2 SILVER LINING April 2012

Sermon by Bro. Alan Schambach, Remington, IN Isaiah 33 & Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:1-10, 47-60

We sang a fitting hymn, didn’t we? per table of when the Philistines took The Silver Lining subscriptions are I love to tell the story… (I Love to Tell the Ark of the Covenant, and they due from the following churches. the Story, Tabernacle Hymns #142). captured it away from the Children of Please collect in: We have an opportunity to tell about Israel. Of course, they put it in their the story of Jesus behind a wooden temple next to Dagon, and Dagon fell May pulpit, but each and every one of us on its face. They wondered what was has the opportunity to tell the story in going on so they put Dagon back up. 1. Atlanta, GA our own ministries wherever we are – The next morning Dagon fell down 2. Denver, CO whether we’re in the home, in school, again and his arm broke off. They re- 3. Kansas City, MO or in the workplace. We each have alized they better get rid of the Ark. 4. Rittman, OH 5. San Diego, CA that opportunity. You don’t have to So they hooked up two oxen – un- 6. Smithville, OH be a called minister of the Gospel that trained the Word tells us. They were- stands behind a wooden pulpit to n’t fit to pull. They didn’t even know Suggested Donation: $18/subscription share the story of Jesus and His Love. where they were going, and God Someday, as we sang in that hymn, caused the two beasts to take that we’ll sing the new, new song about Ark of the Covenant right back to the the old, old story. What a beautiful Children of Israel – if I remember the message of Jesus and His Love. It in- story correctly. (I Samuel 5&6) If God spires us who proclaim the Word. can do that with two simple-minded Next correspondence due: It came to me as I was sitting here animals, what can He do for us, His For May Issue thinking about inspiring songs that chosen creation? As we were re- (16 Mar. News - 15 Apr. News) another one that really inspires a minded this morning hour, God loves Due: 20 April 2012 minister of the Gospel is the hymn in us, and He wants what’s best for us. the Zion’s Harp, The Ministers of the He really wants us to bear fruit. So Gospel (#113). We have the opportu- maywebeencouragedoncemore nity once a year to gather on Thurs- through the Word that we can be in- day evening before the conference – spired to a closer walk with Him. all the ministers and their wives. I Brother Ron gave us a few chal- The Silver Lining (Vol. 67, #4) tell you, it’s touching, spine-tingling lenges this morning. Perhaps I would 1389 County Road 1600 N to sing about sharing the Gospel, have a few more. How would we be if Roanoke, IL 61561 with a bunch of brothers in your we were like Stephen? We were shoes. Should I restrain the Spirit’s charged – falsely charged. The Bible USPS 496780 course for fear of man so feeble? tells us that’s going to happen. We Published Monthly By The Apostolic Though Satan’s hosts are raging will be accused. We will be looked Christian Church of America here, should I not be more faithful? down upon. There are those who are Counselors: Awed by a mortal’s frown, shall I con- going to think wrong is right and Tom Stock, Rick Plattner ceal the Word of God most High? No. right is wrong. How will we be? Will We don’t want to preach to itching we be able to stand fast if we were Official Apostolic Christian ears, either, do we? Should praise of brought before the courts? I think Church Website man be more to me than God’s most there are laws in certain places that if www.apostolicchristian.org blessed favor? And though man you speak negatively against certain SEND CORRESPONDENCE TO: might reject His word, the Truth re- behaviors that God certainly frowns [email protected] mains forever; Unchanging, sure, it upon, you can be caught for hate (e-mail is preferred) does impart a comfort to the poor in speech or whatever it would be. What heart. So we have God’s Word that’s if it became a hate crime to speak The Silver Lining 1389 County Road 1600 N before us. We trust each and every about the love of Jesus and how those Roanoke, IL, 61561 one has prayed. whodidn’tloveHimwouldspend 309-923-7192 (phone) We’ve been blessed in this morning eternity in outer darkness? Would 866-737-3177 (fax #1) hour. We sang about grace – God’s we continue to preach it? Would you 309-923-7359 (fax #2) marvelous grace, and we heard about continue to live the life you are living? Periodical non-profit - postage paid at Roanoke, the relationship with Jesus Christ. Would you continue to talk with your IL 61561, and additional offices. The subscription rate is a donation. Send zip number with address. Re- We need grace to help maintain that friends and neighbors the way we are member to send changes of address. Send both old and new addresses (with both zips). Postmaster send relationship with Jesus Christ. asked to do? address changes to: Grace – the tools that are sufficient We read in one of the last verses of for us to maintain a godly life. I had one of the Gospels that we are to go The Silver Lining to think – God is so faithful. into all the world and preach the 1389 County Road 1600 N Roanoke, IL 61561 We read recently around the sup- Sermon continued on page 41 April 2012 SILVER LINING 3

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27 Light From The Word Writings based April 2012 Spiritual Headship on God’s Word There are many facets of spiritual the grace of God (Col. 4:6). And when and now am old; yet have I not seen the headship as defined in God’s Word. In they err, they will seek forgiveness and righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging this article we will focus on the duties of reconciliation. bread” (Psa. 37:25). the priest of the home and balancing Jesus was the perfect example for the Additionally, the godly man must not work and family responsibilities. church. Fathers must strive to be do as the rich man who placed his confi- Any human organization must have Christ-like examples for their wives and dence in material goods. He pulled structure to accomplish its purposes. children. This does not mean that the down his barns and built bigger ones. For the structure to be effective, the or- family worships the husband as the head He then said to himself, “…Soul, thou der of authority must be understood and of the household. The family does not hast much goods laid up for many years; followed. worship the man, they worship the Lord take thine ease, eat, drink, and be The Bible clearly defines the order of whom the husband seeks to follow. The merry” (Luke 12:19). That very night, authority in the home. “But I would godly order of authority leads us from the when his life was taken from him, he have you know, that the head of every husband to Christ and ultimately to God, faced the loss of all things because he man is Christ; and the head of the in whom we safely trust. had placed his trust in riches. woman is the man; and the head of Although it is not possible in a short ar- Paul encouraged Timothy to Christ is God” (1 Cor. 11:3). The Apos- ticle to list all of the duties of a husband as “Charge them that are rich in this world, tle Paul reinforces this in Colossians the priest of the home, perhaps a few ex- that they be not high minded, nor trust in 3:16-19 and Ephesians 5:23. He com- amples, based on biblical principles, may uncertain riches, but in the living God, pletes the order of authority in the family prompt husbands to deeply ponder their who giveth us richly all things to enjoy” when he further states, “Children obey responsibilities. Godly husbands will be (1 Tim. 6:17). Jesus had earlier ex- your parents in all things: for this is well faithful, first to God—“But seek ye first the plained the spiritual dangers of trusting pleasing unto the Lord” (Col. 3:20). kingdom of God…” Matt.6:33, and then in riches: “Children, how hard is it for The orderly structure that God estab- to their wives “…what God hath joined to- them that trust in riches to enter into the lished for the home is designed to hold gether, let not man put asunder” (Mark. kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel families together, provide for their mate- 10:6-9), and finally to their children to go through the eye of a needle, than rial needs, and most importantly, pro- “…bring them up in the nurture and ad- for a rich man to enter the kingdom of vide for their spiritual welfare. Although monition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:3.) God” (Mark 10:24-25). many attempts have been made to A believing husband will lead family The pressure on men to “be success- modify the order that God set in place worship, teaching the Word of God to his ful” often makes them spend too much thousands of years ago, none have im- family by word and example. He will love time in material pursuits. Our culture proved upon God’s order of creation. his wife with heartfelt, self-less love. “So and indeed our heritage have taught us There may be those who fear that the ought men to love their wives as their own to have a strong work ethic. The Apostle man is given too much authority over his bodies” (Eph. 5:28). His wife and chil- Paul wrote that we should not be family. If anyone over-emphasizes a dren will safely trust him because they will “…slothful in business…” (Rom. few verses out of the Bible, this can hap- observe his love for the Lord and will see 12:11). Sometimes our strengths can pen, but if we take the whole counsel of that he places their welfare above his own lead us into difficulty. We can so easily God, this clearly is not the case. Let us interests. He will not waste his time in be caught up in the pursuits of the world consider the very high standard which is worldly entertainment or selfish activities which are of no eternal profit. This can established for the head of the home: at the expense of time for his family. He lead to covetousness, pride and com- “Husbands love your wives, even as will use discretion in preserving needed petitiveness. The godly husband will Christ loved the church, and gave him- personal time for edifying activities. earnestly endeavor to have his and his self for it” (Eph. 5:25). The Lord ex- Being a godly priest of the home re- family’s priorities bring glory to God. He panded the protection for families when quires men to have a healthy balance be- will regularly take inventory of how his he wrote, “Fathers, provoke not your tween work and family responsibilities. time and resources are being spent, children to anger, lest they be discour- Paul reminds us that “…if any provide not whether to further God’s kingdom or to aged” (Col.3:21). for his own, and specially for those of his lay up earthly things that perish with the Christ never does anything that own house, he hath denied the faith and is using (Matt. 6:19-20; Luke 12:21-31). harms the church (His Bride) nor does worse than an infidel” (1 Tim. 5:8). Al- These biblical principles should guide He ever ask anything unreasonable of though there may be circumstances be- us when we have opportunities for ad- us. As husbands follow Christ’s exam- yond his control, the godly man will work vancement in our earthly labors. They ple they will not intentionally do any- to provide adequately for the material will help us determine if our choices will thing to hurt their wives, nor will they needs of his family without being materi- edify and bring our family together or intentionally do anything to discourage alistic. While he may not be able to pro- contribute to the pressures to fragment their children. Indeed they will be inten- vide as much as some others, God can and become self-absorbed. They will tional about shoring up their courage supply the needs of those who are dili- provide a foundation for application of and will choose their words carefully, by gent. David wrote, “I have been young, the mind of Christ in spiritual headship.

An editorial committee of elder brothers is preparing articles for this section of the Silver Lining to address some of the special needs of our times. Suggestions for subjects are welcome and can be sent to: Silver Lining Editorials, 1377 County Rd 1600 N, Roanoke, IL 61561 or by e-mail to [email protected] 4 SILVER LINING April 2012

...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37-38 Supporting New ordained, churches flourished and church. Move to another location the Word continued to be spread. if the Spirit directs. In any deci- and Small Churches sion involving relocation or being small churches will flour- Our opportunities sent, believers are encouraged to Oish in God’s kingdom as our in the harvest first counsel with their local elder. brotherhood becomes more aware The apostle Paul wrote “I have • Assist small churches with physi- of the needs and opportunities in planted, Apollos watered; but God cal labor, materials or monetary various locations and responds as gave the increase.” I Cor. 3:6 gifts, supporting their mission to His Spirit leads. In Ephesians 4, we read that some further the gospel. are evangelists and apostles (setting • Participate in a disaster work team Fulfilling the up churches and reaching out to when scheduled in the area of a Great Commission the lost) and some are pastors and small church. In Matthew 28, Christ instructs us teachers (counseling and nurturing • Assist others who are called to go to “Go ye therefore, and teach all spiritual growth). Which of these if you are unable to travel or move nations, baptizing them in the name opportunities align with the gifts to support a small church. of the Father, and of the Son, and God has given you for the further- of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them ance of His Kingdom? Benefits of attending to observe all things whatsoever I • Build relationships with friends a smaller congregation have commanded you.” and neighbors in your community • Opportunity to share the gospel in It was Christ’s intent that His mes- and seek to meet their needs. a new geographical area. sage and the power of His blood be • Pray for those in new and small • Get to know the local church made available to all who would congregations when you hear of family on a heart level, with sub- believe. their requests and needs. stantial one-on-one time. • Reach out and encourage those • Practice hospitality with visi- That all should in new and small churches as the tors, building relationships with come to repentance Spirit directs. brethren throughout the national/ The apostles followed God’s lead- • Remember to include those from international church body. ing by helping others come to repen- small churches as events are • Benefit from active mentoring tance. Peter, a Jew, visited Cornelius hosted (single invites, invite-a- opportunities between older and in another city because the Spirit friend, etc.). younger, reinforced by activities directed him, even though Cornelius • Develop a personal interest in the and fellowship for all ages. was a Gentile.Paul also traveled welfare of the brethren in one or • Bond closely to the local church about, preaching the gospel, estab- two smaller churches. through the necessity of a fewer lishing and encouraging churches. • Travel to these churches on a number fulfilling needed roles. “The Lord is...not willing that any regular basis to provide fellow- • More fully utilize talents and should perish, but that all should ship and encouragement. Include spiritual gifts and exercise differ- come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9 your families, as children love ent responsibilities in the small coming to church and seeing a group setting. A history of outreach visiting young friend. Sent by Samuel Froehlich, Bene- • Stay current with the schedules Establishing sustainable dict Weyeneth came to America posted on the Mission Committee healthy churches from Europe. In the first 21 years website. Broaden the support of New and small churches should (1847-1868) he helped establish 24 the minister rotations to include grow and transition from needing churches in 8 states. Everywhere he a Sunday school class, a song sustenance from others, to having went, the seeds of the Gospel were leader, brethren with a heart to sufficient capacity and strength to planted. When people responded listen, a local work project on a support all aspects of the local body to the Lord, he nurtured and bap- Saturday, etc. of Christ. We invite you to share tized new believers. Elders were • Pray about relocating to a smaller this vision. www.acmission.org April 2012 SILVER LINING 5

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10 International Grants Libya – Tunisia Refugee Relief. Eastern Europe. Funds have Disaster relief The civil war in Libya created a been provided to help furnish he International Grants mass exodus of refugees fleeing a home for teenage orphans in TCommittee coordinates to nearby Tunisia. World Relief Romania and to buy white canes for responses to disasters that occur funded a shipment of medical students at a school for the blind in in areas of the world which are supplies to the refugee camps. the Ukraine. not under the responsibilities Chile. An earthquake ripped apart Asia. We have committed to of the regional World Relief buildings and bridges across Chile. provide support for a mobile medical Committees. Most frequently, More than 300 people were killed. clinic in the Telos Islands off of the when news of a disaster is made A container of beans, emergency West coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. known, our committee reaches out mattresses, blankets, and food This clinic serves a population of to international Christian relief boxes was sent. over 10,000 persons located on organizations to offer support in Pakistan. In October, an earthquake twelve scattered islands providing their responses. hit Northeastern Pakistan causing both medical care and community much damage. A grant was provided health education. In 2011, 1,457 Japan Earthquake. The to send disaster supplies to the sick people were given medical earthquake and subsequent tsunami survivors of the earthquake. treatment and 1,736 people were in early 2011 created a unique Haiti Earthquake. Our immediate educated on healthy behaviors. We challenge for disaster relief. The response to the Haiti earthquake was also provided funds for the drilling Japanese government would not to support the shipping of disaster of water wells in Cambodia and the allow medical personnel to assist relief materials and to support the construction of a bicycle path for with the wounded. However, we transportation of medical teams. students in Thailand. were able to provide financial The Caribbean Committee is support for the immediate disaster coordinating the continuing relief needs of shelter and food through effort in Haiti. our own Japanese churches as well as through two Christian relief Non disaster projects organizations. The International Grants committe Midyear, the generous donations also provides financial assistance from our congregations for the for many humanitarian aid projects Japan relief effort enabled us to each year. The last three years these finance the purchase of relocation projects were in twelve countries, kits for families who were being located in Africa, Eastern Europe, relocated from temporary housing Asia, Central, and South America. to more homelike quarters provided Africa. We support feeding Central and South America. In by the government. These kits were programs for school children in Brazil we have provided support for customized to the needs of each Ethiopia. Grants have been sent to a vocational training program for family and provided appliances, assist with the building of schools, women. This program teaches skills bedding, and initial supplies of medical clinics, and bridges. In to enable them to better support food. Ethiopia a breeding program has their families. In Nicaragua it is Eastern Africa. Famine resulting been initiated with the goal of common to find families supporting from severe drought and political increasing the milk production of themselves by scavenging in the instability ravaged the country the cattle. Funds were provided to dumps of major cities for recyclable of Sudan and areas of Southern purchase a cow for this program. In materials. These families often Ethiopia and Kenya. Grants were Zambia we supported an orphanage live in primitive homes with leaky provided to send cargo containers of with the development of a strawberry canvas roofs. We have provided food and medications to the needy farm which provides income as well grants to purchase metal roofing in these countries. as food for the orphanage. materials for these homes. www.acworldrelief.org 6 SILVER LINING April 2012

APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN opportunity not fully knowing what may have the desire to volunteer at HOME FOR THE God had in store for me during the Gateway Woods this summer; others HANDICAPPED several months I would be in Leo. He may not be able to do so. Regardless, www.achh.org used the Staff, residents at Gateway, each of you reading this has the op- Blessings will follow to all those local church members, and the Godly portunity to pray for the children and who take the time to listen, encourage family I lived with to teach me about work at Gateway Woods. and help those who are handicap. As serving. If you are interested in volunteer- you read the poem below (no author First and foremost I learned about ing this summer, whether for a day, a was referenced), try to put yourself in the joy that God bestows on His ser- week or the entire summer, call me at the place of someone with disabilities. vants. Recently I heard a sermon 602-410-1739. givenontheparableofthetalents. The speaker asked us to consider the News: Friends of the Handicapped talents as opportunities given to the - The Lord has blessed us with four Blessed are those who take the time men by the master. At the end of the new Staff members in the last month. To listen to difficult speech, parable, the speaker pointed out that Bro. Jason and Sis. Joy Huber For you help me to know that despite the differences in amounts of (Francesville) as well as Bro. Justin If I persevere, I can be understood. the talents given to the men, those and Sis. Kirsten (Leo) have joined our Blessed are you who never bid me to who were faithful were rewarded. Houseparenting team! Please pray hurry up They were told, “Well done, good and for them as they train and take on or take my tasks from me faithful servant; thou hast been faith- their new roles at Gateway Woods. For my failures will be outweighed ful over a few things, I will make thee - Looking forward to summer al- By the times I surprise myself and rulerovermanythings:enterthou ready? Consider one of two remaining you. into the joy of thy lord.” At Gateway, summer positions at Gateway Woods. Blessed are you who asked for my God taught me that no matter what I We have begun our annual search for help was doing, as long as I was truly doing a Top Quality Coordinator and an Ed- For my greatest need is to be it for Him, He would give me joy. ucation Intern. Please see the notices needed. He also taught me to trust Him. in The Silver Lining or email Adam Blessed are you who understand Volunteering at Gateway is less about McAfee at adam.mcafee that it is the actual work completed, and more @gatewaywoods.org for more difficult for me to put thoughts into about being a Christ-like example for information. words. the residents living there. The rela- - Gateway Woods welcomed three Blessed are you who with a smile tionships that are formed are an es- new residents to campus this past encourage sential part of volunteering. Before month. Please pray with usasthey be- me to try once more. Blessed are you who never remind beginning my time there, I was so come accustomed to their new home. me that today worried about how I would be able to It can be a difficult adjustment for I asked the same question twice. relate to the kids. I had a sheltered new residents as they discover a very Blessed are you who respect me and and safe childhood; nothing in my life different living situation than they love me had been incredibly difficult, espe- have experienced before. just as I am. cially in comparison to some of the - Please mark your calendar for things the residents have dealt with. I our 2012 Annual Benefit Auction on We would like to thank you for was worried about what I would say, Saturday, August 4. your support and prayers on behalf of what I would do, to make a positive - We are grateful to God for provid- the residents, agency and staff. impact on their lives. God took that ing us with a wonderful Staff. We cur- ______fear and melted it away. By the end of rently have two career positions the summer, I was able to share with available. We have an opening for a GATEWAY WOODS one of the boys the passages in Luke Teacher at Gateway Woods School APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN that detail when Christ was crucified. and for an Illinois Adoption Manager. CHILDREN’S HOME He told me it was the first time he had For more information, please see the Tyler Knochel read it. I will never forget that notice in this month’s edition of The Last summer I was given the experience. Silver Lining or visit the Career Op- chance to serve God at Gateway God gives us all opportunities to portunities page on our website at: Woods as a volunteer. I accepted the serve in different ways. Some of you bit.ly/GateWork. We trust that God April 2012 SILVER LINING 7 will continue to provide qualified, ma- were: Bro. Jesse Bedolla (Detroit) and have been: Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. ture brothers and sisters who will family, Bro. Dan and Sis. Deb Stoller Suzanne, West Lafayette), Elder Bro. serve Him in a ministry that is ‘Turn- (Remington), Bro. Nathan Walder MarkBahr(Sis.Bev,Detroit),Bro. ing Lives Around’. Perhaps this (Cissna Park), Bro. Sam and Sis. Neil Ramseyer (Sis. Sharon, Bay includes you! Linda Schlatter (Latty), Bro. Gary City), Elder Bro. Doug Schock (Sis. - You are an important advocate to Anliker (Elgin, IL), Bro. Tom and Sis. Clara, Bloomfield), Elder Bro. Ben help us spread the word about God’s Connie Schambach (Elgin, IL), Bro. Wiegand (Sis. Michelle, Philadel- work at Gateway Woods. Please con- Randy and Sis. Becky Gudeman phia), Bro. Ed Sauder (Sis. Bonnie, tinue to lift us up in prayer, check our (Francesville, IN) and retired Bro. Roanoke), Bro. Ron Allenbach (Ki- website www.gatewaywoods.org and Wayne and Sis. Gloria Laubscher owa), Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis. our Facebook page at facebook.com/ (Cissna Park). Elder Bro. Andy Connie, Bern), Bro. Bill Schick (Sis. gatewaywoods often for updates, and Stoller (Smithville) came and shared Joan, Magdalena, MX), and Bro. Tim make sure that you are on our mailing the Memorandum with us this month Zimmerman (Sis. Barbara, Lamont- list. In an effort to be as efficient as also. Gridley). We are grateful for each one possible we are gathering as many We have enjoyed the blessed fel- and look forward to their next visits to emailaddressesaswecanforour lowship of the World Relief teams AZ! E-Post. Please send a quick message that came to serve in Cullman. Please to [email protected] pray as the project ends that God will His blood purifies the congregation ______continue to add His increase in the of His children, whom He did atone, heartsofthosewecameincontact whom He loved sincerely ere cre- APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN with. ation. PRESCHOOL We are encouraging you to come He to them says: “Ye are Mine Athens, AL join us for Memorial Day Weekend for alone!“ Susan Koch the annual singing. It is a wonderful Zion’s Harp #26, vs. 5 Our themes for March were farm opportunity to lift your voice in animals, the color yellow, and Dr. What a blessing it was for us to praises with those of like mind and Seuss. We studied the letters U and V gather together on a recent Saturday faith. then took a break from the ABC cur- evening to share Holy Communion! ______riculum and focused on Easter. One We are grateful to our Elder Bro. of the highlights of the month was ARIZONA, PHOENIX Herb Knochel and visiting Elder watching the 4-5 year old class’ vol- Bros. Mark Bahr and Ben Wiegand cano erupt. Who knew that acid and Little Ava Hinrichsen (Bro. Todd for their help in this! basecould causesomuchexcitement? and Sis. Heather) required emer- We anticipate with glad hearts the March brought an end to the gency surgery this month and is home coming Easter season when we renew World Relief volunteers coming and doing well now. Sis. Deanna Beyer in our minds the complete sacrifice helping with tornado cleanup. We en- (Bro. Clarence), Bro. Jerry Emch made for our soul’s salvation! joyed the relationships we built with (Sis. Cathy) and Bro. Brent Emch ______them. We would like to thank them were also surgical patients. Others of for all the work they did for the pre- our congregation needing prayers for ARIZONA, PRESCOTT school. I can still see the rows of toys their physical health are Sis. Heather Denise Steidinger We had our annual business meet- drying on the parking lot after a good Hinrichsen, Bro. John Pulfer, Bro. Ed ing on February 26. May the Lord wash. We had many visitors this Frautschi, Sis. Ruby Barna, Sis. Elea- bless those who have served so well in month. We loved having you here and nor Hill, Ruth Finley, Bro. Allan and the past. Bro. Stan Schambach was appreciate your friendship so much! Sis. Edith Freed, Sis. Shirley re-elected as treasurer. Bro. Zach ______Mohrman, Bro. Jim Beres, Dakota Roth was elected as usher. Sis. JaNon Thorpe,Sis.LouannKlopfenstein, Furrer was elected to teach the new ALABAMA, ATHENS Bro. Jacob Hoerr, Sis. Bertha Miller, Roger and Becky Roberts preschool class in Sunday School. Bro.RudyBertschi,andCarlSteffen. Ourcupsoverflowedthismonth May God bless each of them in their We are so thankful that we can with those willing to share the gospel new duties. pray for each other and then hear of of Jesus with the Athens church fam- Elder Bros. Mike Leman (Sis. Deb, God’s wonderful healing! ily. Those who spent time with us Denver) and Jon Kokanovich (Sis. Our visiting ministers this month 8 SILVER LINING April 2012

Nancy, Phoenix) spent a Sunday with sunny days for most of March, but we our congregation and served Commu- are now enjoying a little reminder CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO nion, aswell asBro.Mikegiving anex- that winter is not officially over. To- Yasmin Koehl hortation on the Armor of God. Other day, March 19, our high will quite pos- As a congregation, we always look visiting ministering brothers this sibly not reach 50 degrees and hail is forward to the winter months and the past month were: Bros. Mark covering my backyard. Out here in blessings we receive from numerous Schmidgall (Sis. Sally, Oakville), Arizona we are quite entertained by brethren across the nation worship- Justin Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washing- these little weather disturbances, the ping together with us. Now as spring ton) and Mark Steiner (Sis. Sue, sun shining all the time can get a little break approaches, we bid farewell to Smithville). We thank them all for “boring” for lack of a better term. The our snow birds with whom we’ve en- their willing service to come and sun should return tomorrow and we joyed many sweet times as we fellow- preach God’s Word. should be back in the 80’s by the shipped together. Romans 1 tells us “for it is the weekend. Amongst our visitors were Elder power of God unto salvation to every ______Bro. Bruce Endress (Bradford, IL), one that believeth” and we rejoice and ministering Bros. Gary Endress that this is true in Richard Manz’s CALIFORNIA, ALTADENA (Bradford, IL) and Paul Schmidgall life! We will continue to lift him up in (Morris, MN). We appreciate the la- prayer as he begins his walk with the We were blessed by the reading of bors of these brothers as they minis- Lord. the Memorandum, which was deliv- tered unto us. We also want to extend ______ered over the pulpit on February 19 our gratitude to Elder Bro. Bruce for with the assistance of Elder Bro. Jon his assistance to our Elder Bro. Peter ARIZONA, TUCSON Kokanovich (Sis. Nancy). as the Memorandum was shared with Lisa Knapp Our small church was thrilled to us. May the Lord richly bless these We have so enjoyed the blessing of host the Peoria Church Choir on Feb- brothers for their service of love on having Bro. Ron and Sis. Lois ruary 25-26. Along with the choir, we our behalf. Allenbach (Kiowa, KS) with us for the had numerous additional visitors. We past two months. Bro. Ron so gra- shared dinner and fellowship with Farewell, farewell, my morning ciously shared the ministering duties them before all headed over to the dawns, Farewell my rest I see. with our Tucson ministers and we are Villa Gardens Nursing Home for the The strife is o’er, my morning very grateful for his willingness to presentation of a moving perfor- dawns, The Master calleth me. serve. Many thanks to you both; we mance by the choir. Sunday morning Farewell, Farewell, let me go on. hope to see you next year, Lord brought more fellowship and the op- That endless rest to share; willing. portunity for us to hear visiting min- Be faithful till the Savior calls, Fare- well, till we meet there! OurElder Bro. BenWiegand (Phil- isteringBro.KenHoerr(Sis.Darlene) Hymns of Zion # 194 adelphia, PA) was here with us re- deliver the message regarding the cently to serve Holy Communion, power and need for prayer. Our after- This song was the last hymn sung along with Elder Bro. Herb Knochel noon service recounted the ways that as we bid farewell to our dear Bro. Joe (Phoenix,AZ).Wethankthemboth music speaks to our souls and brings Kaplar as he entered into his glorious for giving of their time to spend this us into deeper relationship with the rest. We extend our prayers and sym- special day with us. It was a blessing Holy Spirit. After the message, we pathy to his wife, Sis. Rose, and his be- to everyone who participated. were uplifted in song by the Peoria loved family. The last verse uttered Bro. Ken Hoerr (Peoria, IL) was Choir. It was a joyful weekend for all continues to ring in our minds...."be with us this past Sunday, March 18, of us in Altadena. faithful till the Savior calls, Farewell, along with his wife, Sis. Darlene. We We continue in prayer for the El- till we meet there!" What a glorious certainly wish to thank him also for der Body as it reviews matters of im- reunion will be ours if we, by God’s hiseffortsonthepulpit onourbehalf. portance pertaining to our church grace, can abstain from sin and re- Our Sis. Carole Haas is still recov- heritage. Wepray that each Elder will main obedient to the Word so that we ering from shoulder surgery but was be led by the Holy Spirit and that can be worthy to enter heaven’s able to worship with us the past two unity and love will prevail during dis- bright shores where we can meet the Sundaysforwhich wearesothankful. cussions of important church faithful there! We were having early spring doctrine. ______weather with warm, almost hot ______April 2012 SILVER LINING 9

In Jesus’ name Believing! Trueb (Bro. Ron), and Sis. Betty KITCHENER, ONTARIO Baptized into His death with Him, Luginbuhl. CANADA Full pardon be receiving! We are thankful that Sis. Marge Kim Leman Who dies with Christ will with Him Bahler is assembling with us again af- rise, ter recently having undergone sur- “But my God shall supply all your A new life’s way before him lies, gery. We will continue to keep these need according to his riches in glory The road of life with Jesus. familiesinourthoughtsandprayers. Zion’s Harp #106 by Christ Jesus.” ______Philippians 4:19 Elder Bro. Curt Frank (Sis. Lyla, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA We appreciated the ministry of LaCrosse, IN) assisted with the testi- WASHINGTON Bros. Lenny Meyer (Sis. Charlotte, monies and baptisms of Sis. JaNae Henrietta Meyer Chicago, IL) and Larry Wenniger Bahler (Bro. Steve and Sis. Lori), Sis. Our caretakers for the latter part (Sis.Joyce,Latty,OH)thispast Leah Gerber (Bro. Ron and Sis of February were Bro. Jerry and Sis. month. May God richly reward them Sheila), and Sis. Amanda Bahler (Bro. Ada Christensen (Gridley, IL). The for coming to serve us God’s Word. Phil and Sis. Michelle) on March caretaker calendar for 2012 is filled ______24-25. We are thankful that these except for the last two weeks of De- three Sisters have chosen the road of cember. 2013 is starting to fill, so if COLORADO, DENVER life with Jesus. We also appreciated this is something you are considering, Lily Zarkovacki having Elder Bro. John Jackson (Bay please contact Sis. Doreen Steffen at City, MI) visit our congregation and 302-540-6574 or dkg steffen@ “The effectual fervent prayer of a preach the Word during this month. gmail.com. We look forward to meet- righteous man availeth much.” We were thankful to hear the an- ing new caretakers each month, as James 5:16 nouncement of five converts who well as reconnecting with caretakers have confessed peace with God and who come for a second or third visit. Our prayers are with our Sis. Ruth man and are ready for baptism. They Our ministers this month were Pfeiffer as she has gone through some are: Laura Schneider (Bro. Doug and Bro. Brian Huber (Sis. Jacki, rehab from a fall she had recently. Sis. Jane), David Moser (Bro. Steve Francesville, IN), Bro. Jeff Wiegand She has also moved into an assisted and Sis. Jan), Heidi Beutel (Bro. Gene (Sis. Janel, Goodfield, IL), Bro. Byron living facility, and we hope her transi- and Sis. Lynne), Josh Luginbuhl Stoller (Sis. Carol, Gridley, IL), and tion goes smoothly. (Bro. Matt and Sis. Heidi), and Taylor Elder Bro. Brad Eisenmann (Sis. We are also thankful that Sis. Welti (Bro. Pete and Sis. Jill). Lord Cindy, Chicago, IL). Becky Pfeiffer was not seriously in- willing, testimonies and baptisms are Other visitors this month were jured in an automobile accident she planned for the weekend of April from Philadelphia, PA; Sardis, OH; was in recently. We trust that God’s 21-22. Sabetha, KS and Princeville, IL. healing powers would be with her. On March 12, Mason Robert was The highway/toll road is now open Our thoughts and prayers are with born to Bro. Doug and Sis. Leah behind the Church (even if your GPS Emily Petrovic as she is going Luginbuhl. He joins big brother Alex or internet map says it isn’t). It will through chemo treatment. May she and grandparents, Bro. Rick and Sis. save time, miles and stress as you feel God’s comfort and healing touch Sue Luginbuhl and Bro. Bob and Sis. travel from I-270 to the Church. in her life. Lynette Goric. There are no toll booths; you will need Our congregation mourned the an E-Z Pass or other electronic pay- “Let not your heart be troubled, passing of Bro. Robert Luginbuhl. We ment method. I-Pass works. If you neither let it be afraid” are thankful for his victory in the have another multi-state devise, St. John 14:27 Lord, but he will be missed. He leaves checkwithyourprovidertoseeifit ______his wife, Sis. Martha; and daughters: works in Maryland. If you use the Sis. Bonnie Zahner (Bro. Warren), highway without such a device, you CONNECTICUT Sis. Susan Rufener (Bro. Larry, will receive a bill by mail with a ser- ROCKVILLE Smithville, OH)and Sis. Luanne Hills vice fee added. Sheila Gerber (Bro.Scott).SiblingsareBro.Rudy If you are planning to visit Wash- Lauren Goric Luginbuhl(Sis.Evelyn),Bro.Eddie ington, D.C. area for vacation or busi- In True Repentance, die to sin, Luginbuhl (Sis. Alma), Sis. Adele ness, please contact Bro. Joe and Sis. 10 SILVER LINING April 2012

Holly Bohart at [email protected] serving us. We were further blessed games after we ate. Thank you, Ray or Sis. Henrietta Meyer at (703) with visiting ministers, as Bro. Bob and Jeannie, and their helpers, Sis. 904-8301 for assistance and to let us Pflederer (Sis. Ellie, Morton, IL) and Mary Ann Feller and Bro. Don and know how many to expect for Sunday Bro. Dave Zehr (Sis. Vicki, Gridley, Sis. Gladys Kauffman for the deli- services. IL) shared God’s Word to us. cious food and the fun evening. ______We’re glad to have Bro. Larry and ______Sis. Teresa Bruellman back with us FLORIDA after they spent some time back in FLORIDA, SARASOTA FORT LAUDERDALE their home church. Their son, Bro. Kim Ott Renee Mangold Andy, was married to Sis. Betsy We were blessed with visiting min- Mogler at West Bend, IA, where they “And Jesus said unto them, I am istering Bros. Clark Stoller (Sis. are living on their home farm. the bread of life: he that cometh to Cindy, Gridley, IL) and Chuck News from New Beginnings: me shall never hunger; and he that Kellenberger (Sis. Debbie, Elgin, IL) Evelyn and her two children have believeth onmeshallneverthirst.” this past month. We pray that God left the program after being here for John 6:35 would bless them for their service to nine months. They went to live with Him. her sister. We will miss them and wish We were thankful to have Elder Our prayers are with Sis. Ilene them the best. Martaand her two year Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis. Sandra, Alto, Haefli (Bro. Bob). Sis. Ilene fell just old son, Jay, have come to live here MI) assist our Elder Bro. Jeff when she was getting off the airplane and we are enjoying getting to know Streitmatter in Holy Communion for a visit to Ft. Lauderdale. She is in a them. Marta is finishing up a class on- and also share in the ministry on the local rehab facility and we pray that line and will enroll in a local college or following Sunday. Bro. Ted re- she will mend quickly and feel God’s technical school. minded us that it was not the nails healing hand upon her. We are very excited about getting that kept our Saviour Jesus Christ to We continue to pray for Bro. Ed ourcommunity room ready touse.Be- the cross, but it was His love for all hu- Gerber (Sis. Vi) as he struggles with fore it was complete, we used it to cele- man kind. We are forever grateful health issues. They also celebrated brate Jay’s second birthday with for this selfless and sacrificial act of their 67th wedding anniversary and pizza and cupcakes. It is now painted love,God’smostwonderfulplanof his 90th birthday. We pray that our and ready for the finishing touches salvation! Lord will continue to give them peace, such as curtains and rugs. Also sharing with us God’s Word comfort and respite. Our next project will be to get the this month were Elder Bro. Steve Recently our congregation met for playground ready. It is already a nice Gutwein (Sis. Linda, Francesville, a delightful pizza party hosted by Sis. area but needs some grass. Mr. Bill IN), Elder Bro. Mark Bahr (Sis. Bev, Barb and Sis. Ruth Schneider. We built a nice big sand box and it is get- Detroit, MI), Bro. Dale Moore (Sis. had a nice evening of fellowship and ting some good use. Again, we had Cheryl,Elgin,IA),andretiredBro. laughter. some wonderful volunteer help. Bro. Lenard Meyer (Sis. Charlotte, Chi- Onceagain,wearetrulyappreciat- Marvin and Sis. Rhea Steffen have cago, IL). We pray that these minis- ing our winter visitors. It’s wonderful been coming to help with various pro- tering brothers and their wives would to hear the voices lifted in God’s jects at least once a week. We really feel God’s added blessings for their praise and to meet new brethren and appreciate their helping hands. Also, time and effort in service to our con- friends and renew old ties as well. Sis. Vera Martin from our congrega- gregation. ______tion in Sarasota has come to help us A pancake breakfast was held this several times. She brings us goodies month to help benefit the Sunday FLORIDA when she comes and also leaves us School classes. Many thanks to all NORTH FORT MYERS with freezer meals. She has also whoattendedandtoallwhoalsoas- Victor Beer sisted the students in their service. On the first Sunday of March, as watched kids and given rides to ap- Ourprayers continue toGodon be- we do each year, we celebrate Holy pointments. We really appreciate the half of Bro. Larry Bauman (Sis. Betty, Communion atFortMyers. OurElder boost she has given us. Goodfield, IL) as he has once again be- Bro. Ed Schwartz (Sis. Jeni, Bluffton, We enjoyed another “Sunday Sup- come hospitalized. We pray God IN) and Elder Bro. Jon Kokanovich per” hosted by Bro. Ray and Sis. would give Bro. Larry strength and (Sis.Nancy,Phoenix,AZ)sharedin Jeannie Haerr. We got babysitters for the kids and were able to play some courage for each new day and His April 2012 SILVER LINING 11 healing touchforahealthy recovery. port this month for Belvidere, we cer- Streitmatter and Brad Eisenmann We extend our prayers and sympa- tainly can sing Hallelujah as we had a (Chicago, IL) read the Memorandum thy to Bro. Bill and Sis. Beth Roscher full church with many that came from from the Elder Brothers’ Conference. along with their children, Stephen Gridley, IL, to spend a Sunday with There was a meal prepared before and Julia, at the passing away of their us. Bro. Darren Metz shared the gos- that all were invited to join. We appre- dear mother and grandmother, Sis. pel and once again entreated all to ciate Bro. Brad and Sis. Cindy for Edna Roscher. We pray God would come and taste and see AS Jesus has coming to spendtheevening with us. comfort their hearts in the coming paid itallforeachandeveryoneofus. ______days. ______I hear the Savior say ILLINOIS, BRADFORD Your strength indeed is small Sandi Joos GEORGIA, ATLANTA Child of weakness watch and pray Roseann Stahl Find in Me your all and all. One Saturday, in late March, our “Therefore, my beloved brethren, church family gathered in the moun- We gathered together with our be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always tains of North Carolina, at the home Elgin brethren to listen to the Memo- abounding in the work of the Lord, of Bro. Larry and Sis. Melinda randum this month. Our strength in- forasmuch as ye know that your la- Gramm. The men worked next door, deed is small and we truly need to bour is not in vain in the Lord.” at the home of Bro. Lynn and Sis. Syl- watch and pray and continue to I Corinthians 15:58 via Knapp, building a lovely new search for our answers in God’s Holy wooden wheelchair ramp. Through- Word. After 40 years in the ministry, Bro. out the day, we all shared in fellow- Kenny Dietz (Sis. Mardell) has re- ship, a potluck dinner and the making Jesus paid it all tired from the pulpit. We, as a congre- of memories! All to Him I owe gation, appreciate his steadfast God has continued to bless us with Sin had left a crimson stain service. many visitors this spring, including He washed it white as snow. This past month our congregation three ministering brothers! We are so Hallelujah, Jesus paid it all. was also blessed with numerous visit- thankful for the ministering hearts of ______ing ministers. Bro. Dale Stoller (Sis. Bro. Dennis Kaufmann (Blooming- Sandra, Fairbury, IL), Bro. Greg ILLINOIS ton, IL), Bro. Ron Kipfer (Bluffton, Stoller (Sis. Jill, Forrest, IL), Bro. BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL IN) and Bro. Ken Schneider Dana Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington, Shelley Steffen IN), and Bro. Ron Isch (Sis. Jane, (Remington, IN) and their families. Heidi Rinkenberger ______Lamont-Gridley, KS) shared the liv- ing Word with us. “But his delight is in the law of the Elder Bro. Ron Messner (Sis. Pam, ILLINOIS, BELVIDERE LORD; and in his law doth he medi- Doreen Moser Washington, IL) was with us and as- tate day and night. And he shall be Shayla Steffen sisted Elder Bro. Bruce in serving like a tree planted by the rivers of wa- Holy Communion in remembrance of ter, that bringeth forth his fruit in his Jesus paid it all Christ and His suffering for us. All to Him I owe season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall pros- Sin had left a crimson stain “ButI say unto you, I will not drink He washed it white as snow. per.” henceforth of this, fruit of the vine, Hallelujah, Jesus paid it all Psalm 1:2-3 until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” ~is the chorus to one of our songs We were so very blessed to be able Matthew 26:29 we are singing for the Easter pro- to have a Church Retreat on March 3, gram. The kids may not know all the wherewecametogetherforadayto Sis. Violet (Bro. William, dec) verses before the chorus but when we enjoy fellowship, worship and teach- Elsasser passed from this life on get to that part they can really sing ing. Bro. Fred Witzig and Bro. Ed March 11. Our sympathy goes to her Hallelujah with enthusiasm. May the Bahler were able to join us for the day. children, Sis. Charlotte Stahl, Sis. Di- songs and verses sink deep in their We were encouraged and unified with ana (Bro. Dean) Feucht, and Sis. heart as they continue to learn. our church family. Suanne (Bro. Chuck) Schafer, along Although there is not much to re- On March 15, Elder Bros. Mark 12 SILVER LINING April 2012 with grandchildren, and great - MayweservetheLordfaithfully The exact time for Sunday services grandchildren. and joyfully as He only is worthy. is to be determined. Wednesday eve- Bro. John (Sis. Lucille) Endress ______ning services will be more flexible, was also called home two weeks later possibly meeting in homes orparks. If on March 25. Our prayers are with his ILLINOIS, CHAMPAIGN you are planning to visit Champaign children, Bro. Dale (Sis. Cindy) Sarah Drake church this summer and need further Endress(Peoria,IL),Bro.Dennis Greetings from Champaign-Ur- clarification, you can contact Bro. Da- Endress, and Sis. Pamela Endress, bana! On the weekend of March 3-4 vid Eisenmann (217) 398-0119. along with grandchildren and great - our Bible class invited the Remington Thanksforyourpatienceasour grandchildren. and Wolcott Bible classes for a special church begins this remodeling Thesesoulshavethepromiseof weekend of fellowship as they all pre- adventure! being able to drink of the fruit of the pare to travel to Jamaica together this ______vine with Christ in His Father’s king- summer. We are prayerful for God’s dom. blessings on the students as they pre- ILLINOIS, CHICAGO We also witnessed a rebirth as we pare for this mission trip. Rachel Meyer heard the testimony and witnessed We are thankful for our visiting Greetings from Chicago. We the baptism of Bro. Tim Ringger (Sis. ministers this month. They included thank Elder Bro. Earl Ringger, Karen and Bro. Bill). We were thank- Bro. Bruce Frank (Sis. Bonita, Cissna (Gridley, IL) for assisting Elder Bro. ful to have Elder Bro. Jim Plattner Park), Bro. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda, Brad Eisenmann in the Conference (Sis. Marlene, Princeville, IL) with us Bluffton), and Bro. Jeff Wiegand (Sis. Report reading. We appreciate your along with Bro. Mark Zimmerman Janel, Goodfield). Also, retired Bro. time and effort. (Sis. Cheryl, Eureka, IL). Everett Gerber (Sis. Nancy, Our baby room is going from Rockville) assisted Elder Bro. Wayne strength to strength with the birth of “My son, attend unto my wisdom, on the pulpit one Sunday when Bro. two more precious ones! Sweet Aud- and bow thine ear to my understand- Waynewastheonlyactiveminister rey Grace Lindberg was born Febru- ing:” present. Thank you all for your ary 18 to Bro. Matthew and Sis. Renae Proverbs 5:1 service! Lindberg and little brother Emmett. We are happy to hear that Sis. Lacy We wish them all the best during this Jonathan Ehnle (Bro. John and Braker has decided to make Cham- transition. On February 20, little Sis. Sara), Luke Ehnle (Bro. John and paign her home church. Sis. Lacy has Brooklyn Adele Kaisner entered this Sis. Sara), and Clint Kupferschmid lived and worked in thisareaforacou- world to first-time parents, Bro. Rick (Bro. Brad and Sis. Cheryl) have ple of years, and we welcome her as an and Sis. Michelle. She had to spend bowed their ear to the Lord’s call and official member of our congregation. some time in the hospital due to an in- are seeking him in repentance. Our heart goes out to Sis. Pam, fection but is now home. We praise Keith Wagenbach (Bro. Kevin and Bro. Sam, and Bro. Joel Furrer at the God for providing. Sis. Sara) spent a few days at the burn loss of Sis. Pam’s mother, Sis. Doro- Our dear friend Peggy Ryan is center in Springfield due to an acci- thy Walder of Cissna Park. Sis. Doro- home from rehabilitation and feeling dent. We are thankful for God’s heal- thy was loved deeply by her family somewhat discouraged that the ing hand. and friends, and we have confidence re-gaining of strength in her legs and Adam Young has spent time with that she is now resting peacefully in hands is thus far very slow. She asks our congregation this past month as thearmsoftheOnewholovesher for our prayers. he is a traveling therapist currently most of all. Medical treatments and prayers working in the Quad Cities area. We On May 1, our church building will continue for Bros. Dale Eisenmann, have enjoyed having him with us. be closed until September for the re- Dan Plattner, and Steven Hofstetter. modeling project. At that time, May we trust in God for His every pro- “And thou shalt love the Lord thy Sunday church services will be relo- vision. Godwithallthyheart,andwithall cated to the building of the Messiah We extend our sympathy to Sis. thy soul, and with all thy mind, and Lutheran Church. Deanne Plattner (Bro. Dan) upon the with all thy strength: this is the first The address is: loss of her grandmother, Sis. Vi commandment.” 1401 W. John St. Elsasser from Peoria, IL. Every loss Mark 12:30 Champaign 61821 brings a unique pain. May God be near. April 2012 SILVER LINING 13

On February 25 our Sunday “I pray for them…for them which John Baurer (Peoria), Bro. Arthur School Benefit Dinner was held. The thou hast given me; for they are Baurer and Bro. Edwin Baurer students and teachers did an exem- thine.” (Princeville). plary job of providing our meal and a John 17:9 Martha Farney also suddenly sweet program. Thank you. ______passed away. She leaves sisters, Clara My supervisor at work has taught Bodager and Lucille (Frank) Baker of me that every client we see during the ILLINOIS, CISSNA PARK Jeromesville, OH, and Sis. Marge day – whether it be 8 am or 6 pm – de- Marilyn Maul (Bro. Fred) Knapp of Congerville, and serves our best. We were talking Tina Walder 62 nephews and nieces. Winter has been a time of many about this one day and about how the Sis. Judy Maul learned of the pass- mission trips. We have had local scheduled therapy time should not af- ing of her brother-in-law, William brethren go to Magdalena, Alabama fect our quality of care. I have kept Bearden of California. He leaves his and Haiti on various mission trips. that advice in mind and used it as a re- wife, Marilyn, and two daughters. We are thankful that all have re- minder when I am feeling tired. I May our prayers be with these who turned home safely from their mis- have also witnessed my supervisor have lost their loved ones. sions. modeling her advice when she sees ______Our Bible Class hosted the eightchildreninarow(foranhour Fairbury Bible Class the first Sunday each), without a break. I find myself ILLINOIS, CONGERVILLE in March. Joining us that day were motivated to keep a high standard. Rachel Currier ministering Bro. Greg Lehman (Sis. SowhyisitthatIcantreatmy The engagement of Bro. Brandon Mary Beth, Wolcott) and Bro. Ted loved ones - and my relationship with Stickling (Bro. Scott and Sis. Jan) to Hirstein (Sis. Joyce, Morton). Christ – so carelessly? Where is my Sis. Corin Wagenbach (Bro. Jerry and Weare so blessed to have a group of motivation to answer with love in- Sis. Bonnie, Oakville) was recently Elderswhohavesuchloveforthe stead of “snap” just because I am made known to us. We wish them churches. Elder Bro. Mark tired? Why do I think I have the right God’s nearness and grace in the com- Streitmatter (Bloomington) was here to use the excuse of being too ex- ing days, as they are joined as one in to help our Bro. Tom read the Confer- hausted to say my evening prayers, the Lord. ence letter sharing their concerns read my Bible…even turn my heart to We rejoice with the family of Bro. about our church. Christ? How can I justify my giving Dale and Sis. Missy Banwart as their We so love the blessed fellowship my best atwork and my worst athome daughter, Angie, has turned to the between churches. With that thought and in my spiritual relationships? Lord in repentance. May His grace be in mind we appreciate the visiting The unconditional love I receive from upon them and provide each step of ministers we have had here in Cissna Christ and my family simply does not the way. Park. Bro. Mark Schmidgall (Sis. excuse poor behavior. Perhaps we all Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Janae Lisa, Eureka), Bro. Jim Vierling (Sis. fall into this trap at times…best faces Stickling welcomed a son, Kelton Linda, Eureka) and Bro. Art Mueller in public and masks off at home. Je- Scott, into their lives on March 7. (Sis. Marlene, Belvidere). May the sus modeled the high standard that Grandparents of Kelton are Bro. Lordblessthemastheycontinueto we have as followers of Christ. We are Scott and Sis. Jan Stickling and Bro. visit our congregations. witnesses to it through story after Roger and Sis. June Schulz We have had much sorrow lately. story in the New Testament. He will (Oakville). Baby Elaina Rae Lynn Johnson (Ja- give the grace. We recently had the blessing of cob and Gabrielle Johnson) was still- partaking of Holy Communion. Elder born. Grandparents, Curt and Sis. “Then said Jesus unto his disci- Bro. Jim Plattner (Sis. Marlene, Bev Knapp, also mourn the loss of the ples, if any man will come after me, let Princeville) was here to assist Bro. little one. him deny himself, and take up his Ben in this important work. May the Bro. Les Walder lost his wife, Sis. cross, and follow me.” Lord reward them. Dorothy, quite suddenly. Also Matthew 16:24 We appreciate those who have la- mourning are children, Sis. Pam boured in the Word this past month. (Bro. Sam) Furrer, Bro. Doug (Sis. And a prayer from a merciful Sav- Visiting ministers include Bro. Ed Julie) Walder and Patti (Guy) Percy, ior who knows what it’s like to live in Fritz (Sis. Sally, Washington), Bro. six grandchildren, and siblings, Sis. this world: Glen Braker (Sis. Audrey, Helen Hoffmann (Bloomington), Princeville), Bro. Jerry Wagenbach 14 SILVER LINING April 2012

(Sis. Bonnie, Oakville), Bro. Dan pray the Lord will make their lots Sis.Cindy),Bro.Roland“Swifty” Koch (Sis. Julie, Tremont), and Bro. bearable andgranthealing, according Martin (Sis. Deloris), Bro. Brent MarkRufener(Sis.Julie,Mansfield). to His will. Blunier (Trudy), Ed Meiss (Sis. Barb) ______Bro. Eric and Sis. Erika and Bro. Toby Fehr (Sis. Holly) have Schambach and family requested the all experienced hospitalizations. ILLINOIS, ELGIN church’s prayers for their new baby, Each Sunday this month we have Amy Gasser Jason Daniel, who was born prema- enjoyed visiting ministers: Bro. Miriam Gasser turely on March 11. He has been in Philip Schultz (Burlington, IA), Bro. the NICU but is slowly improving ev- Gary Brown (Forrest), Elder Bro. Jon “… many bodies of the saints ery day. Jason’s siblings are Joseph, Schmidgall (Oakville, IA), Bro. Mark which slept arose, and came out of the Kathleen, Jack, Kaelin, Jesse, Kalli, Schmidgall (Oakville, IA), Bro. Tom graves after his resurrection, and James, Klair, and John; and his Lanz (Oakville, IA), Bro. Jerry went into the holy city, and appeared grandparents are Bro. Bob and Sis. Wagenbach (Oakville, IA), Bro. Ted unto many. Now when the centurion, Jeanne Schambach. Hirstein (Morton), Bro. Ned Stoller and they that were with him, watch- ______(Alto, MI) and Bro. Craig Martin ing Jesus, saw the earthquake, and (Princeville). Helping in Sunday those things that were done, they ILLINOIS, EUREKA School were Bro. Don Manz (Junc- feared greatly, saying, Truly this was Dee Baer tion,OH)andBro.DuaneMetzger the Son of God.” Jodi Blunier (West Bend, IA). Spring is the time of rebirth. This Matt. 27:52-54 New life and light were felt in the hasbegunintheheartsofJed hearts of our congregation as we par- Kupferschmid (Bro. Rod and Sis. On February 25, Elder Bro. Tom took of Holy Communion. Elder Bro. Cindy), Julie Wiegand (Bro. Andy and Stock (Cissna Park, IL) assisted Bro. Ken Indermuhle (Sardis, OH) as- Sis. Vicki), and Kendall Wiegand DaveSteffeninthereadingofthe sisted our Elder Bro. Steve in this sol- (Bro. Brian and Sis. Tina) as they Memorandum. The next day, Elder emn occasion. commit their lives to the Lord in re- Bro. Doug Schock and Bro. Ryan Bro. Ernie Wiegand was welcomed pentance. Schock (Bloomfield, IA) were with us home and is assembling with us New births were experienced in andsharedSunday’sserviceswith again. Bro. Tom. Other visitors during the two homes. Bro. Tim and Sis. Dianna ______month included Bros. Art Mueller Currier welcomed Roseanna Hope. (Belvidere, IL) and Jeff Waibel (Leo, Nathan, Justin, Trenton and ILLINOIS, FAIRBURY IN). We thank these willing servants Brianna, along with grandparents, Angela Herr for their labors. Art and Sis. Mary Currier Kay Steffen Bro. Dave also expressed sincere (Congerville) and Bro. Brian and Sis. We appreciate each visiting minis- appreciation to Elder Bro. Ron Teresa Schieler (Goodfield) are ter who has shared God’s Word with Messner (Washington, IL) for his as- thankful as well. Bro. Jared and Sis. us during this past month. We thank sistance with Communion on March Marsha, Laura and Caleb Ehnle are Bro. Les Kaeb (Francesville, IN), Bro. 17. It was a meaningful and special happy for new baby, Lisa Marie. Don Sinn (Silverton, OR), Elder Bro. evening, as we meditated on the pass- Grandparents are Bro. Gary and Sis. Jay Luthi ( Lamont-Gridley, KS) and over in Egypt, the last supper, and Je- Carol Ehnle and Bro. Stan and Sis. Bro. David Eisenmann (Champaign, sus’ suffering and death. Lola Stoller. IL) for being willing servants in God’s A September wedding is being There is a new beginning in the vineyard. planned by Daniel Steffen (Elder Bro. lives of Sis. Katie Wiegand (Bro. Andy Dave and Sis. Linda) and Samantha and Sis. Vicki) and Bro. Reilly “Likewise, I say unto you, there is Lange, who have announced their en- Wagenbach (Bro. Colin and Sis. Barb, joy in the presence of the angels of gagement. Our best wishes to this Oakville, IA) as they exchanged wed- Godoveronesinnerthatrepenteth.” couple! dingvows.“Blestbethetiethat Luke 15:10 Sis. Andrea Heiniger (Bro. Scott) binds.” (HZ #156) is thankful for increasing mobility, as Praise God for His provisions for We are thankful Kyra Gadberry she recovers from back surgery. Bro. our sick. Bro. Bruce Martin (Sis. (Robert and Cheri Kaisner) and Jake Don Stettner and Sis. Marie Hugh Sheri), Bro. Jack Prather (Sis. Milly), Steidinger (Bro. Keith and Sis. have also been hospital patients. We Rebecca Kupferschmid (Bro. Rod and Kristine) have found grace and faith April 2012 SILVER LINING 15 to surrender their all to God in repen- to come and assist Bro. Marvin with tance. Our prayers are with them and this work. On March 10-11 our congregation all of our converts as they build a firm Wearealways thankfulforvisiting welcomed four dear souls into our foundation on the solid rock, Jesus ministers willing to be used in service brotherhood: Sis. Kalene Kloter Christ. for the Lord. May God richly bless (Chad),Sis.BrittanyRieke(Bro. On March 18, many of us gathered Bro. James Fehr (Tremont, IL), Bro. Brian and Sis. Lisa), Sis. Perri Grimm together in Roanoke to witness the Don Sinn (Silverton, OR), Bro. Jerry (Bro. Jim and Sis. Ree Hartman) and marriage vows of Bro. Jason Edelman Bauman (Rittman, OH), Bro. Philip Bro. Keith Grimm (Bro. Jeff and Sis. and Sis. Olivia Wuthrich. Parents of Schulz (Burlington, IA), Bro. Merlin Ruth). Elder Bro. Tom Waldbeser this couple are Bro. Walt and Sis. Meyer(Lester,IA),Bro.Scott (Sis. Sue, Atlanta, GA) assisted Elder Rosetta Edelman and Sis. Valerie Wegman (Taylor, MO), and Bro. John Bro. Earl Ringger (Sis. Dixie, Gridley, Wuthrich and Bill and Kathy Lehman (Wolcott,IN)fortheir efforts IL) in the testimonies and baptisms. Wuthrich of Roanoke. We wish them on our behalf. We pray that God will continue God’s rich blessings as they walk the Our prayers are with Ruth to work in these dear brother and sis- path of life together. Zimmerman (Bro. Jeff and Sis. ters’ life that their fruit can be Our thoughts and prayers have Steph), Marshall Zimmerman (Bro. evident. been with those who have recently Matt and Sis. Kim), Molly Brown We rejoice with Sis. Sarah Melton spent time in the hospital or had sur- (Bro. Brad and Sis. Shannon), Sis. as her son Dale Melton married Shir- gery, including both Bro. Dale and Mattie Kaeb (Bro. Nick), and Bro. ley Motes on March 10. Sis. Donna Banwart, Sis. Arlene Wal- Fred Leman (Sis. Brenda) as they On March 2, Mark and Sis. Amy ter (late Willard), Bro. Marion Meiss have spent time in the hospital. May Sinn and big sister Makenzie wel- (lateSis.Barb),Sis.Louise God provide comfort and healing. comed Madison Olivia into their Zimmerman (late Bro. Les), Bro. Ben We enjoyed hosting ACYF the last home. Thankful grandparents of Lorch (Sis. Marguerite), Keith Moser two Sundays in March. What a neat Madison are Bro. Kurt and Sis. Livy (Nita), Sis. Carol Bazzell (Bro. Don- opportunity for our young people to Blunier (Eureka) and Bro. Char- ald), Bro. Perry Virkler (Sis. Carol), fellowship and sing praises to God. lie and Sis. Karen Sinn (Eureka). and Sis. Elsie Bachtold (Bro. Willis). Thank you for being prayerful for Also Bro. Tom Steidinger (Sis. “I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; our dear Bro. Larry Bauman. He Dianne) spent time at Mayo Clinic. Iwill singpraisetotheLORDGod.” seems to be doing somewhat better af- May the Lord heal and provide for Judges 5:3 ter his second back surgery. He is be- each one according to His will. ______ginning therapy and has days of rehab ______ahead of him. A CaringBridge ILLINOIS, GOODFIELD websitehasbeensetupandthead- ILLINOIS, FORREST Melissa Rokey dress is: http://www.caringbridge. Lisa Aberle Kayla Wiegand org/visit/larrybauman. Sunday, February 26, the choir Lynn Dotterer Also, our Sis. Marie Kieser (Bro. hosted a soup supper and singing at Alfred) was hospitalized this past the fellowship hall. The purpose was “Lo, children are an heritage of the month. LORD: and the fruit of the womb is to lift up and encourage our widows, his reward.” widowers, and pillars of our church. When we asunder part, Psalm 127:3 Asachurch wewould liketosaythank It gives us inward pain; you to the choir members and every- But we shall still be joined in heart, Bro. Jeremy, Sis. Shara, and River one who labored to put on the soup And hope to meet again. Leman welcomed Madeira Eden into supper. Hymns of Zion #156, verse 4 their family. Her thankful grandpar- ents are Bro. Ernie and Sis. Carol “Ye have not chosen me, but I have Our congregation bid farewell for LemanandBro.DanandSis.Kathy chosen you, and ordained you, that ye Bro. Dean, Sis. Jackie and Bro. Andy Banwart. should go and bring forth fruit, and Knobloch on Sunday, March 18, as We rejoice with Sis. Mary Edinger that your fruit should remain: that they leave us to go to Tucson, AZ. We as she gave her testimony and was whatsoever ye shall ask of the Fa- thank them for their 33 years in the baptized. We are thankful Elder Bro. ther in myname,hemaygiveityou.” Goodfield congregation and will truly Rick Plattner (Fairbury, IL) was able St. John 15:16 miss them assembling with us. May 16 SILVER LINING April 2012

God bless them on the journey and in this occasion was Elder Bro. Ted are planning an April 28 wedding. their new home as they take their Witzig (Morton). Other visiting min- It is now Springtime, and field place out in Arizona. isters were Bro. Duane Reutter work has commenced. Our farmer Our dear Sis. Sandy Hohulin (Rockville, CT), Bro. John Steiner brethren will plant acres and acres of (Bro. Sam) went to her heavenly re- (Oakville, IA), and Bro. Dale Moore corn and soybeans in the hopes that, if ward on Monday, March 19. Our (Elgin, IA). Retired ministering Bro. it is His will, God will grant a bounti- thoughts and prayers go out to Bro. Paul Eisenmann (Burlington, IA) ful harvest. Spiritually, the church Sam and their three sons: Steve was also with us. body continually plants and waters, (Mary, Litchfield Park, AZ), Scott Following the testimonies, Elder andpraysthatGodwillyieldalarge (Riverside,CA),andShawn(Amy, Bro. Witzig gave encouragement to harvest. It is God’s will that none will Minier,IL).Maytheyfindcomfort the converts and to the congregation, perish — may our hearts be focused that she is free from her physical ail- using verses from Proverbs 4:20-27. on the most important thing in life, ments and is in heaven rejoicing with These are very instructive verses thesalvationofsoulsforalleternity. the angels. which point souls to inclining their ______We want to thank Bro. Tim hearts to the Lord’s sayings. We are Hohulin(Sis.Cathy,Roanoke,IL), not to let God’s teachings depart from ILLINOIS, MORTON Bro. Tim Drayer (Sis. Gwen, us. We are to keep them “in the midst Annette Tanner Bluffton North, IN), and Bro. Brian ofthineheart”(verse21).Here- Julie Bahr They say that the little birds in the Huber (Sis. Jackie, Francesville, IN) minded us that in housekeeping it is Florida Everglades sing their loudest for ministering to us this month. It’s a importantto“takeoutthetrash”. and best when the nights are darkest blessing to have others worship with And if we don’t, very negative conse- and stormiest — so is the same with us. quences will result. It is the same in Christians. Our prayer request is to our spiritual life. Weare to constantly appeal to our fellow Believers to ramp Note of Thanks: take out the trash — that is, if and up their urgency of praying. Pray for Thanks for your prayers, words of when we find such in our hearts. persecuted Believers across our comfort & support, and beautiful Thanks to God — his remarks were lands! Pray also for each of us to do flowers sent. We wish to thank ev- inspiring and timely. what God put us here on earth to do — eryone for their kindness. Bro. Zach Bertsch (Bluffton, IN) to share His marvelous plan of Salva- The family of Vernon Whitaker gave a presentation on his Stage 4 co- tion with ALL; beginning with our (Bro. Delton & Sis. Nancy) lon cancer on Friday, March 2, at the own neighbors and families. fellowship hall. This was a very mov- God’s Word influences His people, “...If ye continue in my word, then ing talk. and our thanks are to those Brothers are ye my disciples indeed; And ye Bro. John Gramm had knee re- who ministered here this past shall know the truth, and the truth placement surgery, and is recovering. month. Bro. Glen Funk (Sis. Sally, shall make you free.” Others with health issues have been Wichita), Elder Bro. Tom Hoffman St. John 8:31-32 Sis. Sandy Schneider and Bro. Bob (Sis.Kathy,Roanoke),ElderBro. Greiner. A shut-in, Bro. Alvin Bruce Endress (Sis. Elizabeth, Brad- Maywecontinuetopresson Ringger, continues to struggle with ford), Bro. Gary Endress (Sis. Evelyn, through the trials and tests that we his health. May God heal according to Bradford), and Bro. Bill Schick (Sis. encounter on our journey here be- His will. Joan, Magdalena). We also appreci- low, looking to our Father in heaven Danny Kaupp was married to ated Elder Bro. Ted Witzig, Sr. for giv- to help us through each day so that we Courtney Sharp, Bloomington, on ing our Wednesday Evening Family can reach our ultimate goal of heaven December 17. His parents are Bro. Worship topic, “Guarding Your some day. Tim and Sis. Betty Kaupp. She is the Heart”. ______daughter of Larry and Sherry Sharp, On March 4, Sis. Amber Rassi was Bloomington. We wish them a happy united in marriage to Bro. Brad ILLINOIS, GRIDLEY marriage. Widmer in Taylor. Sis. Amber is the Perry A. Klopfenstein Sarah Ringger is engaged to marry daughter of Bro. Gary and Sis. Debbie We were very blessed in March to Andy Hermes, Bloomington. She is Rassi of Morton. Bro. Brad is the son take two more souls into the fold. the daughter of Bro. Steve and Sis. of Bro. Neal and Sis. Kris Widmer of They are Sis. Rachel Kaeb and Bro. Donna Ringger. His parents are Pete West Lafayette. Doug Schupbach. Here to help with and Susie Hermes of El Paso. They April 2012 SILVER LINING 17

On March 11 we witnessed the tes- Several families in our congrega- comed home by big sister Eden. Bro. timony of how God powerfully tion have recently laid to rest loved Marvin and Sis. Dianne Knobloch changed the heart and mind of our ones. Susan (David) Diggle’s father, were blessed with another grand- new Sister in Christ, Alicia Endress Robert Greve, passed away March 4. child, Ian Lee, born to their daughter, (Dan).DeanandMaryJaneWettstein Sis. JoAnne (Bro. Joe) Hoerr’s father, Crystal and Jason Cresto. Little Ian (Roanoke) are her parents and Sis. Bro. Richard Binkele, passed away Lee was born with a heart disorder Joannie Endress is her March 15. Please pray for these dear and required surgery. He is home now mother-in-law. families. andwehopeandprayontheroadof Our sympathy is extended to Shir- Would you please continue to pray recovery. ley Baer in the passing of her son, for those suffering health/surgical is- Bro. Erik Givens (Sis. Debbie) was Keith Baer. Our sympathy is also sues: Sis. Miriam (Bro. Dan ) our hospital patient this month. We shared with Sis. Beulah Funk in the Messerli, Sis. Barb Schafer, Sis. Lois are thankful he is healing once again. passing of her sister, Sis. Lois Belsley (Bro. Willis) Ehnle, Sis. Judy (Bro. May God’s presence strengthen and of Detroit. Mark) Sceggel, Sis. Ilene (Bro. Bob) comfort him in his time of need. ______Haefli and Darryl and Sandy Nelson, Sis. Suanne (Bro. Chuck) Schafer parents of Bro. Breck (Sis. Janie) Nel- experienced the loss of her mother, ILLINOIS, PEORIA son. Sis. Vi Elsasser of Bradford, IL. Re- Pam Fritzenmeier Please be prayerful for those from tired Elder Bro. Joseph (Sis. Emily) A precious baby boy was born to our congregation serving far from and Bro. Vernon (Sis. Bernice) Stoller Bro. Ryan and Sis. Alyssa Funk on home on the mission field. These in- would be her brothers here. We want February24.CharlesRyaniswel- clude Bro. Tim and Sis. Joan to be prayerful for the family. comed home by his big brother, Reinhard and family, and Sis. Janelle ______Abram, and grandparents, Elder Bro. Grassi, Haiti, and Bro. Jonathan and Tim and Sis. Deb Funk and Bro. Steve Sis. Bere Aupperle, and Bro. Zach ILLINOIS, ROANOKE and Sis. Lois Leuthold. Knobloch, Magdalena. Jamie Hodel Our monthly hymn sing was held ______Judy Sauder Sunday evening, March 4. The 2nd, James 1:17 “Every good gift and 3rd, 4th, and 5thgrade Sunday School ILLINOIS, PRINCEVILLE every perfect gift is from above…” We classes and the men’s quartet from Linda Joos praise God for the miracle of newborn Gridley, Testify, joined us in worship- Gloria White babies. We rejoice with Bro. ping the Lord through songs and We are always grateful for the Robey and Sis. Angie Shuck in the hymns. Word of God being expounded to us by birth of Molly Sue born on February We are thankful to report three our faithful servants. Our visiting 21. Molly is also welcomed by older converts: Bernice Houk, Jacob ministers the past month have been brother Abel, and grandparents, Bro. Feucht (Bro. Tim and Sis. Robyn) and Bro. Ron Joos (Bloomfield, IA) and BradandSis.PattyHodel andLesand Diana (Steven) Emerick (daughter of Bro.JerryWagenbach(Oakville,IA). Dianne Shuck of Palmyra, MO. Bro. Dan and Sis. Miriam Messerli). We are very thankful souls are an- Bro. Chuck and Sis. Rita Hodel Trust in the Lord with all your heart swering the call of God. Dallas welcomed another grandchild onFeb- and He will direct your paths! Herrmann (Bro. Dennis and Sis. ruary 23. Gavin Carter was born to Sunday, March 11, Sis. Angie Renee), Philip Braker (Bro. Glen and Kevin and Liana Hodel of Indianapo- Knobloch and Bro. Seth Hodel be- Sis. Audrey), Ethan Steffen (Bro. lis. Older sister Lauren and maternal came one in the Lord. Bro. Ed Stoller Matt and Sis. Deanna) and Molly grandparents, Larry and Diana (Sis. Boni, Denver) gave of himself in Christ (Bro. Kurt and Sis. Connie) Manlove of Crawfordsville, IN, also his nephew’s wedding. Parents of the have made known their need for re- welcome Gavin. May each of these bride and groom are Bro. Brad and pentance.Wepraytheymayhave families feel the nearness of God as Sis. Patti Hodel (Roanoke) and Bro. willing hearts to separate from the theytraintheirchildrenupinthe Loris and Sis. Pat Knobloch. world and follow after our Lord and ways of the Lord. Bro. Darren Plattner (Sis. Sue, Saviour. We were blessed to have several Champaign) was our guest minister Bro. Fred and Sis. Tina Christ are visiting ministers this month: Bro. Wednesday evening, March 7. Our grandparents of twin girls born to Matt Oesch (Alto), Bro. Clark Stoller thanks to these brothers for their their son, Dane and Anna. Sophia and (Gridley), andBro.MarkZimmerman willingness to serve us. Lilly were born February 21 and wel- (Eureka) were with us on February 18 SILVER LINING April 2012

26.Bro. DaveObergfel (Peoria) joined Steve (Sis. Tammy) Hofstetter has a new grandson, Benjamin Abel. us on March 4. Then, on March 11, (Washington) who are dealing with He is the new baby boy of Brad and Bro. Trent Meiss (Eureka) shared the health issues. Kim Grant (of Athens, WI) with Leah, Word with us. We thank each of these ______Micah, Jonathan, Titus, Levi, Brothers for serving our congrega- Susanna, and Rebekah as siblings. tion. ILLINOIS, TREMONT We pray for healing to continue for Our annual Church cleaning was Teresa Rowell those that have endured surgeries or held on March 5, along with our an- Janice Sauder illness: Bro. Bob (Sis. Doris) Baer, Our congregation was very blessed nual Fellowship Hall cleaning on Steve (Sis. Sara) Garman, and Bro. again, as we enjoyed visiting Elders March 12. Bob (Sis. Barbara) Wagenbach. May and ministers. Bro. Jeff Neihouser On March 10, our Bible Class held they each draw near to God in their (Morton, IL) came in February to their Spaghetti Supper. time of need. teach the adult Sunday School class, Matthew19:6“Whereforethey are ______which is held the third Sunday morn- no more twain, but one flesh. What ing each month. He was also willing therefore God hath joined together, ILLINOIS, WASHINGTON to share the Word with our whole con- let not man put asunder.” March 11 Marlene Prather gregation that afternoon. Bro. Craig was the marriage of Sis. Angie Jodi Fehr Stickling (Peoria, IL) brought us a As we begin a new season, with the Knobloch (Bro. Loris and Sis. Pat) of topical lesson, ‘Bear ye one another’s trees and flowers in bloom, we rejoice PeoriaandBro.SethHodel(Bro. burdens’, based on Galatians 6:1-10. with Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Nancy Brad and Sis. Patty). On March 18, Elder Bro. Mark Streitmatter Leman, as God has blessed their fam- Sis. Olivia Wuthrich (Sis. Val of (Bloomington, IL) came to help bring ily with a daughter, Willow Mae. En- Roanoke & Bill of Peoria) became the the Memorandum, and Elder Bro. joying their new sister is Wyatt and bride of Bro. Jason Edelman (Bro. Lynn Fiechter (Bluffton, IN) was Wade. Blessed grandparents are Bro. Walt and Sis. Rosie) of Fairbury. We here for testimonies and baptisms. Normanand Sis.Polly Zauggand Bro. were thankful to have Bro. Jeff We thank these brothers again for be- Dale and Sis. Lezlee Leman, all of Waibel (Leo), Bro. James Fehr (Tre- ing willing to serve our congregation West Bend, IA. mont), and Bro. Dale Stoller so lovingly. We are so thankful that Elder Bro. (Fairbury) with us for the day. Ron and Sis. Pam Messner had a safe March 11 was our Family Hymn “Not every one that saith unto me, andenjoyable triptotheHolyLand. Sing. The Mortonaires were our guest Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king- We thank Elder Bro. Kent Heimer singing group for the evening. dom of heaven; but he that doeth the (Sis.Jan,Taylor)forsharingthe Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a will ofmyFatherwhich isinheaven.” Memorandum with us on February lamp unto my feet, and a light unto Matthew 7:21 29. Bro. Ted Witzig, Jr. (Sis. Donna, my path.” Wednesday evening, Morton) shared with us on March 4 March 14, our Scripture Memory Stu- On Saturday evening, March 10, and Bro. John Bradle (Sis. Jill, dents presented a program of scrip- Bro. Don and Sis. Kay Davis shared Roanoke) had our monthly Bible ture and song. We pray each student their testimonies of how they came to Study on March 14. We thank these will continue to hide God’s Word in a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Follow- brothers for their efforts. their heart. ing baptism the next day, we wel- On March 10, our Bible Class held Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I comed them into the family of God. a dinner and fundraiser for their trip am with thee: be not dismayed; for I We’re so thankful for their salvation to Magdalena, Mexico. Thank you to am thy God: I will strengthen thee; experience, and pray that many more all who participated. We had our an- yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold can answer God’s call to repent and nual church housecleaning on March thee with the right hand of my righ- believe. 12. It is always a joy to work together teousness.” We pray this verse could There are two new grandbabies to in God’s house. bring peace and comfort for those we report: Bro. Pete and Sis. Debbie Our continuing prayers are being continue to bring to the Throne of Aberle have little Kyler Ryan to love lifted for our Bro. Steve Hofstetter God. Our prayers continue for Bro. now.HeisthenewsonofRyanand (Sis. Tamara) and Sis. Sue Ruppert. Rich (Sis. Janet) Knepp, Sis. Ann Courtney Aberle (of Troy, OH) with Also, Loretta Wettstein fell and broke Hodel, Sis. Marge (Bro. Gene) Fehr, Khloe and Karter as siblings. Bro. her hip and is now recovering. May Sis. Annie Leman, Bro. Dan (Sis. Rich Sauder (the late Sis. Evelyn) also thesedearloved onesfeelourprayers. Deanne) Plattner (Chicago) and Bro. April 2012 SILVER LINING 19

______with health issues. Our Bro. Zach the shed blood of Christ. Thank you, (Sis. Jenny) Bertsch received the so- Bro. Allen and Sis. Susan, for your INDIANA, BLUFFTON bering news that his cancer is grow- many years of sacrifice for our Kim Meyer ing. We continue to love and support benefit! Suzie Fiechter this young family, as well as their par- Bro. Rich and Sis. Amber Pfister, ents,Bro.MikeandSis.Carmon and their children, Katelyn, William, “This people have I formed for my- Bertsch and Bro. John and Sis. Janice Seth, Kendra, and Silas, are serving self; They shall shew forth my Rueffner (Rittman). It would be theLord inHaitiatHospitalLumiere. praise.” tempting to question God, yet we We lift them up in prayer and trust Isaiah 43:21 know His love motivates all that He that He will provide their needs as allows. Bro. Zach and Sis. Jenny are they strive to meet the needs of so This past month, our congregation living examples to us all of trusting many others. has been challenged and encouraged God and making each day count for We thank Elder Bro. Duane Rocke with three messages on discernment. Him. (Sis. Bonnie, Minneapolis, MN) for Bro. Ron Kipfer reminded us that 100 The Lord has moved in the hearts ministering to us. Also, we appreci- yearsfromnow,wewilleachbein of Bro. Justin Dubach (Bro. Ken ated having Bro. Wayne Hartzler(Sis. Heaven or Hell, and our choices today Dubach and Jodi Holloway) and Sis. Camille) and Bro. Tim Ramsier (Sis. will determine our destiny. He en- Sarah Gerber (Bro. Nathan and Sis. Joan) with us the weekend of the Na- couraged us to choose to live to show LeAnn) to serve Him together in this tional Private School Meeting. Both God’s praise, the purpose for which life. What a wonderful opportunity families are from Rittman. They, we were created. And he asked, “Do they now have to model Christ and along with many other families across you love life more than you love Je- the Church to a watching world! the country, met on Saturday and sus?” Bro. John Reinhard spoke to us TheBro.DonandSis.Suzie worshipped with us on Sunday. It was about discernment in social issues. Fiechter family is rejoicing with the encouraging and inspiring to become He taught that we need to abstain birth of a new grandson. Bro. Joel and reacquainted with some of our loved from sin and indifference; adjust our Sis. Wendy Putt (Francesville) wel- ones and get to know many more. lifestyle to moderation, modesty and comed their firstborn, Boden James. What a wonderful God we serve! forbearance; and embrace people and Bro. Brian and Sis. Tami Putt Whatawonderful family Hehasgiven God’s calling. We were thrilled to (Francesville) are the paternal us! have Bro. Gary Tonner return to the grandparents. pulpit to instruct us to continue grow- Our high school students enjoyed Thus united and in concord ing spiritually and learn from the ACYF at Purdue University on Let us walk the path of life; past. He talked of our relationships Sunday, March 11. Thanks to all who Hand in hand, O may love bind us within our families and our church, of put forth the effort to make it a bless- For each other’s welfare strive. howweneedtoliveinforgiveness, ing! Only He is called a brother and remember that our choices affect Many of our congregation were in- Whom the tie of love does bind; many lives today as well as future volved in Loving Shepherd Minis- And the love of God, the Father, Filleth soul and heart and mind. generations. tries’ benefit auction on March 10. We Zion’s Harp #237 Our prayers are with Bro. Jim and could feel the Spirit of the Lord with ______Sis. Lora Walburn as they grieve the us as a large crowd gathered and pro- death of his earthly father, Bob ceeded to give to help ease some of the INDIANA Walburn. Bro. Harry Longenberger suffering in the world. It was a bless- went to his eternal home. Surviving BLUFFTON NORTH ing to work together for such a worthy Jessie Longenberger are his dear wife, Sis. Devona, sons, cause. Amy Moser Bro. Terry (Sis. Twila) and Bro. Steve Our ministering Bro. Allen (Sis. (Sis. Kathy), and six grandchildren. Susan) Stoller has retired from his “But seek ye first the kingdom of We are thankful to greet Sis. Evie pulpit ministry. He and Sis. Susan are God, and His righteousness; and all (Bro. Bob) Gerber again after her ex- currently in Ethiopia, working with thesethingsshallbeadded untoyou.” tended illness. We miss Bro. Bob (Sis. Loving Shepherd Ministry. We will Matthew 6:33 Nova, dec.) Steffen, Sis. Pat (Bro. miss Bro. Allen’s challenging mes- Rod) Maller, and Bro. Bob (Sis. Jan) sages that often encouraged us to ex- Bro. Mark Steffen (Sis. Lori) is re- Herring, as they have been dealing amine our lives and walk worthy of covering from ankle replacement sur- 20 SILVER LINING April 2012 gery earlier this month. We pray for a Recently our “Young Group” passed away before her, are Bro. Vir- patient and restful recovery. hosted an invite, and it was a special gil and Sis. Viola Von Tobel who lived Bro. Phil Stettner (Sis. Maureen) blessing to have visitors here from in Francesville. continues to make improvements various places. On the same day, the Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus (Sis. Jenna, from a stroke that he suffered on Feb- Bible Class (grades 9-12) attended Remington, IN) visited here recently ruary 21. Prayers are greatly appre- ACYF in WestLafayette. Both events on a Sunday, and we appreciate him ciated. are special ways to have Fellowship, sharing God’s Word with us! Bro. Bro. Steve Fischer (Sis. Joyce) is and our prayer is that bonds of friend- John Lehman (Sis. Ruth Ann, asking for the prayers from his ship will result from these times, that Wolcott, IN) shared with the Sunday church family as he is used in Haiti for will last into eternity. School teachers about the privilege two months. We have had quite a few dear ones and opportunity to teach, at the an- Bro. Doug and Sis. Tami Kaehr who have been in the hospital, or are nual Sunday School Teacher’s Chili have become grandparents again. experiencing health concerns. Those Supper, held at our Fellowship Cen- Todd and Cecily Sonnigsen were who have been hospitalized are ter. Itisalwaysajoytohavevisitors. blessed with Landon William on Feb- Brothers Eugene Huber, Nate ______ruary 10. He joins sister Gabrielle at Gutwein (Sis. Rhonda), Vernon home. Great-grandparents are Bro. Pelsy, Ellsworth Pelsy (Sis. Luella), INDIANA Dale and Sis. Carol Gerber. and Jim Bogart (Sis. Eleanor). There INDIANAPOLIS Bro. Matt and Sis. Tiffany Drayer are others who we are aware of that Sandy Lichtle Katy Frantz were blessed with their fourth girl on are experiencing health concerns, February 13. Tabitha Lois joins sis- and some we may not know of, so our “The heavens declare the glory of ters Hannah, Naomi, and Stacey at prayer is that the Lord will help and God; and the firmament sheweth his home. Grandparents are Bro. Derryl strengtheneachone, asonly Hecan. handywork.” and Sis. Peggy Aschliman and Bro. Bro. Joel and Sis. Wendy Putt are Psalm 19:1 Jerry and Sis. Lois Drayer. the joyous parents of a precious little Great-grandparents are Bro. Les and boy. Born on Friday, March 16, Our Bro. Phil Bertsch shared on a Sis. Rosemary Gerber. Boden James is the grandson of Bro. Wednesday night how the universe ______Don and Sis. SuzieFiechter (Bluffton, speaks of the greatness of God. We IN), and Bro. Brian and Sis. Tami saw how God reveals His glory from INDIANA, FRANCESVILLE Putt. the largest star to the small protein Mildred Clauss Kristy Wuethrich (Bro. Kevin and molecules that hold our cells to- Jacki Huber Sis. Connie) was recently married in gether. Canis Majoris is the largest West Lafayette, IN, to Jason Carlile star known to man. Imagine, if the “But thou, O Lord, art a God full of (Paul and Kris Carlile of Otterbein, earth were a golf ball, Canis Majoris compassion, and gracious, longsuf- IN). Jason and Kristy are living in would be the height of Mount Ever- fering, and plenteous in mercy and Otterbein, IN, and our prayers are est. We are so small in the vastness of truth.” with them as they establish a home, space and yet creatively designed by Psalm 86:15 that God’s presence and peace will be the One who desires an intimate rela- with them always. tionship with us. The closer we draw to God, the We extend sympathy to the family Our Sis. Edye Mayer went to the more we realize His compassion, gra- of Virginia Von Tobel (Fort Wayne, hospital early in the month, but is ciousness, longsuffering, and mercy IN) who passed away earlier this year. back in her home recovering from and truth towards us. His love is truly Her funeral was in Francesville, and pneumonia. The young group and beyond comprehension, and we can’t we especially extend our love and other church members visited her at fully describe the peace He gives us, prayers to her son, Ben Masten home. She is a blessing to our church, which passes all understanding. (Rachael, Fort Wayne, IN); daughter, and we hope she returns soon. As we understand His kindness Becky Bath (Ron, Washington, IN); Bro. Derek and Sis. Leann Sauder and love more, we have a desire to her brother, Virgil (Sharon, (Tremont, IL) are back in Indy for showthesameloveandkindnessto Rensselaer, IN); sisters, Vivian Derek’s treatments. Derek was diag- others, and although we will never at- Siegfried (John, Copperopolis, CA), nosed with brain cancer almost a year tain His perfection in doing so, as we and Sis. Verene Sutton (Bro. Tim, ago and we have adopted the family as abide in Him, He helps us to grow! Phoenix, AZ). Virginia’s parents, who April 2012 SILVER LINING 21 our own during the treatment peri- ing a wedding without a wedding community has been preparing for ods. We appreciate their sincerity and garment. Our Savior has provided us spring cleaning, three bridal showers, the energy their three kids bring to with this garment, but we must strive three testimonies, and a work trip to our church. to keep it clean and intact, ready for Alabama. Most importantly of all, the We had yet another birth in our the return of our Bridegroom. Leo believers have been preparing for young church. Bro. Mitch and Sis. Our annual Fellowship Weekend Holy Communion. Anna Schlatterwelcomed WyattDan- was once again a great blessing; it was The Lord also continues to prepare iel into the world on March 17. Big so encouraging to see the church full the Gateway ministry with willing brother Liam is enjoying the atten- and hear the beautiful singing. We servants. Our esteemed Bro. Ed Graf tion he is getting from grandparents, appreciated all of the visitors and the recently distributed the following Bro. Dan and Sis. Karen Pfister (Leo, efforts of the committee who brought message to the Gateway employees: IN) and Bro. Gus and Sis. LeAnn it together. The brotherhood we Schlatter (Latty, OH). shareinourfaithisindeed amiracle. “After running short-staffed for Bro. Nick Hoerr and Sis. Kristen We have recently enjoyed having eighteen consecutive months, the res- Fiechter were married on March 18 in the brethren from our Valparaiso idential program is prepared to an- Bluffton, IN. We rejoice with their congregation assemble with us nounce some major changes this parents, Bro. Mark and the late Sis. monthly on Wednesday nights. It is morning. In addition to the previ- Carolyn Hoerr (Eureka, IL) and Bro. an encouragement to see more faces ously announced hiring of Sis. Mike and Sis. Shari Fiechter on these evenings, and we have appre- Amanda Winn, we are excited and de- (Bluffton, IN). We are also glad they ciated Bro. Mike Thomas ministering lighted to announce the hiring of two will beliving inIndianapolis fornow. to us. alternate houseparent couples: Bro. In the past month visiting minis- Our prayers continue to be with Jason and Sis. Joy Huber of ters gave encouraging messages, and Sis. Connie Knobloch as she is still re- Francesville and Bro. Justin and Sis. God’s Spirit was alive and working covering from surgery at Parkview Kirsten Wiegand of Leo. In addition, through them and the Word. We are Haven. Also, 12-year-old Makayla Sis. Maria Steffen plans to return to grateful to them: Elder Bro. John Martin (Jasonand Karla)had surgery work following her recuperation. Lehman (Sis. Connie, Bern, KS), Bro. this past month, and we are thankful Please join me in thanking God for Kevin Knapp (Sis. Dixie, Blooming- to report is recovering quickly. His most excellent and timely ton, IL), Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Sis. At the beginning of the month we provision of our need.” Mary, Tremont, IL), Elder Bro. Akito were presented with information on Inoue(Sis.Marie, Tokyo, Japan),Bro. the work World Relief is doing in Even more importantly, the Lord Alan Schambach (Sis. Sarah, Haiti. We thank the brothers from continues to prepare the tender Remington, IN), Bro. Scott Schafer Wolcott who brought it to us, and for hearts of the young residents we are (Sis. Gigi, South Bend, IN), and Elder reminding us to be prayerful for this called to serve. One message recently Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis. Bonnie, work, and thankful for how richly the distributed to the Leo believers seems Minneapolis, MN). Lord hasblessedushereinAmerica. to validate the entire reason for Gate- ______way’s existence: “We are looking for individuals willing to be foster par- INDIANA, LACROSSE INDIANA, LEO ents from the Leo church. We are see- Julie Rocke Kirby Reutter ing a growing number of Gateway Meagan Frank residents who get connected in the “Go and prepare us the passover, Leo church, and when they transition “Therefore be ye also ready: for in that we may eat.” to foster care, they have a desire to suchanhour asye think notthe Sonof Luke 22:8 stay in the Leo area and assemble man cometh.” with the church. Please contact ei- Matthew 24:44 Spring seems to be the season of ther Bro. Jeff Schumacher or Sis. Ra- preparation. The Leo Sunday School chel Klopfenstein if you have an We ponder this verse as we look has been preparing for their Easter interest in pursuing this forward tothetakingofHoly Commu- Program in addition to a service trip opportunity.” nion; our Elder Bro. Curt encouraged to Jamaica. The Leo Bible Class and Finally, the Lord continues to pre- us to examine our hearts and be mind- Young Group have been preparing for pare all of us for both His present and ful of the parable of the man attend- College Weekend. The Leo church coming Kingdom by sending preach- 22 SILVER LINING April 2012 ers of the gospel to lead us in worship. ning. A new item on the menu was INDIANA, SOUTH BEND Mostrecently,wehaveenjoyedthe the “real” Mexican Burrito made by Joshua Martinez visits of Bro. Gary Maibach oneofourSpanishfriends. Weap- (Smithville, OH) as well as Elder Bro. preciated their participation. Blest be the tie that binds Duane Rocke (Minneapolis, MN). The Bible class joined the other In- Our hearts in Christian love; In this next month, let our feet be diana Bible classes at Purdue on The fellowship of kindred minds “shod with the preparation of the gos- March 11. It is such a good time to be Is like to that above. Hymns of Zion #156 pel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15). taught from the Bible, meet old ______friends, makenew ones, and be served In a small congregation such as in a proper atmosphere compared to ours, when one of our own is away, we INDIANA, MILFORD all the casualness in our lives. certainly feel it! Janie Price We previously reported that Helen We are thankful that Bro. Bob and Paula Haab Roberts passed away. Mourning her Sis. Sue Beebe are safely home from Our bodies were warmed this past loss in addition to her sister, Sis. Edna their most recent Haiti mission trip. week by the unusually high tempera- Lehman, are her brother, LeRoy We pray a blessing upon their efforts tures we have had. Today our spiri- Lehman, and her sister, Lorene (Mar- serving at Hospital Lumiere and wel- tual bodies were warmed by the tin) Stookey, who are a faithful part of come them backwith asmile and open precious Word of God. Visiting us our congregation. May God be very arms. and rightly diving the Word was Bro. near them especially at this time. Dean Steffen (Sis. Carol, Belvidere). We’re thankful that Sis. Leona ______He was led to open in Revelations Lehman is recuperating well from re- which issorelevant forourtimes. No INDIANA, REMINGTON cent cataract surgery. She is thankful matter if it is our own ministers or a Jenni Honegger for the many prayers on her behalf. visitor, the Bible is opened to words of Marcella Tyler We recently gathered for an eve- admonishment or encouragement. We have had some smaller Sunday ning of World Relief soup packaging. James 3 was used recently and really gatherings this month due to some of We wish to thank Bro. Brad spoke to my heart with taming the us traveling, some on work teams, Langhofer (Sis. Becky) for planning tongue and putting off envy and and some warming themselves in the the event and all the happy helping strife, but knowing that the wisdom southern part of the country, but we hands that participated. from above is pure, peaceable, gentle are grateful for the many visitors that We are thankful for Bro. Dan and easily entreated. We thank come along the way. It is always nice Beer’s (Sis. Deb, Milford) recent ser- these willing servants. to meet and greet those of like mind vice from the pulpit. Our Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. and faith. We appreciate their visit and that Emily) came on a Wednesday evening Our annual Cheer Circle Auction of other friends, brothers and sisters to help us prepare for our upcoming was held earlier this month with the in the faith this month. Communion service and make a few proceeds going to help those in need Although not unique as Apostolic comments about the winter Elder from around our area. We read in 2 Christians, we enjoy a precious rare Conference. He was then willing to Corinthians 9:7 that “God loveth a gift of fellowship that we hope we will come back for our monthly Bible cheerful giver” and it seems that is never take for granted. We pray that Study. May God protect Bro. Bill and what He provided. We are a blessed our Christian family will always be a Sis. Emily on their many travels and people but there are so many around shining light in a world of chaos and bless them for their labors of love. us that are in need. darkness, a joyful circle of strength, One evening the old and the young Our Bible Class attended ACYF on joined in love, anchored in truth and got together in our Fellowship center March 11 and we pray that seeds were faith, protected by God, together to work on a World Relief project and sown in their hearts that some day forever. enjoy sweet fellowship. The follow- they will see the need of their Savior Godbewithyouuntilwemeet ing night our yearly benefit auction as they are our future church. again! was held and was well attended. It is ______heart-warming to see the generosity that comes forth when it is an oppor- INDIANA, VALPARAISO tunity to help the needy. We always Marguerite Hoerr One of our children lives in Ala- enjoy a meal together on that eve- April 2012 SILVER LINING 23 bama and we live in SW Michigan, so to our congregation and many were married in Taylor, MO, which it’s difficult to see them oftener than prayers were offered for her during welcomed everyone with open arms once a year. We had the pleasant ex- this time. She is looking forward to on March 4. West Lafayette is excited perience of having our son Fred and graduating from high school this to have the new couple join the fellow- his wife Martha with us for an entire spring. ship, though not expecting to see week in March. He retired after 31 During our daily devotions re- much of them as they are still in this years and had time to spend with us. cently, Bob has read to me several honey moon period. Needless to say it was a most pleasant times the beautiful poetry that has Speaking of love, the PYG had the experience and we enjoyed every min- been put to music in our songbooks. opportunity to travel to Cullman, Ala- ute of it. It was a true blessing from When we think of the inspiration bama, to aid in tornado repair. The God. from God that has been given to some- Spirit truly moved amongst those on I have had the thought more than one, we marvel that the words can the voyage as they accomplished once what a good idea it would be to continuetoblessussomanyyears muchinbuilding relationships aswell keep a list of blessings showered on later. Sometimes he plays them on as buildings. us. I have had those intentions often our organ and they bless us even more Speaking of new creations, we will in my life and have started a list only asthey are put to music, meaning that leave you with this springtime obser- to discontinue it because of my hu- wearedoublyblessedbytheperson vation. man frailties. Do you ever have prob- who wrote the words and the person lems following your good who put them to song. I think of this The grass has been greening, and intentions? I would love to sit in a when our little group follows our song the flowers are gleaming. room full of people who do have those leaders; trying to give God our best The birds are chirping in the trees, problems and listen to the ways they during worship; that we’re thanking surrounded by glorious green overcame this weakness. God is al- God and the two people who made this leaves. ways so faithful in supplying us with song available to us. In our hearts we The air is warming, His promises that I feel distressed thank God for our song leaders who And the bumblebees are a’swarming. when I fail to do this. Especially I feel contribute so much depth to our wor- Though e’en in the midst of most distressed because I realize that I ship times. Worship becomes a per- glorious weeks, have just passed my 85th birthday fect triangle as the ministers offer His A thundercloud can be found brew- Word to us, and the song leaders and still fail in these determina- ing. tions. My mother told me when I punctuate it with songs; plus the con- We take comfort in the fact that talked to her about this problem, gregation listens and becomes filled there is always a silver lining. “Just remember that you are hu- with the awe of the Spirit of God -Humbly composed by Bro. Jay man, and God isn’t surprised, and to Himself. Fiechter keep in mind the promise you made, Remember if you are traveling ______that you will live for Him for the rest that we are just 2 ¾ Miles S. of U.S. 30 of your life.” Then she said, “Thank onStateRd.49. Youaresowelcome. INDIANA, WOLCOTT goodness we have a loving, and forgiv- ______Sasha Kyburz ing Heavenly Father.” I’m sure as Donita Edelman often as she forgave me for being for- INDIANA With no news to report last month, getful to follow her instructions, that WEST LAFAYETTE we have several items this month. she remembered to pray for her well Ben Stoller The first “news” is a precious bundle Katie Widmer intentioned daughter who was so for- that has arrived to bless grandpar- We are incredibly thankful that getful. Latoya Thomas, youngest ents, Chris and Sis. Teresa Bahler. Phil Knobloch made the commitment daughter of ministering Bro. Mike This little girl, Audrey Grace, is the to turn his life over to Jesus Christ. and Sis. Claudia, gave us all concern daughter of Bro. Matthew and Sis. We rejoice with him and are praying when she fell in school and became in- Renee Lindberg (Chicago, IL). We for God’s peace in his life. coherent. After many tests and sur- pray for God’s wisdom in the rearing Bro. Brad Widmer (Bro. Neal and gery in the hospital, her problem was of this precious little soul for Him. Sis. Kris, West Lafayette) celebrated diagnosed as a very severe migraine A big “thank you” to the many the unity of two becoming one in the headache. She is at home again, back loved ones came and helped out at our Lord with Sis. Amber Rassi (Bro. in school and has been able to return winter World Relief family nights. Gary and Sis. Debbie, Morton). They to her part-time job. She is very dear Many World Relief projects were com- 24 SILVER LINING April 2012 pleted during this two month adven- IA) for bringing God’s Word forth. two of our three home ministers were ture. Thank you to everyone who May God bless them for their willing gone that Sunday. provided the meals and gave of their service. time and talents in so many ways. I ______Anew, Lord, we are bound to Thee know each one that came received a Through Thy blest sacrament, blessing in the fellowshipping while IOWA, BLOOMFIELD which we working together to help those in Rachel Stoller Partook, that joined in heart and need. hand; We are rejoicing along with the an- “ … and his eye seeth every pre- To Zion’s realm and holy land gels in heaven with MarcusSchwab as cious thing.“ We journey on. Zion’s Harp #200 he has answered the call of repen- Job 28:10 tance. We pray for grace and mercy Also visiting this month was Elder for Marcus as he works out his soul’s We welcome two little precious ba- Bro. Wayne Grimm (Sis. Rose, West salvation. Marcus is the son of Bro. bies into our congregation this Bend, IA) and Elder Bro. Duane Mark and Sis. Shari Schwab. month. Daniel Lloyd Wiegand was Rocke (Sis. Bonnie, Minneapolis, On March 18, many of us traveled born to Bro. Mark and Sis. Danielle, MN) for the purpose of Communion. to Latty, OH, to witness the wedding Travis and Blake. Grandparents are What a special time for us as a congre- vows of Bro. Clint Blume (Bro. Larry Bro. Don and Sis. Jane Wiegand and gation as we could sit together, pon- and Sis. Lynell) and Sis. Holly Stoller Bro. Kent and Sis. Chris Leman (all of der all that our Lord and Saviour did (Bro. Todd and Sis. Pam). We pray for Eureka, IL). A first child, Ella Kay, for us and partake of His supper. many years of happiness for them as was welcomed by Bro. Craig and Sis. Our thoughts and prayers are with they look to God as the three-fold cord Angela Dotterer. Her grandparents Sis. LaVerne Butikofer as she recov- in their blended lives. We will miss are Bro. Joe and Sis. Rose Dotterer ers from her surgery. Bro. Clint as they have chosen to and Bro. Craig and Sis. Marilyn Mar- ______makeLatty,OH,theirhomechurch. tin (Eureka, IL). We would like to extend our sin- We thank God for our precious heritage of gathering around the IOWA, GARDEN GROVE cere appreciation to Bro. Dana Laura Funk Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington, IN) for trutheach Sunday. SharingHisWord with us this month were Bro. Earl coming over to help Bro. Michael Father, through Thy word awaken Beery (Sis. Susie, Rittman, OH) and Wagenbach on the pulpit the Sunday Us to faith and true devotion! Bro. Greg Stoller (Sis. Jill, Forrest, of Bro. Clint and Sis. Holly’s wedding. Zeal to serve Thee do Thou give; With so many traveling, it was a bless- IL). Bro. Earl was here for in- Show us that Thy Son still lives. ing to have Bro. Dana with us. Also vite-a-friend, and we are thankful to Zion’s Harp #126, vs. 7 with us for our special Bible Topical each of our visitors that came to be Presentation on a recent Wednesday with us. As I was typing this verse, I had to evening was Bro. John Hartman (Sis. The Lord also sees His children stop and think, have I been awakened Rosemary, Fairbury, IL). Thank you, grieving in the loss of loved ones. Our to faith and true devotion? We have Bro. John, for lending of your time Sis. Mary Wiegand’s (Bro. Dave) been blessed with Thy Word many and talents in the service of our King. brother (Fred Domnick of Rochester, times this past month. Bro. Bradley We pray God’s blessings here on earth MN) passed away recently. We offer Strahm (Bern, KS), Bro. Kent Getz and much more in eternity for the ser- our support and sympathy. (Elgin,IA),Bro.RyanSchock vice of our visiting ministers. ______(Bloomfield, IA), Bro. Curt Rassi ______(Tremont,IL)andElderBros.Doug IOWA, ELGIN Schock and Rod Bajema (Lester, IA) Maria Rocke IOWA, AMES have taught us through Thy Word. Brianna Strahm Jacob Schulz Our congregation has enjoyed the Elder Bros. Doug Schock and Rod We had a visiting minister one many visitors that have worshipped Bajema presented the Memorandum Wednesday night and one Sunday with us throughout the past month. and expounded upon the conclusions this month. We would like to thank We’re thankful Bro. Pat Zaugg (Sis. of the Conference. Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis. Bonnie, Julie, West Bend, IA) could be with us Our congregation is lifting Bro. Minneapolis, MN) and Bro. Jerry to share in the ministering duties as Tom Moser and family up in prayer. Wagenbach (Sis. Bonnie, Oakville, Bro. Tom has suffered some serious April 2012 SILVER LINING 25 health issues and spent several days the resurrection of our Saviour. Bro. Doug Schock (Bloomfield, IA), in the hospital. At this writing, he is Bro. Cory and Sis. Rachel Leman Elder Bro. Lawrence Luthi (Lamar, homeandweprayforafullrecovery. received double blessings when their MO), Bro. Gary Sinn (Latty, OH), We are experiencing very warm twin babies were born on February Bro. Larry Bahr (Ft. Scott, KS) and weather for March, 70-80’s. Makes 26. A son, Luke Russell, and a daugh- Bro. Rex Frieden (Lamar, MO) as one think of summer vacations. In- ter, Elizabeth Kay, are adored by they shared the gospel of salvation. clude Garden Grove! their siblings, Sarah, Seth and Julia, We are about 90 minutes south of as well as grandparents, Bro. Henry “Yea, Though I walk through the Des Moines, IA, which has many in- and Sis. Charlene Messner and Bro. valley of the shadow of death, I will teresting and various age group activ- Dale and Sis. Lezlee Leman (West fearnoevil: forthouartwith me…” ities to offer. Please let us know how Bend,IA). OnMarch 5,MorganEliza- Psalm 23 many will be attending church so we beth was born to Lance and Janice can plan accordingly for church Bullerman. Big brothers, Micah and Our sympathy is extended to Bro. lunch. See you soon, Lord willing! Mitchell, and grandparents, Bro. Dean and Sis. Diana Feucht as her ______Chuck and Sis.Vicki Leuthold, arede- mom, Sis. Violet Elsasser, went to her lighted with a precious little girl to eternal reward on March 11 at the age IOWA, IOWA CITY love. Tristan Lambert Van Wyhe was of 98 years. We also remember Bro. Diana Butikofer welcomed into the family of Bro. DougandCharLeutholdasthey Bro. Brian and Sis. Wendy Waibel Mychal and Sis. Dawn, Megan, Jor- mourn the passing of her father, Ger- (Champaign, IL) and Bro. Alan and dan, Devin and Drendan Van Wyhe ald Haak, who died on March 15 at the Sis. Sarah Schambach (Remington, on March 18. Bro. Pete and Sis. Susan age of 80 years. May God comfort IN) and their families visited us in Van Wyhe and Bro. Arnie and Sis. these families as they experienced the February. We appreciate these broth- Sharon Koehl (Morris, MN) are the sadness and change that the loss of a ers’ willingness to speak the Word in thankful grandparents. May these loved one brings. “In every change, Sunday School and from the pulpit, families feel the nearness of a caring He faithful will remain.” and trust the Lord will reward their Heavenly Father as they raise these ______efforts. special miracles that have been Our thoughts and prayers are with entrusted to them. IOWA, OAKVILLE Ryan and Beverly Eland, their chil- Bro. Willy Knobloch (Sis. Helen), Sharla Wiegand dren and extended family. Beverly is Sis. Charlotte Metzger (Bro. Bill), very ill and iscurrently in ahospital in Bro. Bob Gerber (Sis. Nancy) and Sis. “Buried with him in baptism, where Ryan is stationed Rachel Leman (Bro. Cory) have un- wherein also ye are risen with him with the Air Force. Ryan’s parents, dergone surgical procedures which throughthefaithoftheoperationof Bro. Brad and Sis. Joyce, are there required hospitalization. May God be God, who hath raised him from the currently and all would appreciate near them as they recuperate at dead.” your prayers as Beverly’s healing home. Col. 2:12 continues. ______Dead to sin, I am now buried, On February 26, arising from the From its curse forever free: baptismal waters were Vienna Lanz IOWA, LESTER Buried with Thee in Baptism, (Bro. Monte and Sis. Kelly); Rory Joyce Moser Saviour let me rest with Thee: Wagenbach (Bro. Colin and Sis. Gloria Moser Hymns of Zion #223 Barb); Billy Massner (Bro. Chuck and Even though we have experienced Sis. Lois) and Jenni Frank (Bro. Curt a mild winter, we are always thankful With joy and thanksgiving, the and Sis. Kathy). We were thankful for to witness the first signs of spring. Lester church welcomed four pre- visiting Elder Bro. Ben Walder The buds pushing forth and the grass cious souls into the fold. On the week- (Congerville IL) and ministering Bro. coming out of dormancy cause in us a end of March 17-18, Sis. Cari Moser Matt Steffen (Princeville IL). thankfulness to our Creator who has (Bro. Rick and Sis. Lori), Bro. Joe Bar- It is very rare for us to have two en- made and created all living things. It ber (Mike and Sis. Donna) and Bro. gagement announcements on one is also the time of the year when we Tim and Sis. Carla Feucht shared day! Sis. Alicen Wagenbach was an- commemoratethenewlifewere- their testimonies and were baptized. nounced to Bro. Kenton Sinn from ceived because of the shed blood and We appreciated the efforts of Elder Silverton, OR. Their parents are Bro. 26 SILVER LINING April 2012

Colin and Sis. Barb Wagenbach and iour! church this month in the addition of a Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith Sinn. Also dear brother to their fold. Being very engaged on February 26 were Sis. Come then, Lord of life eternal ill with cancer Bro. Hirose (Sis. Corin Wagenbach (Bro. Jerry and Sis. Step into our midst, we pray; Kiyoko) was baptized in the hospital. Bonnie Jr.) and Bro. Brandon Help that we may not be merely The great joy shown by his expression Stickling (Bro. Scott and Sis. Jan) of Hearers of Thy Word today. and countenance brought back mem- Congerville, IL. We wish both couples To our teacher, O, be near, ories of 50 years ago to Bro. Akito Bless the children gathered here; the grace and peace of God. when his own father, Bro. Zenichi May we thrive in fullest measure, We hosted invite-a-guest weekend Inoue, was taken into the fold in this And Thy heart in us find pleasure! on March 4 and Bro. John Bradle manner. Thesamejoywassoevi- Zion’s Harp #166, vs. 3,6 dent in his father, he remembers. We (Roanoke, IL) ministered to us. ______praise God for brethren who faith- JAPAN, SHIODA fully and lovingly taught them the IOWA, WEST BEND Carrie Ito way of salvation. Janet Fehr Bro. Hirose passed from this Our visitors this month were Ryan Leona Fehr earthly life very peacefully on March Martic of Toronto/Detroit, cousin of Three of our loved ones were hos- 3. We were so thankful for the inspi- Sis. Manuela Denes, and SistersCarol pitalized this past month. Sis. Helen ration his childlike faith was to those Sauder and Michelle Mueller of Tre- Zaugg and Sis. Darlene Metzger had who visited him and tohis family. The mont, IL, who joined usfor an evening been hospitalized for illness. They funeral was well attended by family, meal with cousins Sis. Carrie and Bro. have both been released, but continue neighbors, and church people and we Akihiro Ito. It was a joy to visit with to endure some lingering afflictions of pray that the gospel message that was them, and we hope they could enjoy the body. Bro. Art Mogler (Sis. Eula) preached there could take root and their stay in Tokyo and travels to Hi- was hospitalized due to an accident. grow in many hearts. What a contrast roshima and Kyoto. We are thankful he came through sur- it must be to the traditional Buddhist ______gery fine and is now recovering at funeral here in Japan, where very lit- home. tle of it is comprehensible to those in KANSAS, BERN On March 4, Bro. Barry Dietz (Sis. attendance! Sheri Edelman Rachel, Bradford, IL) and Bro. Brian ______Rita Menold Metzger (Sis. Angie, Lester, IA) were Theweekend ofMarch 3-4ourcon- here to worship with us. We are JAPAN, TOKYO gregation enjoyed our Invite-a-Guest thankful for their willing hearts to Manuela Denes weekend. What a blessing it is to re- share of themselves by speaking the Marie Inoue new old friendships and establish new truth through the Spirit. Wearethankfultobe keptsafely in ones! the Saviour’s arms again this month Our Bible class enjoyed spending “The blessing of the Lord be upon as some of us traveled to the U.S. It is the week of March 18-23 in Bastrop, you.” always a special blessing to sit among TX, rebuilding homes damaged from Psalm 129:8 brethren and hear the Word in one’s fire. Our hope is that each one felt it a native language. blessing to be able to help those in We are amazed and thankful to see It was a joy this pastSunday to sing need. many early signs of spring all around Easter hymns at a nursing home, one We appreciate Bro. Roger Aberle us. May we feel the refreshing of the of two located near our church. These (Sis.Lavonne,Sabetha,KS)lending Lord in our hearts the same way. homes have origins in the country of of himself in the service of ministry. Denmark and allow us to sing there at We are thankful that Sis. Pearl Even as the spring time flowers Easter and Christmas. We are thank- Miller had a successful heart surgery Grow beneath the sun’s warm rays, ful for the opportunity. We look for- at Mayo Clinic and is having a healthy So the Lord by His own powers ward to several Easter events in the recovery. Our prayers are with Bro. Makes us garlands for His praise; coming weeks and trust as we ponder Elwin Strahm (Sis. Mary), as he suf- He invites most lovingly: the message of Christ’s death and glo- fered a stroke while on vacation. We Little children come to me! rious resurrection, that we will all be aresothankfulheismakinggood All should truly know Him ever, drawn closer to Him. progress! Call Him Brother, Lord, and Sav- We rejoiced with the Shioda Our church family is rejoicing over April 2012 SILVER LINING 27 four souls who have found the grace to For His own, from sin and death re- O, who would not joy in this salva- repent! Our prayers are with Olivia leased. tion, Baumgartner and Tabitha Yearn to dwell within that habita- Baumgartner (Bro. Jeff and Sis. After they the paschal lamb had tion Kim), and Kara Goodman and Jody eaten, Where the Light of life shines full Goodman (Mike and Sis. Luci) as they He took bread, and breaking it, gave and free, begin this most important step in thanks; Giving men new life and liberty. Shared it with His own belov’d disci- Zion’s Harp #26 their life. Our children could sense ples, our excitement when we heard of Who in love and trust had joined His We are looking forward to Com- these new converts, and our 6-year ranks, munion in a couple of weeks, and this old looked at me and asked “What “Take and eat, my body I do offer, beautiful hymn from the Zion’s Harp does repenting mean?” I explained As unto the death for you I suffer; justtouches usso deeply asit brings to that you are giving your life to Christ This a mem’ry of my death and our remembrance all of the suffering and you are very sorry for any wrong pain, Christ meekly accepted on our behalf you have done in your life. Then she Likewise your redemption shall re- andinoursteadthroughoutthe asked… “Do you repent for one day?” main.” mocking secret trial and on that cruel As I tried to explain so a 6-year old cross. As we partake of the bread and could understand, it was a good re- When of this blest bread they had wine, representing His broken body minder to me that we need to always partaken, and shed blood, we stand in awe that be that light and example to our chil- And brought thanks unto their God God is mindful of the human race and dren, so they can see the Joy of Jesus above, cares so much about us that He gave in us and that they, too, will want to Having been unto this feast invited His only Son to save us. How marvel- someday become a child of God! And found worthy of His grace and love, ous a concept, and we are humbled ______He the cup into His hands did and thankful for God’s perfect plan. KANSAS, FORT SCOTT gather, We would like to thank Bro. Ron Teresa Bahr Giving thanks unto His Heav’nly Joos (Sis. Christy, Bloomfield, IA) We all have loved ones who need Father, and Bro. Ed Stoller (Sis. Bonnie, Den- theLord,thereforewecanbecon- Said to His disciples: “Drink this ver, CO) for visiting and proclaiming wine, stant in prayer lifting them up to Him God’s Holy Word to our congregation. As a token of my blood divine.” (I Thess. 5:17). May God bless them for their labor of Bro. Lyle and Sis. Lillian Fischer love toward our small congregation, “This cup is the blood of my new as we know we live quite a distance are thankful to both being back in cov’nant, fromtheirhome churches andcoming theirownhomeafterspendingtime which for many sinners I have shed; takes quite an effort. in medical facilities. Therein lies the promise and the ______power Of each one who unto sin is dead.” “Lo, children are an heritage of the KANSAS, KIOWA So this blood, which flowed on Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his Janice Bahr Calv’ry’s mountain, reward.” Jenny Stewart Unto full salvation is the fountain; Psalm 127:3 And this cup reminds us of the Communion Hymn blood, Little Ithan Santiago was born to Jesus in the night of His betrayal, Which for sin was made a cleansing Bro. Joel and Sis. Stephanie When His covenant He did endow, flood. Rinkenberger in Magdalena, Mexico, When His blood, in love and grace on March 14. Bro. Jeff and Sis. Janice eternal, There is life and there is peace and Bahr and Bro. Jim and Sis. Jeannie For transgression and for sin did gladness, flow, Rinkenberger (Bluffton, IN) are the There contentment, grace, and grandparents. Ithan comes home to He established for His church a to- mercy flow; four excited siblings: Marcos, Aron, ken, There the light of Jesus scatters Diego and Candi. It is our fervent That His covenant might ne’er be sadness, prayer for God’s richest blessings on broken, Shining with a soft and blessed this precious family! This His holy Sacrifice and feast, glow. 28 SILVER LINING April 2012

______in the passing of her brother, Joe She will become a naturalized citizen Steiner (Belva) of Nebraska City, NE. of the United States at the end of KANSAS May God comfort them as only He March. LAMONT-GRIDLEY can. ______Our congregation was blessed Our Invite-A-Guest weekend was with many visitors this month and we March 17-18. We appreciate those KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON appreciate each one. Visiting minis- whocametobeourguestsforthe Barb Huber ters this month were Bro. Duane weekend. It is a blessing as we can fel- Metzger (Sis. Ruth, West Bend, IA), lowship with one another. “For our conversation is in Bro. Larry Bahr (Sis. Julie, Ft. Scott, heaven; from whence also we look for KS) and Bro. Brandon Emch (Sis. “Who can find a virtuous woman? theSaviour,theLord JesusChrist." Maria, Kansas City, MO). For her price is far above rubies. Give Philippians 3:20 We rejoice with our convert, Mi- her of the fruit of her hands; and let chael Luthi (Elder Bro. Jay and Sis. her own works praise her in the What a blessed hope we have as we Jane),who hasfoundpeacewith God. gates.” wait, look, and watch for our Lord’s ______Proverbs 31:10,31 soon return. We’re thankful again for faithful brethren who were willing KANSAS, SABETHA We are thankful for all our moth- to lend themselves to be used in His Belinda Kellenberger ers and what they do for us. For those service. This past month Bros. Ed Sally Strahm whose mothers have gone to their Fritz (Sis. Sally, Washington, IL), PaulZimmerman(Sis.Loretta,For- Love is of a friendly nature, eternal reward, Heaven seems a little rest,IL),andSamSchlatter(Sis. Does no selfish thought possess; closer to our hearts. Linda, Junction, OH) came to minis- Love is not a sin partaker, ______ter God’s Holy Word. And is free from bitterness. May the Lord bless each one and Love is truthful, not deceitful, KANSAS, WICHITA Does here ev’ry burden bear; Emma Miller all who travelled with them for their And, enduring, is so fruitful Bro. John and Sis. Lori many sacrificial efforts and labors of In all trials joys to share. Baumgartner (Bern, KS) spent a re- love. Zion’s Harp #37 cent Sunday with us in Wichita to ful- We extend a warm welcome to fill the small church effort. We thank come and worship with us at We rejoice with Bro. Loren and Sis. them for giving up opportunities for Lexington. You may contact Bro. Lena Grimm as they became one in fellowship within their local congre- Lester Huber at (859) 745-2541. the Lord on Sunday, February 26. gation so the few in Wichita could be Church services are held at 3938 Their parents are Bro. David and Sis. encouraged. Becknerville Rd., Winchester, KY. Beth Hartter and Bro. Kevin and Sis. We are reminded of the afflicted in Directions to the church are in the Nita Grimm. our brotherhood. Bro. Charley minister’s book. On March 11, Bro. Travis Strahm Grimm has been homebound for the ______of Morris North, MN (the late Bro. past several months. Bro. Phil Bow- Carl and Sis. Sharon Strahm of ers struggles with his afflictions MEXICO, IXTLAN Sabetha) and Sis. Jilaine Furrer of which makes it difficult to transport Matt Gerber “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, Morris, MN (Bro. Thomas and Sis. Jill him. Also, his mother, Sis. Lillian, is my conscience also bearing me wit- Furrer) were united in marriage. often homebound. ness in the Holy Ghost, that I have May God bless both of these unions. Bro. Glenn and Sis. Sally Funk great heaviness and continual sorrow Our visiting ministers for the past have another granddaughter. This is in my heart. For I could wish that my- month were Bro. Ted Witzig, Jr. (Sis. their son, Tim’s, first baby. Beyza is self were accursed from Christ for my Donna, Morton, IL), Bro. Ron Isch the second granddaughter in the brethren, my kinsmen according to (Sis. Jane, Lamont-Gridley, KS), and Funk family. the flesh…Brethren, my heart’s de- Bro. Brad Gudeman (Sis. Teresa, And now I can end this writing sire and prayer to God for Israel is, Bradford, IL). We thank them for be- with some ‘up’ items. Our part of that they might be saved.” ing willing servants in His vineyard. Kansas is being blessed with gentle (Rom. 9:1-3, 10:1) We extend our love and sympathy rain! Thank Thee, dear Father! Also, to Sis. Florence Meyer (Bro. Harlan) we are rejoicing with Fanja Bowers. April 2012 SILVER LINING 29

There are many small communi- the body of Christ, we look forward to IN) for sharing their musical talents tiesnear Ixtlán (and throughout Mex- watching and aiding as Amy grows with us. ico)wheretherearenoChristian and matures. WegatheredtoheartheMemoran- congregations…no established A beginning of a new chapter has dum on March 17. We are thankful groups of believers who can preach begun for Sis. Moonlight Szabo and that Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. the gospel and give witness to the gos- Bro. Clint Moser (Garden Grove, IA) Jan, Winthrop, MN) was able to be pel through their lifestyle. While it’s as they were joined in holy marriage here and assist Bro. John for the wonderful that there’s a stable on February 18 in Bay City, MI. Our weekend. church in Ixtlán, it should burden us prayers ascend as they develop a It is such a refreshing feeling to see that there aren’t churches in other threefold cord and journey together. the arrival of spring! As the trees and places. In fact, shouldn’t we long to May they always find God’s grace flowers begin to blossom and bloom, see vibrant fellowships of Christ-fol- sufficient. maywefeelinvigoratedbyChrist’s lowers in every village, town, and Sorrow and joy mix our hearts at love in our hearts and minds. city?Thisseemslikeanimpossible the passing of dear Sis. Helen Steffen. ______task. But the power is Christ’s, and InFebruary shewenttomeether Sav- He has promised to be with the ior and Lord. A great hole has been MICHIGAN, DETROIT church as we go and make disciples, left in her family and in our congrega- Krista Wieland baptizing them and teaching them to tion. We pray for the family at this obey all things He has commanded time of loss and ask that encourage- “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and (Mt. 28:18-20). ment would fill their hearts by her again I say Rejoice.” A women’s breakfast this month faithful example. Helen has left be- Phil. 4:4 was a special time for fellowship. hind a large family…children, grand- Eachonehadtheopportunityto children and great- grandchildren. It’s easy to rejoice when life goes share something she had read re- ______the way we think it should. It’s cently from God’s Word that had min- tougher to be thankful for the hard istered to her. Activities like this are MICHIGAN, BAY CITY things. Let’s pray for gratitude to- helpful to foster openness, sharing of Sarah Knochel dayforthehardthings. Ourlifeis burdens, and times of encouragement Janelle Ramseyer like aquilt; we trytomakesenseof the We rejoice with Sis. Yvonne Ar- for the sisters and converts. mismatched pieces but God is seeing nold asshewelcomed anew grandson, the final beautiful picture the whole ______Callen Robert, on February 12. time! MICHIGAN, ALTO Callen’s parents are Eric and Roberta We wish to thank ministering Bro. Listyn Oesch Arnold and great - grandfather is Bro. Ned Stoller, his wife, Sis. Heidi, and Melissa Blough Floyd Knochel. their children who came from Alto to The birds are singing, the grass is Megan Snyder (Dan) spent some minister to the Residents at turning; spring is on its way and with time in the hospital recently and we Woodhaven. Other visiting ministers it comes new life. Every year after the are thankful for her recovery and that this month were Bro. Tom and Sis. dead of winter comes the refreshing God provided healing strength. LuAnn Troxel (Lacrosse, IN); Bro. wave of new life. God’s example in na- Our prayers are with the Del Grew Howard and Sis. Kristen Plattner ture displays a glorious picture of family as he passed away on February (Alto, MI); Bro. Dan and Sis. Julie what He does in human hearts that 29. We want to remember his chil- Koch (Tremont, IL); and Elder Bro. He loves so much. dren, Nancy Herzberg, Donald Curt and Sis. Lila Frank (Lacrosse, (Lynn), and Kenneth. His grandson, IN). Bro. Curt assisted Bro. Mark “They [His compassions] are new Bro. Bob Grew (Sis. Kayleen) from with our Communion service on every morning: great is Thy faithful- our congregation also mourns his March 17 which was a real blessing to ness.” passing. our church. Lamentations 3:23 March 10-11 was Invite-a-Friend Our dear Sis. Lois Belsley passed weekend for our congregation. We ap- away to her heavenly home. We wish Joy has come into the arms of our preciated having Bro. Ted Witzig, Jr. to extend our sympathy to her family. dear convert, Kasi Crumbo. We are (Sis. Donna, Morton, IL) with us as a Her children are: Larry (Elaine) thankful for Amy Joy. Mom and baby visiting minister and also Psalm 100 Belsley; Linda (John) Reardon; are at home and growing strong. As quartet (Bluffton, Bluffton North, Jeanne (Pat) Allen; Steve (Patti) 30 SILVER LINING April 2012

Belsley; and Sally (Ron) Blaszczyk. us! The only minor interruptions Jim and Sis. Krissa (Skoglund) She also is survived by a sister, were the many jet planes flying over- Klotzle. Welcome to the world their grandchildren and great grandchil- head, as our church is not very far new baby boy, Ender James, born dren. from the airport! Monday, March 19. We hope all are Our hospital patients were Vir- ______well and healthy and the Lord’s bless- ginia Smiley and Sis. Krista (Bro. ing will be on their home. Andy) Wieland. They have returned MINNESOTA There is also happiness in the an- home. Also, Sis. Linda Shaw has fin- MINNEAPOLIS nouncement of peace for Jamie and ished her radiation treatments. Tim McMillan Jodi (Messner) Pelzel. They are to be We began March reading Num- baptized soon, Lord willing. We also bers Ch. 6. The writing describes “Whosoever therefore shall con- are prayerful for Allison Rocke as she what can be done by a man or woman fess me before men, him will I confess starts her path in seeking peace with who has “vowed a vow… to separate also before my Father which is in God and man. Please share your themselves unto the Lord….” If, dur- heaven” prayers for these people as they re- ing the vow, the person made himself St. Matthew 11:32 pent from the world. unclean or “defiled the head of his consecration” (vs. 9), instructions are We are thankful that Tyler Rauhe May now the grace of our Lord Je- given for redemption through sacri- (Bro. Jason and Sis. Carrie) has made sus Christ, fice. When we came tothe Lord in bap- known his desire to repent and com- the peace and love of God, tism, we separated ourselves and mit his life to Christ. It is an encour- the fellowship of His Holy Spirit made a vow unto the Lord. The Book agement to the whole church to see abide with us all, yea, with us all. of Hebrews (10:26) reminds us if we God working in Tyler. Amen. make our selves unclean or defile the Woodpointe’s 13th anniversary Zion’s Harp #213 head (Jesus), there is no way to cru- service was held at Woodpointe on cify Christ again for redemption. Let May God be with you til we meet Wednesday, March 7. We enjoyed a us pray always none of our brethren again, Sis. Bernadine. dinner and fellowship prior to the would stray from the body of Christ! Wednesday night service. ______Exhortation to examine our self (II Our 7th Annual All Michigan sing Cor. 13:5-6) was spoken of in prepara- MINNESOTA, MORRIS is scheduled for Sunday evening, May tion for Holy Supper. We are thankful Kim Feuchtenberger 20, at the Woodpointe Independent for the assistance of Bro. Rod Bajema Susie Wulf Living Community, adjacent to the OnMarch11wewitnessedthe (Lester, IA) in the taking of Commu- church. New for this year is a 5:30 wedding of Sis. Jilaine Furrer (Bro. nion on March 24. May the Lord give pizza dinner, which will precede the Tom and Sis. Jill) to Bro. Travis comfort to him for his work. 6:30 singing. This event includes the Strahm (son of the late Bro. Carl and It is with great sadness that Sis. Alto, Bay City and Detroit, MI Sis. Sharon of Sabetha, KS) of Morris Bernadine Miller (Bro. Don) suc- churches, as well as the Toledo, OH North, MN. We wish them God’s cumbed to pneumonia and went to church. blessings and guidance as they begin sleep in Christ this month. Sadness The 24th Annual Choir Benefit their life together. The wedding forusaswewillmissherpresence, Dinner and Program is scheduled for brought many visitors including min- but in joy we rejoice that we look for- Saturday, July14, at the church. The istering brethren. Among them was ward to meeting her in heaven on the dinner will be at 5:00 and the Choir Bro. Jerry Isch (Sis. Linda, Philadel- day of Christ’s coming! She truly has Program will begin at 7:00. Feel free phia,PA),Bro.JohnLehman(Sis. been an inspiration in faith to many. to invite friends and neighbors. Ruth Ann, Wolcott, IN), Bro. Larry Please pray for Bro. Don as it has also Please R.S.V.P. to Jamie or Scott Bahr (Sis. Julie, Fort Scott, KS), Bro. been revealed that a sibling brother Bahr at (734) 513-5907 or Galen Rokey (Sis. Nancy, Bern, KS), has been diagnosed with cancer. [email protected] for overnight ac- Bro. Clint Beyer (Sis. Kara, Sabetha, Prayers for Sis. Vera Schmidt are commodations by the 4th of July. KS), Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. also requested as she helps her son Our unseasonably early spring Jan,Winthrop,MN),Bro.Dale Dave through another surgery. We weather allowed us to move our Zeltwanger (Sis. Rachel, Morris hope he will recover quickly and be March 18 Sunday evening singing North, MN) and Bro. Wes Moser (Sis. healthy afterthehealing iscomplete. outside. It was a perfect evening; Esther, Lester, IA). May the true We share joy this month with Bro. and the birds chirped right along with April 2012 SILVER LINING 31

Spirit of the Lord guide, direct and ofthebirdsandwecantrulyrejoice bless our ministering brethren that for God is still with us. Let’s take a MINNESOTA, ROCHESTER labor in the Word and doctrine of our minute out of our busy day to enjoy a Mark Stork Lord Jesus Christ. little piece of God’s work. Eric Bachman February 12 was the wedding of Again, we have so much to be Greetings from Rochester. This is Bro. Ryan Grimm (Bro. Kevin and thankful for. We have been blessed the second report from those that Sis. Nita, Sabetha, KS) to Sis. Paula with ministering brothers who have gather at Rochester. February 26 was Mogler (Bro. Charles and Sis.Beth)of shared the Word with us along with the second Sunday for services in West Bend, IA. May the Lord also our Brothers Dale and Doug. This Rochester. We are thankful for all of blessandguidethemastheybegin month Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. those that attended from the Minne- their life together. Emily, Junction, OH), Elder Bro. apolis congregation. We would also We are thankful Denise PaulMessner(Sis.Jan,Winthrop, like to thank Bro. Kent Mogler (Min- Feuchtenberger (Bro. Bob and Sis. MN) and Bro. Glenn Steiner (Sis. Ra- neapolis) for his willingness to bring Gwen) has turned to the Lord in re- chel, Winthrop, MN) were with us. us God’s Word. There were approxi- pentance. May each one of our con- Thank you for giving yourself to fur- mately thirty people that were in at- verts seek to enter in at the strait ther God’s Word. tendance. There were also visitors gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is We rejoice that our friend Mason from: Cissna Park, Fairbury, Forrest, the way, that leadeth to destruction, Metzger has decided to follow Jesus. Gridley and Washington, IL and and many there be which go in We pray for him and our other con- Elgin, IA. thereat. (St. Matthew 7:13). Our de- verts, that they can give their all for As spring time rolls around, the sire for each soul that has truly been Him. guest house is continuing to grow. converted is to find that peace that “Love of all gifts is the greatest”… There was one week in March that the passeth all understanding. Larissa March 11 was the wedding day for guest house was full. We will continue Schmidgall (Bro. Paul and Sis. Bro. Travis Strahm and Sis. Jilaine to thank the Lord for His blessing and Shawn) has found this true peace. Furrer (Morris). Our prayers are continue to pray for the Lord’s guid- May she continue to grow in grace and with them as they start this new walk ance and blessings. We will be looking in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav- together, and we welcome Sis. Jilaine at having a work day in the near fu- iour, Jesus Christ. into our Morris North congregation. ture to do some landscaping and We had many who suffered illness The evening of March 14, many of cleanup around the guest house. of the flesh this month. Bro. David us came together to tie blankets for We would like to also welcome Bro. Nohl, Bro. Virgil Sauder, Bro. Noah the local hospital. Our pre-school and Josh Wettstein who moved up to the Nohl, Eden Nohl (Bro. Todd and Sis. kindergarten children created and Rochester area for 8 weeks. Bro. Josh Jamie), Brecken Grimm (Bro. Lyle designed bags to put the blankets in. is doing an internship at Holden and Sis. Amanda), and Ashlee Reuter It is so amazing to see the eagerness of Farms. If anyone would feel the (Bro. Greg and Sis. Sheila) all spent thesechildrentodosomethingfor Lord’s direction to relocate to the time in the hospital. We are thankful someone else, and to read the special Rochester area, they would be that each life is held in the hallow of little messages they write on the bags warmly welcomed. There are many our Lord’s hand. that are sure to make some sick little opportunities in the Rochester and surrounding areas for those that are ______child smile. God bless you for your love. looking forhousingandemployment. MINNESOTA Our Elder Bro. Paul Messner and The next Sunday services will be MORRIS NORTH Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter read the May 27 starting at 10:15 and 12:30. Wanda Gramm Memorandum to us and shared loving The next Wednesday service will be Lois Schmidgall encouragements to us. We are thank- May 16 starting at 7:30. Sunday ser- “The heavens declare the glory of ful to them. vices are being held at the guest house God; and the firmament sheweth his Summer vacations are no doubt located at 4733 Birdie Lane NW, handywork.” being thought of at this time of the Rochester, MN 55901. Bro. Mark and ANEARLY SPRING! Whatawon- year and we just want to extend a wel- Sis. Sandy Stork are the contacts for derful time of the year when God’s come to you to visit us at Morris theguesthouseandtheSundayser- creation comes alive! And we can see North. vices. They can be reached at (507) the beauty of the little blades of grass ______282-1901. Wednesday evening ser- peeking out, we can hear the new song vices are at Rick Tilburys located at 32 SILVER LINING April 2012

819 15th St. NW, Rochester, MN hospital and surgical patients this berger welcomed the safe arrival of 55901. Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury month: Sis. Dorothy Messner and Sis. Maria Kate on February 28. Also wel- are the contacts for Wednesday eve- Jamie Schmidt (Bro. Verl). May God coming her home was big sister ning services. They can be reached at continue to grant healing according Marlie. Grandparents are the late (507) 281-2875. to His will. Bro. Orlan and Sis. Mary Kellen- We would like to extend an invita- ______berger and Bob and Sis. Janice tion to any who would wish to come Stoller. Bro. Doug and Sis. Amanda and visit. For those that are coming to MISSOURI, KANSAS CITY Strahm welcomed the safe arrival of the Rochester area for appointments, Brittany Fehr Ethan Ray on March 2. Also welcom- hospital stays, or to visit, feel free to ing him home was big sister, Elsie. contact any of us that reside in Roch- “And he took bread, and gave Grandparents are Bro. Curt and Sis. ester. If there are any questions or thanks, and brake it, and gave unto Ellen Strahm (Bern, KS) and Bro. needs when in the area, feel free to them, saying, This is my body which is Larry and Sis. Marcy Schmidgall. call: Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork given for you: this do in remembrance May God richly bless each of the par- (507)282-1901; Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb of me. Likewise also the cup after ents and give them Godly wisdom to Tilbury (507) 281-2875; Bro. Eric supper, saying, This cup is the new raise their children in the fear of the Bachman (815) 674-6500. testament in my blood, which is shed Lord. Weall would liketofirstthankGod for you.” ______for the blessings that we all have felt. Luke 22:19-20 We would also like to thank all of MISSOURI, ST. LOUIS thosethathavegivenoftheirtime We were very blessed to be able to Kary Mangers and services to make the guest house partake of Holy Communion the be- Our congregation would like to and services happen. We ask for your ginning of March. What a solemn yet thank those who came and shared in continued support and prayers. May joyful occasion to gather together af- fellowship this past month. Special God richly bless you. ter examining our hearts to remem- thanks to Bro. Darren and Sis. Sue ber Christ’s suffering and perfect Plattner (Champaign) and their fam- ______sacrifice offered up for the remission ily for coming for rotation in Febru- MINNESOTA, WINTHROP of our sins! May God’s blessings be ary and to Elder Bro. Kent and Sis. Lindsay Schmidt with Elder Bro. John Wiegand (Sis. JanHeimer(Taylor)inMarch.Bro. Heather Steiner Jane, Silverton, OR) who traveled to Kent took this opportunity to share Kansas City to assist our Elder Bro. Communion exhortation with us. As “Likewise, I say unto you, there is Randy (Sis. Karen) in serving Holy Easter approaches and we think of joy in the presence of the angels of Communion. Communion with Him, may we dwell Godoveronesinnerthatrepenteth.” ______on the life Jesus gave us. Luke 15:10 ______MISSOURI, LAMAR We are rejoicing greatly with Lisa Stoller MISSOURI, TAYLOR Quintin Schmidt as He turned His life Venetta Banwart Melissa Reiman to the Lord. There is no greater joy We were blessed with three visit- There are so many bridges that are than to witness the miracle of salva- ing ministers this month, Bro. Pat built in this world, but the best bridge tion in those we love dearly! Zaugg(WestBend,IA),Bro.Kent builtwasthecrossonwhich Jesuswas Getz (Elgin, IA), and Bro. Kenneth crucified and died. Jesus’ suffering, “Are not two sparrows sold for a Eisenmann (Cissna Park, IL), and His sacrificial blood, and His death farthing? and one of them shall not would like to thank them for their la- formed the bridge for us to reach our fall on the ground without your Fa- bors of love in feeding us from God’s Heavenly Father. This Easter, re- ther. But the very hairs of your head Holy Word that we might walk on the member that Christ suffered and died are all numbered. Fear ye not there- straight and narrow way to heaven. to save each person. Do not reject His fore, ye are of more value than many Ourhospitalpatientsthismonth gift of eternal life. sparrows.” were Sis. Corrine Marti and Sis. Bro. Caleb and Sis. Mercedes Matthew 10:29-31 Evelyn Marti. May God continue to Sutter were married on February 26. grant them healing and strength. Their parents are Bro. Rich E. and We have been prayerful for our Bro. Kyle and Sis. Dana Kellen- Sis. Kay Sutter and Randy and April 2012 SILVER LINING 33

Monica Thompson (Quincy, IL). now in the extended care after having and his righteousness; and all these Bro. Brad and Sis. Amber Widmer a stroke. things shall be added unto you.” were married on March 4. Their par- As the Easter season is upon us, St. Matthew 6:33 ents are Bro. Neal and Sis. Kristine may we remember to keep our eyes Widmer (West Lafayette) and Bro. upon Jesus and be reminded of the We are thankful that Rebecca Gary and Sis. Deb Rassi (Morton). sacrifice He made for each of us. Tieche has began her repentance and We hope and pray for the two new ______has decided to serve the Lord. couples that they may be happy and Rebecca is from Rittman, OH church that God will richly bless their lives! OHIO, AKRON and is a daughter to Greg and Sis. Our visiting ministers were Bro. Erika Gal Peggy Tieche. She is attending Ohio Jeff Neihouser (Morton, IL), Bro. State University to pursue her degree Greg Rassi (Chicago, IL), Bro. Neil The peace which Thou hast brought in Radiography. us, Widmer (West Lafayette, IN), Bro. All fear has put to flight; Scott Schafer (South Bend, IN), Bro. “Every good gift and every perfect The righteous now in chorus Matthew Rassi (Chicago, IL), Bro. gift is from above, and cometh down Are singing with delight! Curt Rassi (Tremont, IL), Bro. Ted Zion’s Harp #121 (verse 3) from the Father of lights, with whom Hirstein (Morton, IL), Bro. Rustin is no variableness, neither shadow of Meister (West Lafayette, IN), Bro. A weekend of provings and bap- turning.” John Lehman (Wolcott, IN), Bro. tisms brings such joy and renewal to James 1:17 Greg Lehman (Wolcott, IN), and Bro. the whole church. We are so thankful Dave Zehr (Gridley, IL). for our new sisters, Katie Palitto and We rejoice with Bro. Todd and Sis. Sis. Deb Sutter was in the hospital Anna Steidl. Their parents are Bro. Esther Saurer as they welcome their recently. We are thankful that she is Bryon and Sis. Lisa Palitto and Bro. first child, Clayton Tyler, who was home now and recovering. Les and Sis. Judi Steidl. We are also born March 12. ______thankful to Elder Bro. Gerry Hertzel We appreciate visiting ministers, (Sabetha, KS) for his willingness to Bro. Ted and Sis. Stephanie NEW YORK travel and labor for us during the Luginbuhl (Smithville, OH) and Bro. CROGHAN-NAUMBURG weekend. Thanks are also extended Tim and Sis. Jonell Ramsier Hope Graves to Bro. Bob Riggenbach (Rittman) for (Rittman,OH),forsharingGod’s We have been blessed with com- Word with us. pany coming out to enjoy the maple being used on our behalf as well. ______syrup season and to fellowship with We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Sis. Barb (Elder Bro. us. It has been a blessing for our con- OHIO, JUNCTION Dave) Graf in the loss of her brother, gregation to have visitors with the ar- Vicki Boroff rival of spring to the north country. Jim Gasser from Smithville. It is a We were thankful to have In- Travel is much more predictable once blessing to trust in a loving, merciful vite-a-Guest weekend in March. As the winter season ends. God who is able to provide comfort to part of that blessed weekend, we were We were able to share a potluck each of us in our sorrows. thankful to have visiting ministers: and singing together on Sunday, Our thoughts and prayers con- Bros.FredDomka(Sis.Connie, March 4, and Saturday, March 24. We tinue with Samuel Hegedus (Bro. Mansfield), Marvin Zollinger (Sis. also gathered in the 1st floor family Sandor and Sis. Ginger). He is still in Pam, Smithville), and Nelson Beer room to sing with Sis. Louise testing to determine the cause of his (Sis. Minnie, Milford) minister to us. Purvines at the Lewis County Ex- symptoms. We are so thankful to We also appreciated having Elder tended Care Facility on March 10. have Bro. John (Sis. Joyce) Bro. Jay Luthi (Sis. Jane, Our visitors have come from the Mid- Schamback in church with us again Lamont-Gridley) help for our Com- west and Connecticut. We appreciate after his surgery. Surely God is faith- munion weekend later in the month. them for remembering us in their ful to provide for each one. We also enjoyed having visiting min- travels. ______isters on other weekends: Bros. Don Our prayers remain with Joe Bush Steidl (Sis. Nan, Akron), Bruce Frank OHIO, COLUMBUS who has had surgery recently and is (Sis. Bonita, Cissna Park), and Larry Lauren Rufener home recovering. We also remember Wenninger (Sis. Joyce, Latty). Gary Rivers in our prayers as he is “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, As always, we pray for our hospital 34 SILVER LINING April 2012 patients and those that have need of a Bro. Greg Lehman (Sis. Mary Beth, Miller and Bro. Jim and Sis. Sharon healing hand. Some we may not even Wolcott, IN) for their service to us. Rupp. beawareofhavetheneedforprayers. They are all very much appreciated! Our prayers are with those who John and Diane Manzarethankful Sis. Marge Gerber (Bro. Jim) has were in the hospital this month. They to have a new grandson, Dylan John, experienced some health issues in include Drew Tanner (Lonnie and born on March 9, to daughter Briana this past month and we pray she is Lisa), Logan Hartzler (Bro. Sam and and her husband. feeling the Lord’s provision. Sis. Gail), Sis. Margaret Everhard, We were excited to hear that Rich- ______Bro. Rob Stoller (Sis. Joann), and Bro. ard Manz is repenting. Richard Andy Winkler (Sis. Mary Jane). May makesPhoenix his home. His parents OHIO, MANSFIELD God be with them and grant them re- areBro.RussellandSis.VeraManz. Tami Griffey covery. We are happy to announce that We were blessed the weekend of We offer love and sympathy to Bro. Sis. Lily Manz (Bro. Russell and Sis. February 26 and 27 by the testimo- Gene Bachman (Sis. Kathryn) in the Vera) is engaged to Bro. Travis nies and baptisms of Sis. Johanna loss of his brother-in-law. Also Schlatter (Bro. Denny and Sis. Beer(Bro.ChuckandSis.Tammy), mourning the loss of their brother, Laurie). We wish them God’s many and Sis. Marjorie Dawson (Bro. Ed Jim Gasser (Kris), are Sis. Barb (Bro. blessings as they enjoy their engage- andSis.Judy).MayGodcontinueto Dave) Graf (Akron, OH), Bro. Jerry ment period. lead, guide and direct our new sisters (Sis. Ellen) Gasser, Sis. Bev (Randy) in faith. We thank Elder Bro. Randy ______Moore, Bro. Jeff (Sis. Deb) Gasser Kellenberger (Sis. Karen, Kansas (Smithville, OH), and Bro. Neil (Sis. OHIO, LATTY City, MO) and Bro. Ron Palitto (Sis. Donna) Gasser. Carmen Eisenmann Lynell, Akron, OH) for being willing Elder Bros. Andy Stoller Mindy Stoller to share God’s Word with our (Smithville, OH), Ed Schwartz congregation. (Bluffton, IN), Ted Steffen (Alto, MI), He finds them all where’er they The family of Elmer “Bud” Sauder and Bros. Clint Schmidt (Winthrop, roam; has our sympathy and prayers as he MN), Todd Graf (Akron), Tom Bahler He leads the way and brings them passed away February 27. His family (Rockville, CT), and Bill Brake home! includes his children, Tim (Amy) (Sardis, OH) have visited Rittman Zion’s Harp #116 Sauder, Louetta (Arnold) Fronts, and church in thepastmonth. Weappreci- Marilyn (Keith) Barth; 5 grandchil- We were so thankful to hear that atetheirwillingness tobring forththe dren, 4 great-grandchildren, and sib- Word. Ashley and Derek Plummer (Bro. lings, Bro. Kenneth (Sis. Sue) Sauder, Rick and Sis. Denise) have professed We are very thankful in Rittman and Bro. Donald (Sis. Faye) Sauder of for three new converts this month. peace with God and man. We rejoice Nashville, TN. with them and look forward to their They are Nick Delcos, Rebecca, and World Relief Days were held Mary Tieche. Rebecca and Mary are baptisms in the near future! March 12-13. May God bless the On March 18, we were privileged the daughters of Greg and Sis. Peggy many helpers who gave of their time Tieche. We wish them God’s grace as to witness the wedding of Bro. Clint and talents to accomplish this work. Blume (Bro. Larry and Sis. Lynell, they seek the Lord in repentance. There were 15,020 bags of rice pilaf, We welcomed Julia Zollinger (Bro. Wolcott, IN) to Sis. Holly Stoller (Bro. 500 health kits for Mexico, 50 layettes Todd and Sis. Pam). We gladly wel- Arlyn and Sis. Barb), Molly Hanzie for Mexico, 100 local Red Cross kits, (Tim and Sis. Kim), Matthew Stoller, come Bro. Clint to Latty as they will and sewing projects. Many thanks to be making their home here. May God and Brian Stoller (Bro. Ken and Sis. the helping hands of all ages. Lori) as our new brothers and sisters bless their union with His presence ______and love. in Christ, as they were baptized and made their covenant with God on Many ministers have visited us in OHIO, RITTMAN February 26. May God continue to be the past month and have willingly Jenny Pertee served us. We want to humbly thank Anna Bauman with them. Bro. Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen, La- Bro. Jeff and Sis. Naomi Miller be- ______Crosse,IN),Bro.MattManz(Sis. came first-time parents on March 3, OHIO, SARDIS Deanna, Toledo, OH), Bro. Jeff with the birth of Alayna Jule. Thank- Faith Beard ful grandparents are David and Rosie Bahler (Sis. Heidi, Wolcott, IN), and We gathered together one Satur- April 2012 SILVER LINING 35 day evening to listen to the Memoran- Emily, Junction) was with us on dum. Elder Bro. Dave Graf (Sis. Barb, OHIO, SMITHVILLE March 1 to share feedback from the Akron, OH) was here to assist that Lydia Dotterer Elder Forums and the Midwinter evening as well as Sunday’s worship Gina Brake Conference. We are thankful for his service. We continue to thank and Wearethankfulforthesafearrival efforts and for all of the Elder Broth- pray for our Elders as they seek after of two baby boys. Will Michael joined ers who so willingly give of their time the Lord’s guidance in all their spiri- the family of Michael, Jennifer, Luke and energy to help guide us in our tual decisions they are called upon to and Sara Snowbarger on February spiritual walk. make. 17. His grandparents are Linda and The time of our midweek services Also here helping from the pulpit the late Bro. Ben Maibach. February has been changed to 7:30 pm on was Bro. Matthew Rassi (Sis. 24 was the birthdate of Simeon Dan- Thursday evenings. If you are ever Bridgett, Chicago, IL). We thank him iel, son of Bro. Dan and Sis. Beth passing through the Toledo area, we and his family for their efforts, both Kellenberger. His siblings are Reu- would love to have you join us! physically and mentally, involved ben and Salome, and his grandpar- ______with traveling here to serve us with entsareBro.EdandSis.VerlaStoller. their friendship and spiritual Wearealsothankfultohearthat OREGON, PORTLAND guidance. Katrina Beery (Bro. Dwaine and Sis. Rebekah Jones With the return of spring comes Shelly) has begun her repentance. We were blest to have visiting min- the return of our loved ones that May God continue to be with her and isters this month. Bro. John Steiner travel to the southern states during grant her grace. (Sis. Carol, Oakville, IA) shared the the cold Ohio winter months. We Word with us on Wednesday night. thank God for safe travels and wel- “Preach the word; be instant in Bro. Don Sinn (Sis. Linda, Silverton, come back Bro. Bob and Sis. Karen season, out of season; reprove, re- OR) also brought the teachings of Indermuhle as they are once again buke, exhort with all longsuffering Christ to us. worshiping with us. and doctrine.” The Annual Business meeting was The congregation of Sardis wishes II Timothy 4:2 held thismonth, and severalpositions to once again extend an invitation to were filled. Elder Bro. John Wiegand all to join us in our annual Memorial We had many visiting ministers was present for that meeting. service at our little church high in the this month, including Bro. Mike Ursu Elisheba Folia (Bro. Peter and Sis. hills of New Martinsville, WV. This is (Sis. Barb, Kitchener, Canada), Bro. Elizabeth) was married to Chad Kerr scheduled to take place the weekend Jim Vierling (Sis. Linda, Eureka, IL), on March 10. May God be with them of June 23/24. To any who may not be Bro. Todd Graf (Sis. Lydia, Akron, in their new life together. familiar with this weekend, we have a OH), Bro. Fred Domka (Sis. Connie, Sis. Barb Moser had successful worship service Saturday evening at Mansfield, OH), Bro. Mark Rufener surgery this month. She wishes to ex- our Sardis church, then Sunday we (Sis. Julie, Mansfield, OH), Bro. Tim press her thanks for the many travel across the Ohio River to our Lehman(Sis.Amber,Taylor,MO), prayers, phone calls, and cards that New Martinsville church to worship and Bro. Dana Indermuhle (Sis. Joy, she received from the brethren. It is as did our ancestors with no electric- Sardis, OH). always a privilege to take part in each ity, air conditioning, or indoor plumb- Our prayers are with those who others burdens and lift one another ing. We also use the old Heft hymnals have lost loved ones. Jim (Kris) Gas- up in prayer. for our song service. As has been done ser passed away on March 1. He is the traditionally, we like to have this brother of Bro. Jeff (Sis. Deb) Gasser. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, weekend ministered by our guests, so Calvin (Linda) Beery, son of Sis. Rhea and so fulfill the law of Christ.” we certainly also welcome any visit- Beery, died on March 11. May God be Galatians 6:2 ing ministers. Any and all interested with both of these families at this dif- ______please contact Bro. Ken and Sis. ficult time. OREGON, SILVERTON Linda Indermuhle for overnight ac- ______Deb Roth commodations and for any other OHIO, TOLEDO Kris Luthi information at 740-483-1593. Deanna Manz ______Anita Schlatter Lord Jesus, Our Light Our Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. In this dark night of unbelief, 36 SILVER LINING April 2012

When loud its billows roar, portunity this month to gather to- come any midweek visitors. Con- Afford protection and relief, gether for our World Relief Project. It tacts are Bro. Don and Sis. Faye Grant courage evermore! was a blessing as we met to make Sauder, (615) 373-8928; Bro. Mike frozen meals for a local shelter. We and Sis. Monica Fritz, (615) Hold us fast while we are here also enjoyed a time of singing and fel- 866-5543 (fritzmb.family@ Upon our pilgrim way, lowship. We also were thankful for gmail.com); and Sis. Gwen Until our journey we complete our visitors this month. Visitors are Leuthold, (615) 356-5755. With Thee fore’er to stay! always welcome and appreciated! ______Hymns of Zion #265 May God bless each one in the coming month. TEXAS, AUSTIN Helping us to hold fast was Elder ______Serenity and Jasmine Ringger Bro. Bruce Endress (Sis. Elizabeth, Bradford, IL). We appreciate his will- TENNESSEE, NASHVILLE “Acertainnoblemanwentintoa ingness to humbly serve us recently. Mike and Monica Fritz far country to receive for himself a He assisted our Elder Bro. John We rejoice with Tanya Beard, who kingdom, and toreturn. And he called Wiegand (Sis. Jane) in the reading of has chosen to seek the Lord and has his ten servants, and delivered them theMemorandumfromtheElder begun her repentance. We pray that ten pounds, and said unto them, Oc- body. Bro. Kurt Walter (Sis. Eliza- the Lord’s grace and mercy will be cupy till I come.” beth) was back “home” from with her and give her strength as she Luke 19: 12-13 Mansfield, OH, and we were blessed makesthiswonderful newbeginning. by his service to us from the pulpit. Wearethankfulforthestrength- The chapter goes on to talk about We are also thankful that Bro. Kevin ening we have received from God’s three of the servants. One of them Fehr (Sis. Lonnie, West Bend, IA) Living Word, brought to us by our re- gained 10 pounds, another gained 5 ministered the Truth to us. We appre- cent visiting ministering brothers: pounds, and one gained nothing at all, ciate these dear brothers and their Bros. James Emch (Sis.Gina; Phoe- and his talent was taken away from wives for their faithful examples. nix, AZ), Bob Pflederer (Sis. Ellie; him. Have you ever wondered what Several in our church family have Morton, IL), Gary Anliker and Tom happened to the remaining 7 ser- been in our thoughts and prayers as Schambach (Elgin, IL), Dale Moore vants? Perhaps that is us - what are they recuperate from surgery. God (Sis. Cheryl; Elgin, IA), and Ned we going to do with the life God has grant healing to Sis. Verla Hari, Bro. Bahler (Sis. Anna; Fairbury, IL). We given us? Will we serve ourselves or Jim (Sis. Barb) Kuenzi and Bro. Jim have also been blessed by the fellow- God? (Sis. Joan) Dietrich. ship of brethren and friends visiting We appreciate the many visitors By faith, Bro. Kenton Sinn (Bro. from Phoenix, AZ; Chicago, Elgin, with the World Relief project here, too Tom and Sis. Edith) and Sis. Alicen Fairbury, Forrest, Morton, manychurches representedtocount. Wagenbach (Bro. Colin and Sis. Barb, Princeville, Tremont, and Washing- We appreciate the ministering Oakville, IA), being drawn together ton, IL; Bluffton and Leo, IN; Elgin Brothers who come to share the Word by God, joyfully plan for their mar- and Lester, IA; and Junction, OH. with us. The past month we hosted riage on August 26. If you are traveling to or through our Elder Bro. Wayne Banwart (Sis. Another blessing came to the the Nashville area, please plan to wor- Charlen, Champaign, IL), Elder Bro. home of Lyle and Andrea Kuenzi in ship with us. The following churches Gerry Hertzel (Sis. Ellen, Sabetha, thenameofVictoriaLouise.Sheis are scheduled for services in the near KS), and Bros. Leland Plattner the new baby sister to Henry, Adeline future: Roanoke, IL (4/22); Forrest, (Zapata, TX), Ken Eisenmann (Sis. and Emerson. Thankful for her safe IL (4/29); Bloomington-Normal, IL Sharon, Cissna Park, IL), Wes Moser arrival are grandparents, Bro. Jim (5/6); Eureka, IL (5/13); Champaign, (Sis.Esther,Lester,IA),andRon and Sis. Barb Kuenzi and Ramona IL (5/20); and Peoria, IL (5/27). If Schambach (Sis. Nancy, Elgin, IL). Townsend (and the late Bohm you plan to worship with us, please The following is the minister Townsend) and James Buss. call ahead to confirm our schedule. schedule for May: (6) Eureka, IL, (13) ______Often we gather on Saturday eve- Elgin, IL, and (27) Silverton, OR. nings for fellowship, and all are heart- Please refer to the minister’s di- PENNSYLVANIA ily welcome. Also, we typically meet rectory for directions and contacts. PHILADELPHIA on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. ______for call-in services and would wel- We were very thankful for the op- April 2012 SILVER LINING 37

433-9844 for more information. behalf. TEXAS, McALLEN Sunday services are held at 10:30 We have had a few individuals in Gloria Walder and 12:30 at the Holiday Inn Express, the hospital this past month. They in- May God bless Bro. Wayne Fehr 1921 South 10th St. Take the 10th clude Caleb Virkler (Bro. Chad and (Portland, OR), Bro. Tom Schrenk Street exit off Expressway 83 and go Sis. Jenny), Micah Stevenson (Bro. (Sis.Joan,Zapata,TX),Bro.Randy 1½ blocks south. Please see the min- Adam and Kris), and Kris Stevenson Mogler (Sis. Evie, Washington, IL), isters’ directory for local contact in- herself. We pray for the restoration of Bro. Mark Schmidgall (Sis. Lisa, Eu- formation. We heartily welcome their health and bodies and that we reka,IL),Bro.LelandPlattner anyone spending time in south Texas can all assemble at church soon. Zapata, TX), and Bro. Todd Sinn (Sis. to worship with us, and appreciate If you are interested in fellowship- Janet, Latty, OH) for ministering to advance notice when possible for ping with us here in Vermont, and our small group here. We truly appre- planning meals and fellowship. would like information about dates of ciate the Word of Life brought to us — ______services, please contact Bro. Chad & “the fountain flowing purely from the Sis. Jenny Virkler (802-293-2724). throne above, Life and strength to TEXAS, ZAPATA We love to fellowship with believers, him imparting, who accepts the Word Mary Plattner whether it is during the week or on in love.” We appreciated having Elder Bro. the weekend. Please let us know if you We also thank other visitors from Marvin Dotterer(Sis.Nancy, Forrest, are planning to be in our area so we Morris, MN; Congerville, Prince- IL) return this month for Commu- can accommodate you. ville, Eureka, and Gridley, IL; Leo, nion services. Also, Elder Bro. Law- Service times are as follows: Bluffton, and Wolcott, IN; Detroit rence Luthi (Sis. Becky, Lamar), Bro. Mid-week services and Alto, MI; and Denver, CO for join- Ken Eisenmann (Sis. Sharon, Cissna (Contact local brethren) ing us for services. Park) and Bro. Wayne Fehr (Sis. Sunday Morning Service Please call Bro. Lloyd and Sis. Kathy, Portland) have assembled 10:10 AM Joyce Nohl (956-581-8266) to confirm with us. We appreciate their willing- Sunday Afternoon Service our schedule if you plan to meet with ness to share the Word. 12:15 PM us. We are planning for services on ______Sunday school held during the May 6, Smithville, OH; May 20, morning service. Goodfield, IL; and June 3, VERMONT Francesville, IN. We also meet on NORTH CLARENDON “Finally, brethren, whatsoever Nathan and Miriam Reutter Wednesday evenings at the Nohl’s things are true, whatsoever things We are so thankful for the visiting home for call-in services. are honest, whatsoever things are ministers and their dear wives who Andy and Kristi Plattner have a just, whatsoever things are pure, cametoserveusthismonth.They one-bedroom apartment available whatsoever things are lovely, whatso- were Elder Bro. Kevin (Sis. Cheryl) just one block from the Gulf at South ever things are of good report; if there Ryan, Bro. Duane (Sis. Kay) Reutter, Padre Island for ministers and other be any virtue, and if there be any and Bro. Warren (Sis. Bonnie) visitors who wish to spend some time praise, think on these things.” Zahner, all from Rockville, CT. May there. Please call them at 956- Philippians 4:8 God richly bless all the efforts on our 38 SILVER LINING April 2012

Summer Worship Services in Colorado

In addition to our regular worship schedule in Aurora, if the Lord is willing, we plan to hold services at the following location:

July 22 and July 29 – Comfort Inn and Suites – Dillon, CO 276 Dillon Ridge Rd. Dillon, CO 80435 Office: (970) 513-0300

Dillon is located in Summit County with good access from Interstate 70. It is within 90 minutes of Granby, Glenwood Springs, Denver, and Buena Vista. The hotel has provided a special room rate of $84.99 per night.


Morning song service will begin at 10:15 A.M.; worship service at 10:30; followed by lunch and afternoon ser- vice. Ministering Brothers from the Denver congregation will be responsible for the services, however we welcome and encourage visiting ministers to support this effort if your travel plans bring you out west this summer. The in- tent of these services is to alleviate some of the crowding that we tend to experience during the busy summer travel season. (We don’t want all our visitors to avoid Aurora!) We welcome all our visitors and deeply appreciate the fel- lowship that we share in Christ, whether in Aurora, or at the optional location. For more information, and to help us plan more effectively, please notify Bro. Tom Leman if you will be attending services on any of these dates. (303) 696-1540 E-mail: [email protected]

Please be our guest for a weekend of glorifying and praising God on the occasion of the

24th Annual LIVONIA APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN Benefit Dinner & Choir Program

to support the ministry of the

Woodhaven Retirement Community

at the Apostolic Christian Church 29575 Wentworth Street, Livonia, MI 48154

Saturday, July 14, 2012 5:00 Dinner 7:00 Choir Program

Sunday, July 15th 10:15 Morning Worship 12:30 Afternoon Worship

For overnight accommodations, please reply by the 4th of July to Scott or Jamie Bahr at 734-513-5907 or [email protected]

Suggested possible nearby day trip: Greenfield Village www.thehenryford.org April 2012 SILVER LINING 39

Come to the 2012 Alabama/Tennessee Memorial Day Weekend on May 26-27

Looking for a place to enjoy singing, fellowship and worship during Memorial Day Weekend? If so, plan to attend the 2012 Alabama/Tennessee Memorial Day Weekend scheduled on May 26-27. During the weekend, speakers will discuss topics in- cluding the “History of small U.S. and International Apostolic Christian Churches” and “God’s Promises to the Believer”. Additionally, an auction is being planned for Saturday afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m. Donation of auction items is appreci- ated. See additional weekend details below including a schedule of activities, motel accommodation options and driving di- rections.

If you are in the Central Illinois area and would be interested in riding a bus to the Tennessee Fellowship Area from Mor- ton, Ill., please contact Andy or Jayne Sauder at (309)263-9965 or e-mail them at [email protected].

Everyone is invited and welcome to attend the weekend!

Please RSVP by Monday, May 14 to one of the contacts listed below. Sis. Gwen Leuthold — 615-969-0958 or [email protected] Bro. Don Sauder — 615-373-8928 or [email protected] Bro. Kerwin Edelman — 256-777-1107 or 256-230-2151 or [email protected] Bro. Andy Stoller — 330-682-8171 or [email protected]

Weekend Schedule Saturday, May 26 — All activities at the Tennessee Fellowship Area located in Pulaski, Tenn. 12:00 p.m. — Registration (and donation of auction items) 2:00 p.m. — Auction commences with song and prayer 6:00 p.m. — Supper 7:00 p.m. — Singing (congregation and special group singing) 7:30 p.m. — Speaker on “History of small U.S. and International Apostolic Christian Churches” 8:00 p.m. — Singing

Sunday, May 27 10:00 a.m. — Church services at Athens Apostolic Christian Church in Athens, Ala. 3:30 p.m. — Fellowship begins at Tennessee Fellowship Area 4:00 p.m. — Singing 5:00 p.m. — Speaker on “God’s Promises to the Believer” 5:30 p.m. — Supper 7:00 p.m. — Singing

Local Motel Accommodations: Athens, Alabama Area - Best Western (256)233-4030; Travel Inn (256)232-2704; Country Hearth Inn & Suites (256)232-1520; Days Inn (800)329-7466 or (256)233-7500; Quality Inn (800)424-6423 or (256)232-0030; Hampton Inn (256)232-0300;Holiday Inn Express (800)465-4329 or (256)232-7931; Sleep Inn (256)232-4700; Super 8 (256)233-1446. Fellowship Area in Pulaski, Tenn.—Super 8 (931)363-4501

Directions: The Tennessee Fellowship Area is located in Southern Tennessee off of Interstate 65 at Exit 14 (Pulaski). From the North, turn left onto Hwy 64 after exiting and travel approximately 1/2 mile. Turn left immediately before the bridge onto Old Hwy 64 and you will see the Fellowship Area on the left. If you are traveling from the South, take Exit 14 (Pulaski) and turn right onto Hwy 64. Follow the directions above.

Director of Nursing Needed

Country Inn Enhanced Living Center, near Latty, Ohio is seeking a Director of Nursing for its 40 bed as- sisted living facility. DON would assist current administration and medical director to ensure that excellent care be maintained for residents. Candidate must be currently licensed as LPN or RN and able to obtain Ohio licensure. Please contact Paula Nuest, Administrator at 260-348-8001 or [email protected] for complete job description.

Country Inn Enhanced Living Center is committed to providing loving care and a tranquil environment in harmony with Biblical principles 40 SILVER LINING April 2012

Education Intern

Gateway Woods is in need of a Education Intern for the summer of 2012. The Education Intern po- sition offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff, as well as the chance to grow as a teacher and spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have a positive impact in the lives of residents this sum- mer, please call one of the brothers listed below.

Teaching Position Available

Gateway Woods is excited to announce an opening for a Teacher at Gateway Woods School. Gate- way Woods School is a fully accredited educational facility serving 6th-12th grade students who have difficulty in public school. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and/or an active teacher’s license. Special Education Certification and previous teaching experience is especially use- ful, but not required. If you hold these qualifications and have a heart for children, please ask the Lord if this is the position He has in mind for you. For more information please contact one of the brothers listed below.

Top Quality Coordinator

Gateway Woods is in need of a Top Quality Coordinator for the summer of 2012. The Top Quality Coordinator position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff and summer volunteers, as well as the chance to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have play a role in a group of residents lives this summer, please call one of the brothers listed below:

Adam McAfee Lynn Stieglitz School Administrator Counseling Elder PO Box 151 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774 1-888-443-4283 260-657-1033

Light From The Word now available by downloadable PDF from the Apostolic Christian Publication web site www.acpublications.org

After entering the web site, click on the item located in the left hand frame entitled, "Light from the Word Reprints". The entire set of editori- alsareavailableinacompletedownload(June1987throughApril2012). April 2012 SILVER LINING 41

Sermon continued from page 2 do we know with full assurance that speaking of Jesus, He’s going to be Word (Mark 16:15). Are we willing to Jesus is carrying us? His desire is to ashamed of us come judgment day. do that? Would we be willing to do it carry us – to help us through the thick (Luke 9:26) Let’s never be ashamed. if somehow the laws of the land and thin. I don’t want to say we ought to be changed, and we were going to be Stephen spoke. It says he was full proud to be a follower of Jesus. We prosecuted for telling of Jesus? How of faith and power. (Acts 6:8) That are thankful – maybe that’s a better would we live? Would we change? I same faith and power that Stephen word. We are thankful to be a fol- would like to think we wouldn’t had access to years and years ago, we lower of Jesus and that He has called change. still have access to today. We may not us out of sin and darkness and We know God’s grace is sufficient be able to perform some of the mira- cleansed us with His blood. for us. He tells us so (II Corinthians cles the apostles did of healing the We are a blessed people, and we 12:9). In talking about temptations, sick, giving sight to the blind, or have a great story because He did so He says He’ll provide a way of escape. whatever it would be, but that same much for me, I believe it says in that With every temptation He will pro- faith, that same power is still avail- hymn (I Love to Tell the Story, v.2). vide a way of escape so we can bear it. able today. Because He did so much for me, I’m (I Corinthians 10:13). Now that may “And they were not able to resist willing to tell others about the old, old not be a temptation. Maybe it will the wisdom and the spirit by which he story of Jesus and His love. Are we just be a persecution, but I would ven- spake.” v.10. It rubbed the people the doing it? Are we living it? By our ture to say that God’s faithfulness wrong way, didn’t it? It cut them to fruit we are known the Word tells us. will be there as well. He said He will the heart because he spoke the truth (Luke 6:44). Are people seeing the never leave us. (Hebrews 13:5) Do we and the people didn’t want to hear it. fruit? Maybe it doesn’t matter so have the confidence to believe that? It says, “And they stirred up the peo- much that we are pleasing other peo- Do we have the courage to place our ple, and the elders, and the scribes, ple with our fruit. Our desire is to trust in Him? Stephen did. and came upon him, and caught him, please the Heavenly Father – to Maybe Stephen was all by himself, and brought him to the council, And please the Vine as we were reminded I don’t remember. As he stood there set up false witnesses, which said, this morning hour. before the counsel, charged falsely This man ceaseth not to speak blas- Getting back to my point, I don’t first of all, he gave an account. It says phemous words against this holy believe Stephen had a heart of ven- he sat in the counsel and people place, and the law:” v.12-13. What geance. I know he didn’t have a heart looked on him and saw his face as it must have been going through his of vengeance because we read in the had been the face of an angel. (Acts mind? end of this chapter that he had a 6:15) I can just see Stephen sitting Maybe I should ask what would be heart of Jesus. As Jesus was hung there with calmness. With calmness going through your mind? What upon the cross, He said, “Father, for- because why? He was an excellent would be going through my mind? So give them; for they know not what speaker? No. Because he had his at- often I have to think of the verse in they do.” Luke 23:34. Stephen torney beside him? No. Because he the Bible that says “…vengeance is kneeled down and cried with a loud had the faith to believe Jesus would mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” voice as the stones were flying and his carry him through and God’s Holy Romans 12:19. There are things done breath was departing, “…Lord, lay Spirit would be present and give him in this world, there are laws being not this sin to their charge. And when the words to speak. I’m told that passed, there are people promoting he had said this, he fell asleep.” Acts sometimes people would rather die things that are so gross and sick it 7:60. A heart of Stephen. A heart of than stand before a group of people about makes me want to do some- Jesus. In the midst of a very treach- and give a presentation. It’s not nec- thing I shouldn’t. We must remem- erous situation, Stephen stood calm. essarily a comfortable thing to stand ber that vengeance is mine; I will Stephen took this opportunity and talk in front of people. I stand be- repay saith the Lord. It’s not our de- then to challenge, to share his de- fore a friendly crowd. Think if it was partment to take care of all of these fense. “And he said, Men, brethren, a hostile crowd, and you had to stand problems. God is in control. God and fathers, hearken; The God of and were falsely accused. Could you knows where our nation is going. glory appeared unto our father Abra- sit there steadfastly and with your Let’s not follow it. ham, when he was in Mesopotamia, face as the face of an angel? Let’s be a follower of Jesus Christ before he dwelt in Charran, And said Do you have that close relationship each and every step of the way. The unto him, Get thee out of thy country, with Jesus, as we heard this morning, Bible calls us to be a peculiar people. and from thy kindred, and come into and have the confidence He will be (I Peter 2:9) That doesn’t mean weird the land which I shall shew thee.” with you each and every step of the or strange. We need to be different. Acts 7:2,3. It goes on and on. It talks way, or sometimes does our faith We need to be set apart. We need to about God promising Abraham a land wane? Do we become a little lax in be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and when he even had no children. (v.5) our faith? Perhaps do we look at the we need not be ashamed, Loved Ones. Our God is a faithful God. Our God is footprints in the sand as the poem We need not be ashamed. The Word an all-knowing God. Old Abraham tells us if we’re ashamed of Him, says and say Lord, where are you? Or Sermon continued on page 42 42 SILVER LINING April 2012

Sermon continued from page 41 peace. He wants to grant us comfort end of Stephen’s time. Maybe Ste- got a little concerned, didn’t he? He especially when we are in sorrow. phen needed it. Maybe he didn’t, but said, God has granted me all this land Let’s make sure we keep our heart a God gave him the courage unto the to my posterity, those that would clean, pure place for the Holy Spirit to end. Jesus stood up and I believe come after me, and I don’t have any reside. gave Stephen the courage to go on- children. He took things into his own Stephen didn’t mince any words, ward! Keep the faith! Stay true! hands. (Genesis 16) He shouldn’t did he? He talked about a stiffnecked Stay faithful! They are throwing have done that. God is faithful. God people. “…uncircumcised in heart rocks at you. They’re really throwing will provide the way. He always has and ears, ye do always resist the Holy rocks at me, He could have said. Je- and He always will if we trust Him. Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. sus said it’s not you they hate, it’s me It talks about Joseph. It didn’t talk Which of the prophets have not your they hate (John 7:7). Don’t be bitter about him specifically, but we read fathers persecuted? and they have Stephen! Some times things happen about Jacob begetting the twelve pa- slain them which shewed before of to us. Maybe a car crosses right in triarchs (Acts 7:8). “And the patri- the coming of the Just One…” front of us, and we just about crash. archs, moved with envy, sold Joseph v.51-52. He didn’t mince words. He We can about see our whole life in a into Egypt: but God was with him,” told the truth. He spoke out boldly. matter of seconds. I don’t know what v.9. How must have Joseph felt – de- Of course, hearing all this made the all went through Stephen’s mind as serted by his eleven brothers, thrown people irate. “…they were cut to the his life was coming to an end, but I in a hole, sold as slave into a foreign heart, and they gnashed on him with just think every time of Jesus stand- land? Who would have ever guessed their teeth. But he, being full of the ing. How He must have been encour- that Joseph would have gained the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into aging him onward – keep the faith, status he had gained? Joseph was a heaven…” v.54-55. I’m not sure if he Stephen, you’re almost home! man of faith. Obviously, at that time, looked up into heaven because he They cast him out of the city. They Romans 8:28 hadn’t been written yet. knew that’s where his strength was stoned him. (v.58). Interestingly “And we know that all things work to- coming from or if he hoped to see enough, one of the power houses, if gether for good to them that love God, some vision of Jesus. I don’t know for you will, of the New Testament was to them who are the called according sure. It doesn’t really matter, I don’t at that event – Saul. He was on the to his purpose.” He didn’t know that think, but he was full of the Holy wrong side of God at that point in at that time. We have the opportu- Ghost. He looked up into heaven, time of his life. Soon he would be con- nity to be the recipients of the Word of “…and saw the glory of God, and Je- verted by a miraculous conversion, God which tells us those things. We sus standing on the right hand of but he was there. That gives me cour- can look back at Joseph and see God God,” v.55. age as well. We think of how bad Saul had Joseph’s best interest at heart. It about chokes me up every time was, how much in the wrong direction We could think of Daniel. We could we read this particular scripture. I he was going – going down the wrong think of all kinds of faithful men and don’t know what it is. I really enjoyed path. But, God always grants us the women of old, in the Old Testament athletics as a kid. I never ran a race; opportunity to make a U-turn. He and New Testament, and how God well, field day I guess in grade school, gave Saul the opportunity to make a was with them. We can take comfort but whether it’s a cross country meet great U-turn, and He’s still granting in those accounts, but let’s not just in high school or whether it’s the the opportunity for us to make look at them as historical stories. Olympics, what happens when you U-turns today. This is the Living Word of God. The get near to the finish line? Maybe it’s If we’re on the wrong path, He con- same God that was with Joseph, Dan- even in all forms of racing, I don’t tinues to beckon. He continues to iel, David, so on and so forth is the know; I don’t watch that sort of thing, call, Turn around! Come unto me all same God who can be with us today. but I have a pretty good idea that ye who are weak and heavily laden, He is the God that was with Stephen when things are getting down to the and I will give you rest, Jesus said. as he gave his defense and the same wire, close to the end, what happens? (Matthew 11:28) Stephen found rest God that was with Stephen as he had The crowd arises to their feet and in Jesus, did he not? The stones flew, stones being thrown at him. they start yelling, screaming, and they took his life, but to repeat one We skipped over a large portion of cheering. What are they doing? They more time, as he was dying there, he history in Stephen’s defense. I just are trying to encourage the team, the said, “…Lord, lay not this sin to their chose to read at verse 47 of Solomon runner, You can do it! You’re almost charge. And when he had said this, building God a house. He built Him home! You’re almost there! Don’t he fell asleep.” v.60. What a wonder- an earthly tabernacle. How is our give up! ful example to us today. One who was house? What kind of house have we I have to think of that as Stephen. not bitter. One who was forgiving. provided for the Holy Spirit? Does He was standing there and he said One who never lost courage. One who the Holy Spirit desire to reside within “…Behold, I see the heavens opened, never lost faith. Jesus was faithful to us? I trust He does. He wants to. He and the Son of man standing on the him and took him safely home. May wants to direct our every step, every right hand of God.” v.56. It is my He do the same for us. path we take. He wants to grant us opinion that God knew this was the April 2012 SILVER LINING 43

Important Notice to Americans Crossing the Canadian Border by Land. BIBLE DISTRIBUTION All adults will need just one of the following documents: Sharing The Word In Love 1. Regular U.S. Passport 2. U.S. Passport Card "Where there is no vision, 3. Enhanced Driver’s License the people perish: 4. any Trusted Traveler Program (ex Nexus card) but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18 U.S citizens under the age of 16, or under the age of 19 if travelling with a school, religious, or other youth group, may present a birth certificate, Consular All books, including Bibles, in Eng- Report of Birth Abroad, or a naturalization certificate. Birth certificates can be original, photocopy, or certified copy. lish and other languages, plus Bible Story Books which have been ap- proved by the Apostolic Christian Mis- Anyone interested in receiving a printed sermon, please send sionCommittee,areavailablefor info to: those who wish to distribute them in Printed Sermons the name of Jesus Christ. 102 Lake View Drive The book inventory is computer- Fairbury, IL 61739 ized, and the personnel at Bluffton (815) 692-3616 can drop ship to nearly any address. [email protected] To order, contact,

Apostolic Christian Church - USED BIBLE, BIBLE STORY BOOK, AND Bible Distribution SONG BOOK DISTRIBUTION - PO Box 30 1254 S. Main Street We currently have outlets for Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion, Zion's Harps, Bluffton, IN 46714 Gospel Hymns, and Tabernacles. Phone and Fax 260/824-5587 The cost of sending books airmail to foreign countries is greater than what new books E-mail: [email protected] could be purchased for. We are currently working with organizations (such as Christian Aid Ministries) that send materials to foreign countries by sea container which is a more reasonable price. Some of the books are also used by U.S. churches and missions. Thank you to all who have provided books and those who help repair them. Jerry and Arlene Banwart, 307 First St, Congerville, IL 61729 (309) 265-0857

Rochester, MN Christian Guesthouse & Worship Services

Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families 3 bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area.

Sunday services (10:00 am & 12:30pm) are held monthly @ guesthouse residence. For schedule see: www.acmission.org/minister-rotation For information and reservations, please call Caretakers: Bro. Mark & Sis. Sandy Stork – (507)288-0072 Address: 4733 Birdie Lane NW, Rochester, MN 55901

Mid-week services in the Rochester area on the 3rd Wednesday Contacts: Bro. Jim & Sis. DebTilbury – (507)281-2875

April 2012 SILVER LINING 45

Seasons of Parenting conditions are ideal or not. Parents must How does this concept - Spoke 3 of 6 from the Parenting work to communicate appropriately even benefit children? when they are tired, frustrated, angry, and With a Purpose Parenting Wheel the circumstances do not lend themselves to ·Intentional Communication Brings Biblical Basis: There are 2 scriptures healthy communication. Recognize when Clarity: When parents are intentional about that give us a starting point for discussing these challenges are present and look to the what they communicate, it will reduce the communications in parenting. Proverbs Lord for strength. Pray first, listen second, probability of a child misinterpreting what was 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like ap- react last. meant by what was said. We all put meaning ples of gold in pictures of silver.” Proverbs ·Watch your Tongue!: Scripture is very to information. Parents who are willing to help 18:13 instructs about the importance of lis- clear about the power of the tongue and the place correct meaning to what is being said tening, “He that answereth a matter before need for it to be controlled. Read James will help reduce conflict and frustration for he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” 3:2-8 think about how it applies to parenting. both the child and the parents. We can see from this passage that we do not ·What you Communicate is what you What purpose does this concept have the ability in and of ourselves to control Teach: Communication in the home will have in the parenting wheel? Effective the tongue. We need God’s help! The good shape how a child communicates with parents communication is essential for a healthy rela- news is that He is willing and able to help us. and others in his life. Displaying and teaching tionship. Effective communication leads to Colossians 4:6 provides good counsel, “Let healthy communication skills at home is one enriched relationships as it allows parents to your speech be always with grace, seasoned way parents can model the Fruit of the Spirit obtain information that will aid in their ability with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to to their child. The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians to lead their children. answer every man.” To do this, we must 5:22) will then manifest themselves through submit ourselves to God, be prayerful, and healthy social skills such as being courteous What does this concept grow in grace. and polite. look like in “real life” mode? ·Nonverbal Communication is Pow- erful: Be aware that nonverbal messages Personal REFLECTION: ·Communication takes a Speaker are constantly being sent. Facial expressions, (How am I doing in this area?) and a Listener: Good communication re- tone of voice, eye contact, etc., all speak vol- quires a Speaker role and a Listener role. umes. Also, remember that parents are mod- 1) What are your strengths when it comes to The Speaker’s goal is to share information eling interpersonal skills to their children. If communication? What are your spouse’s parents don’t use good eye contact with chil- while the Listener’s goal is to understand the strengths when it comes to communica- information that is being sent by the Speaker. dren when they are talking to them, how will While this may seem self-apparent, unfortu- they learn to use good eye contact when tion? Your child’s? nately many conversations take place with other people are talking to them? 2) In what ways could your communication two Speakers and no Listeners! Parents must ·Make Sure your “Walk” Matches improve? What changes could you make your “Talk”: Matthew 5:37 teaches us the be willing to be both a Listener and a that would help you communicate better Speaker, not just one or the other. “yea, yea; nay, nay” principle. That is, we with others? ·Watch out for Filters: Anything that should say what we mean and mean what comes between the Speaker and the Listener we say. When words and actions do not 3) Rate yourself on the following items from that interrupts or alters the message is a filter match, the Biblical instruction of meaning 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 be- (or barrier) to good communication. Filters what is said is not being followed. Obviously ing the highest. this is a high calling, yet we are to take this can be either environmental or internal. En- a. Communication vironmental filters can be things like being in standard seriously and desire to move to- i. How well do you communicate your different rooms, noise, or someone listening ward it. When a parent’s walk and talk don’t to an iPod while others are trying to talk with match, they have the opportunity to model thoughts and feelings verbally? ___ them. Internal filters have to do with an indi- how to acknowledge their sin, repent, con- ii. How well do your verbal and vidual’s emotional and physical state. For fess, and move forward. nonverbal messages match? ___ ·Knowing how to Communicate example, being angry, frustrated, tired, or iii. How well do you avoid being negative having a headache can all impact how a with your Child is Important: Learn or critical in your communication? ___ person speaks and listens. which type(s) of questions each child will re- ·You Communicate Constantly: spond to best: open ended vs. closed or gen- iv. How well are you communicating in a Communication takes place regardless of the eral vs. specific. Also know what type of tone way that encourages and edifies? ___ presence or absence of words. This commu- is needed with each child. It is very likely that b. Listening every child will respond differently from the nication can either build or destroy relation- i. How well do you listen? ___ ships. Healthy communication facilitates others. Being aware of these differences and growth, safety, clarity, and understanding. responding to them appropriately will help ii Ask your spouse how good of a ·Communication and your Emo- parents communicate more effectively with listener he/she feels you are. ___ tional State: A calm emotional state, plenty their children. iii.Ask your child how good of a of rest, proper nourishment, and minimal fil- listener they feel you are. ___ ters between parents and children will make a big difference in communication. Remem- ber, communication takes place whether the 46 SILVER LINING April 2012

Child Placement Manager (IL) Opening

As Gateway Woods expands our Christian Adoption Services into Illinois, we are in need of an IL Child Placement Manager. Applicants for this job must:

1. Be a member in good standing of the Apostolic Christian Church with approval of his/her local elder. 2. Have at least a Master’s Degree in Social Work from an accredited school and three years work experience in social work administration OR a Master’s Degree in a human services field from an accredited school and five years of work experience in human services administration. 3. Have a dedicated interest, love and sensitivity for youth and families. 4. Possess good motivational, organizational, teaching and communications skills. 5. Have ability to establish positive working and interpersonal relationships and use a team approach. 6. Have treatment philosophy compatible with the mission of Gateway Woods - Apostolic Christian Children’s Home. 7. Have commitment to ongoing personal and professional growth.

This position offers a competitive salary and generous benefits. For further information and a job description, please contact:

Jeff Schumacher Administrator PO Box 125 Leo, IN 46765 [email protected] 1-888-443-4283 (GATE)

Short Term Service Opportunity at Hospital Lumiere The Hospital Lumiere Governing Board is seeking an individual (or couple) to assist at the hospital in Bonne Fin, Haiti with on-site renovation support and coordination. This position is an opportunity to serve short term (8-12 weeks) through the intern program to provide project support for renovation work teams.

Responsibilities will include preparing for the arrival of work teams and providing coordination and support when a work team is present. The individual will assist the stateside Facilities Support Team Coordinator in planning for construction/renovation projects, distribution of materials and providing guidance for work teams at the hospital. An individual with some general construction background is preferred. The time period for this opening is 8-12 weeks beginning in May 2012. The opportunity may extend through August, if desired. You will reside on the Hospital campus with other brethren and missionary families.

For more information contact: Daryl Luginbuhl  484-433-1205  [email protected] www.acworldrelief.org April 2012 SILVER LINING 47

USA World Relief Committee For area work or disaster projects, please contact the following USA committee member:

* Bro. Kent Heimer Counseling Elder Taylor, MO Cell# 573-248-5701 * Bro. Chuck Kellenberger Chairman Elgin, IL Cell# 224-629-6531 * Bro. Bill Leman Treasurer Roanoke, IL Cell# 309-241-0257 * Bro. Les Schambach Administrator/Sec. Elgin, IL Cell# 630-247-5271 * Bro. Tom Neuenschwander Bluffton, IN Cell# 260-307-6026 * Bro. Ray Slagel Fairbury, IL Cell# 815-848-3714 * Bro. Paul Kaeb Bern, KS Cell# 785-547-5269

Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship

Greeting brothers and sisters, On April 28th, 2012, the Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) will be meeting in Princeville IL. This is a forum within the Apostolic Christian Church for sharing information and encouraging the healthcare provid- ers with an advanced degree: MD, DO, DC, DDS, PA, APN, & CRNA, as well as students in those respective fields. Registration begins at 12:30pm with the meeting starting at 1pm. This will be the 4th meeting of this fellowship which meets biennially. A program agenda will be sent once it has been finalized. If you are not currently on the ACMF list of health care providers or need to change your contact information, please email Bro. Todd Stoller at [email protected] . Questions about ACMF can be directed to Bro. Lee Klopfenstein at [email protected] or Sis. Cheryl Herrmann at [email protected]

Give a Child Hope Child Sponsorships To sponsor a child hose in the child sponsorship pro- To sponsor a student fill out this form If possible I would prefer: gram have several things in com- and send to the office. A student will T Boy – Age mon. They are very poor, desire to learn be assigned to you and you will be sent and they have an undying soul. further information. Girl – Age No Preference The goal of this Name ______Mr. Mrs. Miss program is to Cost: $25.00/month provide an edu- Spouse ______For details: www.acworldrelief.org cation to help Address ______these children Send to: learn life skills to improve their stan- City ______St ___ Zip _____ ACWR Child Sponsorship dard of living, and also to provide Home Ph ______PO Box 36 spiritual training to address the true Cell Ph ______Morton, IL 61550 need...the need for a knowledge of Phone: 309-266-6080 and a personal relationship with God Email ______Fax: 309-266-5281 through Jesus Christ. E-mail: [email protected] Please check preference: And all thy children shall be taught of Haiti Guatemala the Lord; and great shall be the peace Mexico Jamaica of thy children. Isaiah 54:13 Zambia Wherever needed www.acworldrelief.org 48 SILVER LINING April 2012 CARIBBEAN BOARD PROJECTS - 2012 All volunteers should contact the project coordinator. If you are unable to contact the coordinator for Haiti, please direct your inquiry to Bro. Jon Zeller at [email protected] or 309-266-9009. HAITI Data updated from the Apostolic Christian World Relief web site as of April 11th, 2012 -www.acworldrelief.org/work-teams-caribbean/

Project Year 2012 Coordinator Capacity

Bonne Fin, Haiti May 5-12 Daryl Luginbuhl 12 Bonne Fin, Haiti Jul 14-21 Daryl Luginbuhl 12 Hospital Lumiere 484-433-1205 Hospital Lumiere 484-433-1205 Facility Renovation [email protected] Facility Renovation [email protected]

Bonne Fin, Haiti Jun 2-9 Daryl Luginbuhl 12 Bonne Fin, Haiti Aug 4-11 Daryl Luginbuhl 12 Hospital Lumiere 484-433-1205 Hospital Lumiere 484-433-1205 Facility Renovation [email protected] Facility Renovation [email protected]

Les Cayes Jun 8-15 Rick Wuethrich 4 FRW 219-567-9488 Vocational School [email protected]

HAITI - MEDICAL WORK TEAMS Data updated from the Apostolic Christian World Relief web site as of April 11th, 2012 -www.acworldrelief.org/work-teams-caribbean/

Project Year 2012 Coordinator Capacity

Hospital Lumiere Apr 27-May 5 Alice Widmer 8-10 Hospital Lumiere May 18-26 Alice Widmer 8-10 at Bonne Fin, Haiti 330-939-0083 at Bonne Fin, Haiti 330-939-0083 Haiti Medical Team [email protected] Haiti Medical Team [email protected]

JAMAICA If anyone is interesting in sponsoring a team to Jamaica, please contact Bro. Loren Dettwyler at [email protected]. Data updated from the Apostolic Christian World Relief web site as of April 11th, 2012 -www.acworldrelief.org/work-teams-caribbean/

Project Year 2012 Coordinator Capacity

Knockpatrick Jun 6-9 Keith Herrmann Princeville SS Montego Bay Jun 23-30 Steve Gerber Bluffton CCCD 309-639-4349 CCCD 260-437-1670 SS [email protected] [email protected]

Deaf Village Jun 8-16 Ted Hirstein 40 Knockpatrick Jul 7-14 Calvin Teubel Champaign CCCD 309-266-8769 CCCD 217-552-6515 SS [email protected] [email protected] Knockpatrick Jun 23-30 Peter Webel Ohio CCCD 419-564-5691 SS [email protected]

Haiti and Jamaica Work Team Code Definitions

CCCD=Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf A.W.A. - B.= Apostolic Water Aid/Bluffton MEBSH = Missions of Evangelical Baptists of South Haiti A.W.A. - FRW = Apostolic Water Aid/Francesville, Remington, Palm Grove = Mission of Haiti Wolcott S.E.E.D. = An Agricultural School & Extension Service A.W.A. - T = Apostolic Water Aid/Tremont TBA = To Be Announced (*) = Changes or additions since last issue Palm Grove = Mission of Haiti (**) = Spring Break Timeframe April 2012 SILVER LINING 49

MEXICO If anyone is interested in leading a team to Mexico, contact Bro. Mike Fiechter at 260-597-7330 or [email protected] Data updated from the Apostolic Christian World Relief web site as of April 11th, 2012 -www.acworldrelief.org/work-teams-mexico/

Location Year 2012 Coordinator

Magdalena Jun 9-16 Steve Leuthold Magdalena Jun 23-30 Jeff Rocke Construction Peoria Bible Class Construction Taylor Bible Class 309-249-2141 573-231-5849 [email protected] [email protected]

Magdalena Jun 16-23 Andy Sauder Magadalena Jul 21-28 Rick Kaisner Construction Morton Bible Class Construction Chicago Bible Class 309-263-9965 847-942-1174 [email protected] [email protected]

Single Focus Weekend

Greetings of love,

The Tremont congregation would like to invite all working singles and postgraduates to the upcoming Single Focus Weekend on May 5th/6th, 2012. This weekend is for spiri- tual encouragement and a great opportunity for Christian fellowship. The theme of the weekend will be The Mirror of His Word. For more specific details, please contact Sister Dawn Massner at [email protected] or 319-750-4014. Please be prayerful for the ministering brothers and our time together.

Tremont Single Focus Committee 50 SIL VER LINING April 2012


The au to bi og ra phy of El der Ear - never found any delight in be ing made se ri ous in roads upon pan tries nest Graf, Ak ron, Ohio con tin ues. He cruel to ani mals, or in doing harmful and cupboards. came from Europe with his fa ther and mis chief. The fol low ing win ter I at - Farm Ani mals sib lings, set tled in Ohio, and be came tended Georgetown school, and had Mr. Klopfenstein had a blind sor rel an El der in our church, serv ing for for a teacher a man named William mare called Mand, which was very many years. Runkle, a middle-aged man. easy to ride, and he of ten al lowed me Lit er ary So ci ety an eve ning to ride her to go see my fa - Living With My Father The com mu nity formed what was ther, or any other place. Some of the In the spring, my father took me called a Lit er ary So ci ety, and met one other horses were wild, and I had two home again after being with my sis ter evening a week in the school house. run aways that sum mer, which, how- for a whole year. My father, brother There were dec la ma tions, es says, se- ever were not due to careless ness on John, and sis ters Rosa and Lou ise lect readings, and de bates on vari ous my part, but to the poor con di tion of were still living on the Dave questions, with sometimes a play or the har ness. On one of these occa - Brubaker property near Smithville. drama. All this inter ested me very sions I fell under a hay rake, and my They had, in the mean time, ac quired much. escape with no more than a scar on a cow and were liv ing quite com fort - More Changes my head was next to a miracle. ably. The fol low ing spring, 1887, Mr. Klopfenstein had a coon dog Father worked among the neigh - brought changes to our family. John and was a great hunter, much to the bors, John had un der taken the ped - had gone to Girard during the winter disgust of his good wife. He per- dling of var i ous ar ti cles called to learn the harness making trade suaded me a few times to go along on notions, while the girls kept house with the Ludt brothers. The girls a coon hunt with him and a man and now and then would work “out” wished to go out and earn some named Sam Lytle, but the sport was for a week or two to help some neigh - money, so Fa ther hired me out to a no rec om pense for the wea ri ness I bors. My job was to take care of the farmer named John Klopfenstein at $ would feel the fol low ing day, and I re- cow, the pigs and chickens, to hoe the 6.00 per month and board. He sub let fused to go any more. pota toes and other gar den stuff. We part of the house, keep ing two rooms had lots of ap ples and peaches. I for him self, but he mostly boarded Ed ited by worked some for Mr. Brubaker and wher ever he went. The cow and Bro. Perry Klopfenstein, learned to plow, harrow, and culti - chickens were sold. Gridley, IL vate. I at tended vari ous Sunday At my place I was treated well, but Schools and church ser vices, but al - was kept at work from 4:00 a.m. until Next Is sue: ways felt more drawn toward the sun down. In many lines of work I This au to bi og ra phy con tin ues. church where the Hilty fam ily and could take a man’s place, and I felt also my sisters in Ashtabula had that I earned sev eral times my wages. (Note: This au to bi og ra phy on Bro. taken me, namely the Ap os tolic The Klopfensteins were Dunkards, Graf is fairly lengthy, and many Christian Church. and I usually went with them to pages re main to be printed in this se - No tic ing Faith ful ness church and Sunday School. On ries. Since bi og raphies and gen eral What ap pealed to me (regard ing Sunday af ter noons a num ber of boys in for ma tion on our church leaders in this church) was that I could see they my age would congre gate at one or our early Amer i can church are rare, it were living up to its teachings. But the other’s house and often would has been de cided to con tinue these though I felt this tendency in these roam through fields and woods. Usu- personal writings. His life surely de- early years, I had no oppor tu nity to ally one would invite the others to picts the pri va tions and gen eral life - go at this time, and grew up much like din ner, and if in the ab sence of the old style of many of our early mem bers in other boys. This I can say, that I folks there was no cooked meal, we America). April 2012 SIL VER LINING 51 The Light Of Hope

“Submit To Authority” Re tired El der Bro. Wil lis Ehnle, for merly of Shioda, Ja pan

How are we do ing in re gard to mak ing money by en cour ag ing sin- devil that is in flu enc ing us in that being submis sive? Do we have a ful liv ing. We should not sub mit to di rec tion. The devil may of ten be at submis sive spirit? The Bible says our church lead ers if they are doing work and we don’t re al ize it. We quite a lot about being sub mis sive. something like that. The Bible as - may be pat ting our selves on the In Ephesians 5:21 we find the sumes that church leaders are back about what a good work we are words, “Sub mit ting your selves one obeying God. do ing, and it may be a good work, to an other in the fear of God.” To Submit ting your selves to one an - but the devil wants it to be at a say that we must sub mit to each other goes farther than simply sub- terrible cost. other in the fear of God in di cates mitting your self to church lead ers. I have been thinking and writing that if we don’t submit we are in Those in the pews should also sub- about sub mis sion. What do you dan ger of dis pleas ing God, and mit them selves to each other. think about it? There should be eas - that’s quite se ri ous. On the con - The verse that I once used with ier things to write about, but still, it trary, we may be in clined to be lieve some one in try ing to en cour age is in the Bi ble. that we do not have to sub mit to better co op er a tion with our church Now lets turn to the ex am ple of any one, that we are working for the lead ers is found in Hebrews 13:17, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are Lord and we don’t have to be con - “Obey them that have the rule over taught that we should be like Je sus. cerned about dis pleas ing God. Be- you, and sub mit yourselves: for I John 2:6 reads, “He that saith he sides, salva tion is by grace through they watch for your souls, as they abideth in him ought himself also so faith and God is very lov ing and that must give an ac count, that they to walk, even as he walked.” merci ful. Therefore, I can be may do it with joy, and not with Was Jesus submis sive? Not to self-willed and I don’t have to lis ten grief: for that is un prof it able for the Phari sees, He was n’t. But He to any body. However, that is not you.” I was told, “Don’t you pull cer tainly was sub missive to the what I believe the Bi ble teaches. that on me.” We must look out for Heav enly Fa ther. In the gar den of Un less we are willing to sub mit to the ten dency to be un co op er a tive Geth sema ne He said, Mat thew each other in a lov ing way, we will with no good reason. That is in deed 26:39, “O my Father, if it be pos si - not have true peace and unity in the un prof it able for the in di vid u als con - ble, let this cup pass from me: nev- church. cerned. Things may seem to be go - erthe less not as I will, but as thou When I say that I imme di ately ing well for 10 or 20 years but then wilt.” Here the Lord Je sus Christ have the feel ing that the Holy Spirit regrets may come upon those who sub mit ted Himself to the Fa ther’s is prompt ing me to ask, “What have had such an ex peri ence. It is will. He also sub mit ted Himself to about if church lead ers tell me to do much better to be with our breth - be ing a servant when He washed that which I believe is not in accor - ren, and to strive to maintain that His disciples feet. dance with God’s will, or tell me not peace and unity. What was the bene fit of Christ to do that which I be lieve is God’s In James 4:7 we read, “Submit be ing sub mis sive? The ben e fit is, will for me to do?” This makes it a your selves there fore to God. Re sist that through His submis sion and little compli cated but if your church the devil, and he will flee from you.” obedi ence, you and I have sal va tion lead ers are true God-fear ing men, I God repre sents author ity, the high- and eter nal life. The res ur rec tion is believe you should sub mit to them est au thor ity there is. Church lead - also a bene fit of Christ’s submis - in ev ery way except that you want to ers also repre sent au thor ity, not to sion. The an gel said, “He is not hum bly serve God. They proba bly build up them selves but au thor ity here: for he is risen.” Matthew will not be against that. to keep or der in the church. When 28:6. The case of Martin Lu ther co mes the princi pal of a school is no lon ger If we can be sub missive in a to mind. He dis agreed with his con sid ered an au thor ity there is Godly way for a Godly pur pose, the church’s lead ers be cause they were chaos in the school. ben efits are great. To sub mit to au - selling indul gences and promot ing This verse in James also indi - thor ity is not very popu lar these this sale of the forgive ness of sin for cates that if we are not willing to days but God’s Word teaches it. money, which is not accord ing to sub mit our selves to God and do the Word of God. It was a way of what His Word teaches, it is the THE SILVER LINING 1389 County Road 1600 N Roanoke, IL 61561