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1987 Government of Ontario Printed in Ontario, Canada


Geology of the Havilland-Goulais Bay Area, District of Algoma by Peter Born 1987

Parts of this publication may be quoted if credit is given. It is recommended that reference to this publication be made in the following form:

Born, Peter 1987: Geology of the Havilland-Goulais Bay Area, District of Algoma; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5602, 114p., 11 figures, 7 tables, 12 photos, and 3 maps in back pocket.

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario

Ontario Geological Survey OPEN FILE REPORT

Open File Reports are made available to the public subject to the following conditions: This report is unedited. Discrepancies may occur for which the Ontario Geological Survey does not assume liability. Recommendations and statements of opinions expressed are those of the author or authors and are not to be construed as statements of govern ment policy. This Open File Report is available for viewing at the following locations: (1) Mines Library Ministry of Northern Development and Mines 8th floor, 77 Grenville Street Toronto, Ontario MSS 1B3 (2) The office of the Regional or Resident Geologist in whose district the area covered by this report is located. Copies of this report may be obtained at the user©s expense from a commercial printing house. For the address and instructions to order, contact the appropriate Regional or Resident Geologist©s office(s) or the Mines Library. Microfiche copies (42x reduction) of this report are available for S2.00 each plus provincial sales tax at the Mines Library or the Public Information Centre, Ministry of Natural Resources, W-1640, 99 Wellesley Street West, Toronto. Handwritten notes and sketches may be made from this report. Check with the Mines Library or Regional/Resident Geologist©s office whether there is a copy of this report that may be borrowed. A copy of this report is available for Inter-Library Loan. This report is available for viewing at the following Regional or Resident Geologists© offices: Resident Geologist©s Office 875 Queen St. E. sault Ste. Marie, unt. P6A 2B3

The right to reproduce this report is reserved by the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Permission for other reproductions must be obtained in writing from the Director, Ontario Geological Survey.

V.G. Milne, Director Ontario Geological Survey


Foreword Until 1985 the geological map coverage of the Havilland-Goulais Bay Area was at a reconnaissance level. The present detailed mapping project was designed to encourage mineral exploration interest and to provide a mineral potential and land use evaluation. The work reported here was funded under the Special Projects to Assist Resource Communities (SPARC) program. The Precambrian bedrock of the Havilland-Goulais Bay Area hosts several metallic mineral deposits. The metallic commodities known to occur are silver, lead, zinc, copper, manganese, gold and minor iron. There is one producing silver-lead mine in the area.

v.G. Mime, Director, Ontario Geological Survey

- v -

CONTENTS Abstract ...... r. . .xix Introduction . J...... *. . . . .1 Location and Access- . /...... 1 Previous Geological Work ...... 1 Acknowledgements .Q ...... 2 Topography and Drainage- ^ - ...... 3 GENERAL GEOLOGY . f/...... 4 Table of Lithologic Units . . .6 ^-. I . /...... 87 Archean . */...... 5 Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks . Mafic Metavolcanics .v?...... 6 Intermediate Metavolcanics . J ...... 8 Felsic Metavolcanics ..©.-...... 10 Chemical and Clastic Metasedimentary Rocks...... 11 Petrochemistry of the Metavolcanic and Meta- l ©^ sedimentary Rocks ...... 13 Metamorphosed Mafic Intrusive Rocks ./.V...... 14 Felsic to Intermediate Intrusive, Migmatitic and Gneissic Rocks . i .^...... 15 Mafic Intrusive Rocks . ; .7...... 17 Early Proterozoic J ^...... 18 Huronian Supergroup . /f ...... 18 , -s Quirke Lake Group .p...... 18 Espanola Formation ./X ...... 18 Serpent Formation ..?. .Q...... 20


Cobalt Group ..^7...... 21 Gowganda Formation .4( ...... 21 Basal Granitic Cobble-Pebble Conglomerate. / Siltstones, Argillites and Mudstones .2.?.. ..23 Wackes . .2ft ...... *...... 24 Arkose . 2,c/...... 24 Depositional Environment .r.-...... 25 Lorrain Formation ^ t...... 26 Lower Red Quartz Arenite Member . 2-. ;~...... 27 Jasper Conglomerate Member ,? ,r...... 27 Depositional Environment ..^©...... 28 Nipissing Diabase . 2.7...... 29 Middle Proterozoic .* P...... 30 Keweenawan Volcanic, Intrusive and Sedimentary Rocks. .30 Paleozoic . 3.1...... 33 ? "? Cambrian .J-.©...... 33 Jacobsville Formation ..©.^...... 33 Post-Cambrian .3X...... 35 Cataclastic Rocks . 3.^...... 35 Phanerozoic . 2A ...... 36 Cenozoic .3J* ...... 36 7 f Quaternary . r*...... 36 Pleistocene and Recent . jl 1...... 36 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY . l.C ...... 36 Regional Setting . . /. i...... 36 Folding . 57-...... 37


Faults and Lineaments ...... 40 METAMORPHISM . ?A ...... , ...... 42 CORRELATION OF AEROMAGNETIC DATA AND GEOLOGY . .7.©...... 44 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY .^A ...... 46 History of Mineral Exploration.ffe...... 46 Description of Properties, Occurrences and Explored Areas 48 Introduction ,". ?...... 4Q Silver, Lead and Zinc A P...... 50 Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited (2) . . A.,...50 History .^ .Q ...... 50 Geology 5.2-...... 52 Fenwick *1 Occurrence [1970] (6 ) . .^.~...... 53

Copper . ,4~.^...... 54 Goulais River Property (Sill Lake Silver Mines Ltd.) (1) .jf// ...... 54 History of Exploration . A .^...... 55 Geology . J2 .5...... 57 Dyck, R. [1966] (5 ). .5.J: ...... 57 Ontario Rare Metals Limited [1955] (8)...7...58 History . S J...... 58 Geology . . ^.©l ...... 59 Manganese . fe^ ...... 60 Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited [1942] (4) ...... 60 History.. 6.0...... 60 Geology . . ( 2...... 62


Iron .6 Jx ...... 63 Algoma Ore Properties, Limited Hematite f ^ Occurrence [1954] (3) . .b. r...... 63 History . ^,.c...... 64 Geology . fi...... 64 Gold. L5...... 65 Luclnda Gold Mines Limited Occurrence [1890, 1970] (7) Ai...... 65 Recommendations for Future Mineral Exploration . .i t"...... 66 References..T .-i...... 70 Figures...... 78 TaiDl.s...... 87 Property List...... 9 9 Symbols...... 100 Sources of Information...... 101 Abbreviations...... 101 Legend...... 102 Pnotos...... -...... 109


TABLES 1) Table of Lithologic Units 2) Chemical analyses of Archean metavolcanic and meta- sedimentary rocks 3) Modal analyses of Archean felsic plutonic rocks; diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite, monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite and granodiorite 4) Chemical analyses and normative mineralogy of Archean felsic plutonic rocks. 5) Chemical analyses and normative mineralogy of: Archean meta morphosed mafic intrusive rocks, Archean intrusive dike rocks (diabase), and Early Proterozoic Nipissing Diabase. 6) Chemical analyses of Middle Proterozoic Keweenawan volcanic rocks. 7) Summary of Assessment Work located in the Assessment Files Research Office and Resident Geologist©s Office, Sault Ste. Marie. FIGURES 1) Key map showing location of Havilland-Goulais Bay area. 2) Oensen cation plot - Archean metavolcanic rocks. 3) AFM (weight percent) plot - Archean metavolcanic rocks. b) Streckeisen QAP diagram - Archean felsic plutonic rocks 5) AFM (weight percent) plot - Archean felsic plutonic rocks 6) Jensen cation plot of Archean metamorphosed mafic intrusive rocks; Archean mafic (diabase) intrusive dikes and Early


Proterozoic Nipissing diabase rocks 7) AFM (weight percent) plot - Archean metamorphosed mafic intrusive rocks, Archean mafic (diabase) intrusive dikes and Early Proterozoic Nipissing diabase rocks. 8) Jensen cation plot of Middle Proterozoic Keweenawan volcanic rocks 9) AFM (weight percent) plot of Middle Proterozoic Keweenawan volcanic rocks 10) Longitudinal Section, Goulals River Property PHOTOGRAPHS 1) Archean intermediate crystal tuff 2) Photomicrograph of Archean intermediate metavolcanics 3) Photomicrograph of Archean intermediate tuff 4) Archean felsic pyroclastic rocks - agglomerates 5) Archean Interbedded cherts and magnetite ironstone 6) Archean felsic plutonic rocks - homogeneous diatexite 7) Gowganda Formation - laminated wacke, graded bedding and dropstone 8) Photomicrograph - Gowganda Formation - subarkosic wacke 9) Lorrain Formation - quartz - Jasper pebble conglomerate 10) Photomicrograph of Lorrain Formation quartz arenite 11) Pillowed, amygdaloidal Keweenawan basalts 12) Keweenawan conglomerate

xvi i


This report describes the geology, stratigraphy, structure and mineral occurrences of parts of Fenwick, Havilland, Kars, Ley, Tupper and Van Koughnet Townships. The map area covers 270 km2 i n the District of Algoma, approximately 4-0 km north of Sault Ste. Marie. Precambrian and minor Cambrian rocks underlie the Havilland-Goulais Bay map area and are overlain by Cenozoic glacial deposits. Archean rocks of the Superior Structural Province underlie all but the central and southwestern parts of the map area. The Archean rocks comprise a metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence interlayered with mafic intrusions, all of which are intruded by felsic plutonic rocks and diabase dikes. The felsic plutonic rocks were emplaced during or shortly after the Kenoran Orogeny some 2500 Ma ago. The Archean supracrustal sequence consists mainly of magnesian-rich tholeiitic metabasalts and lesser calc- alkaline Intermediate and felsic pyroclastic rocks, cherts, iron stones and wackes. The rocks underwent moderate deformation and greenschist to amphibolite metamorphism. Folding has occurred along west-trending and subsequent northwest-trending fold axes. Rocks of the Southern Structural Province which underlie the central portion of the map area, consist of Early Proterozoic sediments of the Huronian Supergroup, Nipissing Intrusive rocks

xix and Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) supracrustal and intrusive rocks. Rocks of the Huronian Supergroup in the area are subdivided into four formations, namely the Espanola and Serpent Formations of the Quirke Lake Group, and the Gowganda and Lorrain Formations of the Cobalt Group. These consist mainly of clastic sedimentary rocks namely quartz arenites, wackes, arglllltes, siltstones and conglomerates except the Espanola Formation which contains a dolostone member. Folding and lower greenschist facies metamorphism occurred after the emplacement of Nipissing diabase (?150 Ma ago) during the Penokean Orogeny some 1900 Ma ago. The local Huronian sequence represents an erosional and faulted remnant of the southern limb of a west-trending flat syncline. Deposition of Keweenawan supracrustal rocks occurred during the formation of a continental rift system some 1.0 to 2.3 Ga ago. Subsequent folding and very low grade regional metamorphism occurred during the late stage subsidence of the basin some 600 to 1000 Ma ago. The lithologies consist mainly of magnesian-rich tholeiitic basalts and lesser conglomerates and intrusive felsic and diabase dikes. Flat-lying, feldspathic arenites, conglomerates and silt stones of the Oacobsville Formation of Cambrian age underlie low-lying areas along the southern, and western margins of the map area. Several northeast-trending shear and fault zones located in the vicinity of Sill and Bone Lakes cut both Archean and Huronian

xx-i sedimentary rocks. Three major past-Cambrian fault zones occur along the southern and western margins of the map area and near Havilland Bay. These cataclastic and brecciated zones separate the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation from all older strata. Occurrences of silver, lead, zinc, copper, manganese, iron and gold are known in the Havilland-Goulais Bay area. Several silver, lead and zinc occurrences are located adja cent to Nipissing diabase rocks. One of these is the Sill Lake Silver Mine Limited in Van Koughnet Township which is the only producing mine in the map area. Copper occurs mainly in association with silver and graphite as shear/fault zone-type deposits within Archean mafic meta- volcanic rocks at the Goulals River Property in Van Koughnet Township.

xxi 11

Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report Geology of the Havilland - Goulais Bay Area District of Algoma


Peter Born

Geologist, Precambrian Geology Section, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto

Manuscript approved for publication by John Wood, Chief, Precambrian Geology Section, Ontario Geological Survey. This report is published by permission of V.G. Milne, Director, Ontario Geological Survey.


LOCATION MAP Scale: 1:1 548 000 or 1 inch to 26 miles

FIGURE I, Key map showing location of Havilland-Goulais Bay area.

xxvi i

-1- Geology of the Havilland-Goulais Bay Area District of Aigoma by Peter Born Introduction Location and Access The Havilland-Goulais Bay map area is bordered on the southwest and northwest by and is located 38 km north of the City of Sault Ste. Marie. It includes parts of Fenwick, Havilland, Kars, Ley, Tupper and Van Koughnet Townships and is bounded by Latitudes 4-6*4.5©00"N and 46*52©30"N and Longitudes 84*15©00"W and 84*30©00"W. This represents an area of approximately 270 km2. Highway 17 traverses the central part of the map area in a northerly direction. The highway and a network of paved and gravel roads and trails provides good access to most parts of the area. Areas surrounding Tupper, Picard and Robertson Lakes which can not be reached by road are accessible by canoe. Previous Geological Work The local Lake Superior shoreline area was first explored and briefly described by W.E. Logan (1847) and later by T. MacFarland (1866) of the Geological Survey of Canada. Early mineral exploration dates back to the 1860s, when a -2- manganese occurrence was first mentioned in a Geological Survey of Canada report of 1868. Since that period exploration work has been sporadic. A detailed account of the history of mineral exploration is given in a later section on Economic Geology. Other early geological work in the vicinity includes some mapping by S. Brunton (1975) in an area which is adjacent and to the east of the Havilland-Goulais Bay map area. The first comprehensive geological mapping of the Sault Ste. Marie area was done on a reconnaissance scale (1:126,720) by Mcconnell (1927) and included the Havilland-Goulais Bay map area. Subsequent and more detailed geological mapping in adjacent areas was done by Hay (1964), Bennett (1975), Frarey (1977), Russell (1982) and Giblin (1982a,b). The regional Quaternary geology was mapped by McQuay (1979) and is shown on Ontario Geological Survey Map 5012. The regional geology is portrayed on Map 2419, Sault Ste. Marie - Elliot Lake sheet (Giblin, Leahy and Robertson, 1976), and the magnetic characteristics of the area are shown on ODM-GSC Aeromagnetic Series Map 2201G, MK/16, Searchmount Sheet. Acknowledgements During 1985, the author was ably assisted in the field by R. Worona who acted as senior assistant and mapped approximately one half of the map area. S. Beswick, 1. Sloan and C. Stephenson, were Junior assistants. Some independent mapping was done by C. Stephenson and S. Beswick. All of the drafting, modal analyses, and cutting and stain ing of rocks were performed by A. Purdy while she was employed as -3- a geological assistant by the O.G.S. Precambrian Section during the winter of 1985-1986. Thanks also go to Mr. R. Burns of Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited for valuable Information and discussions during the field season. The author also wishes to thank Gerry Bennett, Resident Geologist, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, for valuable information, discussion and help during the mapping project. Topography and Drainage The Havllland-Goulais Bay area is a rugged terrain having an average relief of 150 m. The lowest elevation in the map area is Lake Superior which is at 184 m, whereas the highest is King Mountain at 580 m. Maximum local topographic relief is approxi mately 220 m along a series of diabase cliffs north of the Robertson Lake Road in Van Koughnet Township. Areas to the north of the King Mountain plateau have average elevations of 350 m whereas areas to the west have elevations of 300 m above sea level. Bedrock is moderately to well exposed in much of the map area with up to 25K outcrop in the King Mountain plateau and in the northern part of the map area which is underlain by Archean felsic plutonic rocks. Outcrop exposure for the entire map area averages about 15*. The topography is strongly controlled by the bedrock lithology and structure. Archean felsic plutonic rocks quartz arenites of the Proterozoic Lorrain Formation and Proterozoic Nipissing diabase sills are resistant to erosion and form the highest hills and ridges in the map area. Rocks of the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation underlie all of the low-lying swampy areas near Kars Creek and along the shore of Goulais and Batchewana Bays. Approximately one-third of the area is covered by water; the largest body of water is Batchewana Bay and Goulais Bay of Lake Superior, The other major bodies of water include Robertson, Bone, Picard, Tupper, Walker, Evans and Belleau Lakes. Commonly, inland lakes are nestled between prominent hills and ridges in glacial till-filled valleys. The thickness of till within these valleys may reach a maximum of 100 m at the Goulais River valley. As a result few bedrock exposures occur along the shores of the lakes. The lakes are drained by several creeks and rivers which occupy till-filled valleys between bedrock ridges. The Goulais River, located along the southern margin of the map area is the main river in the map area. The major creeks, namely Robertson, Stokley, Kars, Oones, Tier, Havilland, Probwyn and Government Crabs all flow westward and drain into Lake Superior. GENERAL GEOLOGY The Havilland-Goulais Bay area is underlain by Archean supracrustal and plutonic rocks; Early Proterozoic supracrustal and intrusive rocks; Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) supracrustal rocks; and supracrustal rocks of probable Paleozoic (Cambrian) age. Cenozoic sediments comprise the youngest rocks in the area and are represented by Pleistocene and Recent gravel, sand, silt -5- and organic debris. A generalized summary of the rock-types occurring within the map area is given in Table 1. The southwestern and western margins of the map area are underlain by Paleozoic rocks of the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation. Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) flows and sediments are found along the shore of Lake Superior near Jones Creek and east of Horseshoe Bay. Early Proterozoic rocks of the Huronian Supergroup and Nipissing intrusive rocks cover most of the southeast and central portions of the area. Archean rocks are exposed in all other areas. ARCHEAN METAVOLCANIC AND METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS Introduction The Archean rocks form an east-west-trending metavolcanic- metasedlmentary sequence. They consist of intercalated, pillowed to massive mafic and intermediate flows and intermediate to felsic pyroclastic rocks with minor wackes, cherts and iron stones. Three mafic to felsic metavolcanlc cycles are recognized in the lower part of volcanic succession in Fenwick Township. All cycles contain proximal felsic pyroclastic rocks and associated distal chert-ironstone horizons. In Van Koughnet Township, south of Sill Lake, the lower part of the metavolcanic sequence consists of mafic, pillowed and minor intermediate metavolcanic flows. Near Havilland and Probyn Lakes, the middle portion of the Archean metavolcanic sequence consists mainly of intermediate pyroclastic rocks and minor flows intercalated with minor mafic metavolcanic units. This Is overlain by a sequence consisting mainly of pillowed and massive aphanitic mafic metavolcanics and amphibolites which are intercalated in the upper part with minor quartz-biotite wackes. Amphibolites are common near the edges of the volcanic belt adjacent to Archean felsic plutonic rocks. The upper part of the Archean volcanic sequence strikes in an east-west direction across the central portion of the area and continues further to the east. MAFIC METAVOLCANICS Mafic metavolcanics are recognized on the basis of colour, texture, colour index, hardness, approximate specific gravity and lithostructures. Generally, the rocks exhibit brownish-green coloured weathered surfaces and dark green fresh surfaces and are softer than a hardness of six. Colour indices are greater than 35 percent mafic minerals. In most places the rocks have been sufficiently metamorphosed, carbonatized and deformed to obliterate the original textures, mineralogy and structures. Mafic metavolcanics are the most abundant volcanic rock- types in the area and comprise the major units in both the upper and lower part of the Archean metavolcanic sequence. Massive, fine-grained flows and lesser pillowed flows are the predominant lithologies. Pillowed flows, however, are common too and are best exposed along Highway 17 near Havilland Bay and near the western edge of Havilland Township. Pillows are well -7- preserved and range in length from 0.3 m to 1 m and in width from 15 cm to 30 cm. They are characterized by well developed pack ing, epidotized selvages, and fine-grained inter-pillow holoclastite debris. Generally, the exposures of all mafic flows did not provide direct evidence for the determination of the thickness of individual flows. Flow breccias are dark green and consist of angular mafic fragments in a finer-grained mafic metavolcanic matrix. Debris flows are minor and consist of heterolithic accidental and essential fragments. Porphyritic varieties of mafic volcanics are uncommon and consist of plagloclase-phyric mafic metavolcanic flows. Chlorite schists are minor and probably represent sheared, mafic metavolcanic flows rather than mafic pyroclastic rocks. Thin section studies of 19 samples indicate that the mafic metavolcanic samples consist of either greenschist or amphibolite facies metamorphic assemblages. Amphibolite facies rocks are located in the upper part of the volcanic sequence in a belt trending east from Havilland Bay to the eastern edge of the map. Rocks in the remainder of the volcanic pile contain green schist facies mineral assemblages. In hand specimen the greenschist rocks are foliated, fine grained and dark green in colour. In thin section, relict granoblastic, blastophyric and felty textures are observed. The plagioclase is either saussuritized to a cloudy aggregate of clinozoisite and sericite, or consists of fine-grained untwinned -8- crystals of albite. Unaltered relict plagioclase laths indicate andesine compositions of An3Q* Weakly pleochroic green to yellow actinolite constitutes 45 to 60 percent of the rock samples. Epidote, chlorite, biotite, titanite and carbonate also occur in minor amounts. Higher grade amphibolite facies mafic metavolcanics are characterized by fine to medium grained, foliated and grano blastic rocks with dark green fresh and weathered surfaces. In thin section, the rocks exhibit a granoblastic texture with recrystallized, equant, untwinned plagioclase (albite) and blue-green hornblende, and minor epidote. Minor quartz, sericite and titanite are present. Mineral proportions of 4-0-6056 hornblende, 30-4^ plagioclase and 10-2556 epidote are common. No petrographic determination of the plagioclase compositions were obtained from these rocks due to the altered nature of the feldspars. INTERMEDIATE METAVOLCANICS Intermediate metavolcanic rocks include andesites and dacites, and are recognized in the field on the basis of colour, hardness, texture, approximate specific gravity and litho- structures. The colour indices are between 15 and 35 percent mafic minerals. Both pyroclastic rocks and flows have been recognized and where no obvious clastic textures were observed, the rocks were classified as fine-grained flows in the field. Subsequent thin section examinations revealed that some rocks mapped as flows are fine-grained pyroclastic rocks and only a small percentage of the -9- intermediate metavolcanic rocks are now interpreted to be flows. Pyroclastic rocks have been subdivided according to Fisher (1966) on the basic of predominant grain-size into tuff or lapilli tuff. Fine grained pyroclastic rocks are distinguished from fine grained epiclastic rocks by (1) the absence of predominantly argillaceous material; (2) the occurrence of subhedral feldspars or ferromagnesian minerals similar to those in flows in a feldspathic rather than argillaceous matrix; and 3) the similarity of weathering, alteration, hardness, mineralogy and chemical characteristics of pyroclastic units to nearby flows. Coarse grained pyroclastic rocks are subdivided into lapilli tuff, tuff-breccia and agglomerate based on the shapes (such as angular, subangular and rounded) of clasts of local volcanic rocks (essential fragments) set in a non-argillaceous tuffaceous matrix. Intermediate metavolcanic rocks are most important in the middle and lower parts of the Archean metavolcanic sequence. They constitute the primary and secondary lithologies respective ly in those areas. Tuffs, lapilli tuffs, quartz-feldspar crystals tuffs (Photo 1) and intermediate schists have been recognized in the field. Thin sections of eight pyroclastic rocks and four flows were examined. All of them exhibit greenschist facies metamorphic mineral assemblages. Intermediate flows are characterized by 30-60 percent recrystallized plagioclase (albite); 6-10 percent quartz, S-4-0% -10- chlorite; IQ-30% clinozoisite and minor epidote; 0-60 percent actinolite; Q-10% muscovite; B-5% biotite and Z-5% muscovite. Textures consist of a fine-grained intergrown plagioclase, chlorite and quartz matrix with plagioclase microlites and minor quartz exhibiting weak pilotaxitic textures (Photo 2). Graded bedding and/or foliation are commonly seen in the pyroclastic rocks. Collapsed shards and relict pumice (lapilli size) have been replaced by quartz and chlorite. Textures show poor sorting with a variety of fragment sizes (Photo 3). Biotite and chlorite planar fabric enclose many of the larger fragments. Typically, pyroclastic rocks contain ^G-70% plagioclase (An^5), IS-^0% quartz, 6-3036 chlorite, Q-15% carbonate, 2-10* clino zoisite, and Q-30% actinolite with minor pyrite, biotite and titanite. Petrographic data indicate that pyroclastic rocks contain more quartz and carbonate than corresponding intermediate flows. The proportion of feldspar to quartz is about 2:1 in pyroclastic rocks, while in flows, it is 10:1. The high proportion of feldspar to quartz tends to confirm a pyroclastic rather than epiclastic origin since even in the most arkosic epiclastic rocks the percentage of quartz to feldspar is usually comparable. FELSIC METAVOLCANICS Felsic metavolcanic rocks are only located in the lower part of the Archean volcanic sequence, west of Highway 17 in Fenwick Township. Felsic metavolcanic rocks i.e. dacites to rhyolites, have been recognized in the field on the basis of a combination of the -11- following characteristics: colour, colour index, hardness and approximate specific gravity. The felsic metavolcanics vary in colour from dark to pale grey, yellow to pale yellow and pale pink, and have a hardness greater than 6. The colour index is less than 15. All of the felsic metavolcanics exposed in the area are pyroclastic rocks consisting of tuff, lapilli tuff, quartz-feldspar crystal tuff, agglomerate (Photo *O and felsic schists. Tuffs are the most common of these lithologles. Some aphanitic felsic rocks that were mapped as flows are structureless, fine-grained tuffs since no flow features were observed in hand specimen or thin section. Quartz veining and minor pyrite are associated with some of the felsic metavolcanlc rocks. All three thin sections of felsic pyroclastic rocks examined contained greenschist facies metamorphic mineral assemblages. Texturally, the rocks consist of a recrystallized, well-sorted, foliated matrix of quartz, plagioclase, carbonate, muscovite, chlorite and clinozoisite, and larger subangular fragments and shards. These larger fragments have been replaced by quartz or feldspar, and chlorite or hornblende, whereas the plagioclase feldspars have been altered to clinozoisite and sericite. The felsic pyroclastic rocks contain ID-30% plagioclase, 30-80* quartz, S-10% muscovite, ID-18% chlorite, 2-5S& clinozoisite, and 5-15* actinolite and hornblende, with minor pyrite. CHEMICAL AND CLASTIC METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS These rocks consist of chert, magnetite ironstones, hematite ironstone, biotite-quartz wacke, and arkose. -12-

Cherts and ironstones only occur in the iower part of the Archean volcanic sequence in Fenwick Township where they are spatially and laterally associated with felsic metavolcanic rocks. Cherts and ironstones are interlayered and form "Algoma Type" Iron Formation (Gross, 1965). These rocks do not exhibit any features characteristic of "Superior Type" Iron Formation such as granules, intraclasts, oolites and stromatolites (Gross/ 1965). In the map area, thinly bedded (1-5 cm) cherts and iron stone form three 3 m to 20 m thick stratigraphic marker horizons (Photo 5) within the Archean volcanic sequence. Minor hematite ironstone, limonite-rich rocks and wackes are intercalated with the main chert and magnetite ironstone lithologies at a few localities. In thin section, the ironstones consist of fine grained recrystallized quartz (.25 mm to .025 mm size) and lesser biotite, chlorite, amphibole (grunerite) and S-20% magnetite. Most of the ironstones are low in iron and could be classified as "ferruginous cherts". Wackes and arkoses occur as minor lithologies intercalated with metavolcanic rocks in the lower and upper part of the Archean supracrustal sequence. They are most abundant in the Walker and Belleau Lakes area of Tupper Township. Wackes and arkoses consist of strongly foliated, fine to medium grained biotite and quartz-rich metasediments with light to medium grey weathered surfaces and dark grey fresh surfaces. -13-

The mineral assemblage consists of subequal amounts of recrystalllzed, sand-sized (.1 mm) quartz and feldspar (plagioclase) grains with biotite. PETROCHEMISTRY OF ARCHEAN METAVOLCANIC AND METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS Twenty-four Archean metavolcanic and two chemical meta- sedimentary samples were collected for whole rock analyses which were provided by the Geoscience Laboratories, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto. Table 2 lists all of the analyses in the following order: 1) samples 1 to 16 - mafic metavolcanics 2) samples 17 to 22 - Intermediate metavolcanics 3) samples 23 to 24 - felsic metavolcanics 4-) samples 25 to 26 - chemical metasediments - cherts A sample location map (Figure 11) can be found in the back pocket of this report. The geochemical data provide a basis to check rock clas sifications made in the field and to characterize them in terms of their chemical affinities. In Figures 2 and 3, the metavolcanic analyses are illustrat ed on several plots commonly applied to volcanic rock data. Most of the mafic samples plot in the tholeiitic field of the Jensen cation plot (Figure 2) of Jensen (1976) and of a standard AFM weight percent diagram (Figure 3) of Irvine and Baragar (1971). Most rocks are magnesia-rich tholeiites with several minor iron-rich tholeiitic varieties. A single sample which plots in the komatiite field is of an amphibolite containing 52% silica; this should be classified as a basalt not ultramafic according to a scheme derived by Middlemost (1972). Intermediate metavolcanic samples which are mainly composed of pyroclastic rocks either plot in the tholeiitic magnesian basalt field or as calc-alkaline dacites and rhyolites (Figures 2 and 3). The silica content of several of the intermediate samples which plot in the tholeiitic basalt field however are greater than 521 and as such could be classified as andesites (Middlemost, 1972). All of the felsic metavolcanic samples are pyroclastic rocks and plot in the calc-alkaline dacite and rhyolite field of Figure 2 and the calc-alkaline field of Figure 3. In most cases the classification of the rocks made in the field were confirmed by the chemical analysis. All samples of flows are classified as tholeiitic with the majority being of a magnesium rich variety whereas most pyroclastic rocks are either calc-alkaline dacites or rhyolites. METAMORPHOSED MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS Gabbro-diorite dikes and sills are common throughout the entire Archean metavolcanic sequence but are most abundant in the mafic lower and upper parts. The dikes and sills are from 10 to 40 m thick. These lithologies are similar to younger Nipissing diabase rocks and some of the latter may have been included with the Archean gabbro bodies. Gabbro-diabase and lesser diorite, leucogabbro, pyroxenite- hornblendite and glomeroporphyritic (plagioclase) gabbro varieties occur. They are characterized by a weakly foliated, -15- medium to coarse grained nature with dark grey to black weathered and fresh surfaces. In thin section, blue-green pleochroic hornblende and plagioclase are the main minerals with lesser biotite, chlorite, clinozoisite, sericite, actinolite and titanite. Minor relict augite occurs in one leucogabbro sample. Relict subophitic textures are common with amphiboles having replaced, mantled and overgrown original pyroxene crystal boundaries. Plagioclase feldspar laths are saussuritized to cloudy pseudomorphs of clinozoisite and minor sericite. Chemical analyses and norms of a metamorphosed mafic intrusive rock are shown in Table 5 and plotted in Figures 6 and 7 (Sample number 27). FELSIC TO INTERMEDIATE INTRUSIVE, MIGMATITIC AND GNEISSIC ROCKS Archean felsic plutonic with lesser migmatitic and minor gneissic rocks underlie most of Tupper and part of Havilland Townships. Approximately one-quarter of the map area is under lain by granitic rocks. These plutonic rocks were emplaced at least 2500 Ma ago (Van Schmus, 1965). The granitic rocks are younger than the Archean metavolcanics and metasediments inclusions of which are contained within the granites. Of all the lithologies in the map area, the plutonic rocks are the most abundant and consist of hornblende and blotite-bear- ing tonalite, quartz diorite, diorite and lesser granodiorite, granite, monzonite and trondhjemite varieties. Nomenclature follows that proposed by Streckeisen (1976). -16-

Typically, the plutonic rocks are coarse grained and weakly foliated with pink to grey weathered and fresh surfaces. Variation in rock colour is due to hematization and original compositional difference. Identification of alkali and plagioclase feldspar was facilitated by the cutting and staining of fifty specimens with sodium cobaltnitrate. In several samples, some of the pink feldspars were intensely iron-stained plagioclase rather than pink alkali feldspars. Subsequent thin section examinations of several samples confirmed that the plagioclase feldspars were altered and contained fine dust-like hematite staining. Typical granitic mineral assemblages consist of plagioclase (An35-5s)* quartz, chlorite, clinozoisite, epidote, biotite, hornblende, sericite ^ microcline (depending on rock composition). Textures are typically hypidiomorphic granular with strained quartz crystals exhibiting undulatory extinction. Epidote, clinozoisite and sericite are alteration products of plagioclase feldspar. The rocks show very little recrystallization and exhibit greenschist facies metamorphic mineral assemblages. Several representative modal analyses are presented in Table 3 and plotted in Figure 4. A border zone of migmatites separates the Archean meta- volcanic sequence from the main body of massive felsic plutonic rocks near Howland Bay, north of Tupper Lake and at several other localities. In these zones, migmatites consist of homogeneous diatexites (Brown, 1973) with less than 1CW schlieren-like inclusions (Photo -17-

5). The diatexites are intruded by felsic dikes of three ages. Commonly, the homogeneous diatexites are coarse grained with 2 cm phenocrysts of alkali feldspar in a knobby-textured matrix of quartz, feldspar and amphiboles. Most of the phenocrysts are iron-stained (pink) plagioclase. Homogeneous diatexites have petrographic characteristics similar to weakly-foliated, felsic plutonic rocks. Mineral assemblages consist of saussuritized plagioclase, alkali feldspar, quartz, chlorite, epidote and accessory titanite. Coarse grained, hypidiomorphic granular textures are evident. More mafic, amphibolitic diatexites contain coarse grained plagioclase, quartz, epidote, hornblende augite, biotite, microcline and opaque minerals. All diatexites of the area represent amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks. Granitoid gneisses are uncommon and are located mainly north of Tupper Lake. The rocks are medium grained, granoblastic, pinkish grey, banded gneisses. Mafic minerals in the gneisses are hornblende and biotite. Rock compositions range from tonalite to quartz diorite. Chemical analyses and norms of Archean felsic plutonic rocks are shown in Table 4 and plotted in Figure 5. MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS The felsic plutonic rocks are commonly intruded by north west-striking diabase dikes which are abundant near Tupper and Picard Lakes in Tupper Township. Northeast-trending dikes are found only north of the King Mountain plateau. The dikes are from 40 m to 100 m wide and traceable for 1 km to 2 km. The rocks are massive and medium grained with dark green- -18- grey coloured fresh and weathered surfaces. In thin section, they consist of hornblende, actinolite, plagioclase, and epidote with accessory titanite and opaque minerals. Recrystallized granoblastic textures consisting of equant hornblende and plagioclase are common. Original pyroxenes are replaced and overgrown by amphiboles. Plagioclase is altered to epidote and sericite. A chemical analysis of a representive sample (No.28) is presented in Table 5 and plotted in Figures 6 and 7. EARLY PROTEROZOIC Huronian Supergroup Rocks of the Huronian Supergroup were deposited between 2500 Ma ago, the age of the Archean plutonic rocks (Van Schmus, 1965) and 2160 Ma ago, the age of Nipissing diabase intrusions (Van Schmus, 1965). Locally rocks of the Huronian Supergroup which overlie the Archean basement consist of clastic sediments and subordinate carbonates. Rocks of the Espanola and Serpent Formations of the Quirke Lake Group, and the Gowganda and Lorrain Formations of the Cobalt Group are represented within the southern half of the Havilland-Goulals Bay map-area. QUIRKE LAKE GROUP Espanola Formation The Espanola Formation (Collins, 1925) generally consists of the basal Bruce limestone member, the middle Espanola siltstone member, and the upper Espanola dolomite member. Throughout the Sault Ste. Marie to Blind River region, the formation is from 160 -19- m to 200 m thick (Frarey, 1977). Southwest of Sudbury, the formation has a thickness of 200 m to 530 m (Card et al. 1977). Within the map area, the Espanola Formation is exposed along an east-west-striking fault zone located north of Goulais Bay in the vicinity of Kars Creek. The formation consists of a yellowish, 15 m thick dolostone underlain by siltstone and minor wacke. These lithologies have been tentatively correlated with the dolomite and underlying siltstone members of the upper part of the Espanola Formation. Espanola Formation rocks are in fault contact with younger Lorrain Formation sediments and appear to unconformably overlie the Archean basement. They are conformably overlain by arkoses and conglomerates of the Serpent Formation. Espanola dolostones are characterized by light brown weathered surfaces and honey-brown coloured fresh surfaces. Oolostones are commonly medium grained, recrystallized and siliceous with some faint, thinly laminated bedding. Outcrops of the Espanola dolostone member are found at five localities along a 2 km strike length. A hematite occurrence is associated with the dolostone member (see Economic Geology section). In thin section, the dolostone specimens contain 65-85% dolomite and IQ-35% quartz with lesser hematite, pyrite and accessory scapolite. Extensive recrystallization is evident with grain sizes in the range of .05 mm to .25 mm. One of the samples is a siliceous dolostone with greater than 30S& quartz. Silt- stones are characterized by light brown to maroon weathered and fresh surfaces. Some 0.5 cm to 1 cm bedding is evident in the -20- reddish, hematized siltstone. At one locality, fine-grained greywackes occur and are intercalated with dolostones. The wacke beds are up to 1 m thick. SERPENT FORMATION The Serpent Formation (Collins, 1914) in the Sault Ste. Marie to Blind River region consists of subarkoses, arkoses and quartzarenites with local, minor, basal conglomerates (Frarey, 1977). In the Sudbury area, the formation consists of 600 m to 1500 m of interbedded feldspathic sandstone, siltstone and silty limestone (Card et al., 1977). In the map-area, local iron-stained conglomerate, wackes, arkoses and quartz arenites conformably overlie Espanola Formation dolostones. These rocks have been tentatively assigned to the Serpent Formation. Rocks of both formations are only exposed along an east-west-trending fault zone north of Goulais Bay. Serpent Formation orthoconglomerates consist of pebble-size, angular clasts of siltstone, quartz and granite set in arkosic matrix. Iron staining is widespread and as a result the rocks are reddish-brown in colour. Minor, light grey coloured wacke beds are locally interbedded with a 5 m to 10 m thick conglomerate unit. Reddish arkose is the most abundant lithology of the Serpent Formation of the present area. Both fresh and weathered surfaces are characterized by a light buff-pink colour. Some of the arkoses exhibit 1 cm to 2 cm thick bedding which dips 70* to the -21- west. White quartz arenites similar to quartz arenites of the Lorrain Formation have been assigned to the Serpent Formation as they overlie the Espanola Formation dolostone. The upper contact of the Serpent Formation at several locations appears to be a fault contact with Archean metavolcanic rocks. Elsewhere, all the contact rocks of the Serpent Formation have been directly deposited on the Archean basement. COBALT GROUP The Cobalt Group (Miller and Knight, 1906) which is up to 3600 m thick, is more prominent than all other Huronian groups with respect to areal distribution, outcrop and volume. It consists of the Gowganda, Lorrain, Gordon Lake and Bar River Formations (Frarey, 1977). In the Havilland-Goulais Bay area, the Cobalt Group is represented by an almost complete stratigraphic section of the Gowganda Formation and the middle to upper parts of the Lorrain Formation. The upper two formations, the Gordon Lake and Bar River, appear to be absent from the map area. Gowganda Formation The Gowganda Formation (Collins, 1917) has long been noted for its glacial origin and distinctive yet diverse lithologies. It is a heterogeneous sequence of conglomerates, argillltes, arkoses and wackes and occurs in an area extending from Sault Ste. Marie to Cobalt. The estimated thickness of the formation is 1100 m near Bruce Mine (Frarey, 1977), 1000 m in the nearby Two Horse Lake area (Bennett, 1982), and 1200 m in the Sudbury- -22-

Espanola area (Card et al. 1977). In the present map area, the Gowganda Formation is approximately 1500 m thick. It consists of a basal cobble-pebble paraconglomerate overlain by thinly bedded siltstone and argil- lites grading upwards into a thick sequence of arkosic wackes and minor siltstones which in turn are overlain by an upper unit of arkose and arkosic wacke. Ripple marks and size-grading were observed at various localities and indicate paleocurrent directions from both the east and west. The Gowganda Formation appears to be conformably overlain by the Lorrain Formation. The contact is poorly exposed and In places may be faulted. Where good primary contacts were observed, deposition of the Gowganda Formation apparently oc curred directly on the Archean basement. Contacts with older Huronian rocks of Serpent or Espanola Formations of the Quirke Lake Group were not observed in the map area. Basal granitic cobble-pebble conglomerate. Basal exposures of the Gowganda-Archean contact were observed at several localities. At one locality namely east of Highway 17, the surface of the unconformity dipped steeply (45*) to the north. No evidence of regolith development was observed in the underlying Archean rocks. The basal Gowganda lithology consists of a matrix-supported, cobble conglomerate containing 50% cobbles. The cobbles are rounded with an average diameter of 10 cm, up to a maximum diameter of 1 m and consist entirely of granite clasts. Within a few metres of the base, the proportion -23- of clasts decreases in volume and size resulting in a granitic (rounded) pebble conglomerate with 209& clasts. This grades upwards into wacke. The matrix of the conglomerate is also a dark green wacke. In thin section, the wacke consists of mainly quartz grains (0.6-2 mm) in a silty (.01 mm size) matrix of chlorite and fine quartz and feldspar detritus. Extensive recrystallization in one sample is indicated by the presence of 5 to 10% actinolite in a silty matrix. Siltstones and Mudstones Very thinly, to thinly bedded sequences of siltstone, and mudstone are common throughout the local Gowganda stratigraphy. Minor sedimentary ball-and-pillow structures were observed within these lithologies. Typically, these rocks are weakly schistose with medium grey-green weathered surfaces and dark grey coloured fresh surfaces. Petrographic study shows that the siltstones consist of 909& silt size grains of chlorite and fine grained quartz and feldspar detritus with minor subangular sand-size quartz grains and up to 6% opaque grains. The matrix is a fine grained, felty, intergrowth of silt-sized grains of detrital quartz and feldspar and chlorite with minor muscovite or pyrophyllite. Chlorite spots or aggregates occur in several specimens and are typical of argillaceous sediments intruded by Nipissing diabase (Robinson, 1977). Siltstones nearest the diabase best illustrate the spotted chlorite alteration. The metamorphic mineral assemblages represent lower greenschist facies. Wackes Arkosic wackes are the most common of wacke types and constitute the predominant Gowganda Formation lithology within the map area. They occur either as massive or laminated varieties. The massive arkosic wackes are more common near the upper part of the Gowganda sequence while laminated varieties are commonly Interbedded with siltstones and argillites in the middle part of the section. Rafted pebbles or "dropstones" (Photo 7) were found at several localities within laminated wackes. The dropstones are up to 6 cm in size, angular and of a granitic composition. Other sedimentary structures such as graded-bedding, ripple marks, cross-bedding, slumping and rip-up structures also occur. In thin section, the arkosic wackes exhibit a 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm grain size and framework consisting mainly of quartz, feldspar and minor opaque grains (Photo 8). Feldspars constitute 20 to *fO percent of the rock, and consist of both plagioclase and microcline with a 2s1 ratio of plagioclase to microcline. The matrix constitutes 30% of the rock and consists of very fine grained intergrown feldspar and quartz detritus and chlorite. Mineral assemblages indicate lower greenschist metamorphic facies. Arkose Arkoses occur predominantly in the uppermost section of the Gowganda Formation where they are thinly interbedded with lesser arkosic wackes and argillites. Arkose beds are up to 10 m thick; wacke and argillite beds up to 2-3 m. Other arenaceous sediments -25- found in the Gowganda Formation include minor iocal quartz arenite beds that are up to 10 m thick. Arkoses exhibit characteristic iight grey-pink weathered and fresh surfaces and are massive. In thin section, the arkoses consist of subequal amounts of quartz and plagioclase feldspar. Framework grains are subangular and range from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in size. Interstitial to the framework is a recrystallized feldspar, and quartz (0.025 mm) and chlorite matrix which constitutes from 10 to 15* of the rock. Lower greenschist metamorphic conditions are indicated by the mineral assemblages. Depositional Environment The Gowganda Formation represents a long complex interval of glacial and non-glacial (marine) deposition. Evidence to support a glacial origin consists of the following features: the lack of a well-developed Archean regolith underlying the formation; the predominance of matrix-supported rather than framework-supported conglomerates; and the presence of "dropstones" (Frarey, 1977). However, Card et al. (1977) suggest that not all sedimentary features can be explained by glaciation. The matrix-supported conglomerates could represent deposits of extensive debris flows in a marine environment with turbidity currents, slumping and erosion playing an important role during deposition. Within the map area, glacial-type features are scarce with few "dropstones" and only minor amounts of conglomerates. The sediments were probably deposited in a marine environment with minor glacial influences or in a transitional zone between -26- glacial continental and marine conditions. The source area of the Gowganda Formation rocks is a granite and greenstone terrain to the north of the map area. LORRAIN FORMATION Rocks of the Lorrain Formation (Miller and Knight, 1906) have a thickness of approximately 700 m in the King Mountain plateau. A small outlier occurs north of Goulais Bay near Kars Creek. The Lorrain Formation overlies the uppermost siltstone- argillite unit of the Gowganda Formation. Although the contact between the two formations was not observed directly in the map area, the outcrop distribution and attitudes suggest that it is conformable with the Gowganda Formation but the contact may be faulted in places. The Lorrain Formation in the Sault Ste. Marie to Blind River region has been subdivided into six members which are, in ascend ing order: the basal arkose member, the purple siltstone member, lower red quartz arenite member, Jasper conglomerate member, upper red quartz arenite member, and white quartz arenite member (Frarey, 1977). The estimated thickness of the Lorrain Formation is 2000 m near Bruce Mines (Frarey, 1977) and 1500 m in the nearby Two Horse Lake area (Bennett, 1982). Within the map area, the Lorrain Formation can be subdivided into two members based on Frarey©s (1977) classification. However, this subdivision is somewhat arbitrary since considerable variation exists locally within individual members and contacts between members are commonly gradational. The -27- members listed below are In ascending order and thicknesses were calculated from the geology map: lower red quartz arenite member (250-300 m thick) and Jasper conglomerate member (300-400 m thick). Lower Red Quartz Arenite Member This member consists mainly of Interbedded red to pink and white quartz arenites both containing minor quartz pebble conglomerate beds. Red quartz arenite is dominant in the lower 100 m of the formation and white quartz arenite occurs principally in the upper 150 m of the member. Minor, 10 cm sized bedding, size- grading and cross-bedding occur in some pebbly quartz beds. Oointing and associated quartz veining are common in these rock types. In thin section, the rock consists of 909& subrounded quartz grains up to 3 mm in size. The framework is well sorted and well packed with some enlargement of quartz grains by silica cement. Interstitial to the framework is a matrix consisting of (0.025 mm) silt-sized grains of quartz, feldspar, and muscovite or pyrophylite. Sand-sized (0.25 mm) titanite grains are accessory. Oasper Conglomerate Member The most distinctive lithology of the Lorrain Formation of the present area is a jasper conglomerate which contains angular pebbles of quartz, jasper and chert up to 3 cm in diameter in a coarse sand-and grit-sized quartz rich-matrix (Photo 9). Bright red Jasper and black chert pebbles constitute 10 to 20 percent -28-

with 10 to 20 percent quartz pebble in a framework-supported conglomerate commonly referred to as "puddingstone". Minor bedding, size-grading, cross-bedding and possibly some heavy mineral layering occur in some of the conglomerate beds. Interbedded with Jasper conglomerates are subequal amounts of white quartz arenite beds up to 5 m thick. Petrographic examination shows that the matrix of the rocks consist of 909& subangular quartz and minor hematite grains. Framework grains are moderately solid, well packed and 1 to 2 mm in diameter with interstitial muscovite or pyrophyllite (Photo 10). Mineral assemblages are typical of very low grade (zeolite facies) or sub-greenschist facies metamorphic conditions. DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT Since the early work done by Miller and Knight (1906), several comprehensive studies and interpretations of depositional environments of the Lorrain Formation have been completed by numerous authors. Frarey (1977) considers that the entire Lorrain Formation was transported over a broad, stable paleoslope area of cratonic dimensions northwest of the Sault Ste. Marie - Blind River area. The arkosic nature of the lower part of the formation indicates that the terrain was dominantly granitic In composition. The middle and upper members of the Lorrain Formation are mature sediments and were possibly derived from older sedimentary rocks. Wood (1973), Card (1976), Frarey (1977) and Bennett (1982), all suggest a fluvial origin for the upper and middle sections of the formation. -29-

Pettijohn (1970) postulated that the lower part of the Lorrain Formation represents a regressive marine cycle deposited in relatively shallow, turbulent waters such as a deltaic-tidal flats environment. The nature of the upper Lorrain Formation according to Pettijohn (1970) would represent marine littoral or neritic deposits. In the Havilland-Goulals Bay area, it is believed that the Lorrain Formation llthologies represent deposition in a fluvial environment from a source to the north of the map area. NIPISSING DIABASE A prominent east-west-striking sill (700 m thick) of Early Proterozoic Nipissing quartz diabase conformably intrudes the rocks of the Gowganda Formation. This diabase sill is traceable for a distance of 7 km across the southern part of Van Koughnet Township. Further to the west in Fenwick Township, smaller sills and dikes of Nipissing quartz diabase are located near the contact of the Gowganda Formation with Archean rocks and intrude the Archean metavolcanic and metasedimentary sequence. Typically, the diabase is a massive, medium to coarse grained dark green to black rock and is slightly magnetic. Fine grained varieties do occur and are more common near the margins of the sill. In thin section, subophitic textures are typical with euhedral plagioclase feldspar (An35-5Q)* clinopyroxene (augite) and anhedral, interstitial quartz with minor titanite and opaque minerals, mainly magnetite. Alteration of the original minerals has produced a tremolite-actinolite, clinozoisite, talc, chlorite -30- and leucoxene assemblage. Most of the specimens contain relict clinopyroxene and exhibit very low to low-grade (sub-to lower greenschist facies) metamorphic mineral assemblages. One anomalous sample from the Havilland Bay area which is Indicative of amphibolite facies metamorphism contains blue-green hornblende and no relict clinopyroxene. It was classified as Nipissing diabase because of the presence of 6% interstitial, anhedral quartz and relict subophitic textures. Chemical analyses and norms of two representative samples are presented in Table 5 and plotted in Figures 6 and 7. These figures illustrate the chemical differences between Nipissing diabase, Archean diabase dikes and metamorphosed Archean mafic intrusive rocks. Characteristic chemical variations of Nipissing intrusive rocks throughout the Southern Province are well documented by Card and Pattison (1973). MIDDLE PROTEROZOIC Keweenawan Volcanic, Intrusive and Sedimentary Rocks Keweenawan rocks underlie a small portion of the Havilland- Goulais Bay area. Amygdaloidal basalts, minor felsite (rhyolitic) dikes and polymictic conglomerates of Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) age are exposed along the shores of Lake Superior near Jones Creek and east of Horseshoe Bay in Ley Town ship. Minor Keweenawan diabase and felsite dikes intrude rocks of the Gowganda Formation rocks near Robertson and Sill Lakes in Van Koughnet Township. The Mamainse Point area, north of Batchewana Bay is the principal location of these rocks on the -31- east shore of Lake Superior (Giblin, 1974; Wallace, 1981). Similar basalts exposed at Chippewa Falls have been dated by K/Ar method at 915 140 Ma (Wanless et al. 1966, 1967, 1968). Deposition of Keweenawan rocks occurred during the formation of a continental rift system some 1.0 to 1.3 Ga ago (Wallace, 1981). Subsequent, enormous volumes of subaerial, tholeiitic flood basalts accumulated on several lava plateaus. Within the Havilland-Goulais Bay map area, the most common Keweenawan lithologies are basalts which consist mainly of amygdaloidal and lesser aphanitic and pillowed varieties. The amygdaloidal basalt flows have a rubbly appearance with characteristic aphanitic brownish-maroon coloured fresh and weathered surfaces. They are apparently 3 m thick. Amygdules contain calcite, chert, prehnite and epidote and constitute up to 30% of the rock. Measurement of planar orientations of amygdules by Horwood (see Economic Geology section) indicates that the flows trend north-south and dip 80-85* to the east. Massive, fine grained basalts are less common and occur locally intercalated with amygdaloidal basalts east of Horseshoe Bay. Amygdaloidal pillow basalts represent a minor lithology and are exposed along a road-cut of Highway 17 near Oones Creek (Photo 11). Bun-shaped, tightly packed pillows are 50 cm long and 30 cm wide. Well-developed, fine-grained selvages rim the pillows (Photo 11). The 10 m thick section of amygdaloidal pillow basalts is steeply inclined (82*) with stratigraphic tops to the east. The pillowed basalts are not common in Keweenawan lavas and indicate a subaqueous rather then a subaerial -32- depositional environment for at least some of the flows In the present area. Petrographic examination indicates that the basalts contain pilotaxitic plagioclase microlltes (An45^ * ltn Interstitial opaque minerals, mainly hematite. Prehnite is common and pervasive in both the matrix and the amygdules. Vesicles also contain calcite, epidote, chert and hematite. Opaque minerals, mainly hematite, comprise 20 to 30S6 of the rock and occur in both amygdules and in the matrix of the basalts. Mineral assemblages are hydrothermal in nature and indicate very low grade (zeolite facies) metamorphism. Representative chemical analyses for three samples (numbers 32, 33 and 34) are presented in Table 6 and in Figures 8 and 9. The data indicate that the Keweenawan volcanics are of a magnesian-rich tholeiitic type. Felsite (rhyolite) dikes are uncommon and contain quartz "eyes" and plagioclase crystals in a fine grained pink-maroon coloured matrix of plagioclase and quartz. A steeply dipping olivine gabbro dike intrudes Gowganda wackes 100 m south of the Nipissing quartz diabase sill at the Sill Lake Mine in Van Koughnet Township. On the basis of a thin section examination, the dike was classified as Keweenawan. The dike is compositionally different from the Nipissing quartz diabase because it contains pseudomorphs of olivine and does not contain any quartz. It is less altered than the Nipissing rocks and therefore assumed to be younger, i.e. Keweenawan, in age. Petrographic study reveals that the dun brown-coloured -33- olivine gabbro contains 15* relict olivine evident as talc pseudomorphs after original equant, highly fractured olivine crystals. Accessory amounts of serpentine may be intergrown with the talc. Unaltered, euhedral clinopyroxene (augite) and euhedral zoned plagioclase feldspar laths (An25-35) are the other major minerals. The texture of the rock is subophitic and equigranular. Grain-size is approximately 1 mm. Another Keweenawan dike, rhyolitic in composition, is located near the north shore of Robertson Lake where it cuts the Early Proterozoic Nipissing diabase. Keweenawan lamprophyre dikes intrude Keweenawan and older rocks in the nearby Goulais River (Giblin 1982b), Oarvis Lake (Bennett, 1982) and Mamainse Point areas (Giblin 1974). However, none were observed by the author in the present map area. Keweenawan polymictic, orthoconglomerates constitute a minor lithology and are locally exposed east of Horseshoe Bay and along 3ones Creek. The conglomerate clasts consist of sub-rounded to rounded cobbles of Archean granite, Lorrain Formation quartz arenites, Gowganda Formation siltstones and Keweenawan basalt set in an arkosic wacke matrix (Photo 12). PALEOZOIC CAMBRIAN Jacobsville Formation The Oacobsville Formation is equivalent to the "Lake Superior Sandstone" of earlier descriptions (Mcconnell, 1972; Hay, 1963). The sandstones are largely confined to the lower, drift- -34-

covered tracts of land in the Sault Ste. Marie area and bordering Lake Superior (Frarey, 1977). These rocks are rarely exposed and have been previously mapped and described by Russell (1982), Giblin (1982a) and Abel (1985). Within the map area, clastic sedimentary rocks of the 3acobsville Formation of probable Cambrian age underlie most of the areas near Kars Creek, Havilland Bay and Goulais Bay. Lithologies mainly consist of red to red-brown coloured, thinly bedded feldspathic subarkoses with minor conglomerates and siltstones. The arenites exhibit mottling of white circular spots and irregular white blotches and streaks. Thin section examination shows that the rock consists mainly of sub-rounded quartz grains (.5 mm in diameter) with ID©% micro cline and 105fc plagioclase grains. Minor rock fragments and titanite also occur. The rocks are moderately indurated, immature and unmetamorphosed. Oacobsville Formation conglomerates are similar in composition to nearby Keweenawan conglomerates and contain pebble-sized clasts of Archean granite, Lorrain Formation quartz arenites, Gowganda Formation siltstones and Keweenawan basalts set in a fine grained, arkosic matrix. The Oacobsville Formation conglomerates are less consolidated and contain more angular and smaller sized clasts than the Keweenawan conglomerates. Red-coloured siltstones are poorly consolidated, and are flaggy and fissile in nature. They occur north of Goulais Bay -35- near Kars Creek and unconformably overlie Lorrain Formation quartz arenites. POST-CAMBRIAN Cataclastic Rocks Cataclastic rocks represent a minor but important lithology along several post-Cambrian fault zones. Mainly Archean rock types are affected by the Post-Cambrian cataclasis within these fault zones. The rocks of the Oacobsville Formation, however have also been affected by the faulting. These faults are best exposed along Highway 17 east of Havilland Bay and along the westward extension of the Van Koughnet Fault in Fenwick Township. Fault breccias and minor mylonites and protomylonites constitute the cataclastic rock types. Fault breccias are typified by angular, 2 to 3 cm breccia fragments set in a fine grained, chloritic matrix. Commonly, fragments make up 30^ of the rock. Consolidated and semi-consolidated pressure breccias with fluxion structures are visible on a megascopic scale. Dark and dense mylonitic rocks are aphanitic and glassy in appearance. In thin section, fluxion structures are evident. The matrix consists of crushed, angular, 0.01 mm quartz and feldspar grains and larger (0.2 mm) rock fragments. Textural evidence suggests that considerable grain-size reduction has occurred as a result of brittle and ductile failure during faulting. -36-

PHANEROZOIC CENOZOIC QUATERNARY Pleistocene and Recent Pleistocene deposits are glacial in nature. Ice directions from the northeast are Indicated by glacial striae which commonly strike S30*W. Topographically elevated parts of the area are usually covered by a thin ablation till. The lower parts of the map area underlain by the Oacobsville Formation are covered by thick glaciolacustrine, glaciofluvial and alluvial deposits of gravel, sand, silt and organic debris (McQuay, 1979). Abandoned beaches are present on the banks of the Goulais River Valley in the southern part of Fenwick Township. Drilling in the valley has shown the unconsolidated materials are up to 108 m thick (Giblin, 1982b). Recent deposits consist of organic (swamp), lake and alluvial deposits, the latter coming from the Goulais River which is building an extensive delta in Lake Superior. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Regional Setting The map area includes parts of two structural provinces of the southern Canadian Shield: the Superior, and Southern Structural Provinces. After deposition of Archean metavolcanics and metasediments, possibly on a basement of older sialic rocks, not recognized in the present area, there was deformation, regional metamorphism and emplacement of granitic plutons during the Kenoran Orogeny -37-

2500 Ma or more ago (Stockwell et al. 1970). This was followed by a period of tensional tectonics with emplacement of mafic dikes. Early Proterozoic Huronian sedimentary and Nipissing intrusive rocks and Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) supracrustal and intrusive rocks are contained in the Southern Structural Province. Extensive block faulting of the Archean rocks during tensional tectonics caused the formation of a series of crustal blocks, creating a horst-and graben terrain. Subsequent deposition of Huronian rocks occurred in a series of cratonic sedimentary basins. Deformation and metamorphism occurred after the emplacement of Nipissing intrusive rocks some 2150 Ma ago. It most likely occurred about 1900 Ma ago during the Penokean Orogeny (Von Schmus, 1976). Deposition of Keweenawan supracrustal rocks occurred during the formation of a continental rift system some 1.0 to 1.3 Ga ago. Folding and metamorphism of the rocks coincided with late-stage subsidence of the Keweenawan Basin some 1000 to 600 Ma ago (Wallace, 1981). Syn-depositional faulting probably occurred during the deposition of Cambrian Oacobsville Formation sandstones in a sedimentary basin underlying the present Lake Superior region (Russell, 1982). Later faulting resulted in the current fault-bounded nature of the Oacobsville Formation. FOLDING Archean metavolcanic rocks generally exhibit a well develop ed foliation or penetrative cleavage. The foliation is generally -38- subconcordant to primary lithological features such as bedding in the metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence, and strikes east-west approximately parallel to the length of the belt. This is best illustrated in the western half of the map area where the east - trending foliation is mainly vertical except along the southern margin where it dips 30-60* to the north. This foliation probably developed during an initial folding episode about a sub-horizontal fold axis. As a result, an early east-trending anticline is Indicated by the reversal of tops in Archean pillowed mafic metavolcanics along the southern margin of the map area. The pillow facings indicate that the metavolcanic rocks south of Sill Lake are south-facing, however throughout the rest of the sequence, the tops are uniformly north-facing and form a steeply dipping monoclinal sequence. The trace of the axial plane of the anticline underlies Gowganda and Oacobsville Formation rocks along the southern margin of the map and represents the initial folding episode (D-j). A discordant drag fold indicates a less pervasive, second phase of folding, with a northwest-trending axial plane and hinge plunging 45* to the northwest. Refolding of the east-trending anticline is also Indicated by a broad, gentle warp in the lithologic units immediately west of Highway 17 in Fenwick Township. At this location and south of Sill Lake, foliation directions within the metavolcanics are parallel to the northwest-trending (D2^ axial planes . Similar foliation directions are common in most Archean felsic plutonic rocks throughout the map area but less prominent -39- east-trending foliations also occur. The attitudes are either vertical or sub-vertical. In the upper part of the Archean metavolcanic sequence near Evans and Belleau Lakes, the predominant east-trending volcanic belt is refolded into a dome-like structure. This was probably caused by refolding about a northwest- to north-trending 02 fold axis as the volcanics were squeezed between bodies of felsic plutonic rocks possibly during diapiric emplacement. Huronian mudstones are typically schistose and commonly well bedded. The schistosity is defined by the planar alignment of platy metamorphic minerals such as chlorite or muscovite whereas the bedding is defined by original grain-size and compositional differences. Commonly, the schistosity is parallel to the bedding but is more steeply inclined. Minor S and Z drag folds outline closure in a large-scale west-trending synclinal structure which plunges 020* to the west. The sediments of the Huronian Supergroup mainly exhibit a uniform north dip of 25* to 45*. Local departures from this are located in some Espanola Formation rocks near Kars Creek which dip to the west at 15* to 72*, and in some Gowganda Formation rocks near King Mountain which dip to the east at 30* to 40*. These local variations suggest that refolding formed small-scale open folds and caused a flexure in the strata. This resulted in the departure of bedding attitudes from the otherwise uniform north-dipping directions. In general, the Huronian sequence probably represents an erosional and faulted remnant of the southern limb of a west- trending flat syncline. The northern limb was presumably removed -40- by erosion. Folding of Keweenawan basalts along a north-trending axis has formed a weak schistosity which dips mainly to the east but also to the west at angles of 45* to 72*. The orientation of primary volcanic features such as vesicle trains and pillow tops indicates that the rocks are trending north and dipping to the east at attitudes of 80* to 85*. The rocks of the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation generally dip west at angles of 05* to 30* (Giblin, 1982a) except near post-Cambrian fault planes where they dip from 60* to 90* to the north. Fault, Lineaments and Shear Zones Throughout the map area, several lineaments, major faults and shear zones have been identified. Many of the lineaments were interpreted from air photo examination and most likely represent fractures or faults. These lineaments are not identified as faults due to a lack of field evidence. The lineaments strike in three prominent directions: a dominant northwest set, a lesser northeast set, and a minor north-south set. Northwest-trending fractures are the most dominant in the map area, particularly in the Archean felsic plutonic domain. Diabase dikes are commonly emplaced along northwest-trending lineaments. Lineaments trending in a northeast direction are common in the southeastern quarter of the map including the King Mountain plateau and adjacent areas to the north and south. Northeast- trending Archean diabase dikes were emplaced aiong severai of these lineaments. North-trending lineaments mainly occur within the Archean metavolcanic sequence and to a lesser extent in the King Mountain plateau area. Few Archean diabase dikes were emplaced along the north-south trending lineaments. Several northeast-trending en echelon shear and fault zones cut both the Archean metavolcanic and intrusive rocks and sediments of the Gowganda Formation. The faulting has down- dropped the rocks of the Gowganda Formation adjacent to Archean metavolcanic rocks and probably localized the lead-silver mineralization at Sill Lake Mine and the copper-silver mineral ization at the Goulais River property. One of the shear zones trends northeast and is located Just south of Bone Lake within Archean felsic plutonic rocks. Quartz veining, brecciation, chloritization and minor pyrite mineralization are associated with this shear zone. Three major post-Cambrian fault zones have been recognized along the southern and western margins of the map area and along the coastal area of Havilland Bay. Rocks of the Oacobsville Formation have been affected by these fault zones. The westward extension of the Van Koughnet Fault of Giblin (1982b) separates the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation from the older strata. A fault which separates the Espanola and Serpent formations (Quirke Lake Group) from both younger Gowganda and Lorrain Formations (Cobalt Group) and older Archean metavolcanic rocks is associated with this fault. The Quirke Lake Group sediments have been downdropped relative to the Archean rocks whereas adjacent Cobalt Group rocks have been downdropped relative to the older Quirke Lake Group sediments and Archean rocks. Along the Havilland Bay Fault, normally flat-lying Cambrian Oacobsville sandstone is tilted sub-vertically in the vicinity of the fault plane. The Cambrian sandstones have been downdropped relative to all older llthologles and lie in fault contact with Archean migmatitic rocks. Strong cataclasis, brecciation, and chloritization are well developed along these post-Cambrian fault zones, for example, near Havilland Bay and along the Van Koughnet Fault in Fenwick Township. Some additional syn-depositional faulting probably occurred during the deposition of the sandstone (Russell, 1982) of the Oacobsville Formation. Metamorphism The grade of regional metamorphism in the map area varies widely from unmetamorphosed Cambrian Oacobsville Formation sedimentary rocks to amphibolite facies in Archean metavolcanic rocks. Within the Archean metavolcanic rocks the grade of metamorphism varies from lower greenschist to amphibolite facies (Winkler, 1976). Within the map area, greenschist facies rocks typically contain actinolite, clinozoisite, chlorite, albite, sericite and biotite mineral assemblages. These constitute the middle and lower part of the metavolcanic sequence in Van Koughnet, Fenwick and Havilland Townships. -43-

Amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks are located in the upper part of the Archean metavolcanic sequence in a belt trending east from Havilland Bay to the eastern edge of the map. As the grade of metamorphism increases from greenschist to amphibolite facies the mafic metavolcanics display an increasing amount of recrystallization and the development of granoblastic textures. Plagioclase recrystalllzed into equigranular, untwinned subhedral grains. Chlorite, actinolite and clinozoisite are replaced by hornblende and epidote. Bordering the amphibolltes is a zone of homogeneous diatexites. Migmatization presumably occurred under conditions of high water pressure during regional amphibolite facies meta morphism. Metamorphism was coincident with the deformation of the rocks during the Kenoran Orogeny (Stockwell et al. 1970), and occurred prior to, or during, the emplacement of the Archean felsic plutonic rocks some 2500 Ma ago. Lower greenschist facies mineral assemblages occur in Early Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Gowganda and Lorrain Formations and in Nipissing diabase rocks. The sediments typically contain chlorite and muscovite and/or pyrophyllite. Nipissing diabase rocks contain tremolite-actinolite, talc, chlorite and clinozoisite. This period of metamorphism occurred after the emplacement of 2150 Ma old Nipissing diabase. It probably occurred 1900 Ma ago during the Penokean Orogeny (Van Schmus, 1976). Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) volcanic rocks contain prehnite, calcite and epidote which are indicative of very low- grade regional metamorphism combined with some hydrothermal alteration. Metamorphism was coincident with late stage subsidence of the Keweenawan basin some 1000 to 600 Ma ago (Wallace, 1981). Correlation of Aeromagnetic Data and Geology The Havilland-Goulais Bay map-area is covered by ODM-GSC Map 2201G Searchmont Sheet (ODM-GSC 1963) published at a scale of 1:63 360. Distinctive features such as relatively lower magnetic susceptibilities and flat magnetic gradients characterize areas underlain by most post-Archean rocks. These include Proterozoic Huronian sediments. Nipissing diabase and Cambrian Oacobsville Formation sediments. Generally, the isomagnetic lines trend in an east-west direction parallel to the geological contacts. Middle Proterozoic Keweenawan volcanic rocks are character ized by circular, negative magnetic anomalies with steep magnetic gradients. Several of these anomalies are evident along Lake Superior near 3ones Creek and east of Horseshoe Bay in Ley Town ship. There are pronounced differences in the magnetic character istics between Archean and younger rocks. This is best illustrated along the Archean-Proterozoic boundary north of the King Mountain plateau near Robertson, Bone and Stokely Lake where there is a sharp change in the geometry and frequency of the isomagnetic contour lines. Archean rocks are characterized by sub-circular and swirl- shaped magnetic anomalies with a relatively high magnetic susceptibility and steep magnetic gradients. The shapes probably reflect some of the complex folding patterns in the Archean terrains. The metavolcanic and metasedimentary lithologies are generally not aeromagnetically distinct from each other but the mafic metavolcanics have higher magnetic susceptibilities and steeper gradients relative to intermediate and felsic meta volcanic rocks. Within the Archean metavolcanic sequence, an elongate east- west-trending positive magnetic anomaly occurs east of Havilland Lake and corresponds to a band of magnetite ironstone and chert. Another prominent feature in the Archean terrain is a circular, positive magnetic anomaly located in the vicinity of Evans, Walker and Belleau Lakes. The shape of the anomaly largely reflects a dome-like folding interference pattern in the underly ing Archean metavolcanic rocks. Of the three major post-Cambrian faults, only the one parallel to Kars Creek exhibits any distinctive magnetic features. It also corresponds to the Archean-Cambrian boundary and reflects differing magnetic patterns on either side of the fault plane. All other faults are not readily discernible on the aero magnetic map. -46-

ECONOMIC GEOLOGY History of Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration for copper and silver in the area dates back to about 1890 with shaft sinking and tunnelling at the Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited Goulals River property (1) in Van Koughnet Township and shaft sinking at the Lucinda Gold Mine Limited occurrence (7) in Fenwick Township. A manganese occurrence located near Horseshoe Bay in Ley Township was explored in 1942 by Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited (4) with trenching and diamond drilling (11 holes for a total of 633 m). The grade and tonnage outlined was too low to be of economic interest at that time. During the period from 1954 to 1964, ground geophysical and geological surveys with follow-up drilling (11 holes for a total of 665 m) were carried out by Pitch-Ore Uranium Mines Limited in the Wolfe Lake area (adjacent and east of the map area), and by Ontario Rare Metals Limited (8) in the Bone Lake area in Tupper Township. Four diamond drill holes totalling 451 m were completed adjacent to the eastern edge of the map area. Airborne geophysical surveys were carried out over the eastern half of Tupper Township by Technical Mine Consultants Limited in 1956 however nothing of economic significance was recorded in the assessment files. During this period, geological mapping and sampling programs were carried out by Algoma Ore Properties Limited (3), F. Joubin and Associates, , and International Mining Services Limited on various mineral occurrences in the map area. -47-

From 1964 to 1985, most exploration activity in the map area was centred in Van Koughnet Township. In 1966 two short diamond drili holes (totalling 105 m) were completed by R. Dyck (6) on a chalcopyrite showing along the south shore of Robertson Lake in Van Koughnet Township. Minor trenching and sampling were carried out by W. Doughty (5) in 1970 on sphalerite and galena occurrences in Fenwick Township.

Geological, geophysical and soil geochemical surveys on the Goulais River Copper - Silver property (1) were conducted by Airnorth Mines Limited and later by Tribag Mining Company Limited between 1970 and 1973. Airnorth Mines diamond drilled three holes for a total of 215 m. Tribag Mining put down 33 diamond drill holes for a total of 3747 m. Diamond drilling by Tribag Mining Company Limited on the Sill Lake property (2) in 1973 led to the discovery of a high- grade argentiferous galena vein. Tribag drilled seven holes totalling 427 m in and around the high-grade silver vein. Prace Mining Company Limited acquired the property in 1979 and complet ed ground geophysical surveys and more diamond drilling (9 holes for a total of 1090 m) from 1979 to 1981. In 1981, 120 m of underground development resulted in a decline reaching a depth of 30.5 m. Full scale production at the current rate of 100 tons per day began in 1984. The grade is 12 ounces silver per ton and 10% lead (The Northern Miner, Dec. 1, 1983). Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited is presently developing a second underground level and installing a surface spiral concentrator. During the period of the current survey, the only mining claims in good standing were either lease or patent claims and no recent staking has taken place within the area. A list of assessment work reported is shown in Table 1. These assessment work reports are on file at the Assessment Files Research Office, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, and duplicate copies are stored in the Resident Geologist Office, Sault Ste. Marie. Description of Properties, Occurrences and Explored Areas Occurrences of silver, lead, zinc, copper, manganese, iron and gold are known in the Havilland-Goulals Bay area. Several silver, lead, zinc occurrences are located adjacent to Nipissing quartz diabase intrusive rocks in Van Koughnet and Fenwick Townships. Silver (in association with lead and zinc) is the most important economic metal in the region since Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited in Van Koughnet Township is the only producing mine in the area. Copper occurs in association with silver and graphite as shear/fault zone-type deposits within Archean mafic metavolcanlc rocks in Van Koughnet Township. Manganese mineralization occurs associated with carbonate veining within Keewenawan basalts in Ley Township. All iron occurrences are located in Fenwick Township and consist of hematite mineral ization in dolomites of the Espanola Formation or as Archean magnetite ironstone interbedded with chert. Gold is found mainly as a minor element associated with silver and copper mineral ization but also is associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite in Archean cherts and felsic metavolcanic rocks located in.Fenwick Township. Commercial extraction of sand and gravel occurs at four pits located within the map area, and peat and peat moss deposits are located in low lying areas near Highway 17 in Fenwick Township. On the following pages, a detailed description of the metal occurrences and the history of exploration activity is present ed. The metals and their associated mineral properties are list ed in their order of decreasing economic importance to the area. The order is: (1) silver, lead and zinc (2) copper (3) manganese (4) iron and (5) gold. The description of the properties also conforms to the following criteria: 1) In the case of claims held as of August 31, 1985, properties are listed in the name of the registered claim holder. 2) In the case of a known mineral deposit not included in (1), the property is identified by a geographic name, or a historically well established name for that deposit. 3) In the case of ground on which there has been appreciable exploration activity but was not held as of August 31, 1985 and in which no notable mineral occurrences have been found the properties are listed under the name of the last company or individual to work that area. In this case the name will be followed by a date in square brackets representing the year in which that work was done. The number in round brackets following the property name is the property location number which is shown on the accompanying geological map (No. back pocket). The descriptions, if not otherwise stated, are based on data obtained from assessment file reports or from field -50-

investigations undertaken by the author during the 1985 field season. Silver, Lead and Zinc Two occurrences of silver associated with lead and zinc are located in the map area. The main occurrence is the Sill Lake Silver Mine in Van Koughnet Township, and the other is the Fenwick #1 occurrence in Fenwick Township. Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited (2) The Sill Lake Silver Mine is located approximately 300 m south of Sill Lake in claim SSM 321432 in Section 14, Van Koughnet Township. History The area on which the mine is located was originally held by Montco Copper Corporation Limited in 1955. This property included 17 unpatented mining claims in sections 10, 11 and 12 of Van Koughnet Township. The company©s prospectus reported copper mineralization in a quartz vein at the contact between the sediments of the Cobalt Group and Nipissing diabase and recommended further exploration. The ownership of the property between 1956 and 1972 is not known to the author. In 1972 Tribag Mining Company Limited obtained the claims as part of the Doughty option of the Goulais River copper-silver property. A high-grade argentiferous galena-bearing quartz-carbonate vein was discovered during the 1972-73 drill program. Tribag drilled seven holes totalling 4?7 m (1400 ft) in and around the high-grade silver vein. The property was leased by Prace Mining Company Limited from -51- Tribag Mining Company during the period 1973-1982. Prace Mining Company carried out small scale trenching operations from May to November 1975 in which 200 tons of hand-sorted galena ore were shipped for milling and refining. In 1976, further exploration resulted in the discovery of significant reserves. Prace Mining completed 120 m (394 ft) of underground development in 1979 with a decline reaching a depth of 30.5 m (100 ft). A small mill was constructed and stockpiled ore was milled. The concentrate graded about 8096 lead and 100 ounces of silver per ton. Ground electromagnetic (VLF) and magnetometer surveys were completed in 1980 over six claims to the north and west of the mine. The results indicated two EM conductors, one of which corresponded to a westward extension of the mineralized zone located at the mine. A follow-up drill program of 9 holes totalling 1091 m (3579 ft) was completed by Prace Mining Co. Limited in 1981. The results indicated several sulphide mineralized intersections which corresponded to the extension of the mineralized zone 400 m west of the mine. The intersections consisted of minor quartz and carbonate strings with disseminated chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite in Gowganda Formation wackes approximately 30 m (100 ft) above the wacke-diabase contact. Some disseminated galena and sphalerite were encountered in narrow carbonate stringers in the Archean mafic volcanic rocks underlying the wacke at this locality. Additional mineralization consisting of disseminated pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite occurs in fine fractures in the diabase. -52-

In 1981, there was limited production of lead-silver concentrate and 112 tons were shipped. In 1982, Prace went into receivership and the property was acquired by Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited. Royal Gold and Silver Corporation entered into an agreement with Sill Lake Mines Limited in 1983 to process in excess of 4000 tons of silver-lead ore and Jig tailings. However, the agreement was terminated in 1984- due to low silver price. Ore reserves in 1983 were 20,000 to 60,000 tons grading 12 ounces of silver per ton and 10 percent lead over a mining width of four feet (Northern Miner, Dec. 1, 1983). Full production at the present rate of 100 tons per day began in late 1984. Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited is presently (1985) developing a second underground level and installing a surface spiral concentrator. Geology Silver and lead vein mineralization at the Sill Lake Mine is along the contact of a steeply dipping gabbro-norite dike and wackes of the Gowganda Formation, but is not in contact with the main Nipissing quartz diabase sill which is exposed 100 m north of the mine. The gabbro-norite dike is compositionally different from the Nipissing quartz diabase as it contains pseudomorphs of olivine and no quartz. Since it is less altered than the Nipissing diabase, it is assumed to be younger and to represent a Keweenawan diabase dike. Shearing and fracturing are common along the plane of the vein and in the adjacent Gowganda wackes. The fracture system -53- associated with the vein is traceable along strike for 120 m (400 ft) and to a depth of at least 43 m (140 ft). The deposit consists of one major vein with a few sub- parallel veins. The argentiferous galena vein which varies from 1 to 3 m in width has ore grades of 40 ounces silver per ton and 10-30 percent lead. The sulphide minerals present are galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite sphalerite and pyrrhotite (Robinson, 1977). Important factors controlling the mineralization are believ ed to be: (1) its proximity to Archean pillowed mafic volcanic rocks; (2) the presence of several northeast-trending faults; and (3) its proximity to dikes of probable Keweenawan age. Fenwick #1 Occurrence (1970) (6) The property is located in Fenwick Township near Highway 17. It consists of several pits about 10 to 15 m from a logging road. The showing was rediscovered, stripped and blasted in 1970 by W. Doughty. The Resident Geologist from Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. R. Rupert, visited the property in 1971 and noted that the original pits probably dated back to 1900 or earlier. The mineralization is hosted by a quartz vein. Sulphides noted by Rupert were 1 to 10 percent sphalerite, 1 to 3 percent galena, 1 to 5 percent pyrite and trace chalcopyrite. The galena is more fine grained than the other sulphides. Assays indicated 0.41 oz silver per ton, 0.22 percent copper, 1.29 percent lead and 2.95 percent zinc over a width of 0.6 m (2 ft). Examination of the occurrence by the author indicated that a 0.3 to 1 m wide quartz vein striking 070o and dipping 65 0 N is -54- hosted by Nipissing diabase rocks which are not intensively altered. The vein is traceable along strike for a distance of 20 m. Another en echelon quartz-carbonate vein and shear zone are located 30 m to the west of the main showing. The vein is barren, 0.3 m wide and strikes 07QQ and dips 550N. Sampling of the occurrence by the author indicated values of 760 ppb gold and 23 ppm silver in a grab sample of the quartz vein bearing, 1 percent chalcopyrite, 1 percent galena and trace amounts of bornite. Copper Three different types of copper mineralization are represented by the three copper occurrences located in the map area. The type of copper mineralization of greatest economic importance is associated with shear zones within Archean mafic metavolcanic rocks such as at the Goulais River property (1). Copper also occurs as disseminated chalcopyrite near the contact of Archean mafic metavolcanic rocks with Nipissing quartz diabase (property 6 - R. Dyck). Minor chalcopyrite occurs associated with pyrite in shear zones hosted by Archean felsic plutonic rocks (property 8 - Ontario Rare Metals Limited). Goulais River Property (Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited) (1) The property is located Just north of the Goulais River and 3 km south of Robertson Lake. It consists of 20 contiguous leased claims and four patented claims in Sections 14, 15, 22 and 23 in Van Koughnet Township. An old shaft, adit and main showing are located on the -55- patented claims at latitude 46045©45", longitude History of Exploration This copper deposit was initially referred to as the Edwards Copper Property or the Eagle Copper Mine. Early work which began in 1892 consisted of a 27 m (90 ft) adit and a 17 m (44 ft) shaft with 27 m (121 ft) of lateral development. The workings followed a quartz vein containing chalcopyrite and galena with minor gold and silver values. The history of the ownership of the property between 1905 and 1968 is not known to the author. F.R. Joubin acquired the property in 1968 after completing geological surveys during 1960 to 1963. From 1968 to 1971, the property was optioned by Airnorth Mines Limited and geophysical surveys and three diamond drill holes totalling 215 m (705 ft) were completed. Drilling indicated the presence of graphite schists with minor to trace amounts of chalcopyrite in one of the holes. Stripping and trenching were carried out on the property by W. Doughty from 1971 to 1972. In August 1972, Tribag Mining Company Limited optioned the property from W. Doughty and began a program of geological, soil geochemical and geophysical surveys. The geophysical surveys performed were VLF-EM (Radem), magnetometer, self-potential and vertical 100P-EM. These surveys were followed by more mechanical stripping and trenching as well as an extensive diamond drill program. Listed below are the main results of these surveys: 1) The geological survey indicated a band of fine grained andesite intercalated with coarse grained andesite and -56-

several diabase dikes both trending in a north-northeast direction. This is paralleled by a major shear zone characterized by graphitic schists dipping 65o to the north. Grab samples from the trenches as reported by the company indicated grades of 0.18 to 1.5 percent copper. 2) The soil geochemical survey tested the "B" horizon along a grid at 30.5 m (100 ft) intervals. Several anomalous samples O800 ppm copper) appear to correspond to dumps from the old mine shaft. No significant new mineralization was found as a result of the geochemical survey. 3) The geophysical surveys outlined several correlated magnetometer, VLF, CEM and elf-potential anomalies. All of these could be explained either by the occurrence of graphitic schists or (and) shear zones. A follow-up diamond drill program consisted of 33 holes totalling 3747 m (12, 294 ft). The drilling indicated a steep ly-dipping, brecciated, graphite-bearing fault structure which extends over a strike length of 853 m (2800 ft) and contains at least three zones of copper mineralization. The zones range in thickness from 1.5 to 4.5 m (5-15 ft). Drilling has indicated approximately 250,000 tons grading 2.35 percent Copper and 0.26 oz silver per ton (Northern Miner, Dune 13, 1973). Figure 10 shows the longitudinal section of the central part of the mineralized zone which is taken from the Northern Miner, March 1, 1973, p. 15. Prace Mining Limited leased the property from Trlbag Mining Company Limited from 1973 to 1982 and in 1982 it was acquired by -57-

Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited when Prace Mining Limited went into receivership. No work has been done on the property since 1973. Geology The general geology of the area near the shaft is character ized by a narrow band of northeast-trending Archean mafic meta- volcanlc rocks intercalated with several parallel coarse grained Archean gabbro-diorite sills. Wackes of the Gowganda Formation which are located 500 ra north of the shaft, unconformably overlie the Archean metavolcanlc rocks. The sulphide mineralization is localized along a northeast- trending, carbonate and graphite-bearing sheared fault breccia hosted in Archean mafic metavolcanlc rocks. The attitude of the shear zone appears to be parallel to the trend of the meta- volcanic rocks. It is steeply dipping and extends over a minimum strike length of 850 m. The mineralized zone contains pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and has a thickness of 2 to 5 m. Diamond drilling has outlined approximately 250,000 tons of ore containing 2.35 percent copper and 0.26 ounces silver per ton (Figure ). Most of the diamond drill core from the property is available for inspection at the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Core Library in Sault Ste. Marie. Dyck, R. (1966) (5) In 1966, R. Dyck held a property which consisted of 13 contiguous unpatented mining claims (numbered SSM 80570 to 80582 inclusive) located along the south shore of Robertson Lake in -58-

Sections 10, 11 and 12 in Van Koughnet Township. Copper mineralization (chalcopyrite) was noted near the Nipissing diabase and Archean metavolcanic contact. In 1966, 105 m (345 ft) of diamond drilling (2 holes) were completed by R. Dyck. Nipissing mafic diabase and granophyre were intersected in the drill holes, however no chalcopyrite or other sulphides were observed.

The author was unable to locate either the chalcopyrite showing or the diamond drill hole locations near the shore of Robertson Lake. Ontario Rare Metals Limited (1955) (8) The property consisted of 51 contiguous claims in Tupper, Van Koughnet and Shields Townships. The area is bounded by Robertson Lake to the south, Bojack Lake to the north and Bone Lake on the west.

The western half of these claims are within the Havilland- Goulais Bay map area. The area where the diamond drill holes are located is 600 m to the east of the eastern edge of the map area. History Exploration work by Ontario Rare Metals Limited consisted of geological mapping, electromagnetic surveys and follow-up drill ing of four diamond drill holes for a total of 451 m (1480 ft). Geological surveys were done by compass and pace lines together with some cut baselines for control. The area is underlain mainly by granites cut by a series of diabase dikes which contain some disseminated pyrite. Sulphides are associated with sheared diabase, granites, and minor magnetite- -59-

bearing quartz veins. The electromagnetic survey outlined two weak conductors, one of these is continuous for 243 m (800 ft). Subsequent drill-testing of these conductors resulted in an intersection of 3 m (10 ft) of granite containing disseminated pyrite in one of two holes on one of the conductors. The other drill hole did not intersect any sulphides or sheared granites. Two other drill holes intersected a granite shear zone and returned a 2 m (6 ft) section of brecciated granite containing pyrite mineralization. After the completion of the final drill hole no further work was done on this property and the claims were allowed to lapse. Geology

The area is mainly underlain by Archean granitoid rocks such as quartz diorite and diorite which are cut by several northeast- and east-trending Archean diabase dikes. Three northeast- trending shear zones are located in the area with one of the shear zones containing quartz vein stringers. Minor pyrite occurs in both sheared granites and sheared diabase dikes. Chalcopyrite occurrences are reported in the literature (OGS and ACR maps) along the north shore and immediately to the south of Bone Lake but were not seen by the author. The assessment report by Ontario Rare Metals Limited did not Indicate any chalcopyrite occurrences either in drill core or from surface prospecting and geological mapping. A known occurrence of chalcopyrite and galena is located Just east of the map area in Van Koughnet Township but within the area covered by Ontario Rare Metals Limited surveys. At this -60- location a quartz vein containing 2.3 percent copper 1.54 ounces silver per ton and 0.03 ounces gold per ton over a width of 1 m (3 ft) is hosted by granitic rocks. Another copper occurrence is located Just north of the Ontario Rare Metals Limited property and east of the Goulais- Havilland Bay map area. The occurrence is located 1.2 km (3/4 miles) north-east of Bone Lake in the southeast corner of Section 1-Range 2-Tupper Township. This copper showing consists of a silicified shear zone in a mafic metavolcanic inclusion in granite. The zone is 3 m (10 ft) wide and contains chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite carrying trace amounts of gold and nickel over a width of 1.2 m (4 ft). The trenching dates from 1920. Manganese Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited (1942) (4) The property consisted of approximately 740 acres (18 claims) covering all of section 24, the northern half of section 25, and the shoreline portion of section 13 in Ley Township. The property encompasses all of the outcrops of Keweenawan basalt east of Horseshoe Bay. History A manganese occurrence was first mentioned in the Geological Survey of Canada Report of 1866. It was reported that Upper Canada Mining Company held a property near Batchewana Bay where a specimen containing 60 percent peroxide of manganese was collect ed . No reported work was done on the occurrence until .1942 when it was acquired by Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited. -61-

Exploration work consisted of trenching and diamond drilling on a grid with a north-south base line 1768 m (5800 ft) in length with picket lines every 122 m (400 ft). The diamond drill program consisted of 11 holes totalling 633 m (2077 ft) and intersected the contact of a reddish basalt flow top with a more massive fine-grained Keweenawan basaltic flow to the east. The holes were drilled at an angle of 30o to intersect the north-south- striking horizon at a depth of 20-30 m (65-100 ft). The spacing was 15-45 m (50-150 ft) along 183 m (600 ft) of the flow in which carbonate and manganite concentrations were greatest. The best results came from hole #3 with 2.9 percent manganese over a width of 8.2 m (27 ft). In the trench above this hole, samples gave values of 18 percent manganese. The fracture system bearing manganite pinches out within 3 m. In the other holes, the results indicated average values of 0.2-6 per cent manganese. Since the grade and tonnage of manganese was too low to be of economic interest in 1942, the company abandoned further exploration. Substantial tonnage and grades of at least 18 percent manganese would have been needed for commercial production from an open pit at that time. In 1942, H.C. Horwood (1942) (Assessment Files) of the Geological Survey of Canada completed a brief summary report on the occurrence soon after Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited abandoned its exploration program. Since 1942, no further exploration work has been done on the manganese occurrence. -62- Geology The geology of the occurrence is well described by Horwood (194-2, Assessment Files) and in the report by Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited. All of the manganese-bearing rocks are hosted at the top of a reddish Keweenawan basalt which extends from the lake shore at the contact with the Cambrian Oacobsville Formation south for 426 m (1400 ft). The basalt flow which is 10 to 15 m (30-50 ft) thick strikes north-south and dips QO Q to the east. The manganese occurs as manganite with carbonate and in places quartz filling small fractures in the flow top breccia. The breccia acted as a porous horizon for infiltration of solutions. The mineralization is neither persistent nor well defined along any horizon in the breccia but occurs in small sections where fracturing has been most intense or where there is a* bend in the flow contact. Manganite appears to be of hydrothermal origin and was deposited from solution with the carbonate. At section 900 some 900 feet (275 m) south from the shoreline, there is a 5 to 25 cm (2-10 in) wide vein of psilomelane which is traceable over a length of 6.1 m (20 ft). Selected samples from this showing assayed 49 percent manganese as reported by Chromium Mining and Smelting Company. However a diamond drill hole beneath the trench failed to pick-up a down-dip extension of this mineralization. Sampling of carbonate veined specimens of rubbly, red Keweenawan basalt by the author yielded values of 0.75 percent -63- manganese (2500 ppm manganese). Although attempts were made, the main manganese showing was not located by the author during the 1985 field season. Iron Three types of iron mineralization are found in Fenwick Township. The more common type is represented by ironstone interbedded with Archean felsic volcanic rocks. Units vary from 3 to 20 m in thickness and consist of interbedded chert-magnetite ironstone with lesser chert-hematite ironstone, limonite and local interbeds of wacke. This is typical of oxide facies Algoma-type iron formation. The ironstone marks the upper limit of several minor mafic to felsic volcanic cycles in the lower part of the Archean volcanic sequence. Examination by the author of the magnetite ironstone exposures indicates the presence of approximately 30-50SK magnetite in layers varying from 1 mm to 3 cm in thickness which are intercalated with thicker chert layers. The amount of iron in the unit is estimated to be less than 25 percent. These lithologies are mainly of interest for their gold potential. The second type of iron occurrence in Fenwick Township is a hematite showing within dolomites of the Espanola Formation. The third type of iron formation is represented by a minor occurrence of hematite hosted in sheared wackes of the Gowganda Formation. It is located 1200 m south of the hematite occurrence in the Espanola Formation. Algoma Ore Properties Limited Hematite Occurrence (1954) (3) A hematite occurrence is located in the SW half of the SW quarter of Section 6 in Fenwick Township Just north of Goulais Bay and east of Kars Creek. History In 1954 some trenching, sampling and limited geological mapping were carried out on a hematite occurrence by Algoma Ore Properties Limited. The geological report indicates that trenching resulted in the discovery of a hematite occurrence within a 10 to 15 m (30 to 50 ft) thick dolomite bed which is overlain by red quartzite cobble conglomerates, and underlain by red shales of probable Paleozoic age. The carbonate bed consists of relatively pure yellowish-green dolomite. It strikes N10QE and dips 18QW and is exposed only in the trenches. Assays of the hematite-rich rocks as reported by the company returned values of 53 percent Fe. The probable mode of mineral ization is replacement of dolomite by hematite along selective beds or fractures within the dolomite bed. Geology The hematite showing as described by the company is hosted by a 10 to 15 m thick dolomite bed which is tentatively correlat ed by the author as the dolomite member of the Espanola Formation of the Quirke Lake Group. This dolomite bed is underlain by Espanola Formation siltstones. The Espanola Formation siltstones unconformably overlie Archean rocks which consist of chert, magnetite ironstone and mafic metavolcanic rocks. The dolomite bed is overlain by conglomerate tentatively correlated by the author as Serpent Formation of the Quirke Lake Group. Although the dolomite bed is traceable to the east, the hematite repla- -65- cement is not found elsewhere. During the 1985 field season, the author was unable to locate the hematite showing. Gold Gold occurs primarily as a minor metal associated with either silver, lead, zinc and copper mineralization described above or in association with pyrite and pyrrhotite in Archean cherts and felsic volcanic rocks located in Fenwick Township. Sampling of sericitic, pyrite-bearing, felsic, pyroclastic rocks by the author resulted in one grab sample returning anomalous values of 660 ppb gold (0.02 ounces gold per ton). This sample (PB 396B) is from a location 1.6 km southeast of the Lucinda Gold Mines Limited shaft within felsic metavolcanic rocks. The other sulphide-gold occurrence is the Lucinda Gold Mines Limited shaft also located in Fenwick Township. Although there are no production or exploration records, it is known that the original work there dates back to 1890 (Assessment Files). It is assumed that the property must have had some economic value to warrant the sinking of a 20 m shaft and the erection of a furnace and several nearby buildings. Lucinda Gold Mines Limited Occurrence (1890, 1970) (7) The occurrence is located in Fenwick Township about 2.5 km west of Highway 17. A 20 m (60 ft) inclined shaft (70* to the north) was sunk on several bands of iron formation during the period 1890 to 1892 (Assessment Files). Remains of several buildings and furnace foundations are still visible near the mine shaft. The property was resampled by W. Doughty in 1970 and -66-

visited by the Resident Geologist of Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. R. Ruppert in 1971 (Assessment Files). The local geology consists of a dark tuff, wacke and several chert beds which contain 10 percent pyrrhotite, 3 percent pyrite with 1 percent sphalerite and galena, and trace amounts of chalcopyrite. The assay results showed .03% lead and Q.03% zinc with trace amounts of gold and silver (Assessment Files). The occurrence was resampled by the author during the 1985 field season. A sulphide-bearing chert sample yielded assays of 120 ppb of gold. This chert band is intercalated with predominately intermediate metavolcanic rocks which are extensively carbonatized. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MINERAL EXPLORATION Silver mineralization in the Havilland-Goulais Bay map area occurs near the Nipissing diabase-Gowganda Formation geological contact. Potential exists for lead, silver and zinc mineral ization along this contact and particularly near the Fenwick #1 occurrence near Highway 17 where quartz-carbonate veins are host ed in Nipissing diabase rocks near a till covered wacke-gabbro contact. Additional exploration work, such as drilling is recommended for this area. Current investigations at the Sill Lake Silver Mine suggest that younger Keweenawan diabase dikes and associated fractures are important in localizing the silver, lead and zinc mineralization. Potential for such mineralization may exist along the Keweenawan dikes (diabase, lamprophyre, or felsite) in the area. Copper mineralization is generally localized in shear zones within the Archean mafic metavolcanic rocks as illustrated by the -67-

Goulais River property (1). Additional copper and silver mineralization may occur to the east of the Goulais River property in Van Koughnet and possibly Deroche Townships where the north-east extension of the main mineralized shear zone is located. This area is recommended for further prospecting and exploration.

Geological mapping of the area and laboratory investigations have illustrated that Archean ironstone and hematite in Huronian sediments presently are of little economic interest as a source of iron. These llthologies however are of interest for tneir gold potential. Gold occurs in minor amounts associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite in Archean chert and ironstone and felsic volcanic rocks in Fenwick Township. The geological environment is favourable for gold mineralization within the Archean meta- volcanic rocks in Fenwick Township. Some of the important features which define target zones for future detailed prospecting, geological mapping and sampling are: 1) intensely carbonatized and/or sericitized and/or silicified rocks, for example near the Lucinda shaft. 2) ironstone, chert or pyritic chert horizons. 3) felsic and intermediate pyroclastic units with sericite and minor pyrite. 4) areas with abundant quartz veining and/or shearing within Archean metavolcanic rocks. Minor pyrite mineralization locally occurs in these areas. Another rock unit that should receive consideration for -68- possible gold mineralization is the Proterozoic Lorrain Formation. In the King Mountain area of Van Koughnet Township and near Goulais Bay in Kars and Fenwick Township, lithologies of the upper red quartzite member (Frarey, 1977) are present. Work by D. Long (1984, 1985) in the Cobalt Embayment suggests that there is potential for paleoplacer gold deposits within this red quartzarenite member associated with local heavy mineral banding and hematization. Local heavy mineral bands in quartzarenite of the Lorrain Formation were noted at one location in the King Mountain plateau area, however no sampling for gold was undertaken by the author. Sulphide mineralization consisting of several minor pyrite occurrence within sheared Archean felsic plutonic, migmatitic and pyroclastic rocks and mafic metavolcanic rocks occur throughout the map area. Although these occurrences are minor, further local prospecting could result in the discovery of possible base metal (copper, lead, zinc) or precious metal (gold and silver) occurrences. Prospecting of the Espanola Formation is warranted in view of the possibility of the occurrence of skarn deposits at contacts with Nipissing diabase. Margins of the Nipissing diabase intrusions also warrant further prospecting since it is known that disseminated copper mineralization in places is associated with the contact zone as documented in the R. Dyck Property. -69-

List of Properties - Havilland-Goulais Bay area Properties;

1) Goulais River property (Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited)

2) Sill Lake Silver Mines Limited.

Unclaimed Parcels of Explored Land

3) Algoma Ore Properties Limited hematite occurrence (1954). 4) Chromium Mining and Smelting Company Limited (1942). 5) R. Dyck (1966) 6) Fenwick #1 occurrence (W. Doughty) (1971). 7) Lucinda Gold Mines Limited Occurrence (1971). (Fenwick #2 occurrence) 8) Ontario Rare Metals Limited (1956) -70-


1985: Petrology and sedimentology of the 3acobsville Sandstone (Northern Michigan) and Boyfield Group (Northern Wisconsin, Madison; Wisconsin, U.S.A. Bennett, Gerald 1982: Geology of the Two Horse Lake Area, District of Algoma; Ontario Geological Survey. Report 210, 63p. Accompanied by Map 244-8, Scale 1:31680 or one Inch to 1/2 mile. Bennett, G., Hillier, R.D., Nentwich, F., Dupuis, C.P., and Pucovsky, M. 1975: Jarvis Lake-Garden River Area, District of Algoma; Ontario Div. Mines Prelim. Map P.1064, Geol. Ser., scale 1 inch to 1/4 mile or 1:15840. Brown, M. 1973: The Definition of Metatexite, Diatexite, and Migmatite; Proceeding of the Geological Association, Volume 84, Part 4, p.371-382. Brunton, S. 1972: Deroche, Hodgins, Gaudette and Shields Townships, , Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada Summary Report 1921, pt.D, pp.27-33. Card, K.D. 1976: Geology of the MacGregor Bay - Bay of Islands area, District of Sudbury and Manitoulin, Ontario; Geoscience Report 138, 63p. Accompanied by Maps 2316, 2317, Scale -71-

1 inch to 1/2 mile or 1:31 680 and 1 Chart. Card, K.D., Innes, D.G., and Debicki, R.L. 1977: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Petrology of the Huronian Supergroup in the Sudbury - Espanola Area; Ontario Division of Mines, Geoscience Study 16, 99p. Accompanied by 4 Charts. Card, K.D. and Pattison, E.F.

1973: Nipissing Diabase of the Southern Province, Ontario; p.7-31 in Huronian Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, Edited by G.M. Young, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper, Number 12, 271p. Collins, W.H.

1914: Huronian formations of Timiskaming region; Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Bulletin 38, 31p. 1917: Onaping map area; Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 99, 160p.

V5: North shore of Lake Huron; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 143, 160p. Fisher, R.V.

1966: Rocks composed of volcanic fragments and their classification; Earth Science Reviews, Vol.1, p.287-298. Frarey, M.3.

1977: Geology of the Huronian Belt between Sault Ste. Marie and Blind River, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 383, 87p. GSC

1863: Geology of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, p.751. -72- Giblin, P.E. 1974: Middle Keweenawan Rocks of the Batchewana-Maimainse

Point Area; Institute of Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Guidebook, p.633-651. 1982a: Geology of the Ile Parisienne and Rudderhead Point Areas, District of Algoma; p.41-43 IN Summary of Field Work, 1982, by the Ontario Geological Survey, edited by Oohn Wood, Owen L. White, R.B. Barlow, and A.C. Colvine, Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 106, 235p. Giblin, P.E.

Geology of the Goulais River Area, District of Algoma; p.44.47 IN Summary of Field Work, 1982, by the Ontario Geological Survey, edited by Oohn Wood, Owen L. White, R.B. Barlow, and A.C. Colvine, Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 106, 235p. Giblin, P.E., Leahy, E.G. and Robertson, 3.A. 1976: Sault Ste. Marie - Elliot Lake Geological Compilation Series, Map 2419. Ontario Geological Survey. Gross, G.A.

1965: Geology of Iron Deposits in Canada, Volume 1, General Geology and Evolution of Iron Deposits; Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report Number 22, p.181p. Hay, R.E.

1964: Sault Ste. Marie - Ile Parisienne; Geological Survey of Canada Map. 1181A. Irvine, T.N. and Baragar, W.R.A. -73-

1971: A Guide to the Chemical Classification of Common Volcanic Rocks; Canadian Oournal of Earth Sciences, Volume 8, p.523-548. Jensen, L.S. 1976: A New-Cation Plot for Classifying Subalkaline Volcanic Rocks; Ontario Division f Mines, Miscellaneous Paper MP 66, 22p. Logan, W.E. 1847: Report of Progress for 1846-47; Geological Survey of Canada, pp.32-34. Long, G.D.F. and Colvine, A.C. 1984: Geology and Placer Related Gold Potential of the Huronian Supergroup along the Western Margin of the Cobalt Plain: IN Summary of Field Work, 1984, Ontario Geological Survey, edited by 3ohn Wood, Owen L. White, R.B. Barlow, and A.C. Colvine, Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Paper 119, 309p. 1985: Geology and Placer Related Gold Potential of the Huronian Supergroup in Part of the Northwestern Cobalt Plain: IN Summary of Fieldwork and Other Activities 1985, Ontario Geological Survey, edited by Oohn Wood, Owen L. White, R.B. Barlow, and A.C. Colvine, Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Paper 126, 351p. MacFarland, T. 1866: Report of Progress 1863-1866, Geological Survey of Canada, p.115-161. McQuay, D.F. -74-

1979: Engineering Geology Terrain Study, Data Base Map, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Geological Survey, Map 5012, Scale 1:100,000. Mcconnell, R.G. 1927: Sault Ste. Marie area, District of Algoma, Ontario; Ont. Dept. Mines, Ann. Rep., Vol.35, pt.2, pp.1-52. Mehnert, K.R. 1971: Migmatites and the Origin of Granitic Rocks; Elsevier Publishing Co., 405p. Middlemost, E.A.R. 1972: A simple classification of volcanic rocks; Bulletin of Volcanology Volume 36, p.382-397. Miller, W.G. and Knight, C.W. 1906: Map of the cobalt-nickel-arsenic-silver area near Lake Timiskaming, Ontario, Second edition; IN Cobalt-nickel arsenides and silver deposits of Timiskaming, Ontario; Ontario Bureau of Mines, 14th Annual Report, part II, p.1-51. Northern Miner Press Oune 13, 1973. Northern Miner Press, Dec. 1, 1983. ODM-GSC 1963: Aeromagnetic map 2201G - Searchmont, Algoma District, Ontario Scale one inch to one mile or 1:63,360. OGS 1983: Van Koughnet Township, District of Algoma, Ontario Geological Survey, Geological Data Inventory Folio 75; Compiled by the staff of the Resident Geologist©s -75-

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M-l O en u O

u •H C 03 U r-\ O

03 4-1 E c 03 - (D 03 .C d) U S^ M 03

l (O m 4J O en o Ma -HTJ rH Q. C 3 O O •H U 4J l UJ fC TD en U C 03 LU C -t (U rH en -H c > * * (U 03 en f-D E CJ


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NNV 80

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o CD

en LU



o v? OJ NNV o —l Q.

LU in LU

en >LU t-H CO ac

NNV V? •H en (U 3 r V-l -P 4J C M-l H O


* V CO LU > l—l CO DC


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o -J Q.

LU CO Z LU en oi—i o o


NNV en i—io ^ o o


O CVJ 86

a UI .c •oo X til s Z O z UJ o 0^ o*o CO (T z O 01 O. OH O 5M -r GC S ui o-Q M-l g Z MJ m c -o — > 2o (U Q E g*" •H 3 ^ a co (4-1 o co •H w t l li 0 T3 o iZ 3o iso w i UI CM •oo q S s* o M (U a Ol o ** M oi a. UI •oo a; to co e •H> CO oi ^ di Di en i •H O (t H 3 l l O O z z C ^O CO O r* UI •H CTi •P H U O) * W rH A l z -H r o OJ U C W) •H fd TJ 2 KN 3 Oo CO 4J * UI •H M o ^ (U C C O H t/ CO II z

UI •oo o o a d o o o o o D o o o o o O CO Ol CD l 87

Table 1: Table of Lithologic Units for the Havilland-Goulais Bay ______area. ——————-———

PHANEROZOIC CENOZOIC QUATERNARY RECENT Swamp, lake and stream deposits PLEISTOCENE Glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sand and gravel deposits UNCONFORMITY PALEOZOIC POST-CAMBRIAN CATACLASTIC ROCKSa Fault breccia, mylonite LOWER AND MIDDLE CAMBRIAN Oacobsville Formation** arenite, conglomerate, siltstone UNCONFORMITY PRECAMBRIAN MIDDLE PROTEROZOIC Keweenawan Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocksc basalt: amygdaloidal, aphanitic, pillowed; rhyolite, conglomerate, diabase UNCONFORMITY EARLY PROTEROZOIC 88

NIPISSING INTRUSIVE ROCKS Diabase, medium and coarse grained quartz gabbro INTRUSIVE CONTACT HURONIAN SUPERGROUP COBALT GROUP Lorrain Formation Quartz arenites, quartz-Jasper pebble conglomerate, quartz pebble conglomerate Gowganda Formation Mudstone, siltstone, arkosic wacke, wacke, arkose, conglomerate, quartz arenite UNCONFORMITY QUIRKE LAKE GROUP Serpent Formation Conglomerate, wacke, arkose, quartz arenite Espanola Formation Dolostone, calcareous siltstone, calcareous wacke UNCONFORMITY ARCHEAN MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS Diabase, amphibolite INTRUSIVE CONTACT FELSIC TO INTERMEDIATE INTRUSIVE, MIGMATITIC AND GNEISSIC ROCKSd Tonalite, quartz diorite, diorite, monzodiorite, granodiorite, granite, 8y monzonite, trondhjemite, migmatitlc-monzonltic homogeneous diatexite; granitoid gneiss, aplite, pegmatite, mlgmatltlc amphibolite INTRUSIVE CONTACT METAMORPHOSED MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS 6 Gabbro-dlabase, diorite, leucogabbro, pyroxenite-hornblendite, glomeroporphyritic gabbro INTRUSIVE CONTACT METAVOLCANIC AND METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS? METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS

CHEMICAL AND CLASTIC METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS Chert, magnetite Ironstone, hematite ironstone, blotlte-quartz wacke, arkose METAVOLCANIC ROCKS FELSIC METAVOLCANIC ROCKS Dacite to rhyolite; fine grained tuff, lapilli tuff, agglomerate, quartz-feldspar porphyry felsic schists INTERMEDIATE METAVOLCANIC ROCKS Andesite to Dacite; aphanitic, flows, tuff, lapilli tuff, feldspar-quartz crystal tuff, schists MAFIC METAVOLCANIC ROCKS Basalt: fine to medium grained, massive flows, pillowed, flow breccia, debris flow, 90

tuff, chlorite schist, amphibolite

NOTES: a) Age indicated as post-Oacobsville Formation (post-Cambrian age). Tilting of Cambrian Oacobsville Formation sediments is the evidence for the post-Cambrian age. Consists of fault breccias, mylonites and other cataclastic rocks of a variety of Archean llthologles. b) Field relationships indicate that the Oacobsville Formation sediments are younger than Keweenawan lavas and probably younger than the Mica Bay Formation but older than the Upper Cambrian Munlsing Formation. The age relationships are obscured due to the fact that the Oacobsville Formation rocks are mainly in fault contact with all older lithologies . c) Unconformably overlies Archean. d) Age relationships between felsic plutonic and mafic intrusive rocks are uncertain. e) May include some younger Nipissing diabase. f) Metavolcanic and metasedimentary successions are interlayered, their sequence in the table does not imply consistent relative ages. 91

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V *J (** l*\ —^ —4 UJ ^•" i-s.2 (MO O O M .A * l *O O O B O f** (MQ Q. Q *MO O O Q (M O O i—i jj 4) < Q. s •w -j W O 9) )Q iQ (NC^ (M C O (VI *MO O Q. OC O. OQEP*-lffiZUJQOO: M z o z ^ H.Q. x o ws xx j ^- *o P^ u o C z o. M as S oo S > r** diorite C - 5 4) i li \O i i T- i i rg T- r* rg v Q. a: to 4) (0 N 1 .U 4) -WO—* o rg oo t*\ mi i IT- rg T- T- 4) ^ fc* N (H tt T- i *n m v v v U. *H tt C O CD ac oX 0-6 ^3 10 •d- 4) m W ^^ O ON 1 VO 1 ON 1 1 f\ T- T- T- 1 O m fN N/ N/ N/ tt O O ac o-•3 -o*p^ •ol

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.85^558 S 888888888888 35 3B ^ fSI *- CJ (VI *- m *- ^ M ^

ft 8

d M M S ** ** t— Z3 i2-V C Z^ 81.22 JH c uj * Q v v ^ b 04 ii* ^ i^ ^j ^. v a o IMP p orviiA * i 5 C g P (M (MP pprvjOOOpM ppi-ih- ^ Q. ^j i 7 O-4 -4(Vi vfyp v PPiMPPOOrNw "6 IQ Xi— 1^4 c o OO*nt^(vi AiP p ^O-ea pcesi-icozujpua: ac (n z Vi K U. U. X U Z ^ 1- Q. Z O (^ X X -J t- *- ^ O O O Z O. *NI 03 Z fcO CO 96




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(A 8* j: P V yt lA V . (NIP P O *M *A -*- 1 ^ O B O (M fVjQ ppruOPPpiM P P *—i H- ^ Q. rg *NP O KO. OCEpMCOZUPUK -. -H 4) 16 oi *6 4 (M— eg x(ju)xx-jH-C O t-^- uou ZUPN4ffiX 97

Table 6: Chemical Analyses of Middle Proterozoic Volcanics of the Havllland-Goulals Bay Area. Plot Reference No. 32 __ 33 Sample Number 85P3B-0066 85P3B-0093 85P3B-0563 Major Elements (wt%) Si02 55.00 44.10 47.40 A1 2 0 3 15.40 13.00 14.80 Fe2 03 7.49 4.72 3.23 FeO 3.25 4.62 6.59 MgO 4.84 9.23 6.13 CaO 6.35 8.68 10.40 Na20 3.09 1.08 1.76 K2 0 0.14 2.22 0.33 Ti02 0.93 0.64 1.34 P 2 0 5 0.06 0.05 0.07 MnO 0.11 0.20 0.26 C02 0.78 5.90 3.62 S 0.01 0.00 0.00 H2 0* 2.42 3.45 3.30 H2 0- 0.18 0.80 0.52 LOI 3.60 11.20 6.60 TOTAL 100.00 98.70 99.70 Specific gravity 2.82 2.68 2.76 TRACE ELEMENTS (ppm) CO 46.00 46.00 46.00 CR 52.00 52.00 52.00 CU 47.00 47.00 47.00 NI 47.00 47.00 47.00 PB -10.00 -10.00 -10.00 ZN 185.00 185.00 185.00 BE 3.00 3.00 3.00 MO -10.00 -10.00 -10.00 se 40.00 40.00 40.00 SR 220.00 220.00 220.00 V 430.00 430.00 430.00 Y 50.00 50.00 50.00 98

1 —4 •V e -4 tingdiabase 4* ex — M icobsville TJ 1 IA OT e Ol Ul M tt IO "O C M 8 0 rg* e * 04 OT 4 tt O tt tt V X JO b oi > O "V 04 ol 04 O IV 04 0-4 e O IV Ol t ;d XT OT 0 ol M 4V n JO b C 04 If) e o ** O C -4 o" ex iv b ex o"-^. opyrite;ga ol •a o e b -4 M O b shearednc tt —) en b Z IV tt O -•x: o < reported. O e b o 3 XI 4V JS. tt MM O CX -* c io-4 cr e e o iv e ON tt O 0 O -4 C tt 0 X tt k ~O ae tt -4 > Ol (O 4V C o o -4 M 40 e e k X -4 0 IV tt t- IA VO o tt tt 04 ex io e —i -4 10 tt 4-1 B i—i e C IV tt M o oi b . o > tt TJ e tt —4 V TJ O O 4J DESCRIPT H Shearzo Geologic M Q -4 10 04 tt O TJ Drilling netican TJ ex v -4 O u. e e ex e 4J -4 tt n w ex CTJ iv e b V 10 tt -4 ol tt ol IV b 3 04 e JS t IV U. iO Ol tt Z b 04 ^ STJ a -4 JO tt l-. 04 IO o ce tt 4* -4 C k IV 04 ** e-4 b 4 > 4V l Z x: **x o iv tt e 3 —) C 3 IV 3 X-4 O *J- 33 x IA C Z of 1-1 O W o4 ^) M t/) CXTJ O O O U CX ** e ASSAY •- o ae ae ce O -4 ae Z i ae ae z ce ce i ae z OB ae i ce C 4J Ul -4 a o X CX U-Uranlum;Zn-2 0 o MINERALIZATION ex descrproperty ex sph,cpy,py 0 heMatlteR Manganite IV Manganite x Manganite ei ex o Ol Ul ex •h u o tt none XT x x x e ex Q.%- a. ex o o x M 1 U 01 o o e i ex ex - Ot M OT OT n •o•* bo Ol oi e ei 4 x Ol "O X ; *xv x e -0-4 c v iv e e tt O *V V .n V Ol 10 *- X 04 -4 e -4 oi b 04 b M -4 0 -4 > tt 04 > C tt b a CX 8 o a CX 88-4 CX ex iv ex iv tt tt —) 3 b O 3-4 1 X m iv IV "0 iO -4 TJ tt •V ex IV -4 M o C ol OT 3 -4 OT o* JS 4) 04 B 8 -4 OT -4 e b B IV TJ B *0 c c Ol tt (AB —i a. -i •o (0 oe —4 4* TJ -4 B e 04 — i ^ tt Z io e o tt o4 b o -4 X*J b •o 3 3 IV •0 Ol Oi*O Ol IV •v v 3 iO O V 0 c e IO b IO O O v v 0 oi 0 o c oi e oi c o O b Ol O —4 * Ol -4 B Ol O x) n OT 0 o LaMonc at tt oi oi XT -4 XT -* c XT OT Ol aiot -4 tt Ol X X-4 X-4 04 OT tt bbbEOIOlXO C TJ b a o O O -4 P -4 O O X O 0 C -4 a o x: tt -4 JS. 13 -4 tt x: tt o oi o o js e 10 4) Ul tt tt -H o* e ex e o4 B e iv -4 -4 tt ex w o4 a > 04 ex o4 b O cxxi o —4 —4 —4 ex *v OI4-I 0 tt 1 tt-4 "V 0 O O b 04 o -o -4 b ol C b Q. •o o c tt n o 0 B 10 0 o s a. (j CJ oi tt h- "O "O t- IV O U O M o. o oi n TJ CJ IV TJ O CO o. ••e *) ~ o w 01*0 B CX (/j -•o e b U) Z i Ul Ul CN CN (M •* *M Nfl *- *M IA IA O 4- \0 *M f*x ae CO *— r* lA * M) r* ^ NO OX P* lA 00 00 * -CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN c •~ CN CN CN Ox CN CN CN CO CN 0 tt 0 CN -* b o) 00 CN 1 b tt U

O w OT tt b a. o4 Oi V OT o Ol Ol 04 Ol o4 z 4C tt IV tt IV a. tt IV a i a M 4J n oi 0 z M ~ OT *J — a .c IV tt 3 3 3 e iV V 3 o a. o 3 3 IV tt tt e 3 JO e e en *—t ^J u u u U X) 8 U. Z u a Kl Z JS B < O U < z xi E u OT o i ol o* ol ol ol 3 *- tt tt V tt tt V O f . e e TJ e C e TJ e XT x: 4- e 4- 0* JS *- 4— 4— *- -t 4- 4- x: o. •— *" 04 40 XT o •V < Ol -O o" z Ol 01 0 *V < of Ul oica of 03 O .f CO O) CO < oiea < CO 31-41 3 1 O i i V O 1 3 1 b 1 3 l i i ja t 3 -4 O 3 u O ~- 04-0 Ul 0 O O *\| 04 O o 0*xj —J O O OIO -4 O O m tt O ^^ C3 —4 f o .c -l of 4- ^ —' -4 —' k 4- .c-- k 4"* V* e 4- k 4- * 4- ex-- of *"* 4— 0. JS 4- of 4- o- o - 1-4 e o c o > o e o xo coe o ^o v o eo co exo c o o xo 0 0 coo I b u. 10 O (O O *V O ttO wo IV O tt O tt O ko vo ivo 3o 10 0 0 tt O bO •o o o 3 X •4C U. 2* H- > oJ < a > z u. oJ > u. -J i -* O x b Q. TJ X -i X V tt IV b IV n 0- TJ M o* k w K tt mi ^ tt tt tt -4 V —4 -4 ex-4 —4 0 M (M 1 -4 ol e -4 M B -4 O -4 4rf v tt tt *fc b 4 —4 04 IO —i —4 IV b IV b •V V x e e o TJ -i 8 Z * —4 .J ae a. ae tt . e tt 04 TJ -4 of O tt V TJ TJ ex OITJ v > Z tt Z V *J Z -1 TJ tt 4J V OT -4 b -4 0 C ol b b 4V 04 b -4 —4 C .J atoi tt IV tt IV b -4 J b 3 -4 -4 TJ k tt B tt 01 O —4 C -4 C b CX b a. C ' 3 (A •v B -4 c a-* b c Z OT —) E —4 ^t ex ^i —) 0 O e -4 o tt o. -j iv —4 ol C -4 Z coe v z u O o4 o j o u. o ee e tt -4 C -4 -J tt CJ tt b 0 •O -4 o e —4 ol IV IV Z O tt * Z -4 TJ O 4J x JS o u O TJ B Ot a oi W iv TJ O O TJ ol M TJ tt 3 e ae -t —4 iflttTJttO— "-4V e v —4 —4 oi e b IV TJ IV tt IV *J —4 04 o tt 10 ol C 3 19 IQ to x: O B b B -* B —) B *-* * 04 O TJ O > —4 x: n xi ex •4 a z e o iv o -4 0 8 O -4 ot k IO -4 B u c — B > "V b Oi B Oi B b tt o e O C **b3-.OOC-4 b Xo4 v o b Q 04 — 4 TJ —4 — 4 —4 [ JS 8 X tt tt IV C tt -J j X Q. O J a. (A -J 1- O 1- O i

1) Airnorth Mines Ltd. Cu, Ag 71 (Vankoughnet 0010) 2) Algoma Central Railway. Ltd. Cu, Ag 1890 1892 Edwards Cu property 41 (VanKoughnet 0012-01) 42 70 3) Algoma Central Railway base Ltd. metals 62 62 (Havilland 0010-Al)

4) Algoma Ore Properties Ltd. Fe. Mn 54 54 54 54 (Fenwick-0011) S) Chromium Mining and Snelting Co. Ltd. Mn 42 42 (Ley-0010-El) - 6) Doughty, W. R. Pb. Ag 71 (Fenwick 0010-81) Zn 7) Dyck K. Cu ' 66 (Vankoughnet 0012-81)

6) Geological Survey of Canada Mn ' 43 43 Batchewana Mn-property (Ley-rolO-Dl)

1. ei u Data filed with the m Resident Geologist u ^ — Sault Ste. Marie 01 'bu 0? > 0 and O) 1 5 u i/ia ei re 0) The Geoscience Data Centre rt V o d i/i Toronto. P P 1 •* To June. 1985 amondDrilling Magnet(rborne Electroiborner GeochemicalSoil Cofipany/Ajthor Commoditymeta GeologicalMappi oundMagnetor Electromound o InducedPolarizal Undergroundwot ProspectusACor GeoloqicalRepor (file No. ) ac1 1 PotentialSelf 4) ac Resistivity "S Trenching Assaying Indicates approximate J pi operty boundary o IV O * < * O C C 6

9) International Mine base Services/Ltd. metals 64 survey covers entire map area (Awenge -0010)

10) Lucinda Gold Mines Ltd. Au 1890 71 (Fenwick-0010-Bl)

11) Mont co Copper Corp. Ltd. Cu 55. (Vankoughet 0013-81) 56 12) Ontario Rare Metal Ltd. Cu 55 56 55 ' (Tupper 0010-Al) . Prace Mining Ltd. Ag. Pb 13) (Vankoughnet 0011-81) 81 80 80 14) (Vankoughnet 0013-A1) 15) Sylvanite Gold Mines Ltd. Mn 41 41 41 (Ley 0010-81) 16) Technical Mine base 56 56 56 Consultants Ltd. metals (Archibald-0011-Al) U Tribag Mining Co. Ltd. Cu, Ag 17) (Vankougnet 0014) 72 72 72 72 72 72 18) (Vankougnet 0010) 73 73 100

SYMBOLS Foliation: (horizontal, Drag fold with Glacial striae inclined, vertical) plunge

Small bedrock Paleocurrent Diamond drill hole outcrop direction as location suggested by ripple Area of bedrock marks and Shaft: depth in outcrop crossbeds metres

Bedding, top Lineation with Exploration trenching unknown: (inclined, plunge vertical) Geological Adit Bedding, top (arrow) boundary, observed from grain gradation: Decline stope (inclined, vertical, Geological overturned) boundary, position Mineral occurrence interpreted with assay value (Au Bedding, top (arrow) in ppb all other in from cross-bedding: Fault: (observed, ppm) (inclined, vertical, assumed) Spot overturned) indicates down turn side, arrows indicate Lava flow: top horizontal movement (arrow) from pillows lineament shape and packing Shear zone Schistosity: (horizontal, inclined, Jointing: (horizontal, vertical) inclined, vertical) 101


Base-map derived from maps of the Forest Resources Inventory of Natural Resources FRI Sheet 467842.

Source Mineral Deposits Record. Assessment Files Research Of fice. Ontario Geological Survey. Toronto.

Resident Geologist's files. Ontario Ministry of Northern Develop ment and Mines. Sault Ste. Marie.

Assessment Files Research Office, Ontario Geological Survey. Toronto.

Geology of the Sault Ste. Marie A'ea by R.G. Mcconnell. ODM Map 35a. District of Algoma, scale i inch to 2 miles or 1: 126720. 1926.

ODM-GSC. Aeromagnetic map 220lG-Searchmount. Algoma Dis trict, Ontario, Scale one inch to one mile or 1: 63 360.

Sault Ste. Marie - Elliot Lake Sheet. Ontario Geological Survey Map 2419. scale one inch to four miles or 1: 253 440.

VanKoughnet Township. Ontario Geological Survey. Geological Data Inventory Folio 75, 1984 * Geology not tied to survey lines.

Magnetic declination approximately S'Vf. 1985

Metric conversion factor: 1 foot s 0.3048 m

ABBREVIATIONS Ag...... Silver Au...... Gold cp ...... chalcopyrite Cu...... copper gf...... graphite gn ...... ,...... galena hem ...... :...... hematite mag ...... magnetite man ...... manganite Mn ...... manganese Pb...... Lead py ...... pyrite po ...... pyrrhotite qc ...... quartz, carbonate vein qv ...... quartz vein •p...... sphalerite •pec...... specularite Zn ...... Zinc 102


PHANEROZOIC CENOZOIC QUATERNARY PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT Sand, gravel, clay and swamp deposits UNCONFORMITY PALEOZOIC Post-Cambrian CATACLASTIC ROCKS C 15a Fault breccia 15b Mylonite 15c Hematization Lower and Middle Cambrian Oacobsville Formationd 14-a Mottled, red and white arenite, pebbly arenite 14-b Polymictic pebble, cobble orthoconglomerate 14c Siltstone UNCONFORMITY PRECAMBRIAN MIDDLE PROTEROZOIC Keweenawan Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks 6 13 Unsubdivided 13a Fine-grained massive basalt 13b Amygdaloidal basalt 103

13c Pillow basalt 13d Rhyolite flows or dikes 13e Polymictic pebble and cobble orthoconglomerate 13f Pebbly arenite beds 13g Diabase dike UNCONFORMITY EARLY PROTEROZOIC Mafic Intrusive Rocks Nipissing Diabase 12a Quartz diabase, gabbro 12b Sheared gabbro INTRUSIVE CONTACT HURONIAN SUPERGROUP COBALT GROUP Lorrain Formation 11 Unsubdivided 11a White orthoquartzarenite, pebbly quartzarenite 11b Oligomictic quartz pebble conglomerate 11c Quartz jasper pebble conglomerate 11d Red-pink, hematized quartzarenite 11e Hematized 11f Carbonatized 11g Brecciated Gowganda Formation 10 Unsubdivided 104

10a Siltstone, mudstone 10b Arkose 10c Wacke 10d Arkosic wacke 10e Basal orthomictic paraconglomerate 10f Quartzarenite 10g Breccia, sheared 10h Hematized UNCONFORMITY QUIRKE LAKE GROUP Serpent Formation 9a Polymictic orthoconglomerate 9b Wacke 9c Arkose 9d White quartzarenite Espanola Formation 8a Dolostone 8b Siltstone 8c Wacke UNCONFORMITY ARCHEAN Mafic Intrusive Rocks^ 7a Diabase 7b Amphibolite INTRUSIVE CONTACT Felsic to Intermediate Intrusive, Migmatitic, and Gneissic Rocks 105

6 Unsubdivided 6a Hornblende tonalite 6b Hornblende quartz diorite 6c Hornblende diorite, monzodiorite 6d Biotite granodiorite 6e Biotite granite 6f Biotite monzonite 6g Trondhjemite 6h Migmatitic-K-feldspar-porphyritic monzonite 61 Granitoid gneisses 6J Aplite 6k Pegmatite 61 Amphibolite (migmatitlc) 6m Epidotized 6n Chloritized, sheared, brecciated granitoid rock 60 Hematized 6p Brecciated, xenoliths (xenolith composition in brackets) INTRUSIVE ROCKS Metamorphosed Mafic Intrusive Rocks9 5 Unsubdivided 5a Gabbro-diabase 5b Diorite 5c Leucogabbro 5d Pyroxenite-hornblendite 106

5e Glomeroporphyritic gabbro 5f Carbonatized 5g Chloritized INTRUSIVE CONTACT METAVOLCANIC AND METASEDIMENTARY ROCKSh Metasedimentary Rocks Chemical and Clastic Metasedimentary Rocks 4a Chert 4-b Magnetite ironstone A-c Hematite ironstone 4-d Biotite-quartz bearing wacke A-e Arkose Felsic Metavolcanic Rocks 3 Unsubdivided 3a Dacite to rhyolite 3b Rhyolite 3c Tuff 3d Lapilli tuff 3e Agglomerate 3f Quartz-feldspar porphyry 3g Schistose 3h Carbonatized 31 Sericitized 3J Chloritized Intermediate Metavolcanic Rocks 2 Unsubdivided 2a Andesite 107

2b Andesite to dacite 2c Tuff 2d Lapilli tuff 2e Feldspar-quartz crystal tuff 2f Fine grained flows 2g Schistose 2h Carbonatized 2i Sericitized 2J Epidotized 2k Chloritized Mafic Metavolcanic Rocks (Basaltic) 1 Unsubdivided 1a Fine grained massive flow 1b Pillowed flows 1c Flow breccia 1d Debris flow 1e Tuff 1f Schist 1g Amphibolite 1h Epidotized 1i Silicified 1 j Carbonatized 1k Chloritized Notes:

a) This is a field legend and may be changed as a result of subsequent laboratory investigation. b) Subdivisions of major rock units does not indicate age 108

relationships. c) Age indicated as post Oacobsville Formation (post-Cambrian age). Consists of fault breccias, mylonites and other cataclastic rocks of a variety of Archean lithologies. Tilting of Cambrian 3acobsville Formation sediments is the PHOTO 1. Archean intermediate crystal tuff. Fenwick Township.

PHOTO 2. Photomicrograph of Archean intermediate metavolcanics, VanKoughnet Township. Bar scale represents l mm. Crossed polarizers. t l O

PHOTO 3. Photomicrographs of Archean intermediate tuff. Fenwick Township. Bar scale represents l mm. Crossed polarizers

PHOTO 4. Archean felsic pyroclastic rocks - agglomerate. Fenwic Township. PHOTO 5. Archean interbedded cherts and magnetite ironstone, Fenwick Township.

PHOTO 6. Archean felsic plutonic rocks - homogenous diatextit* Havilland Township. IIZ

FHOTO 7. Gowganda Formation, finely laminated wacke, graded and dropstone, VanKoughnet Township.

f (Tlif* PHOTO 8. Photomicrograph - Gowganda Formation - subarkosic wacke. Bar scale represents l mm. Polarizers crossed. Havilland Township. 1*3

PHOTO 9. Lorrain Formation, quartz-jasper pebble conglomerate, King Mountain area, VanKoughnet Township.

PHOTO 10. Photomicrograph of Lorrain Formation quartz arenite. Scale bar represents l mm. Crossed polarizers. King Mountain area, VanKoughnet Township. l ih

PHOTO 11. Pillowed, amygdaloidal Keweenawan basalts, road-cut 17, Havilland Township.


460 52' 30






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F.R.I. No 467842 h -c, GOULAIS AREA SCALE 4 l" to I/2 mi. "7 GRID ZONE 13 •x SMC I2674 1985 - HAVILLAND-GOULAIS BAY AREA WHOLE ROCK GEOCHEMISTRY SAMPLE LOCATION MAP 46" 52' 30" •J i 1 note (9) covers entire mop - oreo D O D 0

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46" 45' OO" F.R.I. No 467842 GOULAIS AREA 8 SCALE l" to 1/2 m i. GRID ZONE 13 SMC 12674
