7th Summer School on Summer School on European European Business Law 2011 Business Law 2011 July 25th – August 5th, 2011

July 25th to August 5th, 2011

Dear Participants

We are glad to welcome you to our 7th Summer School on European Business Law at the Center for Business and Corporate Law at Heinrich- Heine-University Düsseldorf.


Together with our joint partners, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel), the University of Tilburg (The Netherlands) and the newly supervened junior partner University of Liechtenstein, you will be part of a two week intensive program on European Business Law given by experienced speakers from academia and the legal practice.

The diversity of European business law is a natural progenitor to a multi-angled curriculum that will sharpen your professional skills in corporate and securities law, intellectual property, capital markets and finance law as well as mergers, acquisitions and takeovers.

Apart from the academic experience, you have the unique opportunity to network with law firm representatives, academics and a group of highly qualified participants from all over the world,. The cultural and social events will also enrich your stay at the Summer School, Heinrich- Heine-University and Düsseldorf.

Enjoy your experience!

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Noack David Eckner - on behalf of the Directors - - Manager of the CBC -

Week 1 Fundamentals & Issues

European Law Antitrust IP - Corporate - Arbitration Securities Law Intellectual Property Law Monday, July 25th Tuesday, July 26th Wednesday, July 27th Thursday, July 28th Friday, July 29th Welcome EU Copyright Ethical Theory European IP Law 10.00 following: Developments in EU (Zemer) (Zetzsche) (Beurskens) Business Law (Sensburg) Lunch Break The Four Freedoms European Competition Law European Corporate Law European Financial Market Trademarks 14.00 (Zemer) (Meyer-Lindemann) (Kersting) (Zetzsche / Eckner) (Kleinevoss) Cornerstones on EU Law Economics of Competition Law Collective Investment 16.00 (Vetter) (Stühmeier) Special Int’l Arbitration (Zetzsche) 7.00 pm: Welcome Reception2 Antitrust Enforcement (Elsing)1 Evening (Wissmann)

Week 2 Case Studies & Specials

Current Issues Business Cases M & A Corporate Cases Media Law Monday, August 1st Tuesday, August 2nd Wednesday, August 3rd Thursday, August 4th Friday, August 5th M&A Case Study (Kummer) Monetary Policy Operations Case Study Corporate Law Case Study I Marketing Law 10.00 10.00: Lecture (Alfes) (Beurskens) (Vermeulen) (Sommer) 12.00: Teamwork Lunch Break Lunch Break 13.15: Debriefing Lunch Break Responsibility and Liability Transnational Mergers 14.00 – 15.00 14.00 (Jungmann) (Zimmermann) Lunch Break Corporate Law Case Study II following: Certificates and Shareholder Activism (Vermeulen) 16.00 Farewell Lunch (Schmitz) Special Takeovers (Schiessl)3 Evening Special Networking BBQ

All lectures are held in building 24.91 (Juridicum I), room 01.65 (first floor) unless otherwise indicated.

1 At Orrick Hölters & Elsing, Immermannstraße 40, 40210 Düsseldorf – off campus (17.00). 2 At Füchschen, Ratinger Straße 28, 40213 Düsseldorf – off campus. 3 At Hengeler Mueller, Benrather Straße 18-20, 40213 Düsseldorf – off campus (17:00).


th Week 1 The 7 Summer School on European Business Law is Monday, July 25th 1 sponsored by: 10.00: Welcome and Get-Together Following: Current Developments in EU Law (Sensburg) 14.00: The Four Freedoms (Zemer)

16.00: Cornerstones of EU Law (Vetter)

19.000 Welcome Reception at the “Füchschen”

Tuesday, July 26th 2 14.00: European Competition Law (Meyer-Lindemann)

16.00: Economics of Competition Law (Stühmeier)

18.00: Antitrust Enforcement and Private Litigation (Wissmann)

Wednesday, July 27th 3 10.00: EU Copyright (Zemer)

14.00: European Corporate Law (Kersting)

17.00: Special: International Arbitration (Elsing)

Thursday, July 28th 4 10.00: Ethical Theory (Zetzsche)

14.00: European Financial Markets (Zetzsche / Eckner)

16.00: Collective Investment (Zetzsche)

Friday, July 29th 5 10.00: European IP Law (Beurskens)

14.00: Trademarks (Kleinevoss)

Weekend 6

Week 2

Monday, August 1st 9 10.00: Monetary Policy Operations (Alfes)

14.00: Responsibility and Liability (Jungmann)

Tuesday, August 2nd 10 10.00: Case Study (Beurskens)

14.00: Transnational Mergers (Zimmermann)

16.00: Shareholder Activism (Schmitz)

Wednesday, August 3rd 12 10.00: M & A Case Study (Kummer)

17.00: Special: Takeovers (Schiessl)

Thursday, August 4th 13 10.00: Corporate Law Case Study (Vermeulen)

Friday, August 5th 14 10.00: Marketing Law (Sommer)

Following: Certificates and Farewell Lunch

Lecturers 15

Useful Information 24

Contact 32

th Monday, July 25

10.00: Welcome and Get-Together

Opening Speech by David Eckner, Manager of the Center for Business and Corporate Law at Düsseldorf Law School, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Following: From European Contract Law to European Private Company – Current Developments in European Business Law Prof. Dr. Patrick Sensburg, M.A., MdB

14.00: The Four Freedoms

Dr. Lior Zemer

Readings:  Treaty of Lisbon, General Overview on Articles 28-44 (goods), 46-48 (people), 49-55 (establishment), 56-62 (services), 63-66 (capital)  Case 120/78, REWE-Zentral (Cassis de Dijon), [1979] ECR 649; downloadable at http://tinyurl.com/5thuuqw

16:00: Cornerstones of the System

Michael Vetter, LL.M. (Univ. of Miami)

Readings:  Maganza, “The Lisbon Treaty0 A Brief Outline”, 31 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1603  Arndt, “EU Law – An Introduction”, 8th Ed. 2006 (Edited by K. Makowski), pp. 1-25.

Following: Welcome Reception at the “Füchschen”


th Tuesday, July 26

14.00: European Competition Law Dr. Hans Jürgen Meyer-Lindemann, M.C.J. (NYU)

16:00: Introduction to Economics of Competition Law Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Torben Stühmeier

Readings:  Motta, "Competition Policy: Theory and Practice", Cambridge Univ. Cambridge 2003, Chapter 1, 2, 5  Whinston, "Lectures in Antitrust Economics", MIT Press, Cambridge 2006, Chapter 3.1, 3.2

18:00: Antitrust Enforcement and Private Litigation – always a combination or separate games?

Martin Wissmann, LL.M. (Georgetown)

The lecture will focus on the enforcement side of an antitrust practice based on examples of national, European wide and international hard core cartels. Typical situations from a lawyer’s perspective are touched upon, in particular risk management, dawn raids, the complexity of leniency proceedings and the threat of damage claims (class actions) and – so far – the first settlement under EU proceedings. The lecture will be based on the Socratic Method, i.e. it should be a lively experience.

Readings:  Press Releases on Washing Powder and Air Cargo Cartels, http://tinyurl.com/5w7bfgs and http://tinyurl.com/6zeo3a6  Summary decision in Case COMP/38.866 (Animal feed phosphates), http://tinyurl.com/62yk4go  Background-reading on new development in private antitrust enforcement: Draft Guidance Paper − Quantifying harm in actions for damages based on breaches of Article 101 or 102 of the Treaty of 17 June 2011, http://ec.europa.eu/competition/consultations/2011_actions_damages/draft _guidance_paper_en.pdf 2


Wednesday, July 27

10.00: European Copyright

Dr. Lior Zemer

Readings:  Information Society Directive: Directive 2001/29/EC, downloadable at: http://tinyurl.com/5swvb7n  Case C-5/08 Infopaq v Danske Dagblades Forening (summary only)  Communication pages 3-7, available from http://tinyurl.com/3obuer9

14.00: European Corporate Law

Prof. Dr. Christian Kersting, LL.M. (Yale)

Readings:  Grundmann, “The Structure of European Company Law0 From Crisis to Boom”, 5 European Business Organization Law Review 601, 601-633 (2004)  Enriques/Gelter, “Regulatory Competition in European Company Law and Creditor Protection”, 7 European Business Organization Law Review 417, 417-453 (2006)

17.00: Clash of Legal Cultures in International Arbitration – Converging Trends

Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. Elsing, LL.M. (Yale)

Following the lecture0 Reception at “Schumacher” hosted by Orrick Hölters & Elsing



Thursday, July 28

10.00: An Ethical Theory of Corporate Governance History

Dr. Dirk A. Zetzsche, LL.M. (Toronto)

Readings: Zetzsche, An Ethical Theory of Corporate Governance History, downloadable at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=970909

14.00: European Financial Markets and the Law

Dr. Dirk A. Zetzsche, LL.M. (Toronto) / Dipl.-Jur. David Eckner

Readings: General Overview on legal aspects of European financial services on http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/top_layer/index_24_en.htm

16:00: Collective Investment

Dr. Dirk A. Zetzsche, LL.M. (Toronto)

Readings:  UCITS-Directive with additional information on http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/investment/ucits_directive_en.htm

 AIFM-Directive with additional information on http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/investment/alternative_investments_e n.htm


th Friday, July 29

10.00: European IP Law

Dr. Michael Beurskens, LL.M. (Düsseldorf, IP), LL.M. (Chicago)

Intellectual Property is among the major challenges for a common market in the 21st century. The European Union, well aware of the increasing complexity of Patent Law, Copyright and Trademarks as well as laws on Unfair Competition, is slowly growing a common framework among all member states. The lecture will give a brief introduction, starting with the rules provided by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union up to the consequences of the ECJ decision on a common patent litigation court.

Readings:  Christophe Geiger, INTELLECTUAL "PROPERTY" AFTER THE TREATY OF LISBON: TOWARDS A DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE NEW EUROPEAN LEGAL ORDER? in: EIPR 2010, 32(6), 255-258  Pagenberg Jochen, THE ECJ ON THE DRAFT AGREEMENT FOR A EUROPEAN AND COMMUNITY PATENT COURT - HEARING OF MAY 18, 2010 in: IIC 2010, 41(6), 695-707  ECJ Avis 1/09 - http://tinyurl.com/6gt6xc4  Creating a Unified Patent Litigation System - Orientation debate - http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/11/st10/st10630.en11.pdf

14.00: Trademarks

Dr. Tim Kleinevoss, LL.M. (Edinburgh)

Readings: Maniatis, “Trade Marks in Europe – A Practical Jurisprudence”, Sweet & Maxwell London (2006), Ref. 1-001 – 1-004, 2-001 – 2-025.



Düsseldorf by Night

The nightlife of Düsseldorf is legendary: More than 250 pubs, restaurants and bars line the streets of the Old Town and are a guarantee for a unique atmosphere. Those who are in search for a pulsating nightlife just have to go to Bolkerstraße where there is one pub, bar and restaurant next to the other. Along the Rhine promenade numerous bars, cafés and pubs invite to pass a wonderful evening, enjoying a magnificent view over the Rhine and the Rhine banks. In the Old Town (Mertensgasse 6) you will also find Germany’s oldest Jazz Pub “Em Pöötzke” where you can enjoy live jazz in an authentic atmosphere every night.

Located a few steps from the Old Town, the MediaHarbor is another place to be0 Düsseldorf’ s old harbour, transformed into a modern business and residential district, today offers a great number of bars, cafés and restaurants and has become a fashionable meeting point in the evenings.

For those interested in culture Düsseldorf also has a lot to offer: The opera, theatre, top-class concerts, cabaret shows and festivals all contribute to the city’ s rich cultural life. For more detailed and updated information on cultural events, please consult http://www.duesseldorf.de/top/themes050/index.shtml or contact one of the coordinators of the Summer School.


Düsseldorf and Europe

Situated in the heart of Europe, Düsseldorf is a good starting point for a weekend trip to some of the most beautiful cities in Europe.


From its canals to world-famous museums and historical sights, Amsterdam is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in Europe. There is an intercity train network which – due to special offers – can bring you to Amsterdam at a low price. For updated information as to train connections and special offers please see http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/index.shtml or contact one of the coordinators of the Summer School.


Accessible from Düsseldorf by train within only about 2.5 hours, the capital of and administrative centre of the European Union, is a popular spot for weekend get(-)aways. , nowadays home to nationalities around the world, is a centre of European culture with numerous museums, impressive monuments, picturesques medieval streets, lively squares, beautiful boulevards, cosy cafés as well as trendy restaurants and bars.

There are regularly special offers for trains from Düsseldorf. For updated information please see http://tinyurl.com/6avzkkw or visit http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/index.shtml. Hotels can be booked at very reasonable prices, for example www.hrs.com.



Known as the Venice of the North for its romantic canals, Bruges is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Like Amsterdam and Brussels, you can reach Bruges by train at a low price due to special offers. Please visit http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/index.shtml for further information.


There is also the opportunity to go to London by train. The Deutsche Bahn currently offers a special Germany -London ticket, so you can travel to London in just 4.5 hours. It is also possible to travel overnight. For further information please have a look at: http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/prices/europe/london- cologne-special.shtml


There are highspeed trains which can bring you to Paris from Düsseldorf in only about four hours. For detailed and updated information please see http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/index.shtml or contact one of the coordinators of the Summer School.


st Monday, August 1

10.00: Eligible Collateral for Monetary Policy Operations

Dr. André Alfes, LL.M. (Austin, TX)

Readings: European Central Bank, “The Implementation of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area”, February 2011, Chapter 6, downloadable at0 http://www.bundesbank.de/download/ezb/publikationen/2011/20110204.geld politik.en.pdf

14.00: Responsibility and Liability of Board Members

Dr. Carsten Jungmann, LL.M. (Yale), M.Sc. (Leicester)

Readings: Jungmann, “Responsibility and Liability of Board Members”


nd Tuesday, August 2

10.00: Societas Europaea – Practical implementation of a common European Corporation

Dr. Michael Beurskens, LL.M. (Chicacgo), LL.M. (Düsseldorf, IP)

The European Company („Societas Europaea“) is available as a (largely) uniform corporate form for European businesses since 2004. Almost 800 corporations, amongst them German car manufacturer Porsche, took advantage of that opportunity and are now organized as an „SE“. The case study will examine a few of these early implementors and their reasons as well as typical issues. By using these examples we will examine the formation and organization of the SE in comparison to other corporations in European Union Member States. Finally we will discuss what implications other developments (like the movement of seat directive, the ECJs case law on movement of seat) carry for the future of the SE and its possible sibling, the Societas Europaea Privata („SPE“ – European Private Company).

Readings (optional):  Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company,  Council Directive 2001/86/EC of 8 October 2001 supplementing the Statute for a European company with regard to the involvement of employees  http://www.worker-participation.eu/Europa-AG-SE/SE-COMPANIES-News/Facts- and-Figures  Horst Eidenmuller. Andreas Engert, Lars Hornuf, Incorporating under European law: the Societas Europaea as a vehicle for legal arbitrage in: E.B.O.R. 2009, 10(1), 1-33  Petr Kasik, Vlastimil Pihera, , Checking out SEs, in: Euro. Law. 2010, 96, 46-47  EUROPEAN COMPANY HAS LIMITED APPEAL, in: Euro. News. 2010, 74(DEC), 5-7  William W. Bratton, Joseph A. McCahery, Erik P.M. Vermeulen, HOW DOES CORPORATE MOBILITY AFFECT LAWMAKING? A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS in: 57 Am. J. Comp. L. 34


14.00: Transnational Mergers

Dr. Norbert Zimmermann, LL.M. (Harvard)

16:00: Case Study on Shareholder Activism

Dr. Winfried F. Schmitz, M.C.J. (NYU)

Following: Networking-BBQ

In the surrounding of the Düsseldorf Law School, you have the unique opportunity to chat with Law School Staff, lecturers of the 7th Summer School on European Business Law, partners and associates of international and Düsseldorf based law firms, representatives of ELSA – European Law Students Association and DAJV – German American Lawyers’ Association.

The Networking-BBQ will be hosted in front of the building 24.81.



Wednesday, August 3

10.00: M & A Case Study I (Lecture)

Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer, MBA (St. Gallen)

12.00: M & A Case Study II (Team Work)

Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer, MBA (St. Gallen)

- Please be advised on your team work studies by the lecturer -

13.15: M & A Case Study III (Debriefing)

Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer, MBA (St. Gallen)

17:30: Case Study on Takeovers (at Hengeler Mueller)

Dr. Maximilian Schiessl, LL.M. (Harvard)

Readings: Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on Takeover Bids

Following the case study: Reception hosted by Hengeler Mueller



Thursday, August 4

10.00: Business Lawyers Wanted: The Need for Joint Ventures and Alliances

Prof. Dr. Erik P.M. Vermeulen

Readings: McCahery / Vermeulen, „ Corporate Governance and Innovation – Venture Capital, Joint Ventures, and Family Businesses”, downloadable at0 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=894785

Morning Session:

The theory and practice of joint ventures

Afternoon session:

Students work in groups on a case study and present their work at the end of the afternoon session.

- Please be advised on your team work studies by the lecturer -



Friday, August 5

10.00: Marketing Law

Dr. Hillel Sommer, LL.M. (Yale)

Following: Certificates and Farewell Lunch

In a stand-up ceremony, students receive their certificates and a ‘goodbye lunch’ in front of the Faculty building. Certificates are handed out by Prof. Dr. Jan Busche, Dean of the Law Faculty, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf and Mark Sonntag, Executive Manager of the Düsseldorf Law School – Graduate Unit of Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.



Dr. Alfes, Business Lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth), works in the legal department of Deutsche Bundesbank, the National Central Bank of Germany. Having studied at Bayreuth and Mainz Universities, he received his doctorate degree for his dissertation on the introduction of the central counterparty at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (2006). He graduated at the Dr. André Alfes, LL.M. University of Texas at Austin with a Master Degree (Austin, TX) (2006/07) and was admitted to the bar in Frankfurt in 2007. Until he joined Deutsche Bundesbank in late 2010, he worked for a Frankfurt law firm, specializing in banking and capital markets law. Being seconded to the legal departments of a client bank as well as to an investment company he acquired profound practical knowledge in OTC derivates and investment law. At Deutsche Bundesbank he is responsible for monetary policy instruments and the corresponding collateral framework.

Dr. Beurskens works as an Associate-in-Law for Prof. Dr. Noack at University Düsseldorf and at the Center for Business and Corporate Law. After his First Dr. Michael Beurskens, (2000) and Second State Examination (2003), he received LL.M. (Duesseldorf, IP), LL.M.-titles in Intellectual Property Law (2004) and at the University of Chicago (2005). He passed the New York Bar LL.M. (Chicago) Exam in 2005 and received his doctorate degree for a Securities Law topic in May 2007. He is currently preparing a postdoctoral thesis at the intersection of intellectual property, contracts and antitrust.

Mr. Eckner studied law at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, accompanied by studies in economics, especially banking and finance, at University of Hagen and London School of Economics and Political Science. After graduating in 2011, he manages the Center for Business and Corporate Law (CBC) at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf where Dipl.-Jur. David Eckner he is inter alia in charge of the Summer School on European Business Law. He is also Research Assistant at the Propter Homines Chair for Banking and Securities Law (Dr. Zetzsche) at University of Liechtenstein with a research emphasis on legal aspects of wealth 15 management. His primary research focuses are corporate law as well as European investment and securities law. As member of the German American Lawyers’ Association, he has written extensively on legal education in Germany and the United States.

Prof. Elsing is a world-renowned expert on Arbitration and Mediation and is a founding partner of Hoelters & Elsing Rechtsanwaelte in Düsseldorf which merged with Orrick in 2008. After studying in Freiburg and Lausanne (), he obtained his doctorate in law (1976) in Muenster and his LL.M. in 1979 (Yale Law School). He was admitted to the German Bar in 1979 and the New York Bar Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. in 1983. Prof. Elsing is member of the American Bar Elsing, LL.M. (Yale) Association (ABA), Association International des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) (President 1990/91), Association Suisse de l´arbitrage (ASA), Deutsche Institution fuer Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS), International Bar Association (IBA) (Vice Chair - Mediation) and London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). His practice areas are M & A, Corporate, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation on which he also gives numerous lectures and seminars. In 2007 Dr. Elsing was awarded an honorary professorship by Heinrich Heine University’s Faculty of Law.

Dr. Jungmann is Program Director at Bucerius Law School (Hamburg) and coordinates the Diploma in Business Law Program at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. He has studied at the universities of Edinburgh and Bonn, where he was employed at the Institute for Commercial and Business Law and completed his doctoral degree. In Dr. Carsten Jungmann, addition, he has obtained both, a Master of Laws from Yale LL.M. (Yale), M.Sc. Law School (USA) and a Master of Science in Finance from the University of (Leicester) Leicester (UK). Dr. Jungmann spent a year as an academic visitor at the London School of Economics and Political Science and was a lecturer in law at the University of Surrey (UK) and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. He teaches corporate law and corporate governance in the Bucerius/WHU Master in Law and Business Program and in the Master of Laws in Cross Cultural Business Practice Program of the Université de Fribourg (Switzerland).


Prof. Kersting has held the chair of Civil Law, German and International Business Law, Antitrust Law at Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf since 2007 and is a Director of the Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC). He Prof. Dr. Christian received his doctorate in law (2000) from the University of Bonn and his Post-Doctoral Examination (“Habilitation”) Kersting, LL.M. (Yale) (2006) from the University of Munich and obtained his LL.M. from Yale Law School in 2002. Prof. Kersting also studied Economics (University of Hagen, intermediate diploma 1997) as well as law and French at the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva.

Dr. Kleinevoss studied law at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. He received a LL.M. from the University of Edinburgh and obtained his Ph.D. from Heinrich Heine University for a thesis on an Intellectual Property topic. He started his career in the IP-department of a large International law firm. Today, he is a partner of the IP- Dr. Tim Kleinevoss, boutique firm Siebeke Lange Wilbert in Düsseldorf LL.M. (Edinburgh) focusing on intellectual property, unfair competition and commercial law. He advises large international corporations as well as national mid-sized companies. Apart from his activities in the summer school program at Heinrich Heine University, he lectures on intellectual property law at the masters program of the Heinrich-Heine University as well as at the Peter Behrens School of architecture and design, Düsseldorf.

Prof. Kummer is a Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and strategy expert. He is the President of the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA), a non-profit academic think tank on M&A in Zurich, Switzerland. He also is an Adjunct Professor at Webster University in Vienna, Austria and St. Louis, United States, and a Visiting Prof. Dr. Christopher Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management in . In Kummer, M.B.A. addition to his profound knowledge as an academic, he is a practitioner and advisor in transactions. His articles have been published in several languages. He is a frequently sought after commentator on M&A with the international media. He holds an MBA from the University-HSG St. Gall, Switzerland, and a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany.


Prof. Lorz has held the chair of German and Foreign Public Law, Public International Law and European Law at Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf since 2000. He received his doctorate in law (1992) from the University of Marburg and his Post-Doctoral Examination (“Habilitation”) Prof. Dr. R. Alexander (1999) from the University of Mannheim and obtained his Lorz, LL.M. (Harvard) LL.M. from Harvard Law School in 1994. Since 1995 he has been a member of the New York Bar. His main research areas are Comparative Constitutional Law, Institutions of the European Union, European Common Market Law, Public International Law and Politics. From 2007 until 2009 he has been State Secretary at the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art.

Dr. Meyer-Lindemann is Managing Partner of the Düsseldorf and Brussels offices of Shearman & Sterling LLP, practices German and European competition, media and telecommunications law. Before joining the firm in 1992, he worked with one of the leading German law firms Dr. Hans Jürgen in Frankfurt and Düsseldorf and with a US firm in Atlanta, Meyer-Lindemann, Georgia. Dr. Meyer-Lindemann is admitted to the M.C.J. (NYU) Düsseldorf and Brussels bar. He studied law at the Universities of Bonn, Geneva, Strasbourg and Coimbra. Following graduation from New York University with an MCJ in 1983, he obtained his Dr. iur. at the University of Bonn in 1985 and his Assessor iur. in Düsseldorf in 1988. Dr. Meyer-Lindemann is lecturer in competition law at Heinrich Heine University’s Faculty of Law.

Prof. Noack has held the chair of Civil, Commercial and Corporate Law at Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf since 1994. Since 2009, Prof. Noack is President of Düsseldorf Law School, the Graduate Unit of Heinrich Heine University’s Faculty of Law. He is the former Dean of the Faculty of Law (2000 – 2002) and current Director of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Noack the Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC), the Center for Information Law and the Center of Intellectual Property Law at the university’s Faculty of Law. He received both his doctorate (1988) and Post-Doctoral Examination (“Habilitation”) (1993) from the University of Tuebingen/Germany. His main fields of research include Civil, Commercial and Corporate Law, Securities Law and Information/ Media Law. Professor Noack frequently advises on issues to German and European corporate and financial law reforms.


Prof. Procaccia has been director of the LL.M.-Program at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya (Israel) since Prof. Dr. Uriel 2003. He has been a professor of Corporate Law since Procaccia, LL.B., LL.M. 1987 and from 1996 to 1999 he was the Dean of the (Hebrew University), Faculty of Law at Hebrew University (Jerusalem/Israel). Professor Procaccia has extensive experience in S.J.D. (University of representing publicly traded corporations, major Israeli banks, the government Pennsylvania) of Israel, the Jewish Agency, and organized labor. He taught Corporate Law, Law and Economics and Law and Culture worldwide.

Dr. Schiessl has been a partner at Hengeler Mueller Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwaelten, Düsseldorf since 1991 and is one of the leading German transaction lawyers. He studied law at the University of Munich (Dr. Dr. Maximilian iur.) as well as Harvard Law School (LL.M.). He was Schiessl, LL.M. admitted to the German Bar in 1986. Dr. Schiessl was Chairman of the Committee 'Corporate and M & A' of the (Harvard) International Bar Association (1998 – 2002) and of the Capital Markets Forum (2002 – 2004). His practice areas include Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity and Venture Capital. Dr. Schiessl teaches in the field of corporate and securities law at Heinrich Heine University’s Faculty of Law.

Dr. Schmitz has been a partner at Buse Heberer Fromm, Düsseldorf since 2007 and is an Attorney at Law in New York City and Connecticut. From 1989 to 2002 he was a partner in a leading national and international law firm and from August 2002 to 2007 founding partner of Dr. Winfried F. "SCHMITZ Rechtsanwaelte" in Düsseldorf. He is a Schmitz, M.C.J. (NYU) renowned expert in M&A (including outsourcing, private equity, reorganizations and venture capital) and joint ventures. Dr. Schmitz is special lecturer at Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf for M & A and Joint Ventures and has published extensively in that field.

Prof. Sensburg is Member of the German Bundestag since 2009, chairman of the Sub-Committee for European Legal Affairs, member of the Committee for Legal Affairs and alternate member of the Committee of Internal Affairs. He Prof. Dr. Patrick is Professor of Public and European Law at the University Sensburg, M.A. of Applied Sciences for Public Administration of Northrhein-Westphalia (FHÖV NRW) since 2008, Professor at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences (FHÖV Bund) since 2006. From 2000-2006 he was 19 lawyer and from 1999-2004 executive director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mediation (DGM) and is a Member of the executive committee for the DGM since 2005. He was research associate in the office of the Dean for the Department of Law Sciences on the FernUniversität Hagen 2002-2004 and research associate for Professor Dr. Katharina Gräfin von Schlieffen on the FernUniversität Hagen 1999-2002.

Dr. Sommer is a Senior Lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. Dr. Sommer received the degree of J.S.D. (Doctor of the Science of Law) from Yale Law School in 1994. His dissertation, in the area of tax policy, is entitled "Depreciation: a Quest for an Individualized Cost Recovery Policy". Dr. Sommer received the degree of LL.M. from Yale Law School in 1989 and his LL.B, magna cum laude, in 1988 from Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. Sommer Dr. Hillel Sommer, is the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship for his studies at Yale. LL.M. (Yale) In addition to his IDC position as Law School faculty member, Dr. Sommer serves as legal counsel to several leading TV entertainers and journalists. In the past, Sommer (who is admitted to practice law in Israel and in New York) practiced with Haim Zadock & Co., Tel Aviv, and with Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Prior to joining IDC, Sommer was a member of the Law School faculty at Bar Ilan University. Sommer published several law review articles in Israel and abroad. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School and the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Dr. Stühmeier studied economics at the University of Bielefeld and began his graduate studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2009 he joined the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics where he obtained Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Torben his PhD in economics in 2011. His main research Stühmeier interests are in industrial economics and competition policy. He received a Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence where he will spend the academic year 2011/12.

Mr. Vetter is a law clerk at the Court of Appeals in Düsseldorf and lecturer at Heinrich-Heine-University. After his First State Exam in 2006, he worked in a law firm focused on IP law. He earned his LL.M. at the University of Miami as Fulbright Scholar in 2007-08. Michael Vetter, LL.M. While studying there, he worked as a Senior Research (Univ. of Miami) Assistant and Lecturer at the University of Miami. From 2008 to 2009, he was Departmental Coordinator for the /EU-Life Long 20

Learning Programme for Düsseldorf Law School. Since 2009 he has taken part in an advanced training to improve teaching at the university and has taught European Law in the MES-Programme. During his clerkship, he inter alia worked at the state aid department of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Berlin.

Prof. Vermeulen is a Senior Counsel Corporate at Philips. In this function, he is involved in corporate venturing and M&A transactions. Erik Vermeulen is also Professor of Business Law at Tilburg University Faculty of Law. He is Chairman of the Department of Business Law and coordinator of the International Business Law Master Program at Tilburg University. He was TPR Professor of Prof. Dr. Erik P.M. Law at Ghent University in Belgium and visiting professor at Kyushu Vermeulen University Faculty of Law in Japan. He lectures regularly at Tias-Nimbas Business School and the Center of Entrepreneurship. He has worked on projects concerned with the development of company law and corporate governance in listed and non-listed companies. He has written extensively in the area of venture capital. His current research looks at corporate governance, corporate courts, the development of the venture capital industry, the role of government venture capital and corporate venture capital, and venture capital exits and listings on alternative stock markets.

Mr. Wissmann is lawyer with 20 years experience (18 thereof with Clifford Chance and predecessor) and founder of WISSMANN LAW in Düsseldorf. He advises and represents clients primarily in German and European competition and telecommunications law matters/investigations vis-à-vis the European Commission, the Federal Cartel Office ("BKartA"), the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications ("BNetzA") and the courts (follow-on or stand-alone damage claims and separate claims for injunction). He also advises in other regulatory matters including energy and Martin Wissmann, post and negotiates complex telecoms/IT agreements. Other aspects of work are LL.M. (Georgetown) anticorruption, public procurement and IP. He studied law at the Johann Wolfgang University Frankfurt/Main as well as at the Georgetown Law Center (LL.M.) and was admitted to the German Bar in 1991. Martin Wissmann is a lecturer for competition and telecommunications law at the law faculty of the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and author of various publications relating to his work. He is editor and co-author of “Wissmann, Telekommunikationsrecht, Praxishandbuch, Second Edition 2006” and co- author of “Wissmann/Dreyer/Witting, Kartell- und regulierungsbehördliche


Ermittlungen im Unternehmen und Risikomanagement, 2008”, „Wissmann/Wissmann, Was darf der Bürgermeister, 2010“.

Dr. Zemer is a law lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya and also a Visiting Associate Professor at Boston University School of Law. He previously taught at the faculties of law in Leicester and Birmingham, UK, and Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. He was awarded his Dr. Lior Zemer Ph.D at Osgoode Hall Law School in 2005. Prior to joining legal academia he served as the assistant lawyer to Judge J.D. Cooke at the European Court of First Instance and Judge S. von Bahr at the European Court of Justice in . Dr.Zemer’s Research Interests include: Intellectual property law and policy, jurisprudence, international and European law. He is the author of "The Idea of Authorship in Copyright" (London: Ashgate, 2007).

Dr. Zetzsche is Associate Professor at the University of Liechtenstein where he held the Propter Homines Chair for Banking and Securities Law since 2011. Prior to his appointment to the University of Liechtenstein he was Executive Manager of the Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC) at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, and Lecturer at Heinrich Heine Dr. Dirk A. Zetzsche, University and Tilburg University (NL) with a focus on corporate and securities LL.M. (Toronto) law. He obtained an LL.M. from the University of Toronto for a thesis on comparative corporate governance and securities law and earned his doctoral degree from Heinrich Heine University in 2004 for his thesis on shareholder information in public corporations. From 1999 through 2003, Dr. Zetzsche was executive of a provider of proxy voting services and worked as investor relations consultant. After his bar exam in 2006, Dr. Zetzsche headed Düsseldorf Law School, the Graduate Unit of Heinrich Heine University’s Faculty of Law. Dr. Zetzsche has advised the German Secretary of Justice, the German Secretary of Finance, the European Commission and the Government of Liechtenstein on shareholder rights, corporate, securities and investment law.


Dr. Zimmermann is notary in Düsseldorf since 1993. He studied law at University of Muenster as well as Strasbourg and London. Dr. Zimmermann also obtained a Master of Laws Degree at Harvard Law School. Furthermore, he was an attorney at law in New York City and Düsseldorf and an assistant secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics in Bonn and at the EU Dr. Norbert Commission (Antidumping) in Brusssels. He is fluent in Zimmermann, LL.M. English, French and Spanish. Dr. Zimmermann has (Harvard) written extensively in several fields of business and corporate law. A selection of his publications as co-author is: Kallmeyer, Umwandlungsgesetz (German Act on Transformation of Corporate Forms); Happ, Aktienrecht (Stock Corporations Law); Seibert / Kiem, Handbuch der kleinen AG (Handbook for the small Stock Corporation); Beck´sches Notarhandbuch (Beck Publishers - Handbook for Notaries) (Abschnitt Auslandsberührung) (Section: Conflict of Laws). Dr. Zimmermann is special lecturer at the University of Düsseldorf, teaching various seminars on issues of national and international corporate law.


Useful Information

This passage will give you a short impression on Heinrich-Heine-University and the city of Düsseldorf. It also provides some helpful information concerning public transportation and the way to the locations of the Summer School on European Business Law.

For further information, please contact one of the coordinators of the Summer School (See the last page of this brochure) or mail to [email protected].


Historically the river Rhine has been Düsseldorf’s natural link across borders to other cities and countries. It has provided a continuous flow of trade and a constant exchange of ideas and has thus been the source of the friendliness that has become a distinguishing mark of the Rhinelander. […] “…in the heart Geographically and economically, the city lies at the heart of Western Europe. It is therefore not surprising that the state capital with almost 600,000 of Europe…“ inhabitants has been able to build such strong international connections. Düsseldorf has established itself as a major economic partner in the European Community and as an important scientific and cultural hub in Germany’s most populous federal state: North Rhine-Westphalia.

Düsseldorf, an internationally-noted banking centre and home of continental Europe’s largest Japanese expatriate community, has an outstanding creative climate, to which numerous industrial designers, commercial artists, product developers and advertising agencies contribute. The new and growing Harbour Media Centre provides a setting for several top- flight communications companies and photography studios. Dubbed the Paris of Germany, Düsseldorf boasts a fashion industry which contributes to the charm and “joie de vivre” of the city. In summers its famous and elegant boulevard known as the Kö (Königsallee) turns into a vast café – a place to see 24 and be seen. Tree-lined promenades, interspersed with beer gardens, offer inviting places to stroll and watch the boats on the Rhine or look at the eye- catching Art Nouveau facades on the opposite bank of the river.

Meadows and parks provide extensive grounds for those keen on sports, and a setting for the annual Kirmes (outdoor fair) on the Rhine. The Old Town is a popular entertainment area and one of Düsseldorf’s most extensive “Old Town” pedestrian districts. It abounds with narrow alleys, restaurants, cafes and pubs as well as old-fashioned comfort and hospitality. This historic core of the city survived World War II intact and is still carefully preserved today.

Under Johann Wilhelm (or Jan Wellem) of the Palatinate, who reigned from 1679 to 1716, the town began to thrive, and the foundation was laid for the rich and multifaceted cultural life which can be found today. The Deutsche Oper am Rhein offers classical and modern repertoire and remarkable ballet performances. The theatre scene is varied, with an internationally renowned playhouse as its focal point, plus a political cabaret, numerous studio theatres and the puppet theatre. The concert hall or Tonhalle stands out for its artistic design as well as its diverse music programme. All aspects of modern art are very well represented at the State Art Collection Kunstsammlung. Düsseldorf’s Academy of Fine Arts is one of the leading art schools in Germany. With numerous internationally known galleries Düsseldorf is one of the European art centres. […] Apart from the Heinrich-Heine University and the Academy of Fine Arts, Düsseldorf is the home of a number of research institutes and educational facilities; among them the Robert Schumann Conservatory, the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) and the Academy of Business and Administration.


Even though the French emperor Napoleon I had planned to found a university in Düsseldorf in 1811, with the Rhine area being thought of as an intellectual buffer zone between France and Prussia, Düsseldorf had to wait another century for its university. In 1907 the Düsseldorf Academy for Applied Napoleon I Medicine was founded and opened together with the newly built Municipal and Düsseldorf Hospital, which was the most modern clinical complex in the German Empire at that time. Since the Academy was not chartered as a university, it was only allowed to instruct medical trainees. The academy itself, supported by the local population, launched several initiatives to change the status of the institution. In 1923 they finally succeeded when a university charter permitting the right to lecture students was given to the Medical Academy of Düsseldorf. The study of dental medicine was subsequently incorporated, and by 1935 doctoral 25 degrees could be awarded in Düsseldorf. After World War II, the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Düsseldorf signed a contract which stated that the federal state would take over the Medical Academy, while the hospitals remained municipally owned. In November 1965 the Medical Academy became the University of Düsseldorf and in January 1966 it became a university with a Medical Faculty and a combined Faculty of Arts and Natural Sciences.

In December 1988 the University Senate decided to change the institution’s name to Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, in commemoration of one of the city’s most renowned sons, Heinrich Heine, whose critical and inquisitive poetic mind reached out across national borders and fought against Heine - The small-mindedness. Today the university forms the backbone of Düsseldorf’s academic reputation. Faced with nationwide cuts in university spending, the City’s Most university has continued to thrive. Despite its recent founding, it has gained a Renowned Son reputation usually associated with universities rich in age and tradition. The university’s continuous development has made it home to a distinguished range of subjects, including medical science, natural sciences, economics, law and the humanities. The degree requirements allow for numerous combinations of subjects. Study programmes can be tailored to fit individual needs. Some subjects, such as Literary Translation, Yiddish Culture, Language and Literature and Media Science are unique features of the curriculum. Social Sciences and Linguistics rank prominently in comparisons. Further specialties in the Faculty of Arts include Modern Japan Studies and German as a Foreign Language, which address the needs of the international business community.

Faculty of Law

The present Law Faculty is one of the youngest in Germany. It is housed in two modern, spacious buildings that were constructed, respectively in 1996 and 2005, and which are specially equipped for legal studies. The buildings offer an excellent working environment to the approximately 1,500

26 people from Germany and beyond who study at the Faculty of Law. The comparatively low number of approximately 200 students who begin legal studies each year allows for outstanding conditions for study, characterized by close personal contact between students and faculty members, and distinguishing academic teaching in Dusseldorf from other faculties in Germany. Besides the standard studies, continuing education programs have developed into an independent support leg of the faculty. The Düsseldorf Law Faculty of Law School (DLS) currently offers 75 university places a year in three LL.M. programs. 15 professors teach and research at the Faculty of Law; seven affiliated institutes are centers of academic research and serve as a connection to the practice of law. Teaching and research focal points are intellectual property law, information and medical law, corporate and insurance law, as well as election law and in foreign and security policy. Seven honorary professors and approximately 100 adjunct faculty members, who contribute their practical experience as lawyers and judges, round out the academic offerings. The close integration of adjunct faculty permits a practical focus during studies and promotes regular discourse between theory and legal practice at an early stage.

[Abstract: Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Düsseldorf Guide for International Students, Graduates and Academics/Brochure of Faculty of Law]


Your Way to…

The following descriptions shall help you to find the way to the lectures of the Summer School. Please also find a map of public transportation (Linienplan Düsseldorf) at the end of this brochure. This and other visitor maps are also available at the Düsseldorf Airport and the Düsseldorf Main Station Information & Service Point. The tramway numbers indicated in this brochure (for example 707) refer to the public transportation map. For additional information on how to get around in Düsseldorf by bus, metro and tramway, please visit http://www.rheinbahn.com/fahrplan/Pages/default.aspx in advance of your arrival.

For a first orientation in the city of Düsseldorf (especially for the way from your hotel/hostel to the tramway station and/or the Faculty of Law), please see http://www.duesseldorf.de/en/index.shtml (-> citymap) which also indicates some helpful addresses.

Please consider that the following maps are only abstracts and just serve as a first orientation.

Faculty of Law

RED = Faculty of Law


The easiest way to get to the Faculty of Law is by tramway no. 707 to “Uni Ost / Botanischer Garten”. The building number of the Faculty of Law is 24.81/24.91. When you arrive at the faculty, the lecture hall for the Summer School will be specifically signposted. You also have the opportunity to take the underground no. U79 to “Uni Ost/Botanischer Garten”.

Recommended Hotels

A = Faculty of Law/HHUD

For your accommodation during the Summer School we recommend four hotels (marked in the map above) which are the following:

HK Hotel Düsseldorf City Sued (red)

Varnhagenstr. 37, 40225 Düsseldorf / +49 (0) 211/310800

Hotel An der Uni (green)

Moorenstr. 4, 40225 Düsseldorf / +49 (0) 211/3020240

Hotel Flora (blue)

Auf'm Hennekamp 37, Düsseldorf / +49 (0) 211/934980


Hotel Scotti’s (orange)

Christophstr. 2, 40225 Düsseldorf / + 49 (0) 211/3102899

The Faculty of Law can easily be reached from all four hotels by tramway no. 707, station “Uni Ost/Botanischer Garten”.

Hengeler Mueller Benrather Str. 18‐20, 40213 Düsseldorf

A = Hengeler Mueller Hengeler Mueller is accessible by tramway no. 703, 706, 712, 713, 715, station “Benrather Straße” (marked red).


Orrick Hölters & Elsing Immermannstrasse 40, 40210 Düsseldorf

A = Orrick Hölters & Elsing You can reach Orrick Hölters & Elsing by tramway no. 707, station “Charlottenstraße/Oststraße” (marked red). From Düsseldorf Main Station (“Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof/Hbf”), Orrick Hölters & Elsing is within walking distance.

Tickets/Fares for Public Transportation

For current and updated information about tickets/fares for public transportation in Düsseldorf (Rheinbahn), please visit http://www.rheinbahn.com/tickets/alle_preise.htm/Pages/alle_preise.aspx or http://www.rheinbahn.com/(  tickets). Especially for your travel within the workshop week (Mo-Fr), Single Fare Tickets or Group Tickets are preferably to buy.

Please consider that you need to have coins (!) to buy a ticket at a ticket vending machine at every single tramway station or within a bus; banknotes are accepted only exceptionally.

A good starting point for trips on a weekend or your first trip within Düsseldorf is Düsseldorf Main Station (“Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof/HBF”). At several Service-Points you can get helpful advices on travel expenses; you can buy tickets for weekdays, tickets for trips on a weekend etc.



Center for Business & Corporate Law / Summer School on European Business Law

Faculty of Law


D – 40225 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 – 211 – 81 15 084

Fax: +49 – 211 – 81 11 427

Email: [email protected] [email protected]


http://www.duslaw.eu/en (English)

http://www.duslaw.eu/de (German)

For inquiries on the Summer School on European Business Law also contact

David Eckner | Manager of Center for Business and Corporate Law

[email protected]


Heinrich Heine University

Faculty of Law | Center for Business and Corporate Law 33 Universitätsstraße 1, 40225 Düsseldorf (Germany)