The London Gazette, November 25, 1904

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The London Gazette, November 25, 1904 8084 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1904. parish of Keighlcy at his residence; and on or Yewtree Farmhouse, crossing the public road before the same day copies of the said plans and 17 chains north-east of Duddon Old Hall, sections and of this advertisement will be de- passing 27 chains west of Willington Mill, then posited at the office of the BoarJ of Trade, crossing the public road from Oseroft to Wil- Whitehall; London, with the Clerk of the lington 14 chains east of Prior's Heys and Parliaments, Ilour.e of Lords, and at the Private passing 8 chains east of Kelsall Common Bill Office of the House of Commons. Farmhouse, and crossing the main road .from The draft of the Order will be deposited »t the Tarvin to Kelsall ac 12 chains east of the en- office of the Board of Trade 011 or before the trance to Street Farmhouse. It then crosses 23rd day of December, 1904, and printed copies Ashton-lane 35 chains from its junction with of the draft Order when deposited, und of the. the main Tarvin-road, passes 17 chains west Order when made, will be obtainable at the price of St. John's Church, then running parallel of one shilling- each, at the respective offices of to the Cheshire Lines Railway from Chester the undersigned Town Clerk and Parliamentary to Moulds worth, and terminating by a junc- Agents. tion with that railway at a point 4£ chains Every company, corporation, or parson desirous or thereabouts west, of the west face of the of making any representation to the Board of bridge carrying1 the public road over the rail- Trade, or of bringing before them any objection way at Moulds worth Station, and which said respecting the application may do so by letter intended railway will p-ss from in through addressed to the Assistant Secretary of the Kail- or into the following parishes and places or way Department of the Board of Trade, on or some of them:—Tarporley in the urban dis- before the 15th day of January, 1905, and copies trict of Tarporley and Iddinshall, Clotton of such objections must at the same time be sent Hoofield, Duddon, Prior's Heys, Tarvin, Kel- to the undermentioned Town Clerk or Parlia- sall, Ashton, Hos ton-cum-Peel. and' Moulds- mentary Agents. In forwarding to the Board of worth in the rural district of Tarvin, ail in Trade such objections, the objectors or their the county of Chester. agents should state that a copy of the same has The quantity of land proposed to be taken been sent to the Corporation or their agents. compulsorily for the purposes of the before-men- Dated this 17th day of November, 1904. tioned railway, stations and works connected GEORGE BURR, Town Clerk, Keighley. therewith and incidental thereto, and chiefly SHARPE, PARKEU, PRITCHARDS, BARHAM consisting of pasture and arable land, will be and LAWFORD, 9, Bridge-street, West- about 47 acres, situate as follows:— minster, S. V\r., Parliamentary Agents. In the parish of Tarporley, 8 acres; in the parish of Idr'inshall, 4 acres: in the parish of Light Railway Commission.—November, 1904. Clotton Hoofield, 7 acres; in the parish of Duddon, 7 acres; in the parish of Prior's Heys, TARPORLEY AND MOULD3WORTH 2 acres; in the parish of Tarvin, 2 acres; in LIGHT RAILWAY. the parish of Kelsall, (i acres; in the parish of (Construction of Railway in the County of Chester Ashton, 7 acres; in the parish of Horton-cum- from Tarporley to a Junction with the Railway Pi-el, half an acre; in the parish of Moulds- of the Cheshire Lines Committee at Moulds- worth, 7 acres. worth ; Land Powers; Tolls Jind Charges; The said railway ia intended to be constructed Agreements with Landowners and others and on a 4 feet 8£ inches gauge, and the motive also with Midland, Great Central and Great power proposed to be used for the working Northern Railway Companies and the Cheshire thereof will be steam or other mechanical Lines Committee; Payment of Interest out of power. Capital during construction, and other Powers; Powers will bo conferred by the Order upon Incorporation and Amendment of Acts.) the Company with respect to deviations from the "TVJ OTICE is hereby given, that application is lines and levels of the intended railway, the JJl intended to be made in the present month levying of rolls, rates and charges, the acquisi- of November, 1904. to the Light Kailwa}' Com- tion of lands by compulsion or agreement, pay- missioners, under the Light Railways Act, 1896, ment of interest out of during construction, by Philip Crawshaw Hemingway, of Tatton- agreements with the Cheshire Lines Committee, buiMirigs, Sale, Cheshire, civil engineer, for an Midland Railway Company, Great Central Rail- Order for the purposes following, or some of way Company, arid Great Northern Railway them, viz.:— Company, as to working, running powers and To incorporate a Company and to authorize subscriptions and agreements with Local Autho- the Company so to be incorporated (hereinafter rities, and generally such powers as are usual in referred to as "the Company") to make and the case of an ordinary railway; and the Order maintain the railway hereinafter described,- in will so far as ma)' be expedient incorporate the the county of Chester, or some part or parts Lands Clauses Acts; the Railways Clauses Con- ' thereof, with all necessary and convenient solidation Act, 1845 ; the Railways Clauses Acts, stations, sidings, roads, approaches, drains, 1863 and 1869; the Regulation of Railways works and conveniences connected therewith or Acts, 1868 and 1869; the .Companies Clauses incidental thereto. Acts, 1845, 1863, and 1869; the Light Railways The railway proposed to be authorized by the Act. 1896, and any Acts amending the same. Order is as follows :— Plans and sections of the intended railway A railway wholly situate in the county of and works, showing the lands and property which Chester, commencing in the parish of Tar- may be taken under the Order, with a book of porley, in the urban district of Tarporley, in reference to such plans and an Ordnance Map the south-eastern-corner of a field numbered with the line of railway delineated thereon, an 144 on the Ordnance Map of that parish (scale estimate of the expense of the railway, and a • Woo). Thence curving iu a north-westerly copy of the draft Order, will be deposited for direction and passing about 4 chains north of public inspection, on or before the 30th day of ihe wood being the former site of the Old November instant, with Mr. Charles Bertie Iddinshall Hall, 18 chains south-west of Clot- Hayes, the Swan Hotel, Tarporley, at the office - •ton village, crossing the public road leading of the Clerk of the Peace for. the county of from Hoofield Hall to Clotton and then cross- Chester at Chester, and may be seen there at all ing the main road 7 chains north-west of reasonable hours of the day (except Sundays)..
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