Stereo Review Advertisers' Index October 1978
MAKE BIG MONEY in spare time selling: Tubes, Antennas, Speakers, Test Equipment, Lite Bulbs, Hi -Fl, etc. No invest- ment. Free information: Allied Sales, Pimento, IN 47866. Records, Ltd., 65-37 Austin Street, Rego STEREO REVIEW (812) 495-6555. Park, N.Y. 11374). ADVERTISERS' INDEX MILLIONS IN MAIL! Free Secrets. Transworld-17, Box 6226, Toledo, Ohio 43614. Performance:Very good OCTOBER 1978 Recording:Excellent AUDIOPHILES WANTED!! Put your knowledge to use, earn READER PAGE an excellent spare time income. We need campus Dealers to This is a very auspicious song -recital debut SERVICE NO. ADVERTISER NUMBER sell name brand stereo equipment at substantial discounts in for Haan Hagegard, the likable Papageno of your area. No investment necessary. For information and ap- 3 A.A.L. Speakers . 145 plication please write: ABCO, Dept SR, 1201 East Main Ingmar Bergman's cinematic Magic Flute, 4 Acoustic Research 153 Street, Meriden, Conn. 06450. Call (203) 238-7979. ADS 155 who is scheduled to make his Metropolitan Advent Corporation 26 27 GET RICH!! Secret law erases debt. Free report exposes mil- Opera debut this season. The favorable im- 83 83 Aa National Guard 109,110 1171 5 Aiwa 127 lionaire'$$ secrets. Blueprints, No. DD10, 453 W 256, NYC pression gained from his previous operatic re- Akai America, Ltd, 10471. 145 cital (Caprice 1062) is confirmed: HagegArd is 6 Allison Acoustics 126 7 $650 WEEKLY for beginners!! Free report: Mailorder Consul- Ampex Corp, 9 a vitalsinger distinguished by a youthful 8 Angel/EMI Records tants MDD10, 453 W. 256, Bronx, NY 10471. 150 sound (he is only thirty-three at this writing) 9 Arista Records 124 10 HOW TO MAKE $100 weekly/kitchen table! Free brochure.
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