To facilitate the use of this Index, the following list identifies the name for each tractate in conjunction with the codex and tractate number for that tracĀ­ tate:

1,1 The Prayer of the Apostle Paul Vl,4 The Concept of Our Great Power 1,2 The of James VI,5 Plato, 588A-589B 1,3 The of Truth VI,6 The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth 1,4 The Treatise on the Resurrection Vl,7 The Prayer of Thanksgiving 1,5 The Tripartite Tractate VI,8 Asclepius 21-29 11,1 The Vll,1 The Paraphrase of Shem 11,2 The Vll,2 The Second Treatise of the Great Seth 11,3 The Vll,3 11,4 The Hypostasis of the Archons Vll,4 The Teachings of Silvanus 11,5 On the Origin of the World Vll,5 The Three Steles of Seth 11,6 The Exegesis on the Soul Vlll,1 11,7 The Book of Thomas the Contender VIII,2 The Letter of Peter to Philip 111,2 The Gospel of the Egyptians IX,1 111,3 Eugnostos the Blessed IX,2 The Thought of Norea III,4 The Sophia of Christ IX,3 The III,5 The Dialogue of the Savior X,l IV,2 The Gospel of the Egyptians Xl,1 The Interpretation of Knowledge (see IIl,2) Xl,2 A Valentinian Exposition, with On the V,l Eugnostos the Blessed Anointing, On Baptism A and B, and (see IIl,3) On the Eucharist A and B V,2 The Xl,3 V,3 The (First) Apocalypse of James Xll,1 The V,4 The (Second) Apocalypse of James Xlll,1 V,5 The BG 8502,1 The VI,l The and the Twelve BG 8502,3 The Sophia of Jesus Christ Apostles (see 111,4) VI,2 The Thunder, Perfect Mind BG 8502,4 The Act of Peter VI,3 Authoritative Teaching

In this Index of Scripture References, a bold typeface for a reference to the Nag Hammadi text indicates that the biblical text is cited in this work (thus indicating a probability of influence). A regular typeface indicates that at this point only the biblical reference is cited (indicating a possibility of influence). For discussion of the distinction between citing the biblical text and citing only the biblical reference, see the Introduction. 468 NAG HAMMAD! TEXTS AND THE BIBLE

HEBREW BIBLE 11,5 104.3-5 11,5 117.28-118.5 Genesis VII,1 3.30--4.6 1 :1--4:26 11,5 109.22-25 1:4-5 IX,3 40.25-27 1:1-2:25 1,5 96.26-31 1:4 VII,1 40.5-6 1,5 104.26-30 1:5b 11,5 117.28-118.5 1:1-2:22 1,3 18.32-35 1:6-13 11,5 111.29-112.9 1,3 19.7-10 1:6-10 11,5 101.3-9 1,3 20. 19-22 11,5 102.35-103.2 1,5 96.17-24 VII,120.7-10 1,5 112.33-35 1:6-7 11,4 95.19-22 1:1-31 11,1 12.34-13.6 m,5 (22) 129.20-130.4 11,4 94.34-95.4 Vl,4 37.6-11 1:1-4 VII,1 20.20-29 1:7 11,114.26-34 1 :1-2 11,4 94.9-14 1:9 m,5 (22) 129.20-130.4 1 :1 V,458.3-5 VII,1 20.20-29 1:2-4 11,1 6.18-26 1:11-12 VII,1 20.10-12 11,4 94.28-34 VII,1 20.19-20 VII,1 2.10-23 1:12 11,5 109.30-34 VII,1 2.29-3.6 11,5 111.21-23 1 :2-3 VII,1 9.15-24 1:14-18 11,1 6.18-26 1:2 1,5 89.24-28 11,5 111.29-112.9 1,5 101.3-5 1:20-25 VII,120.10-12 11,4 87.4-7 1:20-21 11,5 111.24-28 11,4 87.11-20 1:24-25 11,5 111.24-28 11,4 88.7-9 1:26-30 11,1 8.28-9.1 11,5 99.23-28 1:26-27 11,1 14.13-24 11,5 100.31-101.2 11,3 (41) 60.34-61.5 VII,1 1.36-2.5 11,5 101.9-11 VII,l 13.23-28 11,5 110.12 VII,120.7-10 11,5 112.33-113.1 XIII, 1 36.4-6 11,5 117.28-118.5 l:2a 11,5 97 .30-98.3 IIl,2 49.20-22 xm,145.23-24 III,2 59.1-9 l:2b-4a 11,1 14.26-34 V,5 64.6-65.25 l:2b 11,113.13-27 V,5 65.29-32 11,5 100.10-11 V,5 66.14-23 11,5 103.29-32 Vl,6 55.30-33 11,5 104.13 Vl,8 66.35-67.2 m,5 (16) 121.23-128.1 Vll,4 91.14-17 VI,4 37.35 VIII,l 30.4-5 1 :3-31 1,5 101.6-8 XIII, 1 40.22-25 11,1 12.13 1:26 1,5 105.2-3 11,5 100.17-18 11,3 (58) 64.12-22 11,5 101.9-11 11,3 (86) 72.14 11,5 102.11-14 11,5 114.19-20 IV,2 60.1-22 1:26a 1,1 A.31-33 Vl,3 26.6-7 1,5 106.1-2 VIII,1 9.2-4 11,1 15.1-12 1 :3-25 Vl,4 38.1-2 11,120.33-21.7 1:3-5 11,5 111.29-112.9 11,4 87.24-33 1:3-4 11,S 108.2-16 11,S 114.29-115.1 1:3 11,4 87 .20-23 VI,4 38.5-9 11,5 98.14-17 VI,8 69.22-25