
Organic waste is the biodegradable leftover material, which comes from plant or animal origins. It includes fruit and vegetable and vegetation cuttings.

With a little effort organic waste can be removed from the waste stream and composted to produce an effective environmentally friendly fertiliser.

Did you know? The Issues

· Home composting can divert * Space Water Pollution an average of 300kg of material per household per In many countries the areas Bacteria in landfill break down year from the waste stream allocated to waste disposal are organic waste using aerobic (with in developed countries. rapidly filling up or are non-existent. oxygen) and anaerobic (without In addition, land used for waste oxygen) respiration processes. The · produced from disposal cannot be reused in the resultant liquid mixes with rainwater organic waste and added to future for alternative purposes, due and other liquid to produce a soils can save up to 73% of to contamination. substance known as leachate. water evaporation. Leachate accumulates at the bottom A large proportion of household of and can then seep into · France has over 100 large waste that goes to landfill is made ground water and contaminate composting plants and up of organic waste. waterways. produces 800,000 tonnes of compost each year. Alternative use of organic waste A Valuable Resource assists in extending the life of · One landfill in Australia existing landfills and reduces waste Managed wisely, organic waste can produces nearly 8000 disposal costs. be re-used in many valuable ways: tonnes of methane per year. This is enough to generate Greenhouse Gases · To produce compost (see over) electricity for 5000 homes · Generation of electricity in for an entire year. The decay of organic waste methane generators generates greenhouse gases · 94% of gas from landfill is including carbon dioxide and · Processing into bio-diesel and methane (54%) and carbon methane. soap (cooking oil and animal dioxide (40%) from organic fats) decomposition. These greenhouse gases contribute to worldwide climate change.

*In this document the term “landfill” refers to the method of solid waste disposal in which waste is buried in the ground.

Clean Up the World Pty Ltd ACN 054 915 249 ABN 65 054 915 249 · 18 Bridge Road, Glebe NSW 2037 Australia tel 61 2 9269 0700 · fax 61 2 9692 0761 · email info@ · website

Recycling Organic Material

Organic waste can easily be turned into compost in the home or as a community project through composting or worm farming.

Composting takes organic waste out of the waste stream and has many benefits for soils and food production.

Composting Vermiculture (Worm Farming) Compost in Soils · Increases soil nutrients Composting is the transformation of Vermiculture is the composting of organic material, through a organic waste by worms. Compost · Assists plant growth and decomposition process, into soil-like worms can eat up to 30% of their disease resistance material called compost. bodyweight in food per day. · Inhibits weed growth

Composting is a form of , The organic scraps are turned into · Avoids unnecessary use of which continually occurs in nature. worm castings, the leftover soil-like inorganic chemical nutrient-rich material, which makes fertilisers A composting system can confine good fertiliser. organic material and control the · Maintains water retention in conditions so that breakdown is A dark-brown liquid, which drains sandy soil and improves accelerated. out, is also produced and can be drainage in clay soils to diluted for use as a liquid fertiliser. prevent waterlogging Composting can be started simply in · Regulates soil temperature, an open bottom bin or wooden box, Worm farms usually consist of keeping soils cooler in out of bricks blocks or timber, or as shallow stackable containers of summer and warmer in an open heap. simple material such as plastic or winter wood, with holes in between the The efficiency of decomposition in a layers. The worms move between · Reduces water evaporation, compost heap depends on a variety the layers to where the scraps are keeping soils moist during of factors including; nutrients, placed. dry periods aeration, water, microbes, time and · Reduces watering costs temperature. These systems thrive with dark, moist conditions and an adequate Further Information Invertebrates (insects and supply of suitable organic scraps. Clean Up the World earthworms) and micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) transform the Worms can eat most fruit and Clean Up Australia material into compost. vegetable scraps, tea leaves, coffee Compost Guide grounds and egg shells. Do not add Items that can be composted meat, bread, pasta, rice, onion or European Compost Network include: coffee grounds, egg shells, citrus fruit scraps to a worm farm. fruit and vegetable scraps, grass The Compost Resource Page clippings, leaves, manure, paper, Excess worms can be added to a sawdust, seaweed, straw, tea compost heap where they speed up Urban Agriculture Notes leaves, weeds and wood ash. the composting process. http://www.urbanagricultureworl WormWoman Document last updated May 2008

Clean Up the World Pty Ltd ACN 054 915 249 ABN 65 054 915 249 · 18 Bridge Road, Glebe NSW 2037 Australia tel 61 2 9269 0700 · fax 61 2 9692 0761 · email info@ · website