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[email protected] Web : DISCOVER MALTA GUIDE NOTE TO READERS Thank you for downloading this Discover Malta Guide. Perhaps you are seriously considering a move for personal or business reasons or have Malta on your radar as one of several countries of interest. Now is the time to gather as much information as possible to make a balanced decision. Rather than re-invent the wheel and provide the same information so many other organizations already have, we have opted to aggregate content from trustworthy sources. The purpose of this report is to save you time and effort in doing your research. Our aim is to provide a realistic and unbiased view – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – from a global, regional, as well as local perspective. For your convenience, we have organized the content into different sections. You can find the index on page 3 in case you want to select certain topics of interest rather than reading the entire brochure from beginning to end. Lastly, I want to share my own personal view of Malta with you. I moved here from Holland in 2013. Since then, I have been working in the real estate industry, set up my own business, got married, rented a property, bought a house, and now enjoy raising two beautiful children. My ventures – or perhaps I should I say adventures – have helped me to gain insights on many different levels. I hope that my story, although not especially unique, may provide you additional perspective of what it’s like to be an expat in Malta.