Chalet Chatter Issue 19 | Winter 2018 OUR CHALET - 85TH BIRTHDAY by Lianne Griffin Our Chalet turned 85 in 2017 – what a special year this gramme_Pack.pdf). It’s not too late to join the fun - play has been! The year-long festivities officially kicked off on team games, pack your bags, make a snowflake or eat January 1st, 2017 and we were open to guests staying at chocolate fondue! Our Chalet as well as those participating from their home country. Our Chalet launched a fundraising campaign to purchase a new van. The old van worked hard for 15 years, safely In the first part of 2017, troops participated in “Skippy’s transporting guest luggage up the hill, running main- Challenge.” Skippy, Our Chalet’s beloved cat, turned 10 on tenance errands, delivering skiers to the base gondola May 6th of this year, so she created a birthday challenge stations and more! The wonderful old van entered retire- to help folks learn about her, Our Chalet, other World ment, and Our Chalet got an upgrade! When the fundrais- Centres and WAGGGS. Our Chalet also offered the “Birth- ing target was reached, a modern 4-wheel drive van was day Pack” to troops so that they may also participate in purchased, with the improved environmental and safety the celebrations during troop meetings (download at features appropriate for a World Centre.

New Members: Friends of Our Chalet USA Committee Welcome to the newest members of the Friends of Our Chalet USA Committee! by Lianne Griffin Deborah Crossman (Debbie) of Islip, New York has 29 Also active in her community, Debbie has years in Girl Scouts, 21 as an adult, 8 as a girl. She is still volunteered with PTA, American Red Cross, and the Islip very active although her daughter is 26. (Her daughter Historical Society and has received community leader- is also still very involved.) Debbie is a troop leader, a ship awards as well. cookie committee chair, service unit chair, registrar, event manager, and a first aid trainer. She has about a dozen Mary (M.J.) Hoffman of Duluth, Minnesota is very Girl awards ranging from Outstanding Leader to the involved in Girl Scouts and leads an older girl troop that Thanks Badge. Although Debbie has traveled internation- travels abroad every other year. The 2017 convention in ally she hasn’t yet experienced a World Centre. She has Columbus, Ohio is the first one she has missed in years served on the Suffolk county GS history committee, In- and that’s due to a change in school staffing and calen- ternational Committee, Publicity Action Team, and many dar. other positions including being a delegate to the GSUSA national convention. Now an art specialist, she was previously a special ed- ucation consultant for many years. She attended a two Professionally, Debbie is a Physician Assistant, week folk art session at Our Cabana many years ago and certified in New York State and has actively worked in still uses some of what she learned about folk art with Long Island area hospitals and clinics for about thirty her current students. years. New Members Continued

Since 2007 she has participated in a program in rural Carol McConnell of Beverly Hills, Michigan is one of China during which she spends four or five weeks the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan members who preparing students to take high school entrance exams work on the annual Our Chalet High Tea fundraiser and that require a large degree of English competency. was courted for several years to join FOOC. She works Fascinating stories - Welcome M. J.! full time in a large hospital labor and delivery unit. Be- sides being actively involved with local GS activities, Megan Reardon, of Vandalia, Ohio, has been a Girl she is also a veteran traveler and loves the international Scout for more than 15 years, five years as a girl member aspects of GS. Carol has been a strong support person and over ten years as an adult volunteer and part-time for our Hall of Experiences activities and booth at the staff member with Girl Scouts of Western Ohio. She is GSUSA convention. We can all attest to the fact that she a young woman of many talents and a strong love for is a hard worker! Our Chalet. She was a program intern at the Chalet for four months in 2015 and returned as a volunteer in the program area. She has a degree in art education and has Terri Bone of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has GS taught elementary through high school art. She is also a experience of many years both as a girl member and as GSUSA Global Leadership Program Member. Megan has an adult. She has traveled extensively internationally and promoted and leadership with Girl really “gets” what Girl Scouts is doing in the USA. Terri Scouts both as a counselor and an assistant director at is also actively involved with the Girl Scouts of Western day camps. Pennsylvania, who named her as the 2009 Woman of Distinction in Professions / Leadership. She is a Vice Megan is very excited to be a part of our group and she President, Finance and Chief Accounting Officer at EQT brings a younger element to our committee. Because she Corporation. Terri serves on the Board of Directors of the lives close to Columbus she was active helping with the Epilepsy Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and the convention. Magee-Womens Research Institute & Foundation. She earned an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, a Jennifer Coombs of Arlington, Masssachhusetts is a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from lifetime Girl Scout who is currently very active with the St. Bonaventure University and is a Certified Public Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. Jennifer is in her Accountant. 13th year as director of the day camp at Camp Cedar Hill which serves approximately 300 Girl Scouts each week of the summer. Jennifer also is a member of the coun- cil Gold Award committee. She serves as an outdoor program facilitator teaching general outdoor program and also archery, ropes course program, and boating. She has been a troop leader for all age levels and has taken two groups of girls to Our Chalet. Jennifer and her moth- er, Janet, had a marvelous trip to our Chalet last winter as solo travelers enjoying a winter adventure in the Swiss Alps.

Cheryl Heneveld of Enosburg Falls, Vermont returns to the Friends of Our Chalet after many years. She was a member in the 1980s and is now at a point where she’s ready to be active on the committee again. She is involved with local GS activities of many kinds in a broad area of her council, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains. She has traveled internationally and extensively. Cheryl and her husband were in Africa in the Peace Corps (and there became friends with Martha and Frank Manley.) They also lived in for five years and have a passion for Our Chalet. Her local coun- cil is Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains. Troop 324 Through the Years Contributed by Sue Cunnold, Friend of Our Chalet Committee member

Troop 324 first went to Our Chalet in 1958. We had a Friends of Our Chalet Committee member Mary Williams reunion at the 2017 GSUSA Convention in Columbus, Ohio. helps in the Hall of Experiences as visitors learn scheren- schnitte, the Swiss art of paper cutting.

All these gals are financial supporters of Our Chalet. Sue Cunnold (in light blue shirt) is a member of the Friends of Our Chalet USA Committee.

Friends of Our Chalet Committee members Leilani Wilmore and Beulah Sutherland have their ski poles ready for wintry fun at Our Chalet. Photo taken at the GSUSA 2017 Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Our Chalet-Our Beginning by Diane M. White As the /Guiding movement developed and tect drew up plans for our World Centre. Many letters thrived in the 1920’s, the dreams of having a World Centre and plans were sent back and forth to Mrs. Storrow. materialized. Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the She called a special session of the World Committee for , was able to negotiate with the Swiss Na- June 1931 to inspect the site and approve the plans. As tional Railroad to turn over a huge building in Kantersteg. the committee climbed up the hill, the architect rushed In 1926 it opened as the International World Centre for ahead to plant the American flag on the site. Mrs. Storrow the Boy Scouts. Helen Osborne Storrow of USA attend- was so surprised and very pleased with the location. A ed the World Association Committee meeting in 1929 tea party inaugurated site. at The Hague. The delegates discussed the possibilities The actual construction for our World Center began in the of a World Center for the /Girl Scouts. Mrs. summer of 1931. By December, the roof was set with a Storrow, Girl from Massachusetts, offered traditional small fir tree adorned with colored ribbons. It to give a house for the GIRLS! One condition was that the was time to celebrate. A festive party was held in Adel- World Centre must be in Switzerland. boden for all the workers.

The search for the World Centre began in 1930. Ida von Mrs. Storrow visited in May, 1932 to inspect the house. Herrenschwand “Falk, Girl Guide Commissioner for Bern, The official opening was scheduled for Sunday, July 31st. Dame Katherine Furse, Director of the World Bureau, Mrs. Falk was appointed the manager—“Guider-in-Charger”. Storrow, and others met in June to visit many selected Many gifts of furniture and housewares for the World sites. One day they drove to Aeschi, above Spiez. A lovely Center were being received. One evening as Mrs. Storrow low plain surrounded by cornfields caught the fancy of was walking the grounds she suddenly decided that she Mrs. Storrow. She said this area brought “Peace for the would like to have a little house, Baby Chalet, for herself. Soul”. Falk was less enthusiastic as she thought it was With only two months, the workers were able to con- too “tame” for the modern youth who want adventure struct the little house as well as finish up the main house. and mountain climbing/. In mid-July, Mrs. Storrow returned with ten members of her Lincoln Girl Scout troop to help unpack the boxes At the World Conference meeting in London, Falk was and install the furniture. What a fun time these girls had asked to speak her mind concerning the Aeschi site. preparing for the grand opening! Mrs. Storrow willingly agreed that the search for the World Centre should continue. Later in the fall of 1930, At the opening ceremony on July 31, 1932, the Chalet song a nice plot of land across from the village of was sung for the first time. In the great room, the dedica- was identified. Mrs. Storrow was cabled: “We found the tion reads,” To our world sisterhood owes place, shall we get it?” Mrs. Storrow’s answer,” Hurrah! Go this chalet for the promotion of guiding and good will ahead”. between nations.”

Owners of the land were willing to sell. Next step was to Here’s to Our Chalet’s 85th Anniversary! plan a road and secure utilities. M. de Sinner, an archi- A Wintry Visit to Our Chalet by Janet Coombs, Friends of Our Chalet USA I want to share with you a February magical week at Our twice. Her dream was to return some day to ski in the Chalet where, even though my third visit, I really felt and Alps. And so she did. A group of Norwegian Girl Guides witnessed the true international purpose of our World and Boy Scouts staying at Our Chalet invited her to ski Centers. My first visit was with a group of ten adult Girl with them. I felt better knowing she was on the moun- Scouts in the year of the 60th anniversary of Our Chalet. tain with friends. I spent the day with three Girl Guide We sat in the heat of July 31 as girls from many countries leaders from England. Jen also shared hikes with girls and recreated a program very much like the one presented their leaders from Ireland. The girls included me in other at the opening in 1932. My husband shared my second programs. My British friends shared a taxi with me to the visit the week our Friends of Chalet USA Committee held Woodcarver and the BBQ before going up the gondola on its annual meeting there in the 75th anniversary year. In Engstligenalp . I could go on and on about the wonders of this 85th anniversary year I shared the adventure with it all. my adult daughter who also had been to Our Chalet A Wintry Visit to Our Chalet Continued

The staff, volunteers and interns really love the opportunities Girl Scouting and Guiding provide. They were caring, interested in our stories, capable, confident and courageous. They were wonderful representatives of their respective countries. We felt like a family at Our Chalet. All three of my visits hold special memories. This one, shared with my daughter, renewed my understanding of why Girl Scouts and Girl Guides are worthy of my time and giving.

Photo right: Jennifer Coombs and Janet Coombs with Tanya Tulloch, Our Chalet World Centre Manager

Your Next Trip by Megan Reardon, Friends of Our Chalet Committee Member [email protected] Wherever this newsletter might find you…could you use a season. It felt great to jump right into whatever was need- little more mountain peaks, tinkling cowbells, and choco- ed, and I got to meet both the departing spring volun- late in your life? teers and newly arrived summer team, as well as several new staff members. It goes without saying that it was a In the Summer and Autumn of 2015, I had the incredible diverse and awesome team, and it was fun to welcome opportunity to serve as the Programme Intern at Our lots of independent guests and the first few sessions of Chalet, helping to plan and lead many different types of Swiss Challenge with them! I am also a keen hiker and my programmes -- hiking, Swiss cultural excursions, WAG- personal highlights included using my days off to explore GGS programmes, and much more. There isn’t space new corners of the valley, including Ammertenspitz, Ot- here to effuse about all the wonderful experiences this terepass, and a beautiful trip up Bunderspitz -- add it to role brought, but suffice to say I fell in love with the inter- your bucket list if you haven’t hiked it yet! national community, the mountains, the Scouting spirit, and getting to work to make it all happen. I never got tired If you haven’t yet had the experience of getting to return of looking out my office window and seeing the mountain to Chalet, I highly encourage you to plan your next visit. glow on Fitzer! (If you would like to learn more about the Not only will each visit high up, high on the mountain different volunteer roles, please email me -- I am always bring wonderful new experiences and friends, but for me, eager to share!) returning a second time helped to firmly establish Our Chalet as not just a part of one season of my life, but a After returning to the USA I also went back to my ca- place that I hope and plan to return to many more times reer as a teacher, but I never stopped (and still haven’t!) -- a true home in the Swiss Alps. I’m excited to take on a daydreaming about the Chalet. This past summer, I came new role on the Friends committee to help support Cha- back to Chalet for about a month as a short term volun- let and connect more people with this experience! teer to help with programme during the busy summer Your Next Trip Continued If it’s been a few years since your last visit, you will be out the Chalet’s Events page to see all the types of cool tickled to find that all the traditions and reasons you love events you can attend, but you can of course also visit as Our Chalet are strong, and there are many great new an independent guest any time of the year. things too. The grounds and buildings are looking beauti- ful as ever, and a special shout out to the Program team So -- when will your next trip be? for their hard work planning incredible events! Check Friends of Our Chalet Booth at International River Crossing Event by Suzanne Bante, Friends of Our Chalet Committee Member This year for the first time Friends of Our Chalet hosted a booth at the International River Crossing the last weekend of September. The event is hosted by the Ontario Girl Guides and the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan on the St. Clair River in Marine City Michigan. Over 1400 girls from the US participated this year and several hundred Girl Guides from Ontario Canada. Girls visited many varied activity booths and marched in a parade. The event works closely with the US and Canadian Border Patrol Officers (some former scouts with great swaps) allowing participants to ride the car ferry that day. Photos: Mary Elias and Carol McConnell hosted the Our Chalet booth teaching Scherenschnitte, a traditional Swiss paper cutting art form.

Our Chalet Wish List Donate items to our programmes, catering, first aid, office, grounds and maintenance and leisure activities. You can help us by bringing any of these items with you when you visit Our Chalet. We also have an Amazon wish list here.

Programme supplies Priority items : • Foldable Picnic Blankets with a plastic coating on one side • Adult bicycle helmets • Thermos Flasks (approx 1.5 litre) for use on programme • Storm Proof Matches • Construction paper (coloured craft paper) - A4 or US letter size • Crayola washable marker pens Catering Supplies Additional items : • Hand Stick Blender (see link) • Waterproof jackets and trousers (good quality) • Oven mitts (non-flammable, long armed) • Air-boards • Kitchen tea towels (to dry dishes) • Resource materials on leadership, environment and • Air tight plastic containers (such as Tupperware) education

First aid (non-medicinal) Books Priority items : Project Learning Tree • Small Instant cold packs Curriculum Guides: • Latex-free disposable gloves • Biodiversity Module • Latex-free plasters • ACE bandages (compression bandages) Miscellaneous • Fabric scissors Additional items : • Button maker • Blister plasters • Girl Scout cookies • Fenistil gel, this can include antipruritic, antihistaminic, • DVD Player (compatible with Switzerland) anti-allergic cream • Disinfectant wound spray Please note, we have minimal space at Our Chalet to • Sterile Gauze Bandage place all of the lovely gifts we have received over the • Metal Tweezers years. As a result we request no further ornamental gifts • Gauze Pads - small 3” x 3” or large 4” x 8” are donated. • Micro Tape/ or sticky tape Thank you in advance for Office supplies • Tablet - Samsung Galaxy or Lenovo + protective case your generous donations! • Micro SD card - 32GB • Laminating sheets or pouches (A4 and A3 size) • Plug adapters for Switzerland and converters (from 110 to 220 Volts) • White masking tape – narrow width • Plastic Pouches (A4)

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Contact Our Chalet To Donate: Our Chalet Hohliebeweg 1 3715 Adelboden Chalet Chatter – A Newsletter from the Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0) 33 673 1226 Friends of Our Chalet USA Committee Fax: +41 (0) 33 673 2082 Email: [email protected] Website: