(The references are to pages of Senate Journal.)

(Page numbers in bold type refer to pages in 2015 Journal.)

6. A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to appropriate funds from the Nuclear Waste Fund for the establishment of a permanent repository for high-level nuclear waste or reimburse electric utility customers who paid into the fund. Mar. 19, introduced by Senator ...... 342 Mar. 19, rules suspended...... 342 Mar. 19, referred to Committee on Energy and Technology...... 342 Oct. 20, reported favorably without amendment...... 1682 Oct. 20, placed on order of Resolutions...... 1682 Oct. 29, adopted...... 1755 Oct. 29, transmitted to House...... 1755 Feb. 24, 2016, House concurrence received...... 252 Feb. 24, referred to Secretary for record...... 252 Senator(s) Phillip Pavlov, Dale Zorn, , , David Robertson, , Judith Emmons, James Marleau, Tory Rocca, Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, Thomas Casperson, Rick Jones, Michael Kowall named co‑sponsor(s) Representative(s) Kurt Heise, Tim Kelly, Bill LaVoy named co‑sponsor(s)

8. A concurrent resolution to urge the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis­sion to fulfill their obligation to establish a permanent repository for high-level nuclear waste. Mar. 19, introduced by Senator Dale Zorn...... 343 Mar. 19, rules suspended...... 343 Mar. 19, referred to Committee on Energy and Technology...... 343 Oct. 20, reported favorably without amendment...... 1683 Oct. 20, placed on order of Resolutions...... 1683 Oct. 29, adopted...... 1755 Oct. 29, transmitted to House...... 1755 Feb. 24, 2016, House concurrence received...... 252 Feb. 24, referred to Secretary for record...... 252 Senator(s) John Proos, Phillip Pavlov, Wayne Schmidt, Kenneth Horn, Patrick Colbeck, Peter MacGregor, David Robertson, Judith Emmons, James Marleau, Tory Rocca, Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, Thomas Casperson, Rick Jones, Michael Kowall named co‑sponsor(s) Representative(s) Kurt Heise, Bill LaVoy named co‑sponsor(s)

19. A concurrent resolution to approve the release of money from the Roads Innovation Fund for deposit into the Michigan Transportation Fund, as provided by section 1j(5) of 1951 PA 51. Dec. 1, introduced by Senator ...... 1878 Dec. 1, rules suspended...... 1878 Dec. 1, referred to Committee on Appropriations...... 1878 Sep. 8, 2016, reported favorably without amendment...... 1550 Sep. 8, placed on order of Resolutions...... 1550 Sep. 8, rules suspended...... 1517 Sep. 8, adopted...... 1524 Sep. 8, Roll Call: Roll Call # 495 Yeas 34 Nays 4 Exc 0 Not Voting 0...... 1524 Oct. 18, House concurrence received...... 1636 Oct. 18, referred to Secretary for record...... 1636 Senator(s) Darwin Booher, Goeffrey Hansen, , Peter MacGregor named co‑sponsor(s) Representative(s) Martin Howrylak, Eric Leutheuser named co‑sponsor(s)

23. A concurrent resolution to approve an extension of the state of emergency in the county of Genesee and the city of Flint. Jan. 28, introduced by Senator Arlan Meekhof...... 85 2606 REGULAR SESSION OF 2016

Jan. 28, rules suspended...... 85 Jan. 28, adopted...... 85 Jan. 28, transmitted to House...... 85 Feb. 4, House concurrence received...... 117 Feb. 4, referred to Secretary for record...... 117 Senator(s) Steven Bieda, Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, , Goeffrey Hansen, Curtis Hertel, David Hildenbrand, Kenneth Horn, Marty Knollenberg, Michael Kowall, Peter MacGregor, James Marleau, Michael Nofs, John Proos, Wayne Schmidt, Rebekah Warren named co‑sponsor(s)

24. A concurrent resolution to create the Joint Select Committee on the Flint Water Public Health Emergency. Feb. 23, introduced by Senator Arlan Meekhof...... 235 Feb. 23, rules suspended...... 235 Feb. 23, adopted...... 235 Feb. 23, transmitted to House...... 235 Feb. 24, House concurrence received...... 253 Feb. 24, referred to Secretary for record...... 252 Feb. 24, Senate committee members named: , , ...... 244 Senator(s) Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, Patrick Colbeck, Goeffrey Hansen, Marty Knollenberg, Peter MacGregor, Phillip Pavlov, Dale Zorn named co‑sponsor(s)

25. A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which ensures that citizens are promptly notified of potential lead in water contamination. Feb. 24, introduced by Senator Curtis Hertel...... 251 Feb. 24, referred to Committee on Government Operations...... 251 Senator(s) Steven Bieda, Jim Ananich, Coleman Young, named co‑sponsor(s)

26. A concurrent resolution to grant subpoena power to the Joint Select Committee on the Flint Water Public Health Emergency. Mar. 1, introduced by Senator Jim Ananich...... 270 Mar. 1, referred to Committee on Government Operations...... 270 Senator(s) Steven Bieda, Morris Hood, Hoon-Yung Hopgood, Bertram Johnson, Coleman Young, Curtis Hertel, Rebekah Warren, David Knezek, Vincent Gregory named co‑sponsor(s)

27. A concurrent resolution prescribing the legislative schedule. Mar. 24, introduced by Senator Michael Kowall...... 451 Mar. 24, rules suspended...... 451 Mar. 24, adopted...... 451 Mar. 24, transmitted to House...... 451 Apr. 13, House concurrence received...... 490 Apr. 13, referred to Secretary for record...... 490 Senator(s) Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, Goeffrey Hansen, John Proos, Dale Zorn named co‑sponsor(s)

28. A concurrent resolution to approve an extension of the state of emergency in the county of Genesee and the city of Flint. Apr. 13, introduced by Senator Arlan Meekhof...... 489 Apr. 13, rules suspended...... 489 Apr. 13, adopted...... 489 Apr. 13, transmitted to House...... 489 Apr. 14, House concurrence received...... 511 Apr. 14, referred to Secretary for record...... 511 Senator(s) Steven Bieda, Patrick Colbeck, Curtis Hertel, Marty Knollenberg, Michael Kowall, Peter MacGregor, Margaret O’Brien, Tory Rocca, Dale Zorn named co‑sponsor(s)

29. A concurrent resolution of tribute offered as a memorial for Edgar “Ed” Fredricks, former member of the Michigan House of Representatives and . Apr. 28, introduced by Senator Arlan Meekhof...... 623 Apr. 28, rules suspended...... 623 Apr. 28, adopted...... 623 Apr. 28, entire membership of the Senate and Lieutenant Governor named co‑sponsors...... 623 Apr. 28, transmitted to House...... 623 SENATE HISTORY OF SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS 2607

May 5, House concurrence received...... 686 May 5, referred to Secretary for record...... 686 Senator(s) Jim Ananich, Steven Bieda, Darwin Booher, Jack Brandenburg, Thomas Casperson, Patrick Colbeck, Judith Emmons, Michael Green, Vincent Gregory, Goeffrey Hansen, Curtis Hertel, David Hildenbrand, Morris Hood, Hoon-Yung Hopgood, Kenneth Horn, Joe Hune, Bertram Johnson, Rick Jones, David Knezek, Marty Knollenberg, Michael Kowall, Peter MacGregor, James Marleau, Michael Nofs, Margaret O’Brien, Phillip Pavlov, John Proos, David Robertson, Tory Rocca, Wayne Schmidt, Tonya Schuitmaker, Mike Shirkey, Jim Stamas, Rebekah Warren, Coleman Young, Dale Zorn named co‑sponsor(s)

30. A concurrent resolution to encourage the Governor to change the name of the Michigan Department of Correc­ tions to the Michigan Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. May 3, introduced by Senator Vincent Gregory...... 635 May 3, rules suspended...... 635 May 3, referred to Committee on Michigan Competitiveness...... 635 Jun. 1, reported favorably without amendment...... 909 Jun. 1, placed on order of Resolutions...... 909 Jun. 9, adopted...... 1426 Jun. 9, transmitted to House...... 1426 Senator(s) Kenneth Horn, Rick Jones, John Proos, Judith Emmons, Rebekah Warren, Jack Brandenburg, Marty Knollenberg, Wayne Schmidt, Steven Bieda named co‑sponsor(s)

31. A concurrent resolution to urge the United States as well as the state of Michigan to increase funding for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma research. Sep. 21, introduced by Senator Rebekah Warren...... 1581 Sep. 21, rules suspended...... 1581 Sep. 21, adopted...... 1581 Sep. 21, transmitted to House...... 1581 Senator(s) Tory Rocca, David Knezek, Steven Bieda, Jim Ananich, Morris Hood, Vincent Gregory, Coleman Young, Hoon-Yung Hopgood, Judith Emmons, James Marleau, Jack Brandenburg, Goeffrey Hansen, John Proos named co‑sponsor(s) Representative(s) Tom Cochran, Gretchen Driskell, Jon Hoadley, Marcia Hovey-Wright, Holly Hughes, Bill LaVoy, Sarah Roberts, Sam Singh, Robert Wittenberg named co‑sponsor(s)

32. A concurrent resolution prescribing the legislative schedule. Sep. 21, introduced by Senator Michael Kowall...... 1609 Sep. 21, rules suspended...... 1609 Sep. 21, adopted...... 1609 Sep. 21, transmitted to House...... 1609 Oct. 18, House concurrence received...... 1637 Oct. 18, referred to Secretary for record...... 1637

33. A concurrent resolution providing for the final adjournment of the Legislature. Dec. 15, introduced by Senator Michael Kowall...... 2141 Dec. 15, rules suspended...... 2141 Dec. 15, adopted...... 2141 Dec. 15, transmitted to House...... 2141 Dec. 28, House concurrence received...... 2156 Dec. 28, referred to Secretary for record...... 2156