TOWN OF GRIMSBY Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee Agenda Tuesday, September 4, 2018 6:00 p.m. Town Hall, 160 Livingston Avenue Page 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Minutes 3 - 5 a) Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, August 7, 2018 4. Reports 6 - 27 a) H.R. 18-05, 133 Main Street East - Heritage Permit Application 28 - 33 b) H.R. 18-06, 16 Ontario St. - Doctors House. Designating By-Law No. 13-44, Proposed Amendment 5. Memorandum 34 - 36 a) Request for Comments - 14 Elizabeth St. Facade Improvement Program Application 37 - 40 b) Request for Comments - 32 Main St. W. Facade Improvement Program Application Page 1 of 146 Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee September 4, 2018 Agenda Page 41 - 144 c) Request for Comments - 21-23 Main Street East and 6 Doran Avenue, Revised Heritage Impact Assessment and Peer Review Technical Memorandum 145 - 146 d) Heritage Register Update 6. Closed Session a) Municipal Act Sec. 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 33 Victoria Terrace 7. Open Session a) Return to Open Session 8. Correspondence a) CHO Summer Newsletter 9. New Business 10. Adjournment If you require any accommodations for a disability in order to attend or participate in meetings or events, please contact the Accessibility Advisory Administrator at 905 309-2003 or hsoady-
[email protected] Page 2 of 146 The Corporation of the Town of Grimsby [Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee] Minutes Town Hall Council Chambers 160 Livingston Avenue August 7, 2018 Present: Alderman J.