•usGsscience for a changing world Geologic Map of the Southern Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Northwestern Italy By James E. Quick,1 Silvano Sinigoi,2 Arthur W. Snoke,3 Thomas J. Kalakay,3 Adriano Mayer,2 and Gabriella Peressini2·4 Pamphlet to accompany Geologic Investigations Series Map I- 2776 1U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 20192- 0002. 2Uni versita di Trieste, via Weiss 8, 341 27 Trieste, ltalia. 3Uni versity of Wyoming, Larami e, WY 8207 1- 3006. 4Max-Planck-lnstitut ft.ir Chemi e, J.J. Becherweg 27, 55 128 Mainz, Germany. 2003 U.S. Department of the Interi or U.S. Geological Survey COVER: View of the Ponte della Gula, an ancient bridge spanning the Torrente Mastellone approximately 2 kilometers north of the village of Varallo. Diorite of Valsesia crops out beneath the bridge. Photograph by ADstudia, Silvana Ferraris, photographer, Pizza Calderini, 3-13019 Varallo Sesia (
[email protected]) INTRODUCTION REGIONAL SETTING The intrusion of mantle-derived magma into the deep conti The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (fig. 1) is a tectonically bounded sliver nental crust, a process commonly referred to as magmatic of plutonic and high-temperature, high-pressure metamorphic underplating, is thought to be important in shaping crustal com rocks in the southern Alps of northwestern Italy (Mehnert, position and structure. However, most evidence for this process 1975; Fountain, 1976). To the northwest, it is faulted against is indirect. High P-wave velocities and seismic-reflection profiles the basement of the Austro-Alpine Domain by the lnsubric Line, reveal that much of the deep continental crust is dense and a major suture zone that separates the European and Apulian strongly layered, consistent with the presence of layered mafic plates (Schmid and others, 1987; Nicolas and others, 1990).