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Programme (PDF) 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 THURSDAY, JULY 16th 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration 9:00 am – 10:45 pm Welcome and Opening Plenary Library Gender Equality in Europe: The Necessity to Develop Better Policies Daniela Bankier, European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice, Head of Unit Gender Equality Rebeca Grynspan, Secretaria General Iberoamericana Ute Klammer, University of Duisburg-Essen Sylvia Walby, Distinguished Professor, UNESCO Chair of Gender Research Alicia Girón, Outgoing President of IAFFE 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Keynote Speaker Library Migrant Care Work & the Global Political Economy, Moderation N.N. Joan Tronto, University of Minnesota In cooperation with FES-Berlin Moderator: TBA 12:15 pm – 1:50 pm Lunch Break (box lunch provided) Room TBA 1 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 2:00 pm – 3:40 pm Concurrent Session 1 New research on the influence of sexual orientation and gender identity on individuals and economic development Room TBA Chair: Carlo D’Ippoliti The Relationship between LGBT inclusion and Economic Development: An Analysis of Emerging Economies M. V. Lee Badgett, Yana Rodgers, Sheila Nezhad, and Kees Waaldijk Human Capital Gaps by Sexual Orientation Alyssa Schneebaum The livelihood of LGBTQIs in Vienna Karin Schoenpflug, Christine Klapeer, Roswitha Hofmann, and Clemens Huber Classy gay identity: a model of expected identity utility Carlo D’Ippoliti, Anne Conte, and Fabrizio Botti Social Reproduction, Care and Women’s Economic Empowerment: New Framing and Research to support Claimsmaking Room TBA Chair: Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed Globalisation, the Google Tax and Social Reproduction Ruth Pearson and Rhys Jenkins Methodological Challenges and Opportunities for Identifying and Monitoring Factors of Change in Household Care Responsibilities Thalia Kidder, Katie Bates, Jane Remme, and Lucia Rost Conceptualising women’s economic empowerment: the importance of care Priya Raghavan, Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed, and Deepta Chopra Close the Gap! The cost of inequality in women’s work Nuria Molina and Kasia Staszewska Determinants of “heavy and unequal” care work in rural households from five developing countries Lucia Rost, Thalia Kidder, Katie Bates, Jane Remme, and Luca Dellepiane Older Workers, Older Carers: A Social Reproduction Perspective on the European Union 2 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 Active Aging Policies Ania Zbyszewska GEM-Europe I: Growth and Macroeconomic Policy: Gender perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and EU candidates Room TBA Chair: Nilufer Cagatay Investing in Social Care Services: A Strategy for Inclusive Growth Ipek Ilkkaracan Economic growth and gender equality in new EU member countries: a comparative study Marta Hozer-Kocmiel and Ewa Ruminska-Zimny Growth, Energy and Equality. Energy Cooperatives from a Gender Perspective Zofia Lapniewska Women and Labor in Turkey Room TBA Chair: Şemsa Özar KEİG (Women's Labor and Employment Platform) as an Example of Activism in Turkey Meltem Arıoğlu Pultar Why is the majority of free wage labour in Turkey undertaken by men? Ece Kocabicak Measuring Decent Work for Turkey Yelda Yucel Policies for Women’s Employment and Vocational Training in Turkey. Are They Strengthening or Weakening the Women? Özgün Biçer Woman’s Labor and Employment Policies and Feminist Activism in Turkey 2010-2015 Zeynep Eren and Idil Soyseçkin Ceylan Lifetime Earnings through a Gendered Lens Room TBA “I’m Every Woman”: Income Distribution by Race and Ethnicity Nina Banks and Rhonda Sharpe Economic independence and economic gender equality in Sweden 3 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 Anita Nyberg Will the Kids be All Right? The Effects of Parental Divorce on Income Christina Curley Why Are Women’s and Men’s Work Lives Converging? Demography, Human Capital Investments and Lifetime Earnings Joyce Jacobsen, Melanie Khamis, and Mutlu Yuksel Women and Distribution of Wealth in South Korea Jayoung Yoon Feminism and the Environment Room TBA Women, Forest Management and REDD+: Gender inequality reinforced? Padmaja Mishra Reconciling Social and Environmental Justice in Economics through the Feminist Perspective Phoebe Spencer Farmers' climate change adaptation behaviour in rural Tanzania: an intrahousehold bargaining perspective Katrien Van Aelst Gender differences in climate change perceptions and participation in group-based approaches: an intra-household analysis from rural Kenya Ulrike Mueller and Marther Ngigi Climate change and climate finance and women's social and economic inclusion Mariama Williams Resources, Social Entrepreneurship, and Women’s Empowerment Joint land titling and gender-biased development Marit Widman Beekeeping for Women Empowerment: Case of Commercial Insect Programme in Mwingi, Kenya Peter Mburu, Hippolyte Affognon, Patrick Irungu, John Mburu, and Suresh Raina Can cooperatives contribute to women’s economic empowerment? - A case study in South India Carla Dohmwirth and Markus Hanisch 4 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 Social Entrepreneurship in the Area of Protection of Flora and Fauna Usumacinta Canyon in Mexico Erika Ceballos Falcón, Carmen Beristain, and Paola Vera Analysis of the Competitiveness of Malawian Women Farmers in Smallholder Dairy Enterprises: A Case of Blantyre and Thyolo Districts in Southern Malawi Loveness Mgalamadzi Gendered Fields: Women’s Labor in Agriculture Room TBA Lifting gender constraints to sustainable intensification in coffee production in Uganda Els Lecoutere and Laurence Jassogne Half the Sky? Gender Inequality in Production Activities in People’s Commune in Rural China Jing Liu and Yingwei Huang Fertilizer use on male and female managed maize plots in Mozambique Paswel Marenya, Menale Kassie, and Emilio Tostao Gender Analysis in Mango Production and Marketing in a Context of Fruit Fly Management in Kilifi County,Kenya Billy Nyagaya Labor preferences among rural men and women in Cauca, Colombia Jennifer Twyman, Juliana Muriel, and Pilar Useche Flexible Work and Unstable Work Schedules Room TBA Women working in Saudi Arabia and UAE: A case study of the hotel sector Saham Alismail “Does flexible employment pay for European women?” Iga Magda Integrated Segregation: Trends in the Austrian Gender Division of Labour Margareta Kreimer and Ricardo Mora Gender and Control of Work Schedule Variability in North America and Western Europe Elaine McCrate Flexible Work, Deficiency of Care and Child Poverty: A Critical Assessment of Gender 5 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 Equality Policy in Japan Nobuko Hara Fertility, Motherhood, and Sex Selection Room TBA Fertility transition in Turkey– who is most at risk of deciding against child arrival? Angela Greulich Luci Child Spacing and Mothers’ Careers – An IV Approach Anna Amilon Transforming gender norms? The relationship between women's employment and son preference over time in India Sara Duvisac and Julia Behrman The intertwined (re)production of heteronormativity, capitalism and babies Sara Lafuente Funes Uptake of urine pregnancy tests offered using two different methods: a cost- effectiveness analysis of a pilot study. Laura Rossouw Informal Care and Domestic Labor Room TBA New spouse, same chores? A panel analysis of marital specialization in consecutive unions Miriam Beblo and Anne Solaz Gender Equality In The Time Allocated to Housework: A Study of Indigenous and Non- Indigenous Australians Elisa Birch Do Men Care? Men’s supply of unpaid labour Maria Laura di Tommaso, Anna Maccagnan, and Leif Andreassen Exploring the balancing potential of parental leave policies for the gender division of housework Helene Dearing Home appliances and gender gap of time spent on unpaid housework: evidence using household data from Vietnam Tien Vu 6 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 Hot Topics Room TBA Unpaid Work and Female Visibility – An examination of the case of Turkey Irem Güney Frahm Towards A Caring Economic Approach Thera van Osch Gender Dimensions of Food Security in Pakistan: Institutional and Policy Narratives Aysha Mazhar and Abdul Saboor Child Marriage – A close look, with respect to the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states of India Monica Das 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm General Membership Meeting & Book Celebration ROOM 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Reception FES-Berlin Conference Room Hirsohimastr. 17 Gender Equality in Times of Crisis: Solid Social and Labour Policies as Key Instruments for Enhancing Gender Justice Welcome Michael Sommer, Vice-Chairmann of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Keynote speech Andrea Nahles, German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Moderation Friederike Maier, Berlin School of Economics and Law 7 24th IAFFE Annual Conference | July 16-18th, 2015 FRIDAY, JULY 17TH 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Registration 9:00 am – 10:40 am Concurrent Session 2 Macroeconomics and Gender Room TBA Chair: Eugenia Correa A Dynamic Gender Analysis of Spain's Pension Reforms of 2011 Patricia Peinado Gender Inequality: Work and Employment Facing the Economic Crisis Maria González, Eugenia Correa, and Patricia Rodríguez Gender and the Social Dimensions of Finance: An Exploration Gary Dymski and Eirini Petratou Growing informality, gender equality and the role of fiscal policy in the face of the current economic crisis: Evidence from Indian economy. Shakuntala Das The adoption of business structures in the development and inclusion of women entrepreneurs Maria Gabriela Dominguez Magallon Household Dynamics, Economic Marginalization/Integration, and Women’s Issues in Asia Room TBA Chair:
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