St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church

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St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church 1 St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church 4402 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Telephone #: 718-451-1500 Fax #: 718-451-1502 Email: [email protected] Website: Sunday, July 14, 2019 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary time THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10:25–37 Mass Schedule Administrator St. Catherine of Genoa ~ Rev. Fr. Rony Mendes Monday/Lundi St. Therese of Lisieux 9:00am and 7:00pm Catholic Academy Parochial Vicar 4410 Avenue D, Rev. Fr. Anselmus Mawusi Tuesday-Saturday/Mardi-Samedi Brooklyn, NY 11203 9:00am Phone: 718-629-9330 Music Director Fax: 718-629-6854 Mr. Edsen-Samy Renaud Summer Mass Weekend Mass Website: Schedule Principal: Mrs. Jeannette Charles Office Staff Saturday/Samedi: The Academy offers a welcoming, 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday) safe, faith-filled environment where Cassan Guerrier children from grades Pre-K to 8th can Sunday/Dimanche: learn and grow to their potential. 9:00 am (Morning Prayer) Financial aid is available. 9:30 am (English) 12:00 pm (Creole) 1 2 Parish Office-Rectory Office Hours The Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 10:30AM –12:30 PM. Monday/Lundi *Tuesday/Mardi *Thursday/Jeudi: 9:00 am-5:00 pm If you would like to become a Wednesday/Mercredi registered parishioner, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm please fill out a parishioner registration Friday/Vendredi: form located at the back of 9:00 am – 3:00pm the church or stop by the rectory. Saturday/Samedi: 10:00am --3:00pm Sunday/Dimanche: 9:30am -12:00pm The Rectory Office is closed each day from 12:30PM-1:30PM. Please be aware it is the summer season and we are in the Lord’s House. Please Dress Appropriately. Monday, July 8th Eng. Prayer Group Mtg. 7:45pm (Gym) Adoration Eucharistique Friday (Vendredi) Haitian Prayer Group 7:45pm (Convent Chapel) 9:30am – 12:00pm Wednesday, July 10th English Choir Practice (Church) Thursday, July 11th Confession (Konfesyon) Independence Day Saturday (Samedi) 4:00 – 4:45PM Confessions may be scheduled by appointment . Friday, July 12th DEVOTIONS Eng Prayer Grp Core Mtg. (acr) The Little Flower Novena is prayed every Monday after the 9:00am and 7:00pm mass. Saturday, July 13th Haitian Legion of Mary 10:00am (Auditorium) Nou priye Nevènn St. Therèse Chak Lendi apre mès 9:00 nan aswè-a. St Don Bosco Youth Ministry Mtg 1:00pm The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed after the 9:00am mass (Auditorium Stage) every Tuesday. Youth Choir 2:00pm (Church) Nou priye Nevènn Meday Mirakilez-la chak jou apre mès 9:00 Eng Prayer Grp. Core Mtg (acr) nan maten-a. 2 3 Readings for this Week INTENTIONS DES MESSES DE LA SEMAINE Lectures de la Semaine Sunday/Dimanche 9:00am : Rosa Julien Sunday/Dimanche: FIFTTEENTH SUNDAY Birthday / Thanksgiving IN ORDINARY TIME Kamal Edmund & Jason Eli In Thanksgiving Dt 30: 10-14 / Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36- 37 / Col 1:15-20 / Lk 10:25-37 12:00pm: Deliverance for 1237 NY Ave Monday/Lundi: Saint Bonaventure, bishop, Bread & Wine Doctor of the Church +++ Ex 1 : 8-14, 22 / Ps 124: 1b-8 / Mt 10:34-11:1 Sanctuary Lights The Noel Family Tuesday/ Mardi: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Monday/Lundi: Ex 2: 1-15a / Ps 69: 3, 14, 30-31, 33-34 / Mt 9:00am: Carmelo Guerrier 11: 20-24 Birthday / Thanksgiving Lynette Jones Birthday / Thanksgiving Wednesday/Mercredi: Weekday In Memory of Henry Abraham Ex 3: 1-6, 9-12 / Ps 103: 1b-4, 6-7 / Mt 11:25- 27 7:00pm: People of the Parish Thursday/Jeudi: Saint Camillus de Lellis, Tuesday/Mardi: Priest 9:00am: The Smith Family for Deliverance Ex 3:13-20 / Ps 105: 1, 5, 8-9, 24-27 / Mt 11: Lynette Abraham 28-30 Birthday / Thanksgiving Friday/Vendredi: Weekday Wednesday/Mercredi: Ex 11:10—12:14 / Ps 116: 12-13, 15-18/ Mt 9:00am: Eneida Clarke 12:1-8 Birthday / Thanksgiving The Smith Family for Deliverance Saturday/Samedi: Saint Apollinaris, Bishop, Martyr Thursday/ Jeudi: Ex 12: 37-42 / Ps 136: 1, 23-24, 10-15 / Mt 12: 9:00am: : Moise St Jean & Family 14-21 Blessing / Thanksgiving in honor of Divine Mercy Next Sunday’s Readings/ The Smith Family for Deliverance Lectures du Dimanche Prochain Sunday/Dimanche: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY Friday/Vendredi: IN ORDINARY TIME 9:00am: The Smith Family for Deliverance First Reading/1ere Lecture: Gn 18: 1-10a In Memory of Gerard Mark & Anne Mark Psalm/Psaume: Ps 15:2-5 Saturday/Samedi: Second Reading/2eme Lecture: Col 1:24-28 9:00am: NO INTENTIONS Gospel / Evangile Lk 10:38-42 5: 00pm: Carline & Sylvana Dure 3 4 Office will be open June 20th – July 3rd and July 8th –11th Mondays –Thursdays 9:00am - 12pm. Office will re-open on Thursday, August 15th - 29th Mondays– Thursday 9:00am –12:00pm. The Fellowship Committees of St Therese of Lisieux Church would like to extend a “Heartfelt Thank You” to all who supported our 4th of July Barbecue on Thursday July 4th 2019. We thank all those who attended the event, all those who gave monetary gifts, and all those who gave generous donations of food and Drinks. We Specially thank the men of the parish who worked long and hard to make the bar- becue a success. Men Like Rodney Mark, Marc Valentin, Greg Quarless, Fogarty Steven Joseph, Dunbar Debellotte, Denis Baptiste, Pierre Fisamay, Ruben George, Troy Clyne and Parnel Charles. We thank all our Fellowship Members who worked diligently and tirelessly. We thank Fr. Mendes and Fr. Anselmus for their support. We grossed $6, 858.00. After expenses we made a net profit of $5, 558.00 4 5 PRIÈRE Par l’intercession de St Louis et Zélie Martin Married Saints: Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin Saints Louis et Zélie Martin, Après avoir eu le désir de la vie reli- St. Louis: August 22, 1823 – July 29, 1894 gieuse, vous avez entendu l’appel du Seigneur à la vocation au St. Zelie: December 23, 1831 – August 28, 1877 mariage, Vous qui êtes les « parents sans égaux » dont parle votre Feast Day: July 12 fille sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus, Patronage: Illness, Marriage, Parenting, Widowers heureux parents de Léonie, la servante de Dieu sœur Françoise- This couple is best known as the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux (theLittle Thérèse, de Marie, Pauline et Céline, transplantées sur la montagne Flower), but they are models of holiness in their own right. They are only the du Carmel, et de quatre autres enfants ravis à votre affection dans second married couple to be canonized. Louis was born in 1823 in Bordeaux. leur jeune âge : Hélène, Joseph, Jean-Baptiste et Mélanie-Thérèse. When his hope of entering religious life was thwarted he became a watchmaker. Vous avez rendu toute gloire à Dieu Zelie Guerin was born in 1831. She, too, hoped to become a religious, but par votre travail humble et patient, votre engagement auprès des eventually understood that it was not God’s will. She became a successful lace- plus démunis, maker. Louis and Zelie met in Alencon and were married in 1858 after a three- votre vie de famille où régnait le bonheur d’aimer et de se savoir month courtship. For almost a year the couple lived as celibates, but the advice of aimé, a confessor changed their minds and they decided to raise as many children as Vous avez vécu concrètement votre vie quotidienne à travers les possible for the glory of God. Zelie gave birth to nine children, five of whom joies et les peines de votre existence, entered religious life. The family lived a comfortable lifestyle, but they also suf- Vous nous aimez comme vos propres enfants, avec votre cœur de fered the loss of four children at an early age and had to deal with a rebellious père et votre cœur de mère parce que vous êtes les amis de Dieu, daughter. Their devotion never wavered, however. The couple lived modestly, Entendez notre prière et notre demande (nommer la demande…) et reached out to the poor and the needy, and led daily prayers in the household. St. intercédez en notre faveur auprès de Dieu le Père, par Jésus-Christ Therese would later write: “God gave me a father and a mother who were more notre Seigneur, dans la grâce de l’Esprit Saint. Amen. worthy of heaven than of earth.” Réciter un « Notre Père » un « Je vous salue Marie » In 1877, at age 45, Zelie Martin died of breast cancer. Louis and his daughters un « Gloire au Père ». moved to Lisieux. Gradually his daughters left to enter the convent. Despite his loneliness he said: “It is a great, great honor for me that the Good Lord desires to Histoire d’un couple take all of my children. If I had anything better, I would not hesitate to offer it to L’histoire du couple de Louis et Zélie est une histoire simple mais him.” Louis died in 1894 after suffering greatly, including a three-year stay in a pas ordinaire pour autant. Si Louis a eu l’habitude des voyages, au psychiatric hospital. Louis and Zelie Martin were beatified by Pope Benedict gré des mutations de son papa militaire, de garnison en garnison, XVI in 2008 and canonized by Pope Francis in 2015. Their feast day is July 12, Zélie, quoique fille de militaire aussi – son papa était gendarme – though a liturgical celebration in their honor is not included in the current n’a pratiquement pas voyagé, se déplaçant tout juste de quelques General Roman Calendar.
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