Fair trade: what does it mean and why does it matter? (fourth draft)* David Miller Nuffield College, Oxford
[email protected] CSSJ Working Papers Series, SJ013 November 2010 Centre for the Study of Social Justice Department of Politics and International Relations University of Oxford Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 1865 278707 Fax: +44 1865 278725 http://social-justice.politics.ox.ac.uk * Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the Centre for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford, 12 October 2009 and at the conference on Global Justice and Democracy, University of Frankfurt, 4-6 March 2010. I am grateful to the audiences at those two events for their suggestions, and especially to Clara Brandi, Aaron James, Terry O’Shaughnessy, Mathias Risse, Ben Saunders, Thomas Schramme and Jo Wolff for their detailed comments on previous versions of the written text. CSSJ Working Paper SJ013 November 2010 The early years of the 21st century have witnessed an explosion of work in political theory on global justice and global democracy. The central question has been whether the conceptions of distributive justice and democratic governance that we have developed for use within the context of nation-states can or cannot be extended to the global level. Responses to it initially took the form of a debate between two rival camps – cosmopolitans on the one side and statists or nationalists (or ‘social liberals’1) on the other. In this respect it recalled the debate that took place in earlier years between ‘liberals’ and ‘communitarians’.