Naval Documents of the American Revolution
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Naval Documents of The American Revolution Volume 4 AMERICAN THEATRE: Feb. 19, 1776–Apr. 17, 1776 EUROPEAN THEATRE: Feb. 1, 1776–May 25, 1776 AMERICAN THEATRE: Apr. 18, 1776–May 8, 1776 Part 4 of 7 United States Government Printing Office Washington, 1969 Electronically published by American Naval Records Society Bolton Landing, New York 2012 AS A WORK OF THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THIS PUBLICATION IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 590 AMERICAN THEATRE week. I hope he will take six guns to fortify himself against the small tender he may fear. I am [kc.] 1. "Nicholas Cooke Correspondence," AAS Proceedings, New Series, XXXVI, 312-13. 31 Mar. (Sunday) [Quebec, January 1 - March 3 11 This successful defeat of the rebel^,^ while it animated and encouraged the beseiged, pointed out the necessity of observing the utmost vigilance; and the duty was very hard and constant through out the winter and the Spring; for as the Snows fall frequently and heavily during that Season, a number of men were often employed, besides the guard, to clear the Great Guns from it, and so deep was it at times, that the Officers in going their rounds were frequently up to the middle of it; and were obliged to wear leg- gins and other contrivances to defend themselves against the severity of the cold. The Prisoners who had been treated with a lenity which they ill de- served, attempted to corrupt the Sentinels appointed to guard them; but a discovery being made in time, their purpose was frustrated - They had fallen upon means of communicating their design to their companions the be- seigers without, which was to break out of confinement in the night, open the gates of the Town, throw the beds and quoins of the guns into the ditch, and apprize their friends without by a signal of their success, who were to be ready to come in to their Assistance, and seize upon the Garrison -3 To such a degree of vigilance and alertness did the Officers perform their duty, that'several of them did not venture to cast of[£] their cloaths or accoutrements for weeks together, but lay down with them on their backs, both night and day, that they might be prepared against any surprise - Others felt the severity of this constant and fatiguing duty, but it was particularly so to Lieutenant Starke, who had but a few Months before, returned from a Station of four years in the Warm climate of the East Indias. I. "The case of Lieutenant John Starke of His Majestys Navy, together with a short sketch of the operations of the War in Canada, in which he was employed, during the years 1775, 1776 and 1777." NMM, Ms. 491129. 2. The defeat of Montgomery and Arnold on December 31, 1775. 3. The attempted break-out was planned around March 26, 1776, but was discovered on March 31 -James Melvin, A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold (Philadelphia. 1864), 17. Other diaries of the ex- pedition speak of the attempted escape, but Melvin was the only one to pin it down to definite dates. MASTER'SLOG OF H.M. SCHOONERHalifax March 1776 Remarks in Halifax Harbour Friday 29th AM the Comdr sent on Bd an Order to Moor. First and Middle parts Hard Gales and Squally wt Snow Latter little MARCH 1776 59 1 wind and fair Weather PM Empd as pr Occasion Anchord Here Several Vessels with Inhabitants from Boston Saturday 30 AM Unmoord and Hove short on the Sm Br First and Middle parts light Airs and fair Latter Mod Breezes and Cloudy Weather PM Warpd in to Butten wharf and Landed the Emegrants Provisions and Stores belonging to them and Hauld in to the Streem Anchord Here His Majestys Ship Fowey and Diligent Brig with the Adventure store ship wt a Convoy from Boston having On Ed Part of the Light Horse and Inhabitants Sunday 31 AM Weigh'd and towed up to the Dock Yard Came to wt the B[t] B[r] Veerd to 1/2 a Cable and Moord to one of the tripping Barges Unbent the Sails First part Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Middle and Latter Fresh Gales & Cloudy wt some snow. 1. PRO, Admiralty 5211775. 2. Ibid., a party of the Royal Emigl.ant Regiment, with six months' provision had boarded the Halifax on March 28, intended for Boston. Memo of An Agreement made, between John Langdon Esq, of the one part, & Geo. Wentworth, of the other part - Said Langdon, hath Agreed to hire of said Wentworth his Rope Walk, with all the Implements of said Walk for the Term of time he may want said Walk, for the Making of Cordage &c for the Ship he is now building,"or the Consideration of two dollars p day. to Commence on the day said Walk is Improv'd for said purpose, said Went- worth engages to keep such walk & Implements in good repair at his own expence, but in Case Larger Implements kc, shou'd be wanted than is Com- monly used in the Walk, said Langdon engages to provide such at his own expence, and to be Return'd when the Walk is deliver'd up. - also said Langdon Agrees to hire said Wentworth, to Superintend [illegible] And to hire, a Fore Man & other People Acquainted [with the bulsiness to work in Said Walk, who are to be under his Direction in Consideration of which Service said Langdon Engages to pay him [illegible] Dollars pr day to Com- mence [blank] Said Wentworth on his part engages to Follow the Direc- tions of said Langdon, and to Account with him for what Hemp, Cordage, or Cash that he may receive, for the paying of Men for Labour, or any other Charges that may Arrise, in Said Business, its also Agreed that Said Went- worth shall have power, to Hire, what Number of persons, he may want, and to Agree, with them for their Labour, & to pay them off weekly as their Necessitys may require, said Langdon Engages to Furnish Cash for the afore said purpose. Portsmt March [3 11 1776 1. John and Woodbury Langdon Papers, NHHS. 2. Subsequently the Continental frigate Raleigh. 592 AMERICAN THEATRE MASTER'SLOG OF H.M. BRIGHope Remark's on bd the Hope Saturdy the 30th March 1776 Beackers 1 [P.M.] Fresh Breezes and Squaly with Drizling Rain at 1/2 Is1 N W Past Saw a Sail Standing to the Wt ward made Sail & Chaced 4 Miles hir, Came up wt the Chace, Proved to be the Betsy Schooner from Virginia wt Inden Corn Bound to Selam, took Charge of hir, at 3 made Sail Remark's on bd the Hope Sundy the 31st March 1776 8 [A.M.] Saw Boston Light house SW Dist 8 Leags boraway for Do as Did the Prize Schooner. Came to in Nantasket Road wt the S1 Br in 5 fm as Did the Prize found laying here his Majesty's Ship Renown & Dispatch Schooner & two Transports. I. PRO, Admiralty 52/1823. 2. The prize schooner, having arrived after the eva~uationof Boston, was sent to Halifax for condemnation. Her master was Henry White, and the Vice Admiralty Register, N. S. Arch., records she "was going into some one Port or place in some one of his Majestys Colonies now in open Rebellion, to Trade." JOURNALOF H.M.S. Niger, CAPTAINGEORGE TALBOT March 1776 At Single Anchor in Nantasket Road Tuesday 26th Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Wr at 4 PM anchord with the small Bower & Veerd to 1/2 Cable, found riding here His M Ships Chatham (Rear [Vice] Adml Shuldham) with the Centurion, Lively, Re- nown; Savage Sloop with some arm'd Vessels and a num- ber of Transports - employd Watering - Wednesday 27 The Ships Company was put to 2/3ds allowance of all Species. Strong Gales & squally Wr employed as before, at 3 PM sailed hence H. M Ships Chatham Centurion, Lively, Savage Sloop and a great number of Transports, in going out the Centurion ran foul of us and carried away our Fore Topgallant Mast Do Stay & Jibb Stay and tore the Jibb - unbent the Torn Sail & bent another Thursday 28th Carpenters empd making a new Fore top gallant Mast. Fresh breezes & cloudy at 3 PM shifted farther in at 5 fird a Gun & made the Signal for all Masters of Merchant- men at 6 fird several Guns Shotted at the Whale Boats passing by - Friday 29th employed getting ready for Sea First part fresh Breezes & fair Wr, latter Moderate & Cloudy at 4 PM made the Signal to Weigh, Do weighd and came to Sail with the Convoy Saturday 30th 2 AM made the Signal to Tk Do TKd Ship at 6 Boston Light House West distance 2 leagues. Sailmakers repair- MARCH 1776 593 ing the Fore Sail at Noon Tkd Ship- Convoy in Com- pany Fresh Gales & hazey Wr with Snow, bore down to the Convoy occasionally, Sunday 31st fir'd the Fog signal from 2 to 4 AM Sail maker as before. Spoke the Sloop Polly was informed She was very leaky - at Noon the Convoy in Company. - Fresh Gales and Cloudy with rain. 1. PRO, Admiralty 51 1637. Warren March 3 1st 1/4 past .l. O'Clk Sr Have this Instant received Advice by Express from Colo Jabez Champlin of Newport, that One Man of Warr is Arrived in the Harbor and that Twenty Seven sail of Vessells, Undoubtedly the Ministerial Troops, are seen within Secconet Point, am Desired to give you the Earliest Intelligence, Doubt not but you'l send Reinforcements as soon as possible.