithful!)-, makes bled. 3ranch; Mr. and Mrs. lleggfoce, of Iiii-iuls with tin- blrdd nnd yeurim to know currence among the gang. strength and built up his health in County—Says "Somebody Will Sweat "Oh, d.o you?" roared Freckles. \8bury Park; Mr. and Mrs. N, Sharir- more about nature. He liven with Mr. and Taking tire, hurt nrm. he turned back general, just as it does for all weak For This." Mrs. HUIK-AII. ""Well, this ain't your say. You come the s!e«?ve mid Imthed and bound uj •wilz, of Port Henry, N. Y.; Mr; and nervcus, rundown people—just as it He renolves U, jjet books mid eduiute him- ilrs. J. Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Silver- self. Hv beCPCal hit trusted in a huga |>alr ot on to me ground lying about me (><>•••.; the wounds. He examined Freckles will do for you If you are that waj\ Jersey City, N. 3., Feb. '_',—Slat the w Milnm-s und calls - s bird friends liU "chick- and iutimatln' I'd stale from bis very bead and body nnd convinced himself tein, Mr. and Mrs, L. Sharkowitz, of Vinol is sold on our positive giutr- ens.'* • lelmar; the Misses Sarah Oohu, Eva \Y. IlavttySofV, whose Inther was the Home <>r the trees lit' i* funrdlnc are worth that there wns no permanent injury. antee thnt it must help you or you get. multimillionaire founder of tho brick •l.Olltt eiirh. Freckles' hooka arrive. He re- pockets. Now, will you be standing lOkerer, Pauline Urayman, Deborah your money back. Wen's Pharmacy, ft'lvas a cull hum Wtttsiitfr up and taking your medicine like a Then he sat down beside Freckles nd Hay SharkowiU; Messrs. George, trust, wits in-rested In his home in Wesaner attempts to brlbt; Freckles to betray AJ1 the indescribable beauty of tut Long branch, N. ,J. Woodeliffe for stealing hrend. Uctutii- his trust, and t'cerkleu whip* him. McLean man ir getting It poured, down tbe larry and Samuel Colin, of Belinar; overbear* them and, wltncsaes the fltfht. throat of you like a bnbyV 1 ain't got place was Btroug about him, but ht w Medina setitenctHl him to thirty days ilax SilverHtt'in and Herman"TSharko- RED BANK MECHANICS BUSY enough. This is only just the begin- saw only the bruised face of the sul vitz. Refresh mentB were s6rtvred. In tbe Hudson county Jail. .CHAPTER VI. ning with me. Be looking out there!" ferine bo?, who had hedged for the in llarbeNon, who a few years »go bad Three New Members to be Initiated WESSNER GETS A THRASHING. He sprang gainst Wessner and sent formation he wanted iikc> a diplomat. MU liu-oioe of $-£i,WH) n yunr tuul who him rolling. He attacked the unre- srgued like a judge, fought like a Next Monday Night nays tie will tome Into more, than $1. lHE boss crouched among (lje sheik and triumphed like a devil. Oil ward Council, No. 98, jr. o. u, A.' OftO.OOO when IIIH father's estate Is dl- bushes like it tiger ready to sisting figure and fought him until be ' lay limp and still and Freckles had As the pain lessened and breat !• M., of Red Bunk, el(H-lemb<*iv|jij» (it .Monday reached him he held himself no strength left to lift an arm. Then caught up with Freckles' pounding itt Woodrllffo, wliere 1«> lives with his w heart he watched the boss from tnt night's meeting nnd they will be lulti- wife niui four small children. with the effort of his life to see what he.rose and stepped back, gasping for LEAP YEAR HITS GREEN. ^nettle was in the boy. breath. With his first good lungful tail of his eye. How had McLean goi CHILDS lited next Monday night. . They are Mollu'V mill sun navel? viNltvtl each there and how long had he been Klmer R. Bray, Henry (irannnuii and "Don't sou be wasting of me good of air be shouted, "Time!" But the t figure, of Wessner lay motionless. there? Freckles did not dare ask. At lirargo How, aif of lied linub. Fallow- •\Y >v*'n> i'slnuiK''*! beetiuse 1 mar- Son of Richest Woman Gats Thirteen mm; ID the numbering of me hands," last he arose and, going to the case, 152 Broadway ins thf initiatory ceremony, a general 1 Proposal* of Marriage. bowled Freckles. "The strlngtb of me Freckles watched him with regard- rlt'il Swcih girl who WHS tunphiyed ful eye and saw at last that he was took out hla revolver and the wire todai I imo will be enjoyed and re- tiu-rs ninid." llnrlicstm snld. Sun Francisco, Kob. 2.—Colonel Kd- cause will make up for the weakness mending apparatus and locked ih< •PHONE 49-R uanl H. It. Greon, son of Mrs. Hetty ot me mirabers, and the size of a cow- completely exhausted. • Ho bent over eshmontB sorvt>o\ "lim I Uuvu Umie very well \vithout htm find, catching him by the back of door. Then tie turned to Mcl-eao. On Hard Council has accepted ihe in- Ibe !JjirJ>i.'xnns nnd have been jicrfei'tly tireen, received esat'tly thirteen leup ardly thief don't count. You'll think year proposals. Klevei) came by mull all the of the Llmberlost is the necU;, Jerked him to his knees. "Dave you any orders, slrV" he ask vitation of the Men's League of (he luippy with my wife nnd ejilldrcn. Thin Wessner 'lifted the fai-e of n whipped, »«k FlrsL Baptist Church, Red Hank to at- is the Hist thing that tins come along to nnd two by wire. Discussing the - turned ioose on you whin 1 come ter of marriage, the colonel said: aglmt you, and, as for me cause, i cur nnd. fearing further punishment, "Yes," said McLeau, "I have, and tend a Lincoln Memorial Service to bo CRSsa wtirry. lint Walt till 1 get out of you are to follow them to tbe letter 1 this jjill. I'll uuiUe si)ine Bite sweat I'm* "The subject, fta a geuernl thing, in slept with you, Wessner. the night 1 burst into great shivering sobs, wiille Saturday Only lit Id in (lie church on SiiiHlny night, 11 «ome down the corduroy like a dirty. the tears washed tiny rivulets through Turn over tout apparatus to me auo jniary jltiu There- mil bo- •poci&l tills, aeo If 1 don't; no small one, I can tcU you. There Is friendless tramp, nnd the boss was for the blood and muck. Freckles step- go-straight home. J5oab yourself In . sic by a male choir and the pastor. (i, Witod IIurt)esnn, it brother nf Mat- not n wealthy mail In America who has taking me up, washing, clothing and ped back, glaring at Wessuer. but sud- tbe hottest, both your skin will bedi 3 pkg. Fancy Seeded Rev. Johnson L. Miner, will preach nn thew, married the wldffw of Wllthim not had dozens of chances to marry feeding me nnd giving; me a bome full denly the scowl of auger mid the ugly and go to bed at once. Now, hurry." P. Tyler and started ou u wedding toiir Into families of birth nnd breeding, of love and tlnderness, and a master disfiguring red fnded from the boy's "Mr. McLean," said Freckles, "iff. iinniud the worhl. lie died on the jmir but lie must seek to know the gfr)*« ln- to look to, mid good, well earned mon- face. J?e dabbed at a cut on his tem- sorry l am to be telling you, but the- Raisins 25c iic.v. Tbe brhle had luheriti-d |G,OUO,000 nioHt Mini and Iii• - ner's eyes and nose. day's hot and tbe walk a good seven Another Political Murder? rused anil it)ipenre(l In the police Htn- Hidlni'U's HO ns to predicate the govem- miles, sir. Niver!" Litte Lean Picnic Holgiade, Feb. 2.—The public in tlou and ittTered to surrender. He wsis "Come. Freddy, me child." he nd ment'H next step. monlshecl Wessner: "it's time little As lie reached for the outfit he pitch nvittCdd that the murder Q$ Milan twt tirnwtrt} (1»*», 1ml afh-r n wjHraut boys were getting home. I've me work efl forward and his eyes closed. Me Hems 11c I!). Tchiritth was Instigated by the gov- iiml been sworn out lie WUH taken from If the answers Introduce new phases to do and can't be entertaining you Lean stretched him on the moss and (inmi'ni und that it was Intended as his home. the department will file an amended 1 bill, probably by March 1. The cprpo- nny more loday. Come back tomor- applied restoratives. When Freckles anotht-r blow at the old regUm . Tho .While the evidence Hgaiiist him WUH ratlou then would have another tnoutu row if you alu't through yet end we'll returned 'to consciousness McLean--ran 3 lbs. Best Laundry victim vita a HOI. of Col. Tehiriteh, ItcJiiK given lliirlicsou was unmoved. te make answer. If, however, the RUV- repute the performance." to tlie cabin to.tell Mrs. Duncan to feot iirst aidc-de camp to the late King All lie would stiy was, "Thin Is m>- rriiinent merely wakes the usual repll- Again an awful wrenching seized a hot bath ready and to bring Nellie Milan, and himself a constant com- Starch 10c 1 cHtiou tbe cane IB expected to come to McLean. Freckles stepped back as That worthy woman promptly tilled lade u) Princo Paul, nephew of King the wash boiler and set u roaring fin1 Mutihew lliirliesoii WM educated in Issue early next month. ^Vessuer, tattering and reeling like « peter. Young Tchlrltcb'w body WAS MeltlellterK, where he engageil In Hi the Dutch. stroyed clues which might help solve I plaint In tbe Blunder emit broi»rht by PACB. Do you' think It was the Irish hollered for mercy. As they rolled him into White Corn Meal 13c but which failed of Governor WIlson'H bed his eyes dropped shut, but a little the mystery. Waller U< Itecd. a lieutenant formerly act the sneak and liar to him and ruin help"? Not much! KiKiiuture. Htalloned at Kort Benjamin HarriHou, It was the Dutch. It was tbe Dutch"— later'they flnred open. A sped;]) meeting of eounei.H will be ;iinl etarnatly blacken the soul of me Conservation In Austria. Against Wr». Margaret B. Rnmes, nlto Wessner fumed and mumbled: "What Fresh Rolled Oats held next >Ionduy I" ratify the uetlon You rascal." rared Freckles, "be fight- "Mr. McLean." lie cried, "the tree' Vienna, Feb. 2.—-Tbe Austrian gov- of Captain Henry i; Kames of tha you following me for? What are you Oh, do be looking nfter tbe tree!" of the committee, und TtinrtllJ n dele ing before I forget the laws of a gin- ^nment baa entered upon an ambi- suuie rct;iin.-ill. going to do with me?" McLean bent over him. "Which tree. satfon will lake the bill to Trenton for tlemin's game and split your dirty 3c Ib. •JOUR ronfiervation progiam. A com- It'was charged in tbe complaint that Freckles called ibe Limberlost to wit- Freckles ?" int'r(»diK'tion iu tho prewjiit leKlHluture. head with me stick!" xlesion lias been engaged for Home Mis. SatpAf wjiilo siamJinff In front of ness. "'How's that for the Ingratitude "1 don't know exact, sir. but it's on Tbe most important chanm- in the Wessner backed away, mumbling. Best Kerosene Oil imc passed In surveying various rlv- the f|ii;iilcrs of Captain tinmen said of a beast? And me troubling meself the etist line, and the wire is fastened proviNlon for two nHMnborn tci councils ''Hot 1 don't want to hurt you, Frec- M-H HIM! mount;iin streams with a Iti-cd mi iivitiK beyond bis Income and to show him off me territory with the to it. He brogged thnt you nailed it fnim each of th;I river, wbicli forms the bound- Attorneys fur Mr*. Eames filed n de? fingers in the face of you." WOO lie offered me—to be—selling you iiutrrer averring that the eotnplaint did down this trail uny minute, and the out—sir!" u> tMtnegd Austria and Moravia. It He danced up and. as Wensner 25c (a inuiHisi'iJ to construct JI huge res- no) Ktate Facts Mufllclent for a caiiKc of little mare's so wheedlesome that if Freckles' bend rolled over and. his MANUEL WOULD RULE AGAIN. lunged out in self defense, ducked itn she'd come ou to you In your prlsint i ivcir, < ov«-rinK an W> of 2.4ui) acres :K , und the demurrer was suatalnod

W PROSECUTE COMMANDER LEM^., Portuguese Naval Officer Visits Everything In Men's and EXPRESS TRUST Mayor Gsynor of New York. Pfe-Inventory Sale Boy's Wear Reduced Rates Abroad Are Much Low We are closing out aN °ur fine stock of Clothing. er Than In D. S. Suits, Overcoats, etc. f Men's Suits and Overcoats If the ladies of Long Rninch and vicinity would RAILROADS GET PROFITS.. only drop in and see us when they are in Red Bank we could prove to them in short order that wha? Tendency Chow* That Railroad Com- Youths' Suits and Overcoats we say about our clot 1M S i-. true pani.s Get the Major Portion of the Total and Net Revenues — Commis- sioner Lpno Says Companies May Bt That Jersey's Biggest Men's Forctd to Consolidats as a Remedy. Children's Suits and Overcoats Store Offers The Greatest WifMhln^iciii. I'Vh. 2.—Among oftHH Millies hruu^lit KIII »t the baarfng be Clothing Bargains In The State fore Hio hiifrsi.iic coin (Herri* CHIIIMIN HjOti In Mil- i»ri'!,c nf express roiujKUlir** AT 20% REDUCTION ;HV the fuMnwiia-: "" ""Tli it I tlitf <• |, !»•>•! com [MUMPS <>f tin1 emiiifrv wm i-ii-c ^rlinhinl pniNeriitions if the records I'mrfiuae to show "jriviii Stop and think what a saving this means to you. IIUIIIJ'ITS of i>>,I'lfluii-ges Mini IURILT by AmefJe&s ¥rm Davidsons L-hiirtrfrt- TImt nih's nI nmil nre lower hy fill than i-xju-fsN rates -iu tbe United PORTUGUESE VISIT GAYN03. NOTHING RESERVED WHATEVER Davidson Building RED BANK Btate» * Tlmt rates fco shippers of |i:irrH>- Commander of Cruiser Pays Courte&y rrum this country to France for I hi' Call' at City Hall. portion of the liuul In the 1 -nilei) New York, 1'eh. "_*. -fonuiiiiiKlcr Jmn es IH in InstiuuM's :,(Hi pe Lula Oe Ciiuiuiii J.eiie <>( the I'ol'ttf I t lllcllIM- lluill ||ii> dl.Iliest crui.ier itepQ&llca paid 8 couile IRA A.STRICKL1N for Ihc'-li-.MisiMirliilfiiii I'oi a lil;i> panel sy eall un Mayor liayiior ill tin- i-lty lii-iwi'cn !Jii> mme points mid for tht- • hull, The eowm&ndBT was ai-roiiipa 700 COOKMAN AVE.. ASBURY PARK.N. J. I 'llit.'il States 1,,'Mll nil a JiiUci'l which nil'll by tile rill'lllL'tlt'SI1 consul fa>Ut'l'lll oriidmiles In I'rniiee. nenrjy inn per \ in tills city, Lujx Ferreira d.a Castro cent higber thllll for n Hive hnul of H 1 Ue was lu full unir,irni. lie U about umpKtH' parrel. lil'ty-tliree years old, of medium stature Tlmt tll« AiIiiiUM Kx press company ;ind exccplionidly Htoop siiouldered. Kpeut for the year ending .June 30. The vi^Ucrs BfVPfl receivtjd by tlu- I 11,10. tSlMS whieli It deslKnntod us mnyor In his private otllce. where they | "Kinluitii's," imt I'liai-Ki'il t« oinM'iitiiiK remained for a few muniles. II is el I elpetlaM, j [jsctsd that the mayor will return Uw [ -It was lutliiinti'il by c'nuimlsstnliel1 mil. visiting Ihe iKiuimniliU-r lllninnl Ilii' ! l.mie in thi use of ihi, bearing thai trutaer, 1 IIIH I'oiisiiliilalloii of nil II xprcss , The PortUitue«S stuff lllso efllled ot I compnnlM might he a retnad}' for i-viis tlia navy yard to pay their respects nnd LAST OPPORTUNITY J complained of, and lliis i-misuiiiiiiilun to inspeot UIK pluut. woulil IH* WMrrnntt'ii hi tin1 saim? inan i ZSS^S^m^ M'UMiS WILL KEEP DON'T WAIT - - COME AT ONCE control of Ilia iBfsnrtsto ,oinuu-..v! Ill LtHllO IflLL RLU Tin- li-nili y of all the lcstliiion.% At These Prices I3 Lik 3 Having Shoes Given To You thus fur weal to lw (hat tin i'\pri's: UNLUCKY DIAMOND L'onipaiiti's \otiiilanl AUGHT [iroflts, hut 'tliai tlu.' railroad r itfYTLES :£ S "";;;:;:": V^V'^Z \ Wonderful "Hope Gem Costs 1 i'\press roinpanit's umy In- eii •"• THE BALANCE OF IJOt WttbitB tiding the intt-nvh Couple a Fortune. THE BALANCEL OF YOUR HERE between thetu mid the mil roads, to solve their prohli'liis h.v fiMinnlly coui- D. AT piaiulUK itu the interstate commerce Washington, Feb. 'T'.—Tlie McLean" CH0ICE coiiiinission :iy:ahist the rates churned are going to keep the Hope dinnioiul Our Womb's Shoes,. Our Men's Shoes' CHOICE lEW^RY hy HIP rriiln.nd. which. FiecorrtlUfl to This doctslon luis In rwichcU h.v Mr. the figures before the ii I'd Ucl.aan ainl his grooag wife. •ES;HEWARK,H.J. nmoiMit to 03 per cent s ' foniit'l'ly Miss Kvplyn Walsh imd j duuglater of ihe hitc Thomas B". Walsh. W. A. Ryai xnruiner. placed t'olorndu Oxfords and Pumps $1,75 Oxfords and Pumps ii (he rccnf H nbowtfijjjt t!uu Mr. Mrl.ran. being thfl sun mid milj ic i-otii|i;ui.V ill n single d;i,V tl'd uiiide ln'il- nljiilin U. Mil.i'iUi, is mi., (if the THE NEW l.niici uniliTi'liai'Ki's mill ovcivharw" wealtbteit young men, proipacttvely, :""1 :m'vt ' "'"' ""ll!" a-000 '""'••"• in tlie .'..miiiv. The McLeans agreed ,.|r,rrrs ami ov ...vlnl-.'s. thi'iv bolnf! Uo UuJ „„, flim,,,,B f™,a ;•„„• .IPi „,„ in this total Sjm ovi-r.'liiii'K.'s III iill- |;1I.,W|II(, |tt imputation. The oiiKluiil ul FRANK L. ROWLAND Next to P. O. Broadway Theatre tlii'se siatisiiis were piaieii In Iirice agVced to be paid waa *380,000. Hi,, iveoril M..II1 tbr»nrewrnui)jaii!cii' ) A,,,.,- taantag of Uu liisiory «f the LONG BRANCH, N. J Chas. J. Bryan, Mgr. | ".",.,'!'"'!!;i" l .V!!",'!.'.'.!^.'.'.'."".(he licnilliL'. IMiidi1!...!;:!",",- (- .v;.h;' <<"""»"\ '<<"' «• reported propensiiy | lowing couilMeiil. n&ll%wiiU)| repl'e- fi.r lulliKlns had lock to those who sendM t-ves ')f the, express cuiMpiuiics: owned or. wore It. the Mil.eans refused Ihursrfay, Friday and Saturday •it llfld hecn conihlsively shown thtit lo .oiiiplel" Ihe contract of purchase your express rates are IDllUtfllltflble and I lu, Cliiirtiel's. the Paris nnd New even to your own anciils. nnd the coin- When St p Matinee Daily at 3 P. M. '.' pelforinuuVnrii jewelersi e. , ln-ought milt for tpadftr n Is im to proseiulr you nit It Is not known whnt prico was tic less (here Is n derided change. If we in Red Bank or Asbury Park 2, r r al , , Inall.IU*IM>v lt>IIIi ' '-> i i. Imi 11' t ii t wanuns I aI uijtliiii'fortune,, iiiliandi I III COLLINS P.IND HART would undertake to prose, ute every i lttJd lh:a u WM ui|1 iiii|H| Le MAISTRE LACE &. ovm'haw we wonl.l hankrupt and | , „,„„ ,„„ ,„., .„„„ ^ • . Great reductions throughout Shoes for the Whole Family 5 LICORICE STICKBurlesquS 5 e Strong TYSOVcnN & BROWN intl uni ot hfisLiiess every express nun — EMBROIDERY CO. y in tln> Cnited Stute.s, I will witr Handkerchiefs, Laces, Em- - oun 4ritire winter s'ock of Best stylet quality and lowest Colored Singing Act Singing & Dancing DEATH WINS RACE. t that if then- is one letter Of pvu broidery," Curtains and Linens clotjfiing and furnishing?. prices. Htfaiimi Nveivlniryes tiled with the Countess Defermon Learns of Father's Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear. PEARSON'S SPECIAL FEATURE PICTURE iAbqlou IhiM'e nre 10,600. V«m hitv<- Death at Dock. Cor. Cookman Ave. & Emory St. M SI IPP LiiriLows t<- put HI nome system hy Wfalrb New VIM*. I't'li. :.'• Count Ciaotis ASBURY PARK. H• PI. out r, REr, BANK RBOAD ST.. RED BANK Mable Talaferra in the great sonic Production "CINDERELLA" the complete ,,v,r.vli.«)> ,:IM tell what the rales are lielerinon. who liroualil his wife, who I ha\e h:id Ihiee rates iiuolod |o me hy was a MM I'oihrane of I'hlladelphia story In three reels. Ihe same at-,-ill on Ihe same IWCkage I over from Frame on the American THE HOME TITV DELICATESSEN STRICKLIN'S | cai tbe same day." Miner Xpir York In tbe hope that she ofOood Clotlies* vl 1 I & LTOCH ROOM would !„• in lime lo see h,.,- [giber 20 Broad St., Red Barfk for better THE BIST GF MOTION PICTURES GOVERNOR FOSS ILL Ceor^e Cociirane, JI lianUer. hefore he Next to Ford 4 Miller. CLOTHES, HATS died, w.is Visibly affeelMI v. |K'I> 111,. /. Kh'IDEL & FURNISHINGS Changed ba ly , "unless «ns hamled a telegram ul the B Attack o'F Pneumonia Feared by Ex RED BANK Sandwtshes 5c & 10c $£}• Asbury Park ecutive's Physicjans. do,U tclllBg of her father's death. EVEMNG PRir.ES - - - 10c 15c and 25c I'.ostotl. J'-eli. 'J Heeause or a seUT, Devoted Kxcu'uslvely to Women's and MATINEE PRICES ADULTS 10c, CHILDREN 5c | eold. whi.-li It is leure.l .may de\ eloj NEW PAPAL DELEGATE. This Trade Mark Misses' Wearing Apparel Repairing. Prescription Work imeumoulB, (J rnor Kn: N No connection with any other establishment l,,vs Is rilllli | |o |I,.I1 at I, Mgr. Bonzanno to Represent Pope at every thing nv W..C. WISEMAN VAUDEVILLE CHANCED IJIOKDAY and THURSDAY. I'l.iiu iT-iiliMiri.'. The, JBM Washington. chased at III- IIKY WOODS STORK of REFR VOTING OPTICIAN heen ailllu: for KIMIMMI d«.T! lie WasMBtnmi, Ket>.,g. The pipnl leaa ;i,h iseil to renirllli mv:iv IV Joseph Sal;, 603 COOKMAN AVENUE, his (ion hci'e announces 111:11 Mi_T. (;io\oT| 'Phone 294. Asbury Park, N.J. in I he statehouse. but as !!II, ,-• 111 Hon/.ailllo of Home has been chosen Cookman A (Irand Ave., A5BURY PARK apostolic hyi , i in slicceedinj? [liouiele l'"alconlo. who Wilj "i ,t,i the Kliiteholise Mr. I. L. Showem He Gets Bus/ fn Ground Hog Da. By Ryan Walker LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1912. ELEVEN WRIGHT TO RETIRE *><% &>in9* °/ flw J*stung KRIDEL'S Follow These Ads closel From Da T om WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOBS ITS DUTY AND TAKE PISTIIBHTEi ' y y y- They Are Con- iftnuously Saving Money For Somebody Clearance Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing Former Long Branch Pastor, A HOME FOR BLIND BABIES Now Dist. Supt.. to Resume INSIST ON THE TRUTH " Work That Is Being Done For Afflict- ed Infants at Summit Insti The Enterprise Market W. G. EISELE t You get it hero. Straight, honest Clothing Facts. Yes, FACTS—not a lot of Pastoral Work. "pipe dreams'' all "sugared" with misrepresentations. tutfon. 148 Broadway Every offering is straight cut from a former original price, with the tag here Great interest is now centered iu A baby born blind presents a THE tEADING FLORIST the New Jersey annual conference, strangely pitiful problem. The eye, Telephone 431. before you. which convenes in First M. E. Church, through which babyhood receives Cut Flowers and Palms Asbury Park, on Wednesday, March We state positively that there are no better bargains anywhere than those we most of the impressions that mean the Roasting Chickens ...16c lb For Sale 13th. There is one item whch always earliest "education." is lacking. The are offering you. And more, THIS STORE IS RELIABLE. makes Tor a general stir, namely, the Honitos .. .12 l-2e lb Decorations and Floral Designs bab^v in Its first year works harder Blue Fish ..' ...12 l-2c lb for Weddings. Dinners, appointments of the ministers for thethftii at any other time in life, get- MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS next conference year. And this is Cod FiBh ...... 10c lb Funerals, etc. ^ (i.OO Suits and Overcoats $ 4.50 $ LMIO Suits and (tvereoats $1.50 especially accentuated at the present ting a grip on vital things, Until a Clams 2 qts for 25c We also carry a full selection 8.00 Suits and Overcoats 6.00 3,50 Suits and Overcoats 1.88 time from the fact that since the few years ago there was no institu- Oysters .. 25c per qt. of Hardy Shrubs, Trees and ^year 1900 the time limit has been tion fully equipped for the care, main- Large Smelts .>..„.! ...15c lb Herbaceous Plants at our 10.00 Suits and Overcoats 7.50 U.00 Suits and Overcoats 2.25 eliminated and now the ministers are tenance and oducatiun of the buby Halibut '. , 20c lb Nurseries. 12KB Suits and Overcoats . 9.00 :S.5O Suits and Overeoats 2.63 appointed annually with no limit of blind. But now there is an exception- Haddock lOe lb AH telephone calls promptly two, three or five years, as formerly. ally fine one, known us the Arthur Scallops iir>c en attended to and given our 15.00 Suits and Overcoats 11.25 4.00 Suits awU )vereoats 3.00 Home for Blind Babies, at Summit Large Spanish Onions. .3 for 10c Thus all may change or all may be careful attention. 18.00 Suits and Overcoats 13.50 4.50 Suits ahdOvercoats 3.38 It is a large stone building, with Cedar Avs. Tsl. 627 Waal End 20.00 Suits and Overcoats 15.00 returned, the single exception, which nurBery, hospital, home and kinder- Martin & Meyer, Props. t 5.00 Suits and Overcoats 3.75 is somewhat anomalous, being in thegarten departments. ^'..OO Suits and Overcoats 16.88 case of the district superintendent 25.00 Suits and (tvercoats 18.75 (i.OO Suits and Overcoats 4.50 I previously knowh an presiding elder), There are twenty-five children there 8.00 Suits and Overcoats 6.00 who are appointed by the bishop an- uheady. The institution is maintain- :•• iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiHW' •27S)() Suits and Overcoats., 20.63 nually but who are not allowed to ed by the International tfunBhlne So- :»UM) Suits and Overcoats 22.50 10.00 Suits and Overcoats 7.50 preside in the same district more ciety. These workers discovered th«>re TRY OUR MEAT was no provision for blind babies. than nix years in any tons»ouliv This Lamp We know you will like it, MEN'S than six yers in any consecutive Unit they were put in poorhousos or AND YOUTH'S TROUSERS institutions for feeble-minded. | everybody does, but there's no $1.00 Trousers, now 75c $:S.50 Trousers, now $2.63 twelve. Complete reason why they shouldn't. Nevertheless, if in any ease t he Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden, a There's no better meat than IJjQ Trousers, now $1.12 4.00 Trousers, now 3.00 term of six years shall expire in thenewspaper writer, is the president* of $1.85 ours, even though we don't 2.00 Trousers, now .. . 1.50 4.50 Trousers, now 3.38 Interval between the sessions of thethis society, which took the Bo-brnnd- charge big prices. 2.50 Trousw-s, now 1.88 5.00 Trousers, now 3.75 annual conference, he may continue ed idiots and feeble-minded from the him until the next session, provided different States, put them In the in- Edward J. Miller 3.00 Trousers, now 2.25 (i.OO Trousers, now ". 4.50 the time shall not be more than nix stitution and gave them the best of COLES' L0N6 BRANCH MARKET months. One district superintendent care and training that could be se- The Gas Man REDUCTION ON MANHATTAN SHIRTS only comes off by limitation this year, cured, and out of eighty-two children S22 Broadway . $1.50 and $1.65 quality now $1.15. $2.00 quality now $1.38 namely, RGV. • N. J. Wright, of thesupposed to be beyond all help on'y Telephone 9-R. 227 Broadway coles, Mgr- Tal. 111-w. Bridgeton district, formerly of Simp- two tailed to respond to the trniiiinrf. •uiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin $2.50 quality now $1.88 $3.00 quality now $2.25 $4.00 quality now $3.00 son Church, Long Branch. Mr. Wright Anyone'who known of u blind buby is well and favorably known in this should tell (he parentB of this Institu- 'lllllllllllllllllllitllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHIW' part of the State, having been a pas-tion, where it can be sent am) he sav- WE DO THE BUSINESS tor at Eatontown and Tinton Falls in ed from growing up iec.ble in nilml -ind 1878-80; Farmingdale, 1889-90; Simp' crippled physically. Special for Saturday Only son Church, bong Hranch, 1893-96. Letters directed to MrB, Cviitaiu J. KRIDGL, It is not now known where Dr. Wentover AUien, 96 Fifth avenue, N"\v Wright will be appointed,' but he will York, preaideiit-Keneraj, luternatinmil | Hick's Black Walnut Molasses Taffy 19cb. CLOTHIER, HATTER AND FURNISHER probably receive one of the choice Sunshine Society, or to Mrs. KaU* : places in the conference, inasmuch Coleman, superintendent of the Sum- Genuine Chocolate and Plain Butter Scotch19c lb. 26 Broad St. Telephone 221-R Red Bank, N. J. as Ki'eat care is taken by the bishop mit Home for Blind Babies, Plfle- to make proper provision for a dis-grove avenue, Summit, X. .1., will re- Hick's Peanut Taffy 19c lb. trict superintendent who comes i.flT ceive i.rnmpt attention. the district by limitation and Is up- WEST LONG BRANCH NEWS dren's luncheon on Saturday at herweek. Cedar avenue home. Those in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper spent pointed to a pastoral charge. In . | HICKS M'F'G CO., i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL company were Mary White, Mary Van Monday in New York. It looks now as though there might The nuiient KgypHaill treated nits I Phone 62J. Long Branch, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley AUgor, of As- be many changes and yet there may hury Park, spent Sunday with Mrs. Note, Gladys White, Reginald V^n | The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- TVitli urent (ItstiintUMi. It wns n crime t • •• 111 • 111111111111 iiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiaimiiiiiiiiitnim. 1 be a general upheave!. AUgor's mother on Wall street. Note, Kenneth Hughes and McCall j bert Poole has been quite ill for the to kill them, timl when they died they Hughes. (past week with stomach trouble. The Methodist itinerancy is not ur>:received :i |mlili«- burial, nt which the wmniiiiiiinniMiniiiiimiiiniiiiimimr. Mrs. George A. Hulick an Mrs. G. j The firemen's supper was a socia like a checker board, one move neces- people nii'Mi-ned. hsiving first slinvt-tl F. Vanhuel spent a portion of last Mrs. Albert Woolley entertained the Sewing club on Wednesday, -j Dain- as well as a financial success. Tho sitates other moves,' and one canoff ttwfr* f»yabrowa :IH :i token <>f sor- week with Mrs. Albert Ateheson in firemen were asked to repeat the sup-hardly forecast how many moves there row. T1H> niux| prominent cuts wi-i-e 10 Stamps With Jersey City. ty refreshments were served. Those per in the near future. The supper I WM. BRYAN present were Mrs. R. R. Hughes, Mn may be altogether or how the gameupo:i defltll finluiJmed In drugs mid 3 ' THB .... The cottage prayer, meetings this James Ateheson, Mrs. Charles Still- was coked and served by the raen. may end. spires, nuri <-Hl mummies have IH'CII 1 lb. Glllier's Coffee 32c week have been held at Prof. Tharp's wagon, Mrs. Frank (Poole and Mrs,Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clayton attended Rev. Dr. J. Ward Gamble' expects found side by side with those of kings. and Louie Lane's homes. Walter Sherman. the funeral of Mrs. Hannaah RobbinB to leave Sea Bright and may be ap- Mr, and g/lrs. William Tully will at Freehold on Thursday. Mrs. Rob-pointed to St. James' Church, New j Elberon Florist shortly move down here from Jersey Miss Eva Norton spent a portion of bins was a frequent visitor at the the week with relatives at. Long Brunswick, being succeeded at Sea Snider's Catsup or Pity. Mr. Tully will enter into part- Clayton home. She was ill only Bright by Rev. O. S. Duffield, of St. s 5c by Trolley to the Door. nership with Frank Sherman in theBranch. short time. AT THE Charles Blakley, of Norwood avenue, James" Church, New Brunswick. | Floral Tributei and Flowers blacksmith business. He ran a shop Rev. Joseph Garrison, of Little Sil- Cocktail Sauce 22c here a few years ago. who has been ill for two weeks past, is improving. SHREWSBURY NEWS ver, retires from active pastorate for AH Occasion!. Palma i Mr. and Mrs. John Wylio, of Way- and will probably have as his tiuoceB- . a P. Store side, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stillwagon sor a very young man. and Plant* Rented at Reaion- Frank Sherman. spent Sunday with relatives at Asbury Miiis May E. Borden entertained the Rev. J. W. Tower, of Keansburg, The two-yearold daughter of MrPark. . Reading Club on January 30th with will go to farming, having recently Specials for Friday able Ratei : : : : : and Mrs. William, Turner, of Wall Miss Gladys March was a • recent music and drama in charge of thepurchased a Bmall farm near ColtB LANDSCAPE GARDENING street, celebrated her birthday a fewguest of her cousin. Miss Edith Wheel A. C.Bennett Co. afternoon. Although the weather was Neck. His successor is not Known. and Saturday A, SPECIALTY days ago by giving a little party. A er, at Long Branch. difficult to surmount with the icyRev. Ceorge S. Johnson will leave cake lighted with two candles, was The regular monthly meeting of the A fine .election of Trees, roads, between thirty-five and forty Grace Church, Red Bank, and most Shrubs and Hardy Plants always ono of tho attractions of the dining Ladies' Aid Society will be held at themembers were preBent. Mies Arm- 307 Branchport Ave. room (able. The little miss received residence of Mrs. James Atcheson, likely be appointed to a charge on Sugar 51-2G lb. on hand. , * strong began with a piano solo; Mrs one of the lower districts. a number of presents. Luncheon was next Monday night. Adams gave a reading; Mrs. Moaby TEL. «59 WEST BND served. Misa JoRcphinp. |Jo\\ man has been a vocal solo; "Chansons en Crini j lbs. for 27c iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiMiti Mrs. Fred \V. VanNote gave a chil- visiting her mother during the past ohno," by Mrs H. a. White; vocal EATONTOWN NEWS solo by MIBS M. White; current events by the club; duet by Misa King. Charles Herry, who recently pur- Good Tub Butter Last Thursday evening the Keith chased the Kelly house at South Ea- WeGiveS.&H, John C. Disbrow Location of Fire Alarm Boxes Society and some of its friends met tontown, 1B having it repaired. 33c lb. at the,rectory and enjoyed the program MIBS Mary V. Dennis, of Spring Green Stamps LEADING STATIONER 4 Corner of Franklin and Second Avenues. throughout, Mr. Swezey gave an ac-Lake Beach, visited her aunt, Mrs. Al- TELEPHONE 262 5 Corner of South Bath and Second Avenues. count of the Mission at Siberia, of thebert Dennis, over Sunday. life of a boy saved from slavery by Mr. and Mrs. M, R. Van Keuren and Sea Food Is the Best 6 Corner of Second and Brighton Avenues. an Kngllsh company, educated in Eng-son, Valentine, are spending the re- 8 Cedar Avenue crossing1 N. Y. & L. B. R. R land, sent back to Africa to teach mainder of the winter in Florida. Kind of Food Come In And See The 9 Takanassee Lake, Ocean Avenue. hlB native people, and who became a Miss Sara E. Nivison spent Satur- We want you to drop in as clergyman and then u bishop, and how day with relatives in Bayonne. often as you tike and ask us 12 Lyddy Cottages, Ocean Avenue, Elberon. noors i mm New No. 5 Royal he met his mother and took care of Miss Kate Corryell is visiting her as many questions as you like. 13 Corner of Park and Elberon Avenues. her in her old age when she waslaters , Mrs. M. R. Van Keuren. There are probably many things Typewriter mourning his death, as she supposed Miss Elizabeth Dennis spent Satur- in the fish line that you have 14 Elberon Hotel, Elberon. and feared. Games were played and day In New York. never tried, consequently don't 15 Elberon Station, N. Y. & L. B. R. R. •efreshmentB served. The rftgular monthly bUBinesB meet- High Grade Pure know how good they are. .•. Two color ribbon, back •16 Corner of Park and Norwood Avenues. Mrs. Amelia Loper spent Sunday In ing of the Christian Endeavor Socie- space and tabulator. Keyport. ty of tho Presbyterian Church will 17 Hollywood Avenue, near Norwood Avenue. Cards are out for tho wedding of be held at the home of Mies Sara NIv- Baking Powder Pierce & Weil Fish Market 18 Corner of Westwood and Brighton Avenues. Miss Kleanor G. Brown on February IBOU on Friday evening. 15c lb. can 12 3d Ave. Tel S73 19 Quire's Feed Store, Brighton Avenue. 7th, in the Church, of thelricarntidn. Mrs. Alonzo Dennis, of Red Bank, $75.00 New York. Owing to the death of visited relatives in tow'n on Sunday. 21 Bath Avenue, opposite Prospect Street. Mrs. A. W. Hart, the bride's aunt, the William Nivison, of Barnegat visit- 23 Corner of Morris Avenue and Prospect Street. reception has been changed. Alan ed relatives In town on Tuesday. Essex Buckwheat 24 Long Branch Station, N. Y. & L. B. R. R. Hudson is Miss Brown's fiancee. The Missionary Society of the Ad- Windsor Van Vliet is at home from vent Church will ho4d a meeting at .. 10c pkg. 25 Corner of Third and Westwood Avenues. Stevens inBtltute. Hoboken, for a fewthe home of Mrs. Albert Wolcott on 26 Fifth Avenue, near Slocum Place. days. Thursday evening. E. M. Colton Howard Noe, of this place, visited 27 Corner of Morris' and Westwood Avenues. % Ernest Piprce will remove his fam- ily from B. J. Parker's to his house friendB In New York on Thursday and Tele. 121-L 76 Rockwell Ave. 28 Norwood Avenue, opposite Campbell Avenue. on the Shrewsbury road. Friday. 31 Corner of Ocean Avenue and Broadway. Charles Brower is employed at Bow- 32 Corner of Broadway and Second Avenue. dowin Hazard's. Silver Cup for Dog Sftiow Beautiful Designs in Ashbel W. Borden i.s complaining IX)UIK Miller, the Broadway jeweler, Granulated Sugar 6c Id. 34 Broadway, opposite Third Avenue. with stomach trouble and has among the prize contributors or the Specials for Friday 35 Broadway, at The Edwards Lumber and Coal Co. 's Mill. has been in New York lately for ad-annual exhibition of the Toy Dog Wall Paper Evaporated Milk 7c can 36 Broadway, near Morrell Street. vice. Fanciers" Associaiion of America whi^h and Saturday 38 Broadway, corner of Norwood Avenue. Work on Mr. Classen's house iB be-will be held in Philadelphia Feibruarj are sometimes hard (o get, but Green Mountain Potatoes ng pushed but the weather is against 17th. He has donated a silver loving iht-re are BUCII tiling neverthe- 41 Corner of Grand and Buttonwood Avenues. the business. t uj> for the Monmouth County and Red less. We don't want to MVfl 65c basket 42 Branchport Ave., at Cloughly, Nicholl&Co.'s Lumber Yard Philip Oreen waB here on Wednes- Bank Kennel Club exhibitors, who will boast f u 1, but we a re proud o f Legs of Lamb 12c ib. figure prominently in the show. Ed- 1 43 Corner of Washington and Lafayette Streets. day trying his motor yacht. our stof-k. We have th*> trad* Good Butter 33c lb. ward F. Ford, of this city, who is gain- and wp. worker! hard to get ii, Shoulders of Lamb 8c lb. 45 Branchport Avenue, near Bennett's Store. PLAN VALENTINE SOCIABLE ng rwognition aw an exhibitor, Is we don'l take, what la thrown at Pork Loin Roast 13c lb. 46 Corner of Joline and Edwards Avenues. second vice-president *of the associa- ns. that is unp riUBIIU that we Stewing Lamb 7c Ib. ion. A number of Elberon cottagers thrive. 47 Corner of Sixth Avenue and Halberton Street. A "Hurt" Affair to be Held in Fir«t are enrolled on the Us! of entrants. Good Eggs 32c doz. Lamb Chops 12c Ib. 51 Corner of Sea View Avenue and Liberty Street. Presbyterian Church, Red Bank 52 Corner of Patten and Port-au Peck Aves. (Pleasure Bay). A vatetitin*- Bootable, under the ans- Sirloin Steak Uc Ib. pi*i-H of the members* of the Christian A. F. Golden, 10 Stamps Free to 53 Corner o€ Patten Avenue and Riddle Street. Hndfcavor Society of tn*> First. Preshy- Good and True 579 Broadway. Chopped Meal 12 1b. 54 Corner of West Street and Columbia Avenue. crlan Church, R.-d Bank, will !><• iiiM Safe and reliable—for regula- Customers To-day on Tuesday ntght. February 13th. in ting the boyels, stimulating the •Phone 185-J. Fnsh Shoulder. 11c Ib. 56 North Long Branch, Oliver Byron Engine House. the Social Hall, of the edifice, in Rncli- 57 Corner of Sea View Avenue and Fay Street. liver, toning the stomach—the ' Bvening with Hearts.". world's most famous and most Pork Chops lbs. 25c 312 Corner of First Avenue and Laird Street. The committee in charge includes approved family remedy is LET GEORGE DO ITI 512 Corner of Liberty Street and Hamilton Avenue. Leon PenninKUm, chairman; Miss I cut Suits by the Americas Pork Roll 19c ib. Mary Holmes, Mre. Charles Croft. Mrs. Gentlemen Cultlng Hj'stem—the MRS. J. HILL, : SIGNALS M. VaaBuren SnuK-k and Harold Join- best on mirth.... Manlawlna, Pa- Stewing Veal 10c lb. 1 Tap, Open Circuit. 2 Taps at 12 o'clock M., Test. 2 Tapsson. I he yirocW

GETS $1,000 HEART BALM. PROFESSIONAL CARDS A STUDY IN PLASTER EXTERIOR. REPRESENTATIVE SLAYDEN for the tfoung People Paterson Electrician Losai Breach of LEON CUBBERLEY, Tsxai Democrat Offers Reso- Promise Suit. Architect. Design 068f by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. lution to Bar Third Term. Potereon, N, J.. Feb. 2.—For break- Main office: No. 1 Madison Ave., N. Y. ing his promise to marry MIsii Oeue- City. VIPVO Kusnnt. a pnyll in tbe commer- cial department of tbe Paasaic high Branch office; Record Building, Long THE LAND OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. nchool, Harry Wllkle, an electrician, Branch, N. J. was ordered by a jury in the circuit court to pay the young woman $1,000 WILLIAM ASHER STEVENS, LL. B., PU/ZLLUUMI Lesson V.—First Quarter, For damages. Sue sued for $5,000. Wllkic, after breaking off his en- Attornty-at-Law, Feb. 4, 1912. gagement to iiiiin-y Mist KuMnt, wed Solicitor In Chancery. No. 1632,—NanriM of Animal*. ded tbe youne woman who wii to Used at blackboard*; for dressen; THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. hare been her bridesmaid, Mlula Cat- P. O. Building, Long Branch, N. J. for bat!; for jewelers; ports of R son of Pateraon. chain; a kind of voice; wbat a couch Wllklo's defense was that it was J. W. SEAMAN, \a for; far b rcu d; to do to f rou - Tsxt of tho Lesson, Matt il, 1-12. Miss KliBant who broke the engage- Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Commis- ble; a hearty assent; to copy; to outi- Memory Vtr«e«, 1, 2—Golden Text, ment. sioner of Deeds. lirme to' annoy; to searcb out; what Isa. xlv, 22—Commentary Prepared Office: In Record Building, 192 Oliver wanted; a greedy person; a head by Rev. D. M. Stearns. MACFARLAND TO APPEAL. Broadway. P. O. Box 75 Long covering; not old; a way out uud a small animal; a light weight; nil en- Although it is but a few weeks sine*? Wlfa Slayer's Counsel Will Fight For Branch, N. J. gine of war; black; a scold; a candle; we hud tliis portion as a Christmas New Trial. laziness; means obstinacy; suggests lesson, we come to It again with great Newark. N. J., Feb. 2.—No deBnite • CLARENCE G. VAN NOTE, LL. B., desire to kuow more intimately Him slyness; protects a harbor. date has been set for pronouncing sen- Attorn'ey-at-Law, Solicitor and Master of whom It speaks, Jesus, King of the teuce on Allison M. MacFarlane, who Jews, tiiiit we may worship Him us In Chancery and Notary Public No, 1833.—CharadM. Ue says we should and us the Father was convicted of the murder of his Office: Masonic Hall Building, 231 * It desires, "In Spirit and In truth" (John wife, Evelyn, late last Wednesday you may find upon my ftrat iv, 23. 24; v, 23). Remember Ills owu nlgiit, but nt the courthouse Indications Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. Many a Juicy ••«eril to lebruafy, A. D., 1912. -- Its flitting- form I just descried. is very little spoken of or thought of free institutions." Duted January 12th, 1912, MONHOUTH COUNTY ORPHANS COURT. us King of tin- Jews, und the church JOHN G. SEXTON. A similar resolution was passed by (H-20) 16to39-Frl. JaiiUAij Tei, , Na. 1034.—United Words. JI-J a whole iiffi no UHO for Isruel, SITS In the matter of the Estate of Ban-alow II. n the house in 1874. when (ieneral U. 3 SHERIFF'S SALE, Example; Unite by a vowel n quick no future for HmH an a nut Inn und drickson, deceased. Grunt was talked of for a third term. Order to Show Cause. blow and a large town find make dot'H not want to hear of the return of By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to me directed, .John W. Bennett, adminisTratheep pen and make numerous. wide aud twenty el^lit feet deep over the main part. Basement under the en- timony as to the defeiine fund rhat was ilnutes west, ninety-three feet to the north O'Neill -Adams Company, (incorporated) n, Lord, to Jerusuleui (Jer. Hi, 17). Then tire bouse First story nine feet, second story eight feet. Cost, exclusive of (Us of Brighton Avenue and to the place of Thunrni F. Flynn, Louis B. Durllug, Beuja- 8. Unite by a vowel to write and a slmli the Lord stain the pride of nil raised for John J. Mc.Vamani. . nil P. Morris. portable lodge and make a person who heating and plumbing, $^,000. In Replevin. Notice. glory and bring Into contempt all the "It will not take IOIIK to examine cur «,.••-* „, the TTTPrtv of Mntlldn Paeh, et To Thomas F. Flynn, and Louis B, Durling, lpjwufs of his Bins. The tlniuu for the first story is iu red oak. birch or Washington fir. Finish ala, taken In execution at the suit of Jonathan honorable of the eurtb. Uv> nlmll star- records com-cruiuK the defend* fund. 1 rtun.it;., i. v . ..r i. etc., and to he sold i>v or To Whom It May Concern :— 7. Unite by a vowel equal vnltm and of the second story Is pine to paint. The floors throughout either red oak, M PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Writ of tle mnny nations as their kings slinll bircb or maple. should judjre." said Morrison. al WILBEHT A. BBECBOFT, Sheriff. Replevin has been Issued-out of the Monmoutb n darling and make a wall or rampart. HOP. and consider that which they bud i liniii*h that matter is. of course, sbme- J. Clarence Qonover, Rol'r, County Circuit Court at the aaltdf O'Neill- Upon receipt of $1 the publisher of this paper will supply a copy of Saxton'a Dated January 24th, ml 2. Adams Company, incorporated, for the purpose 8, Unite by a vowel a word of cx- not -bcfirri, and thereafter they will be thing for Ihe government to deter ($14.70) 22lo44-Frl. of replevinliiB n lot of household gooda steured prcRslon and a country and. make an glad to bring their wealth to Israel aud book of plans entitled "American Owelliugs." The book contains 254 new and mine. There are more than 4,001) en- from the plaintiff by Thomas F. Flynn ond ON RULE TO BAR CPEDIT0RS. Louis B. Durling under an agreement in writ- <*nd. snow forth the praises of tbe Lord np to data detains of cottages, bungalows andr residences costing from $1,000 tries showing receipts for the fund. Ing bearing date the Thirteenth day of June, 0. Unite by a vowel quick breathing (Isa. xxiit, 0; 111, 15, It. V., margin; Ix,, to 96.000. Tue number of entries shuwitif; dfi Executor's Notice. Nineteen Hundred and Eleven. and that on Nathan Lockwood, Executor of Mary H. the fifth day of January, Nineteen Hundred and and a mimic and make a play with- 5, 0). Then shall all such an Herod': bursements is not so large. Approx i.nckuood. deceased, by order of the Surro- Twelve, an Order was issued out of the Mon- out words. have some cause to be troubled, for ull ; mateiy $230,000 was raised, nf which gate of the County of Monmouth, hereby gives mouth County Circuit Court commanding you intlce to the creditors of the said deceaied to and each, of you to appear, plead or demur 10. Unite by a vowel a conjunction kings itii_ Behead each blank to make the m\t Lamb (Itev. vl, 15-17). It Is in refer- D. Prince of Passalc county, professor He said he hud no comment to moke (411.10} ' 22tp74-Fri. Holy Cross for the Hint time attired in h ence to that time Jimt we have the ex- of languages at Columbia university. on tbe indictments agalngt 'Darrow. the full robes of his new office for I he ON RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. I heard the bounding billowi , hortation, "Be wise now, therefore, O was sworn in as acting governor of pontitlcnte DIUSH of thanksgiving, in And I jumped tn with leap and -—. ye kings; • • • kiss the Son lest • • • New Jersey while (Jovernor Wilson Is Administrator's Notice. The rising wind made the waves . yo porlsb" (I*». "• 1012). What n long honor of his safe return from bis jour Breach of Promise. Simpson-Crawford Company (incorporated) vs. Wlnfleld S. B. Parker, Administrator of Den- 1 had hung my clothes on a mountain- . making ipattOlMH in Virginia. Tbe oath The first trial for breach of promise Sarah Werner. nis Hlckey, deceased, by order of the Surro- wmlllctlt ban been since It started In ney over the seas. >M Contract. In Attachment. Notice. gate of the County of Monmouth. hereby gives was administered to Senator Prince hy was held in England In the reign el Eden: how much tbe suiuta have mif The hundsomoly decorated cathedral Notice U hereby given that a writ of at- notice to the creditors of the said deceased to II.' Assistant Attorney (Jenerni Nelson B. Queen Elizabeth. chnient was issued out of the Monmoulh bring in their debts, demands and claims While reading an book fern| uud still suffer, und children, too, (jaskill. The only official business to wus thronged with visiting dignitaries County Court of Common Pleas against the gainst the , estate of said deceased, under 1 paused, and turned to look because of the hatred of the great ad- of tbe church, priests and clergy from nvhts and credits, moneys and effects, goods nth or affirmation, within nine months from At Ada, all her voice come before the acting governor was NEW YORK AND i_O^ NCH and chattels, lands and tenements of Sarah the Sixth day of January, 1012, or they will versary, the murderer, the father of all sections of (greater Boston uud huu RAILR A • Werner, an absent debtor, at the suit of be forever barred of any action therefor against To the music of her choice. the matter of four requisitions, which SlmpHoii-Crawford Company {Incorporated) for the said Administrator. —Youth's Companion. lies, the devil. Who would not pray he took up with the attorney ^eneml's dreds of prominent laymen. The cere he sum of Fifty dollars nnd twenty-rlic cents that tbe kingdom of peace und right- monies were the most imposing ever ($50.25) returnable on tho fifteenth day of WINFIELD.S. B. PARKER. office. Stations In New September, Nineteen Hundred and Eleven, and ($11.10) WoM-Prl. No. 1636.—Illustrated Primal Acrostic. •QBSISNB might come and tbo adversa- witnessed in a Iloston church. Central Railroad of N« v •"•,•*,—» oot of that the natri Writ has been serred and duly ry be banished from the air and the Liberty Street md Weslt ?M It- . •xfrtited, nnd was returned on the ninth day NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT. earth? Qftfi we wonder that the great Bachelors and Hypocrisy. Penntylvania Railroad—7 .•..,*u» * d 32d if Jnmifiry, Nineteen Hundred and Twelve, Street, Foot of Cortlaift* -i,d Utioroiset jy the Sheriff of the County of Monmouth. Estate of Addlson Morris^ deceased. King has said that He will not rest About tbo worst hypocrite Is an old WOULD REINSTATE HAINS. StreeU, Hudson Termina, V m- Sundnys, 8.55 (eicepi tated by the Nurrognte and reported for 8et- Notice Is hereby given that the accounts of Perth Amliny), 922 a. m.; 4.32 (except Portb lei)t«nt to the Orphans Court of tnu County the subscriber, Guardian of the estate of wild Opportunities. Neither the gospel nor j York. AititHiy). 5.50 (oicept Perth Amboy), 7.00 (ei f Monmouth, (in Thttrsduy, the Seventh day Lunatic, will be audited and stated by the Sur- He of whom It tells cau fail (Isa. xlli. ' cept Perth Amboy), 8.00 lnti*34-Frl. and people ull about us ond heroine jltondan only). 6.20, -5.40, 7.10 (etcept Man- By virtue nf a writ of fl. fa. tn me directed, H9(iuan), 7.47, 8.53, 10.00. 10.34, 11.25 (M- sued out of the Court of Chancery of the PROPOSALS. Spirit filled to buy up tbe opportuni- Wm. Curr Alex P. Paul rfl|it Mauasquan) a. m. ; 12.30, 1.00, 1.52 (Sat-state of New Jersey, will he exposed to sale For scraping and painting the Bridge at Pleat* ties. Like afjad Simeon, these men urday!! only), 2.07, 2.12, 2.47 (Saturday! only), at public n-iidue. on MONDAY, THIS Mtfa i Township of Freehold, county Hoard of Chosen Freeholdem of the County of What a contrast between them and PLUMBERS, STEAM and GAS, 1' M#itiiotiili, New Jersey. mouth. New Jersey, at their rooms. In the Telephone 40 All that certain lot, tract or parcel or land Court House, Freehold, New Jersey, on Wed- the man wbo sold the Lord Jesus COPPER, TIN AND SHEET For Point Pleasant—1.3fi (Mondays except Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. ml [ire.Hisus In rcinaftt'i- .particularly describ nesday. February 14th. 1312, nt eleven o'clock, Christ to His euemles for thirty pieces WORK ed), 6.15 (Mnndaya only), fi 20. «.tO, R.ffS. «d, situate, lying nnd being in the eUy of a. in., and th*n and there jiublli-ly opened and of silver! What Is your estimate of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work loiin HI ::i a. m.': 12.30, 1 mi 1.52 (Batur Long Branch, In the county of Mmnin.uili read, fi.r the soraiiing and imtnttng of the Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. •tnj-R only), 2.0T, 2.12. 2.41 (Sntiirdrtvs onlyi nd Slate of New Jersey. Beginning at a mar Ige at Pleasure Bay, New Jemey, known ns Him? Is a bit of this world's plena 4.44, 8.91, 5 50 (Sainrdiiys escepted). 6.03. >ip mnmunfmt nn the nortli Hide of Hea View mure Bnv Draw. ure or treasure more to you than He Furnace work a specialty *! .(2, B.51, ".55, 10.43 p. m Sundnys, 1.35 Avenue. In said city of l^ong Branch,- at the certified check for %2&f) drawn to order KM, 10 07, M» 4".. 11.06 a. m ; 12.30, 3.07. imi hwest corner of a lot of land lielonimip the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the Each of the sixteen numbered ob- is, or Is He to you tue altogether love- Iron and Stone Drain Pipe and Dealers In 4 Or., B 43. J.05. 10.15 p. m. to Alice Bradley; thence (1) along the north ide of »4id nvenue eighty at* degrees and nty of Monmouth, must accompany each = jects may be described by a word of ly one? I>o you spend little H your- STOVES, RANGES A HEATERS Fnr Frmliold. via Hea Girt and Pmna. R R Fittings, all kinds and sizes. —5.45. 7 10, 7.47, 11.25 t. m ; 3 10. 3.40, 4.50 wenly-flve minutes west, nine feet; iheiice (2) .11 paint to be furnished by the Board of four letters. When rightly guessed self »!. Tn the nouth side of the land of KHua- The contractor shall scrape all rust, dirt and Duplex Furnace Iron and Stone Drain Pips, and id Penna R. R.—4W. ".10, 7.47, 11.25 a nd scales from the iron work of the bridge, tial letters will spell the name of a ney to make Him known to others? •t'lh K. Thtirston ; thence (3) along said south Fitlng of all Kindt and Bless : 3 10 (Trenton only), 4.50 p. m. Sundays. ' * south, seventy-four degrees and fifty min- fter the Iron is acraped and all rust, dirt famous Americas author.-^. Nicho- At least twelve times in this gospel it Licensed to make alt water con 35 a. m ; 4 45 p in ea»t, crossini Ocean Ave. to high water ind scales removed, the sjxits or plnceg h>ft Is written "that U might be fulfilled" For TnrnR Hlvor. Mount Holly, Camrton nnil of Atlantic ocean : thence (4) southward exposed slmll be uiuched up or gone over with las. necttont at low rates l-liilx.K'li'lila (Market St. Wharf). TIB flea il-itig aatd high water line to the af->re- a coa t of pa In t, and a fter na Id fl»»t« tin ve or "then was fulfilled" fi. 23; il, 15, 17. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Leaders, Side I'nrk -B IT. M'mdava only). 8.4* a. Ski had a reasonable time to dry, all the Iron Tin Roofing, Tin and Galvanized •it-rtti line of land of Alice Bradley; t shnll receive one coat of [.uint, which Kay to Puzzledom. 23; Iv, 14; vlilrl7; xll, 17; xiii. H; xxl, 2.12. 5.01 p. m SiindHys. 4 05 p. Hi, hence (S) atone north line (if satd lot north, Gutters snd Leaders Metal Fronts and Ceilings F«r Freehold. ™ Matnwan—7 12. 9 04. ity-eii H ileprees and eight mi nut en west, ahull tw evenly and smootlily In Id on and So. 1025.—• Beheadings: Bprasw. I. 4; xx\i. &*>; xvil, 0, 35), reminding us of 1147 •- m ; l :tt, 4 17 p m. Sundays, ».22 ilng Ocpnn Avenue one hundred and thirty well worked In. HIH iff words after His resurrection, Constantly on hand, a full sup- B. m. ; 4 32. R.50 p in. more IT less to a marble monument stand- All wood work of snid bridge (except Ing S-row. 2. P-act 8. E-spy. 4. N-ica, For Trenton and Philadelphia, rla Bound nn the went •&• of Oi'ean Avenue; tttence he flooring) shall be properly prepared to re- r». H-can. C. E-wry. 7. R-*el. -All things must be fulfilled whl<-h ply of sinks, tubs, bath tubs, Plant and Estimates Rp-.mfe Rmite •« 28. 7.12. (t 04 (Philadelphia . continuing al«ng tbe north side of said -elve, and one coat of paint Khali be applied were written • • • concerning Me" only). 11 47 a m ; 2 37, 4 17, 7 17 p. m Hun at helantfn* to Alice Bradley, north, seventy thereto. No. 1626.—Prefixed Letter*,: Re-doubt, boilers, basins and gas fixtures Furnished days 8 55 n m : 4.32. 7 on, ft r.ft p m >ur d«fircps fifty minutes west, two hundred The Board of Choaen Frwhi>l<1prf. KM to r*-wut, re-turu. re-serve, re-late, r«> 6t, (Luke xxiv. 44t. 1 Iwtit've tiial our ds> LEAVE NEW YORK FOR LONG BRANCH •or f»M, *tx in«-h?» tn a mtrblr monument 1B6 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH For AH KUida of C R R of N. i-, foot of Liberty Street— lect the colors or shades of paint to be used, it- daem, re-gale, resolve, re-vise, re volinn to Him will \*e In pro|«irtion to landing in th« northwest corn»r of Jwr lot; ilrh dhall not esrwed two In number. our confidence In Him as the fultlller Established 1882 • Heating Equipments no, t.na, n?in a m.; 1 to (Usturdayi only). Hence (T) along the west line of said lot The contractor la to furnish all tools, labor, j»r«»rWlent, re-flue, re-bound, re-tur, j 1*6 4 4% 5 an, $ so, a no p m • 12 ni m\A nufh, ten degie#» flftv-flv* mlnutei east, on* Bffnldtiig and fixtures to do a first class rr-traeeJLre-fold, re-mark, reside, re-1 «n«l the fulfillment of all Scripture If 94 and 96 Broadway, Long Branch ilithi. Sundays. 4.00. ft 15 a. m ; 4,00, 8.30 p mdrpd forty -thr«f feet, nine Inch** to the ece of work. He I* to us not only our Saviour from Ira. >int or pta**e of beginning Bolng purl nt the The work is to he under the utipenMrnnn nf form, re-«fcpSB 0 H B of N §., T«rt I9d Ptrwt -RM me pr»mi!Wii conveyed to said C. Wllhelmina e Board of Chosen Freeholders of the ibe wrath to come and our deliverer II So s. m . 1 Id (Saturdays onlv). S 20. 4 30 >nl.hin«, n* mi*tf* afnroMld, by J^sonh H tunty of Mnnmnutti, or its duly selected rep- No. 1627.—Concealed Square Words; from the power of present «tn. M THE MUHROE V POOLE CO. ISO. €• 5ft. H :»ft 1150 p. m. Sundays. 8 05 ilihtnw, by dped dntwj F^hruary 10, 1SB7, andreaentattve. during Its prf>prt>w. and to have 1- Ornve. rowen, award, versw\ ended. a m : 3 5ft. s 20 i». m i-iiniwl in the M^nmntitta County Clerk's of- the nppmvi,] ,.f the Bonrd nf Chosen Free- also a real King- King at bine «sji Successors to Monroe V. Poole R. H. HUGHES Petina It R,, 7(B Av#n«e and S2d Strwrt-- *. at Freehotd, S 1 . in B^nh ^B4 --t V"frht, holders on Its completion, and before Snal 2. China, horn**. Inert, nerve, aster Lord of lords, as well as KIUK »f Is- MASONS AND BUILDERS T 00. 9 04, 11 1! a m. ; It.34, A 4!, 4 34 fftatur- gc lfif>, and heltiK ptrt nf the time prem- , payment is m»de. Ka 1328.—Valentine Rebus- nparts, Contractor and Builder fmyi i>x*-i>pt« r^nveypd bv V UUhoinnnn Dobbins, nui- nn-1. aMOrinf! ns that we ma} sit with 11 12 a. tn ; 1 30. B 12 p. m Ifl Samuel H Thucston. bv dM*d rlattx] T)if> iron and wnr>d wnrk, when paint \* ap- card*-, love k-ttprs. flowers. Cupid. Batlmatu giYfn on all klnda plied thereto, shnll he In a dry and flt condi- Him In Hi? thrmip and rrtgn with Tile Work and Cement Work of I'pfiim R K H"rtt*"i Terminal (B ft M (I day of April. A. P.. i*>ft3. and recrdM In , tinn tn receive same JR. R.) Churvh anfl Cortlandi «lreeto~7.0» • in* \f•nimmdh County Clark's office 9th Hep-1 Ro. W*l.—Ojncealpd Food: Orstw, •pf mr^hrHi (UPV ill. i'1; v, 0. Every Description of building. Jobbing promptly f irmtxT. IMS, Book fll of Uradn, paget «5«, The B'»nrd of Chnnen Frwhnidprs rcwrvei! twrop, fish, veal, pear, jwtato, B nn. IMA a ta. ; IS B8 (Sdlurdars onlyt. ttr. the rijrbl tn reject any or nil birts, if deemed 10i. BSrW can we help iH»inK H ln>f fimnurt H Thurw- Attest . Director of Board. IT* hiift rall«-1 n* rt* t> i>? Minil mid West Long Branch, N. J I L W BRHUT C K. CLOSE. Knpa irem-cnt, i*»nk-ly. ee-alp-et, he- 1 block North Central Depot, StifHThilfridont V T * I, * R R tnn 1M Bis. taken in execution at the nult nf deaf to all hut HttMetf? I !m- M Geo. W. r*ool«. President; Monrof CHAfl O MrFAnlHS, Ann:* L. Hendrlck»on, Executrix. Mr.., and to Clerk of Board wt Ily. de&ae-d. c-laa rer, m-edit atlon. will! I'KUI Mil i'et.T aafl .John, v, \\h V. Poole, See'y A Treas.; Alben Long Branch, N. J. • N V ALB R R l'«r-d January 13th, l»lt WII.HERT A HMMVt aiirnff 11-111 22 2B 34 Frl. Abraham and Moses uud others. Gio w Pitvn 1 Poole, Vice President. Telephone Call, 1U fi r A , Penna R R -I *Mfl \% S[*n 1111'. "O| T- No. 1631. — Cb*ra4e: Elder, berry— W C HOPE. I luted -Innuarj l*t|i, 1*12 Advertise in the Daily Record. •Warterry G. P C C B. ft. «C H. *• i^'iMl Itlo4t -Fit LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, FRIDAY, FKB. 2, 1912. THIRTEEN

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. THE RECORD'S DAILY SHORT STORY Foulard and S«rg« Fabrics That Figure THE WOMAN'S WORLD In Spring Styles, Of course In listing tbe spring fabrics the raau. Molly reitlized tUe iltuiger the old stand by a make their nppear- and kopt her eye im a little window iinri' unchallenged. Pouhirdy. crape FOR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. through which she could see the farm- meteors und tbe serges are u redoubta- 1TE cherry and the hntchet seem l< BEDUCINQ THE AVE1011T. be the fnvorite symbol of the bouse, n short distance ( away. But ble trio in the spring wardrobe. T It is more difficult to reduce the weight A Message oven she did not think far enough | There is nothing extremely new in \ Father of His Country. There permanent])" than to ilecvensp meatureinenta. ahead, for wheu she saw her father Is no Bpeclal reason for enlarKlug 01 the foulards. Bliiek and white .-.tripes the cherry tree episode of tils youth Indeed it is quite possible to leans the size Ii Was Sent by General Washing- coming It was too late for her lover to beat a retreat. before being seen. hut custom has accepted It, and for nl of the waist and hips considerably with exer- ton and Stopped on the Way SeeiuK her start up Herbert started social affairs the cherry and the hatch et appear its often nnd in as many cise, while the weight lt'iniiins the Hume. It By GENEVIEVE GOODMAN too, and on discovering her father he resumed his wits sufficiently to din forms as possible. may even increase, because muscle is heavier pose of the message. He took it out Candies are imide to look like cher than flesh. Before leaving New York for New of his waistcoat pocket and put it in ries, cakes nnd other confections art Jersey Washington's headquarters Molly's ear, Then he waited for the adorned with glace cherries, while A daily record of both weight anil measurement should In- were at DobbB Ferry- A force was blow to fall. cherry Ices nnd sherbets are seldom kept by those seriously trying to improve their proportions. A at Kort Lee, on the opposite side of The door of the spring house had omitted from Ihe bill of fare. fight against flesh is like a struggle against any Other physical the Hudson fVom Now York, but the been closed, but Molly threw It open- About Decorations. stronghold was given up, and Wash- When Mr. Erskine saw Herbert Bur- For the table cherry blossoms make ailment. AVhen the patient does not grow worse, there in ington's next permanent stopping rtfge, whom he knew to be his daugh- a ' !I;I tinin^ decoration, aud, since these ground for hope nnd gratitude. One who has a strong ten- place was at Morristown. Before leav- ter's lover, he greeted him not unkind- enp he made of paper, they can be dency to increase in flesh should be thankful when the scales ing* tho river tbe commander in chief ly, but with surprise. used even when the snow Is upon the desired to communicate with General ground. Japanese cherry blossoms, show up additional weight. After the system once begins to Lee—the same -Lee who afterward "I thought you had enlisted," he very good imitations of which may bt yield, the progress is more rapid, but not usually uniform. proved a traitor to the colonist cause— said to Herbert. purchased. In the department or art and, sending for A young private sol- "So I did." stores, are both suitable and pretty. One case I know oT, a woman worked very hard for three weeks dier who had done some scouting for "Then why these cltlren'a clothes?" without making the obstinate scale take off an ounce. Then him, gave him the message, written Herbert made ho reply—Indeed, there For the favors dolls dressed in colo on tissue paper and rolled Into a hall was nothing to say. ulal uniforms will delight little folks |uite suddenly one day they yielded two pounds. There was tbe size of a small pill. Herbert Hur- "It Is evident,*' said Ersklue, "that If you nre giving a Juvenile party. i hard fight for a number of days to hold them to that record, ra ge, the messenger, proposed to go you are^on some business for the army. Candy boxes may be appropriately dec then they yielded another pound. It was three months before dressed as an ordinary farmer's boy. I must take you in. Go to the house. MllH. W, K. VANI'KHHILT, Hit. orated and tHled with candled cherries tliose precautions being necessary be- If you make any resistance there are Through the generosity of Mrs. Wil- or cream candy shaped nnd colored to ;en pounds had been removed, and it took n year of watchful cause he would ueed to pass over de- those within call who will shoot you represent cherries. less to permanently establish the lowered standard. Several down on my request." liam K. Vanderbilt, Sr., 384 apart- batable ground, aud the Tories wen* ments were recently opened iu New Fancy Cakes. times since it has required determined effort to prevent the re- sirtive in behalf of the British cause. Herbert, who, loath to Injure Molly's Cake» stamped into fanciful shapes father, having transferred his message, York city providing homes for persons 'urrence of the flesh habit. But it has not been so difficult to with tubercular tendencies. These iced and decorated with crystallized Iturruge's route took him through made no resistUIIPO. At the house he cherries or other fruits, bonbons, nuts ;naster as the first time. ISHzabethtown, now called Elizabeth was locked in a room by himself, and apartments tire, to be rented at nominal etc.. itre much In request for both .-tnd, then but a small village. T'ufor- presently several Tory neighbors came prices. In planning the humane enter- Washington'!* birthday and Valentine's Where there is a general fleshing up of the whole body all tmiately or fortunately, as the case, in and searched him. Not finding iiuy- prise Mrs. Yanderuilt desired that per- day functions. nvigorating exercises which call into play us many muscles as might be, he bad a sweetheart there. thing, they* were tempted to let him sons of limited means who might be A very easy form of these in produc- Possible should be practiced. There is nothing so good as out- Her father was an arrant Tory, and go; but, being convinced that if he had in delicate health should enjoy thebeu- ed by slicing down tyoru or leas thinl.i 1 turragc felt that It would be very no written message he at least had a eflts of a trip to n high priced s-anita- any kind of nice cake, such as ftpoimc. loor exercises for the purpose. The fresh air is a very helpful risky for him to stop on the ^ay for verbal one, they decided to hold him. rium without leaving home, orange, chocolate, etc. These slices, igent. J{upid walking, running, bicycling, swimming, horse- a kiss from his girl. But when it IR The season was late autumn, but the if thick, are then stamped out iu di:i >aek riding, nre excellent exercises. Turkish bathl are good; M question with a lover between his snow had not yet fallen In that region. For th<- purpose of educating tenants mouds or rounds, covered smoothly ?drl and danger dauger Is sure to win. The moon was full, and Herbert from as to the tnorft hygienic and economic with any delicate ghice to taste, a bon- me u week is effective in holding down the weight. Free per- J'.urrajje on passing the Krsklne ffirm, tbe window of his prison room could methods of furnishing their homes un bon, crystallized fruit or flower ipiratioo is desirable for the stout. If one cannot patronize a near the town, loitered near till he see far and wide. He knew Molly must apartment of five rooms and bath, fur- even a cube of bright colored Jelly be- Turkish bath establishment, a cabinet can be fitted up in tlliL i aw Molly go to tho spring house. have been searched to determine if he nished in a manner approved by emi- ing placed on each as a garnish. Then, doHglng behind trees and fences, hihl not transferred his message to her nent medical authorities, will be avail- A dainty cake for social affnlrs may loose at low cost. J;e went there himself. and wondered If it. had been found. A NEAT WOBK APKON. able for inspection at all times,. It i>* be nuulu thus: Heat twelve ounces of 1 What was hia relief and joy to see a , fresh butter to a cream with twel "Why, Herbert!' she exclaimed, as- are <>ld ilIator but evei> expected tlint the four buildings will (•mlsbeJ at the sudden apparition. horse Issue from the barn and by the y- effective. ounces of su^ur. Add four whole **KK». smart uovelty Is featured (liis season shelter about 2.000 persons when till "What are you doing here?" moonlight; a rider on i's back and that tue suits have been taken. In addition working each In separately. Theu "Hush! I'm carrying a message that rider was a girl, Molly. He knew in a black ground striped in groups of work in a pound of sifted flour and her errand. She possessed the message three lines of white at wide Intervals, to giving delicate members of a family when perfectly mixed put the pftftte Prices That Should Clean Up The frcm General Washington to General a chance to regain their health, one of Lee," mid was going to carry it to General broken at short distances instead of the chief advantages of the plan will j aside for four hours or so in a cool The girl paled. "When men carry running In continuous Hues. be that families will not be broken up. place. messages between armies In war time The next morning Molly was discov- Here is a perfectly presentable aud as is generally the case when illness Then roll it out half an Inch Lhlcll Balance of Our Overcoat practical work apron. The material not in uniform aren't they liable to ere^"" *^1d« fcWt o Wb* e •'•missing• ' • • * • p-> - . • ' He* • r • rlfathe I 11- I r<••! sa11 w forces the tilling one to seek a more and rut into little fancy cakes with n bo hanged If caught?" she asked, through the matter, divining that Bur- used l8 "Well, a friend of mine told me he has three pet toads in his greenhouse. contructed, the chest is made hollow. vith dried hops, with tftVir old world mlMHing a nmfd may write.; Suits priced accordingly. ]'er)i;ips some day I will take you to see them. the ribs are pulled down, and the buck roma and dctinUc soporific (inality. Mrs. John Smtlh van rri_-ntii-H|y linnr-nt. lie did not fett©W .What to do until it plant toting friend said. 'Why dou't you Mrs. t miili IH tlisi-luiiKin^ NellUi o in the sittue-erect position that th<- cut |c roojni tiud Ihe fulling of soft sutn get \\ toad.' Then he remembered Mint a toad would do for the Inntrtn what A uer ranifc. "-™" a is IfrivliiK town Pur UM n cat does for mice. ting table requires-chin and ahdointM+ lif de«S not vfsli to go Rubbers, Rubber Goods, etc., all deeply lii. buck straight, client out. Of offline "OUP morning when he opened (he |fttftbdttm door he wiw n little triiM-n To these who like thewe |jerfumes ( 'Hie liould be toad sitting on the step. The door lieing left open. It hopped in. Wishing lo it is necessary when sewing on the lap ijllows tilled with <11 icd ruse leuve^, ii to put Info ihi< referen m.ike. friends with the tond. he hunted for n nirp fat: worm. Alihoimh the to bend forward, but the bending vith lavender, with dried JiriftHH clover • tfte r.'ii !>f a ninid-s IflflV cut in price. Ing. fo fond was timid at tirst, m lust he i;oi it to take the worm from him. The load slmtild be done from the hips. Tin- buck spires, with the leaves of swet^l fern It is the His! <|iif<44 iun ttttt the worm eagerly, '/hen be found it more worms. After awhile il hopped should not .be rounded. Sewhur nt the IT dried flomi- of real brake feru. pi" of the i otiiau uhen she Is se* king M off info a corner. My friend would lum> thought it hud gone to sl«ep if he lUHciiim- properly conducted is au tid •veil a ni«re |m»£i|c fillinir, well inin new |il iv Anofhi-r iniporttint i olnt in h;hl Ho( seen It darting out it* loim ttfBffn* whenever a fly buzzed past it. udniFile exercise. He sun- lo sll erect. ;li*d \\ it Ii jmre powdered orris, will the con auoination H ihut themrviuiO Bay Where You'll. Buy The Best For The ' I'lisit little toad sat in the yit-fMilioiise. and tlien another toad came in. ) >et id in j;- only at the hips, and you will tfUig unKDeokebte relief, not only tay limies); should be vouched for if the The two of them have been liviuu iliere this winter, happy hi the warmth and Hurt (he rapid pedaling will be henefi heir associmions. bill by- their own former mployer believe-: in It. I f she sunshine and plenty of food while tliHr toad companion* are HleepInK Hie lial its ii healthful exen-jse. kindly potency. But before such pil- eonshlel' t he wo limn )i bo\'c Least Money, If You Do You'll Buy Here Correct sewing is really govermra by, lows nre selected for pWtOBll the pref- i in tIi*** iKU'licuhir it il ill) I If followed erence of prospef'tive recipients iu the My friend makes a low oiuo&lsg c»M when he uls* to feed them. H n few simple rule**, wliic fair to future cm PIT! i" jissert tlnit out make th. i- needle tmd iiainod one <>yp mid Ihe ther .];ip [.tyhiK of tl niatter •.f p I inn. •IM-Uhl I- she is to be tnt ted. rclae winch deepens I lie It is also wise nchide In tl will "Hyp is the bri^htpr of the two. Ht is uol w n fraid uf striinffc thread an c\e hiined. < the yift nifty be shorn of Kt*. strength 'ii chnnicfrr i) •ihi'in Jftp is. When any one but h ninstcr « omes Into jftwuhousp Jap s (he currii i(s iii.•.•_•( •i limt tho n.I shouhte s. .l.'urs the is :i good Work* she )I;I hurry iiway the Hovv#T|M»t. h;ilf lnirie 1 in (he s; ml: hef-p be maltmi ens Ihe >>ack : t ]H I, llj!- 1 hiitfhleiK HIM eyes Don' i For Women. pliice. the sewing room "K©J bag Ago my friend noll«( > i' gecOWd :i bit out . He In the tirsi Nine 'd"n'ls for > lubwonien appear l-'nr her own prok of the New Jersey wrftitiK ii r<*fpi'e;ii'e should date ft noi inn a very big si|uirm. (Jyp at last vrifigletl out of this skin and it sh< be M fresh mid pure sis the Kute Federal HI of Women's Clubs. »nly wlih the mmiih, but wild the uithei- proud of Mmroftf. in • inai nil i>f irray skin. T air out of flaora Th ••»•«• iipiTulions go They are: rear: otherwise. If the woman's chnr lowed the skin. on in the iBWlBfl room—viz. cuttinn. Deal shop Siitur.lay iifteruoons. acler should ctaoffe its lime passes. ihi> 151 BROADWAY "Then my friend looked at .l;i|i ,l he wsa shP4idiug his the •miWmnma •titfiliM ni the table; Iton't lupp itfler .r> p. m. pmOSk W|M> MiiH-hed for her r«rmcTl,v loads do c\ ery spring. These Ivfih Ihi'm in the wurm greenlious stitchiiij;. Hcntecl at :i nt:t«hinp; sewing'. Pta'l fvcur willow plumes (made by will find herself lnrtonrinff an'Individ H. Goldstien, Mgr. t-r\ da> Mils like siinimei', had put < i their BpffQg gurinonts Uio^o with the mn(iTj;il in the lap. In cut BWt'illshtt), fiiihi iubull, l M stu VM.IHII nui do later perlmps ting the nuniner in which the soum lion't VW aJgmK. They tnenn th<" A date prevent* tliis. for stM^M* •tHOT bends uver the lab!-1 is every rteslrnOion of mother birds. lini.' • reference need not («• lufln- thing. Dun'{ >ww i"iiLr hiifphis. They are pneed by It if It Is se\enil ypnrs ciM. The Perfect City. Scott's Rapid Writing. LUMBER BUYERS The following rxenisp taken i«<» or ianyertiHi lo others. Such eommmiM Htinn SIKMIM sjwftj^ I.MIL-II nt Boston'' B Sir Witlli-r S'olt WHS iim< <»f thp mou riipitl writers thHt tho worh] ha-* ever toward correct bending (H the work affalfft. We wflnl women In club work can't come yourself, telephone S3 Ixmg Branch and leave it t< art Hum 1'u tabin—ttint is. bending -without COB •cits cannot afford t*t drew* elaboniteiy. known. He WPJU- 'Cuy Mtuim-rimr' We have tbe largest stock of building material on the coast to chooBe How to Keep Cranberries. (Miinn fMr.i. i fines tlnln In n cuiiple at months, iiml thi, sunn- from. strict ing the chest MI- abdnineo: .siitiid pdn'i be too critical In small thing* Some wnninn keep lilUtlMfrtM fresh a m;unif I. III'M'I' Mlld.'i-s thiin ': tl sufficed tar "Old Mortality." perfectly atvet, with the heels togetl^r. •T large. Reuiomber your own lain tot a tony (into 1 iv trpntinj* in tli-' Hemlock and Spruce Lumber. the chin nnd abdomen In. the client feat. tnke« wlien you ore doing tiiiuK*: y\:l\ ihni (hiv ilo I'lt'liliinl «hi' II pjiiiii; IIKMI while 'Ivnnhiir" was actually ftetetad White Pine and Cypress, Flooring, Ceillhg and Partitions. tin- btCfe str;iiwht Slo«l\ filliim the therefore be helpful, I.) iuwpn t- wttbmIt M r V 11.1 'Til ttlMII i MI stiff, from tbe sides outward nnli! tin 'ill- I he umrt rnpid work •**• 1)»- cin tx Niagara, King Windsor, Tiger Brand Hydrated Lime, rtw itii'l nil rniil III l!l»l I ha II 1,Million < hand* wioft over the head, and nt the T\ IT Ii ti'iiiplNhi-cl vvns his .-olossnl •T.lte of No. 1 Common, Fancy and Fire Brick. DNI he undignified or try to full BJ |iu—Hilr TlM'M III Dublin «V H time the IIHIKN m.-cf (h>- luu(r< should suits lieeause c*f your Rf. unti' 1 IM- tmrt* l.'tm! (Me.i. in- i Nnpolpou." in IIIIIH vnlunip* This* ka i !iii,| BM! 1 Jersey Cedar Shingles and Boat Boards of the Finest Quality- I* tilled U> their fullest nM wfHi air \,- m-I'I? nl (Miy HiIK- f.>f •.,!!»'f. J.-1 !••»- (T,n i niHt wrutc in ftnn yp.ir, Inti-rmlxeU with Metal and Spruce Lath. Agents for Beaver Board. Slowly exiiflMng tin* Mir, lower i In- The Peacock on • Rainy Day. much t'llHT wnrli. arms to uir ridrii MBJI The |H'uo(M-k. tflitterlnc with jew like eypH, ha* I voiee by n.> Mn (ome and inspect our stock, it will pay you 1Hew to FratHtn Sued* Sho«I snitfMl to £• N'niity. Hurry l«« hai Quick Deliverte* rmirteoiie Tmumftni ' Bnt Qualities B r a i n workers. It ,"•<} phi ii >

Cordova, could he iunuV it coal carry- property In tbe Imperial valley and luleriiatioual commlnsJon to look iuto tlement of the particular dispute, but ing road for tbe Bflrltuj river Melds b.v elsewhere along the Colorado river In lbv> cause fir the high prices gf the iw- what is uec-Ued Is some system, devised MESSAGE ON tbe construction of u branch to thoHo Ariaoua. The money wait expended COMdtln of ilfe. Tln-re is no doubt but by putieut and doliberate study iu ad Melds not t'jtcet'tliiifi fifiy or sixty ••III} tbe protective works erected, but thai a coinmtesion could be uppointed vn;tce, ih;:! will meet these constantly miles. It is practicable, »ud If the tbe disturbances In Mexico so delayed of Mich unprejudiced nnd impartial per- occurring aud clearly foreseeable ewer coal mcuBuruK were, to be o|ieued up the work and tbe floods In the Coloru sons, experts In invcKllgatlon of eco- pencil's, not a makeshift to tide over nt CONSERVATION doubtless tbe branch would he built. Lehigh Valley i do river were so cxteusivo that a part nomic facts, that a great deal of very existing crisis. Ndt duriug the rnin in the present condition of things of tbe works have been carried nwny, vuluuble light could bo shed upon the sfjnu, but in fair weather, should tbe there Is DO motive to build the road, and tbe need for further action and ex reasouH for tbe high prices that have so k'tikiiig roof be examined and re- AND LABOR be.entire, there is uo titlo or opportunity pendtture of money exists. 1 do not distressed (he people of tbe world and paired. to open and mine the coal. make u definite recommendation at informuUou given upou which action The i.i.i_;iiihnle aud complexity of The MatanuskH coal lieiiK are u ion;;- I present, fur tlie reason that tbe plan to might be taken to reduce tbe cost of modern iudtistrlal disputes have put vr distance from the coast. They it re '<" adopted for the betterment of con- living. The very satisfactory report upou some of our statutes and oui President Tait Reviews thefrom 150 to 200 miles from the harboi uf the railway stock and bouds com COAL ditions nenr the mouth of the (,'olorndu present i/iechiiniKin for adjusting such of Howard, ou Resurrection bay. This river proves to be so dependent on a mission indicates bow useful an inves differences—where we con be said to Work and Approves the is "lie of the finest harbors in the free and full agreement between the tigatiou of this kind can be when on have any mechanism ut all—a* strain world, and a reservation has l>een government of Mexico and tbe govern- del-token by men who have had ade they were never intended to war and made there for the use of tbe uavy of ment of tbe United States as to joint (piato experience Jn economic inquiries for which they are unsnited. What is Recommendations of th3 the United States. A road construct and a levelheadedness aud judgment, TRY somE expenditure and Joint use that It is uo urgently needed today is a re-cxamina ed from Reward to the Matauuska wise to move until we can obtain some correctly to apply sound principles to (Urn of our laws bearing upon the rein Interior Department. coal fields would form part of n system agreement with that government which the facts found. ^W tions of employer nud employee und reaching from the coast Inln the.be.art Will enable us to. submit to congress a For some vent's JMVI the high and a enreful and discriminating, scrutiny of Alaska and open the great Interior larger plan better adapted to tbe exi steadily increasing cost of living Um of the vnrioiis plann which are being For Luting of Coal Lands and Gav valleys of (he Yukon and tbe Tanaua gencles presented than the one adopt tried lo several of our own states nut] which bare agricultural as well a« been a matter of such grave public con eminent Ownership of Railroads In ed. It is essential that we act prompt cern that I deem it of great public In l'i other countries, , Thin would seem Thos. L. SIOGum & Go. great mineral possibilities. Alaska—Ad vooatw Federal Contro ly, and through the state department terest that uu international confer to be the first uaturnl step in bringing the matter is being pressed upon the of Wator Power Sitss—Favors Inter- Tbe Alaska Central road has been ence be proposed at tutu time fur tbe about an adjustment of these relations aiteniioii of the Mexican government. better suited to the newer conditions national Commission on ths High constructed some seventy-one tnlles of purpose of preparing plans, tu be sub the distance from Seward north to Meantime a report of the engineer in mitted to tbe various goveruments. for of Industry. Telephone 27 374 Broadway Coit of Living—Propoaaa a Commi. tbe Matannska coal fields, but tbe con charge, together with n subsequent re- an international Inquiry- into the high sion to Investigate Industrial Dia- port upon his work by a body of ex- N'nniTiiiis special investigations, of structlon beyond this has been dis- cost of living, Its extent, causes, cf tiHiii and unofficial, have revealed con puUs and Kindrod Matters Affecting couraged, first, by the fact that there perts appointed by the .secretary of t he fe<-(* and possible remedies. 1 there Interior, together with nn offer by the dit ions in more than one industry Labor. has been no policy adopted of opening fore recommend that to enable the which ,have immediately been recog Up the coal lands Upon Which Inventors Southern Pacific railroad to do th<- president to invite foreign govern To the Senate and House of Repre work at a certain price with a guaran- nixed on nil sides as entirely out of gazel of his own composition which could depend and. second, because ments to such n conference, to be held harmony with accepted American research of I lie Curuegie institution of senta tires: there seems to be a lack of fiuanclnl ty for a ie;ir. and a comment upon nt Wa.shiogtou or elsewhere, the con Jam! did not like. this offer by Brigadier General Mar- 1 standards. It Is probable that to a Wnslilugtou. in which be speaks upon The writer contended that It was a There is no brauch of the federal backing of those engaged in the enter gross provide an appropriation, sot to great extent the remedies for these this subject us n member of a commit' jurisdiction wbich calls more lmpern prise. The secretary of the interior shall, late chief of engineers. United exceed $20,000. to defray the expenses very curious sonnet, for the letter alif States army, and now consulting en- conditions, so far as the remedies in tee appointed by tbe executive council was not to be found in any one of the thely for Immediate legislation than has ascertained that tbe bondholders, of preparation and of participation by volve legislation, lie in the field of of (lie American Historical association who are the real owners of the roud. gineer of tbe reclamation service, are tbe United States. words. To this Jami very appropri- that which concerns ttie public domain all herewith transmitted. state action. Rut such a comprehen- to bring tbe nintter to tbe attention of nro willing to soil to the government, sive. Inquiry as is necessary to furnish tbe president and congress. ately remarked: • and especially the part of that domain The numerous investigations on thu "You can do a better thing yet—taka which Is in Alaska. Tbe report of the and be recommends "the purchase of a basis for intelligent action must be WM. H. TAPT. tbe existing road, such reconstruction Water Power Sitas. subject, official or other, already mnde 4 away all the letters from the wordd secretary of tbe Interior, which Is in various countries (such as Austria. undertaken on national Initiative and Tbe Wbite House. Feb. 2, 1012. ns iiniv be necessary. Its continuance lu previous communications to con- must be nation wide In Its scope, li you have written."—New York Herald. transmitted herewith, and the report to tbo Matauuska coal fields and thence gress I have pointed out two methods Belgium, Canada, Denmark. France. Germany, Great Britain. Italy, the view of tbe results that have followed lo him of the governor of Alaska set iuto the valleys of the Yukon and tbe by which the wator power sites ou the activities of the federal govern- LITERARY FREAKS; Hats In Elizabeth's Tims. out the public need In this regard with Tannna. II would be a. great trunk nonnavigable streams may be con- Netherlands and tbe United states, have themselves strongly demonstrat- ment in educatlou. lu agriculture and The oldest material used for bnts ia great force nnd In satisfactory detail. Hue and would be an opening up of trolled as between tbe state and tbe in other fields wbich do not lie primar- Curious Styles of Composition That felt, which waa In use at tbe time of Alaska by government capital. national government. It has seeued ed tbe need of further study of world • The progress under the reclamation wide scope. Those who have conduct- ily within tbe 6eld of federal legtsia Amused Old Time Writers. the Conquest, while in the Canterbury act has made clear the defects of its I am not In favor of government wipe that the coutrol should be con- ed these Investigations have found i ion there cnu be no serious argument With many writers, especially Iu Tales a merchant is spoken of as wear- limitations which should be remedied ownership where the same certainty centrated In one government or the that the phenomenon of rising prices against tbe propriety or the wisdom olden tites, various curious stylet* ol ng "a riaiuuirjish beaver hatte." Ladies The rules governing tbe acquisition of and efficiency of servlee can be bad other as tbe active participant in su- Is almost. If not quite, genem) through- of nn Inquiry by the federal govern composition were much in favor. One probably did not begin to wear huts homesteads of land that is not arid or by private enterprise, but I think the pervising Its use by private enterprise. out: the world, but they are baffled In injnt into the general conditions of author, for example, would compose until about the tenth century, if BO semlsrid are not well adapted to the conditions presented In Alaska nn> uf It) most oases where the government the attempt to trace tbe causes bythe labor in tbe United States, notwith- verses with some particular letter early, and then it was tbe lofty head 1 for it would prepare the way could be car- The special Investigations (bat have of flue haire, these they call bever benefit of its fostering care to the ter- of the water nnd gives the beneflcial ening, the shoulder would be formed hattes, of XX, X3tX or XL shilling, tbe land at the end of fire years' cul- ritory of Alaska. There was a time, use to the first ami continuous user. ried out b.v existing bureaus in this been made of recent industrial con- aud then body. - j and other governments as part of their ditions, whether private or official. price, fetched from beyond tbe seaB, tivation and three years' occupation. of course, when A/lanka was regarded lu order to secure proper care by the There were also verses urrauged in with a reservation of ft government regular work and would require little. have been fragmentary, lucompipte from whence a great sort of other va- nn so far removed into tbe Arctic state governments over these sources tbe lnriii of u pair of gloves, a pair of riety do come besides." In tbe rel^n of Hen for tbe amount of the unpaid pur- ocean ns to make any development of If any. additional appropriations for nnd at best only partially representa- of power It has been proposed that the such bureaus. tive or typical. Tbeir lessons, never- spectacles, etc. Specimens of this kind Henry 'VHI. hats assumed a "greato chase money. This leniency to the It practically impossible, but for years government shall deed the water pow- of literary frivolity are to be found in reclamation homesteader will relieve theless, are Important, and until some richnesse and beautie," but in the time the facts have been known lo those er site to the state on condition Unit Commission on Industrial Relation*. thing comprehensive and adequate Is French. Kpaniuh and Kngllsb books of of the first James they became even him from occupation at a time when who Imve been responsible for its gov the site and nil the plant upon it shall the sixteenth, century. tbe condition of tbe land makes It most Tbe extraordinary growth of indus- available they serve a. useful purpose, more ornate, jewels of price aud occa- rnment, nnd every one who has, given revert to the government unless the try lu the past two decades and Us and they will necessarily continue to Both iu Cbiim aud -lapau such lit- sionally small mirrors being used in burdensome and difficult and at the state parts with the site only by a end of five years will furnish him w 1th tbe subject the slightest consideration revolutionary changes have raised new be made. But unquestionably the time erary fvtxtu are held in great esteem (heir adornment.—London Spectator. a title upon which he can borrow has been aware of tbe wonderful pos- lease, the terms of which It enforces and vital questions an to the relations is now ripe for a searching Inquiry eveu at the present diiy. In the hit- money aud continue the improvement sibilities In its growth and develop- aud which requires a revaluation of betweeu employers and wage earners Into the subject of Industrial relations ler country the poet uot infrequently of his holding. . , ment if only en pit A) were invested the rental every ten years, tbe full which have become matters of press- which shall be official, authoritative, arranges his versus in tbe shape of n Tomb of Omar Khayyam. there and n good government put over term to last not more than fifty years. Ing public concern. These questions balanced and well rounded, such as man's head, thus perhaps giving a la Omar Khayyam's tomb at NU ,. I also concur In the recommendation it. 1 think the United States owes It. A failure of tbe state, to make and en- have been Romewhat obscured by the only the federal government can sue* einl outline of the subject of his verse, is iu one wing of the mosque elected •of the secretary of the Interior that therefore, to Alaska and lo the peo- force such lenses would enable tb'j profound changes in tbe relations be- cessfully undertake. Tho present wide- nnd though the Chinese inny not make Iu memory of tbe Moslem saint Imam- all of our public domain should he ple who Imve gone there to take an government by an m-fioii of forfeiture tween competing producers and pro- spread interest lu the subject, makes so uice a choice, choosing perhaps a ziuhih Mohammed Mabruk. Although classified and that each class should cxceptionnl step and to build a rail- to recover the power sites und all ducers as u class and consumers—In this an opportune time for an investi- cow or other animal for the design, the . poet's prophecy concerning his be disposed of or administered In the road that shall open the treasure*) of plants that might be erected thereon, other words, by the changes which, gation, which in uny event cannot long they display greater Ingenuity. tomb—tbat It would be in a place manner most appropriate to that par- aku to the Pacific and to the people and this power of penalizing those who umoag other results, have given vise be postponed, ft should be nonpar- Among the most curious of all liter- where the north wind would scatter ticular class. who live along that ocean on our west •m.veed to tbe control would furnish a to whnt is commonly called the trust fii-rm. comprehensive, thorough, pa- ary freaks are the Ilpogrammatlc roses over it—is not literally true, the The chief change, however, which [>rii coasl. The construction of a rail motive to compel the observance of the problem. Tbe large scale production tient and courageous. works composed b.v the old Greeks. garden of tbe mosque is BO rich In rond nnd owuerahlp of the fee do not policy of the governmenj;. characteristic of modern Industry, works in wbich one letter of the al- roses as almost "to make one In love ought to be made and which I have al- There is already available much in- ready recommended In previous mes- iei <-ssititle n«>v erniiienl operation I*U1'- The secretary of the interior IIUH sug- however. Involves the one set of rela- phnbet Is omitted. Tbe "Odyssey" of with death." There ia no Inscription tions no leas than the other. Any In- formation on certain aspects of the Trypbiodorus is composed In Ihis way. upon tbe tomb, a simple case made of sages and communications to congress suniit". however, lo tbe reeommeuda gested another method by which the subject in the reports of the federal is that by which government conl laud JJioii of: Uie.secretary of tbe interior. I water power site shall he leased di terruption to the normal and peaceful He had no alpha, in bin first book, uo brick nnd cement, to tell the story, or relations between employer and wage and state bureaus of labor and iu oth- beta In his second, and so on with the even the name, of its occupant, al- >u*L phosphate and other mineral lnrtds KJCM! to eoiiKvesH the window of pro- rectly by the government to those who er official nnd unofficial publications. containing u on metalliferous minerals viding i ha I the president may appoint exercise a public franchise under pro- earner involves public discomfort and subsequent letters one after auotuer. though It is well known to be Omar's in many cases public disaster. Such Out? essential part of the proposed in- grave. "Vandal scfibblers," Professor shall be leased by tbe government, with a . omruissiion uf competent persons, in visions imposing a rental for the wn- quiry would naturally be. to assemble. This "Odyssey" was an lmltatiou of restrictions us to size and time, re- interruptions become, therefore, quite .Jackson, wbo lately visited the spot. dluK two army engineers, to emru ter power to create ft fund to be ex- as much a matter of public concern as digest and interpret this information tbe Ilpogrammatic "Iliad" ot Xestor. sembling those which now obtain tie and report upon (he avallnblc pended by the general government for There was an ode by Pindar where- says, "have desecrated It with random restraint of trude or monopoly. so far as it bears upon our present in- scrnwls and bave also scratched their throughout the country between the routm for a rnilroad from Seward io (he improvement of tbe stream and tbe dustrial conditions. In addition to froiu he had purposely omitted the let-' owners in fee and tbe lessees who work be Mntamiflka conl fields aud Into (he benefit of the local community where ler slgmn. Tliis Ingenuity became u names upou the brown mortar of tbe Industrial relations conceru tbe pub- this the commission should inquire into adjoining walls, disclosing the white the mines nnd In leases like those raminn nnd Yukon valleys, with nu tbe power site is, and permitting the lic for a double reason*. We are di- tbe general conditions of labor In our literary fad. encouraged even by those which have been most successful in .•stimate of the value of the existing who. It might be thought, would be cement underneath. A stick of wood, state to regulate tbe rates at which rectly interested In tbe maintenance of principal industries, into tbe existing a stone and some fragments of shards Australia, New Zealand and Nova Sco- uiriifitly constructed railroad and of the converted power is sold. The lat- peaceful and stable industrial condi- relations between employers and em- the first to oppose such literary trifling. tia. The showlug made by investiga- he (o*t of continuing the railniad lu profaned the top of the sarcophagus ter method suggested by tbe .secretary tions for the sake of our own comfort ployees In those industries, into tbe va- In Latin there fat u work by l-'ulgeii- when we saw it. There wns nothing tions into (lie succeMfut working of he proper poiuts in the valleys uained, la a more direct method for federal and well being, but society Is equally rious methods which have been tried tius divided into tweuty-three chapters (he le.-iMii- system leaves no doubt as riiK pci»[fosal [n further justified by else. It Ia to be regretted that Rome at control, find in view of tbe probnble Interested In Its sovereign civic capac- for maintaining mutually satisfactory according to the order of the tweuty- Omnr's admirers In tbe Occident do nnt to its wisdom and practical utility. He be nt'i'd that the navy of the United union and systematic organization aud ity In seeing that our institutions are relations between employees and em- tbree letters of the Latin alphabet. nuireinents as to the working of the States has for a secure coaling base in 1 provide a suitable Inscription on the welding together of the power deFlved effectively maintaining justice and fair ployers and for avoiding or adjusting From A to O are still extant. The first spot to show the renown hp enjoyn in mine during the term may be so fram- the in MI 11 Pacific. The commission dealing between nny classes of citizens traq> disputes, and- into the scope, chapter is without A. the second with- ed ns to prevent uny holding of targe from water within a radius of 300 or the west."-ArffnnHiit. night to make n full report also as to 400 miles, I think It better that the whose economic Interests may seem to methods and resources of federal and out It, and so on. mining properties merely for Bpecultt- the churacter of the coal fields at Ma clash. Railway strikes on such a scale state bureaus of labor and tbe meth- tion. while the royalties may be made ftniiKka and I ho problem of furnish power of control should remain in tbe The Persians also appear to have' Radium. national government than that It as baa recently been witnessed In ods by which they might more ade been given to this freakish work. | sufficiently low not unduly lo tsCttSN UK eoal from that Hotirce for luprcnn- France and In England, a strike of qpntely meet the responsibilities which lladiura, wbich emits heat spontane- the cost of (he co.il mined nnd :it Hi.- ile purpose* after reserving for gov- should he turned over to tbe states. There is it story to tbe effect fbst H ously and without cessation, is present Under such a system the federal gov- coal mine workers such as we have through tbe work of the commission poet rend_ to the celebrated .Tnml a same lime sufficient to furnish ;) rea- ernment mining ii .sufficient qnsinlity more than once witnessed In this coun- above recommended would be more In (he sun. sonable income for the. use'of the pub for the navy. n^woiiM hare such direct super- vision of tbe whole matter that any try and such a wholesale relinquishing clearly brought to light and defined. He in tbe community where the mining of a public service as that of tbe street Mil branding Impor^ad goes on. In Alaska there is no reason I have already recommended lo iOti- honest administration could easily pre- cleaners reccBtty- +n>-&*w- ¥*>rt iU*uu why a substantial income should not **R« -tU*'. wwtiiMNhmeni of a form of vent the Abuses wbich a monopoly of (rate the serious danger to public well thus be raised for uuch public works •ouiniisslon government for Alaska absolute ownership In private persons being and the Inadequacy of the exist- My attention has been called to tbe iate Fw friday aM Saturday as may be deemed necessary or useful. The territory is too extended, it** nopd* or companies would make possible- ing social machinery either to prevent Injustice, which is done in this country There Is BO difference between the Ma t varied and its dlstaace "Trrnu Bureau of National Parks. such occurrences or to ndjust them on by the sale of articles In the trade pur- reasons which call for the nppilcatiou IrVnubliigtou too remote to nimble eon- earnestly recommend the. establish nny equitable and permanent bnsls porting to be made in Ireland, when of Hie leasing system to the run I hinds ress lo kwp Up with Its neeeHPltles in ment of a bareau of uatfonal parks. after they have arisen. they are not so made, and) it is suggest- stlt! retained by the government in the he matter of legislation.,., of a h^^al Iticfa legislation is essential to the prop- ed that tbe justice of the enactment of 5 Ib. Pail of Jfilly - - 30c United States proper and those ""Which •barncter. er management of those wondrous In spite of the frequency with which a law which, so far ns the jurisdiction exist In Alaska. .. •-., .. The povermT of Alaska in bis report, manifestations of nature, so startling wo arc exposed to these dangers and In of the fedefni government can go, 3 bot. Ritters Apple Butter 25c which accompanies that of tbe spcre and so beautiful that every one recog- spite of the absence of provision for would prevent u continuance of this There ;ire naiv in Alaska only two ary of the Interior, point* out certain nises tbe obligations of t ho government. dealing with them we continue to as- misrepresentation to the public and 3 Glasses Aunt Jemimas Sugar Butter 25c well known high grade coal B«Ms of aw*-that ought to be adopted ftnd em to preserve them for the edification and sume with easy going conGdence that frfiiid upon those who are entitled to large extent, the. Bering river ennl field ilmsi/e^ what I have said n* to the recreation of the people. The Yellow- iu each new case somehow or other the use the statement, ID tbe sale of their 3 Glasses Honey 25c and the Miitanuska coal field. The mined bite need for a government of stone park, the Yosemfte, the Grnntl parties to the dispute will find some goods. I think it to be greatly in the Bering river coal field, while ft hit* much wider powers than now exists auyou of the Colorado, the Glacier solution which will be agreeable to Interest of fair dealing, which ougbt 6 pkgs. Kirkman's Soap Powder 25c varying qualities of coal from the bi- •re If it can lie snid to have any themselves and consistent with the pub always to be encouraged by law. for National park nnd the Mount Rainier congress to euact a law making it a tuminous to the anthracite, is very ^a\ prnment ut all. National park and others furnish ap Me Interest. We all see the grant ob- much lessened In value and BNfOftMa* jections to strikes nud lockouts, how- misdemeanor punishable by fine or im- Assorted Cakes 10c Ib. I do not Atop lo dwell upon the luck ppupriate Instances. lu only one casn prisonment to use the muiU or lo put by tbe grinding effect to which in gfo- if provision for (he health of tbe in lime we made anything like adequnte ever necessary they may be in extreme logical ages past tbe coal measure* cases, nod we nre ready to criticise the into interstate commerce auv articles Best Butterine 25c Ib. ISIhiiani*» nnd (lie nImpure or inaitr preparation for tbe use of a park by of tnertliandiHe which bear upon their have been subjected, m that the roul ]iim\v of Ntw*a, the mere stitfemeni uf more extreme phases of the Industrial does not lie or cannot be mined hi Lajya he public. Tint case is the Yellow- rontiici. such as boycotts and black- face a statement that they have been 5 lbs. Best Starch 25c which shows (heir crying need, I only sto:ie N* fit tonal park. Every considerw- manufactured in .some particulnr coun- lumps. It must be taken out in almost prow upon congress the imperative lie lists, but we leave the sitnhtion such a powdered condition The same diflV fou ol' patriotism :ind die love of MM thru Industrial disputes load Inevitably try when the fact is otherwise. 3 boxes of Ohio Blue tip Matches • 10c •ewslty for Inkinjr nctimi nut wily in :ure find of beauty nnd of art requires cntiy Aoes no) appear to the same ex rf*rmlt ttie betfinnlnn of lac develop to a stafc of Industrial war in which tent tu tbe MaUnuska coal folds. The s to expend money enough to bring those are the only weapons left to the Etuildinf For Public Archiv««, 2 Ib. Large Prunes 25c lieut of Al*i(-ka and the "peit'iit; of ill die*,, natural wonders* within-oasy Bering river coal fields nre only twwi MM resources, out In provide law s two combatants. No more clumsy or 1 cannot ffHUt this message without ty-fiv* miles from the const. They un x'iicU nT «mi- people- The first *tiep in expensive method of determining the inviting the attention of congress ngaia 3 cans Peas - - - • • 25c n'lik-h thill iftviv to 1lu>*v who eouie hat dim-tloti Is the establishment of within easy distance of an exist in n under their jurNdieiion dwent pr^tec IHIO of wages nnd the bburs and con- to tbe necessity for the erection of a railroad built by tbe Morgaii-tttiggen ft repponsihlt,- bureau which shall take ditions of labor could well be devised. building to contain tho public archive*. 3 cans Corn 25c heiin interest* and may a Wo be rcm-ti 1 irt« has been purchased, and nothing re- ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED FREE but could probably be mad« practical ' tiioiiziHH the expenditure of SI .mm mm Pt lm* bfcn R vtronj; movement .tml ufliijrer.t incident lo industrial AtriTe mains now lint the erection of :i proper with the exiwuditnre of considerable,^ or M iKU'h I heriM)f n« lliifiht Iw iwres fi vi'mioinMs. lr.ithers frjU»r<»»Ted in economic iuvestigfl- iismtMv rut outcry for Utf -•sinl>ii>*liitienr )i Pntftaoor .1 I'riinklin .lomeson dl Guggenheim Interests, running from fer tlir puri«»«e of proierttns !:•;d- ntttl i .'eeutv the afip'Intmpnt of an of some tribunal Tor tbe fmmcdlar* set- rector" «f tlM department of bhtorleti E. H. DeCAMP You Hake No Histake if You Advertise in the Long: Branch Record 100 7thAve. Tel. 203-L