The Ticker, December 4, 2000
/ .. VOLUME 78, ISSUE 8 For.the Students and the Community December 4, 2000 Stress Busters The BathrooRi 'Solution Free Massages at Stress Management Workshop ·More -.... lion and· By, Vaaessa Wite-ko By Adam Ostaszewski News Editor JlI":. .... Nt!WS Editor It has been two months since the article was In preparation for another grueling finals published on the unsanitary conditions of the week, Baruch will be holding a "Stress Women's bathrooms. There have been some a-USfe-rS"""-worKsnop-on-DecemberiWam:r-t4th. - --improvemenis~-and an-extra service was- aaoed The program, which is co-sponsored by the to the women's bathrooms, however certain Counseling Center and the Health Center, will conditions remain in deadlock. be held in room 1704 ofthe 360 PAS building The following improvements have occurred. from 12:00 to 3:30. The neglecting of OSHA health code, section The Health and Counseling Centers have I 910.141(d)(2)(iii) "Each lavatory shall be pro aranged for two independent massage thera vided with hot and cold running water, or tepid pists, Shakti Tatlan and Nelle Davis, to come in running water," was fixed. The hot water has and give massages to anyone that chooses to been. turned on, and all sinks are functioning participate. Light refreshments will be also properly. served. Additional trashcans were placed in the bath Aurora Ocampo ofthe Center for Health and rooms of the 18 street building to help control Healing at Beth Israel Hospital will be speaking the level oftrash. Also, the soap was replaced at the workshop. Ocampo is a clinical nurse in the women's bathroom 00 the 14 floor of360 specializing in therapeutic touch; she is also PAS.
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