The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1930
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*w/TZCO FnmwM~uNEl TRAINS 96.4% ON TIME No. 41 Stripped to Bare Iron for Repairs Schedules Maintained by Passen- ger Service During May, Report Shows AT Frisco Lines passenger trains are on time is a matter T"that has come to be taken for granted both by the traveling public and by employes and the reason is obvious when one glances at the monthly statement issued on pas- senger train performance by the gen- eral manager. In the statement for May, the 4,824 passenger trains oper- ated by the Frisco are shown 96.4 per cent on time, and el-en this is not outstanding for Frisco Lines. Several of the preceding reports of this year have shown even better performance. Of the different Frisco divisions, the River division made the best rec- ord during May, operating 816 trains 99. per cent on time. During May a year ago 874 trains were operated on this division and were 95 per cent on time and during May, 1928, this di- vision operated 1,052 trains 99.5 per cent on time. Southern division had the second best performance, operating 826 trains 98.3 per cent on time, which com- A few bows before the accontpanying photograph was tabert this loco?noli. pares favorably with the records made was roaring 21p and down Frisco Lines irt freight sewice. A few days afi there during the same month in 1929 the picture was made this engine, No. 41, -was agai~l itt service, eqttipped WI and 1928. A total of 930 were oper- syphon, new back sectio~,of fra)ne, and a booster which increased its power tzvc! ated there in 1929 and 806 in 1928 per cent. Already this year seven engirres have beetr so eqtripped in the ltuge loc with on-time performance of 95.4 and motire shops bt the West Shops plant at Springfield, and nilre ntore engi~tesyo- go through this process before the year is over. Even zdten stripped down to L 96.8 per cent for 1929 and 1928 re- bare irou rendj~for general repairs, art ultra of ronrance clings to these steel-and-ir spectively. higltts of the road. Central division is ranked third in the report with 310 trains 97.1 per cent on time during May. This is an improvement of the record of operat- reveals. During that month a year Sympathy ing the same number of trains 91.6 previous the same number of trains Mrs. Grogan: "It was awh! per cent on time, which was made were 94.6 per cent on time there and Twinty-sivin Czeko-Slovacs and or there during May, 1929. During the during that month in 1928, the 248 pas- Irishman killed in the wreck!" senger trains which were operated on Mrs. Callahan: "Indeed! The par month of May, 1928, 620 passenger man." trains were operated there 97.6 per that division were 95.6 per cent on cent on time. time. "I thought you were deaf?" A total of 186 trains were operated The report, giving in detail the pas- "I was, but I got one of those elec on Texas Lines and were 88.2 per senger train performance on all di- tric appliances for the hard of heal cent on time during May, the report visions, appears below. Ing, and now I'm wired for sound." Per Cent Trains Total Total Trains Maintained Standinn of DlVfSlON Trains Operated Schedule or Made Maintained Schodule Uo Time or Made Uo Time Divisionr May May May May May May May May N:) I% I% I!:: I!:: 1930 1929 1928 1930 1929 1928 1930 1929 I?:' River ........................................... 816 874 1052 808 830 1047 99.0 95.0 99.5 1 Southern................................... 826 930 806 812 887 780 98.3 95.4 96.8 2 Central ..................................... 310 310 620 301 284 605 97.1 91.6 97.6 3 Northern.................................... 1116 1111 1333 1081 1045 1313 96.9 94.1 98.5 4 Western ...................................... 186 185 216 178 181 215 95.7 97.8 99.5 5 Eastern..................................... 558 568 620 532 459 566 95.3.. - 80.9 91.3.- 6 Southwestern ........... ........ 826 800 910 776 753 886 93.9 94.1 97.4 7 Total Operated ...................... 4638 4774 5557 4488 4439 5412 Per Cent Operated................. 96.8 92.9 Texas Lines ............................ 186 186 248 164 176 237 88.2 94.6 Total System O~erated......... 482.4 4960 5805 4652 4616 5656 Per Cent Operated.............. ... 96.4 93.1 97.4 Page 21 FRISCO GIRL HONOR1CD ACCIDENTS ON DECREASE A SCHOOL LEADER Yarie Moon of Blytheville Chosen Accident prevention work on Frisco Miss Mary Louise McElwee, 13- Best AlI-Around Girl at Co llege Lines brought very gratifying results year-old daughter of the Frisco's flrst during April-a decrease of 27.? per IS$ trick dispatcher at Hugo, Okla., made MARIE MOON, daugliter of cent in the total number of casualties a remarkable record in her four-year If. T. Moon, cashier at 13lythe- as compared with the same month a high school career which was finished IM ville, Ark., was outstrsnding year previous-the monthly report FT last month. Not only was she awarded imong the graduates of Tilliam issued on this subjeot by H. W. the All-American Girl Medal offered Tds College, Fulton, Mo., this Hudgen, director of accident preven- :.ring. Miss Moon made a br Wiant tion, shows. The reduction of 20.6 mrd during her two years a t Wil- per cent in the total number of ,ism Woods, being a member 1of the casualties for the first four months of this year in comparison with that period of last year also testifies to the effectiveness of the safety meas- ures that are ernployed on Frisco Lines. The decrease in the number of casualties among employes for the month of April amounted to 35.7 per cent campared with that month in 1929 and for the first four months of this year a reduction of 25.4 per cent was effected in the number of employe casualties in comparison with the same period a year earlier. Among the different departments the greatest reduction in employe casualties was made in the mechanical department both for the month of April and for the first four months of the year. In comparison with last year the reduc- tion in this department during April amounted to 53.3 per cent in the num- MISS MARIE MOON ber of casualties and during the first four months the reduction there was Student Council her 5rst year, and 43. per cent. Maintenance-of-way de- P~sident of the Student Body the MISS MARIE LOUISE McELWEE partment was second with a reduction (In Costume for a School PlagJ !econd year. Miss Moon was also a of 49.3 per cent for April and 37.3 per xember of two national honorary fra- cent for the first four months of the annually by the Auxiliary of the wnitiea. Phi Theta Kappa, scholastic, year. The decrease in the number of American Legion, but she fulfilled the ~ndPhi Delta, music and drama. On non-employe casualties for the flrst following positions of honor and re- b~rgraduation, Miss Moon received four months amounted to 2.4 per cent sponsibility during the Lour-year 4he biegest honor of the college, the compared with last year. period: secretary of the Home Room, Rllliam Woods Emblem, presented to representative of the Hugo Junior Ibe beet all-around girl, by the fac- High School, feature writer for the E!@. She received her degree in aid. One day during last December Broadcaster, official paper, played the .issodate in Arts, as well as her cer- she received ninety-six letters. part of "Wisdom" in the May Fete, tiflcste in expression. "I met Mr. Clark when he was work- was captain of both the girls' baseball ing on the Wabash and we were and volley ball teams, and played married at La Trobe, Pa. I thought clarinet in the Hugo High School A CIVIL WAR VETERAN he was the biggest flop I had ever seen Band. (Continued from page 12) when I first met him, but he finally kr observation of a corps of doctors won me over," she said, mirthfully. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have two sons, The Reason lor weeks and his recovery was attrib- The bridegroom, just now married. ired to his rugged constitution. Walter and Roy, who are both con- "Daddy" Clark is well known to the ductors for the Frisco and who have Had strangely disappeared; And for the bride the bridesmaid raterans of Frisco ,Lines. In 1928 and also served on the Rich Hill Branch, Quite natually feared. Ir the recent reunion he was present- where Mr. Clark, senior, served his 64 with a badge by the veterans as entire time. Ed, a third son was killed Until the blushing beauty king the oldest veteran at the re- at Olathe. Straight made it understood Inion. "Mother" Clark is almost as "Daddy" and Mother Clark attended He was out ascertaining !!mow as her husband. She has in- the Veterans' Reunion at Springfield If father's check was good. rrrested herself in prison work for this year, where they greeted their Tars and has had a number of boys host ef friends. Talk about preparedness! Chicago nd girls paroled to her after serving has appointed a committee of promi- prison terms. She. makes frequent Revenge nent experts to solve the problem of !jps to Jefferson City in behalf of My rival makes me not enraged, the traffic jam that may be caused by me mother's son, and her stack of Nor do I care for him, the large crowds that may attend the My mail includes letters from coast For, even though they are engaged, World's Fair that may be held in :P coast and Canada, imploring her I teach her how to swim.