The Recovery of Helen
THE RECOVERYOF HELEN JrT is my purposehere to examineaspects of the iconographyof the Recoveryof Helen on the night that Troy fell. The attempt seems the more worth while now that a canonical pattern of interpretation is likely to be established by Kunze's short but authoritative study and by the detailed, well-illustrated treatment in the recent book by Mme. Lilly B. Ghali-Kahil.1 The main episodes of the Recovery, established by the end of -the sixth century B.C., are credited to the Cyclic Epic poets Arktinos and Lesches, the lyricists Ibykos and his older contemporary Stesichoros. The first three alone are concerned with the iconography of the Recovery as it appears during the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.2 The earliest extant reference to an episode of the Recovery is found at Andro- mache 627-631, Euripides' play staged about 425 B.C.3 The old lord Peleus speaks, insulting Menelaos: EAXW&E Tpotav.. OvKOKKravEg EKT,E 7VcvKLyvvatKa XEtptav~'~ XacW,8AaBV, aAAX,g eTet&Eg pacrrov, EK/ctXOv ti'oo 4n I E8E!, IT/ O8OTlV atKaAXOVKva, 71rTOIV -7TE4VK&J KVmpt8og, d' KaaKUtrTE 01. When you took Troy, you failed to put your wife to death, though you had her in your power- on the contrary, when you looked at her breast, you threw away your sword and accepted her kiss, caressing the traitorous bitch, you miserable wretch, born slave to lust. E. Kunze, Archaische Schildbander (Olympische Forschungen, II, 1950), pp. 163-167; Lilly B. Ghali-Kahil, Les enlevements et le retour d'Helene, Paris, 1955, particularly pp.
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