Maranatha, Or, the Lord Cometh
PRINCETON, N. J. BT 885 .B7 1878 Brookes, James H. 1830-1897 Marantha MARANATHA OB THE LORD COMETH By JAMES H. BROOKES, Author of “How to be Saved,” “Mat Christians Dance, “ Gospel Hymns,” “ The Way Made Plain,” &c. FIFTH EDITION. ST. LOUIS: EDWARD BREDELL, PUBLISHER 212 N. Fifth Street. PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. The Lord has been pleased to own the testimony of this little volume to the truth of His pre-millennial advent, far beyond any expectation of the measure of its acceptance, at the time it was written. Sent forth in much weakness, it has led many to study the teach¬ ings of His own word; and thus having learned to “love his appearing,” (2 Tim. iv: 8), they are now eagerly “looking for that blessed hope,” (Tit. ii: 13). Again is it sent forth with the prayer that He will graciously use it still more, to awaken the attention of His beloved ones to the last promise that fell from His lips, “ Surely I come quickly,” and to call forth from their hearts the longing response, “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” (Rev. xxii: 20). St. Louis, November., 1878. 3 CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE. Introduction. I. The Question Stated. 13 II. Importance of the Subject... 24 III. Christ’s Coming Literal. 37 IV. H ii Cl V. Post-millennial Testimony.. VI. Prominence of the Doctrine. VII. Scriptural Use of the Doctrine. VIII. No Millennium till Christ Comes... (( IX. 149 n it X. 159 XI. it it tt . 1S6 XII. it a ft XIII. <( tt XIV. (( (( tt . 236 XV.
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