Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1965-1966
Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1965-1966 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1966 Eastern Progress - 29 Apr 1966 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1965-66/27 RADIO SHOW NCAA RULE ■ DISGUSTING QUESTIONED ..J PAGE 2 €(XSt6R OGJieSS PAGE 4 i < 'Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era' 43rd Year No. 27 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond (Effective July I) Friday, April 29, 1966 'Role Of Newspaper In Democracy* Action Show Tuesday Student Publications Editors Appointed Miss Ann Lewis Scott and Wil- After trooping all over Amer- liam Raker, both Juniors, were Theme For K.I.P.A. Conference ica, the AEC-TV cist of "Wliere named as the 1966-67 editors of the Action 13" will be on East; the award-winning student pub- "The Role of the Newspaper "Role of the Co'lote P:e-;s."i Tomorrow's sessions include ol n s campus Tue3day. lications of Eastern at a Thurs- In Democracy" is the theme of which will serve to introduce a | addresses by Mist Cattle Lou Starting at » p.m. the show day meeting of the College the two-day conference of the panel discussion on the subject Miller, state commissioner of produced by Dick Clark Produc- Board of Student Publications. Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Panelists wHl include student public information; Hill Hannah, tions, will feature such notable Miss Scott, Lebanon, will head Association which is holding its editors from five college and uni- city,, editor of the Lexington entertainers ns Paul Revere and the Milestone, student yearbook, annual spring meeting here to- versity newspaper:,: Mike Clark, leader; George Joplin, publish- the Raiders, the Knickerbockers, while Raker, Carrollton, will edit day and tomorrow.
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