ipf&ww '5ft sSEfiiwt W "T' , ";, . .! WfW THE WASHINGTON TBIES, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1916. ,1 --L. featuring Knthcrlna Kaclrod and "Who Killed Blmon Halrd?" will be lilanche Sweet Is the featured player UcorRp Houlc Spencer. rrcsrntcd Monday, with Edna Wallace Antonio Moreno nnd Dorothy Kelly wit STARS OF THE PHOTOPLAY Charles J, ltoss, and Muriel Ho seen Monday In "Tho Supreme Temic D-2- ' This Week's Next Week's "Tho Hero it Submarine ," Is tho Cctnche fcaturod. tatlon. ' lltlo of th V. I H. E. photodramn. Mnclyn Arbucklo will be the star tklwin August nnd Orml Hawley wit foaturliu' Ch.iil ftichmen, which will Tur.Mloy In "Tho Hoform Candidate." bo thq stars Tuesday, In "Tho Socio.' Photoplays be ut Cnuiufill's Hnvoy Hin-da- y. otlmr features for the week are: HlKhwayman." Mary Johnston's fa Films son not Wednesday. Ethel Uifrrymore, In "The mous novel, "To Have and to Hold,' Waiicho Sweet will bo set-- next Kiss of Hate;" Thursday. Virginia will bo presented In fllm form Wednes- Monday In a plcturla,llon jf the l'carson, In "Hinting Loyej" Friday, day, with Mao Murray featured. CRANDALL'S. A number of attractive fenturo novel "Tho Sowers." "The Half Mil- Flank Losses, In "Tho Old Homestead;' Other attractions: Thursday. Mar Kitty Gordon, "the EngUh Lillian Dhotoolays will bo slven their first lion Drlbft." featurlnR Hamilton ncvcllo Saturday, House Peters and iiarbara Ruerlto Clark, In "Out of tho Drifts!" to- local showing weok, flnow, Is tho attraction Tennant, In "The Closed lload." Kr!rtay, Edna Wallace Hoppor, Charlei RusMlf." will be seen at CrAndall'i at Crandall's next nnd Manrriret noss, In Sunday will be scon Tucsdny.
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