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7-3-1852 Bristol Phenix, Vol. XV, No. 46

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V.--N- O. VOL. X 46. BRISTOL, R. I., SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1852.; . nVIIOLENQtCrt

MANNERS. From the Star Spangled Banner. 'Do so, Lucv. You ma v po now. but recol dressing your conversation.' - Leave my house , PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Never t g vv and denen stairs, or about the house. lect the party, and that I shafi expect you to be sir, immediately," or I 'wilTYing" TorsemtlWTb . AT 40. 7 IBADrOBD IT1II1, BIISTOL, ft. I., like a LUCY GORDON. - trotting horse; step lightly, quickly, present, make your respects, and catch a glimpse eject you. '1 had hardly 'dreamed- mis tl a son i ; BAYILEY, , , ( BYJjyB orderly. OR. of the man who loves you so fondly, at least.' Sir of mv old friend, Lord Morton. Go, irr'' thsm hn-eho- I Never drag, or d. with shoes TKRJtS.Ta subscribers residing in town, 7W Vcllm to vour NOT QUITE LOST. Philip said. , dered forth the old man, as he pointed lighffifant- - payable half yearly .V ADVANCE. To ilirtaut untied or down the . ma, heel. - .-xf' at 'I can do no less than that, sir, said Lucy, as door- - T-Y.-- subscribersft Tsu Ulan per ly towards the virsnssMsj annum, payable IN ADVANCE. Never enter a house or parlor with vour boots she left Single copies 4 oents, to be bad at the Office. BY COLONEL CLAY. the apartment. "Sir Philip, hear me, and.jtheir jf ;ytro com- A'lrertiMimeau inserted One Dollar for three all slush and mud. or sit down with vour hat or Sir Philip Gordon loved his above at per square, danrhtnro mand me, I go," said the lieutenant, still retain- week, aaj twenty eenU fur each auhaeqnent insertion. Twelve cap on, bar-roo- m fashion. A short distance from soot on which everything else " minion the wac earthy, and much as it would ing the seat which, on entering, Sir Philip had fines in type constitute a aqmre. advertisement I a . a All viever stare people the face. Are you con fought the battle of nave l !! continued antil turbid, and charged as above. Yearly advertia-er-s tn Saratoga, (during the war of pieasea mm tq nave seen her wedded to the presented him. "1 have a few words more lo say. versing with any one, look him in face with 910 per annum, paiier inclwled. : the tne revolution, a battle ever to be remembered by lieutenant in the army of King George, he would ere we part. You remember the" dimcuiues The privilege 18 dignified, respectful . & of yearly advertisers is limited to lines cheerful, assurance: this is Americans,) upon a high eminence overlooking sooner have given her hand to the poorest menial which existed in district, in England, per week, ana to weir own immediate business. right; but to stare idly or wildly at strangers or the surrounding country, stood a large, neat if she but loved him, than to have used force in some twenty years since ?". though ,, ,..,(, any one, as you had never seen a human mansion, inclosed in the midst of beautiful inducing her to wed Lieutenant Morton. "1 do, sir. What ot that I'' : face, is exceedingly impolite, and a sure mark of grounds. "At that time you acted a pretty conspicuous

ng. 1 ui-oreeai- lhig From Arthurs Home Osteite, residence was the property of an old and CHAPTER II. .. pari with those who rebelled against the govern- Be polite, modest THE BETTER LAND. and respectful to every one, wealthy Englishman, who, some eighteen years The company which Sir Philip had invited to ment, and with others, was 'obliged 46 flee the especially to vour snneriors. vmintpth prior to 1 . . 'Charitv the time of which write, had sud- country.", , . , Thou better land ! Oft io my hours of sadness, very dine with him at his mansion, at the appointed ,,r l not itself, is not puffed doth his My wearied spiiits turns with hope to thee, up, not behave itseif denly left mother country on account of some hour made their appearance. Of course they "I know all that," said Sir Philip, still retain, - ' 1 ' ' When eomes deep grief, where 1 had looked for glad unseemly, seeketh not her own." What more un- political difficulties in which he had taken a would not have been behind hand, for here they ing his position. v lovely, and ties, painfully disgusting, more hateful to pretty conspicuous part, and managing to have were always hospitably received; moreover, every- "And although you fled your country you were And eloom, where joy alone 1 hoped to see. me signt oi uoa ana man, man to see a youth, a the bulk of his property into gold, sought an asy- thing that would in the least tend towards their watched. Your residence and everything apper- self-importan- How my warm feelings, e'en when all seemed faiiest, mere stripling, assume air of ce. lum in the then colonies an of England, where he happiness was placed at their immediate disposal, taining to you was known, and your . loyalty ,to low been crushed by disappointments hand ; Hare and disrespect towards his equals or superiors? erected the mansion on the spot of which 1 and a indeed to spend few the general government was all that saved your - relief it was even a . Truth's stainless raiment then, alone,- thou wearest, It is not merely a gross violation of modesty and speak, and, free from all cares or anxieties settled hours without the the in arrest. In district there has of late been And all my hopes in thee, thou better land ! precincts of camp, and courtesy, but is a sure indication of a vain, vile, down, spent his money, drank his wine and took civilization. a change, and he against whom you rebelled holds How oft has fancy, on her stainless pinion, corrupt and wicked heart. God, and every virtu- - his ease. There now the reins of government in his hands, and .v .. ... were some half dozen in all, colonels, of bliss most J n i. .ii Borne me to scenes purely fair ous ueing, aonora sucn conaua: it is eartniy, He lived in true old English style, notwith- captains and lieutenants, a part old friends of Sir has determined to arrest all those rebels both, in often led me the deluded minion As sensual, devilish.' standing the republicanism he saw exhibited Philip, and of old England and America, that they may be brought air the remainder sons friends who Of Hopes as baseless as the summer JVecer clownish ! Some about him drove his le or monkeyish rude, double team of greys, kept had many a time and oft drank each other's health to trial for treason." , Left me to learn, in sorrow unavailing, boys, ,!,,,. indecent (not girls) seem to pride them liveried servants, and entertained his friends old side-boar- "You was not treason. We battled That useless still is seeming friendlisip's hand, in in England, from the d of Sir Philip, he, sir. It selves in the best Then eomes true Hope, o'er bitter griet prevailing, buffoonery or drollery, in low, vulgar possible manner. when he, in his own country, stood high in polit- against oppression and wrong, and' in favof of And smiling points to thee, thuugh belter land ! tricks, antic gestures, foolish jesting, and odd ex Thus lived Sir Philip Gordon. ical favor. right and justice. We strove to equalize ine period domin-eer,ov- er pressions. This low, shameful vulgarity, may The of eighteen years which elapsed A glorious good time they had Wine and government, that the rich might not longer Could 1 but teach my fond and trustful spirit, excite tne laughter ot tools, as none but fools between the time Sir Philip set foot upon our the choicest viands in abundance, and cooked the poor. This was treason, sir, was it ?" To turn from earth, with all its store of love, will laugh at foolishness 'for the mouth of fools shores and the revolutionary war, had not de- fowls to match Wit flowed free, and merrily "The government so looked upon it." To that sole source, from which it shall inherit "" feedeth on foolishness ; but one of good tracted in the least from his love of old "Well, well, on." ' A full return, that ne'er shall faithless prove ; every England, the hours flew by. go ' common sence look and when the colonies refused to submit Brit- "As 1 said, Lord is determined bring Oh ! then my heart, whnsa tendrils now are twining must upon such behaviour to A short time previous to the leaving of the Jessup to 'Round forms of earth, so trained by friendship' with perfect disgust and adhorrence ! And every ish taxation longer, and rebelled from her juris- company, Lieutenant Morton motioned to Sir all who took part in that treason to speedy jus- hand, youth, thus acting the buffoon or mimic, not only diction, Sir Philip came out a strong loyalist, Philip, and informed him that he should be most tice. I have in my hand, Sir, Philip, a warrant low reclining, which did Should lift itself from this too lowers himself in the estimation of the wise and not astonish his neighbors. happy to spend a few moments in private conver- for your arrest and transportation to England or land ! And clasp thy joys at once, thou better good, but is verily guilty in the sight of God He condemned, in the strongest terms, the sation with him. trial, and of course condemnation will follow that," ouch ridiculous lolly the Lord abhors ! conduct of the colonists, and made his mansion a Of course Sir could divine his wants and and Morton drew forth from his pocket a lage Mississippi Riveh. We learn Philip on j Sickness the general rendezvous for loyalists, who congregated readily granted the favor. paper containing both printed and manuscript from the St Louis papers that there is unusual . Singuear on . Illusion. No man could say with i many occasions ior tne purpose ot lormmg 'Sir Philip,' said Morton, when they were matter. among the immigrant pas- iickness and mortality truth that he ever saw Mr. Lang tipsy, but there plans whereby they might assist the mother coun- alone, undoubtedly understand desire "Undoubtedly," answered Sir Philip to, Mor- Or-lpn- 'you my from New ns sengers on the steamboats running in imme-diat- would be at times in the loggy dog day season an try bringing her disobedient children to e in asking this private interview with you ?' . ton's last remark. "In my case of course condem- citv. ComDlaints are made that the to that indistinctness in his manner that malice might subjection. 'I scarcely can conceive your want,' answered nation would follow trial. I fear not Lord Jessup boats are too crowded. For instance, 321 Ger- - certainly to his I But a short time had elapsed the or his allies, but on there is more, perhaps, ? rt. T .1 construe disadvantage, and this after arrival Sir Philip, feigning ignorance but at the same go who came to at. Liouis on tne in 1 ' man immigrants, mistiness was sometimes attended with consider this country of Sir Philip, ere a daughter was time exhibiting a smile. that should know ere you leave.' , Pawnee, have signed an nffidavit that steamer able inconvenience to him. Returning one eve born to him, and, of course, as she lived and grew' 'I see not, Sir Philip,' said Morton, but you 'My orders are to arrest you, and troops are, at x . four hundred and seventy-si- passen- there were ning home, alter visiting a mend, he thought that older as time passed, she was, at the period of know, my dear bit, our conversation some time my disposal for that purpose ; and further, I have em board, all of whom were landed at quar-nntine.eightofth- gers on lus night-ke- y was elsewhere and bethought him which I write, in the vicinity of eighteen years since in relation to your daughter. secret orders thatif I find it impossible, to arrest laboring severe attacks ' under to make an entrance by a door in the rear of his of age a beautiful, liveiy maiden, and withal, a Ah, oh, yes I underetand you,' said Sir you and convey you to the vessel in waiting,1 hot of illness. , premises, a small porch, built out to save the true little rebel. j Philip, and he hesitated. to allow you to escape, though your own bleod

' -- the " ' - kitcheners labor of sweeping out the superfluous This Sir Philip discovered when one morning, 'At Morton, '1 told I pays forfeit.' In Hanover county,- Virginia, Thomas But- that time,' said you that l?.'l street mud which be deposited here as a snort time oeiore me Datue, (Saratoga he call- had seen her and had fallen in love with her.' 'Inhuman wretch'.' exclaimed Sir Philip v but ler killed an unknown Yankee pedlar with an mirht his and on.' , . - well. The night was somewhat dark, which ed daughter to him said 'Yes, Philip. go , . , and surrendered himself to jus- ad yes,' interrupted Sir axe, afterwards 'Lucy ?' Ere many suns shall have waned,' continped But- ded to a slight confusion in his vision at the time, 'I told you this, and you favored my suit and tice. The pedlar had grievously wronged ! and he felt along cautiously with both hands be 'Sir,' was her answer. made not the least objection to receiving me as 'Morton, 'another great battle between us and the ler's family. 1 lore him, but, unfortunately, with one arm each I intend having a select party to dine with me your son-in-la- w. Nay, you stated that you, rebels will be fought It will, strongip opine, -- An Aged Couple. A correspondent in writing side of a thin board partition to which the door to-da- y. above all things, should like it.' terminate in our favor, and will end the war by to us from West Brookfield, mentions the inter-- j ot the porch latched, when suddenly his nose 'Who may they be, sir ?' 'I know it,' interrupted Sir Philip. forcing the rebels to submission. Unless youac-ced- e esting fact that Captain Israel Smith and wife, came violently in contact with the board, throw' 'Who may they be, you little witch they may And so do L, my dear sir; but please do not! to my request, and give me your daughter's now living in that town, have lived together, as ing him down with the concussion, leathering be rebel woodcutters, and they may not. But it interrupt me again. I preferred that you should: hand immediately after the battle, I shall bnngmy opinion measures for your into effect, and you man and wife, for seventy-nin- e years: Captain himselt up, he rubbed his wounded feature ten is my that they will be officers of His make known my love to your daughter, and you arrest - Smith is 98 years old, and Mrs. Smith is 95. derly and muttered to himshlf 'Well, hang me, Majesty's army now in America, as you perhaps stated that you would do so.' know the penalty of crime of treason in England.

j ground The old lady is now quite sick, and it is thought, f this is nt the Jirst time 1 ever knew that mv are aware.' 'And I have.' Meanwhile enjoy yourself within your own will not recover. Such another instance of con- nose was longer than my arm !" He denies the 'Yes, sir of that I am aware. But what is 'Why then could you not have told me as much as you see fit, and I shall take good care that a

wish concerning j v guard is stationed about with strict orders ndt to nubial longevity will not often be found. Wor- truth of the story, however, now. Fast. your them?' . and not kept me in doubt ?' or oi your tam-il- y cester Transcript. 'To speak plain, Lucy, a lieutenant of the'army 'It takes time to learn, you know, my dear allow either yourself any member to leave the enclosure.' ! ' : Airs. Railings recentlv advertised fnr assist- who is among the invited guests at my house, lieutenant, and now you have learned it what 12 a j con- The body of a beautiful white girl, about ance under the head of "Milliner Wanted." A has seen you and suddenly fallen in love with a more? 'Is that all ?' asked Sir Philip, as Morton

discovered in a sack in the river I cluded. . . ' years old, was or a full grown Yankee from certain miss wot of, eh, Lucy?'' would of course know the result of your in-- . J . day two afterwards 'I " ,.',' ! below New Orleans, and the coroner's jury found presented flip Go on, sir.' 'Is not that enough?' Morton said. 1 Vermont himself as a candidate fnr terwiew with her.' died from after having been 'I mean, sir, have you finished your remarks ?' j that she straugulaton place, and when some doubts were expressed as 'You take this cooly, as I live. I very strongly 'Oh, the little witch has grown quite a rebel, u: . :.u iU.i : i i j said Sir Philip, and his words came forth 'not violated. . iu ma acquaintance wiut me uusiuess, ne resoivea hinted that a lieutenant of the army had seen you talks of the wrongs inflicted upon her country ".l . them at once by assuring the lady that he had and fallen in love with you, and yet you betray by England, and refuses to wed you lightly. j -- r ,' ', Protection of the Fisheries. The St. John ':':,; no feeling whatever in regard to the matter. I 'Refuses to wed me ?' 'I have, sir, and await your answer.' ' New Brunswicker states that a small naval force tended mill a great many years. will tell you more, Lucy. The lieutenant of 'So I said.' ' "Leave my house, sir, if you have concluded." to be despatched by the home government t s , i the families t 0 "You refuse then, to accede !" . . i . i i e - L. How Destroy an Enemy. Nangfee, Em- whom I speak is of one of first in. 'And hejp WltnOUl..i .l uif me to reason?' y ( aeiav, lor Ilie puipuse puictung "Go, shouted Sir Philip. peror of China, being told that his enemies had rmgiano, ana ne wouia wea aim rane nome my 'She gave none,.Wrther than that you are an sir," Colonial fishing grounds from the encroachments Morton daughter you, Lucy.' and an enemy to her I be- It was worse than useless to resist, and the Americans. The terms of the treaty of raised an insurrection in one of the distant prov- Englishman, countryf 'of 'But he cannot do it, sir.' she knew it. Like a whipped urchin sent supperless be enforced, and foreign fish- - inces, said : lieve added.' . 1818 are to rigidly ' to bed, he sneaked and not waiting to be 'Why, pray tell me?' Rprhaps she has'a lover already.' forth, to be kept three miles outside of a line "Come, then, my friends, follow me and I ermen are 1 Whffe joined by those who came with him, he .sprang ' promise vou that we shall quickly destroy them." Because do not love him.' 'vh. ves I thinlof it there' is a rebel drawn from headland to headland. upon his horse's back, and turning the animal's , He marched forward, and the rebels submitted 'How know you that, pray tell me ? bdekwoodsman wlio is attentive tocher, and she ! V ! head towards the camp, allowed him to canter on . MIND WHAT YOU SAY. upon his approach. All now thought that he You have not seen him ?' perhaps loves him.' V ' r .' s ; i quite briskly. ., ' It is always well to avoid saying anything that would take the most signal revenge, but were That would make no difference with me, sir.' And at the conclusion ol the war they will "1 was too hasty, by far," he said, as he rode " ' is improper, and especially before children, who surprised to see the captives treated with hu- Lucy, you are a curious little witch. undoubtedly wed i old is and 1 there have generally as many ears as grown persons, manity. You will not love him then, anyhow ?' Undoubtedly, unless perchance their love on. 'The man a hard one fear ; will be necessity of using force yet for the ac ' and whose ingenuous tongues are apt to reptat, "How!" cries his first minister, "is this the 'No, sir. wanes before it ceases entirely." a complishment of my purpose. It must be done, with curious accuracy, what their quick ears manner in which you fulfilgyour promise 1 Your 'Perhaps should you see him you would change 'Hat vou, sir rhilip, can you allow your however, whatever the consequences may be. have heard. The Olive Branch gives an in. royal word was given that your enemies should your mind instanter.' daughter's wedding a rebel, and more, a back '1 should do such: The girl must be mine. But, they may ..escape Btance where a mother was taught a bitter lesson be and Dehorn you nave pardoned an, beg leave to say that I no woodsman? ., destroyed, from the mansion into the country. 1 must haste this character at the hands of her own child : and have caressed some !" thing, sir.' The witch does, of late years, about as she 1 ti t T tViA Hpnv- be man- rlpnr . , - and order guard to stationed about the l4n T.ifir it nil nrtiv na - t , a M; A gentleman was in the habit of calling at a "I promised," replied the Emperor, with a ftoa sees fit.' , A sion with strict orders to allow no one to enter or " tieighbor's house, where the lady had always ex--' air, to destroy enemies. 1 have ens above. You can love no other as long as 'Sir Philip, hear me. This must not be. I generous my leave the enclosure,'' ' , pressed to him great pleasure from his calls. : fulfilled word, lor see, they are enemies no the rebel backwoodsman lives. Is it so?'. will wed your daughter, receive my discharge, my 1 pr"'' Besides, Applying spurs to his horse, thei beast sprang One day, just after she had expressed to him, as i longer; I nave made friends of them." 'You are right, sir. at this trying and return to England. At the termination of forward and made his ""over the from visit, her little boy moment, when my country is in such danger, this war we can come back and live wtth you 'way rapidly "Visual, her happiness his -- ' r , ? j ' love.' grounds ;; r.. '. entered the room. The gentlemen took him on Nobility is a river that sets with a constant there is no time to think of once more. v w, ' into the Great 'Whew!' said Sir Philip, and there was a pro- would suit me precisely." Sir Philip joined his company, and, after apol-ogizi- ng his knee, and asked, and undeviating current, directly 'That ' ' dan- - for his absence proceeded to take a part ' to see me George ?" Pacific Ocean of Time ; but unlike all other riv longation to the word. 'Your country in "Then why, I ask, may it not be so ?" "Are you not glad ir i a' w 5a T 'r" ' ? Do 1 understand to that ? she does in what was transpiring.' " "No sir," replied the boy. -- ers, it is more grand at its source than at its ter ger, Lucy you say "Why My daughter says that not " T ; is insurrec so little effect had the words or Morton upon !"",' .i'Why : hot my little man V he continued. mination. " ' '' vou have turned rebel that there an and will not love you and taking these things " ' him that he even did not mention them to his '' j.'Because mother don't want you to come," tion even within the precincts of my own man things into consideration, how can she wed you f" ' yankee in polemical arti but merely stated, to their inquiry for iVsajd George. "'" " " A editor remarked a sion?' "Perhaps she loves me not because she has pot Company, Ap thnt thoiiirh hft would not . call his rtnnonent please. 1 am rebel lover well." Lieut Morton, that he had concluded to return to ! know George V . 'Insurrection or not, as you an seen me, and loves her very '"Indeed how do you that, -- ' rnnut fhnt thfl (Tpntlpman lntpnil. ' the camp, and had gone off. ( j , . dag-i''gety'klitdes- mv. on, linr'hn it is riJlere the 'mother was crimson, and looked American a rebel, if you will, sir This my "She said that your appearance could not in r was false, been And feeble hardly mentioned .t But he saw nothing, and, ed to state what utterly he had country on this soil I was born, my the least alter her opinion." , - He would have the ciicum in his ,' ' remarkably successful attempt. assistance shall be in the colonies favor, sir.' "But she must weu me. stance to his daughter but for the fact thai a few therefore, , ' replied,' ' ' ' " said, 'yesterday, that she wished Well, well, this is pretty. My own flesh and "How must, if she refuses?" hours after, she. attempted to leave the.grqunds h''i it-i- 'f9 literary ' A, Norfolk farmer not accustomed to blood in such a manner in favor of old "You do not understand me. Yon are her and was prevented by a guards who statetf that that dlbore, Would not call here again.," ..... i i . taking up -- ' .- nmnosuinn or- tetter writing, nuviiitr a new con- r- . . England's enemy. No doubt, Lucy,' you; father, and of course as such, can command her, he knew not the reason, but that his orders hvera 'Thai was enough--' 'The gentleman's hat was r v f. hat a county meeting, and inquired into its pos England praise the colonies ?' ' and of course will do so." not to allow any person to enter or leave. soon in requisition, andJie left, with the impres-- j demn as you . sible mistaking, addressed tne iouowing grammat- 1 do. sir. She has acted, and is now acting "No, no. 1 cannot sacrifice my daughter's She hastened immediately to her father's side that is truth, and will prevail." 1 rsion 'great : 1 - -- ical note to its supposed possessor unwisely, as regards the colonies, as she will find happiness for the mere sake of gratifying you, and informed him- of the fact.'" T;m 'i 1 I Sm.-"S- tdp "Mr. A. presents his compliments to Mr. B., I in ex-- V exclaimed Philip,' surprise, fjavrno crying instantly, you to her sorrow. . Her course is arbitrary the lieutenant," said Sir Philip, sternly. . 'What Sir in 'can o-n-t got lantern-jawe- d, cross-eye- hnvA which is not his. If he have day. fig-face- d, d b hat anrl root aaanrp Rir. shfi Will rue the 1 ot it be possible the beardless fool , little imp!" tvtfmo "But do not look upon it in the light sac that has rafcfa the "' exclaimed the foreman of a printing office to the a hat which is not yours, no doubt they are the Tut, tut, Lucy; recollect that! am an English rificing her happiness, Sir Philip, Soon she first step towards carrying his scheme'intri effect?' "' iobbing" "devil," as he was smarting under a missing one." these veins news true rmgnsn oioou, will get over her antipathy towards me, and will and he started forth to ascertaih'the authenticity ' ' manin ' Mofinotinn inst inflicted. ''Ston crvinir and I cannot submit to hear such a tirade poured learn to love me, At any. rate, if it is needed, of the words of Lucy. " '"'.o . A mUorlir ntil fnrmpr who had lost One of his z0 Either you must surrender, you must force her to wed me." Ho found it so. His mansion was trnnrlv g, out upon her head. midst of hay-makin- remark- ..... -- best hands in the i wao to me ot - and strictly guarded and there OTliAaU: , :' - must taiiu must i Vat' lop passing ed to the sexton as he was filling up fhe poor fel- - - f 'If it is unpleasant t you, sir, I will cease my "I, Sir Philip," said Morton, in a voice, which in or om turns grqunus,:,nig.rage knew ne : to low's grave a sad thing lose a giwu i l'ts this Lucy said betokened much of command. "I sir." bounds. ,. Returning bid' . hY fold poor' conversation in regard to matter,' to mansion lit like sound health, the value mower, at a time like this but after all, ' " -- ' TrueYriencUhip is ! -- :, daughter all.: '. with smile, , : '' v 'n ,,T "You should learn first to whom you are ad - -n- -s '. a j ri s U be lost, i Tom was a dreadful great eater. . Thrioni wtl jofitisildom:kilowB until , rtf rrr by 'nrtrni aK!1 fwvnt of shift. Luer.' k Mid. I - Ao, 10. MOSAIC BATTERY. , i GENERAL ASSF.T1ULY. Senate amended, adJing' George C. Shaw to the Committee, House kecra-4,,dtn- jr of it, I cannot allow Composed of Streamers and Roman Candles mutating and th concurred in th repent " . Juki sissi o A7 ircwroiT.' mrmX M be treated is such a manner.' to Mine and abeus with neavy exploMons. , amendment. it ' ' ' - Fbidat Moufuta, June 25 'iRnl nn a) father mill l.nrff. ha will i Rockets and Stars. Vote of adjournment read and passed. ' Sejiats The Senate met at 9 A. M.f - Assembly injur you I much fear. Should you be carried No. 11. MEXICAN SET. ', The General ad iourned to moot base Blue and Greea Fires, committees reported on the papers back to England, recollect that imprisonment or 4 A vertical revolving of Te several Bristol on the last Monday of October, according 6 with Jessamia and brilliant changes, mutate to jets referred to them, . . , i , , . ' death would be inflicted upon yet I suffer - to law. v of Mexieaa ire with marruoned rcporu. . . and wife to adopt all rather than this should occur. Petition of Wm. H. Thurbet Rockets and Turbilliona. authorizing Town Council of, - 'Have no fears, Lucy, for me. The villian's child ; an act the The Cholera. The cholera is Tarins- Cm. No. H. STAR BATTERY. Johnson to establish side-walk- s; resolution of, fully at Jackson, Mo. On the 21st ult., jBrders. are. not so stringent or he would 177G. ' the town niave Composed ol large Mines with heavy explo- ii . I was, was wiUina tolet me off on the' terms proposed. CELEBRATION OP THE SETEMY-SIIT- H ofSurs, appropriation lor Uiurt. itouaa iucruioi; nearly, deserted, not. enougheroaineto tees sions of stars. It will all com risht in the end. and lustice, if ANNIVERSARY OF OUR read and passed. bury the dead and some ten or twelve corpses f Rockets and Streamer, . ' the "will "House. An act in amendment of an act en--' were lying in the house unburied.-- . The,dearh M attempts thing 'proposed', bemeeted' iVd. DIAMOAT). NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE. ' 13. DOUBLE" titled an to incorporate the Providence and number between fo'riv fiftV MttO iiOftOn. :.. act and Amorffthii.W. the for mk- - Brilliant Sets ofChinese Fires, extend from Diamonds : to -- i C7 Tbs Comraitte appointed by tows Bristol Railroad Company read and reterred rims were Col. J. V. . .. ,. To b Continued. RulfaD4.J.v.Lim. - in Stationary fires, with revolving varirgated centra ing- arrangements for celebrating the 76th Anniversa the committee on corporations. baugh, editor of the Democrat and base,.tcrniinatitig with Marroons. Southern v . invited to Urand ry of American Independence, beg leave to present 1 The Senate were join in HU19TOL PlllsfllX. , 1 'Rockets and Serpents. . New York', June' 30. The coffin' Which' i3 the following order of F.iereltet : . Committee. . . tn No. EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS. U. contain the remains .of the , JamentedClay. left SATCRDAV, JtJL S, 183J. Salutes will be fired at 6 o'clock, A. M , at Noon, IN GRAND COMMITTEE. timet, A revolving bas of Colored Fires ; mutate to alarge! IU1 and at a o'clock, M., by the Bristol Train of Ar- Committee proceeded to the elec " Boiiiiif;iuii iul evening. IV line Ul r ISkCS P. pyramid in colored lance work and jeta or r.gyptisn The Grand metallic " burial cases, is made of cast iron; tinrl . tillery. , fires, with heavy reports. tion of Railroad Commissioners. ; 'THE MEMORABLE FOURTH, beautifully ornamented.', The .': inside fs No. 15 ILLUMIAATIOAf OF CHIA'ESE Commitsianer. lined The bells will be rung half an hour al sunrise, at 10 FIRES. First Railroad , t'. Monday next will be hailed as the 76th anni with white satin, wadded and quilted. r The out- C Composed of Pots of Brilliant Fires, and Canolea Randall Holden, 2d, was elected. o'clock, A. M., at noon, and al o'clock, P. M. side is covered with black broadcloth, , venary of the Independence of these U. States tinged with green, illuminating the area with the bril- Commissioner. of the A Proceaaion will be formed in frout of the Bristol Second Railroad y. finest texture, neatly draped and trimmed 'Although there are but few among the living liancy of noon-da- No choice. Adjourned. with a, Hotel on 10 State street, at o'clock A. M. by Jamis FINALE. heavy fringe. Three solid silver handles are on whose memory can recur to the enthusiasm with F. Ds'WoLf, Esq.', Marshal of the day, in the fol 10. The blotto "BRISTOL." Fbidat Afternoon, June 25. each side, while on the top are three silver plates which the transactions of this day were welcomed lowing order, Io. In Grand Committer. The Committee pro one at the head, covering the glass, Surmounted with a large STAR in Silver, Crim- being or- ceeded to ballot for Second Railroad , in 1770, yet the zeal for the celebration of the MILITARY ESCORT, son and purpl lance, with revolving base ot Chinese the third namented with a wreath of laurel, in .tha xeutre Commissioner. occasion teems not to abate in the march of time. By the Bristol T rain of Artillery under Cel. Pcarcs brilliant jessamin fires, with ereen and crimson chan- of which is a sprig of oak, containing two acorns; ges. Upon Batteries of Roman Can- And Thomas G. Turner was elected. the plate is perfectly t may be wejl perhaps, that the day continues Presidents of the Fire Wards. either side, are centre plain, (the inscription olea with silver and colored stars, terminating' with a Third Railroad Commissioner. on) Engine Companies, No's. not being put excepting around the edge, to be the great pqlitical day of the year, when I, 9, 3, flight of Rockets. V. elected. ' Americus Potter was which has a wreath of oak with acorn cups at- King Philip, Engine Company No. . WM. R.TAYLOR,) . very citizen of every age and condition throws Committee of Agent of Providence and Pawtucket Turnpike. tached, the acorns themselves having fallen, de- Hydraulioa Engine Company No. 1. M. T. BEJVA'RTT, , pfT IS. Arrangements. Gideon L. was elected. the dull can and gives its hours to independent SAM'L A-ORR- bpencer, noting that spirit has departed. At the foot Am. MARSHAL. Aid. '( The Committee separated recreation. Some such days every Senate. Grand is engraved a rose, with stem and leaves.: Pro- community Committee of Arrangements. DEATH OF HENRY CLAY at 4 A. M., and the Senate met again in its truding from one of the leaves is a worm, thnt piusi nave on wnran w cnange wie current oi OOipiating Clergyman, Orator of the Day, and Poet. Washinoton, June 29. Hon. Henry Clay died chamber. has gnawed the flower from the- - stem, and physical energies. it . thought! and recruit their Past Orators the Anniversary. The committees recommended a vote of con of at quarter past eleven o'clock composed, peace- hangs ready to drop fit emblem of the sad fate-o- f Mm ot an '' The celebration of anniversary, for reasons Clergymen of the Town. ful and resigned. currence in an act in amendment act enti the body of Henry Clay, .,,

Ex-Govern- tled Providence and that do not readily appear, seems to be anticipa- His Excellency the or and His Honor, the Second Despatch, 1 o'clock. A solemn sad- an act to incorporate the A meeting ol prominent citizens was held

Ex-Lieutona- Bristol Railroad Company. ted with effort and display everywhere, Towns, nt Governor. ness pervades the entire community. The bells yesterday afternoon, and steps taken to send a Mr. W. W. Hoppin remarked, that there was large delegation have contributed Members of the Legislature. are tolling, and the city wears a garb of sorrow. very to Washington to attend villages and cities, liberally that a from the town of B ristol, for liberty to petition the funeral. , , Ex -- Members Mr. Clay breathed his Inst at ten minutes past no means should be spared to render the occasion of the Legislature. 1 1 o'clock, Rev Mr. his spiritual adviser, subscribe to the stock of the Providence and President and Members of the Town Council. Butler, as attractive as possible by way of orations, and other friends being present. He died with Bristol Railroad, and an act accompanying the Trz Crops. Our exchanges from the Sonth Town Clerk and Tovn Treasurer, granted the poems, dinners, bells, cannon, and fireworks. the utmost composure, snd was believed to be same, already on the part of and West came to us teeming with favorable re preceded by the Town Sargeant, bearing the House, was now in the hands of the committee ports ot the crops, now about being is pne in which recon- perfectly sensible though he uttered not a word.' garnered. Then aspect this display STANDARD, reported and Trip RyppuHva nffinfl nnH nlhpr nlnrpa... nf hnsi.' on the judiciary, and not upon, The growing crops throughout the country, with ciles us to its waste, The whole land .... r.-- apparent Presented to the Town of hab-ilame- desired be presented to the some few Bristol, by Cel. Byfield' ncss are closed and are being arrayed in the nts that the matter might unimportant exceptions, are also repre- - js just entering into a terrible conflict for the elec- in 1721. of mourning. The flags are flying at Senate. seuieu ns oeuig in line ronuition, ana irom what tion of its chief Magistrate, The battle will be a School Committee. hallma8t. Mr. Ballou, from the committee on the judi we can learn the Wheat crop will he the largest Teachers of Public Jurflnro immpififolir said that the committee were, after the ever Corn in the Schools. Pmnjfnr -- nmnrnnd ilia ciary, harvested. some sections is even pne, probably beyond any thing of the b" j repre- Officers of the Customs snd Post n.:.: i r.., i, r u . j first hearing, undecided upon the proper course sented as being rather back ward, while in kind that has preceded it, Now we do. hope Office. V11I111IIUI VUUIi UU bllC 1511 u 11C SOU :.u:11JWIM others, Citizens and Strangora. 'gence. to pursue, but he would move that the committee especiolly at the South, it is looking ' extremely patriotic hearts-t- ho that thecomminglingof greet- only be discharged, and the subject brought before the well and in great abundance. N. Y. The Procession will proceed up State to Hope afreet ; The persons thnt were present at the death Express. ings pf friendly countenances, and the harmony bed were Mr. son, ex-Go- v. Jones of Tenn- Senate. down Hope to Church street ; down Chuich to j Clay's of associated voices on the anoroachinir festival essee, and Mr. Calvert of the National Hotel. Mr. Hoppin, then, in continuation, said that New York, June 28. Private letters from . - ii o Thames street ; up Thames street to Bradford street. Mr. Hull his physician was sent for, but did not a delay in this matter would be equivalent to a report that a conspiracy of a serious char- will tend, iq sqine degree at least, to soften down up Bradford Street to the Congregational Church. arrive until the great statesman had expired. oeleat, as the limitation tor the whole amount ol acter has been discovered in the French army, 11)4 temper the mg of party, and the bitterness ORDER OF EXKRC1SES AT THE CHURCH. The skies are overcast, and unusual sorrow stock expired on the 1st of July, and private en- but that the Government were quietly en"nied pf national zeal, so that we may not quite loose Voluntary on the Orgaa by J. W. Dkarih, Esq. terprise having failed to raise the requisite sum, in suppressing it. The English or French ' and gloom reigns throughout. papers pur self respect and pride of character while MUSIC, by the Choir, the dependence of the friends of the road, includ- have made no mention of the occurrence. The msslqg through the fiery ordeal. Another con. PRAYER, RESPECT TO HENRY CLAY. ing the town of Bristol, through a majority of its conspiracy was discovered by a Sergeant in the By the Rev. Thomas legal voters, was now upon the grauting the pray- army, who had joined the conspirators, but who federation reconciles us to the turmoil and con. SHr?Ao. According to the recommendation of the Mayor, hy er of the petition. became frightened at the extent and boldness MUSIC, the Croton Brass Band. the flags of the shipping and at the flag-staf- fs were of fusion and. extravagance incidental to the occa. 4 the ORATION, suspended at half mast yesterday, in honor of the Mr. Diman opposed at length the policy of the plans. siqn, God is acknowledged in his Al. Rothschild, holy courts By Rev. J. W. Smith. memory of Henry Clay. The bells were tolled proposed procedure, as bad in precedent, and the heod of the house bearing of probably ruinous in result, and earnestly hoped that name, was at last accounts Frank- M tb great author o'jr national Independence, MUSIC, by the Choir. for an hour, commencing at six o'clock in the dying, at fort on the Maine. " h FQW4er pf our free institutions. This has POEM, evening, and the stores and places of business that the Senate would not concur in the vote of the House on the subject. He would move that The famine in the mountain districts of South- been the cheering fact ever since the flrst prayer By William M. Rodman, Esq.. were generally closed. non-concu- r. the Senate ern Germany was unabated- - , was, MUSIC, The Arcade was appropriately dressed in black, Qpered in Congress on motion of Benjamin by the Choir. . ... and the American flag, also dressed in black, Mr. Ballou said, that as the matter now stood, f ftankljn. God's was BENEDICTION, The Providence Journal that the hand teo conspicuous in was suspended over the centre. At five o'clock, he should be compelled to vote against it.' The says business By the Rev. Josem Trapnsll, Jr. different of Bristol transacted at the last session of the' General As the events qf the revautiqn tq be lost sight of in the American Brass Band, which had been en- case was as far as the town The Wall Pews and front seats in was concerned, from similar application from semblv was less than usual in- - nmhnni.' h,fl progress of events that grew out of its sue the Galleries gaged by the clerks in the Arcade, was stationed a in will be reserved particularly for the Ladies. the citv of Providence.' In the latter case the amendment was adopted to the liquor law, which eessful termination. And the within, and played dirges and funeral music for same hand must i is as lottows: : All persons whu wish to participate in the Exercises an hour, and then the stores were closed. city of Providence was doubly secured, while it noticed Uphold us, and strengthen us, and establish us in did not the Bristol had "The law now enables any justice of a are respectfully requested to jqin the Procession, as The Earl House was tastefully dressed in appear that town of any court fh Tight or our history will be advantage over a private subscriber. He exercising the jurisdiction of Justice of the Peace, Way, like the nq que will be admitted to the body Pews in the mourning, and was closed at six o'clock. Provi- regret to issue warrants violation ol of those - ted that the petitioners could not have an oppor- lora t,nnu author- history Republics that were, but are nqt- house until those ip (he procesaion are seated. dence Journal. tunity of being further heard, without its being izes complainants appointed under the license-la- w s it respects qur village celebration we hope At the close of the service the Procession iU be Philadelphia, June 20. draped with followed by a defeat of the whole project. at the last elections, to make complaints un again formed Flags tfl'see all things performed decently and in order, and proceed to State street, aqd be dis der this law. The Town Council ' cmpe are displayed at all points. The church Mr. tollms believed the proposition to be radi of any town, missed. ; et every heart beat freely with emotions of bells are tolling, ns also is tne old Independence cally wrong in principle, and, in his opinion, it and the Board of Aldermen of any citv. are au The Committee sincerely hope, the above arrange thorized to appoint gra.titqde and joy, at the many blessings bestowed bell in the State House. The flags of the ship-p- i had too direct a tendency toward the doctrines such agent or agents as are raents will meet with the approbation of their fellow of Socialism. required by the second section of the Law, Bpohus, while no one proves himself unworthy ng are also at half mnst. Maine citizens and that the varioua bodies invited to join, will Mr. Hoppin moved that Mr. Blake, who was and to designate the officer or officers required by of them by unrestrained indulgence and foolish the be punctual at the time appointed, to form the proces Buffalo, June 29. A general gloom has pre- present, as a citizen from Bristol, have the privi- 17th section of thnt law, as soon' after the alone dissipation. Righteousness exalteth a na- 1 vailed in this city since the of the lege of presenting to the Senate his views of passage of this act as convenient, and such sion. hey most earnesik invite all citizens in- inm intelligence the any ', . z death of ' agents or officers tion, . . the procession. Henry Clay.. The flags are all half mast state of feeling in the town on the subject. already appointed or designated, ana many stores closed. Mr. Blake accordingly rose and addressed the are declared to he os legally qualified ns they MORNING PRAYERS During the display of Fire Works In the evening. FOR THE 5TH. Seuate a long and earnest appeal in favor would have been had the law been in operation the Band will be in attendance and in of 1-- 1-- furnish some of J7 Ppp hour, from 7 2 to 8 2 o'clock, A. Mr. Clay's Family Mr. Clay leaves three the petition, and was followed by Mr. W. H. at the date of their appointment. The nrnended their choicest musie. . sons and no him M".t will be devoted to prayer for our country, . daughters. Thomas was with Potter, who reviewed the arguments of Mr. act goes into operation on the 3d Monday in July." 'Vfthduld qe weiOier prfyye uWavnrVble tli oel ea-- when he died ; James is engaged in business an) its rulers, and its elections, in the Congrega- at Blake, and addressed the Senate in behalf of the ion wilrbevpnWponeiTun liNhe mm flkdavX. St. Louis, and John, the youngest, resides at Ash-- remonstrants. ' New Yokk, June 2S. An important arrest of tional Room, on the 5th inst., in which Lecre SThe Comnultee are aleo most 'bappy to state, that land with his mother, who is in somewhat better Mr. Ames closed for parties who have been connected with forgeries the petitioners. : the-- service the friends of prayer qf every name are hy the liberaliKof many V our iutizens.VheyVave health than of late. Mr. Clay has had altogether The ayes and nays were called on the vote of on Government for several .years past,' has been made. The forgeries Mannr.tfullu invitpH tn lYirtirinatp. been jrnished wuh the meW of proTidingi display twelve children. What remains of his family concurrence. Lost, ayes 6, noes 19. just were in land War- are in comfortable rants and pension certificates. In one instance a of FIRXWORKWfor theeningVthe St insV circumstances. . The Senate then adjourned to 8 A. M., Satur- The death of the Hon, Henry . fraud was perpetrated, involving the Government r... 57. Cur, h" according (bhe projjVrime WMl day morning, . . annexed,hich be1 DEATH H. in 1 OF LEMUEL ARNOLD. a loss ol 18,000 acres of fast a deep gloom over the country, Probably exhibited on the Common. House. An act in amendment of an act to land.' Among those We this morning, with profound re- arrested are Thomas La wson, land broker, Horace no man,, since the days of Washington, had announce incorporate the Providence and Bristol Railroad a and William Programme of Fire Workg, gret, the death of Lemuel Hastings Arnold. Gov. Company ; read and passed. Merihue, of Brooklyn, N Y.j?'Pike" stronger hold upon the affections of the Ameri-pa- n was PstriiWD by SANDERSON & LANERGAN Arnold was horn in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on Resolution of appropriation for repairs on Court previously arrested some three months since people, and the loss of no man will be more for LABORATORY. the 29th ol January, A. u. 1762. and died at the House in Bristol ; read and passed. presenting a forged chock for $5000 at the ' ' ETNA mverelv hv thn nntinn nt larnrs village of Kingston, in this State, on ' Bank of the State of New York.: The loss SIGNAL ROCHETS with various Sunday last. An act in amendment ot an act to prevent total garnetures Gov. to the Government will be fired during the Arnold was of Rhode Island origin, his pa--1 shooting on the Islands of Prudence, Patience, will' reach several ,hundred evening. - C7" We understand that military and fire thousand i- ! a , dollars. , .J At half paat 8 o'clock, the exhibition will commence rents having removed to Vermont shortly before his and Hope, passed. j ',; ., ,;,( wmpany ffqm iver, wil yjsjt this town on . With birth. He returned to Rhode Island at an early! The House adjourned to 8 o'clock I meet at in Fl : i : . No. 1. ILLUMINATION OF pgc,. t.. ever. ueuu j i Ol ' Afflictive Accident. A young pan namedi Tuesday next, for the purpose of partaking of a INDIAN FIRES ..laim iias nit; a retsiueni ll)e the evening. : ,' John S. Jack, employed grinder-i- No. ' State. Providence Journal 89fA, as n I ; No. 8. VULUAK1U BATTERY, composed of ... Evening.'. i i T '" . . clambake at Locust Grove. mm,It'll i .i i noiyoKe, on ' 1 with at while adjusting a belt .' - . - ; ftoman Candles, Crimson, silver and green Stars, No quorum being present, the House adjourned. A meeting of subscri- - Thursday, car- - nq explosions 01 onens. . Bristol Railroad, the was caugty by the coupling, land - - VT Mr. P. T. Martin one qf the. mqst eele- - Saturday, June 27. Rockets and Stars. bers to the stock of the Bristol Railroad Was held j tieu uruiiuu ine Buair, twice, wnen arm, was prated .teachers of in Senate, The Senate met at 8 o'clock. A. M. his Penmanship the country, at Mechanics Hall yesterday afternoon. The thrown in one direction, and body another. No. ?. STAR OF INDEPENDENCE, A large and after referring several petitions, took a recess his in open a gcnool in this town qn was' sub-- , will Thursday next. Star in meeting not large. The committee on ! His sufferings terminated in death lance with colored revolving centre, exienrfa I until 9 o'clock A. M. about 9 ob whVwjsH to improve in the a,rt to rays of jessamine fire, forming a double scriptions reported that 8175,000 had been sub.' the same evening. Springfield "Those qfwrjtjng star of ( The usual bills of accounts were allowed Pott, June 2st, taacp ana scribed; with offer and ih.Qu.14 jets j and the of the Boston and' the present qppqrtmiity, ... , ;ordered to be paid from the Treasury, when . TprbiJJions Rockets! at Providence -l.'U , A man by the namevof Taunton, Railroad Company to furnish the' 111 -U- C J ' .1 Stahdishof ' tu ucui.e concurred in me' resolution No. 4. PALM TREE. equipments, tne worK mignt tie completed uuiu, was riding towards town, on Saturday afternoon, Those ,wha are fond, pf good cpql Soda ' with of IP. Composed Roman ' adjournment, and the General Assembly rose, of Candles, Trimmed wit)) Green $250,000. ' ; with a horse and chaise, when his' horse became tXTsaA mnA steam tuill fin1 paso House, An act in addition to entitled ia nv)''K revolving pi purpe and crimson fixes. an act .frightened, mile com- , It was voted to reduce the sum at which the near the two corner and D.-Wilco- x, an in a1oqn, Hope place , '., act amendment of an act to prevent hawk- Cjf Mr. street, the , Rocket and Streamsra, subscriptions should be binding to $250,000, and menced running; his owner was unabld to'hold ' ' ing and pedling without a license, was laid upon to obtain them. Mr. W. and hist accommodating No. 5. CHAPLET. i to extend the time to January 1, 1853.'. ' I ,or manage him, and he along at a fearful , table. ... , : the .' ,,, . ,. ,.' ... '' i . '. . '.i i HorinUl Revolving "wheels of Crimson and Green

' 1 aw ever reaay to.' mose wno may We shall not permit ourselves to think that 1 rate, over the road, down Broad street, and down jaay waicupon nres, mutate to ot ;; clusters stars snd explosion of Bees, this project, of so much' city,' school fund. the Parade and dashed his head against' the I importance to the disposed Cream, Soda, and ' ! t to try their ruits, - ' : ' A motion was made to take from table, ,.. . Rockets with GoJd the the Raia. . f ' will be suffered to stand still for the want of store of J T. Almy, Esq.,' arid fenced. Mr. , Cjmjfeptiphkry,'? p; resolution laid upon the table author- ;'.r,H :jNa. DIAMOND TREFOIL; . rinn ... yesterday,' am v muum Standish was . considerably frightened,' but not ,if imwww) im wwuuvimj iwn. m aw tut Su-pre- izing the Governor to me Diamond in Lance with colored having take the opinion of the ; but damage done doubled within the eentrea, a scnptlon filled up. Providence Journal. " . injured little was to the chaise. j Buffalo baa more than , last vertjoal revolving Court, upon the question as-t-o the invest ' base,nnHtes to Suns and Flyera. Newt. . ', " Newport , , , (re years, and is now larger end-ha- s more ship- - Rpeknte ment of the School Fund, f ,.: . and Stars. The friends of the Railroad niUnd unntVie Tnwn i.. i iVion Maw Vnrlf InuA fifttf' VpflTil UArl tomn - - aarn' -- .. mr.W. ; Mr, Davis called for 'in v. v.h M,rj j rT- No 7. LIBERTY TREE, ' i Meeting, which was held on Tuesday afternoon- - the ayes and nays and Shocking Accident. A man named John H. '', . " wJt vote-stood- . I 1 m ; its accommodation thev have been necessitated to t 1 I the ' ' - Composed of Roman Captll'e, BV1- - o x Bond was killed almost ort land tinged .with Green, last, commencing at ciock. he Moder--; ' instantly, at the ; tens.jye harbpi by a gTeat ' Ayes Noes v ; naymg a Ternost wnepi, revolving base qr colored ator in the Chair. The resolution offered at the' 27, 28. Company's Wprks, yesterday forenoon. He was Chinese Conning In :' 'NEWPORT COUNTY JAIL. fires, brilliant Star the centre. previous meeting was again presented, with the! at work with "a couple of circular saws , which gen Rtm, which is now nearly completed. ' A resolution Rackets, snd Shells. blank filled with the words "fifteen thousand dol- - having come from the Senata to were driven bv steam: and while reaching over ' " 1 appoint " ' No 8.' AURORA. , to Oeorre C. Shaw a Committen tn . Lwood 2Q.-s-MrGra- lars," The vote was taken without debate, and the one nearest to him to detach a piece '.. - June ham' in accept' nsncfOTo!, A ravojyipg Wheel of Blqe and Green, ehanginjr to pair Newport County Jail, it was objected to con- - qf the resolution was rejected ayes 67, noes 77. from the other, his frock caught m the former, the nomination Vice President.1 immediate brilliant aiH Crimson, - 1 inz itiutate to extensive- Suns and curnng as BTlH A Via ! mnA t.WO. , The meetintr then ad iourned tine merein, the House had an tirst Imwn nnnn almial in ly synttoMtl. Fillmore Tesignatftri:as5ecre- - stationary fit-- with heavy 2i. Wan hu reports. . sent to the Senate, a similar resolution ' 1 appoint--: Notwithstanding the fearful character, of the n m . . 1 Rookeu and SjerpenU. ; taiy qi iua win (craaiD iq ,vbui Charlesi Cozzens, the Sheriff, iar STo ing present for that 'wound, he uttered a cry, detached himself4 from inet few days mqrdar tq complete some impof- - 9. COURANT1NE OR MESSENGER. . t The honse of Mr. Shepherd Ham, in Kittery purpose-- A motion was made to concur in the 'the saw, and walked some ten feet fromithe saw-resoluti- on business, and tnen retire to North Carolina Trvaersing a cord several hundred feet longi fant Me., took fire on Sunday night by the bursting of the Senate and lost. ' . bench, laid down immediately after the election, . i jng and but !1(! wit th 9f Rockets and Gold Rain. of a fluid larno. The House resolution p onsumed. came back (rora the ceased to breathe.-JPort- fami Advertiser . Why it D. T. Martin Benefactor of his race? DK. Becau ROGERS' SYRUP OF TAR, he sot only doe right 1 (write) at an WORT AND CANCHALAGUA. .Fourth of July Fair. example, but he teaches CAKES'!' the rising generation to Tb i ot ia Uiit wy, Lad ir of la Firat Baptist CWcaaad Society, ' WarLI, llm ipu n m, THE do the tame. - ... . 1 pahMic diaram. a. im4 . hvlda Fiirat At ' LIVERWORT. TAR, CANCHALAGUA at tha well know a of tha CALL Sura lb aohaariber it voa The Fur rcacue of uflcrin e Aria correspondent of the Philodelphiina tuuuou 6eifaed. AIUMOHY HALL. wibloparrh)ueartiH.-lbTrh- ' nonsebeld Furniture nt Xvtitionl Oa lh coming 5th of July. In ndditioa la iba anatarwM 4 ledger describes a curious death Cold ' ON THURSDAY next, JuluStk at 11 o'clock whichrhi.h oceurretlw.ju..l iit tmlu by aaagic; COUGH Alt, Fancy ami Ornamental Artklrs, and Children' Toy, willl CiLOKlOLS FOUR TIT, ng 8.Kh faa-memi- Diurrim, a beat B. and Lavrr Raiaiua Raiaiiai A. recently. A young man was taken to the Hotel Inurad of the victim ht year j be atiiiliet1 Hark Turtle Soup, Mrat of variow kiuil, loe with no M. U front of Office v Bradford. Street, Cauop, ' tke- - Be JJieu, and died there riolpnt C.TARRH, iMrLSIIItt.lhifSvnlp tubdlMf, Cream, RUne Mange, Sirs, berries and Cream, Cakee, lie. "Pr"l N" Citron and Hntwebuld Farnrtor of a lacMsranaa of Ami ' ,OrdrrS turrantj, Nice Brown Sugar ami Cookiu THEanlira Uoa .1 ila aid au( Doctor, alight or'reluse. Tlia public are retpeeUully invited In favor with their Butter. remove from - death teemed an 11 La r : : . t'er at I Iowa oaiatiag af Tabk,- CkMjraLaoav vc ui iNN.viii niir 1 1 n r vna I am ... presence. 1m one at B o'clock, A. M. j IKII1 Iit5S, ing Glasses. Carp!, MailreMe. Waah Suusd, iic. 4h.I .Laved (or Nat-ngaandl- comtnissary thought proper to iuves.ite k- "iTi AJiaiuioa Fee, FIVE CENTS. eprMly Siunuon' cualouier. AUo Frcali Ke, Condition Cash an delivery of artirktr. - t torn i...... - . Ck.vca, Ciunamon, Allpice, Ginger, july8 ' . .!.. A., . . the s-iiu 7 W.M.a,aUYLEY,Auet. lareatunit .-v- " si .n.- . Ic I r .k.. I - v..l...... iw zr"ma wr Lmracu iuai utJ u J' Him ina of Umou. Koae, and Vanilla. Thi. ery ana: .tor. young man had laid a ui geci, ib.wU Umi on a g.Mkl waiter that he would ",r'.""',ltl" "'' bdd.ued Pcnmatsbip Notice, jr man) other article whi. h ar daih tuml Shqcif lre an omelette without lire. He placed , ;byfiml.e.. (jvly S) B. S. SIMMONS. HATS,' CAPS, BOOTS,; a elate aIso. fcr b i. BRISTOL, b. i w WE are at peace with all aukiad with eggs Agent. r.. on it over a quantity of quick-lim- e, And not ampured in ; nchtiat i f-ioo- ' f.'i ri ds DRY GOODS. u and to dressed it. He CAUTION Khu (namr, unit there ia an the buff Hut where 'a the one, laul'i not inclined of Various kiudw. alterwurJs ate it, and the . received, - l.l. and Sheet Wadding Biml-in- 1 UST Oentlrmen Black Hi;-J- I and ''m L. SCO- - To engage in uendaunie writing. Ui ofvarioue cokajra, Drew g Fit' xhaltation of the quick-lim- e, with which W' h ol llUnk Blue, B..y Drew Caiat. PauuLeaf it was Run Brown, Scarlet,. nd Crimenn Mhaae. )o,tlk will be ouea from 6 o'clock, A. M. until 9 f. M. I nkiiig., , KotMilli Do., for sale low. ' lUuUcv. impregnated, caused his death. , PRICE Li brra bottle, $1.00, or ai bottle, fcr ?5,00 Shceim,,, Sew Mfc.nnn, KiuUma, Fly Nailing, Will commence oa Tburtday, July 8ih, 1862. ' and oilier am lea ' ivi t. mmierou. to menlioii, at Hie L'uioa Div - let lla) and G.aala CnU' Iloots and Shoes.- Nsw Boston, December Cm aexet, young old. Itiiaala tweontoreoa ll.uHope StreetS.m.i ' Yoac, June 89 A serious riot occurred 6, 147. 1 A. good received thia week and ul Da. Gto. Hake hmte and lie a nailing J"'.v3 BENJ. TILLEY, ataortinent fur Cef . B.OaiESt. Am! Jr. on Sunday, between a I .-, your learn the power ot the pea nKBIttUl party JWS,- rti. New "Dry . Bi queinrrdu, the. ' Good, composed of French and Germans'Oxy.- rlrt. ViiTh .,hC. From Mr. David Marti.., and some of Groat Prints of very ) pattern. Brown Slirwiaf , BWaacW ,u Z,'.alk-viaiin- g Hvle. rusiraiFPECKi7 .rum VISITING iu a iu ,proapt and deriaive eAeet in CAKDS, written tuperinr ; r 7,a,Ila'M whch a man named Butler waa awl Do ; SniniiH-- Minds f Men ami Bov wear Ot.ltlmimi. Cmh. v..Killed and verromuij a aeveia and chronic cut of MigMii..u and At corner of Hope and Bradford Streeu, r !n: i. ... - . . . ' several others severely hurt. Ipepiia in own "y veiling, nuairry, yiovr, cM lor tnie low uy , ny family, and Iran a knowledge of iu woa.k-r-- , A innii it now imparting STORE. . AD1F.S w have made thia ii. wakuwux; , ""V1" eu"n veral aitacki quite at eevere in tllier The knowledge how lo Irara to week another addition lo our jM Philadelphia, June 29.- write,, - Large and splendid -A Polander, who of I io-f.l- of Good which has , J!?'1!? u,y, 'M'l'.ice, co.wi.lcr it a aoerein a.ui l;' Tliat man it T. Martin. ,ck makea our an remedy l. aaaortinaul aow complete between jDSfd.' -- e m v .bad eor-idiullya- ?4iV I interview with the in thai eoiopUim, and would iid Roomonnotite Commercial Corner and Three and Four Huu.lred U Skupinski's in the .limbing Bank. nf II Lawn W . ydl aial Muslina from 10 Be-rage- county earmaily recommentl it to all alio nwy Bradford cu to la. Silk Tisanes, a. prison, made some development to-da- y bat hut Street. juy S afflicted. PUiiu & Plaid Motlimj, A Opening GOTHIC; belore Mayor Rraprairully yiaiM, large aa.orli.u ul nt HALL, Gilpin. The folbwing is tho sub-- ISAAC of New Style Pr.nU, Panuolletli, Dreaa -- liANr'ORTH, 17 South Market Fana. Trimming., n. L St. laucy Artie lea, This iTIorniug;, , I cer,lfinit'' Straw, Leghorn, conlessionraade by the f"m well known and m-pecl- i. and Kossu h Hau, m condemned:' . . hi;Uv Splendid New Goods received together hie Merchant w.lh great varieiy of Gooda '- Mathmsl said, I killed of Botton, and it entitled to the f.ilV.t loo large lo enumerate - young Lehman, the boy which would he I I confidence. us lie 011I1 ' Give tlia medicine a trial, and vnu will he talis , uiineccsary ladies hav. to give ua Knives nnd Forks. by striking him on the THIS WEEK. an early cull, aa knive anil head with a stove leg I Bed of lit artunithiui erbcacv I our Gooda will be freely and cheerfully IWrt Fork, Ska ivory Ware, with it live immediate rrlif J1 ahd exhib- IVORY Blaze, ta A 'I'lendid auortmenl of Handkerchief ited to all. We wish a full Hssotlineiil of cuiuuiuu Knives aiul Fuik,, tij sale bv my brother, as well as Kayser, impai health and atrengib to th wluile contniiw no ( illobe distinctly understood by our whose tvtlrm, and --- im. caar; Li.liet (initleuicn' l)reing ; --- 1 Caar. jun.26 ilcohol, and the f.' . e . ciislomer. that we uuend lo aell Guoda aa low J. B. MUSRO. real naraa is John Rutkowski, is it moil agreeable medicine fur llwce ol deli- e. "i ron.....momea; ...... aa can be pur- still at large cate confutation. ;" oiju' rapier M:irlie Can! Cuae; chased in Bristol or Providence. Mathias said the Tuinted Kratlwr Fana, Luhiua Genuine French I'erl'umea; party had killed a farmer and REEK, RATES, AUSTIN, Ladiea' jitit cull in al PECK'S, and "wc" think ii will lie openIsdtiiFs' . 4 Wholetale Dmnittt No, , Rodger'a aiiM!rioi and Arina-ceoi- vveei.;, I'ockel Pen Kuivea. ia Gale'a luipussilile fur you ' bis family of six persons, 26 illerchanta' Row, Unttnu, at to come away without purchaaiug 10 ' ' near Newark, and af--' General ArciiU.' Soap Hall : Ivorv Teeihins a AT THE . ' Price per Kin; hear "Dodge" ting, and not smile. terwards set fire to the premises. $1 llile ! fix Inttlet f..r 5. i rom a nulla runnier They obtained For f Uiml natter; Urnnge Flower Lotion j For further particular impure tale in Brittul, by L. W. BltlGtiS, Agent Pearl Ciiilert; llooier'a at 108 Hope Street. Bradford 73 and tome jewelry from the house. He l'ter Cachotw; CrotcM Nceilleaj J"'y 3 Street Union Store, also Puraaaad Bug Triinmi.iga; Cut Glasa V. G. PECK. confesses to a murder Toilet Bnttlea, Ditto rRErsll Orange, Umons, Vermasilla, Macnrotii, near Baltimore, i Pia and said Fungeuii; Cill China Buttlea, &c. for aalc at 114 Hope M. Dr. La7igley's Root ic, Cocoa, crushed J Cocoa in cakea ; Tapiucu, Sagis, Fai they had burned thirty houses and Herb Bitters, only 25 htiert. (July 3) DK. l, since their arrival' and DRUKY. NOTICE TO FARMKRS. na, Whealen Grita. Com h'vo kinda of Curfee, fiair 871 " bottle. The very lent tpring and eun.mer Starrhi plunder, . kinds ul Tea; four kinda of Sugar; Wine Biiiirr LorT-- count7' .ins amounting to ever olfeml lu the peopk-- Kor tlie Jaundice, Liver SCYTHES, Cracker? 9000 buried in II IS S T O L K A RAKES, FORKS, &c. do; Sududu; Tuuiilund.t; Sugar do; Miniature do) Water is the mountains, and is, ana an impure Hale ol the hloud, there it no I T I OF ,,w under ! -- cine better. .1 "m HT I""1''.''- - sO'l'", Rifles, Rakes, do; two kinds of nice Pilot Dread; Cookie and takes; the charge or Kayser. He Every pertnn thonld hive a bottle wilhout fail. ! Wlle' Stones, Haym expresses confidence ARTILLERY ! Forks, Scythe Sncathi. White Beans; Halibut, Sardines, Anrhovirj,. Pine Appl ueaanciie, piiet. otlivenRm, ilyipua, weaknett, h.imort. ATTENTION I ntent Scvllws?vIh anilAmi of escaping through the aid Cheese, Olive from Vn-nill- a, of Kayser, and design-- d etc., are cured bv thit cij.iiiiuun.l. Fiance, Siruwlieny Syrnp, Ixmon, fleatant to lake aud aluava YOL are hereby required to appear at the COURT Horse Hakes furnished at Manufacturer' tafe. Sold Prieea, Cr su( Rose Water, Cologne, Hay Water, Preserved Gii.get , murdering all concerned in his arrest and by J. U. Jluuro und S. S. Drury. HOUSE, on MONDAY morning, Jul) 5th, at 7 o'clock (July con. lvhy 8) H. WARUWELL. Yeast Powders, Egg Powders, Curiy Powder; Beef Steak vietion, besides numerous may 22 3m. iu iui. uniiorin, nrme.1 ami equippe.:. persons in New York - Sauce, Mushroom Cnlsup, Tomato do, Walnut .do; Hallad IHJ- Hull Kilkul at i oVI.ick precisely. Oil; bud Oil; Whale Oil; Potash, l.e.ll Lime' whitr-washiu- g, Per Order ol the Coiuiiiandiiig Ollicer, LAWNS. lor The Last Resoht- - HARRIED, am) White, Bruwu aud Dried Applet, Dried Currants, Citron, seedless Rai- A writer in the Gardiner CHARLES A. URKE.N, Clerk, pro BLACK White small figure rr tern crived this day at sins, Box do., Millet Sued, Hemp do; Canary do; Funry (Me.) Fountain, says that the last resort adopted Briatol, July 3d, 1852. in Inn town on Sunday at. I.v iho R. M, I july 3 GOTHIC HALL. Bird Cage. JOSIAH GLADDING.

by the lovers Mr. ; of the "ardept" to smuggle in their John Poller, of Coventry, and Mitt Mary A. McDonaki .... . favorite beverage, is an earthen vessel, which NOTICE. POPLINS. IJATENT Oil Jils, Paicit Bench D.aika, 12. inch Screw On the tninc dny, hy the alock receive.! this Drivers, Hand Saw a uf might readily be mistaken for a nn, Mr. John II. H. Mott am! BOXES nice rieah Lcmuni at the Bradford Street ANEW week among which nre rome every iiinlity, Brat Paiilucka, Hymn Book or 10 U rich changeable ote. . &c, lately received Bible. mitt limy A. Unll, both or thit place. nion More, all to be Hold on the Jill of Jolr. at (july 3) GOTHIC HALL. at july 3 J. GLADDING jiuie 26 J. B. MUXRO'S. The DIED, i'llEIMRIH.V New York Journal of Commerce says RIITTN. FOR THE 1TH. IJ AKES, Rifles and Scythe Stones of tlie lied rpmlhy for -- (juue 2C) B. that "strawberries" were never so ND Armlcla, a new Hock receive.1 Waalehv J. MUNRO: abundant In thit town on Monday last, Mm. o' thii week at The Batluhcha, widow july 3 Proprlcter of at the present season Immense Jacob Balibitt, GOTHIC HALL. ' quantities are Etq., aged 79 enrt. ) Don. Tumblers, all qualitica, lor aale by " ' Died, in Hamlet. April Annie brought to the city daily, from New Jersey, 28, Jonet, duhter of Geo. june i6 J. J. MUNRO. aged h.-i.- rl Luces where the farmers S. Wnnlwell, 23 yraie She early gave her to Itlack yiut, are .-- PINE giving more OR Trimmings. 10 piece received HALL, attention to ..rr nnu nreu unu uicd a worthy member of St. James new Ityle8 thia day their cultivation. The prevailing price Church. m. hi (fnly 3) GOTHIC HALL. HAS JUST RETURNED 'l lie true essential Salt of Lemon. atpresent FROM BOSTON, Salt is To her modem, genlle and retiring rEHIS infinitely prelerahle lo any other article for ia wrcu cents a ditpntiiion, were added - j or. iour oasKet. (D- a choice and well selected Hock of Clothing JL immediately leniuvi'ng Iron Mould, Ink SpuU, Stains, gre it energy of character and tell' reliance. In her daily NOTICE a WITH and 1 I &c. every atio'i, Ornish. Goods. .,r r:...., . 1. of kind, from Muslin, i-ouvert- r nj in Lace, walk mid all the I1IC HALL will open until 12 o'cluck on Monday, conilinir Lawn,. Cambric and chriatian ! A jmcet were jtOl and Bine llroadclolh without w new rotary printing press has been iml -- a Coals mid Pauls. Alsu, Linen, trouble anil ithmit doing the least construct lienutifiilly blended., and brightly thnne forlh. tpreading amy uio. jaily 3 anollicr lot of injury lo ed lihl Ihoee Alpacca Loan which have sold rapidly llieul. It alsu whitens lliein to nduiiralion. and kwIh. ihi.m in New York, which prints both sides of the and joy around her parent' hearth tlnne, and cheering "all in aa beautiful as ulitu new. Received this week at the Apoth- sheet before it leaves the who came witlini iu iiillurnce. Death had no mini! fur her SATIN VESTS. press. It is said to be GREAT EXCITEMENT, AND And Linen ecary Store of june 20 L. V BRIGGS. the grave no victory. Her departure from earth to her home Sacks, fur men and hoys, at 127 Hope Street extremely simple and cheap, and that it can be tin- - N. B. li the weather should in hkiei, win. calm mid peaceful at "miimner' evening ! prove 10 be as unpleasant ns GRAND RUSH it was 011 the last run wim less power than the Hoe press. latent tigh, that thutt the rote." Among her were fourth, we have a first rale nsu cut ol BEAUTIFUL LACE par will be a grand rush nt Monday IJONNETS. lim.i.l the I'ollowiiw lines, evidently wriiien Imi ;..,.. rpiIERE SIMMON'S nn Umbrellas. X and would inform the 1000 and 1 A Mrs. , Iwfore her last ticknena, and jfd a next, who will call to he Iso, Stock. Neck Handkerchiefs Wheelock, A precocious at mott prccioiu legacy of . at ."' cadet at West Point, being asked Hipplied with till the gooda of the aeusou; lie 11' I I I IF - .., ...... to . nrr tliiui't ilait hua iiupe Direet. gt,ly a) M. W . IMEKCK. Jr. oner at .nst a lew more of those Lata for his tormwing reiativei ami Irienila. engaged the ul the diati.iguiahiul A'.'Va opinion on the sahject of replied II aervirea Tuinalo Agent, ulau, .UUBIIH BOI.l 111 , calibre, they are not nriginnl, they nevertlirlcte mow! truly expreu null). in H1KSOI1 U lIMm, n, 1... ' 1 !. I I 1 I as well aa tlie elclnaled Peach Agent, further with the boy anil if the Ladiut will cull I uiitc ne cuiiaiuxTeu ii a aecioeu Dore. ic Kii.uuo.iu itu ice.niga ui uer loving aim oovoleU heart. AVE aud examjji iheni, A.ex, ami iniiiKs ue can auppiy an wun wuatever WHAT EXPECT! iliey will find a uiee '' W. tncy ueaire. article. Alsu, a lew of ihoae V V P.,. l. inure cheao Ribbont. fur aale si Tom Among the passengers by What ii thif that ttealt, lliat tlealt upon liame 1 anil aii.ii.ui Tvr.i. the Baltic, which my Ju''e 26 ll'ipe Sireet. sailed on for la it death 1 it it ileall.1 M. W. PIERCE. Jr, .116 Saturday Liverpool, were, Count Tliat will BANK OF KRISTOL. .!' y loon queach, will quench thit vital frame ; ruisk-- ana may, ot rrillE annual meeting of the St.K'klioldei a in thia Bunk for t Kossuth's suite; Mad. Ce- , . ii ueain I II nealu I it M. NEW PATENT. .... 1 will be liol.ten at .'G leste thit In 1 Liioiceol liireclora. their ISankliiK itouiu WMW und daughter; If death, I lie . , toon flu . . . J. Hall Wilton: Bliini'hnrd .... Bl ..I J I . n t I I. - ECEIVED this day a good y I ten . i .. ... From every pain and sorrow oii itioi.o.iy me 4iu uay ui jury at n o ciock, a. in. assortment of Kendall's receivea a lot ol new and Seaaonable Hrvwl. the actor, and his free ; Palenl Scythes and Sneuilie...... o i u.i dogs; J. Catherwood, bearer of I july 8, 18J2. BENNETT, Clerk, aiiionir which may be lound. 'I'lirker Ke.l nnA si., thall the King of glory tee ; J. in use lor i. hnrmert and 1-- Agrirulturalistt gcimrnlly. Also 2 ; Law aispatcnes, occ. 10 All ia ! Prinls us, fust ruloi from 8 lo 25 ee..i ner .ne.l . mall. well, till is well D.iicii Palenl Scyllie t Sneallis, so made as I., admit any Com-io- u l.adiet & n. n. Children Hose of vaiiuus eolurs and qualities, Cur- Seville with Mule -- Weep my verv tionlde. Tl.-- .iu i n . not, friend, my weep not for tain Among the articles sent over the friend, me, adililion to our former large Rich I .... v W.I. tic so... Fringe. C.rd and TubhIs; White and Uruwji Pasi.- -. Erie Railroad, and Aa.wrtmenl, wc at ai low prices as can lie found in (!,e ah i .en : mnrknt: alsu liisL and Isinrd, Paper Camlirics. Fine bleached Silk . a few days ago, was for have received thia week a choice Selection of Perfumery, Linens, Glovo, a piano Salt Lake Utah, My tin n'f pardoned, I am free. J second quality bcytlics and Scyllie Sualhes, &e. Long and Short Cologne, Hair Oils, Lusirala, Rote Oil fur the Hair, Beat Whalebones, also a fresh supply of.l.liea 1 1 territory. The distance is about There' not n chair) that dnlh 1"' WM. Agt. and Children! Uuota 4,000 miles. arite, Distilled Ruse Water, ice, at the Aputhcrarv Store of H.SI'OONER, and Shuca nt extremely low prices, ut To hide my Savior Iroin my ; the New Union The place where it is destined to go, a few yen rs I eye jly 3 L. VV. BRIGGS. Slure on Hujie slrcei. ' I toon ahull mount the upper akie : Patent Sliemers. j"1"- - 2 ' B. TILLEY, Jr. . All it well, all it well. TUST received WORKS! a new Style of Slippers, palenl leather, Hurk ! hark I my Lord ami FIRE nh Rosettes, also a fresh ol' TO Mutter call me. Til HE Subcrilier hua a tine cullecliun of fire Ijonf li. lupply Gaileia Buoti al Hie LET. ,?nf New Feature w Tradf. We learn that works New' Hune A Pleasant Tenement on the Lower All it well ! JL ext.resslv Store oil Street. Floor, Cornrr for familiea who wish lo have iI.a ..leaaitrA nr of Hope large quant ities of eggs are purchased at different I toon thall aee hi fare in glory, j"')'8 B. TILLEY, and Franklin Street, No. 51). Term ul Hi.ii.iis inese luiuga up. Jr. UIC 1VOUII! All i ! ' " jun points in this State for exportation to New York. well jLv3 B. S. SIMMONS SaJiatt. Farewell, my frieuda ! The yolks are separated from the whites, j adieu, adieu STATION V. It V. which I eau no longer May with you, latter alone 3WALLSl.eelsof Letter Paper, Dim.. Gill edged. the host DISINFECTING SOLUTION are shipped, the yolks being sold in My glittering arowii appeal in view : DAIRY SALT. Bi.lli Post, French Letter Received a very aire article of Dairy Salt, for tale Paper, Envelopes cl alla kinds, ol' Chloride of Soda, the localities where the All it well, all well ! JUST Note PaK;r, Bill concenlratrd. purchases are made. it low by (july 8) H. WARD Paier, Wafers, Sealing Wax, kr. K'OR destrojiiig Cuuiagion, Decomposing Paaiilemial WELL. july book-binde- ! 8 M. F.lllnviii; u'eaervii.g The whites are are sold to metroplitan rs Hail all hail, ye blind washed throng. DR. DRURY. Provision! against dvray, and Saved by the Bradford Union the i iiriitrnlixina itroii? or ollenaive ndora. P l'liaiH nrrnrsiinii Is. for gilding purposes. , , grace, taved liy grace ; Strcc! Store on 8th of July we Cincinnati Gazette. I the Foiii'.ula of A. ve come to, join your rapturous long : ATshall have lull of good ihinga. G. Lubarraque, ol Paria. For tale nt tho FIVE DOLLARS Apothecary Store of From Saved by grace, july 3 J. GLADDING. REWARD, L. W. BRIGGti. Texas. Baltimore, June 26. The All, all is peace' and joy divine. above reward will lie paid fur tha , All rflHE detection uf illue southern mail as late as due has heaven and glory now are mine J per , arrived. The (a'lore A or uereuns eiiiraoetl ... nuitiior 'r.,..,.a. i PICKLED TRIPE. , Handkerchief Cases. ton - " . UullLl.lj .il to the Lnmh, nd ... " n udioptiu r. ERY Die 1 ' nice, at Brudlord Street Union - -- H ECE1VED thia week a large and splendid Asaortiiivnt other hud on the '' t..i., Store. Also, t- 1 4UAH 11 1 C ir icr r DOG, that came iuio . iu All it well, all well I die store No. 42 loomed Beef, it ol tint above nauitd gouds, at 114 street, SbIi do., Soused Pigi Feel; No. 1 Mack- ,; , 15th. JLv llupe oiaie eirect, on Hie tilt. Certain individuals Lieut. Haven of the 2d dragoons, and (if. Zih hnviltK erel, Culiliune: S;.lni,.- - july 8 ' DR. DRURY. circulated the Pickled Pickled S,.,.,l. i, T report that il was done in said store, I teen men, have had a skirmish with the Caman- - to injure Halil.uts Fin and Nape, and many the luliscnlwr, it ia hoped that nnv one having otheraiiielei i.hi nuuien u 1 1 any knowledge In iirhih. T kA ) I. ! . 1 I to mention. vi.wc,Jhe ,1, v..,. 1,11 vi i.ic wero ana MAUIXE ' of the same w ill make it known to' llie mbicriher. 0"ie2b JOSIAH' CLADDING. ' laurr Klliea J01RNAL. j DISSOLUTION. IN. I he owner of thedoj has also nr..m',.n.l , thirty eight horses and four captive children re- VIE Copartnership hitherto existing between the mliscri tA ff subscrilier is ati.lied that he will hack up he Camas, Carpeting:. -- covered. The children say that the Indians hnd POUT OV BUISTOL, JL bera, under the linn of Norria StCook. ia litis dav dissolv what savsi iu s It. I. ,mnu .w. .ue uctceiion ol Pl,ce4 al' widthi, very rich patterns, opened tlmilny consent. I let-tie- uul. tlie uiieii.ler. Of at murdered their ed hy mutual he busmen ol laid firm will be d -'- 26 father, mother, elder brother and J'".v . BARN jue GOTHIC ARRIVED, by the uew firm ofNorrit, Hayes & Co. A. W. ARD. V HALL. ; lister, three days before their recapture. June JIJII.V. . o Jf",n , nSA'RDAr, 26ih. NUKKIS.Jr. M1LLS- -1 down Wilsua't Ijeal, received at Steamer Bradmrd Durfee, Burden, from FREDERIC COFFEE , Fall River. COOK. READ THIS. june i6 J. B. MLMWS. Rappinus" Steamer Caiiunicna, from "Spirit no New Thino. Acorres- - Child, Providence. O ECEIVED at tlie Biaddrd Sireet Union Store, from ' SleainerU.rroso, Milla, from Providence. New York, a great variety of pickles pondent of a New York paper conies the follow- - .COPARTNERSHIP. - - in gallons, half do. ! Schr Allegan, Sialil, liuin Calaia, with lumber every I ; GO TO I Me., to J L snlisrriliur have this day loriucd a copartnership un- niarlt, Pints, ol kind. have ul.., . .',.. I... ri BEN'S lj . ing from a number of the New York Packet of Gardner. THE Pickles, by the der the Nrni of Nurria. Havea & Co.. and will cuniinue duzen or hundred. A!..,. p;,.,Ui i.i.i NES,Goto BEN SIMMONS' Sluia if you would l,y 1789, the Schr Sarah E, Eldred, from Eaal Greenwich and Mango. In fuel 1 have, X some as illustrating fact that "there is noth- - the liuaineji id'llie lale firm of Nurria & Cuuk, and are lully perhaps, the lurgeat assort nice Ihinga for Hie Fourth of July. Ben cun sill Sloop Eineline, Arnold, from Providence. ment ol Picklct Rhode chenp ami ' " lng new under the sun:" cuipuweredto aettle the alHiin of said firm. iu Island. furnish good Article. june 26 Sloop Richard Smith, Prune, from Fall River. JOHN NORRIS.Jr. ON " Extract a letter a gentleman at Fish- - Sloop Wm. H. Allen, tioir, from Full HAND of from River. ROBERT P. HAYES. We have nn assortment of !,J .TI RAN1TE nnd Blue Clmmliei r Sloup Ami, Ruwaon, from small article not untnllv ken Sell, theau Vaau. Ilia. kill, to hit in this city, dated March 3, 1789. Providence. JAMES T. H mond Bowli, &c. friend UODGE. grocery (Store, such at all ihadri of Sewing Silk, Tlireail Cnatura, ko lately received at I SUNDAY, 27th. Biist..l,Julv2l, 1832...... june 26 B. Sir: Were to relate the many extraordinary, Schr,...Eli. Townaend. from Phila.Mohla ... m....;., i uuiions, corona, Blov l.aceings, Whale J. MUNRTJ'S. ui.l. Hours, Scissors, Ruining Needles, Whito'Wnx,

1 1 though not less true, accounts hove heard of & Baruea. I c, at the Schr Empire, Price, LIST OP fET.I'li RS r uw muu. ljuiya; J. GLADDING , from Philadalnhia. with tn ! that unfortunate girl at New Hackensack, your enl PL flciu'ni'nf mtht l'o$t Official Bristol, July 1852.' EiTlHROlDERlES, okel Steam Mill Co. R.J., 2d, USLIN, I Caiiihnc, jl I Linen and Lace Edgyar and Insert-i-'- A belief might perhaps be staggered, and patience fpjr I'eisona calling lor letter on hit list will please say Schr Gnxelle. Verniaon. from New York. t.h n SEA nigs, Dolled Muslins, Colon, Chemiaells, ; nr6 advtrtistd. BATHING. luilrr tired. I shall, therefore, only inform you of what R Diraond H Co. subscrilier. would inlorm the inhahimnt Sleeve and many other useful article ai Iha j A Diana Anna. .. ". riillb ofBriitol Union, or Twin I. llafalli, lUil L!. v. j ' - Sloop ! Store on Hop Editor. Caae.'froin Rondoolit. wi:h . ' " la ttrret. . I have been witness to. , Last after- B Welch A "" wmiing piace lor in own rsniveii. i eye Brnv. Martha Blake. Berinh Brownell. -- Sunday Earle and r. oieum mill Lo, , lenco, that of other. Tlioae uiio wish t.. .1.;. I jimc 20 BEN A M IN noon wife P Bowen, Senetni Benard, Kolicrl ltrin-e- Mary E Borden. m: J TILLEY , Jr. my and myself went to Dr. Thorn's, ry can be accmmoilaicd for the small MONDAY, 28th. C Jonah Cogeslnill, Michael Corrakk, rranrca Lamp, mm of Id cent each v an t alter sitting some tune we heard Steamer Bradford from it....;, ur lor a noi a knocking Durfee, Borden, Fall River. Ellen Church, Michael Conoly, Mra. Juhu Dimond, Julio lamny exceeding lour, during the season Steamer . J"'y 8 vnler the feet of a young woman that lives in Canonicua, Childa, from Providence. Clinknnid, Bridget Couulv. D. S. GUSHEE. Steamer B ' 1 .rruto, Mill, from Providence. D Alannel Sarah Dcen, Dar- ilt-arde- the .family. asked the Doctor what Duughus, Mil. .Eliiabcth Now and R , occasioned Sloop Heleu, Pitman, from dose by, the Udiei to b. prepiired in New BedPird. ling, Emily Duly. ; noise; he could not tell, but replied Sloup Richard IScelrluate tin Nalinnnl JiiIuIm. wiik Mmfort ..that that he. Smith, fearae, from Fall River. E Mra E William Eualerbrooka' mm puis ..4 T Eaiterbrookt, m ome uilalil. apparel and by calling al eXortyp Iloi.a together with several others had examined the! TUESDAY, 29th. E imr tbeew "" Eliza Fteney.C II Fuatuur, T R Kludge, Susan Fuller. htreel., they can be furuislied from Steamer Bradlord Durfee, Borden, from Fall River. HPHE SuUrrilier will he well aupplied with Lamb, Beef, above ll iwiwia oi iha house, but were unable to discover the G A'roa T Gin ham, Edmund Gregn. head lo the sole of the fool, cause. Steamer Canou'icua, Childa, from X Mullon, Chicken, Gceae, Corned Beef, Corned Toifuea with Pauieolta, Bonnets rf Veils, ' Providence. M . B. Holbrook, Dr. al C lloyl, Mi Abbv G Haw- - Shawla, Mantle, I then took a candle and went with the girl into Steamer Barroaa, M ilia, from Sound anil Tunnies. Veal. Pork. Salmon. (TmlK.i. iri. Collar, ChemuelU, L'ndertleerca Gioves, Providence. Kim, Willium Henry. ..i DiesKMof While Schr Surah E., Eldred, from Poruinouth. ring, New and Old Potatoe, Fresh Butter, Cliccse. New or figured Lawn, Bertge DeLnioc., J'op. the cellar. There the knocking also continued; I It K Emily Ide, Eugene J O Kreffe. bus, Gingluims, Sloou Vinilant. Wella. from New Vork uil.h mm.r and old Turnips, New Beet and old one too. Green Peas Muslina, Hundiomc Prints, Llgbl' and i m It but L Hiram Luther. David Livertoii, Huse, Lif-h- t and a we were ascending the stain to return, I Dimond & Co. irn and Beans, White and Black Beahi. All kind of Pickles' Dark Gaiter Biwii and BuuconiTBiany M Patrick Muhony.' Wm. Mann, Carringlon Monroe "'' P 2, other atlicle too numerous . . heard prodigious rapping on each tide, which Sloop Maria Baker, from Fall River. freserves, Vegetable, c. to mention. . . , lnia, Anna n muiiro, i. u. Munroe. jnly 8 Please give us a call in season ft l&YmCft Vn A UltK ivKon 1 kaUfiii Sloop Wm. H. Allen, Wella, from Fall River. B. S. SIMMONS.' tube Dreu Maker wiH I IIHIHIWIMIUIIIWUIlamnTumonf tlilVII A lAflliU lAmaJISI UV. N Cliarlea Nicola, Henry Newell. need little ' Sloop Rebinaon, Norria, hum Dighton. tunic time to prepare lliem. ''I ' , lumber which P Ann E Paull, Capt. Juhu Price, Stephen Peck. juneia-.- . lay at the head of the stairs shake' Sailed iloon Editor. Caae. Riin.l.a.lri. BENJAMIN TILI.r.VJr. R Alice Redmoud, Samuel Reed, Anna Raimn. Double Strength considerably. -, I Essences About 8 or 10 days after, we visi- . WEDNESDAY. 30th. S Louisa Simmon, Peleg C Sanford, A una Stoddard 2, aiiRiruia; u,l of Lemun; Exlraciaof Do, ted the girl again. Steamer Bradford Durfee, Borden, from Fall River. V.nilla, The knocking still continued cuen BiniHIian. OrRoto; do. Pint nice: Pure eroun.1 Gi.anr- - R...ii.i. splendid Hleamar, Child, from Providence. c. - but waa much louder. , ... T Wm H Thomntnn. Royal Thrasher Daniel Thomnaon. perCarbSmla; Pure Cream tartar, m nmmm f)nriipini,r ol ;n.,.J Steamer lla.ruau, Mill, from Providence. Paregoric, Godfi ici W Capt. David Williams, Joaeph Whituker, Mary E, Cordial; tlixci Nilutis; Conmositiou I'.m.l..- - si...L.r. . to make a third visit, when the phenomena was Barcine Marv Fraucii. Allen, from Warren 'to an nn the ii.i DRESS GOODS r..,, -- Skunk Cabbage . " vvaiuron. Root; Baylierry Root; Bayberry k ; Soak' nanr i vvny. Hat still more alarming. I then saw the chairs move; july 3 GEO. H. PEARCE, P. M. en Extract ol Valerian; Balch and Henry'. Magnetia: Sloop Kiclianl Smith, Pearae, from 50 Providence. d ai;i;viv". johivI ir. i large dining table was thrown against , " "...puorj inisey unuDarb; Worm now pi-Miare- to offer me, and Sloop Ann, Raw-ion- from :j Seed; IS a.Wg. aud .plemlid; Stock of Providenc. Ground SiHimdi 1 1 - small on which stood candle, ' Sarsnnarilla. fur sale ai J fInn. So X Gootl., which f.H- Richne.liiiTariety,, stand, a was tossed Sailed echr Empire, Price Philadelphia. FARE 20 Ilia Double Refined Cumuhor. 0,4 mbeea- - 1 TO PROVIDENCE

l Ln M".r,k"' Ih following, ' 1 . tin and thrown in mv wife's Ian! after which we Ipft Sloop Marin Louita, Baker, New York, tin Pui'tf tlia lu ...LI I... .1 i hJo7rV"' ,,u,0,:'b l. ..1 k .: j r - P SILKS, I arngei, ol all , ,, ' THURSDAY, lat. IL 1 lr color, .1? low a. the house, quite surprised at what we had seen."! REDUCED! Jar i.uib Ainmoniti ; bU Irish Mun exlr uuHlitv. Sntrn. per yd, Muslina ol all kind. "" " . k - 'learner Bradford Durfee, Borden, from Fall River, I MltlrtrU I 'tii-i-i Stui-f- T'nn...t 11 I I I . . . fcudiroiderie. al THE FARE BETWEEN of kind., 6 ih.ten -- Steamer Providence-Steame- I mi Under 4 Canonical, Childa, from r (.s.n.iMr. 1 Hleew. a'niIIUitn lUIKe BlOf II II I 'rM all dnxen ol Muslin . ".( &rS&4Sr3f BRISTOL it PROVIDENCE rfrs a'lrinicu i.l ait. iaa hi... a k.w a 371 r... e t 'Z 'Don"t too much confidence in a lover's Barroaao, Milla, from I'rovid ' iiSt .1.... r.:. yoU put nee. by tlie Ouiiubi.f Hue and Slramhoat from Warren, ha been rill'. Flavoring Exlriictt, Chocolate, . Bakcr'a llruma. . in." 5.,hj"inK"-- B.lm'k La Schr Sarah Eldred, from Providence " 6 Trimmiar (Kd'lil tows and sighs," says Mrs. Partington to her E., reduced lu 25 cents. Oinnihns leaves at a half pnal J",T DR. in wun 6 DRURY. ci. i,ia, all other kinds pf Goo l., too nuiaernpi 1 Sloop Wm. H. Allen, Goff, Iron Fall River. ' rtiece. a. m., Sieainbout arrives in Pruvidruce at 81 o'clock. Leaves mention. . , ( "Let nlm tell you that you have lips like. Sailed echr Allegan, Sialil, Bangor. ' Providence on the arrival of I be afternoon Cars from Boston. FRUIT. Six dozen 7 trawberries and cream, and cheeks like tarnation, FRIDAY, ii.. Horae and lurnialied all Double FRUIT. Boutiels, for ceills Carriage! at 1 hour. Apples, Oranget, Lemons, Dntm Steamer VWlfonl Durfee, Borden, from Fall River. CHERRIES, Fig, es Pine . ;. and eyes like an asterisk; but such things often-- 1 Carriages for funerals or parties, furnished lo Older at the AMilei, Prunes, less than Cot. 0, 7 1 Strawherriet, Almond, English Wal, A I clos : Steamer Canonicua, Childa, Irom Providence, Stair sod Expien Olfice, uudcr the Dristul Hotel. wi.h to Uicib off, awl anal! Uup no uvr vClheai errome from a tender head than a tender hear.t." nuu, Filbert, Shell Barki, Cream Nuts, &c, all kinlids Steamer Harrow), Milla, from Providence; july 3 MAXF1ELD & GREENE. of Fnr huudretl dollura word of Ribbon at prime Co Cuud (ju'y 3) B. S. SIMMONS, juu19 iuliH h. ALLYMs . ..kwt-fNW- a A summer ivrraucrniriu. r.v - NF aUaM YOUR TAXES- THE GREAT SPRING AND V -- ON aud alter Monday, April eta, tl PAY 4iUiii zLr-- r iiIlia-Kli-l h-- j- aadertigna! haa ramoTed fx. k. v. not paid their Taxes for the year SU.tLUER 31ED1C1NE. - THE aadertir kit ir. o..nAnC(iwi a. 1 ra PERSONSIMI, wl. Slona cattingitg tJWbiuniweut, uia DSl.wiU leave Fall Hirer Mr rroTiueurt, oauj,, r.cunuaf 2o Cent for a Pint Bottle and 37 Ctni formerly a 10 Coarl and pay up forthwith. 0; t tbop oa Thameamea ttreel, excepted) at o'clock, a: (or en tVf arrrral. of lha :.Nk ! People's Medicine. , market, St,JOUil a. PEAKCK.Utllectiir. fora Quart Bottle of the ,Vtl cnpTedbyJ.W.. W. Barnm, at a morning train or car trora new eeumru;. .RBtarang,! am Jm D-- ,1"R. LANCiLF.VS liarMwilla. Yellow ck, WiU when Bkar ba Drorwtd Monuineula, or leave Providence al I 'clock, p. e., ching al Bristol and NOTICE. Cherry. Pricklev Ash, Umwlailioa. Ttunnigbwerl mi X Gravt Siooea, Tooibaionet of every Brsttol Ferry (Rhode bbind aide) aawb w ( errrfiaj ilaU Rhubarb rrade and tula. , Abo, ireeatooe in lime lite for Kew Bedford, end tbcir advantage to eH al lha River lo take train f, : , ,i easy iilo Brickt aud Soapalone. Bristol TsU FARMERS Umhm where can U early Root and XXerb Sitter Slept, Po.u, lleaillit, Fire Fare lo Bristol, to Providence 7S cents;' si BnJkiH Bttiri Store they t. conatantly at ! decidedly lha medicine for lb least ia tk Having made arraiiaemeutt lo keep a peraon River 23eUf Bristol Ferry to Providence, ST frvdewe. Batter, for cash nr barter. grant bom; - ceutev'i' It, !!! Eo'i a coutinuauca of the patron- !-- TawoM . JOSIAH GLADDING. world, uf which lb people turn had the pax two years lha abop, ke reapecifullv'aolieitt aprill. i.. J., ..v., ( Dull Ira. berelolore etteaueil lo una. IVSfiW aie ..'fc J ' ut ado i'll do tou oood." Brialol, April 3. JOSEPH FRANKLAND. STEAM DOAT NOTICE.; A NEW ARTICLE. "ur i.-nvirff- II liver eonmluint will t vtM ar tniulil.l with llu thev fur Tut? -- i 'liTl' T7RCICH Fleetest IW Slum. iWivod ai 137 Hop ri w i he. oirminr VAiViiivifii, v.r.. n. n r .. ym then thoo afflicting and painful niitaM, awl at j a.,...,..-..,...,..- -- SHOES, Ac. THAN CHILD, will commence bet rftola- - oiiwu ... : i HATS, CAPS, 2al2 ' - t was, purs, ni.ngr- l inn! nyerpepaia, ncaimcue,..I. cuMivriica, received an attortment of fina lllni Halt Straw trips between Providence aad Newport, on Tuesday ne,t, Juu --r ol aud will no ! o l"l J timi, kin auprti'e general deliility, la hhii JUSTHalt Meat and Boyt Ureal Cape Ment, Boje aud 8ih, touching al Brialol, Bristol Ferry and Fall Kivci leaving y.,t 1-- Gentlemen & Bovs, new and Ladiet Shoes, for aala cheap by Providence every day, (Sunday excepted,) al 7 2 o'clock, HENRY VV'ARDWELL. 8-- A. 1 nay 22 A. M., Fall River at 4 v'cmrk, M. of oh the arrival bUri. A for llwt Iruubtennme complainl, lb pfltt. ! tun curt of the taorninf train front UoiUMi, stop tX Bristol . Ji'errjr and Splendid Tailoring Goods L huffliim. mi ill lite-a- ri of (lit Ibey can't lie be;. for I some of Ihe quality, 11 , . rr ... II a . .! Just opened, het arrivs at Newport at A.M. ... u. 'TU. i: ill - .L w a.. .kM .A ,.,; i i hc mules mi iikc iircm, tut niv nn 'v POTASH. WARDWELL. RETTURNING. , "' ... I .1 ; iiti II iii sale low by (may 22) H. , ri..1 m WYATT. 1 nr mrgv. Hie wr n mmi 1-- WH. nwiit prim iiir Will leave Newport at 2 4 o'clock, P. M., to connect Wirts received ibis week 'he must ipleiuliil aofliiiMil of Try iltetn ihe utm'tii it, life mid hoilib to ft II. 3-- 4 for Boaton : I ve - IV tlie S o'clock train at Fall River Fall HASTailoring Oooik uf all dccrHtiiMii,Colut, aikl Fall- Pur Sale iu Br.tul, by J. U. Munro, S. 3. Drury ami at other II A NO I US, AND PAPER Kivrr at 4 1- -4 o'c'ock, P. M., touching lit Bristol' Ferry, and to ba fouaJ.ia Ikil pbrit, Call ml) if you wiab lo arcu inejiriiw .loin, 22 3a niy -- tka, IIOHDEKS. . about o'clock. , ,, Bristol, arriving in Providence at 6 . v the Thamee Street Variety Store, a t K received at Fare 50 Excursion Tickets for llic day SO cent, for JUST Paper Hanging cenl. UOOfj ! i?.DCI.I3, Porrekin and Minernl KnoU, Dillo, rich, choice and extensive assortment ol - KEEP lOOR Front Newport to Boaton yiJJO.'- Baggage ticketed fhrongh for nice auit of Thin Clothing. I M-- r will) hxturet eotopWle Alto. Curtain UamJa. Slalea and Borders, comprising one of the Largest assortment of Coac and (l awamml a Boaion. . This l ue connects directly with the Railroad, witboiil Bnu-tuia- r Iw I all for Kile '-j-'- for Mcnaiul Boy, whidi will of tiiet, by ! American Manufactured nooee paper lo loana in wis place. I bar Sonuacr Stufb CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL carriage al Fall River. . -'X into warranted to wit, uihI cheaper than ear. June 0 J. B. MUNRO Also, double Green, and double Blue Window Shades, (call ganamla, the of tliese Complaints, N. 11. 1 he Doat will not Hup ai uristoi rerry on tier way eaU. Ami especially adapted to Cure and tee) for tele by (inch 27) J. P. PIERCE. ua a in . -- hkaa gia from Ncwptrt to Full titter. . ,'( ' .... IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS FORMS, june 12th, 1852.

MUTUAL 1 1 PEOPLE'S i 1 .' OURNINU GOODS of every description, 'I . I HI1 I al , V! .'I. III! Choice Family Medicines, Ac. Such Pain in theStoinnch, Heartburn, HubilualCostivenest, Uh as 12 GOTHIC HALL. SeWliia r'owileri', genuine nr. Sick-Headach- e, June Taateleaa Oppression afler Eatnig, Acid Lrurlutions, Spring Arrangement, mi BUTLER'S Puwilera, mialilv. Ilcnry' Cal- FIRE tirl. Soda 8iirior IM1!I(F. Lost uf Appetite, Jaundice, Piles, Night Sweats, Coldness to arlicle uf Rhnliarb, Fe-Dia- 1TIAIV-UFACTOR- Y. From M'ew.Vork. A luperior le Fall lliver cined Magnetia. tery W, of the Extremities, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, NEW EIVGLAIVD TRUSS Cat Arrow RikM, Pulverir.l Cum Mvrrh.ilo. juu (i;ii.ilp(ie. WORCESTER, MASS. of the Stomach and Olwtructiont, Distension xbme2 comprise tlie new aud splendid sleuniert EM All of Iha-mo- at approred Medeiiwiof die day, kepi coiuunl. With a Cath rapital of ?100,000, and an ATailuule Capi- in the Side, Torpor of tins Bowels, Diuinesa, Pain PIRE STATE, Capt. B. Brayton. and BAY STATE, tal of over $ 500,000. Water-bras- h, Weakness of the Limbs, Tuo-- Liver, JAMES FREDERIC FOSTER, W. M. pire Slate, will leave Fal Oila, Waabct, Alen-lininliz- e Capt. Ukown, The En Hi Broat trnrietv ol Perfumery, lluir Building', ami Pernor! Properly by Fever, Climate Influence INSURES Debility caused River on Mondays, Wednesdays, aud Fridays, and the Buy. ron.let, fcc. for lb flnir, Hiilr IHe, Ice. fcc. generally, both on lha STOCK and MUTUAL PLAN, or Old Age, and uKorACTumn. or ' ' Stale Tuesdays, Thuis '.y and Sulurduvs. . Nail Hrmliea, lit-PERFE- A fina aeaorlawnl of Uairt r'leh, Twill It on at fuvoniljle lerint at any aouud aud well conducted Stork DISEASES HA VINO THEIR ORIGIN IN C'I AND ALL RACHET SPIRAL TRUSSES Cabin 1'assu Irom uerx, pit. V Drafting Comb, r'ine lorj do. ke., al the AH)ilieeiry ttnra or Mutual Compunv. OH A I'lovnleiice, ftH, DIGESTION, DERANGED Tickets for berth room ran lie secured on heart of (ji"19) L. W. BltlUlid. Tlit Hint data ol' Dwelling Hourci and their allnchmentt, STOMACH. 407 Washington 467 or rtiite CONDITION OF THE Street, the steamer Bradford Durli e, which leaves Providence at Farm Buildingt and their rontentt, Intureil for one, or five It'i also an excellent remedy, and not turpasecd by any Mass. daily to connect at nil Liver with the above numeili Charts, Ac. yearn, upon the Stock principle, Ml tlie tame rate charged in tho BOSTON, P.M. r Onadrant. at medicine known, for all peculiarities of passengers are lauded stnt. HIieniK, I pxni Sextmil, 1 the Minimi I)cHirtnieut. tin various approved Tniaees constantly for sale. boat. Returning from New Yoik, ir ' ' " ; -- FORtalaatllieOtliooofllw r ' i i- - O.nrani. I Hnv Ulno. 1 Barometer and a nuiulx-- of Aplicalioni for intiiiiiiice ran Ix made at lite Coinpany'i FEMALE COMPLAINTS. ALLLadies waited upon by Mrs. Caroline D. Foster, who Providence, at 10 A. M. ' free from injurious per- lw on this route are tlie largest, most substantial CharU oftlwdilteronlUceuiii. June 19. Office, in Hnrringlon'a Block, Corner of Front and Main Being entirely every property, and has had twenty years experience in the business. l steamers num-be- rt and costly inland on tlie ttutera,lin -- Street, Worretter, or lo JOHN ADAMS, Agent at hit fectly safe at all times, ils soothing and restorative Tome Strangers in the city will please take notice that the odd of any steamers American Ollicca, No. 8 Coiikitm ttreel, Boston; No. 82 Wettminiter I'owtB is tlie secret oi its great emcucy in an caaea ot and even nuinbert aie on oppotite aide of llw ttreet, it ing been uuilt expressly lor the route around Point Judith, auil WEW STOCK BOOTS and . . :? : I of ttreet, over tlie Stute Bank, Providence, R. I., or to any being 416 opposite the subscriber a reanleiice 4b7, where lie are iu every respect suitable for the service. SHOES. other Agent of the Company. GENERAL DEBILITY, will keen a full siimdv of Ready Made Trustee, for Gentlemen r reight reduced lo bummer rules, as M-- r tann ; and IxKcrr fine 2 (In linitalimi Stich, $3. of Gentt Calf $2,00. - and renders it an invaluable remedy for the prevention and Youths aud Alxlominai Supporters of; at all timet et low hy any athtr line. No extra for ram , b. rreaiucnt and Ladies. Infanis. at chaise dozen ShiK-t- $1,17. it. tibaiiuvvAi, " 2 2 ditto of Uiwt, 2,75. 12 (iot O. HARRINGTON, Secretary. cure ot five or six different kinds,, such as Hull's, Capiu's, Spinal, wharfngsor transhipment. May 24lh, 1852: Bik.H, 2,00. 8 do 12 ditto Calf, $1, 26. 4 duien ConreM Boston". Almon D. Hodge, Pretideu FEVER AND AGUE. Cutter's, Fitch's, Ingalls', &e. 62 200 do Ritrr.HKnci in 82,02. 100 pnira Udie Slipi, Tie, Mcr-clia- med t)pera, i. of the Wanhington Bank ; Chai lct Thoiniipou, Ktq., nt The tone and energy imparted to the stomach by this Ladies waited upon by Mrs. Caroline D. Foster, al the Buskimi92cl(i. 100 Enamelled, $1,00. Wet". 75prt pi. : JhciiIi Fortler, Pre.iHent of Filchbiirg Kail cine, lortilies the system nguinat infectious diseases, and expo above p'nee. FAKE TO PROVIDENCE all low for Cmh. Cbiidreiu Slwe of detcriptioii, Roail : Buckley & Banrroft, Mcrclianl. sure to changes of climate; it is, in fact, an indispensable The fjllowing certificate from Dr. John C. Warren, of Bos- JOHN H. AI.LYN. jnn. 19UK Proviiiknck, R. I. Msr. Hill, Carpenter St Co.. TRAVELLING COMPANION. ton, wus given 16 jeart since, but will last forever : REDUCED! Newell & Daniels, and Royul Chupin, Eacj., Among the numerous and highly retpectable certificates, wc "Boston, January 7, 1S35. THE FARE BETWEEN ttrr--i. : afflict- aMri piviiKxc:RJ5ft3asae FRENCH PERFUMERY. oft ZS II relcr to the lollowing "Having had occasion to observe that some persons Bristol & Prolcssor A. A. Hayes, M. v., Slate Assnyer. ed with Hernia, have suffered much from the want uf a skillful iy the uiiiniiins line unu oieutiiiiuai irom t arren, nus been Chili, Pairlwrnly, DOZEN Luliiiti Ptfrfumory, Jocky " Edwmd E. Phelps. Dartmouth College. warkman in accommodating trusses to the peculiarities of reduced to 25 cents. Omnibus leaves Bristol uta quarter past 1 HcMim--t dc Caroline. Maiiwlml, Hcliolroiii., Fitzhenrv Homer, Esq., Boaion. t.ieir cases, 1 have taken p, ins to inlnrm mysell ol the com- 7 a. m., Steamboat arrives in Providence til 9 o'clock, lavea Burgniniilie' Oil of Juiwiinine. Olio of Rote, Mmk, Oil of EZRA BAKER, J ones C. Dunn. Esq., City Treasurer, Boston. , petency of Mr. J. F. Foster, to supply the deficiency oreaioiiei Providence at 4 o clock p. in., aud arrives in Bristol at a iMirl'iiiued Ki'em'h, Ex-Preide- j reeeived a large uMorlint'iit of hihlv nl Maaa. J nit -I- VO. 5- .- Hon. Myron Lhwicih c, Senate. by the death of Mr. Beath. After some inonilis of observation quarter before 6 o'clock, P. M. ; and American Toili't Sojiw, l-- nv ll"ey Soap, Old 11 Knglifb L. H. Arnold, formerly Goveruor of Rhode Island, of bis work, I am well satisfied that Mr. Foster is well ac IJCJ tinraes and airmailed at all noun the Jitlrn Hauli:iind SOUTHMAIN ST., PHOVIDB KE, B.I Carrtnges al Brown Windtor. Muk Soap, Oluopliine, now Member of Congress. with tlie nianulVcture of these iiistruineuie, and ingen and Expiess Office, under the Bristol Hotel. Milk of quniu'ed Sliiije Cremn, llalihiu't Sliaving Powder, .. Rnutellt Sliaving lion. Win. vv ooiluringe, formerly Governor al Michigan, ious in accommodating them to the variety of cases which occur. MayH NAAr lfcLD & UUI-.r.lVc- Pmw ini.1 Bug Triminingt, Hoaea, Almowl Soap, Sll lleud. now v. a. senator. I feel called upon to reccommend him to my professional breth- T-kii- Ii Parte, Paiej't Sapor-is- r Julet lluiilea Purified Charcoal Hon. J. T. Morehead, formerly Governor of Kentucky, now ren, and to the public, as a person well fitted to supply their EEGULAR LINE. Do. 'oM tVi-nio- . Do (lemiiiai Orrit Tooth Patlc. . S. Senator. ants in regard to these important articles. I'oiviler, (Pn-u- i li and Ainvrirnn) Bulb-la- g Bears Great. Re Hon, J. F. Simmons, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. JUHN U. WA11KC.IN, m. BRISTOL A PROVIDENCE. TikiiIi Powder, Powder U, Spnngeii, 1 UruM Dr. laiilri 't " Samuel S. Phelps, U. S. Senator from Vermont. Certificate frjm Dr. Thomas Chailbourn, of Concord, New 'I he new and substantial aleamer BARROtiO, FtFi- aJTa,- PuflTt niul Boxct, Ito, for ule at IU Hope Street. from f iCZZL. Capt. Mills, will commence her regular trips on " Win. Upham, U. 8. Senator Vl. Hampshire : . f DR. DKURY. june 9 " Solomon Foote, Member of Congress from Vt. "In addition to Ilia above certificate ol Dr. Wnrren, as lo Monday, June 18, 1852, daily, (Sunday's excepted) at follows, leave " II. D. Foster, Memlier of Congress from Penn. Ihe mechanical skill of Mr. J. F. Foster in the adaptation of Bristol lor Providence at 74 o'clock, u. m ; returning, leave Providence 44 o'clock, p. m., until further notic:-- . IfI ORE HEW GOODS. " M. L. Martin, Delegate in Congress Irom Wisconsin Trusses to bad cases of Hernia, I can any that 1 have had oc- at lowest at- ihiadnv, Miiwt l.ile Mills and Oloven, Territory. casional supplies of Trusses of his inanulaclure for the last fif Fare 25 cts. Freight taken at the inlet. Towing RECEIVED tended to by application on board Aim) 'a wharf, Uui'wi do. New' Lit of Trimmings. Summer Gen. A, U. Dodge, Delegate in Congress trom Iowa. teen years, and nave Irequentiy sent patients to nun who re- promptly, ui s , Slulls for Boy's wear. One piece luliuu Cloth fur l.tdiet, R. P. Stowe, Esq., Clerk in the House of Representatives. quired some peculiar conformation in an instrument that 1 had june 15 Cheap Puratolt and Lawna, &c. C. C. Trowbridge, Esq., President of Stale Bunk, Detroit, not on hand, and all tuch patients have returned aulisfied w ith jun.J9 Michigan. hit success. To nn experience of many years in the manufac- Rail Road aud Accommodation Stages. Geo. W. Jones, usq., Surveyor lieneral, Dunuque, Iowa. ture and application of Trusses, under the iiislrucliru and as BRISTOL, WAHREN, PHOVIDMACE, TAVNTON " AGIICULTURE! S SELLING at VERY LOW PRICES, the best nnali J. C. Baxler, Esq., Collector of CiiHtoms, Ogdenabnrg, NY. sistance of tlie best surgeon in Boston, Mi. Foster adds a FALL RIVER AND NEW BEDFORD. B. M. JL ty of Uulies' and Muses' Cnngrcts and Laced finiter Francis Elliot, Major of H. B. Service, Chambly, perseverance and attention tortus buaineas that thou Id recom- '''he Rail Road Line leave Mount Hope Simllie, Slonetl TJEVOLVINd lloite Rake. Scythe, Hoot, Morrorco, Kid nml enninplled Jenny Lind Boots and Canada East. mend him and entitle him to the confidence of tlie profession, rbf7ltlsL Stage Office every morning (Sundays ex- 76 New York. JL and Rille, Oardun llo. t, Hog lines, forkt, nnovei, Shoes; Polkas', Excelsior ; Taylor Tic and Buakins j Joseph Hoxie, Esq.. No Wall street, and all olliers compelled to the use of Trusses or other similar cepted) at 6 A. M., and arrives in Providence in time tor. the well Hav Kaket. Iluv (bitten, lie. Fanners would do lo French and EnRhh Kin, Slorocco, fatent Leather, einbroi Rev. Thomas Kidder, Chaplain Vermont State Prison. instruments mauuluctured by Mr. roster. morning train of cars for Boston. iii Perry, D W imisor, examine this lot before pin-cliaa- elsevvltere. dered. Velvet and Salin Sliuncrs, &c. Rev. J. D. Vt. 1 HOI. CFUDIOVRN. The Mount Hope S'.uge leaves Bristol every morning, (Sun- Doolittle, East. Lead Pipe, Pump, Ac. Gentlemen t aewed and ncut'cil l rench ami rlulailrliihin t all Rev. L. lenoxville, Canada Concord, N. H., Jan. 14, 1850. days excepted,) at 64 o clock, for Warren and Providence. C. W. Denaison. ' ami Piimpa ol every detcripiinn conttnally on Boot, Patent lnlher Enamelled and Calf Cnni!a Shoes; Rev. For sale in BR:3TOL, at the Thenix Office. Returning, leaves Providence at 2 o'clock. P.M. Iad Pipe, Many other individuals of the highest respectability, can be hand, alto, Cliuin Pump Iw retail m by tlie ipmnlilv. sewed aud pegged culf mid gont Downing ; Oxford anil Op mcli 27 wly UO Fare from Bristol to Providence, 50 cents. From referred to, who will confirm all thul but been said in favor o LEAD PIPES, Door Knobs, Mortice lckt, Try Square, era Tie ; oimgreas tinners ; uaucing rump aim uniiers ; Warren 874. - tint invaluable medicine. Sliding T Bevolt, Curtain BrackeU, Wardrobe Hooka, lie. Leather, Goat, Enamelled, Velvet, Cloth and embroidered The Taunton, Fall River and New Bedford Stage leaves Dr. GEO. GREEN. Proprietor, Windsor. Vt. ARTIFICIAL TEETH! 1 just received by Slippers. Bristol every morning (Sundays excepted) at 84 o'clock. REED, BATES & AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No ' 19 W. II. SPOOK Eg, Agt Uovt best qunlily llncK, Kip, anu can noon ana best possible Style the Books kept at the Mount Hope Stage Office, Bristol; Post j,lne 26 Merchants Row, Boston, Agents. The and HE Dancing Pump, Shoes and Slippers. General uince, vv arren; w ashington Motel, 1'rovideiire, ,.. For sale in Bristol by Dr. L. W. BR1GGS, Agent. LOWES'l POSSIBLE PRICE. letT-T- Miese ami Children luiitert Hoots; rolkn; Jenny una 0Ct All orders entrusted Iu the care of the Driver will lie TO Bottle. Six Bottles for no necessity llw Houne on Tlrimei Boots; Buakini; Slipper and Exrelaiors. Price $1 per $5. Theri is that persot punctually attended to. lower pari ol two tlory I hoys', who wear should Street, nppotite Church's Wharf. It is one of Ihe Idi'. anaileinen's. inisoca.' and Children's Rub CWWlwi Artificial Tixth N. V AKKKA, Agent. the manufac be annoyed by the faults to . commonly Mementt in town, and hat every convenience. Runt bers, Buskins and Over Shoes, of best qunlily PRE1T1IUITI COOK STOVES. ,l"leaa Roger Cook teen in them, vix : an imperfect fit, and a perceptible motion 4100 per year. Apply to tured. T UST received, several of the Williams also mnkea n of Rhode to them while speaking! the difficulty of articulating certain PK0V1DENCE, WARHEN, BRISTOL AND jitnes 19 S. W. CHURCH. He to order, in superior manner, all kinds al Stovct, which receiveti the premium at the lust ladies . mitr. aud children s Congress and lommon Ijhi Inland Fair. Alto, the Whaleheer Cooking Stove, one of the words without lisping; an ouvious anil einoarrasing eitoiiia KEVYPORT MAIL STAGE. s place; an unnatural and laid f-p- gV leaves Triumphant Keception at ler Boots, Polkas, Buskins, embroidered and satin Slipper; beit now in use. For sale by keep them in their proper color; THIS Singe Providence at 9 o'clock, at short notire. Jan 17 JOHN GLADDING, 2d. teeik too short or loo long, and so bad shaped and conspicuous, nViirVa A. M. for Warren, Bristol and Newport, daily IV . 43 The immense sales of this establishment, anil the Croat ad as to give an unnatural and disagreeable expression to the (Sundays exceiiled,) relurniiiff leaves Bristol Hi 124 o'clock 0 STATE STREET. ns for Providence, in time this week the Mot Splendid assortment vantnee the uronriclnr haa for obtaininjr the BEST OF New Butter. the mouth, and sucn a aencicocy in sircugtn to render it uriivir.g for the Boston, Werceeler RECEIVED I enables him to impossible to put that amount of pressure upon them which it and Stoiiingtou Accommodation also for Tauntoii. of Ladies, Gems, Misses and Children' GOODS at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, V 1 UST received a Prime article of New Butter, 62 Thames Train, n small from n-im-- Books Kept at the I sell nt a very advance cost of manufacture, thereby Street. (june 5) F. G. BABCOCK. necessary in mafliicunox iouu,wi um migiii iicuppoeui Bristol Hotel; Cole's Hotel, Warren; Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ties, Ac, saving at least 10 or 13 per cent to an mat ouyai with impunity to all well mane leeiu. run or partial srisot and the National House, Providence. i' in Ladies are particularly invited to teeth are made on the highly improved plan of Atmospheric G. II. Proprietor., To be found town. The , & K A n A h. & ti , HAITIS. 1IA1US. KINNICUT, examine heautilul Elastic (taitera, tipied with ., upon gold plate or otherwise, tree from all the Fare from Providence to Brialol 50 cm. :. call and tlioa 65 South Main-it- Providence, R. 1. LBS Sugar cured Hams, just received and for Pressure Knamel. Also, Gents' Enamellnd, Guiler Boots and Shoe,' above faults, by . J.L.WORDEN, Driver. 1000 sale low. Also, 000 lbs smoked Heel received ailing at aitonnlnnglr low price. &" All business entrusted to the Driver w ill be uunctuall this dnv nt 62 1 liuinoe street, ju e 19 BENJAMIN T. MURRO. attended to. june "5 F. G. BABCOCK. ROOMS NO. 52 STATE STREET. Dr. M. aims to meet ihe wants of that large class in tlw TWIGGS, . Paw 'GENERAL community, whose pecuniary circumstances have hitherto pre- tucket Mutual Fire Insurance Infallibla Restorer of tho Color of A 8, aMiUM&V vented them from availing themselves of the services of Ihe Company, Pawtucket, R. 1. TV AS now on hand the following named articles fresh and most accomplished operators, by giving them at a l.ow price, rMXHIS Company are prepared to lake City, Tawn, Farm the Human Hair, MM. good : the comfort and advantage of a style of work which has hith- JL and Mercantile Risks on Reul and Personal Properly,

ed in and NOT Classified uey BOTTLES. Thin article is war-rant- Butter, Cheese, Floor Bags, libit. erto been attainable only by those who can afford to pay tlw EXTRA HAZARDOUS. accurdinr to the reft In QUART of Indian Meal, Rye Mi al, Rice, highest prices, which such" work it indeed richly worth, but Hazard! Property insured in one class nut subject to the tlie origninal : : ! fail of . . , . never to restoring losses another; . . White Beans, Dried Apples, Hard Biscuit, which all cannot pay. of Color of the HAIR. Potatoes, - Codfish, IjiiiI, Salt, angnrs, From the extensive advantages of n large practice, and the Directors. Stephen Benedict, Gideon L. 8penecr, Chatles WHEN U8KI IN ACCORDANCE WITH Molasses, Coffee, Green & Black Teat, Whale Oil, Ijird do. professional and social iweraiurst with some ot the most talent- Muisc, Gideon C. Smith, Horace Miller, A Ivinjencks. B, THE DIRECTIONS Sperm Caudles, Spices Suleratut, Rnitini, Brooms, ke. ed and skillul Dentists in New York, and of the many and John Read, Adams Park, John II. Potter, John Cnin. For ule at 114 Hoiie ttreet. All the above articles will be sole at tlie lowest Cash prices latest improvements in Dental Surgery, Dr. M. Halters himself EDWARD S. WILKINSON, President. : S. :-t- Jim 12 DR. DRURT. apt 24 that those who may give him a call, will not regret their choice, I, Tourtkllot, TVcnsurer. ,; but that their fullest expectations will be realiied, which will Samuel Shove, Secretary, GEORGE THE PLACE TO BUY Air Tight Parlor and Republic NE1V FLOUR. isduce them with the utmost confidence lo recommend their B. MONRO, Agent for Bristol end vicinity CTA BARRELS New Wheat Flour of various Brandt just friends to him. Cook Stoves. IJVJ received and selling very low nt bi 1 Dames M. Nerves killed without causing Uie least pain, and all other . CARPETINGS, Republic Old Cook Stove WOOD! WOOD! and Colony and Air Tight sept 27 F. G. BABCOCK. properly belonging to his proieesion nt a IS AT rrWF. operations uental WOOD of tlit Beit Quality constantly on hand "i JL which for convenience, durability and economy, are un- care ann auenuon. OAK Surgeon, perlormeu with tne greatest epl 27 F.G. BABCOCK. CARPET HALL. equalled which, together, with all tlie modern, improvements, of the Age I Full under sett of Teeth made on a new plan, by which their make them as desirable iv any stove in use, are now selling at Light durability it increased, and many of the objections to teeth TIRD CAGES. 1 dox. Bird Cagea, different palterne a reduced for cash, at Nu. 59 Ihumes .siren made in the usual way, are entirely obviated, while the trpntsi price, jum loriBHale at 40 Bradford ttreet by & IIARKJVESS, sept 28 L. A. BISHOP. MARSH A NEWELL'S Patent is greatly Itttened. DENTIST! who have not hod an opportu- STEERE . apt S GEO. MUNRO. No. 11 Westminister Sreet, lp Stairs. Vegetable Oil. nity to become acquainted with this new plan, will be instruct- beat fur Portable Light. manufac- - ' (Opposite the Post Office,) keep constantly on hand mHE article n It it ed al reasonable charge. Tinning Roofs. from the Vegetable 1 I JL lured entirely Oil of Kingdom, hat A VEKY AUKtEAbliB AND r.i lUAUlUUa Burdick's Instantaneous Cure TAPESTRY, SUPERFINE, tulierrilier it preared and pays particular attention to the appearance ot l ure Sperm UH.nlree Irom Urease, Smoke, WASH AND POWDER : BRU8SE1.8, EXTRA FINE, THEthe Tinning of Roofs ann Orchards. He will do the GUM TOOTH lor the TOOTHACHE. or Smell, and is pronounced by the niannfacturera to be per- - For cleansing and preserving the Teeth and Gums for Canker MHHESE andV THREE PLY, j AND COMMON work n faithfully and a cheap it can lie don in the State. Dropt are warranted to give inttanlaneoni at lectly sale. 1 or sale at no. tua J names street, in the mouth, Foni Breath, tec. tic. For sale at tlw Office, Jan 24 JOHN GLADDING, 3d. J. permanent relief to this most irritable complaint. They may 15 JAS. P. PIERGE. No. 62 State Street. contain nothing poisonous thai will injure either mouth, throat t A . D 1 n..M..L !..; Vakauataan (JO-- Reference will be given to persons of tlw first mptda-bilit- y, 1 I.. T or stomach, if accidentally swallowed, and can be used with and of wearing full partial Teeth, inserted -- i Watches, Jewelry, Instni who are sets perfect safnty. Try them and you will be satisfied of llieir by Dr. M. since his location in Bristol, who have voluntarily ri' IllCtttS, &C. MANUFACTURERS OF superiority over nil other medicines fur Tooth Ache, in giving ' 1 ' . iwr Jan 8 ly -- Together with an extensiveVra..assortment ot t loor un yarpets rrm subscriber has received Very fine, in gold and given permissioa, instant ana permanent rebel. f or sale by " '' - sl-- Table Oil Cloths. 8traw MattiDEs, Bockmgt, Painted Win- I .:..,.. :,h iv...i.,,l.,.in ...a .i HATS AND CAPS. Way as ., b W, BK1UUS, lOg Hope B ejow Shades, Table Coveri, Uiigt, Mats, Stair Rods.fcc. fe., to keep tamci tme . al,n othe, grade of Vatche. for Of every description. Also, rurs, Carpel ja. NOTICE. yyr rarvwi. in s.ri.iui.pu ...... ,."".. ladies and gentlemen, ot modern conttroction, and bcaulilul Bags, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c. Subscriber would inform his friends and Ihe Public will n handaonie per cent, by Carpet Westminister Jl 31 UUlJllyiiliS. netitings, fare visiting f ,f. of eain aH No. 5 Street, THEthat he continues the Baking business at his old stand "2.0LD, Silver, , and Steel Bewed Spectacles, for Hall," a above. The taste of tlie purchaser can alway be Also, new ttyle Silver and Plated Ware, with all the usual Store formerly occupied by Butts A Whipple. No. 131 tale low by (nov 22) J. GOODING. satisfied by selecting from its extensive stock. varieties; also, Jewclrv, Cutlery and rency Uoorie. JNO. R. EMMES. MATTHEW SWEET. Thames Street, 5tb mo. 25th, 1850. advan-lig- be found Providence, Fine Watclies of every construction carefully repaired and N. B. Dealers from the country will find il to their e Where may at all times and seasons, ALL CLOCKS.: adjusted by Mr. Hale. to select from onr assortment, al prices that cannot fail KINDS OF Cakes & 17IGHTDAY Gothic Clocks. SO Hour Clocks.- - Alarm Furnaces the best article in use may be tnuud at blups l.lnoiioinetert put in order and rated. to please. Bread, Crackers, SUMMER all Feeling JLal Clocks do. (feb 7) J. GOODING. june 5 ' J. B. MUNRO. A few Chronometers for sale or to let. ang 80 No. S Westminister St., Providence, R. I. In their variety. grateful for past favori. he July 6 GEO. BAKER, 61 North Main at., Prov. retpecituity solicits a continuance ot tne tame. meh 27 NATH'L S. GREENE. New Stojjk of Ac.' . Guardian's Notice. BOOK BINDING, Stores,' nnderaigned having been appointed by Ihe Honorable manvfag . THE pater ruling and blank book Hooks, Fish Lines, Hooks and (Leads for sale by afvamxvi vi un. tsFmjne r, au, Court of Probate of I lie Town of Bristol, Guardian to Ihe JOSEPIIUS GOODING, y, GRASS tor in their varieties . J. B. MUNRO. u,.wou u, aicai i int. ITIIVI, U, HI. U HI IU..R WB. .persona anil estates of all jnn5 J ... . DEALER IN No, 11 North Main street, Fall River. HAStoves.Tinware, lie., is now filling Oo with lliwwr , EDWARD 8., ISABELLA WALKER. 4 BOOKS, Periodicals and Music, bound in a neat assortment, and intends keeping a good supply of Parlor, Shop' Minor, anal having accepted the trust nml qualified heiwlf by Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Ac. SCRAP and substantial manner, Furniture & Coffin Wareroom l and Cook oloves, ol every pattern. Also, tlnnges giving bond as the law directs, the hereby gives public notire Clocks ami Cooking Watrbrt, Jewelry repaired at short notice. Blank Books, with flexible backs, ruled lo pattern and bound Coal Hods, Cooking Uteuiili, Smoothing Irons, Ac. 'He will to all who are ba concerned, thill they may govern if may to order. NO. 40 BRADFORD ST. also keep a complete assortment of Tin and JanpaM Ware of themselves accordingly. Coffins every description Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, &c.,wil1 ba bound in full T71URNITURE and of constant every description; Brass Kettles,, Waih Boilers,, fce.t Al Jn..e- -i HOPE P. WALKER, Guardian. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. X lyon band, or made to order, such Mahogany. Blk , nt - gill and beautifully cheap. - ot to- at undersigned , edge, ornamented, very .1 r- l-- . ,. kinds l in and sheet Iron ware manufaetured order v having been apmintrd by the Honorable n: .i . . . THE done will be and nrl...vvamui, viwrryiri ami i ine rmisneu, in neat tiyw, and favor .;, Court of Probate of the Town of Bristol, Guardian to llw All work at this Bindery warranted, pledged short notice at reasonable" prices. Grateful.for past Probate Notice. to be as well and at handsome done at it can be in the United be hopes by continued efibrti lo please his customers, to merl Prnbalt OlSct. Bfiltii. Jiuu 18th. 1352. persons and estates of ' FURNITURE. W. & States. Bureaut, Tablet, Bedstead, Solas, Mahogany, Spring a eontiunauoe of iwlronage.. 1 hose in want ofany of llw Kbsvi is has been loft at' GEORGE MARY E. SIMMONS, hereby given llut application - TIJOTICE Qrders left at the Plienix Office, or at the store of J. M. seat iommon wooo, ana vane oeai do. , La- nviled te at on names street. ! Bird articles, call Wolf, he be Minors, and having acrrpted ihe trust and qualified himaelf by iiiairs, ire his store this William may ai-tenti- - by Brailf id D' thai on. '11 OJfi., Gooding, will meet with prompt Palm and Straw Mattresses, Willow Caachet and Cra-les- , James-?..ii-i- r giving bonds the law direct, he hereby gives public notice Execuior and Tetlnmnitof at 1 5es. qnelified at to the last Will All Bonks forwarded and returned free of expense to the Wooden Ware of all kinds. ! u.. -- r n. J...... I ,t.. U'ili:.n Itr.l. jiii an hiiv hid ui limy ir vuiiicruru, mat inry niny govern ilheniselvet accordingly. owner. $3 Old Furniture made New, Ice. fcc, refrigerators; , ,rd p'wolf, being nominated and appointed liy the ail Janvt various difTerenl sizes and prices, for, sale jhe Fat Jan 20 if. GEORGE W. FRAPRIE. sept 18 ... . . GEORGE MUNRO, 2d.. ai ir ... m...t i. I, .in, iti.i m-i-ii i.ii.i wn I - . v.. BENJAMIN 8. SIMMONS. :ri. ' Marble Ta . 1 IfOW IU HM . , im. fn.iti,iiii mn in. OFniture Ware Room, Bradford Street, Also, . I . Executors thereof and that mid applicaliun hnt been received Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, &o.-- . ' I meeting a . nlacod on fileaml will he ncled on at a of tlit WOODEN WARE. BOOTS & SHOES. june 12 , GEO, IMUWBU,,". Pail.--, I A,x 11 ' f'-ou- to be hodlen tlie office in fTlURS, Can Paila, Boxet by the Clothe! week a splendid M of Pmliiiie, ai Probate tail' Net, this asssorfmenl of Ladies, , cioi-a- POZEN Birch and Palm Leaf Matlresses for sale cheap RECEIVED Bristol on Monday lite IZln day ol July next, at zo r 1 Lino Reel, Peive. Wooden ami Iron, Mop Stickt, Ac, ( Gentlemens, Missei and Children's Shoes and Boon of Dr. re th's Vegetable. PHJ - (nteresteil may appear il tltey see fit. for sale al the Thames street Variety Store. "t No. 40 iiratllord street. every variety ttyle and will he Brand M . wheal nil anrsons i," of told at low nricea. Call and received and for tale, a silppryfof the above, wr -- Cfsrt inch 27 JAMES GEORGE MUNRO, 2d. kmel9-- oV ' "PETEU GUDDINO, Pnbtt P. TIERCE. examine them. (may 15) JAS. P. PIERCE. JU8T ! Bristol. . e .X. O. HOLMES, Sol Agent for ,t'.i ,...d Ml:'l