
Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 20 years, developing sustainable high quality residential, commercial and industrial schemes. We are proposing a residential development on land to the west of Newent.

Have your say We wish to hear your views with regard to the quality, mix and design of this proposed development. We will consider your views and ideas as we develop our masterplan.

This is your opportunity to comment on and influence the planning of this site. You will have a further opportunity to provide comment to the Council during the planning application process. 02 Ross Road, Newent HOUSING NEED

Housing Need

• Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in the light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

• The Forest of Dean District Council must provide new housing in order to meet the housing need for the area.

Botloe’s Green Site Boundary Brand Green

Existing Settlement

Primary Roads

Secondary Roads

Public Footpaths


B4215 Stream/ Watercourse

Ell Brook





Why is the site suitable for development? Newent supports a range of services and facilities which are used by both residents of the town and those in the surrounding rural area. The site is sustainably located with good access to existing community facilities and the local public transport network. The proposal will provide new homes to sustain the vitality and viability of the local community. 03 Ross Road, Newent EXISTING CHARACTER

The and Forest of Dean Landscape Character Assessment provides a detailed assessment of the landscape character around Newent. The site and Newent fall within the western edge of the ‘Unwooded Vale: Severn Vale’ Landscape Character Area (6b).

14b This Area is described as having varying geology, leading to a complex mix of arable and pasture farming, with wet meadows bordering the multitude of steams and brooks. Trees in hedgerows are an important landscape feature and in combination with small copses on shelterbelts, create a well treed landscape. The area is deeply rural with few settlements. Newent is described as a sizeable market town that retains much of its historic character. 15a Elsewhere farms and villages are linked by a network of narrow lanes.

To the north of the site land falls within the ‘Low Hills and Orchards: Botloe’s Green’ Landscape Character Area (14b). Described as gentle hills, with 6b a greater proportion of arable on the less steep slopes. Arable fields are larger and enclosed by clipped hawthorn hedges. Orchards and vineyards are prevalent. Neat rows of fruit trees and poly tunnels are characteristic and give the landscape a well ordered appearance.

Land to the west is within ‘Undulating Hill farmland: Kilcot and Gorsley Farmed slopes’ Landscape Character Area (15a). This again has a varied landform, with extensive views and sense of exposure on some hillsides. 6 Unwooded Vale 14 Low Hills & Orchards 15 Undulating Hill Farmland b The Severn Vale b Botloe’s Green a Kilcot & Gorsley Woodland in the valleys and large woodlands on higher ground are linked Farmed Slopes by a strong hedgerow network. This area comprises productive arable and pasture farmland with isolated properties, often on hilltop locations.

Local Character The local character of Newent provides design elements that could be taken forward into the proposed residential site. The B4216 (High Street / Broad Street) forms the main street through the town and in combination with Church Street form the historic core of the town. Properties here comprise a range of terraces and larger detached properties, with modern terraced infill. Front doors open directly onto the street. Properties range in height and proportion, and are predominantly two (and some three) storey buildings. These provide a varied skyline that includes dormer windows and chimneys. Sash windows are predominant. Buildings are red brick or rendered, with occasional timber framed buildings providing local features.

Elsewhere within Newent older properties tend to follow the pattern of terraces/cottages and larger semi-detached properties within large gardens. Newer housing estates built since the 70s in contrast are typically two storey and semi-detached with some detached/terraced properties. Adjacent to the site the settlement pattern comprises larger detached properties Mantley House including Mantley House and barns, which are Grade II listed. 04 Ross Road, Newent CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES

What are the constraints and opportunities?

Ell Brook

Horsefair Lane

34m Views from rural area to settlement 39m

edge and Picklenash Court 42m

Primary views from Grade II Listed buildings 38m Glimpse views to settlement edge from Grade II Listed

building 44m

Ross Road 47m

Picklenash Court Mantley House

Site Boundary Identified Key Views Potential Access Point EA Floodplain Existing Hedgerows & Trees Existing Electricity Overhead Existing Roads Pedestrian/Cycle Link Power Line Listed Buildings (Grade II) Existing Public Rights of Way Existing Watercourse Water Main Visually Prominent Building 05 Ross Road, Newent VISUAL CONTEXT

The site lies at the north western edge of Newent. The Newent settlement edge adjoins the eastern and southern site boundaries. Tall hedgerows 4 define the northern, western and part of the southern site boundaries.

Lambs Barn Pitch (B4215)

The site comprises two grazed fields with field boundary hedgerows. The St Anne’s surrounding landscape comprises a mix of grazing and arable land, on Church 2 rising land with hilltop woodland and areas of orchard and poly tunnels.

The wooded course of the Ell Brook passes just to the north of the site. Herefordshire & The former Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal follows this valley Gloucestershire Canal close to the river. Ell Brook

Horsefair Lane 5 Ross Road runs along the southern boundary of the site providing access into the site. Horsefair Lane follows the northern edge of the site on 3 Horsefair Lane lower ground. A public right of way close to the site extends northwards alongside the canal from Horsefair Lane. Ross Road 1


Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoint locations

Property on Ross Approximate Road (Northview) Mantley House Site (beyond hedgerow) Properties on Ross Road Newent direction of the site

Picklenash Court

1 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 1: View west from Ross Road 2 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 2: View south east towards the site from St Anne’s churchyard, Oxenhall

Property on Horsefair Lane Properties on Ross Road Mantley House Property on Horsefair Lane

3 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 3: View south west across the site from Horsefair Lane

Approximate direction of the site Newent Approximate direction of the site (beyond boundary hedgerow) Lambsbarn Mantley House

4 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 4: View south west towards the site from Lambs Barn Pitch (B4215) 5 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 5: View south east towards the site from Horsefair Lane 06 Ross Road, Newent HISTORIC CONTEXT

Historic Maps

1884 1905

1967 1974

1989 2006 07 Ross Road, Newent FACILITIES

What are the local facilities?

The site is sustainably located with easy access to the town centre, existing community amenities and the public transport network. Amenities are numerous and listed below. They include primary and junior schools, pub and local shops. Two bus services travel along Ross Road, calling at the bus stop in the lay-by. The number 32 links Newent to Ross-on-Wye and with an hourly service Monday to Saturday with a less frequent service on Sundays but three services between 7am and 8am Monday to Friday. The number 132 links the town to Ledbury and Gloucester with an hourly service Monday to Saturday but no service on Sundays.

Site Boundary


Walking Distance from Site 400m/800m/1200m

Bus Routes

Cs Community School & Sixth Form Centre

S Primary School

I Infant School

N Nursery

M Local Food Store

P Pubs and Cafes

C Community Facilities

H Heath Centre

Ph Pharmacy

D Dentist

R Religious Centre

Local Bus Stop

Sports Facilities 08 Ross Road, Newent ILLUSTRATIVE FRAMEWORK

Ell Brook

4 5 8 Horsefair Lane


2 13

10 9 1 11




7 Ross Road


Schools Mantley House (Picklenash Junior & Glebe Infant)

1 Site Boundary 5 Existing Vegetation Retained 8 Proposed Foot/Cycle Path Connections 11 Proposed Sports Provision Proposed Residential Development 2 (2.83 Ha) Up to 85 dwellings @ 30dph 6 Proposed Tree Planting 9 Indicative Road Layout 12 Proposed Play Area 3 Main access off Ross Road 7 Proposed Public Open Space 10 Properties to front primarily onto 13 Proposed Water Storage Area Pedestrian/Cycle Link to Horsefair Lane the adjacent Open Space 4 and adjacent Bridleway 09 Ross Road, Newent PROPOSED CHARACTER

A development is proposed that will reflect the existing market town character of Newent and its rural location. Three separate character areas are proposed within the development:-

The Gateway Properties will be set back from Ross Road beyond a landscaped open space with parkland style tree planting. The properties will be detached with locally characteristic dormer windows (described as 2.5 storeys due to the additional living space provided in the attic) and will be designed to complement the characteristics of Mantley House.

1.2m high garden wall (brick or stone) Landscaped frontage with 2.5 storey dwellings ’parkland’ style tree planting Private frontage Carriageway (garden & parking) Grass verge & native hedge

4-6m 4m 1m NTS x x x c8-11m

Example of potential Mantley House Gateway Character

Green Edges The Street Properties adjacent to the rural edge will be predominantly Properties along the street will comprise a range of terraced cottages and 2 storey. They will front onto the adjacent proposed public detached properties varying from 2-2.5 storeys. As traditionally occurs open space. Native tree and hedgerow planting will provide elsewhere within Newent, some properties will be positioned directly onto the a green edge to the development. street and others will be set back beyond small front gardens, to provide a varied and interesting street scene. The gardens will incorporate a range of Carriageway 2.5 storey dwellings garden planting, hedgerows and walls. Some on street parking with trees will Native hedgerow Private frontage & tree planting be provided, along with rear mews courts and private driveways. (garden & parking) Parking solutions to Dwellings to be a range of 2 & 2.5 storey Cycle path within public front of dwelling & terraced cottages or larger detached open space Footway to both sides Private frontage Parking solutions Private frontage to rear of dwellings Carriageway with mews access

4-6m 4m 1m 2m NTS x x x x c8-11m

0-2m 5m 2m 5.5m 2m 0.5-2.5m NTS x x x x x c15-19m

Local settlement edge Example of potential Green properties Edge Character Locally characteristic road- Example of potential side properties Street Character 10 Ross Road, Newent LANDSCAPE PRINCIPLES

Over 40% of the site is proposed as public open space and landscaping. The peripheral hedgerows and trees will be retained with development, although some sections will need to be removed to provide access. New native hedgerow and tree planting is proposed. The new planting will be designed to provide amenity and wildlife value as well as helping to provide a soft green edge to the development. The landscape proposals on the site include:-

A Gateway Landscape Adjacent to Ross Road the more elevated land will remain undeveloped and will be landscaped to provide an attractive entrance to the development. It will comprise grassland with scattered parkland tree C planting, using species such as oak and beech. The main vehicle access will pass through this area and a separate foot / cycle path will B provide direct access to the schools on Ross Road.


B Formal Public Open Space Provision C Water Storage Area

Within the west of the site a small sports pitch / games area (75x48m It is proposed that the surface water run-off from the site will be collected approx.) will be provided along with a Local Equipped Area of Play. within a water storage area within a low point at the north east corner Natural surveillance will be provided from the new properties, as of the site. The water storage area will be seasonally wet and provide these will be orientated to overlook the facilities. New hedgerow new wetland habitat for wildlife. It will be landscaped and overlooked by and tree planting along the southern edge of this area will provide new properties, which will be set back from Horsefair Lane. A drainage screening for residents of Mantley House and its adjoining properties. strategy has been prepared that will ensure all run-off is safely stored on the site and released at greenfield run-off rates to a suitable drainage The facilities are proposed for use by existing and new residents of point. Newent. A foot / cycle path access from Ross Road will be provided through this area and it is the intention to connect the path onto Horsefair Lane, close to the existing public bridleway that extends northwards alongside the former canal from the lane. 11 Ross Road, Newent THANK YOU

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Your Views Newent Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB