1 I Give Permission for Public Access to My Thesis and for Any Copying To
1 I give permission for public access to my thesis and for any copying to be done at the discretion of the archives librarian and/or the College librarian. 2 In the Spirit of Solo: Neo-Neorealism and American Identity in Independent Cinema after September 11 Joanna Arcieri April 29, 2010 Presented to the Film Studies Department of Mount Holyoke in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with honors. 3 Awknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the assistance, support, and encouragement of a number of people. Robin Blaetz, my thesis advisor, has been a wonderful mentor throughout my four years at Mount Holyoke. Without her guidance and patience throughout this year, particularly while working on my thesis, most certainly would not exist. My two other readers, Elizabeth Young and Stephen Jones, have been a great help with this project. Professor Young was initially my academic advisor and working with her on this project almost made up for never having taken a class with her. It was in Professor Jones’ seminar on Nationalism where I first began think to critically about national identity and its relationship to the cinema. I am grateful for the patience and understanding of my friends at Mount Holyoke – Ruth Canter, Melanie Bowden, Hillary Ossip, Chrissy Kleespies, Erica Catalano, Michele Kuhnle, Allison Payne, Diana Bilbao, Margaret Knoerzer, and Ariel Hahn. Without our dinner breaks or late-night venting sessions, the completion our projects would have seemed unlikely. Likewise, my friends beyond Mount Holyoke – Heather Patterson, Vincent Pettit, Chelsea Cantero, and Mark Stewart – have all contributed to this project in ways, which may have seemed small at the time but were nonetheless greatly important.
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