Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812
V \v ri. > ' -iu \ <H X*. MUSTER ROLLS OF THE SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812: DETACHED FROM THE MILITIA OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN 1812 AND 1814. PUBLISHED m HTT«sinA*rr:F. of thk RESOLUTIONS OF THF GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF JANUARY 21, 1851, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THF. ADJUTANT GENERAL. • • • a n » » » • * RALEIGH : PRINTED BY CH C. RABOTEAU, AT THE TIMES OFFICE. 1851, «7 Ml Hi RESOLUTIONS directing the Adjutant General to publish copies of the Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the war of 1812. Resolved, That the Adjutant General be and is hereby directed to have published a hundred copies, duly certified, of the Muster Rolls of the Soldiers otthewarof 1812, which are on file in his Department ; and that one copy be sent to the Cleik of the county court in each county of this State. Resolved further, That when it shall be made appear to the Treasurer, that the requirements of the above Resolution have been complied with, he shall pay to the Adjutant General, as a compensation for his services, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred dollars. Read three times ar.d ratified in General Assembly, this 28th day of Jan- ' 1K01 ' • T r DOBF1N, S. H. C. W. N. EDWARDS, S. S jMUSTER ROLL Of the Infantry detached from the Militia of North • Carolina, in pursuance of a Requisition of the Pre- sident of the United States in virtue of an Act cf "Congress of the 10th of April, 1812. DIVISION, Thomas Brown, Major General, Commanding. FIRST BRIGADE, detached from the 1st, 13th, 2d, 3d, 12th, 5th, 4th and 14th Brigades of the Organized Militia of the State—Thomas Davis, Briga- der General, Commanding.
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