C-261-1930-II EN.Pdf

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C-261-1930-II EN.Pdf I N LEAGUE OF NATIOKS. C.261/1930/11. Geneva, May 9th, 1930. HUNGARY. Iment by the F in an cial Committee of th ree members of the lining Commission of th e Agrarian Fund contemplated, under agreements signed in Peris on April 28th 1930 concerning obligations arising from the Treaty of Trianon. Re'oort by the Repre s ^ t a r^ve of Canada. / XV V / V The letter of the Presi&éryÇ^^The iMnancial Committee to the President of the Coun c i l /1^ich hèbs''^?è^nc i rcu.lat ed (Boc. C,?60/1930/II) is an enquiry'j/më/ther'"the* p'ouncil authorises the Financial Committee to ^ a m M Z ts v v |u s r s tio n and to report upon it to the Council beôoi©- any action is taken. It emerges from / Z lA I / O z ,xo y the Agreements signed xh Pêfï;^ on 23th April of this year that X / the appointments in qhg s t io ry's hou Id be made with the greatest despatch possible. The’Vunds to be administered by the Commission, now contemplated, begin to accumulate on July 1st next. Moreover it is obvious that the whole mechanism of the Paris Agreements, hich is dependent upon the constitution of this Agrarian Commission, hou Id be set in motion as so on as possible. In these circumstances the Council will doubtless wish o authorise the Financial Committee to proceed at once with its xamination of this question and to report to the Council upon t &t its present session. The Council will observe that under Article 4 of Agreement H signed in P aris on the 58th A pril 1930 the choice of the inaneial Committee fo r th is purpose is dependent on the agreeœ nt three Powers - France, Great Britain and Italy. Perhaps the 5Pi*esentatives of these three countries will be in a position 1° ^ate the attitude of their governments upon this point. ft I.ÂS j COP /. Return to Distribution Brasaà AGREEMENTS .- j IKG TO THS OBLIGATIONS RESULTIÎÎG FROM THiS TREATY OF TRIÀN0ÎI JSiaM ) IN PARIS the 2 8thMay of April 1930. 0)7 f /, r ''' •• > / 1) Preamble , 3" / / A , ' ;7 ' y / 2) ;.n-3ement II0 . I concerning the arrangements between Hungary ' '-7/ ■> ' and the Creditor Pov/ers. / S v ^ y y I) A re ement IT 0 .11 concerning the settlement of questions relating to ", 7~~ “ " ' ' ' the agrarian reforms and Mixed Arbitral Tribunals. / //> / / .III concerning the organts prison and v; or king of on Agrarian Fund entitleç A) Memorandum by the H an Derogation submitted to The Hague Confeçénce 33) Special Agreement? referred to in Article 1 £ of A. re ement Ko. IÏI (legal proceedings So-821) between France , Huiig^r^v Italy and *CzechoSlovakia. f. / / z: ... -r. '/// / C ) Rider to tlist Agreements concerning the distribution of the 13.500",000 go} orovm.3 go be paid by Hungary after 1943 / .» / ^ / . D) Agreeinehv-^roxurr^fe to in A rtic le 20 of Agreement Mo « 1 1 $. concerning the working of the special reserve of the''Agrarian Fund, between Hungary, of the one paifrt^ and France and Italy, of the other X ) v i - ‘ u * Xi / .Igr 6 c men t ¥.0 . IV« - Agreement "between France , Sreat Britain, Itily , Roumania, Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia concerning the constitution of a special fund entitled "Fund B.11 Certified Copy, ?-utIS, the 28th A pril 1230 (signed) ? . de FüU'^UIT^vH. Minist er P'lenip ot eut Iary. Chef du Service du Prot oc ole ; Tii e Sec i'e ta r y General (Signed) 2. de FSLCOURT. PREAMBLE ACStSSSBHTS REI-AIIEG TO THS OBLIGATIONS RESULT IMG FROM THS TREATY OF TRIANON. The duly authorised Representatives of the Government of His Mr je sty the King of the B elgian s, the Government of the U nited y j ngdom of Great B rita in and Northern Irelan d , the Government of Canada, the Government of the Commonwealth of A u str a lia , the Government of New Sefcland, the Government of the Union of South Africa, the Government 0f India, the Government o f the French R epublic, the Government of the Greek Republic , the Government of the Kingdom of Hungary, the Govern­ ment of His Majesty the King of Italy, the Government of His Majesty the Smperor of Japan, the Government of the Republic" of Poland, the Government of the Republic of Portugal, the Government of His Majesty the King of Roumaniu, the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic , the Government of His Majesty the King of Jugoslavia, met at The Hague with a view to arriving at a final and complete settlement of the question of the financial obligations incumbent on Hungary by virtue of the Treaty of Trianon, of the Armistice of the 3rd November 1918, and of <*ny Agreements supplementary thereto and to ensure the settlement of disputes of a financial nature which have arisen between Hungary or Hungarian n a tio n a ls, of the one p a r t, end certain Powers or their nationals, of the other part. To this end an Agreement was signed ana four Annexes were duly initialled at The Hague on January 20th 1930. Certain Powers ore not Contracting Parties to the former &nex m (now Agreement No. IV). It was decided at The Hague that the final drafting of these Agreements should be entrusted to a Committee which was to sit in Paris. Au the result of the labours of that Committee, the appended texts toavm up in French and in English, both texts t»eing equally authentic, were signed in Paris on 28th April 1930. These Agreements must be considered as inseparably connected and ^tiïi ed accordingly. t - 2— The deposit--of ratifications shall be made at Paris as soon as gsitile. A first proces-verbal of the deposit of ratifications shall be drawn as goon as the Agreements have been ratified by Hungary, on the one hand, i on the other hand, by the six Powers, France, Great Britain, Italy, e c h o Slovakia, Jugoslavia and Roumania, and by one of the five other «ers, Belgium, Greece, Japan, Poland and Portugal. The Powers of which the seat of Government is outside Europe will be titled to inform the French Government through their diplomatic represen- itivo at Paris that their ratification has been given ; in that case, they ist transmit the instrument of ratification as soon as possible. The Agreements will come into force between the Contracting Parties o have, thus ratified , from and after the date of the first pro ce s-verbal. Save as above provided, the Agreements will come into force for each gnat or y Government at the date of its notification or the deposit of its tification. The French Government will transmit to each of the Signatory rarement s a c e r tif ie d copy of the p r o c o s - ve rib aux of n o tific a tio n or po3it of ratification. The present Agreements shall remain in the archives of the French rename lit which will issue an authentic copy to each of the Governments gnatory to the 'Treaty of Trianon. Done in a single copy at Paris, the 38tk day of April 1330. LOUClIiEUR C onst. FOÏITCH Robert PERIHR Igiiio BROC CHI Li n HAGAI J , MAOZOWSICI Tomas F::3RJARD:,£S . I). CAVADIAti w.a . c . goodokild ' f o ii -0 • (rOOiIIjLu) W.A.C. GOODCHILD «A. C . GOCJjChi.n.0 Vr.A.C. GOODCHILD Phi 1 1 -ope ROY KORAu/.C H . TT1UL3SCU •oour I.ij* BaiïŒS : I-bi agresisht COKCBEKIHG THE ARRA1TGEÎGHTS BET'-EEH HUITGAHÏ and the CREDITOR PO VERS « nm tp tt1 i In complete and final settlement of the charges incumbent on her by virtue of the Treaty of Trianon, of the Armistice of the 3rd November 1918 , and of any Agre ements supplementary there4'o , without prejudice, however, to the stipulations of Article 2 below, Hungary hereby confirms her obligation to pay the sums specified in the Reparation Commission's decision Fo. £797 of 21st February, 1924, and undertakes, on account of the special claims which are based on the said Treaty, to make payment of a constant annuity of 13,500,000 geld crowns as from the 1st Jcnuary 1944 and during the years 1944 to 19G6 in c lu s iv e . Further, the Hungarian Government waives any claims which i- nay have against the Creditor Powers by virtue of the Treaty of Trionon, of the Arm istice of the 3rd November 1918, or of any Agreements supplementary th e re to , /ETTCUC 2. 1) The present Agreement in no way affects the obligations in respect of pre-war public debts incumbent upon Hungary by virtue of the Treaty of Trianon, or the obligations which devolve upon either Hungary or upon the other Signatory Powers under nry other agreements or arrangements concluded up to the coming into force of the present Agreement. 2) The further execution of Article 186 of the Treaty of Trianon and its Annex, in so far as the duties of the Reparation Commission are concerned„ will in due course form the subject of an arrangement between the Parties.interested. k 3 ) Judgments given or to be giver, by the Mixed Arbitral ifciji&ls against the Hungarian Government in favour of ntitior.:..Is of ■editor Powers with vliioh Hungers has no clearing agreement, shall e d .id by the Hung; ri un Government as follows : The tot;.1 of the awards shell 'bear interest at 3 y.
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