81-84 Yankee Conference
YankeeYankee ConferenceConference Yankee Conference History y moving to the Atlantic 10 Conference University of Maine, University of Bfor the 1997 season, Villanova University's Massachusetts, University of New nine-year membership of the Yankee Hampshire and the University of Conference and the conference's 50-year foot- Rhode Island), and a Mid-Atlantic ball legacy came to a close. Under the direction Division (University of Delaware, of head coach Andy Talley, Villanova compiled James Madison University, North- a lifetime mark of 38-31 in Yankee Conference eastern University, University of contests. During their Yankee Conference histo- Richmond, VILLANOVA UNIVER- ry, the Wildcats shared the league championship SITY and the College of William and twice, 1991 and 1989, finished second on three Mary). Also, each individual school occasions, in 1996, 1992 and 1990, and third had to play each team in its own divi- once in 1988. sion, as well as three teams from the The addition of three college football pro- other division each year for a total of grams in 1993 (James Madison, Northeastern eight league contests. and William and Mary) made the Yankee The Yankee Conference originally Conference the largest NCAA Division I-AA developed from the New England conference, with 12 total members. Each one of College Conference of Intercollegiate the 12 schools competed for the conference Athletics. When Northeastern title, playing an eight-game league slate. For University offered its resignation scheduling purposes only, the league was divid- from that group, the Land Grant ed into a New England Division (Boston institutions appointed a committee University, University of Connecticut, to form a new league.
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