Developement-Report2013 En.Pdf
MAROC Maroc Telecom MAURITANIE MALI Mauritel Sotelma BURKINA FASO Onatel GABON Gabon Télécom 2001 2004 2005 Strategic partner Vivendi IPO, with 14.9% of Vivendi increases its key acquires a 35% stake in the Company's share stake in Maroc Telecom, Maroc Telecom. capital floated on the from 35% to 51%. Acquisition of Casablanca and Paris dates 54% of Mauritel, stock exchanges. Mauritania's incumbent telecommunications operator. A major player in the socioeconomic development of five african countries More than 37 millions customers, + 13,3% year on year 34,7 millions 1,64 millions 3,3 millions customers customers customers mobile-telephony fixed-line active internet MAD 28,56 billion - 4,3 % * from 2012 in revenues MAD 16,2 billion MAD 5,54 billion in EBITDA in net income (Group share) - 3 % * from 2012 - 17,4 % * from 2012 *Like for like 2006 2007 2009 2013 Acquisition in December Acquisition in February of Acquisition in July Vivendi and Etisalat of 51% of Onatel, Burkina 51% of Gabon Télécom of 51% of Sotelma, enter into exclusive Faso's incumbent SA, Gabon's incumbent Mali's incumbent negotiations for the sale telecommunications telecommunications telecommunications of Vivendi's 53% stake in operator. operator. Vivendi operator. Maroc Telecom. increases its stake in Maroc Telecom, from 51% to 53%. 03 Business activity in Morocco MAD 21,3 billion MAD 12,3 billion in revenues in EBITA - 8,1 % from 2012 - 8,2 % from 2012 Mobile customer base Fixe-line customer base Internet customer base ADSL 99,95 % market share 42,85 % 88,01 % * market share market share Internet 3G *Excl.
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