Iurgi Caminos September 29, 1978 Donostia – Sebastián (Spain) Spanish National Coach certificate since 2003 FIBA Licensed coach Nº 201902502 http://www.iurgicoach.com
[email protected] +34 609214113 Skype: iurgi.caminos Historial - coach SEASON TEAM CATEGORY 2019/20 Rizing Zephyr Fukuoka B. League – Head Coach 2018/19 Denso Iris WJBL – Associate Head Coach 2017/18 Baskonia ACB/Euroleague – Assistant Coach Pablo Prigioni (Houston Rockets) Easo Workouts in Toyota Center 2016/17 – San Sebastián U18 players - workouts Pablo Prigioni (L.A. Clippers) Workouts in Clippers Facility 2015 Basque Country NT U20 – Head Coach 2014/15 Araberri Basket Club LEB Silver - Head Coach Basque Country NT U19 – Head Coach Araberri Basket Club LEB Silver - Head Coach 2013/14 Basque Country NT U18 – Head Coach LEB Silver - Head Coach 2012/13 Azpeitia Azkoitia ISB U18 players - workouts Lan Mobel ISB LEB Silver - Head Coach 2011/12 U18 players - workouts Lagun Aro GBC ACB - Workouts in post season Lan Mobel ISB LEB Silver - Assistant coach – Scouting 2010/11 Iraurgi SB U16 - Head Coach 2009/10 Iraurgi SB U16 - Head Coach 2008/09 F. Los Llanos Hellín EBA League - Head Coach 2006/08 Iraurgi SB U18 - Head Coach 2005/06 Bruesa GBC LEB Silver - Assistant coach Knowledge SportsCode Hudl Coda Synergy FastDraw FastScout InStat LongoMatch Final Cut Pro iMovie Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint I have worked with PABLO PRIGIONI TIAGO SPLITTER JORDAN MCRAE NY Knicks, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Baskonia (ACB/Euroleague) San Antonio Phoenix Suns (NBA), Cleveland Cavaliers Clippers (NBA) - Argentinan NT. Assistant Spurs (NBA), Atlanta Hawks (NBA), (NBA), Washington Wizards (NBA), Beijing coach of Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA) Philadelphia 76ers – NBA Champion.