Climex Maps - explanatory notes PO PLAIN Alessandro Amorosi Dip Scienze della Terra, Università di Bologna, Via Zamboni 67, 40126 Bologna, Italy
[email protected] LGM Mantua, marking the boundary between The construction of a reliable palaeogeographic Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. During LGM, and palaeoenvironmental framework for the Po the Po River probably flowed in the Ferrara Plain during LGM relies upon detailed area, following the path of the abandoned Po di stratigraphic and sedimentological studies that Volano, and entering the present Adriatic Sea in were carried out in the last decade on several the Goro area. tens of continuosly-cored boreholes, drilled by LGM deposits can be easily identified in the the Geological Survey of Regione Emilia- subsurface of the Po Plain. Particularly, the Romagna south of Po River. Early studies on boundary between LGM and overlying post- scattered data were conducted in the southern glacial, mostly Holocene deposits is marked Po Plain by Rizzini (1974), Ori (1993) and invariably by an unconformity associated with a Bondesan et al. (1995). These were followed by stratigraphic hiatus generally of more than 10 detailed core investigations, leading to ky, bearing a distinctive geotechnical signature reconstruction of three-dimensional stratigra- (Tosi, 1994; Amorosi & Marchi, 1999). It phic architecture at the basin margin (Amorosi consists of an indurated and locally pedogenized & Farina, 1995; Amorosi et al., 2001) and horizon, representing a prominent stratigraphic beneath the present Romagna coastal plain marker that can be physically traced from the (Amorosi et al., 1999; 2003). The stratigraphic Po Plain to the Venice lagoon area (McClennen linkage between the buried alluvial fan et al., 1997).