Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, August 7, 2018

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Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, August 7, 2018 TOWN OF GRIMSBY Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee Agenda Tuesday, September 4, 2018 6:00 p.m. Town Hall, 160 Livingston Avenue Page 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Minutes 3 - 5 a) Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, August 7, 2018 4. Reports 6 - 27 a) H.R. 18-05, 133 Main Street East - Heritage Permit Application 28 - 33 b) H.R. 18-06, 16 Ontario St. - Doctors House. Designating By-Law No. 13-44, Proposed Amendment 5. Memorandum 34 - 36 a) Request for Comments - 14 Elizabeth St. Facade Improvement Program Application 37 - 40 b) Request for Comments - 32 Main St. W. Facade Improvement Program Application Page 1 of 146 Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee September 4, 2018 Agenda Page 41 - 144 c) Request for Comments - 21-23 Main Street East and 6 Doran Avenue, Revised Heritage Impact Assessment and Peer Review Technical Memorandum 145 - 146 d) Heritage Register Update 6. Closed Session a) Municipal Act Sec. 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 33 Victoria Terrace 7. Open Session a) Return to Open Session 8. Correspondence a) CHO Summer Newsletter 9. New Business 10. Adjournment If you require any accommodations for a disability in order to attend or participate in meetings or events, please contact the Accessibility Advisory Administrator at 905 309-2003 or hsoady- easton@grimsby.ca Page 2 of 146 The Corporation of the Town of Grimsby [Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee] Minutes Town Hall Council Chambers 160 Livingston Avenue August 7, 2018 Present: Alderman J. Dunstall, Chair R. Paola A. Brabant Regrets: P.V. Hoad Alderman N. DiFlavio Staff: J. Hogg, Senior Planner, Deanna Maiden, Planner 1, Bianca Verrecchia, Heritage Planning Assistant 1. Call to Order a) The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. Disclosure of Interest a) There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 3. Minutes a) Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee received the minutes of the July 4, 2018 meeting. 4. Closed Session a) Municipal Act Sec. 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 33 Victoria Terrace GH-18-23 Moved by A. Brabant; Seconded by R. Paola; Page 3 of 146 Page 2 of 3 Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee August 7, 2018 RESOLVED that the Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee retire to a Closed Session under Municipal Act Sec. 239 (2) (k) - 33 Victoria Terrace: to discuss a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. CARRIED 5. Open Session a) Return to Open Session GH-18-24 Moved by R. Paola; Seconded by A. Brabant; RESOLVED that the Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee return to Open Session. CARRIED b) Information Regarding Negotiations - 33 Victoria Terrace GH-18-25 Moved by R. Paola; Seconded by A. Brabant; RESOLVED that the Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee receive the information provided by staff regarding 33 Victoria terrace. CARRIED 6. New Business a) The Committee received correspondence regarding 33 Victoria Terrace. 7. Adjournment a) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 P.M. Alderman John Deanna Maiden, Dunstall, Chair Planner 1 Page 4 of 146 Page 3 of 3 Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee August 7, 2018 If you require any accommodations for a disability in order to attend or participate in meetings or events, please contact the Accessibility Advisory Administrator at 905 309-2003 or hsoady- easton@grimsby.ca Page 5 of 146 H.R. l8-05 REPORT TO: Alderman John Dunstall, Chair and Members of the Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee RE Heritage Permit Application, 133 Main Street East DATE: September 4,2018 I.O RECOMMENDATION That Report H.R. 18-05, regarding the recommendation that the Town of Grimsby approve the Heritage Permit Application at 133 Main Street East, be received and that the resolution by the Grimsby Heritage Advisory Committee be forwarded to Council for approval. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2017 A property standards order was served on the former owner of the property in March of 2017. The ownership of the lands changed during the legal process and the previous owner was fined by the provincial courts. Following the completion of the prosecution of the first order, a second order (the "Order") was served on the new owners of the property in December of 2017 and this order was not appealed by the owners and is final and binding. A copy of the Order can be seen in Appendix 'A' to this report. 2018 The Town hired ERA Architects in June of 2018 to assess the building in order to create a proposalto repair the building and bring it into conformity with the Order. Following the completion of the assessment, the intention was for the Town to hire ERA Architects to coordinate and undertake the repair work for the property and the cost of which would ultimately be charged back to the owner through the taxes. It's worth noting thatthe Town of Grimsby is a pioneer in this proactive approach to protect its heritage and culture; these measures have not previously been undertaken by a municipality in Ontario. Current State Since hiring ERA Architects to complete the assessment portion of the repair process, the new owner has met with Town staff to discuss their plans for repairing the building. The owners have hired Leah D. Wallace, MA, MCIP, RPP, of Leah D. Wallace Land Use Page 6 of 146 H.R. l8-05 Heritage Permit Application September 4,2018 133 Main Street East & Heritage Planning Services who is a well-respected and experienced heritage planner to coordinate the repair works. The ERA Architects inspection was conducted on July 26, 2018 with ERA staff, the owners, their heritage planner and Town staff present. An assessment report was prepared by ERA Architects per the Town contract for the first phase of the repair process and this reportwas provided to the owners to create a timeline of proposed repair works. The assessment report can be seen in Appendix 'B'. Commitment to complete repairs A contract is currently being drawn up between the Town and the owners to enforce the proposed timetine. lf the owners fail to adhere to the contract at any point, it will have the effect of voiding the contract and the Town will resume the original plan of hiring ERA Architects to conduct the physical portion of the repair work. The full proposal and timeline as submitted by the owners is attached to this report as Appendix'C'. A heritage permit is required for a portion of the proposed works. 2.I SITE CONTEXT INFORMATION The dwelling, known as the James Willison Grout Nelles House and largest mature beech tree at the southwest corner of the site are designated under Part lV of the Ontario Heritage Act. The property currently supports the vacant heritage home and the designated tree as well as a coach house. The location of the subject site can be seen in Figure 1 below and photographs of the building in its current condition can be seen in the ERA Architects report attached as Appendix 'B'. Figure l. The subject site located at 133 Main Street East - indicated by the yellow outline Page 2 oÍ 4 Page 7 of 146 H.R. f 8-05 Heritage Permit Application September 4,2018 133 Main Street East 2.2 PROPOSED WORKS The proposed repair works have been broken into three priority groupings to create the timeline. The immediate works are proposed to start as soon as all necessary approvals are in place (September). A summary of the three priority groupings are as follows: Priority A - 6 to 8 weeks, September I - October 13 - 27, 2018 . Roof repairs to specifications o lnstallation of new eaves trough and gutters . Repair of unplanned openings, as required . Grading around the building o Installation of screen covers on chimneys. Covering of all window and door open¡ngs with appropriate ventilation as directed by ERA Priority B - I to l0 weeks, October 13 - October 27,2018 o Removal of damaged and decayed wooden portions of front porch steps, landing and roof (please see note below regarding this item) . Dismantle and document side porch, storage in a clean, dry, secure environment off site Priority C - Spring (March - April 20f 9) o Demolish the rear one storey addition. The rear openings in the main building adjacent to this addition will be appropriately covered at the same time that the other openings in the house are covered (Priority A). A heritage permit is required to remove and store the materials of the side porch as it is a designated heritage attribute. Technically the remaining demolition and repair works do not require a heritage permit; however, staff have included the full repair works proposal in this report to ensure that the Committee and Council have a fulsome understanding of the extent of the proposed repairs. A demolition permit is also required for the proposed demolition works of the undesignated portions of the front porch and the rear addition as well as to dismantle the designated side porch (which will be later restored and reconstructed in its current location). The owner has indicated that upon re- development of the property the designated attributes of the site will be incorporated into any proposed redevelopment and as such, the appropriate time to re-instate the side porch will be when the re-development occurs.
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