AUTHORITATIVE DENIAL. WOULD HAVE KNDANUKKED LIFE. ■Tost before dark last night CUT Else trlulan Levi Camming, vrko bad been Hal it. Designs on Western Germany out since very early yesterday morning Hem (sphere Territory, with his assistants straightening ont AWFUL IF TRUE. CITY IN DARKNESS. this tangle of wires and making a general lnepeotlon of the nity, called upon Mayor November *6 —The Berlin, correspon- Hoblnson and Informed him tnat It dent of the Associated Pish ob- today wonld be dangerous to attempt to tarn tained the following authoritative state- on tne lights of either the Portland or ment as to the rumors that Germany has the Westl-rook Electric Light oompanlas. territorial ambitions In the western The wires were not only short circuited hemisphere. In many places bat some of them were lu ‘"The reports constantly recurring In in the street and with a big alternating oar* us Western Train Wrecked and the Amerloan press which Impute to Worst Ice Storm Known Passenger Reported rent running through them without for territory In the west- plans acquiring doubt some one would hare b»en killed are baseless. ern hemisphere absolutely before morning by stumbling onto them. doss not Intend In sny way to of 1886. 200 Lives Lost. Germany Maine Since Big One Besides this the danger of fire resulting In North, Central or acquire territory from crossed wires was eery great and Booth Amenoa. Bhe values tbs 2 Mr. Cummings told the mayor he did not of the United Btatee far too friendship oonslder It well to take any chanoes. to It such highly jeopardize by noqalrlng Mayor Hoblnson agreed with Mr. Cum- or small.'1 territory, large mlng8 and the electric light companies OFHOURS ONLY. took the same view of matters. The Port- QUESTION not Denied Rail- Sad Havoc With Trees land Electric Light company coaid Story Positively by Played have operated Its lights anyway, hut even Senator Cushman K. navis Is Slowly with the main trunk line to Ureat Palls road Officials. Pa,sing Away. and Electric Wires. In working order It wonld hare been

Bt. Paul, Minn., November IW.—It now • 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ SyrufTigs ■■ seems to be simply a question of hours EXPANSION until United States Senator Cushman K. Davit passes away, the report from Ac/sflessait/fy attdJkmp//y. bis bed title this afternoon being that his BLACKSTONE CIGARS strength was slowly ebbing away. Hit and Com- Cleanses the C. & O. Train Said to Have Cone The addition to our System physicians do not anticipate dissolu- Telephone Telegraph Factory and In We now have a Gently Effectually tion but admit completed. immediately, practically of feet on three when bilious or costive. frontage 172 in W. Va. that so lar as any human agency Is able Suffered Through Bridge panies Greatly. streets, Endicott, Stillman and to know, detth It oertaln. Morton. form /resents in the most acceptable This i* the largest Factory ** — the lauratitc principles ofplants BANGOR’S Cl'REEW LA W. In New England used solely known to act most heneticiail}'. for the manufacture of Cigars. The sale on lilaekstono Cigars TO OET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Little Girl Goes to Jail for Being Out Is millions ahead of any other Late. 10-cent Cigar. — Richmond Wreck BUY THE GENUINE MANF D. BY Special Reports Freight Great diimage was done in Portland CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCQ Hut Ho Loss of Life. Bangor November HO.—A 15-jrear-old and also in IVcstern Maine yesterday by WAITT & SAN FRANCISCO* CAL. girl was arraigned In the polloe court BOND, Mnfrs., KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. LOUISVILLE this morning charged with having vio- tlic ice storm which was the worst since oil Blackstone St. — bott/e. For safe by druffists price 50*per lated the curfew law on Saturday night; --- trees were Mass. on a sentence contlf"'*’! from December Jan. 28, 1886. Hundreds of Boston, tame she was or- 33, ItWtl, on the cnarge and the dered to pay a line clfl branches made a sail mess of the electric have been west of will the nay ^114**s In the olty ADAMS & special to the Commercial tribune Irom bound, consisting spend ANDERSON, CO., seven passenger coaches, baggage, ex- bouee of correction, 4 over the For the first time Charleston, W. Va says: V.1 wrires all city. Fire Insurance and mall oars. It Is said that Agency press WITH SIGHT. **lt Is hero that a Chesapeake MAY DIE reported among tbe passengers were ex-Uov. 41c- f | °|'N in years there wasn’t an electric street 31 Exchange Street. Ohio railway train went the State Auditor-elect and Kingsville, ».-An & through Corkle, Sherlll, Oat| ^iber Flrtt Class American and Foreign Companies sohooner' the middle had been State Senator Alexander M. Miller, unknown y "In in in Portland last night. Holt AC F, ANDEH30]f. CHAR. C Al»AMM. Greenbrier river bridge which > light operation gronnd oil S the tailors Tmm. J, Little. CoXYEhs K. Lea* h. lloods. It Is l'olnyF £lnd Tu.TbftS damaged by prevailing sup- the 7 for the masts Commercial was carried on with Washington, November 26 —The Post are lashed In c o lighting about 800 • posed that thero were people are above water. today morn- has received a message from the railroad The and were lost. All the Home'! £ in Amherst- difficulty. telegraph telephone on the train and that all telegraph operator at Hinton, saying ing tug has been trying the men wires are down at and near the crossing there Is no foundation for the story of a burg ryU-ase suffered To the east- Is snob a that |companies greatly. wreck on the C ic near that but there high * of thl6 river, and It is impossible to get O., place. Running have bee" It Is According to special 2 received by the her efforts f^ltless. ward these companies had the most any sort of continuation of the disaster. the #-u from Pott the train reported to have been feared that nufa expo- Kven the officials are unable to aid can m. some of the state were railway wrecked Is ons of the west bound spec- sure before reaSitti trouble and parts --■—c--- secure communication with points on ials tbe due In Charleston of C & O., INDIANS TO BE STARVED. cut off from communication with Port- either side of the river. early this morning and In Cincinnati FortYatosN. D, November 26.—The tonight. of the Indians have accepted with philosophy land last night. All companies Cincinnati. November 86 —There Ohio, the recommendation of Commissioner ha* been great apprehension tonight over lilohmond, Va November 26.—The were lines to Poston and to Jones that their rations be Immediately operating a report that a Chesapeake As Ohio pas- C. & O olliolals here positively deny tbe stopped. That hundreds will starve but with some The senger train had gone through the Green- story of a passenger train wreck at Montreal difficulty. slowly to death Is a foregone conclusion. brier river bridge, near Hinton, W. Va Ureenbrler river bridge and all stories of Their oondltlon Is pitlnble; their crops done to fruit trees in this section All through wires on that line ore any lost of.Ufe on the line. damage were a total failure and their rations down and It Is Impossible to reach The Dispatch had a special after mid- to thousands of were just enough to keep them alive. of the state will amount Greenbrier river or any points near It night from Honceverte, which Is within Many messages have been sent by those a few miles of tbe point at which tb WELLINGTON HEDGING. dollars. crosses the Ureenbrler. The who have had friends on that road today Chesapeake Washington, November 8ti.—In making a with no as It was not known what train. If any, special reports freight .wreck the caucus Hit of the Sen- up Republican thick woods In some loss ot at mentions PORTLAND IN DARKNESS. running through went through the bridge, but no re- life Allegheny and of Senator of ate, the name Wellington and at all to re- of trains In snch a was In utmost total darkness places points exposed Injury sponse s to any messages have been delay passenger way bus been omitted at his own Portland Maryland trees and limbs was tbe first to as to discredit the us tar us tbe eleotrlo street by falling ceived and they are accepted only subject entirely passenger has chosen a seat on the lust nlgbt request. He Is not known how trees wreck This to suffer. It many to delay. Charles B. Byan, assistant report. however. lights were concerned. applied Republican side, sna big limbs bare crashed down onto general passenger agent of the Chesa- tbe old seven wards of the city and to the BUHEAU OF AMERICAN REPUB- Lb Is wire since two o’clock Monday A Ohio railway, is here tonight SCHOONER AYR SAFE. fleering district as well. lie sides this peake Mather of the LICS. mi* of wires all morning. Superintendent Center of and he discredits the story entirely. Ue November 211—Sohooner Ayr, there was a general up Halifax, lompany outside of the trouble said there was a very bad landslide near Washington, November 26.—The execu- over the olty, the streets whloh are lined DiJlnB whloh has been from New York, twenty- be has been In tbe where bis far tive oommlttee of tbe of Ameri- shade trees were strewn with fallen baying city Attraction one of the Greenbrier rlverJbrldgee|not Bureau two out from Roothbay Harbor and with days lines have suffered more than Tab„, it ha* can held Its In some cases rendered Im- probably from White Sulphur .Springs, and liepubllos regular quarterly for whose almost had bean limbs and safety hope other has had a crew the a time fallen trees. Tbe any company, large compelled them to transfer passengers meeting today at state department arrived today. passable f or by FINE INSTRUMENTS abandoned, Df men at work slnoe two o'olock yoster- during the day. Secretary Hay oreslded and Senort Lazo, damage to the eleotrlo wires of all kinds to straighten on’ Day Calve and Wilde attended. Tbe usual CZARINAS CONDITION. in the city was enormous, and It will re- lay morning trying Tlianlisgiviug the this long trunk line from tbe power sta- W. Va.November 26 — routine business was transacted and Dr. 26 —The Danish quire some days to straighten out Parkersburg, Copenhagen,Novemebr oi of the but the condition of affairs In tion on the Presumpscot. By menus We’ve boon Table China The passenger train wrecked Uazman, tbe acting director Bu- court has received advloea frem Llvadla tangle, importing reported the steam at reau of American liepnbllcs, presented that the oonhnemenS of the Czarina Is Portland was no worse than It was out- auxiliary plant operated by all the fall to moet the neods of and tele- Wood fords a greater part of tbe commer his annual report which reoeived the rati- fast approaching. side of tbe city. The telephone Thanksgiving and Christmas buyers. a of :lal lighting and a few street arc lights fication of the oommlttee graph companies were In peck Not Dinner Sets alone,—special Serv. the section of the have WEATHER. trouble all day yesterday and there were in business city ciwi' 'pm miiii^iriu’i.M THE ing Sets aud SiDgle Dishes also. WOMAN can go The dam- been carried on but In many places this few trunk lines In operation. Dislie3 with mix Handsome Pudding November 20.—Advloes from rrom the Ice storm of Sun- has been crippled by the general up A shopping with Buekfleld, age resulting fitted baker and '$1.50 to #0.00, jt wires lu Portland. platter Secretary Loug received an- day nlgbt has been tar reaching and has Saturday, Punch Bowls, Nut Bowls, Fruit more comfort if she nounced that under the law authorizing been almost as large as It was In the big Y TOO. WKSXBKOOK COMPAN Dishes.—Extra size Turkey Platters. the assignment of condemned oannon to ice storm of January 28, 1883. copvrlgnt. takes a Boston Bag There wasn’t a street light In operation he had secured for the AHH municipalities, CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE. In the Drerlng district last night. The along. town of Buekfleld, a brass cannon, cap- cause of all this trouble was the The Westhrook Kleotrlo Light company had BURBANK, DOUGLASS & CO., tured U. S. S. under command Absolutely Necessary by Eagle, rain whloh began to fall about one that of the She can gratify muny wires down In part olty St. IN of Eleut. Commander Southerland from As fast as the 242 Middle 0 olock Monday morning. and It was lmDosslble to get the cir- wish in these the armed Spanish merchant vessel. It Into loe on tbe Defects. every rain fell turned cuits Into shape for operation at dark Accurately Measuring Eye Santo Domingo, This oannon will be trees and on the wires. The from our branohes of last night. The damage done by tailing Our apparatus is wifhont iloubt the utility hags In the is nothing placed publlo library, soon to be 26. — Forecast: scenes about the resulting from this thebe finest in New England. The instru- Boston, November olty trees In tbe fleering dlstrlot was not its for erected, of trees and wires in till* world so nice to look at as a beau- ment is whether and olty adornment the as as it was la the other quite Illustrated above especially supply, Fair weather Tuesday Wednesday, quite heavy tiful woman, but once in awhile their taste* would have been beautiful beyond de- lfntti. clean valuable in correcting the results of eye- use or for a CONGER TO BE ORDERED HOME. without decided change In temporature, parts of the city, bnt It.was severe enough are a little too rich for a poor Niue, her own out Wood looks fine, but a woman strain when the ordinary methods fail. scription had the sun peeped behind over- Kindling poor Washington, November 2d.—President brisk north to west winds, diminishing to oost the oompanles maintaining cannot afford t*> use it. as BENSON’S AL- Can be seen at our 4T8 1-2 for even u short time only office, tbs leaden clouds wire In that section no end of diill* WAYS HEADY CHAKGOAL is cheaper and Monument gift. McKinley Is reluctantly coming M* the Tuesday night. head Congress St., Square. and lighted up with golden rays the long really much cleaner, us it does not crock bot- from 50c to conclusion that Minister Conger must be Washington, November 20. -Forecast oulty. tom of kettles. Selling sagging wires and Ice laden branches In- N. T. WORTHLEY, JR. recalled from Pekin unless thers Is a for Tuesday and Wednesday for New BIG BAG IOC AT ALL GKOTKKS. to glistening orystal. Bnt the sun did BAKING POWDERS. EyesEtaiBiiied Free. $4.00. very decided change lu his ooodact of the fair ex- ALIM England: Generally Tuesday, not show its faoe and the rain continued This If OPEN EVENINGS UV APPOINTMENT _ peace negotiations. step, Anally snow and colder in eastern (Xo. 344.) THE HATTER, cept probably to tall at intervals all day, making about ■ovXltUstp decided upon, will have been made un- 197 Middle St. Maine. as drear/ and uncomfortable a day as la Congress Acting to Suppress Tlselt A WOGy avoidable by the American minister's GEO. JT. COFFIN, Mgr, Wednesday fair, fresh to brisk west often known In New England. Sale. # persistence In au attitude toward tbe to north winds. About half past two o'olook yesterday SCIENTIFIC Chinese government whloh his govern- The report of tbe Senate Commlttea.cn Nov 26, K03. —The loca- morning th» trouble with the eleotrlo ment has emphatically refused to Indorse, Portland, Manufactures upon the subjeot of rood OPTICIAN weather bureau records the following: wlras began, The branohes of big trees and by hls consistent aoqulesoanoe In tbe adulterations and food frauds hat Is one who makes the solentlflo ad- 8 a.m.—Barometer. 29 9C0; thermomoi weighed down by the ever Increasing unreasonable demands mads by tbe otber awakened great Interest throughout the justment of glasses bis special busi- ter, 80; dew point, 81; rel. humidity, 93, coating of Ice bent further and farther foreign ministers for the execution of a of the wind, NE; o. country. ness. Ue must thoroughly under* dlreotton velocity towards the ground to at last break Reliable number of Chinese officials. the wind, 11; state of weather, It. rain U there oould be published a list of the stand the solenoe of physical blgh off from the trunk and fall optics ~~ fquare sturdy artloles of found the 8 p. m.—Barometer. 89.586: thermome- names of all food by and the measurement and curves of SCHOONER MISSING. 98: with a oraah Into the street. So great is Committee to be adulterated or made ter, 84; dewpoint, S3; rel, humidity, lenses. Ue mast be with accur- Beef In the of Port- from It would be able, November direction of the wind, N; velocity of the net work of wires city Injurious Ingredients, Hamilton, Ont., 20—Anxiety of lnesllmuble value to the to detect every defect and the wind, 11; state of weathor, ulonuy. on all tbs toads out of publlo. acy, apply Is felt hexe tor the of the orew of land and leading of the Commit- Extracts. safety Tbs recommendations lenses that will place the eye In per- Maximum temperature. 31; minimum the for miles and miles that Hie f -hooner W. J. whloh lett city every tee that the sals of alum baking powder: Armour's Solid. Sutfel, 80; iueau temperature. S3; fect focus. I am devoting especial 40c temperature, limb and tree bronght down with be law, will make ol for Falrhaven nine maximum wind 21 (ailing prohibited by Kingston days ago velocity, N; precipi- Interest the list ol attention to this solonoe. I have Armour's Tablets, 25c tation—24 hours, 1 58. them many hundreds of feet of telephone, special following Nothing has been heard of her slnoj. She of wbloh chem- time and ID American There names baking powders spent money preparing Brand, 25c 1 degraph and eleitrlo light wires. to sontaln almn: oarrled a orew of seven. WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. ists have found myself for expert work. 1 take pleas- Cudahy's Solid, 40c was hardly a street in the olty which was Deltlng Powders Containing Almn: The department woathoi ure in fitting ciUiouH and compli- Solid. KING OSCAR BETTER. agricultural iot mourning tbe Injury done to some .Contains Alum. Liebig’s 40c oureau for Nov. SB, taken at > I. o., cated oases. HZ yesterday, and on Mauuf. Mfg. Anker's 35c Stockholm, November 26 —King Osoar merldan time, the observation for ree by this pitiless storm of Ice by Jacques Co., Chicago, Capsules, p. m., Y YKAsT. Contains Alum. I have thousands of patrons who trees are UK Is steadily Re took a long this section being given In this oijler: ame of the streets where the & New York. Ext Beef, $1.00 Improving, Manuf. by It. B. Davis Co.. oan that I am successful with Liquid pint diruutlou of stats of re- testify walk In the — Temperature, wind, ilder and lar the damage whloh UAvis’ U K.Contains Alum. by measure. today royal garden, ger, them. ■ ■ ■ -.- weather! Davis & New ''s, sulted was Mauuf. byR. B. Co., York. for the sick. very great. .Contains Alum. Strengthening LI HUNG CHANG ILL. PILUK1M' A. M. WENTWORTH, Convenient for soups. CARRIED AWAY THE MAIN LINE Manuf. byrilgrlm Baking Powder Co., Boston London, November 27.—LI Hung The old city of Portland le lighted by It Is unfortunate that many manufac H. H. & Hirers of alum state thai Practical Optician, | Hay Son, Chang, aooordlbg to the Shanghai corre- he Portland Eleotrlo Light oompany, caking powders IIP LB IT. their do hot oontaln aluiu. li Ml spondent of the Morning Post Is seriously from Ureat Falls powders 640 t-'l Cougreaa St. [ whloh obtains its power Is right that consumers should havi U1 and bas for hls only tslegraphd adopt-1 >n the Freeumpsoot river, fourteen miles correct lmormatlon as to the oharacte: LI article of food offered to them. son, Chlng Pang. rom tbe olty. This long line of wire of every Office Hours,W»£2 i • s1 MWBUUBoct. nncimmoM. company had the samedlflloulty with the CHINESE SPORTS AND GAMES THAT AMERICA? MTE. | to reach SNOWDRIFTS. ■ wires to the eastward, being able FLOODS AND mm... Lewteton and Bangor by some lines, but How th« Yo««kfwl *K hlnkt" Knjoy having a barn time to get Into Augusta Thrmarlir*. and Koekland. These plkoe* were caught .” once In a but loet again directly. “New Rival,” “Leader,” while, (Isaac Taylor Headland In On ting!) White Denies There “Repeater The Western union said that tbs Mr. people Storm Severe in Many The game* played by Chinese children trouble was between Gardiner and mostly are In many ovm Interesting, but In few trees. Was Any. Augusta with fallen States. are they complicated. They hare nothing THK ELECTRIC ROADS. whloh corresponds to the more intricate have been game# or tbe West, snob, for Instance, aa WINCHESTER The electric railways operat- football, ing in Portland all day without muoh orloket, baseball, oroquet, golf and a hundred others. Chinese play-life, delay. In fact the service has been excel- Loaded Shells. was tbe Or That Formal Shotgun lent considering the difficulties which Water Ever Known in Home is however, probably aa rich as An; Proposition Factory Highest of ohlldren a few oen- had to be ovsroome. Many tallen trees play-llts Kuropean Was Hade- Interfered with the feed wires of the Sections. turtes ago. It Is oonflned mors complete- “New Rival” loaded with Black powders. “Leader” the was ly to ohlldreo and youth, and lacks roads tor a time, hut the damage ” loaded with Smokeless Insist At Point for enthusiastic element of the West, which and “Repeater powders. repaired. Peering 1 quickly r of man to watch example a big tree fell across the feed gathers large crowds them, take no others, and you will get the Into upon having wire of the Portland Railroad and oarrled trained teams or couples putting ac- can near the skill have Could best shells that money buy. the food wire* off Into the Held Snow Travel in pnbllo operation they Nothing Germany Impedes of Brighton avenue. Almost before the quired through months training. or ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. effect of.this break had been felt a crew Montreal One of the roughest and, [consequently, Accept Reject. one of the most of tbs of men were at work cutting away the manly sports the stone tree and releasing the wires acl the cars Chinese is called "pltohlng two or continued to run without muoh delay. look This may be played by by half a uor.en men who have the This was true of the operating of the young musole and skill. It Is FaTors road all over the olty and thongb the toe Foot of requisite daring, One Paper ModorntiiiR ■* Buffalo in Snbinergod tbe of lotnered a deal on the and played with a large stone In shape v great trolley Demands for Punishment. COLONIAL PALACE feed wires Manager Newman did not al- Slush. a Chinese pad look. In private praotioe low It to Inoonvenlenoe the publlo very these stones are used maoh as dumbbells, muoh. This was due to the energy and often weigh 80 to fid pounds, some- BILLIARD BILLIARD which was displayed In repairing all times more. When designed to be pttohed caused by the falling limbs. they are lighter, weighing not more than daninge Berlin. November Gfl —The entlie Her- Dubois, Pa., November 86.—This sec- from 18 to 3J pounds apleoe. The game PARLORS, HALL, TREES. man refers this THK HUIXKD one of pres* editorially evening tion of the country experienced Is played by young men from JO to SO to a that United States Amb urn- has oc- report As has been said almost e^ery street the worst flood* today that years of ags, who usually strip to the dor White on Saturday handed the tew Bailer St, Cor. & Pearl Sis. has Its story to tgll of mined shade trees. curred In many year*. All ot toe manu- waist. 'They arrange tne in selves In a Block, Congress Congress Amerloan note regarding the Chinese set- The damage has been very great nnd the facturing plant* eltnated on low ground ring, If there are more than two, and one tlement to Baron Von secre- morn- Kiobthofen, L. I). streets were covered with limbs yester- wore oompelled to cloae down this of them pitches tbe stone up Into tbe air L. D. JIATH1S, Prop. MATHIS, Prop. tary for foreign alfalrs, all the papers de- day. On Pine street a big limb fell ing and many residence* In the lower part from 10 to DO or more feet, whirling It at make It claring that Uermany refused to comply across the street blockading the thorough- of the town have four to alx feet of water times as rapidly as he can whirl, In tbe alreotlon of tbe seoond man, wbo with the demands therein formulated.* Tlie Palace continues to in n short time, but It was. out in In the ground floor*. grow fare^: catches It by tbe handle as It comes down. When Mr. White was on to approached two by the olty employes and nauled PEOPLE MOV1NO OUT. 'To tbe looker-on Is a risky—not to anil Gentlemei. and ia .It the this evening he replied that For Ladies popularity always thronged corner of Portland and bat it la tbe ele- subject one side. At tne — say dangerous—game, W. November 96 Baron with and Charlestown, Va., ment of or that makes It at- be had no interview with Von players spectators. Uruve streets an enormous tree fell across risk danger The continuous rain fall of the past tractive The person wbo oalebes It Ulchthofen on Saturday nor nad he then ORCHESTRA the street and carried with It a net work THE ZYLPHA boura baa oaused a rise pitches It In tbe same manner to his next note. lie asserted forty-eight rapid received the Amerloan nive Concerts of wires A crew of men sawed and neighbor, and so It goes around tbe ring. will every THIS IS GENUINE in all streams In this aeotlon of the state. that he received nothing from Washing- (Ladies) haoked at this fallen for eome Another exerolee, called "throwing the away giant almost reached the Eve. from 8 to lo m 'The Kanawha baa sand Is played In tbe same wav, ton slnoe Thursday last and that that he Thursday p time, and ffnally got it out of the way so bag. danger line here and people on the low- except that a bag Is tilled with small bits reotlved then was not a note bnt merely Billiard Weather very dangerous to have allowed them to as to open the street and release the of Iron made ronnd molten land* aie already moving out. by pouring In of wbloh he On Green street limbs were Into water 'Tbe Instructions, oonseqnenoe turn on their power. wires. big metal through a sieve season bad an with the for THE MOST COSTLY and the for B.lliarda and RAIN IN YIHUINLA. eand-bag Is to the stone look In Interview secretary FIRE ALARM SERVICE ALL lUUHT carried away and caused muoh trouble equal weight, but It laoks Its danger and risk. OUJUB UK 1 tXAIWJ Pool is on There is more This was alto true of Chestnut, Cumber- Richmond, November 96.—A heavy fairly Electrician said that nun, n» u ita iuitiobd that the remit of BILLIARD PARLORS City Cummings over of Mr. White reiterated FURNISHED wind and rain storm swept part* popularity, for there la not one person Billiards and Pool being played in the cltjr lire alarm and police telephone the Interview was satisfactory, fact street where the trees are the a cats this morning, doing minor dam- who the sand-bag where there Friday the storm well. every large pitches Portland this season than at lines come through fairly are a score who the stone look. IN AMERICA. any and or eome As fsst bs these clash- ACTA pitch adding: amount age. to Of coarse there was an immense Neither of these games Is calculated “It was an interchange of views other time in the limbs came down Into the streets merely city’s history. Mr. Cum- ing IN MONTREAL all the muscles of the as of damage done but l»3t night, TRAINS DELAYED develop body, In which no definite propositions were Private Hilliard Rooms word was sent to tbe street commissioner does the or oulled tun Ladies’ of the game exercise ,chu mings told the representative November 98.—A big snow submitted and no definite engagements is the and a of men went out to clear Montreal, txu, or "lifting the stone dumbbells.” for Parties. Thanksgiving Day all of the lire alarm gang up PRESS that nearly storm raged nere all day delaying train* The dnmbeil Is made by fastening two entered upon. Wbat was said was lu the tbe obstructions. As far bs could be in the for Billiards were in order. stone In from greatest year and polios circuits working and Impeding street oar trallio. wheels, varying weight nature of a suggestion looking toward attendant afternoons and learned last night no person was Injured 70 to Kit) to the two ends of a Lady The city’s lines are well and llnnly con- pounds, moderation In the punishment#, and Pool. trees here. It Is to BIGGEST EVER KNOWN, pole or Iron bar four or live feet long. greater In the business district, that Is by falling Impossible evenings. structed. Tbe takes tbe pole In his bat this was only a suggestion which give an adequate Idea of the damage Williamsport, November 98 —At Oros* practitioner in the square bounded by High, Com- hands, raises It ti his knees, then to his oould either accept or rejeol. It this ice storm has done to the a number Germany Furnished with the finest tne which rorks last night, nre destroyed hie bis and llnally np- mercial, Pearl and Kennebec streets, body, breast, fnoe, was Dot a formal shade trees of the and re- excite- front proposition.” of beautiful city, of buildings. Scarcely had the above bis bead. He pushes It oat In bolstered furniture and Fourtli in ft World. wires are in the conduits the Vosslscbe Carpeted Largest city’s nt arm's and orten uses It In The i&eltung says: ports from the eurroundlng district are ment over the Hre subsided than the big- length, per- New England Telephone and Telegraph various feats of skill, such as “A demand for more moderation In with Wilton. to tbe effect that thousands of dollars known in Kettle oreek forming Royal lines are not gest Hood ever or shoulders an d oompany. These conduit resting It on his neck the punishments It a sensible demand A BLKS-20 worth of valuable shade and frnlt trees struck the town It covered all the low It round. This exercise Is 20—T disturbed any storms and at all times whirling par- without by and which Germany could acoept have been ruined by this storm. lands and carried away two bridges on ticularly oommon among students this section was all right yesterday. lots of as It ap- Like It In railroad. men of leisure. any dignity, especially Nothing Pool 2 l-2c Per Cue. of wires on Portland HAIiU ON POO It LINKS. the Buffalo and Susquehanna The crossing Another game played by boys and young pears that Great Britain sides In this par- America. out three which Is a au street yesterday forenoon burut BUFFALO ABLUSH. men strong argument against ticular with the United a totes." Billiards 40c Hour. 'ibis storm has wrought bavoo with se that circuit the Cnlness-do-not-love-vlgorous-exerol or four lire alarm boxes on Mo other how- poorly constructed-lines. Those whlob Buffalo, N. Y., Noveinebr 26.—Buffalo theory, Is called tbe "man-wheel." It representative journal, and also burnt out the lire alarm whistle niNOKS NOT AD.VIITT’ED. have been hastily built have sultan d the and vlolnlty Is submerged tonight by a requires live persona. The largest stands ever, adopts this tone. Open Thanksgiving Day and Eve. on the Portland Railroad power station. in the middle with two others on his moat. The Portland Kleotrto Light com- fall of about one foot of snow whloh par- ACCEPTED. nov26d4t there were some lire alarm and Tone ^facing the direction TWO PROPOSALS Resides this ha* right left, lines have been In many plaoes melting aa It touohed the earth, he and the other the direc- out of commission last but pany's tially faces, opposite November £7.—Dr. Morrison, tappers night, an arm over London, THE DAILY PR ESS. up In a great hurry and though turned Into a ooatlng of slosh. tion, each having his shoul- lines oamu put to the Times from taxing It all in ail the city's der and clasping each tbe band of the one wiring Pekin,Bundny, Superintendent Mather has been at work Can always ba found at through the storm In fairly good shape EIGHT-FOOT FRESHET. on the other side or the oenter player. says: ttiaperiodio ever he reaohed Portland In stoies of: since Tbe oenter one then takes one hand of have to two A day or two will put the whole thing Albany, N. Y November 98—The “The foreign envoys agreed F. 0. BAILEY E. W. Koberta ] Congress street these lines out It would re- each of the two outsiders, who are the • back Into condition straightening that were A. B. Merrill. 247 good again. rains have cAusod an eight foot other proposals previously rejeoted, • quire much labor and time to get them heavy smallest boya They, with their Is l;. Fessenden, 626 LINES DAM AUER. freshet Id the river here with excellent dutch tbe of tbe other two owing to lack of unanimity. These are TV. 11. Jewett. 604 TELEPHONE Into condition to be able to withstand a bauds, girdle bays, who also take hold of tbelr girdles. Blr Ernest Batow's that China L A. UbbeT. 670 The New and Tele- prospeot* of the water Hooding Quay proposal & 406 England Telegraph storm of tbe magnitude of yesterday. Thus tbav are all bound firmly together. buranue. McKlm, Congress street street before should agree to recast the commercial bas Asiitob, UH1A Congress street phone oompany suffered a good deal from The wires attaohed to trees suffered morning. The wheel then begins to revolve. The Co.. treaties and the Italian that Carriage li. C. Donnell 135 Congress street, are lifted from the proposal the storm, but more outside of the city greatly. Three or four wires of tbls oom- GREAT DAMAGE IN OHIO. small boys gradually j. 11 Houfiney, 7us street swung In tbe air and go whirl- China should consent to foreign finanolal N. E. listen, 2 Kxoliauge street. than in its limits. In the district where crossed on Oilman street ground, pany became 98—The an horizontal OPP. POSTOFFICE. \V. J. Dennis, 416 Commercial street Columbus, Ohio, November ing around In almost posi- control as a of the Indemnity. is the tele- guarantee l\ 8. Cole.Cor. and Oxford the conduit system operated and tbe sparks from them made a more reaoh tion. It Is a very pretty game. Boyd street damage done through the state will “Tbs delay In the presentation of the J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street bad a no trouble that an phone company beolutely beautiful display tban given by dollars. At Falls J. TV. Teiereoii. 46m Cougiess street. thousands of Chagrin SOME FAMOUS OHIMES. joint note Is due to postponements by the an argument for underground conduits electrlo fountain. This oompany kept up T. A. smyih, 76 Exchange street the telephone switchboard burned out home This Increases the J. W Westman 65 Connieioi.i street cannot be answered. Of the 18UU is known as a of oblmei governments. which Its commercial lighting about all day and New York city HORSE Jotn H. 881 street and set half a dozen houses on Ore an I Allen, Vs Congress difficulties of the position aggravates 645 telephone subscribers in Portland not last night, but as has been stated Its the fame of her bells ..having reached tc DenneUiCo, Congress sliest. At Cambridge several buildings went the dislocation of trade and Unauoe, es- G. 8. Hodgson, »6Mi Cortland street more than one hundred Instruments were was out of oommlsslon. other lands. In ornamenting on them, stfeet lighting blown down and at Batavia Miss Annie F. L. Brackett Teaks Island. pecially the collection of Inland revenues. W. 460 out of condition last night and the most The Consolidated Kleotrlo Light company the Quiver says that they are not equaled A. Hill, Congress at. Hurd was drowned. The Ohio river and estimates the is D M Butler. 08 Pine street lines West Com- and In At the lowest Indemnity of these were on the on suffered much, but Its commercial busi- In any other American city, very j. ii. vicnery, street. Southern Uhto streams are rising rapid- at spring also en- computed 00,000,000 pounds. 11. 1). McKenzie, cor. and Clark mercial fctrtet and Cape Elisabeth. ness was along with some intermis- few European cities. New York Spring kept ly. Wires are down lu all directions and A. J. Barter, 5i» Portland Pier. Outside of the city the telephone oom- sions all It found its greatest joys tbe distinction of a woman uhlme- CHINESE FLED. G. A. Kastmm. 8 Custom House Whart. day. trains are delayed. had Its trouble between tbe one In the John C ox. M Monument square. pany greatest trouble with its new alternating circuit rlnger, possibly only W5 —A re- Berlin, November despatch Blankets J. F. Hutchinson. 112 Kim street KILLED. Yarmouth and Lewiston where the lines on and Portland but TWO MEN world, This woman. Miss Bertha J. J. Tlinss. fil India street. Commercial streets, ceived by the navy league here today C. H. Mowed, 39 Preble street. were all oarried away by the falling trees. sections of this weie last November 88.—Frank Thomas, who tbe oblmee for Uraoc being operated Akron, Ohio, plays says that Col. Yorok's column reached C. F. Simonds. K7 India street A crew of men worked all between has bells that are Prices; Also day night. Werner and Louts Hohrer were killed by church, something 100 miles northwest of At Popular at the newsstands in the Falmouth Kalgan (about Preble. United Mates and Yarmouth and Auburn and did not make wire whloh the storm bad more than ordinary. Eaoh one was oa si Congress Square. TBKK TUBS UP BY BOOTS. a trolley today Pekin) on November 10. Tbs Chinese West nod hotels, and Grand Trunk and Union very much progress. The lines from Dld- In of some psrson, Depots. It can also be obtained of torn from the poles. memory distinguished numbering three thousand men, STABLE USE. Chisholm riflTnrrl f.n Hnnfnrd And KiridMrnrtl fcn troops, Bros., A gen is on all train* of the Maine A large tree In front of the residence and beare the name of that person in the Cen- UNPRECEDENTED FLOODS. lied. A battalion of Chinese Imperial tral, Graud Trunk and Portland & Kochestei Portsmouth were lu very bad shape. Two of Mr. W. £. Webster, and near tbe en- metal. railroads and of agents on any of the soldiers was disarmed. 3-4 wool two surcingles, Boston Novsmber 86.— Canvas, linod, Trains. men went out of Blddelord towards ban- trance to the Portland Stoneware com- Guyandotts, W. Va., The oldest chimes of the are those olty $1.00 The Pbkss can also he found at the rains for the 48 hours GERMAN FLAG ON THE GREAT (o'.lowini ford at three o'olook yesterday morning pany's pottery on Purest avenue, was Continuous past of old Trinity, an Eplsoopal church loved Plaid Burlap, full wool lined, two ^Auburn—3. A. Polluter. and worked all down trees almost the roots have produced unprecedented Hoods In ol WALL. Fancy day outting torn up literally by of all New Yorkers, Irrespective $1.35 Augusta—J F. Pierce^ and olf limbs which Interfered Guanotte The river and Its surcingles. Ailred—J. M. Ak.rs. trimming Id the gale of Sunday night. Tbe tree valley. creed. Tbe bells of Trinity carry one baok November 80 — A re- Berlin, despatch Brown Canvas, full wool lined, bias Bailev’s Island—D. P. Seunett with the wires and went seven tbe electrlo tributaries are overflowing their bonks to old for they were cast In 17BS In only toppled over against light days, ceived here from Field Marshal Count Bath—JoltiuO. Shaw. of Mears. 15, (XI <2.25 H. Ii.—C. 8. miles. Two more men went from Bldde- wires ana tne leea wires or tne i'oriianu and are bearing away quantities England, by They weigh girth surcingles, Berlin Palls, Clark. von Wahlereee, dated November 34, says, BMUelord—A. M. Burnham ford towards Portsmouth but after work- cross lumber and other property. pounds. Imitation Baker, almost as good. #3.00 Railroad company, breaking some of ties, Tbe sweetest chimes In all Amerloa, It Mnehlenfell’s baa Brldgton—A W. Ingalls. Colonel expedition P. Bkaw. ing all day bad< only made four miles. the but no one. There Loss estimated at 890,000 to 886,000. la ...1.1 are In St. Andrew's, another Brunswick—F. wires, injuring hoisted the German ilag over the Great Glynn. ohurch. are by Bangor-J.D. Almost every stretch of wire betwoen was no to trnllio the time New York They played ROAD and CARRIAGE USE. Harbor—0. F. Keunlstoa delay dating U.\L .HA.v uitunaLU. whloh was reached November £8, Bootubay Urant t snla, whose Faster, Christmas wall, Brownfield—Jay L. Frink. poles had to be relijved opfallsn trees or that the tree was being removed and the November 86.—Cum- and N'ew Year's chimes are celebrated. by way of Bey Ting Cheng, after a dlttl- Clio tee Pattern*. Cape Elizabeth—Dyer & Jose. Mlddlesboro, Ky., •• ** limbs of trees. The trunk line to Boston ,i F. Marnner. wires re-adjusted. The old chimes of the Collegiate ohurch inaroh. The adds berland, Powell and Cllnoh rlvore have oult mountain despatch Cumberland Mins—II. g. stare. was cut olf early in the day. It was got on Fifth avenue have an interesting his- tbat tbe French bare bad a severe Plaids, 5 lbs., $1.50 Carnuen—Fred Lewis. ROOF BROKEN IN. overtlowed their banke, doing lmmenee Their voloes were beard on some tight Fancy lu working order tor a short time and tory. >• Cornish— L.H.K uiKii u ca- with Uoxers kilometers south or “6 2.00 to farms. Une man was drowned of the great occasions of the nation's thirty Deenuk— .. nob ris. then went to The The of Ice on a tree DroKe off a damage pieces again. telephone weight reer. On out " 2.60 to 8.00 Leering Center— j. B. B y 237 In the flood while trying to swim his July V, 17713, they pealed Pao Ting Fa. all wool, jnt, bteveu company had one wire woiklng through large limb In tbe yard belonging when the Declaration of fndependene was uv UiiO horse across Yellow creek. 1.73 to 7.50 Dauianscotta—M. H. to and another to Lewiston last to Mr. read to Washington*! army, and GOOD WAY FKOM AUKKKMKNT. Fawn Blankets, 7 lbs., Uiouga Bangor the house oooupled by Oeorge Ueorge I’a^t Deermg—G. linn. again on 4. 17P0, they were heard on 1*08 to 10.CO night. It will cost this company a big Bishop, Stevens avenue, yesterday morn- HIVKK6 ABOVE HANKS. July Plush Robes, Fair held—K. H. Kvans. the re-openlng of the church alter Its al- Washington, November 86.—Tbe state Farming ton—H. P. White A Ox sum to its lines outside of the In- strnek with foroe Fu,- 0.00 to 25.00 get city ing. The limb great W. November 86.— most destruction the British has been informed of the W. Mitciteu. Blnghampton, Y., complete by department novl’klll Freeport—JL to shape About nfty men will be set to on the root making a bad bole during the war. were rung again Fryeourg—A. C. Prye. quite Almost continuous rain slnoe Saturday They reached by tbe foreign minis- C. Wbltmora at the lunerals of Linooln agreement Kryeburg—J. work tonight and will oontlnue to work Mr. is quite 111, but bis room was and Washington, Bros. Bishop has raised the Chenango Sne- ters at Pekin. at and the Gardiner—Bussell _ night, and Uoneral Grant. In Cuba, appraised $78,000, W. FUlelC on these lines untlljthey are put into good not very near to where the limb broke Gre u s Lauding—8. quehanna rivers above tbelr banka. Con- It Is not regarded as proper to give oat Campbell block, the property of Airs. Gorfcaiu— L. J. LermomL condition. It will fully three the roof A number of hlr HKHEASE. M. LeavlU A 3o require through siderable property along the low lands FOB NIKS. MAYBBICB'B for at this time any detailed bone s F.H.-S. publication Rate C. Idler, Rath sister-in-law, Gore—i’. K. Uussell. days to repair all the damage done in thlB frleuur saw the dlllioulty and with the has been swept away. Nor fork, Va., No vernier 38.—The Nor- Information respeotlng the agreement. It appraised at $90,334 were sold here today KnigUlVtlio—L. B. Bradford. section of the stats to the tne dam- K. Bllsh. telephone necessary Implements repaired fork friends of Mrs. Florence be stated tbat the under a decree Kulgbtvuie—Ci. WASHOUT CAUSED WHECK. Maybrlck may however, arrange- by U. 8. Marshal Fagln, Keunebunk—J. H One. wires. age. Another limb fell on the roof, but TRAIN. | are again moving In the matter of secur- ment stands a very poor obanoe of receiv- j of foreclosure obtained by W. 8. Jones of KenneouuKport—C. K. Miller. did no N. Y., November 86.—A train Newmau. THE POb'J’AL bUFFEKEl) ALbO. damage. Auburn, of all ths the Livermore Falls-C. ing the release of the unfortunate Ameri- ing the sanotlon powers repre- New York, to Uraoe Campbell, A Wmslua on the Anburn division of the Lehigh | Lewiston—Chandler The Postal Telegraph company’s line THE STORM AT WESTBROOK. can woman from Woking Prison, Eng- sented In tbe Pekin oonterenoe, unless Countess Vod lilttberg Dresden, Long Island—8. ii. Marswu. was wrecked two and a half A. <’>. Grant m Valley will be asked are Limerick—8. tetween Portland and Brunswick Is In land. President McKinley some material amendments permitted a sister of Mrs liatbhone. H. rosier. The sdow and loo storm of Buuday miles north of Moravia today In oonee- HymanT Lisbon—C. very bad shape, hundreds of fallen trees to Intervene In her bebatl. Just what the objectionable features Tbe former block brought $57,500 and Liuson Falls—a. M. Gerry. night and Monday has done considerable qusnoe of a washout. One man was In- Mo^hanir Falls—Merrill A Denning or limbs onstruoting the line. The Asso- There Is no doubt In the minds of any are oan only be surmised In view of tbe latter $55,000 daif.age to trees In this olty. Many limbs jured. t^ti Fo. Deerum— c C. Noyes. ciated Press wires which arc leased from of the Norfolk people who knew the May adverse deoislon of the autorltles respect- Ho.iWaterboro—j. H. ctuse. of the treee, large and small have been No ’Haven—C. 8 Stamp* this company were working all right be- brloks during their residence here, but ing publication. Hutohia broken oil and In several Instances It DHU1T THEES BHOKEN. •‘BKOMO*’ not the uui.m"BK021IDE" Forth Strattoru NU.~J. 0 the was a continued Is reason to believe that :V tween Portland and Boston last night, that husband, who There every For wav—P K was to ths limbs with ««uiiuiu'>■JIOn^ a Kimuaif. necessary prop up snob l.axa'.lve Tablets but Augusta was out elf the olrcult a A large number of fruit trees In vari- arsenic eater, killed himself by an over- the Indemnity proposition has taken In buying Rroinu-Qulnlne A. U. Novas timber to save ths trees from tlui old standard remedy widen cures a c lid breaking of the distrlot were dose of the drug form as to make It F. Couwav—C. ii. Wh'taker. greater part of the night, It being Impos- ous parts Deerlng an exoesslve Impos- In unr day, be aim mat It 4* labeled Brume all to pleoes The laot that Maybrlck was an arsenic Old orchard— Jnn l. ocanamon. sible to get a wire Info that place either badly broken yesterday as a result of the sible for the Chinese government to meet and not Bromide. At all druggists. She. Oxford—C. F. starblro. eater not having been estab- — —. ■ Ths largest tree In the olty, an elm tree definitely r W. A. D Crania. from the oust or west. Bangor and bt. foe storm. lished at his wife's trial for his murder, the demand and this faot, taken In oon- Philipps- In front of the Raymond residence at Bicnffcond—a. ITreoie. John papers were given the Associated the testimony of G. F. Greenwood and neotlon with the unreasonable demands Kumford Falls—if. J. Kolia Cumberland Mills, was one of the tress other reputable business and professional Rocklar.J—Dunn A Carr. Press news by the way of Montreal and COHN GOINU UP. of some of the powers respeotlng punleh.- Co of whlob the branohes had to he men of this to tbe effect that he was Art A *>all Paper propped city «• , but poor Augusta got very little addicted to the habit la valuable and ments, may require oar government to WM. M. A. J. Huston. up The branohes on this tree spread out November 86.—November MARKS, in os. news last from the Chloago, lnduje the new Home .Secre- to have tbe demands moder- Salford—tmfton night outside world. may English make efforts Bkowuegan—H. O. Graves over a olrouwference of 300 feet. Several corn touched 60 cents today. It made tary to reopen the case, ated. South Portland—J. F. WWTluix WllUib TO WKbT ALL KIUHT. •* A trees along the roots of the Western di- an advance of 5c fox the day, of ICe a d. Kieker Hon, So.Portlaa There are Indlcatloor too, that Id these •• W. 11. Mo rlsoa. The Western Union wires to Card through vision of the l’ortland Railroad compa- bushel for the week and ot almost 16o UC 3EKHA| NO CURE NO PAY. efforts our government le to reoelvn the Book, Louth Windham—J. w. Head, th» west were working all right, bat this ny were so heavily laden with Ice that within four weeks. Young Mr. Phillips AND- bouth Pans—A. D. Sturtevant. Your arusitist will refund your money 11 support of one of the most powerful of bouth Paris—F. A. bhunleft A Oe. tbs branohes drooped and struok against sold what oorn changed hands at that boro-G. PAZU OINTMKNT fails to cure Klngwortn, the governments represented at the South Water G. Downs. tbe oar windows. The linemen of the point, shorts Old ths buying that ad- Totter, Old 1. leers mud Burrs. Pimple* and Saco—W. Li Streeter, It aeklioadg un iite l*ue, llelitug Humors. Uau Pekin conference, and one which general baoo- H. H. Kendricks A Os. were all tbe the market to the 6Uo •• L. company kept ba«y through tacoed quotation. druB amt all akin Diseases no matter o! bow of late to have fav- JOB K. Preble. Jy has been supposed PRINTER, Bristol-N. W. in these limbs so was a reaction standing. Trios sou. If Tour drug 1st South Gamaga day trimming np The dosing prlos 40o., long Walsh. should la I a, have it sead us sou iu pot taut ored an extreme position. miNTKKS’ KXCHANQK, Thomas V»u—R. \Y. that would not Interfere with the s B. \ inaL they due to Phillips buying. stamps and we will lor ward sains by iimlLaift Vinal Haven—A. boro—Geo. Bliss. oars. The eleotrlo light and telephone at any llms you no Ify us tnat the oure juiSnol 9? l-*i liclmnie ftU Portland Waldo satlaiaetory si will tom HAXHBONK'S VBOPICK1Y feOCD. wires were but no serious promptly retiifn A Kundlett. badly leed, money. Your will tell mat wo WDcisset?—Gibbs TO Ct'lte A COLO ItOffk DAY uruggiu ymp trouble wae experienced, only a few wires ara reliable, as our LAXAllVJT BUO.MO Hamilton, Ohio., November 88.—The FINE JQB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. wlilch have a local as a result of Take Laastlre Kromo Tablets. All QUININE Tablets, pal rap the of A. being down their weight Quinine f-tr Hellly block, property Major drnvstsu refund the u-ouey 11 It falls to cure ulatlo.i colds, are handled by ail druggists. of loe. PAK1B Mo G. Hath director of k. W. Grove's signature Is on sash Boo. 86s. Add.. MEDICINE Louis, bone, formerly posts IsSSKfixrew

I e i i ot June • Admiral Sey- and aarvloca It u wiCTUAiiMDi imcnmwoim. MI ■U’m.t.ANBOUE. On night sploucns gallantry | mnCTtt*y»oc«. tfrnmm— HrMI* navy, the ranting WORK OF TIE VUV. mour of v> pololad ont that the present system of I advancement In number result* In Injos- —.- ==” t • reeeoe lor ft. the British rolnls-T* ** There ®,11 i!.„ „n,? ttoe to offloers who bars no oholos In tbs him that ‘'onlees those ** It's heceuoe Litem relieved soon, it would be iCf* •**•;.** ■election of tbelr Hilda of duty and a sys- COMPANY’S ExrltAcT 8.80 the next morning a rallai #9100. tem of medals is recommenced. * of MUTUAL under command Admiral Seymour, le very crefully mode 01 The Annual Report started for tbe Chinese capital by train, cattle the' OBITUARY. from the finest the expedition oonslrttng of Vlt Britten world produce^ by ex. Long. oflloers, seamen and marines, SO Uerman, 4 athlete have Secretary 118 Russian, 1#8 French, 118 Amerloan, may good wind, big Life Insurance Go. chemists the* perienced 64 40 and 85 F. GROSS. Japanese. Italian, Austrian, GEORGE — OF — a total ot 8,000. Finding at Langfang 1* Gross, formerly of Portland, that the tallway had been so muob dam- George a at he stride, strength as to as a means of died In Boston, lungs, long great aged render It nseless snddenly Saturday NEW YORK. advanoe, this column, after ten days' was ; driving to bla home In Nowton. In a dlfflonlt without I His Account of the Gillant fforl lighting' country, Mr. Grosi entered carriage on Boyl- tbe transportation, ammunition, or sup- £a and fine but him to the driver orders to endurance, expose in China. plies necessary to an extended cam palgn, aton atreet, and gave Assets January I, IfMIO, Done by the Forces encumbered by wounded to tbe nimber ■top when they reaohed Newton, that be I|301, M4, AST. S3 of and oil from com- 33U, entirely out might give farther directions as to the a of air and he stiffens with Continue,it Guarantee I'm.'I munication front and roar, was obliged, draught null Invisible January location Cf bis horns oir liuonswell ter- Surplus June 80, to fall baok, and having on their I. IUOO. tf'.O.tiOa.UltO.Od retirn marsh the race. captured impirlal Hh n hialns Life lusiiranee armory near a few miles above Instructions the driver Uslkn, Following the he is worthless. So the not the it cost no it Tientsin, there awaited reenforoementa rheumatism; why get best, A Dock Needed his oarrlage at the corner of 'Fre- me Dry Of tbe part borne In this basnnlous ex- stopped re. Be the pedition by the American sailors, honora- mont and Park streets. opened This t ompany issues the most the Philippines. ble mention Is made In all reports. Tbe oarrlage door and looking In, saw that tea buy may be the best grown, attract.ve anil desirable policies, British admiral In a letter to you Lite, I.milfoil himself, Mr. Gross bad fallen across the front Payment Life, tbe senior United .States naval otlloer at Endowment, Guaranteed In- Us to arouse him. kbut 'l'aku, says: seat. attempted come nml Aiinul ies. A hook it to the air and its virtue TO MIL f PEOPLE "I oan not oonclnde my letter without found that Mr. Gross had died. but expose Guaranteed casli nml loan ail in I ra- the expressing to you, sir, tbe high In bis had his address upon It. values. Ba sura you buy 11 pocket ar.d Rceom lion 1 have for Capt. B. MoCalia, the It Is finaurtnl In- # A neat cook Growlh or the Nary After the carriage^ reached Gross the greatest genuine. who accompanied us In oommand of yonr orer Examiner is That is stitution in ilie world nu.l In- book conUininy olltcars and men. Their post was usually family resldenoe.Medloal Utley gone. why tea-experts place for delicate nieiidations for the Future. sures bo:li iiifii ni:d women. 100 recipes In tbe ndvanoed guard, where their seal was oalled end he prouonnoed heart sent free to and wns all. I to dishes go praised by regret failure to be tbe cause cf dealh. Sand a state that MoCalia was wounded on housekeepers. Captain son of Hawaii Gross such value the ^ In three but the Mr. Gross was tbe j high “original pack- postal to Liable’* Ex- places, considering gal- JAMES W. lant way In which he exposed himself 1 of Gloucester. Be came to FITZPATRICK, tract of Meat Co.. P. O. Upper Port-1 SB.—The an am and thankful In and New York. Washington, November only equally surprised land from New Gloncester I860, Box 2718. that he la alive. teas of Chase & Sanborn. Native General nual report of the Secretary of the N'av; entered tbe employ of Woodman, True , Agent, In the meantime the foreign settlement age” maim:. The 1 he was a memter or I PO|lTLAM», lias been made pabllo. repert begin In Tientsin itself was subjected to at- & Co. Afterwards of th that so until the lire GORIIAM. with a history of the operations tack, and oommunloation between the 11 rm and remained in an lead John C. Small, and Taku was On the flavor is In tho Philippines and in China, es city Interrupted of 1800. Then he went to Boston ami en- imprisoned air-tight Ira S. year l'.itb of June adetaohmont of eight officers Sawyer. Secretary the of Jordan,Marsh & Co., i peolally interesting being and 318 enlisted men, chletly from tbe tered employ Thos. E. McDonald, Mrs. Ida Woodbury of Portland spoke AOKnTIA acomut of the part taken by the first of marines dispatched soon beoomlng one of their best Long's regiment sales-1 form. It is China into your | nov26 Pertland, 31 e. d5t at the Congregational In from tbe Newark and Naahvllle he had brought Sunday morning American marines and blue jackets Cavite by men, In whloh line fiw superior!. Mrs. Woodbury the arrived at laku. Instructions were Im- church. represents the relief of Tien Tsln and Pekin. On Be founded a large retail house In New mediately given that his foroe should j American Missionary society, and pre- there two this subjeot, S<>oretary Long, says: take part In the forward movement for Haven, but woe only years, kitchen. sented the work of the New A. L. very dearly Tho Ueet on the Aslatlo Station bni the relief of the besieged at Tientsin. lieturning to Boston he became the | HOOD, and mountain whites in the This a little mire than among the negroes cooperated with the army Philip foroe, aggregating England agent of Arnold, Constable & an and troops BOO too small Vo ac- of the South Mrs. Wuotlbury Is easy pines, transporting oonveylng men, was, however, York. He held this of chartec Its and was Co., of New position word of the life patrolling a wide area badly complish object, speedily and her pictures am his death. speaker waters, sending ont landing parties, driven baok by overwhelming numbers. at the time of were Oxygen Specialist, of the mountain whites aud homes Keeping the oaast dear of tho enemy. Tbe following day, June 88, British, Mr. Gross married a daughter of the ller of Lincoln small have been of grea Russian. Uerman, Italian and Japaneee I of will treatments very vivid, description The gunboats late William Harlow, the jeweler, on the Weston, give flally at value In the landing of arm reenforocmontB arrived, making a com- from 0 n. m to .*« d. m at Room (»7. aoademy, the negro school King's preventing of Middle and street*. for tho Insurgents and oattlng olf illiol bined foroe of about 8,000 men. The for- oorner Exohange and Its work was also especial- mountain trade with and among the Islands. eign olty of Tientsin war entered and t bo Hhe died suddenly about a year ago. Mr. wbloh has characterize! lainou, uu guuud; uivtuiugi v uuv His and Y. M. C. A. ly Interesting. The cordiality Gross had no children. father | Building of all ohurohes the relatlous of the army and navy 11 25, an advance was made to tbe relief of Union Thanksgiving mother are still living, also two brothers, j for three weeks show numerous from olHoeri Admiral Seymour, ’« oommand, who were Portland, Me., only, be held evening at by reports will Wednesday alik' at a miles of N. and Gran- Nov. treat- on duty In the Philippines, and Is Intrenched point about eight Charles Auburn, Y., commencing Thursday, 22nd, E. ohnroh. Kev. Win. Softool street hi. UU»“ ----- movement was all kinds of acute and ner- UITUltaUK’ J from Tientsin. This ville M., of Chloago. He was a member ing chronic, deliver tfte sermon. The disturbed conditions lr wl th little and vous 1. o.: Casbmore will In view of the accomplished opposition, of Portland lodge of Masons, Mt. Vernon diseases, Consumption, Invited Aslatto waters and of the demands upon on the morning of July 14 tbe A people of the village are cordially early Connoll and Portland Bright’s Disease, Rheumatism, Cholera, the In th walled of Tientsin was by ohaDter.lPortland Rug the navy department early city captured Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Neu- to attend. th year deemed It expedient to augment tbe allied forces. Uommandery. ralgia. Heart Affections and Dyspepsia, Mrs. Ida B. KIdlon, State street. Is The oommandei lu this In whlob 38 officers and force In that quarter. action, Ur. Gross bad many friends In Port- Lost Manhood, etc. Mrs. C. of the Aslatlo Station, Pear-Ad KM men, under Col. it la. Meade, par- visiting Ueorge Frye, Portland, In chief all whom remember him as one All Female ar A. K. U. S. land, cf Innovation Diseases, Inflammation, the llr Hamilton Mablo nilral Itemey, was accordingly given ticipated, Capt. Davis, and attended men of their ante assistant, Pear-Admiral Kemplf, to In Marine Corps, was killed at the side of of the best and most genial Ulceration, Prolapsus, Dropsey, lecture and retroversion «»£ the U.terns, Fibroid Saturday evening. sure under oommand cf an officer of rani his commandhg officer In the advanced lie was Uked by all who aoqualntanoe. and Andrews of the University of a division of the II Wiliam D. and and Ovarian Tumors, Polypus Mr. Uuy and experience lleet, trench; Capts, laemly knew him and was universally respect- thi G Hirst Clouts. I Leucliorrln ea. Inflammation and Maine, will entertain a party of friends necessary, In quarter.- distant from Charles l.ong, Smedley Cancer, Almost Immediately there D. Sutler and Henry Leonard were ed. Congestion of the Ovaries, and all irreg- at his home on Preble street. Friday eve- Philippines. alter otrcumstances made It necessary b wconded;a sergeant, a oorporal, and ularities of Menstruation without the use SiOth. ning, November maintain a separate force in Chines two enlisted 'men were killed, and a ser- THE CANNING INDUSTRY. of surgical instruments or poisonous Miss Charlotte Mlllett, State street, en- waters, and the junior rear-admiral wa geant, two corporals und 12 enlisted men drugs. with a t- were wounded. An demand for the beauti- tertained twelve young people at her ordered to proceed squadron increasing Coughs, Colds and Catarrhal affections Taku, China. To record the Instanoes of gallantry Just Gathered the ludus- last Progressive Statistics by cured at once. homo Friday evening. an for our officers and men at the ful self-colored in one and two color When, therefore, arpeal hel; displayed by rf all kinds are caused fun and be trlal Bureau. Rugs Note—Diseases carroms furnished much enjoy- came from tho at Pekin, thl of Tientsin would almost legations capture by the inability of the diflerer t organs to were served. not had an to a of tbe entire has induced us to secure a com- ment. Kefresbments government only adeqnat equivalent publication designs, their function. Sweet- naval force at the nearest seaport town roster. perform The many friends of Mr. Henry Tientsin which have been made given restores these but also was able to send forward lmme The Chinese stronghold at Investigations assortment which is ready for Oxygon property Main who was bo severely In- of plete to a healthful and the Sir, street, dlatelv a force of marines for the proteo was captured early on the morning by the bureau of Industrial and labor organs condition, since will be to Th on the same at- disease oil the natural jured a few weeks pleased tlon of the United States legation. July 14; day systematic statistics concerning oannlng Industries inspection. passes through marine to thl taoks the legations at clianuels. learn that be was able to ride out Satur- small guard assigned upon beleaguered the was ar- In tbe a to to have been completed, and duty under tho command of Capt. Jobi Pekin cease!; an Informal trace Included in this noteworthy collection Consultation Free. If everything has day. T. Myers consisted of 56J officers am ranged at tbe lnstanoe of tbe tsungll- following statement Is given out by the failed to relieve your condition, try the the selectman of the be- The hearing given by men,'made up of detachments from thi yamen; oommunloatlon between commissioner, Hon. ti, W. Matthews: are the Oxygen Treatment. office to the S. and Newark the outside world was partially the town Saturday at their U. S. Oregon The; sleged|tnd tne various In- Inspirators and Medication furnished the were offered cer- In summing np canning Old was reached the Chinese capital In the latte reopened; legations Old Blue, Rose, Westbrook Eleotrlo Light oompany llnd that there are at home for Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, part of May, only o short time before thi tain supplies by the Chinese authorities, dustries of Maine, we attended and muoh Interest at- Whooping Cough and all other Contagi- qilto largely representatives and citizens of forelgi and although subjected to desultory about 170 canning factories of all kinds Olive, Green, u tierce ! ous Diseases under prescrip- manifested. After considerable discussion countries In that olty were subjected u tacks from time to time and to of those fac- Physician’s in tbe Slate; that tile value I tion. two and cut otf from oommanloatlci nnal assault on tne night of August 1J, Dark Blue, the meeting was adjourned for siege that the number of Crimson, with tho rest of the world. were on the following any relieved by the tories Is $1,214,000; Free lecture, illustrated by the Stcre- weeks. Tho annals of history present few ex entranoo Into Pekin of the allied forces. | operatives actually employed In the fao- Gold, Terra Cotta. opticon, Tuesday evening, Nov. 27, at 8 Mrs. Shackford and son of the time of these events both C. A. Hall. Stephen araploo of more dramatlo Interest thai During otrles Is 15,071, anl probably as many j o'clock. In Y. M. Mass., formerly of Gorham, the story of the beleaguered legations li rear-admirals were In Chinese waters Tickets can be had upon at Charlestown, more ore In supplying tne sizes and colors to order. application trow June the date oi T'belr and effiolenay are highly employed Special is 111 with Pebln, hi), 1000, prudenoe the office. diphtheria. which the Herman minister was klllc commendable. factories; that tbe amount paid in wages A deal of interest is being mani- great and the siege began, until August 1 Among the recommendations made In In 1880 was about $1,400,080; that there to be fested in the entertainment given when the allied forces entered the Chines was to the formers for $081,UX); the port Is that the offioe of vice admiral paid corn, of the Thornes FI, capital. Official and unofficial reports and that the value of the entire paok of under the^ auspices Is also recommended that W. T. KILBORN COMPANY, tho dispatches of our minis be revived. It factories In Maine In 1888 was Wentworth camp. Sons of Veterans, particularly all the show that the American marines bor the statutes bo amended so that service Over acres of land were ltld- ter, $5,800,028. 11.0C0 Tuesday evening,"November 27th at share in the burdens of defens State In their full In Porto liioo, the Hawaiian Islands, planted to sweet oorn In the 1880, Carpet Merchants, lon hall. In addition to those already during this memorable siege. The Unitei iiud Maine was third In the United States FOR Guam and the Philippines may be de- Mrs. Mildred and Dr. States legation was situated just instdi in Ihe of 6weet corn, Mow Yotk Ij. announced, Soule, conning THANKSGIVING.] to be service seas within II of and near to thu wall of the Tarta clared beyond and IUlcols second. In tbe 24 FREE STREET. will take also being Hist Charles H. Hldlon part, wore assaulted city. When the legations the meaning of the law. The treasury canuiDg of sardines Maine stands alone, * Meat Mrs. Lillian J. Parker will serve as ac- the American detaohment In tbe Union en- Choppers. Immediate!; department has held that inasmuch as no other state being J occupied a on the city wall, In tbls The of I For Family size, of the kind that companist. position of gaged Industry. canning J ^ oi es these places are under the jurisdiction clamp and extra cutter with % Kx*Uov. lloble Is In Bangor attending strategic point great Importances clams, blueberries, apples, beaus, squab, \t cuts; tabllthed and Improvised a sandbag for the United States, naval offioers serving pumpkin and small fruits seem Is to be f each mac hi no. a meeting of the trustees of the Insane enabled them to defend thi there, which there are no! entitled to the extra com- on the Increase, and there appears to be • Price, SI.25 each the hospital. Ha Is chairman of hoard. section of wall Immediately oommand In) no reason why tbe Industry should J, pensation for servloe “beyond seas." It good The district schools of the town are the legations, and, although repeated!, not lnoreubs largely lu the packing of the marines who Knives. attacked by overwhelming numbers, am Is also pointed out that named articles. It seems to be con- % Carving having their fall vacations. these j on two oocasiona driven for a few min served In China and Guam did not re- ceded that tbe corn, apples and berries ol A keen edged Carver tempered Lewis of South J .) Itev. George and wife utes Irom the were never are In to the the \ wall, they per ceive tbe extra pay provided for service Maine superior quality 0 to cut, will make you onioy Berwlok are a few days with manently dislodged, nut held this vita sumo lu other states, task of Wo have laid out passlug in Porto products owing, 0 carving. until relief came. the Philippines, Hawaii, Hloo, to ollmutlo conditions. There their son, Dr. Phillip Lewis, Main street, position doubtless, WISDOM 0 a lot for this i* Some days before the siege began, anc Cuba aud Alaska as only these pla»s are Is no Industry In tbe rotate that Itev. Mr. 1 .ewls Is from a certainly applied lo B recovering while railway communication with th > It Is that the has more ramifications than the # named In the act. argued oaDntng Is 5pocialSaieatSI.50nair severe Illness. Chinese was still In kind of practice 0 of them Sheffield steel and oapltal open, arrange beueilts of the law should be extended to industry. every cunning, Many J. £Mr. Frank Skillings of Gorham, is at- raents had been made lor the proinpl men, women and children aie employed called 0 l uge stag handies, sold regularly for the of the live the men who did the work In China and The tending Gray's business college, Port- dispatch, protection at remunerative wages. canning • at ^2.50pair. i* and property of Americans In the cltr served In Guam. faotorles give many poor people the only land. of another and detaonment Iron 1 that PLtTEU KNIVES, larger During the year the battleships Ala- opportunity for earning money they jj Mrs. Lucy Hall, who Is spending a few our fleet at Taku. This ssoond detaoh have, and many a family In our State I’OKKS AND SPOONS. bama, Kehtuoky and liearaargo have PRUDENCE ? S mi nt was made up ohlelly of seamen has reason to feel toward those weeks with llev. S. H. Sawyer, will pass gratitude The Prudent • under oommand of Capt. Bowman U been accepted by the navy department. mho Intwwlsi/'uit «nal hstvia itrlknnml fr.hss Standard goods at lowest prices. < the winter In Boston. ^ United States Navy, and wa 1 tbe the boats of the State to Its JTlnn * MoCalla, and cruiser Albany, torpedo canning Industry prer- Always The great toe storm did considerable In the of J una to condition. The ready early part joli Craven and Dnhlgren, and[the submarine ent prosperous canning to sbade and frnlt trees In Gor- In such expedition! as the other govern of lobsters In Maine has entirely oeused, M. & damage also been added to tbe N. PERKINS CO., ments Interested might determine to sent I boat Holland nave that branoh ol canning now be ing carried 1 ham,'the streets In the village were al- \ forward from their fleets at the mouth o : navy. Xhare are now fifty-three vessels ot on in the maritime provinces ol Mew S 8 Free St. with broken limbs. INSURES. i A most blocked the river. novI3Tu,Tn,Stf all classes under construction, Including Brunswick and Nova Bootla. I seven submarine boats. Interesting TUB HAKPOOT CASK. tables In tbe report show the naval oon-' New York, November 80.—The Con- struotlan In progress abroad and In this E. O. JONES cfc CO., stantinople correspondent of the Berliner oountry as follows. CORONA Tageblatt says a despat oh from Berlin Laid Down In 1200. INSURANCE AGENCY. state^that the reason why the Porte re- oetMdeodtl CERESOTA Battle- Torpedo fused an exequator to the newly ap- DRESS Nation, Cruisers. Vessels. Total. ships. United States consul at ..r ii ■nwivwrmrmmm Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons pointed Harpoot Is because when a missionary he was un- England,-44,000 28.100 8,600 141,200 to the Turks and spread nntrue Trance, 45,100 6,780 50,880 friendly NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SHIELDS. Uermany, 44,400 16,810 2,100 61,800 stories about massacres. The consul will W.86I a Italy, #1,500 82,000 1,360 however, in spite of the Porte leave for Sealed proposals for the erection of Mamin Flour Japan.- 8,800 1,750 10,550 Training School Hulkliug to be built 01 The Corona Dress Shield commends it- to take np his new duties. As Kussla, 83 KOI 81,030 4,350 02,080 llarpoot the comer of Casco and Cumberland Knack The self to user. rt is manufactured of 1,070 20,170 the American battleship Kentuoky is on streets will be received at the Mayor’? every U. S., 12,800 18,800 — Makes the most of ai UMIIII .Ill ---• a material which Is health-1 her to It Is office until the eighth clay December. 1900, I_LI «■ newly discovered way Smyrna extremely prob- twelve w hen will be Porte will o'clock, noon, they publicly odorless, antiseptic and perspiration economical and Total Now Under Construction. able that the give away. read. am ful, opened and Plans, specifications is Made of iinest Nainsook without further Information may be obtained at till Of Good Printing proof. bread. England, 264,800 236,760 12,250 602,700 A SUM API SUKP1SIMU. V. rubber. It can be boiled, washed and appetizing office of Frederick A. Thompson, architect, the artistic into the Pranoe, 21,080 143,630 3,800 108,5t0 M. C. A. Building. Bids should be marked insight at will, without to the £00 Zanzibar. November 86.—The Somalis Ironed, Injury Uermany, 111,000 82, 2,800 146,300 “Proposals for Manual Training School Build- “ of ali arts." shield. Strictly acids or inju- The most sensitive have risen In a of addressed to Frank W. Bobinson art preservative pure—no Italy, 75,000 46,800 1,300 183,160 Zubaland, province ing**' and materials user!. British Bast Afrloa. About 4U00 well Portland, Maine. rious can eat it Japan, £0,400 17,400 2,240 50,040 Mayor, With us is not 2 Corona Shields for Bust dyspeptic armed men are In the war Matt- The right Is reserved to reject any or all pro printing Use No. Kussla, 150,220 TOM.tSSJ 10,850 253,720 path. for Interests ol without Con; mlssloner Jeoner, who has been on a posals should it be deemed the mechanical—we treat it as an measure under 34 inches. uncomfortable U. S., 86,2JO 12,220 6,700 the so to do. uov29dtd tmr Inland with a small force, Is said to city No. 3 for 34 inch. Monitors, 12.240 77,740 art should be treated. results. blvo been attacked. His position Is grave No. 4 for 30 to 38 inch. The of which the ad- general board, and It Is doubtful whether he will be able Wouldn't it be wise for you to No. 5 over 38 inches. Five pounds of Cefe- miral of the navy Is president, recom- to return safely to the seaport, Klsmayn. If above directions are followed tlie * from have been I a trial order with us ? mended the following inorease of tbe Itelnforoements Mombasa place Corona Shield will absolutely protect sota Flour will make sent to Klsmayn. navy: Battleships, 2; armored cruisers, tlio dress. more and better Ask for them at our Notion bread 2; gunboats, 0; destroyers, S; torpedo Depart- ment. 2. PRINT It- neither bread than six pounds boats, 8; transport, 1; training ships, Have In THE THURSTON requires SSStfS* MffiSVyJ!the ino*t ol«tln»t« Tbe reoommendB the oonaruotlon for of curoa. W« solicit — report proofs 86 labor nor skill to make of flour and cimeH. We have cared the *ror*t ruN tu 18 to nay*. 17 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET ordinary of a dry dock of tbe largest olass In the QSpital MOO.OK). lUO-nuge book FUEL. No lnaoch office! bread from Cere- the bread remains fresh Philippines and points out that the Cook remedy co. 'PHOr.S 30 PORTLAND, MAINE good Jin Temple. Chicago. Ill sota Flour. grounding of the Oregon showed >bt need Masonic cc, longer. rinesIros.uov2ldlw of such a dock. The health of the officers and men of HAIR ON LADIES’ FACES. Consolidated the navy and marine corps has been re- 'I ho Zaute Hair Destroyer, a harmless liquid EVERY WOMAN The Northwestern Milling Co.,, of hair. It not KINDLING. markably good considering tbe faot that for the removal superfluous Sometime* needs a reliable only remove, the hair perfectly clean In five regulating medicine. so of them are on In the but vrlTl. If every third day, monthly Minn. many duty mluutos applied Pine Mill Waste, $4.00 per cord. remove it The length of I DR. PEAL'S Minneapolis, There are seventeen vacan- permanently. Philippines. lime It takes to entirely destroy it depends on Kiln driea. list of assistant of hair. will we will cies In the surgeons. the strength the *1.90 express paid. pILLS, Your grocer supply you—I# not, The reoommendatlon for tbe establish- Send lor circular. PENNYROYAL J. H. MOUNTFOBT, ! Are prompt safe and certa'r In result. ThoHem* ment ot a naval reserve In addition to Lorering’s Paris Hair Store, | ine (L>r. ml's) never disappoint $1.00 per box. Cor. Porllnml unit At. Joliu 8l» €11 AS. B. VARUfEY the states Is renewed. 430*8. eod2w* €0., tie naval mllltla of 1000 Washington SI., Boston. For rale by C. II. GUPPY * CO.. Portland, f.lcjihoue IVliller’s Agents, Portland, Concerning the rewards of offices for oon- octu eodtl | Maine* tu.tUSs.

■ ijc. Vi^Us w ... -r .. / In* ot the Portland boat last evening lie has played at let! tackle on the steam Jknd Mid be wae bad no money CREDITORS WVr M. for two years. hungry, NO SIGNS OF LIFE and wanted to go home. He wae taken CMYK BATH GOOD GAME. to tbe polloe station and boosed. To Magistrate Crane, this morning, BREATHE told tbe above facta. Crane le a HYOMEI Jodge Partlaad Last By On Ueal La it INSURE YOURSELF ACAINST natlvs of Lowell, Maes., where he spent f in Case of Law Invoked Night. hie early years, and the boy’s story ex- cited his sympathy. I wanted to see New November SB—Portland gave Anna Gould. Bath, York,” said the boy, In tailing bis story COUGHS. COLDS, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS What- Bath an tonight. Innervating game Schooner’s Battered Hulk to the judge. And now you've eeeD KT Initial In mough trade hi* appearance Inquiringly suggested hie honor. CONSUMPTION. Portland and well AND thte olty with played tbe team ’’Yes,’' replied boy. The home team won hy caperlnr Ashore. home? "And you re willing to go Dollar we Cuaranteeto IProtect You From tending waa a feat- For One Her Infume work. Mallory-* goal Inquired the judge. Injnnrlion Redncing line and anmmary: these Diseases the Wintsr. ure. The up "You bet 1 am," said Nell, as be during Coming 1'ortland. Asked For. Bath. Poaltlon. stepped down from the bridge. FAIL. on YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IF WE Meronr Brat ruab Campbell Judge Crane wrote "Discharged’ MoGIlvray aeoond ruab Whatmongh the oomplalnt atid Nell will be given oenter MoKay Murtangh a good temporary borne by tbe Gerry eo- O Bara holf back Cameron If liave any doubts as to our ability to do this, ask your What Remained of the olety until bis relatives are communi- you Burgee. goal Mallory Health Rest To Be to cated with. doctor or read the United States Reports published January Applied Goals. Won By. Made By;_Time. Schooner Advance. 1900. The use of HYOMEI during 1899 reduced the death rate 1— Bath MoGIlvray 1.86 5th, Debts. •<* The Nell Brooke referred to in the 2- Bath Meroer from respiratory diseases 30 per cent in the United States alone. »—Portland Campbell above dispatch Is known at Cumberland 8.06 • ICO si 886 ®new not be liable tor her debts or those of Mercer, Bath, to go to pieces as sbe will probably do be- Gardiner, 117 88 198 Oak husband and undoubtedly the trus- Dawson, fore Sloe quarter Table, 'I $10.30 any Lewiston, 114 £7 188 morning. Hlpson, “ “ tees will feel It to be their duty to have MoGUvray, Bath. 106 26 190 The Advance suited from St. John, N. © Chairs, ^ 14.30 (he will In £6 187 this provision In oarrleu out Tarrant, Kockland, 108 B early tn the month, bound tor Boston •* “ 88 7 115 1 Sideboard, J 10.00 Its full extent or as far as possible. She Whatroough,Portland, with a cargo of alewlves and shingles Spencer, Gardiner, 117 21 168 no nor has the court con- i his oontiol any 168 87 150 She was last reported at Southwest Bar- Atlantic Campbell, Portland, trol over the sum which to 1U6 15 186 rrom wmoo sou i lA-inolpal goes Doe, Lewiston, Dor, an uesert, port Range, Complete Net, $4*7.00 11 f her children after her death. Walton. Kockland, 108 91 last week. She wan 99 tors ^ ■ailed burden, A in the foreeolnir statement. It Is said RUSHES. DU leet In length, 97 feet beam and drew Ollier Suites from $2S.©0 to $133.00. the creditors claimed at tile .She was owned J proceedings Player ClubWon Dost P. C. nine feet of water. by In furls whereby Mr. Uoorge E. Could P. Brown of St. John and wae built In Dinner Sets, 112 $7.30, $10.73, $11.30. Lewiston, 93 48 669 pieces, for his Hlpson, was appointed guardian sister Mercer, Bath, 76 67 672 St. Martin's. Au line ot Fancy Crockery at very low prices. Also that tha Idea of the Could family woe Campbell, Portland, 81 81 6U0 elegant 52 89 392 Silver Ware uud Sets. to get possession of the Income of the Tarrant, Kooklaud, SAW ALL THEY WANTED. Carving Dawson, Gardiner, 49 97 356 Cl cun tees l)e t'astellane and force her creditors to settle on their own terms. PEAKED, INDIAN UPRISING t’uuib«rl«ud MIIU Boys Who Visit**! This Is obviously a mistake as the only 2 RUls, Col., November 20.—Game Com- K«w York. effect of tbat Is to prevent her proceeding missioner Johnson and his deputies pro- frcni’iucumng Iresb wlthont obligations ceeded to Meekle by stage today In an the consent of ber brother." New York, November 84.—Nell Biles, effort to drive tbe Indians who are now S. DAVIS wbo he lives at Cumberland ROSCOE slaughtering Colorado game, hack to aged ID, says CO., LIKES THE DUKE. Me a ft w miles from H. S. I>avis, Pres. F. K. Haskell, Trrns F.. P. ltamsdell, V, Pres. their reservation. Mills, Portland, was Kssex Market court Denver, Col November 26 —Adjutant In the .this -Ol'F.H S.iTlIKDAV KVI.MAkS.-— with but the Mr. Zimmerman Appears Highly General Overmeyer today ordered troop morning, charged vagrancy, nov94-3t magistrate discharged him and placed Fleaicd W ith Ills Sou*lu>Law. A, cavalry, at Grand Junction, to be 1 him In of the If It ^iS .f readiness tor Immediate call In case Gam charge Carry soolety. le found that Bliss Is the truth Maoufactura I and Retailed Porlland Slow Foundry Compin', Commissioner Johnsons’ force should telling /|\ bf $ New York, November 28.—Eugene be will be sent home. Street. w not be eqnal to the Indians In tbe White Foot of Chestnut Zimmerman, whose daughter was mar- The little fellow attrooted a deal | River dlstrlot. Pear is expressed tl at good ried to the Buke of Manohester a week or of attention, aa be differs greatly from Commissioner Johnson will make.the at- MACHINE so ago In England, was Interviewed here the Be wae clean and €€€ €€€€ tack the Indians over- average vagrant. %!!:€€€€€€€€€€ THANKS- upon against today. He said: hla elothea though oheap, were tidy, lie whelming odds. “1 nave come here to meet my daughter baj the twang that distinguishes the W1HH OF uhakl.es hoyt. oeptlon ot Mr. Hojt’s homestead at GIVING and her husband. After they have rest* DOESN'T REMAIN PIRK PHOOP. tree state resident. pine Charlestown la bequeathed to his exeou SHOP, td here a few days he will go to Cincin- Biles tells tha old of the 2 Washington, November 26.—The Secre- atory country New York, November Iffi.—The will of tors In trust to apply 1100 a year for the nati and a reception will be given at my desirous of the was NEEDS tary of tha Navy has received a report boy seeing metropolis, Charles H. Hoyt, tbe playwright, proper care of hie maueeolum to pay all home. Tbe Duke Is a line, manly fellow. to Investi- his and desirous of otUoe 59 KENNEBEC STREET, from a special board appointed satisfying curiosity bled today In tbe surrogate'! by taxes and expenses for repairs of the In I like a man who went to work as he Silver gate the merits of fire proof wood ss a returning home, but without tbs money Howe & Hummel,in whose office the will homestead at Charlestown, and after Sterling did as a man when he was newspaper material for naval vessels, which In sub- to do so. was executed on October 15, lbttb. these charges have been satisfied to pay or Plated Forks here, borne of his articles were first rate, stanoe finds that the present prooesaes of Bliss Is small for his ags. He with Tbe testator directs tbat bis body be to Frank McKee half the remaining In- too. At no time was 1 to his and Serv- opposed wood, so far as tbsy bavs been Nell Brooks of Cumberland Mills, his burled In the mausoleum at CbarlA- oome for hla life. Spoons, treating In order to aceomm d&t« our we to Those stories patrons marriage my daughter. tried In the navy, are In that brother-in-law's brother, ran away from N. H., which bas been erected by ""Cat of tbe monies remaining from tmperfeot town, ha\e put In auxiliary electrlo power to enable ing Pieces, Table are all moonshine." not retain home about three months and stowed tbat tbe of the deceased the will the wood does permanently ago him and body sueh Income, 1 direct," says, us to run our sb ip flights. "Is it true that the Bake Is In a bad and Cut the die proofing. They recommend the away on one of the Portland steamers wits, Caroline 41 Hoyt, be laid tbereln. "that tbe same tie distributed equally Cutlery f" way Unanolally asked the reporter. opening of the bids for fire proofing to s plying between this city and the latter. He direct* that out of tbe preoeeds of between the Lambs, a olub of the olty of Adde & Co. be "I there Class,can sup- guess won't be any dliUouliy wider competition to meet develpmsntS Arriving here the boys found employ- bis life Insurance a trust fund be oreated New fork, Incorporated in 1877, and about bis debts Not at all. Tbat does In ths art. ment on a canal boat. Bliss worked for for Isabella 5ioK.ee, bis partner's daugh- tbe Actors" fund of the olty of New plied here. not make BOER REFUGEES IN NEW YORK. anv differsnoe. 1 don’t oare to his board, but Brooks, he says, was paid ter. York. 1 do further direct that the said speak about tbe New November*!!#.—Among ,the marriage portion. Tbat 116 a month. To tbs mother and slstor of Caroline homestead be so maintained for tbe use York, Geo .T. Is a bat arrived steam- private matter, there won’t be Will Boom His Business. A few days ago the oanal boat on wbloh kllakel Hoyt, go,UGU la bequeathed joint- ot the said Lambs so long as the said passenger, wbo today per Spriuger, trouble about debts. from were aDy Tbe Bake Is S. Daval, a merchant of Dallas, Tex., they were employed was tied up for the ly; W. H. Curtis gets glU.tiOO; Klwood 41 shall exist, but tbe same shall be er Statendam Rotterdam, 313 Covgres, Si, into British He writes: “1 thought I would have to " from the South African re- novMeodtf going politics le enti- give winter and both were discharged. They Hasher, tbe testator's ‘T'fe-loug friend," known at a Pasture for Lambs live refugees after two of Hoyt tled to a seat House up business, years suffering of are commis- In.tbe of Cords and tried to llnd other but Is a of and a 55 The executors are Frank McKee New publics. They 8. Pearson, from geueral debility brought ou by over- employment, given bequest |10,UUU per h* Is to turn bis attention to Herbert W. Hond of Charleetown, of the Transvaal going poli- work and long hours, but four bottles failed, and deolded to stow away on one cent In r arest In all tbe plays Mr. Hoyt sary general army; '* N. 11 and Thomas H. Clarke of New ties of Eleotrlo Ritters me new life. I the line steamers and return or was at the time Commandant W. Snyman of the Orange gave of Portland owned Interested In tors can now eat well and olty. anything, sleep home. of bis doatb. Pres State; H. Snyman, Jr., A. Eleben- ooast and thenoe by steamer to Europe. feel like all the time. It's the fIlIELlfti-EXETEK 8 CAPTAIN. working TJ EMll ARK LOKD KOHEKTS Hercules D. of Hearson be bae never to.n out best medicine on earth.1’ It's a wonder Brooks succeeded la getting aboard, He dlreots tbat Frank McKee conduct berg and Vlljoens Sny- says of Exeter, N. H.. November 28 —Karl F ful (onto and health builder for tired, hut Biles was detected In the act and bis theatrical business to receive all Capo Town, Norember 86.—The Krlt- mun's commando. Mouth Africa before and doea not know a and run-down Brill, ’OB, of Hazleton, fa., was tonight wenk, siokfy people. Try was put off. tbe proUts except tbat bequeuWiei to l*h steamer Canada, Capt. Maddooks, Cen. Pearson says that his party was single person In the world outside of It. Hatisf notion guaranteed. Only 60o •boson of tbe walked to Polloeman ■ for to chased over the border Into South Africa. He will stay bare several oaptaln fbilllps-Exetsr at H. P d, Gooltl, 677 Congress etrest BIPs up Mullacky Uaeber. tiled tot ay Durban, presumably Portuguese made their and aoademy football eleven, for next year drug store. jt the 7th preelnot short* after the sail- The residue of tbs estate, with the ex- 3iubark Lord Roberts. territory. They way to the days then go to Washington.

f which he desires to be an Irons. baoh man was beld In gSCU ball city. or the out-pat lent department The profession Capt. John r. Tenney. honorable member. □log. court. [Funeral on afternoon at 2 o’clk. private rooms have been occupied by 157 tor Wednesday of the treasurer of the Infirmary at her late residence. 41 Iltgti street. patients, and too wards by 8fcl patleuts, "Report In tills city, No?. 26. Elizabeth F., daughter in all 688 Of the for the November 10fh, 1900. YARMOUTH. ana making in-patlenta year ending TO BEAT THE PAPER TRUST. of Elizabeth J. the late Martin Bropby, wer 1 patients tOS paid for board at the aged 8 years. late ot one dallar per d y; 19 paid a part Receipts. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clk, from her late residence, 44 street. ot their board, and 54 wer© entirely free. Cash on hand at of the Not sinco tbe loe storm In Febru- Newbury beginning great In this city, Nov. 20. Alice widow of The whole nun)bar of days of board of «51 26 Tile In.ihauidble Scrub Palmetto May Murphy, year, 9 ary, ItsHO, bus there been anything in the late James Murphy. was 11,619 days. The number of State of 6,0dJ 00 Wood patients Appropriation, Maine, Yarmouth like tne storm of literal Pulp. f Notice of Juueral hereafter. of free board to was beard- i yesterday. days given patients From paying patients lor 1 Boston papers copy. so muob to tbe £3*0. it bring rne-hfth of the whole num- ing and nursing, 14,808 87 Tbe noble elms that add In Gorham, Not. 25. Mrs. Ida W, Emmons, 24 5 ber ol days lI board furnished to all pa Interest, dividend* and rents, 4,671.88 of tbe have been bent daughter of Horace Cressey, aged years beauty village Savannah News.) months 27 tlents, and costing the Institution more National Traders* lu re- (Fromjihe davs, bank, beneath the heavy weight of los, and tbe Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock, than ten times what has teen given it for of 188 83 The saw or "sabal serru- [Funeral duction capital, palmetto, from the residence of Horace Cressey. 250.00 street! and sidewalks are littered with HOW that purpose. Free bed subscription, late,^ as the scientists oall It, Is lndlge- lu Bath. Nov. 23, Capt. Lincoln Fatten, aged The calls for free board In addition to from executors of Ira 1*. Far- tbe branches that have been torn oil. 01 11 months. dous to tbs soil ol South Carolina, years free treatment continues to be frequent rington, 28,060 60 Tbe "no school" sounded early In In B*tb, Nov. 23. Capt. John S. Wiggln, aged and urgent and provision should he made Withdrawn from bank for pui- Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi 71 years. A tne morning, and tbe streets have pre- lu Nov. 23. Susan, widow of ABOUT to fundi lor this demand in order chase of 11,831.65 and In the tidewater sections Georgetown, supply bondB, Loulslaua, Charles Stevens, 0(1 11 months. that the minister to the sented a deserted appearance. It has been aged years lnilrmary may and just beyond. It Is an extremely In Glenberu, Nov. 20, Bern 1>. Wilson, son of wants of ihe deserving pom- and keep its 165.014 06 unsafe to hitch a horse anywhere outside, David o. and Total, and Gnoe Its I'lrna Wilson. within its receipts This hardy vigorous growth. In Nov. Mrs. Clare wife of Thos. expenditures Lisbursein ants and pedestrians nave not oared to venture Saco, 20, K., service has been limited for the past year roots are set In a soli they can be re- \\. Underwood, aged 40 years 11 months. were materi- out more than was absolutely necessary. In Nov. C. L. Owen Smth. 42 THANKSGIVING to 73 ot the in-patients who Construction, 8 933 31 moved the most industrious and Bath, 10, uged the two only by ally assisted in the preservation or resto- Subsistence, 7,078.21 Many of the wires are down, and years. This service thorough grubbing. In very many ration of sight or hearing. Furnishings, 488 36 | villages. Were enveloped In darkness last calls for a high degreeof discretion in and 608 17 plaoes the palmetto scrub covers whole Laundry engine room, night. Mr. Hoamuion, tbe eleotrlolan, orJer that its beneficence may not be di- Hospital, medical and surgical •‘lists’' of many acres with au almost im- i will be for a or two OVERCOAT, from its truo to 71.8 43 busy day repair- verted object, namely, supplies, kept barrier of affec- passable tangled undergrowth. help those who arc suffering from j Repairs, 2,742.05 ing damages. At tbe upper village es- are Until within the very recent past the tlons of the eye or ear and without; insurance, 203 00 pecially tbe storm made havoc. Tbs means to afford them relief and therefore Taxes, 315 00 saw palmetto has been looked upon as SUIT, HAT, oars run the and eve- are of true It calls for a 29.77 trolley dnrlng day Ox Tail worthy charity. ice, an unmitigated nuisance. The oost of higher dugree of discretion than the ad- Stationary and printing, Includ- ning with a good degree of regularity. clearing an acre of lana of the growth mitting of persons in the out-patient de ing annual report, 360,02 The nig storm interfered seriously men t which lo intended for the 80 22 was often ranch than the prloe of CLOVES, SHIRT, part only Sanitary company, with the attendance at tbe enter- greater or In tbs in- opening poor who ere unable to pav, bonds lor ilfioers, 37 50 a dozen a ores of the how- Surety of the s oourse last evs- rough. Lately, Soup. patient department, which treats in and tolls, 43.10 tainment People Telephone ever, the plant has been receiving more wards those poor persons who can afford Sundries, 60.20 | mag. Tbe speolul features of the pro- OR NECKWEAR? because it 05 consideration. It bus been discovered only to pay their, board, ad; Fuel, water and lights, 8,904 gramme were tbe drum solos by Major ministers a trues of money value to por- and 0,602.00 the saw Is both a source Better start that Thanks- Salaries wages, Ilfs of J. C. lien* that palmetto and unless this Is done with the 60 ; Hendershot.the playing sous, Ronds bought, 30,795 1 health and of and the tbe solo Mrs. William of wealth, proba- Dinner The greatest care and discrimination 1C sinks National Iradeis* bank for rights dersbot, piano by giving right. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN THIS j are that at a not tar in the a on 133 33 bilities day to the level of personal gratification j to? 1 1-3 shares of stock, Uennett, tbe recitations by Miss Abble first course should be sort the of those who bestow it and les- fond future It will be added to the part Fart of Farrington placed Mae Frcst and Miss Plelen Pendleton, largely sens ol those who receive 45 Some- the sell respect on deposit, 10,433 prosperity of these sections which form- of anticipatory. AND TOMORROW EVENING which is too often the beginning of 4926 and tns solos by Ur. U. M. Nickerson EVENING it, Cash, erly cut It down and oast It Into the hre. the for mendicancy. who sang “The Eternal Ulty,1 and "The thing to pave way and 66 The medlolnal of it have been WITH SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR The work of founding, mantatning Total, 966,014 Erl King.” properties of or this the feast good things superintending the affairs charity were eleottd: found very valuable In the treatment The following oflloe/s Mr. Uale Dudley has gone to Penna- Cl VINO BUYERS. have required services which have made other and vari- that are to follow. A THANKS Vice Albion Little, Annul of kidney and troubles, a lasting impresdon upon me and 1 have presidents, cook, N. H to spend Thanksgiving. treas- ous medicines manufactured is the been forcibly reminded by my reoent ill- Whitney; secretary and assistant Albert Partridge has gons to Hebron proprietary delectable soup ness that 1 must some ot these three from the saw palmetto are now finding relinquish urer, F. W Searle; trustees for with his father. Our line of care6 and respon si bill ties their Into the markets. proper thing. years (term expires 1903) M. P. Frank, Kev. U. A. Hrooks and family have way STANDARD CLOTHING CO., Dr. Holt devoted 6ome spaoe in his re- W. S. The roots are rich In tannlo acid. Sev- Soups is unlike many C F. Libby, W. U. Mllllken, gone to Monmouth to spend Than! s- port to an account of the unveiling ot the eral factories for the acid are 544 Street. Eaton, U. S, Osgood, John V. Stevens, glvlng at tbe former borne of Mrs.Hrooks. extracting others in that they have Congress bust of Payson Tucker,recently presented Fred already In operation In Florida, and oth- E. R. Winslow, U J. Chisholm, Miss Ueorgla White sold thirty-seven of as well as to the institution by Mrs, Tucker. 11? are Leather tanned with plenty body Low. Seth G. M L., was ers projected. N. Uordon, People's course tickets and secured tne * then reviewed the history of the Institu- acid from the Palmetto is said to be the taste which elected a member of the board of trustee* special premium of |16. exquisite tion at some length. If not to the best oak or in place of William M Marks, deceased. equal, superior, has made canned goods In conclusion Dr. Holt stated: hemlock-tanned stock. As the palmetto WELDINGS. at the thn sum total ot thoso famous banquets In united pflnrts WKS4HKOOK BKMXhAKi, oosts hardly more than the gathering, and gilts of tbe let us at ******** *********** people, glance acid from It oan be produced at less cost world over. Don’t leave H« ******** ******** ******** wbac has been accomplished. We have' The Seminary football team disbanded MUUPUY—PUATT. these which for than from any other source, 'i'he market bill of fare. -- buildings, size, arrange- as there were no this off your for the year last weak November26.—The ment ana completeness compare favorably Dockland, marriage for It, theerfore, Is safe. For uanutac- LISTEN!! more games arranged. The team wished wltu any institution of the kind in the took place In thla city thla morning of I). earn articles as uasaetg, mats, Au- taring | world We have over to meet the Edward Little eleven of registered twenty j M. Murphy, tecently elected treasurer ol hats, eta.. It woaia seem that tnere ought The foolish man says, ♦ thousand patients, with an attendanoe of burn on neutral and oil the be a held for the It grounds play Knox aud Miss Martha li. Pratt. to great palmetto. O. C. over a hundred thousand, and with over county, Elwell, “I’ll take ♦ between tbe two bat tbe Au- was extensively made use of during the my chances; my tie teams, is well known Si. Mr. Murphy throughoal war of secession by tbe women ot the 791-796 CV>ugre*» • harn team would on their home won’t burn; there- only play the state, especially among those In- couth In malting such urtioles, and It 1s nov€7dlt property E001) IN NEW YOKE. and this was not to be a grounds judged terested In horse racing. safe to say that thousands of the articles ore, 1 don’t need to insure i fair thing by the Seminary* so they did made then are In serviceable condition so durable Is tbe material. not play. The team's record this year SPECIAL THANKSUlVIN(i BALE. today, All Bipcrltuicd Phyilli.ll’l work. One of tbe most Important uses for has been a vary brilliant one. Ootober IS, We would call the attention ot out which, tbe saw palmetto Is available, The mean man says, “I cannot afford to insure my property; ♦ Uorham High, here, soore 34-0, favor of readers to the special Thankgiving salt however. Is the making of paper. In va- rious of H is has of f Dr liylunde AlucUrath In experiment- Seminary. October 13, North fleering, wbioh is to be held on Wednesday al parts Asia, said, paper * it’s a waste money.” been made from this stock tor many ing on tbe result ot food on bis own body, here, soore, 17 0 favor of Seminary. Oc- Uren Uocper'a Bona. It needs only a Z man says, “I’ll take no chances; I’ll insuie ♦ years, and so oheaply that not even our The wise, practical “After four tea* score says: eating heaping tober IB, University of Maine, here, casual perusal ot their advertisement u wood-pulp papa' has been able to oom- $9.67. 2 if fate goes against m \ I’m safe anyhow.” of with a little In favor with It a for mak- | my property; of October spoons Drape-Nuts cream, 11-0 Seminary. £0, see that very exceptional bargains are be pete lately factory rather be? The the mean or the 2 from the saw has Who would you foolish, 1 had ocoaslon to walk about fourteen : Portland High, P. A. C. grounds, score offered Id every department T'hi ing paper palmetto J lng been established at Penza oo la, and Its miles and was at of That is the of one of wise man? 2 surprised my feeling 18 to 0, favor of Seminary. November 3, large Illustration wblcb beads tbelr al is said to be In price product very good quality Better be wise, and step in and have a talk with ♦ strength and buoyancy. Un other oc- Edward Little, here, 17-6 favor of Semi- vertleement Is especially attractive ant and strong In texture. There Is a great our Dinner Sets for six peo- and demand for a casions, when I have taken careful note nary. November 10, Edward Little High especially suitable tor a Thanksglvlnf Increasing satisfactory 1 substitute ror wood pulp In paper-mak- It’s a dainty affair in Bts* ot my feelings and sensations, I have at Auburn, soore £4-0 in favor of Euward ple. sale. ing. The forest 1 are being rapidly de- that tasks are nice ware and would cost a .Hr dlsoovered Intellectual Little. November 17, Kent’s Hill, here, without steps for DOW&PINKHAn, TIKE. nuded, adequate | when BET MAUI Lb.HMU.VU ON Street. 2 comparatively easy nslng Grape score 18-0 In favor of Seminary. Prom their reproduction being taken. Besides, third more in the full style 35 Exchange at each 16.—The the wood pulp business Is now controlled ^ Nuts meal. the above It will be seen that the team Philadelphia, November Nor ********************** by a gigantic trust, which Is lu a posi- set. Here’s another at •**********% “Of course 1 understand that the has been beaten but onoe, and ont steamer from Bt. non theory only wegtau fray Jago, tion to squeeze consumers at will. The Is in tbls that on November li regarding Grape-Nuts practloally per-' team has soored against It. All the garnet ! poit, report! 1 al-netto flats would furnish an Inex- —— foot That is, tbe food contains elements nere with st.Ilf teams exoept, perhaps tbe j In latitude 2D. 15 north, longitude Tint haustible supply of paper stock, since so -—= as the roots are lo the ground the that are well known, and furnished In a | one with Uorbain High and the boyt j west, boarded tbe derelict sohooner Mail long tops will be abindantiy reproduced concentrated and dellolous It and also the school are of tbs E. Lerwond ot end isi quite form, j very proud Thomaston, Me., The tops may be out on every year with a Set. Epicure’s Delight 1 $10.70 Is reasonable to expect results, but the good showing made. There was excellent r tire to her. WheD last seen she was bare the positive assurance teat another roll —- Articles cooked with Dhysloal demonstration of these results material for a first class team In the lng llrecely. orop will be forteboming tbe next season. | Harvesting palmetto for paper manu- Is more satisfactory, always, than the school, and under Coach Kelley’s careful a Store BTANOAKU OIL EXPANUINU. facture does not destroy the producing This is prettier, little better mere statement cf an team Jewelry theory. supervision exceedingly strong stock John H. Stephens of Jackson- November 27.—"The Btandaic than the other, made new in ♦ “Grape-Nuts combined with fruit and fora “prep" school was turned out. London, ville Is authority for tbe statement thut grade “KQ-NUT” X[Our I* packed with everything the Uuoharest tne saw will make the “Ouest seasonable 1 to ail- Tbe line was a trifle but tbe backs OH Oo.,: says correspond palmetto for six as t the Jewelry line. We have the X vegetables, prescribe weak, In the people, regards Cocoanut Fat for ent of tbe has obtained and best paper world That be- A Sterilized women and delloate and have UDd ends are as Daily Express, T most stock in the x ing jinso, without doubt, strong ing true, we ought to have paper mills saucers, in complete city, concessions for mining and cups, plates, every SlioilcnliiK utisl I'l'jiii*. not had a oase yet that has not furnished and swift as any in tbe state today out- erecting pipt in many ports ot south Uecrgia and Flor- • Come to our stove we can show X are full- lines on all of tfee government tracts, a. ida within a few years. other respect both free from Auiroal Mat- gratifying results. A nervous. Irritable side tbe colleges. The management tried Absolutely X you everything usually found in X man of IS became fat well as almost a monopoly In .Inking oli Dinnei Sfcts. We are * and auilable using to urrauge games with both Hebron and fledged • a first class establish- ADIUKAL KOUUKKg UOINU jewelry food as a wells In lioomanla. The price of tb« TO Grape-Nuts regular (but net Hridgton academies and Coburn Insti- the of this idea • mint. • concession was ASIA.’ originators with ‘Ko Nut” exclusive) diet. but neither eleven would | 400,610 pounds.:' Bread made tute, play. hereabouts. No other dealer “I have — of is delicious and found slender, anaemlo girls School clous Wednesday noon for the Washing! m, November 28 It is sift- in place lard, has them. improved rapidly in health, spirits, remainder of tbe week so as to enable the What Shall We Have for Dessert ? ed at the nary department that Admiral keeps fresh. wolght and looks, on Urape-Nuts lood pupils who wish to spend Tnanksglvlng Frederick Bodgera. at present chief of Ask Your Grocer, or write ! It would be a to McKenney, bussing thousands of at their homes. I This question arises in tlie family every tbe Inspection hoard, 1b slated for duty snoh it Food girls It this food was used more i of the limbs have been broken day. Let us answer today. Try Jell-o, on tbe Asiatlo station either an ad- India Company | Many as. In ! a delicous and healthful dessert l're- THE JEWELER, largely boarding schools and semi- from tbe trees on the campus today on ditional commanding ollicer, maxing 8 N. Market St, Boiton, in two minutes. No nc T. F. FOSS & | naries, not to be administered as modi-1 account of tbe of Ice on boiling! three on tbe station SONS, New Agents. heavy weight or as a relief to England Emedaking! simply add bci.ing water and cine, but ae a pure, healthful, and the branches. One limb lall on the school either Admiral INDIA HKFININUCO., X Monument Square. highly set to cooL Flavors:—Lemon, Orange, Kemey or Admiral | " j Housafurnishers. sole M’l'r's. • food Dr. UacGralh lives near the sidewalk It In twc to tba Complete Philadelphia, X PyaodUMhorStop nourishing sign breaking j Raspberry and Straw*berry. Get a pack* KemptI, according needs of the uov37-U 96 6th Ave at New York. and several of the trees have lost limbs j ago at your grocers today, 10 eta. urvice In Asiatic wateis at the time, AUCTION. Ml.f'Bl.I.APNOVS. | AUCTION. poses of record. A penalty te provided PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. FINANCIAL._ PRESS. for violation of this section. THE -THE- BY F. O. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. Wood haa asked lor Id NERVOUS There la room for a wide difference of Central plans t»0O. to Cuba at the Pac- TI7E8IUY. MOVEIIBKB 87, opinion aa to what partloolar taxee ehonld a building represent Amerloan exhibition at Buffalo. be removed under the deolston of the WOMEN IKHMIi Mr. W. L Hose boom, the '•broom oorr oommlttee of way* and means, to rednoe king," has in the past two years mad SHOULD TAKE. PORTLAND ORIENTALRUCS DAILY PBIMS- the revenue A safe $*>,000,010, pietty unknown < at the end of fg.O'JO.OOO out or that httharo the *« In advance or *7 rule to follow would seem to be to remove Hy year, commodity. the are most vexa- year. those taxee llrtt which The Prince of Wales, In Ms direction By the month, ,v> All centa._____ tion* to the oommnolty In general. at CARPETS. of the Workingmen * Olnb Handrlng- tbs masse* of Tangin rntea rest upon The DAILY rRBHS la delivered at theae taxss ultimately bam, has decided to allow the mem bets TRUST COMPANY to anbaerlbera In all parte of the bnt some an more vexation* every morning people, bat one pint of txer n day, in order that It is far the SAFEST and In Westbrook and Sooth Tort- than others. Of the recent war taxes, much on bjr Portland, they may not spend too money and SU REST cure for land. the ones that annoy the pnbllo liquor. Collection to be sold at probably women from — suffering Magnificent STATE TRESS (Weekly) and known In the OFFERS MAINE the most are those on telegrams Mies Nadine Banner, nervousness the end brought the In advance, or $1.25 at con- and By year, $1 express packages Them hae been a W eat Indies aa Miss Million, owns on by female troubles of the year. stant aa to who should pay s One oattle ranch near Waco, for three months. 25 controversy manage* Auction. For six months, 90 cento; them atnoe they wen Imposed, the people Texaa. She was an Ohio school teacher, — 26.1900. centa. was a Taxan and In- Lyrn, Mass., Jane _ that the real Intent of Congress adopted by wealthy We shall sell a* our salesroom*. 40 Sr., on Wednes- feeling GtSTLEJfE!* I a many years Exchange not delivered herited Dla property. suffered great """Subscribers wliose papers are was tbat the ehonld pay them, rom inflammation of the bladder and other and Nov. Hist, ‘22nd and nc 10.80 A. oompanles hie ronuta- $1,000,000 day. Thursday Friday. 13rd, won to the office of Majcr-Oeneral Chaffee ( emale troubles 1 consulted a and promptly are requested notify and not they. Then oan be no question physician M. and 2.80 P. HI., about 400 very fine oriental Ku|t and carpels. tlon and suooes* ss an Indian tighter ook several kinds of medicine, bat nothing the DAILY TRESS, No. 07 Exchange street, d*»l his that It would give everybody a good :ave me any relief. 1 saw Tangin advertised This sale affords a favorable to ns our the Indian with bis own —OF— very opportunity buyers, Portland, Me. these taxes re- by meeting ] a the Lynn Item, and sent to yon for a sample ____ of satisfaction to have and Instructions are to sell absolutely without reserve. On exhibition weapons. He 1» deeply versed In the red mottle, which I found pleasant to take, moved The tax on oheoks Is another that eemed to make me feel 1 a large of the TRESS who are leaving town man's life and ouetoms, and speak* eev- good. got Nov. «Oth, sale Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Tatrons x>ttle, and have taken several since. I pro- Tuesday, addresses of their is vexations, and not only vexations, bnt eople 1 have told about Tangin will get ths given j iBlUBMUm, tax on be- >enefit 1 did, and 1 know they will. tmilSMKTn. / posts should ns removed. The are moments, end to the cultivation tl MAINE. Mrs. M. 5 Market STATE OF to charitable institution* wae a P. Poster, Square. qgeita which he Intents to devote himself upon INVESTMENT. THEATRE Lessees and .Hsasgen now Is from next March. novUUtf JEFFERSON mistake In the first pleos, and hie retirement polities I_ Proclamation by the time to somct It. It will be| time Mies M. K. Bruddon has written over Thanksgiving ^ to oonstder a raduotlon of the sixty novels slnoe 18tB Before Td>e be- mt'imm nmn llie Governor. enough (II This Week, when these came s novelist she was an mak- TANGINl tax on beer and whiskey aclnos, NEW ENGLAND I. .old at .11 Drug Store. other taxes have been removed Taxes on ing hsr first appeaarnoe at the Brighton of the and Theater Hoyal in 1867, and daring the As we approach the end year these articles are In a sense purely volun- CORSE PAYTON'S COMEDY COMPANY. this lUth century, the next Uve months, assuming tlfty-elght INVESTMENTS. the sunset hour or tbat Is to nobody need nse the 50c. e be and tary, say different roles. $1.00 e:r,..l REPERTOIRE FOR THE WEEK: of Maine should people devoutly are and of Portland due 1907 Uod for the arttoles on which they Imposed, 1-leatenant L. B. who re- City 6s, EVENINGS. MATINEES. truly thankful to Almighty Lawton, on this A free sample will be sent Portland This Afternoon.The Parisian Princess bleeelngs and progress which year therefore nesd not pay the tax. In the ottlolal City of South 3Ss. Tonight .Aristocracy them oelvsd mention dispatcher mentioning this .The Two Orphans Wednesday.My Kentucky Home oDd the have brought to request by 1913 Wednesday. century from the battle of Tien Is only £8 City of llerrlng 4s, Octoroon Thursday.The Prodigal Daughter for the of patriot* Tsln, paper. Addr.es Tangin, New York Thursday...The and to the state; spirit that Is Law of the Land Friday.A Woman’s Revenge de- There are signs Tammany really old. He Is a native of and City of Auburn 4s, 1903 Friday....The ism, love of country and unflinching: years Indiana Saturday.The Three Musketeers Saturday.The silver Lining have both at the latest crusade was brought up at Auburn, N. Y., and Water Co 1937 votion to duty which pervaded getting frightened Portland 4s, before the show and between each act by the Lent mi Bros., Comedy Chinese and for the bright them is had bis tiret active service In the Chicago Specialties onr state and nation, against vloe In NewYork One of Machine Water Co, Is, 1916 Acrobats: Sisters. Introducing several New Songs and Dances; also Miss Maude and oonUrtenoe strike of 1804. Reytord ran of hope, prosperity has tteen oalled upon by Phelps Mr. Horner Mnllaney, Mr. Harry Man tell and others. the tbat Bishop Potter Oakland Water Co. As, 1909-18 In the future, already Illuminating FINE HOUSE LOTS Prices—Matinees 10,20c. Evenings le, to, 30c. nave to furnish the names of the ortl- threshold or the coming year. we the mayor Water Co. 4s, 1939 of IN Newport harvests. The interests oers whom be made charges of In- CHICAGO MAN'S TRAMPS -AT- had abundant against Bangor A Aroostook, Maine have been Law, or- Another le education promoted. eolenoe In bis reuent letter Line 0s, 1913 Individual liberty and personal se- AFRICA. THEATRE. * der, the of oouneel to pros- PORTLAND rule and Mcm every part of our appointment special Bangor A Aroostook.Pisca- curlty Heretofore commonwealth. Never In Its history ecute the delinquent oUlcer*. taquis Division. 3s. 1913 ONE WEEK COMMENCINO MONDAY, NOVEMBER ‘.’ft. or the mare troubled Prices. skies vloe have Ucti A With the Native* Reasonable were the brighter people crusades against tong Famously Uod Hunger suit Aroostook,Vnn the BHU.LiAirr The star and Company that made so good an and “The hand of (I MA UlujlLlxrHFSTFR prosperous happy. Tammany very little. Dr. Parkhurst anil 1* Never Sick. Buren Kxlenslon, 3s, 1943 artists. AEIU/V impression at the theatre last Christmas Week. has been upon us for good.’ In graterui down aud wrote severer things than and lesognltlon that “This also cometb spoke Among all the desirable house and cottage Maine Central 4 l-3s, 1913 Special Scenery, Elegant Costumes High Class Specialties. wonderful in furthermore he ots the famous shore, then* are froin the Lord of Hosts, Bishop Potter, and pre- along Cape IIEItHI\IE OK THE C ROSS OF GOLD aDtl lone more and located Tuesday IVlailnec, and excellent In working. evidence of Ms the New York advantageous pleasantly counsel sented abundant (From Hon.) turn those owned and offered for sale by Mr. H. following and conforming to a time-hon- Evealnv, THE DIAMOND BREAKER Llew- oharges, yet Tammany never showed Ths friends of William Stamps E. Willard wlio lives at No. 7 Beach street, Tuesday ored custom of our forefathers, 1^ Chicago Alllard. of the State of mnuh rnncwm ('ertalnlv DO Iflonill EVENINGS. WEEK’S REPERTOIRE. MATINEES. ellyn Powers, Uovernor Cherry hare receive! word of his arrival Mr. Willard’s lots are In close proximity to McKUANIILt and consent of Willard of Ballyveeny ! New Fast Lynne Maine, with the advice followed the Doctor's exposures. Why In from tbs Free State. ,he beautiful and much frequented Wednesday.The O'Maillys Wednesday.Tin* do Paris, Congo that and that Na- Husband's sin Thursday.The Diamond Breaker th 3 Executive Council, hereby desig- seem like- >each. cozy picturesque spot Thursday.Her j iT.ebop Potter’s efforts should This Is the second visit he has made to and the «*.I July of Lyons Fridav .... Beacon Lights nate urs has done so ranch for. really only Friday.. sea .A Romance of Chinatown I Saturday.Little Lord Fauntleroy ly to be orowned with so muoh better Afrloa, and he has lived there teach in the vicinity of Portland where Saturday ®* troptoal he with comfort and with- TRUST Prices—Evening. 10, 20 and 30e. Dally Matinees commencing Tuesday, lo and 2JC. 'I'llur*ut A car load of all new Scenery and Mechanical Hfei-ts danger.' ,, Cor. Middle and Exchange Sis. Ticket on but and Vmibrr, .4. D« 1900, It Is due to the fact .that be has adven- on wTlIard street, close to the heaeh, Mr. N. B.—Any person purchasing a Reserved (30c> any Evening Monday probably year* of age. He has had more to ride home or A’illard has sonic two acres of land excellently Thanksgiving will be presented ou entcriug the Theatre a 5c Electric Car Ticket to be succeeded In more of the promi- as a day ol Ueneral Thanksgiving, enlisting tures than often fall to the lot of young dtuated for the'building of summer cottages. good at any time. all citizens In a manner men street he has ad- ____ obsetved by good nent men of the olty -especially men. He seems to be born for the sort of >n Myrtle avenue and Beach be tilting a Christian and God-fearing Dr. Park lltioual land that some day will be covered by on with of money—than work he has been In and are hut UAJUi-.. ritate Get no one fall to remember plenty doing Africa, iuuimer cottages and villas, for there BONDS. FOOT FINANCIAL. of Is feared few Casco that are so •bst day, with oharlty and benevolenoe. hurst. The power money his story Is Interesting ana almost places bordering Bay situated. On cottage road and Mld- and unfortunate. muoh more than the favorably the poor by Tammany power antqne. Early lu the last decade Cherry lle street. Mr. W illard has for sale some Ideal BOWDOIN VARSITY Executive Chamber at Au- NEW JERSEY. Given at tne a foot that Is not lots. Situated on and TRENTON, of of virtue. It Is deolded lo go to Africa for a while and louse and cottage high V*’ * gusta, this thirtieth day Uotober, irv land, with beautiful scenery ail about and creditable, to the rioh and lnlluentlal citi- for him- Own and oae thousand see the and Its PREBLE We our Eord to be oc- FORT Offer In the year of country people in the distance, these lots are destined Gas and Electric Co. mid the zens New York that Tnmmany ha* handsome homes and In no distant — Dine Hundred, Independence of self. He took passage for the Congo cupied by at SUBJECT TO SALE: of America the future. Fortunate indeed are those who secure First Cold .Vs Due 1949. Thanksgiving 10 A. M. of the United States been auooeseful In keeping eminently without a great deal of money and not ihem at low prices and before real es- one hundred and twenty-fifth. present Covering the entire gas and electric lihgt sys- Admission 60e. and Children l’5c. of Portland due 1902-1912. them or them up Into to tate in this takes a rise as It surely Ladles City 4’s, eekweelyn powers. quiet, splitting so muob as a letter of Introduction vicinity tem ol Trenton. N. J., and suburb*. Forest Avenue A few reserved ruust do ere long. On Cottage road the electric grounds. Town of Elizabeth due 1901. so that their power and ln- In Arrloa. He had seats at P. A. 0. Capo 4’s, By the Governor: factions, anybody good health, jars pass hi and fro at frequent intervals, thus This dis- Population Supplied, 70,000- Town of Yarmouth 3 l*2’s, duo 1902. Byron Boyd, duenoe did not amount to muoh. be wanted adventure, and was willing to nuking all the lots within easy reaching Secretary of State. tance of the city Company Its earning lit Interest nearly UNDERWOOD SPRING. Town of Gorham duo 1901. bos been In part by keep- and so hs took fats 4’s, accomplished rongb It, simply It limy be truthfully said that this section of twice orer. — Music. Card the men s taxes and thus )ur was never more with summer KOB »AI-r. BY— j Spacious Casino always open. of Lawrence ft’s, due 1912. ing rloh down, ohanoes. As look would have It, he city popular brilli- County (Ohio) risitors than now. The numerous boarding and Smoking K »omt and Dining Hall, have his them under obligation on the one In the ser- aid heated hv of Portsmouth (Ohio) 5’s, due 1923. Senator Morgan seems to got putting speedily obtained employment louses and cottages hereabouts are tilled to antly lighted by electricity City decorated with and evergreen. no event he and on the other Inspiring them in tlic summer, and all Indications Charles F. steam, palm* of Zanesville duo 1915. fill of foreign possessions. In hand, vloe of the big llutoh trading oompany iverflowiug Flagg, which to order (lame City (Ohio) 4’s, mint- to the fad that this portion of South An excellent menu from terri- with the fear that might tare worse for three 194 HIDDLG ST-, Portland, Me. a of Urhana 4 1-2’s, due 1900. declares, must we take any Chinese they on the upper Congo, and nearly f'ortlaud city is to greatly increase in popular- and Klsii dinners specialty. City (Ohio) Arrangement* made for Dinner. Daocin; or as far as dollars and cents are ooncerned, hs was In and tv from summer to summer. Prospective pur- of Stillwater ) duo 1921. tory. /ears engaged traveling up Card with or without car* at City (Minn. 5’s, _ chasers of lots should call at once and examine parlies, special under a reform administration than an & Yarmouth Electric down the trllmtarles of the river buying he situation and learn favorable terms. office of Portland Hallway of Daviess (Ind.) 0’b, duo 1903. In are now 628-S. County The Boers who are arms, It Is a solemn foot that o.. 44o Congress street. Telephone der Taminany. and rubber for bis He — K due 1912. lle- Ivory oompany. FOR nov&dtl Maine Central H, 4’s, referred to by the English as rebels, of citizens of the pookete many standing spent a great deal of his time on the Maino Central R. R. 7’s, due 1912. Is resistance to lawful authority, belllon and lntluenoe In every olty are mnch more which the from anti Particular* In Hanga river, jplnB Congo For Terms CITY HALL. Portland Railroad Co. First Mortgago The lawful authority of the British and a sensitive than their consciences, ths north and Is one of It* largest afflu- to AT S.ilO. from apply TO .MIGHT 4 duo 1913. South Afrioa Is derived entirely oan on 1-2’s, greit deal of “oussedness’’ go ents. INVESTMENTS There Is no right In It Portland & Capo Elizabeth Railway Co. superior mlgbt without exciting any more than a very A remarkable thing about Cherry was the First Mortgago 5’s, due 1915. enthusiastic re- languid Interest on their part provided that ail the time he was In Afrloa he had Kruger continues to get First and their contri- illard. Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry. but that Is all he will tax rate Is kept nown, scarcely a single day’s Illness. In fact, 7 Beach St., W WE OFFER ceptions in Eranoe, duo 1940. to the treasury kept with- no nov2ldi w POLO Mortgage 4’s, If he Is tbs lde» that the butions publlo be enjoyed excellent health. He took get. cherishing GARDINER V8. PORTLAND. First in moderate bounds. Money questions at all th he lived In a re- Jr.’s Cleveland City Ry. Mortgage 5’s, E'reuoh government or any other govern- medicine ingh Reserved seats ou sale at C. C. Hawes, to a Music Temple and Congyess Sts. due 1909. In his behalf he is are muoh more exoltlng large part gion where white men dote themselves store, ment will Intervene TiiHiiktglvIuf Day- wo Oamri. of communities than moral questions. and arsenic to kill fever before Municipal Bonds, Duluth Street Ry. First Mortgago 5’s, doomed to disappointment. The mistake olty with quinine The of the polloe force flf New what Is he lived due 1930. made when he declared war oan- corruption germs; and mors, cbletly PASSEStlie payment ANNUAL BALL Kruger over EICHTH York has been over and on native and liked It. Manioc, Co. First Mort- be undone. Doubtless the English exposed food, Water Works Bonds, Denver City Tramway not of THE.... sutllolent com- premiums upon .... or but without bis as again without causing bananas, maize, chickens and goats were gage 5’s, due 1919. coveted his country, the motion to about the defeat of Tam- his artloles of food. It Is a average policy slstance It Is doubtful If they would ever bring staple great Partial! Veteran Firemen's Association Omaha Street Ry. First, Mortgage 5’s, hall whloh was directly responsl oilva to be able to as of Life Insurance Railroad Bonds, due 1914. have It. many qtage dispense ....AT.... got with all civilized lbe for It. Van Wyok was elected mayor Cherry has dune, nearly is Grand Rapids Ry. Co. First Mortgago comforts and wavs of living. If he oould completed. Thunkstrivftiiff Eve, There Is no doubt, a strong temptation in the faoe of exposure of the oor- 4’iiy Hull, due 1910. right not have done this he would not have What other in- Bank Stock. 5's, sensational to exag- and November 119, 1900. for the newspapers runt conduct of the police, stronger been able to live In Afrloa ror seven Modfleld & Medway (Mass.) Street Ry. seriousness of the Czar's oon- has vestment can be FROM 8 TO 0 1920. gerate the umre detailed than Bishop Potter years, where he aaw little but the wholly KNTEKTAISHEirr First Mortgage 5’s, due a wilderness and It barbarous BY THa dtdtlon. On the other hand there Is made. Dr. Parkhurst excited the whole unreclaimed purchased on such O'CLOCK Portland Water Co. Gold 4’s, due 1927. for Inhabitants. quite as strong, perhaps over New York's wickedness, Glee Club. due temptation, country In the last week In May, 18116, Cherry long time, or be Hales College Calais Water Co. First Mortgage 5’s, makers of the cftiolal bulletins to of oon- fmm New York for his second so- 1906. the but never accomplished anything worth its entire Musio by Chandler's Orchestra. with wbioh the from whloh be bas minimize It The disease m nu* u* wnuo* journ In Afrloa, just St Croix E. L. banks la exoeselve loans to their will be asked to is awaited. f national kind that current history IS men In my party. 1 shall live wholly scene In Purls was one to dlreotors, and he recommends legislation describe. Tbe on native food and my expenses will be TRUE’S § Salesroom 40 tixrbaoge Street. be admired. What Is the explanation In the of I that will tend to restrict these loans, very small. My equipment way Interest Paid on WORM ol the oontrust! Certainly not entirely trade goods will be somewhat unique. not to suoh an extent at will de- *• W. sum though in the character of the people Rather It oonslsts of traps, some Union mutual lit F. O. BAU.*r. chlelly sprlug Tt prive the banka ot the services ot the Is it to be found In the foot tbat ;be of them large and powerful. X know TIME DEPOSITS. mall » outbreak was. In all Its ELIXIR London bestiality, will be tbe made. I business men of the community. Repre- they very highly prized by is the best worm remedy of brute force over gg — jfe losplrdd by a triumph natives In their pursuit of game. 1 oan §2 It has been in u«r 47 vei»r»» T sentative Rroslus’s Dill, wblcb is de- Insurance H Iwirmlww and effectual. right; while the scene In Purls was a I or them to the best ad Co., is purely vegetable, §6 dispose vautogs. S no worms are it acts as a Tonic, Es a to OF AND IN- Where present to remedy the present dlOloulty, testimonial liberty-loving Is out with ms. I LETTERS CREDIT the condition of the raucous mem- signed by people "A friend going ~ eg and corrects gg = mainc. and bowels. A Is endorsed by the comp- tbe man whose country’s Independence have told him as fully as possible all the Portland, 3 brane of the htomaoh positive gg specltloally cure for Constipation and Biliousness, and aval- For the IF a new is to he brutally torn from her. be and 1 shall fS ag J troller. This bill provides that no j bald conditions will meet, TERNA! I0NAL CHEQUES 4 uable remedy in all ths common complaints of SB J OF THE UNITED take a small supply of food for his us* Si ohihlreu. Price She. Ask your druggist for it. |S nininrr Carving national bank shall loan to Its officers or NO DISTRUST 2 Ur. J. F. TKl E k i'O., Auburn, Me. §£ until he has aooustomed himself to the trsarmvut for Writs for Tree S get (s need- STATES. home oolleotlons In natural and FOR SALE. Special T»p«Worau. pamphlet. gg Dining employes until the proposition for the loan native then he will have to history diet; rough of the native bwmmmwm 8d for ‘h8 shall have been submitted In to (Provldenoe dorunal.) as 1 shell do. I do not expect to phonographic reproductions solicited from Indi- writing it, and also a record of nr' Correspondence Table 1 have solved the pee oh, falthfnly Hanks and #J e u o c e s s ful i Is difficult to follow from to corns back until ques- viduals, Corporations, _ j) the directors or executive committee ol It day of the the natives, weU of constitutional to own satisfaction at least, Impressions country, others desiring to open accounts as day tbe progress the tion, my of and Bank* V division of <1 the bank and the the lnduence the white men heir as from those wishing to transact For the Holidays. approvea by majority convention In Havana, but enough can whether or cot tho'elephant can te made methods of with the aborigines. business of any desorption through EOUTLAND CALENDARS. on of them. A Une la fixed for Infractions the to deter- ueetul to wblte men for anything exoept dealing lug LAMSQN’8 Turkey Thanksgiving. be gleaned from dispatches It la tbat Mr. Cbeny will this UauH UNSIOENTED I-LATINt M VIEWS. J ([ seotlon. the who are his probable let us show some with of this It provides that at any mine tbat Cubans participat- Ivory." have Interesting things to te I LOSGFE1.LOW l-uITUliES. you Is to be that Cherry has bad many IJ the ing In the dellDeratlons are Indulging In It hoped COLORED ELAT1NOIYEES. of the finest steel. regular meeting directors of a nation- to solve this about bis last visit to Afrloa. The friend STEPHEN il SMAU PfMkto* blades of delight at the pros- an excellent. opportunity many expressions whom he took out with him, Ch irlea ti A need al bank may fix by resolution the limit a hold What his suoouas nos been MAHSKALL 8. 6001MB. Cathlv. Should you anything pect of obtaining stronger on question MoCItntock of Chloago, died of African J| of oredlt whtob eball be extended to They are to too may not be known until ha returns the lvmsox siudio, whatever in Silver Plated any Island politics. given fever about a year after their arrival in l.bTOU__ S > fervid vivus and home. It Is Already known that he spent director. Wltnin the limit of oredlt thus much oratory, congratu- the 5 Temple St.,: Silver, or Cut on tbe besides Congo region. S Ware, Sterling | \ latory resolutions. On Saturday a per- a long time Hanga river, Th. P.inioniii. fixed the executive officers, In their dis- on iu>v2Mlm Opp. our stoie can manent president was chosen; be is making a trip to Tashoda, the Nile, y Glass, supply ^ loan to one the Trench Notice. cretion, may directors without Mendex Capote, a Republican, who was as the leader of of expe- Working Overtime. Special # and prices are f Maruhand the ; you. Quality other action the board. Unless the In lien Krooak's cabinet. The Nation- ditions that followed down IVIISS A. L. SAWYER’S our busiuuss with by those # building alist was Eduardo of I Nile. He returned later to the Congo, Light hour laws are Ignored by limit of credit has been thus an candidate Tamayo i satisfied customers. 1 died, and Is said to have added largely tireless, Ultle workers—Ur King s ,\»w j Santiago So far, at least, no signs that i state, A GOLDEN opportunity for small or slim School of SforthanJ and TipewrltH’. (or a loan a dlrsotor he made Millions are at application by •be delegates mistrust tbe purposes of i to the oolleotlsn of curios which Life Fills always work, A men to purruase an Overeoat or Ulster to have titei a and lml Bil- ».oo, u.oo, 10.00 amt l must be In writing, by two our have been In onlbls Urst trip, and gie t, night day, cnrtng ges loo, for $32so, t.oo, s.oo. B.oo. 7.00. 08 St. E. S. WAITE, approved government apparent real value. Centennial Block, Fxchumre of tbe of tin natives, Tnls iousness, Constipation, Slog Headache 12.00 eaeli Ouo-lialf tlielr { ffEWBIrBU. other dlreotors. Buob a loan may be the convention, and several speak- many uUotographs j Was a of the whloh be de- and all stomach. Liver anl Bowel In Touch Type- ers havs taken oooailon to thank Ameri- | also part plan HASUKLL A JON EM. Instruction given Shorthand, a 547 Corvres Street, m made by an exeoutlve officer, but must man. Troubles safo, sure. can officials tor what they nave done to scribed to the Hun’s Easy, pleasant, Business etc. :»c 877 Mouumrut Square. writing, Correspondence, be brought to the attention of ths( board rehabilitate tbe political and social con- I “I wish," be said, "to make an eth- Duly at ti. F. B, UooM, Congress uruntit of the natives nad store. uovudut of dlreotors at its next meeting for pur- ditions on the Island. uulogioul study k bring street, drug

• and laid there, unable to get np. After •UiUinillimilttttmSttltillSl!lllllllllllll!ll!llllillllill!ffttlll!ltl!llllllli]Illlllllilll9 BUTLER SCHOOL CASE. a minute Mr. Andrew* went over to tlx boy and picked aim np and stood biro on hie feet. WUll* began to ary and (ell & down again, having bnrt his ankle. Mr fflMbiite IZtibbif A HELP TO YOU Andrews then had two boys oarer her eon Mrs. Coyne Tells Story into the school house and put him on a sofa m Mr. Andrews’s office. Mr. An. Are these Thanksgiving Dainties of oars. to School Board. drew* kept the door of the offloe closed Old Gunsssnsuwx^msisssmim nod went off and left her son there alone. Don’t put a moment’s mental or physical exertion into Pad- tohool In th« He had a brother In the . DEC OR AGE HOMES / yOVR dings, Pies or Pastry. We’ve done all the worrying for you in Uret claw room,but Mr. Andrew* did not The aool WITH OF advance. tell him that Willi* was hurt. f)C RELICS THE CIVIL dent happened at to* reoat* at half paw Jp f*OfTl Arirews Wts lu- WAR. We’ve prepared a List of Ready to Eat Delicacies that you’d Says Prineipal ten o'olook. Mr. Andrews left toe boy there aad did not notify her, send for ■ not be able to duplicate anywhere near These Prices. nemsarily Rongh, doctor or eenrt the hoy home. Willis A Jo/, of OLD VfflGED TJ/zif* But It’S time to order them if make sure of share. ten you’d your staid on this sofa from half past ff Uf« o'clock until half on#, when she SGAGES GX/fiS. past Pin in Pudding*. We’ve made them better than ever beard of the affair and went to the were before. Order 20o Loaf. 3 honse. There she saw Mr. An this year. They good enough now, Has Lame school Her Boy drew*, who had Just returned from The War Department ordered the setting of many mince Pics, fat and full of nice meat = Innch. Mr. Andrews eald: "Mrs. Coyne, large especially as Result. Old Guns that for decades had slumbered in Ankle 1 am sorry this thing happened. 1 thousand prepared for this occasion, 35c each. pushed him a little and he fell and bun the Arsenals. medium Mixed mince lOc. himself.'* Mrs. Coyne asked Mr. An- Pie*, drews why he didn’t send Willie home, shall them on We got our share of them and put I,urge Pumpkin Pie*, 35c. uid he didn't answer her. Andrews Gave His Principal Then the asked him why he didn't get sale Wednesday, ffoV. 28th. medium Mixed Pumpkin Pic*, lOc. = t carriage and send the boy home when Side of Story. but can in a he found out he was hurt. Mr. An- If they could speaK (and they tvay), Fruit Cake. A rich molasses Thanksgiving Cake with all jg irews said he wonkl go and get one now 3 the 35e 3 tell a Rattle and Rtood, of nice things that usually go into the home-made ones, sad be dkl WUlla was carried to the car- they could many story of 5 Coal. riage and from the carriage to her house. and Defeat.' of Heroism and Valor. One When at the school she sent for Ur. Victory Tips school committee was In sesilon Fruit Cake at 30c and lOc a Loaf. and Ur. Bradford came in hli their battle-scarred yesterday arternoon and the proceeding* Thompson toould never suspect— even from wbloh was He found that the hoy bad a 35c a I.oaf. were enllreDed by the hearing place Angel Cake, then WUll* has some time the THE FORE- aocordea Mr*. Coyne on the alleged In- sprained ankle. tilnoe fate of appearance—that lOc = at hands been In bed and It would hr some weeks Our Better Than Mew Kitgland Cruller*, juries received by her *on the GHE WORLD Uutler before be oould out of the bouse. MOST JdATIOJd Iff depended 3 ol Principal Andrews of the get dozen. for so After an ex- He bad suffered great agony four school, a week or ago. Guns and the men behind them. she nor the bod upon these tended hearing on this complaint against nights and neither boy Shs wanted the Mr Andrews the board laid the matter been able to sleep any. Some of them cost the Government £30.00 apiece 'oeoi.nut Cake*. school board to the case as she i r< next with- Investigate "a^J on%he table until It* meeting Fresh for (hi* Mr. Andrews had used her son them have never been used, 4 Supply f» | out taking any aotlon. thought to maK*• A number of and bad done Male at 7e 3 Dozen When the meeting was called to order with unnecessary harshness 4 Dozen, |> was hurt us in their cases. a few members wrong In not her he come to original there were only present, notifying and 4 for 2(>e. £ the home. bnt all of the women who are members or In not sending boy homes Utith. Just the to decorate your *tr wsr v sr of the board were In their aocustomed things Ar*r vvwv’i as he understood them, seats. One by one the other members for Mrs, Coyne in our St. Windoto ffo. 3. board See them Congress dropped In until all were present with »3 some ot the members of the In the exception of John if. A. Merrill and thought It would be best to have tbem Sale Wednesday of this tveeK Mr. Poster. writing. that the three CONFECTIONS. Mrs. Coyne, the mother of Willie It was then suggested Trice each. is said to have been who were witnesses or the aooldent I = Coyne, whose ankle boys Maple Walnut Creams, 20c lb. ■n,nin(.ii frnn, helne Dbshid by Princl- to Willie Coyne be allowed to testify. Mr. 20c lb. pal Andrews, was present, with three Peabody said: Raspberry Creams, tribu- — youngsters, who oame "I don t think this Is the proper S manly appearing LI'B'By CO. Fine Chocolate 19c nal to bear J. R. Mixture, lb. as witnesses in the case, Mr. Thomas evltlenoe.'' “That's wbst have been bear- BOT97 It K. Coyne, a brother of the Injured boy, you S Cocoanut Drops, 15c lb. =f and a brakeman on the Maine Central, ing, said the Mayor. .. :- Mr. to do I_ was also In attendance and was delegat- Peabody—“Tbs proper thing Above Goods will be on sale until Be S to a committee Daily Thanksgiving. ed by Mrs, Coyne to present her case to Is to refer this matter s sure and get a box of the Chocolates. s the sohool board. Mr. Coyne did not tor Investigation ns It will be impossible understand what was of to get all of the witnesses here who will 1 quite required • •'i;7b«•trr» • 1 has no fjwr*miTsit«<•» him and began by saying that he went be required, as this board power to summons witnesses.'' | to see Principal Andrews on Friday, | the matter sometime In the afternoon. He asked Mr, Heseltlne— “What Is Mr, Andrews why It was that the boy with the whole board nearing this evl- with his Injured ankle had been left to ilenoef’’ want a full and lie on the sofa In Mr. Andrews's office Mr. MoUowan—“I for three hoars and during the noon hour free hearing on this matter at any time without his people being notltled that and any place convenient to Mr.Andrews and all Interested. lie wanted he was Injured. He asked Mr. Andrews parties Then oame why It was the boy was not sent homo Che hearing In the evening. E = 5 nov27 E and told him tdst ne bad done a wrong sat the fact that ft would not be so dllH- thing and he knew It. Mr. Andrews sult to notify Mr, Andrews of the fu^t #lllllllllllllllllllllll1lllllli:illlllllillllllllHllll[miHHMHIIIIIHHIIlHllllillillllll> said, according to.Mr. Coyne, ‘f 11 ad- Chat there was to be a hearing, because If so, M In the nor Are away Thanksgiving? mit that I did wrong, but I was so busy tie was present building, you going to u to be fiUr, that I forgot all about the boy.'; Mr. would It be too short a time for him likely he had his wit- need H Coyne said that Principal Andrews de- get his witnesses ns only you may Port Land. Nov. 27. 19M Wbltehouse was told nies that he ever said any Buoh thing ness with him. Mr. that the to hunt Mr. Andrews iv COX T I X U O U S as this, but he was willing to swear Sy Mayor up him that hs and see if he were willing to proceed he did, Mr. Andrews told is a with of evidence now. This OR NECKWEAR. -y downpour went aoross the; street.tolthe livery stable the taking NEW GLOVES Mr. White house did and Mr Andrews to get a oarrlage to send the boy home forceful reminder of so t-be or lound the looked up. ‘‘I mid he was ready to go ahead, | For stout thin, young In, but plaoa the the of he never went to the soard proceeded to hear the rest of can prove that a assortment of the best or old, everybody but the importance having suoh evldeuoe. We carry large livery stable and never did any jjU the best cloth- an Umbrella at in little ones, conveniently thing,i: said Mr Coyne, with some heat. 'The look of proper formality pro- fashionable shades. M to trouble makes in in all the The school board did not seem to be seeding in this case seemed gloves, ing ever sold. hand. who tare members of the getting just the kind of lniormation It ;he lawyers For the big and elderly, The of drench- other members frequency waDted and this was explained by Mr. mhool board, but the the of Lace, Rfl for the young and slim Peabo in rather long speeoh whlob he teemed to thlok tbey were getting New and desirable arrangements rains and the iy crit- ing consequent actlnir chairman of the 'acts which they were after for all who just begin to be addressed to tbs for Neckwear—sure to be be- W of a wetting makes of the board, Mr. llrownson. The bud- she lack of formality. Chiffon and Velvet ical about their dress, we danger remarks were The tlrst witness was a boy named stauc,* of Mr. Peabody's collection a these and and have a faultless the Umbrella necessary companion days that the hoard did not at this time care Nlatberson, a bright-faced manly a wear over- iu me wuv He told his story In to it where can reach it to listen so sno eviueuue w»bp, little ohap. of ready the need of having you quick- what the ,ie<.t<.hTfaricap.'i wav Mr. Andrews had wished to know primarily coats. a de- * There’s Umbrella Mrs. wanted told Willi* not to keep “picking” Not nfl becomes urgent. big oharges were which Coyne Coyne New arrivals in the Linen Department. to $22.00. ly When Baker. had walked $7.63 to a to make against Mr. Andrews. m Walter Coyne in this store all ready supply pro- Baker and then partment these charges were made, Mr, Peabody iway from the boy too late vet to secure some of them for Thursday, for call that a com- bank and said: “I'm not In our night tracted any suggested that the board appoint walked again njj orje respect demand, fully equipped evidence and on him more than he Is ‘plot- and Matched W a for one mittee to hear the report ploklng’ Satin Damasks, Cloths, Doylies robes are old fashiorjed— be made on it. You can pay dollar were not Tray may to tbe school board. ,ng' on me." The two boys back so and roomy and ser- McGowan want- bnt only “Don't for im- They're big of Gloria Cloth, well made, strong Mr. Heseltlne and Mr. quarrelling, fooling. Sets, in handsome heavy linen, all ready English the talk back to said Mr. Andrews almost think they ed to know why It was that whole rou me,” you'd with natural wood handle, or §1.25, §1.50 the Mathereon viceable, board oould not hear tnls evidence. It snd then, according to mediate use. Come in and see them. were njade at honje. them- Andrews Willie Coyne for one of mercerized cotton seemed to them, o» they expressed xjy Mr. grabbed 75c. and $t.00. or §1.75 (silk finished) him a hard 50c., selves, that tbe board could act In tnls py the shoulder and gave these can on to the fenoe —and from prices you go up matter as well as a committee and know push, and the boy tell against six feet Walter Baker, the station wheVe for something about the oase when they got lbout away. §10.00 (with a price any between) seem to Mr, Andrews said Willie through, Mr. Peabody didn't Poy whom silver FRANK M. LOW & one of the finest silk with a beautiful pearl, best method of was on said,that Coyne GO., ragard this as the pro- Coyne “picking” on but that Outfitters. a stock of ceeding with the matter. Mr, MoUowan was not picking him. they Men’s or natural wood handle. There s big at & not Bros. until were and roughly Eastman an adjournment evening only fooling suggested noxi ni:vr akk. and can consult facts In this case. that. Mr. Andrews had given the boy a n<(i them in all and styles you jn order to get at the Bancroft.! nov87 tilt qualities _ thought this was a very rury hard push and threw him against as to Mr. Peabody your own notion of economy price. to Mr. Andrews to gath- the fence. short notice give The bonri then laid the luat'er on tne 75c. and his defence. Lester Smith told the same story with Umbrellas for School children, 50c., er his witnesses and prepare table without aotlon being taken. It turned oat, however, that Mr.Andrews ■light variations. his Andrews now told his Whan I there at a took I §1.00. was In the building with Mr. story. taok to school. got Mr. Andrews—"II I every boy already Miss Mollis ltoblnmn was four said Mr was there. granted and was ready to go ahead "f have always had a rule,” past one Mrs. Coyne have to for running about the only witness quarter punish months’ leave of and Miss Annie ohlldren should ever said to Thomas abaenoe, with the but this faot did not Andrews, “that the "I deny that 1 yard to my office, It would make the hearing, E. Cook was eleoted to hi! the touoh one and knew vacanoy known until later. About this sot run, ohase one another, Coyne that l had done wrong too severe for the fault. 1 become punishment ni< nths at a of a the school false. When tor fonr salary *100 MOORE & CO. time the Mayor, who Is ex-oBlcio chair- mother or quarrel In yard, It. That story Is absolutely Mr. McGowan—"Don't you think It OWEN, to send the year, came in and relieved wuloh Is small. This X have done to pro- Mrs. came I wanted would have been better to have taken man of the board, Coyne for he must to Mrs. Coolldge reported the commit- He seemed to think that ,ect the ohlldren and have tried to enforce but she said no, go the to room and punished him Mr. Hrownson. boy home, boy your and She went to get tee on closing the primary grammar the to was to begin In the be rule. At this reoess the Coyne boy Ithe Maine General. there! Don't you know that our rules way proceed schools a week earlier In tbe summer about the I told the 8.15 before shall be of a way such a case would be heard ln|oourt; ■egan to run yard. Dr. Thompson and It was say that the discipline par- J than they ore now closed. The commit- SEASONABLE SURPRISES run about the X rather than first, tbe complaint made, then the evi- >oy be must not yard. the boy was Anally sent home.” ental nature by corporal pun- tee or » majority of the oommlttee fa- First Class Groceries at Low Prices dence for the and the urned around and looking back saw him to Mr. Andrews ishment." In I he way o( prosecution Anally In answer questions, vored this done. Mrs. here necks of two In being Coolldge Get the Turkey Fixings defence. There was a deal of spar- with his arms around the the hard, a that you’ll appreciate. good said ha did push boy quite Mr. Andrews—"I haven't strapped act on her wanted the committee to to tor other baok and forth between tbe members them along. This couldn't to oause him to fall and there’ll he money spare things. ring ioys pushing fact hard enough boy this year." at once, but the board voted to Then report tor that too, If you of tbe board and some time waB wasted. le allowed and I told him so. * We'll take your or der Turkey, down. The Mayor—"Mr. MoGowan wishes to lay tbe matter on the table. * Some one wanted these formal charges ie became lmpertlneot and I beard him say you don t 811V BO# Mr. MoGowan—"You Mr. Andrews, that you are In the It was his breath. X Imply, reduced to writing, but Anally de- repeat something under allow the boys In your school yard to run, Smoke Ml Favorltas on Thanksglvlng- habit of pushing boys down Intending Good Tub Creamery Butter, ~2o New Dates, 7o lb., 4 lor 25a cided that Mrs. should be allowed then took the boy by the shoulder and touoh one another or Coyne chase one another, ns was this day. Sohlotterbeok's. them to be Injured boy." Best Print Creamery Butter, 2oo Fine Bibs tor 230 to ahead and tell them In her own pulled him towards me and then pushed I ask what you do allow Pop Corn, go squabble. May Mr. MoGowan—"1 didn’t Imply any- 13^° trom me. He fell down near the Fresh Spring Chickens, 85c dor. way. him them to dof' OFFE MS OF blLVEM. Large Sweet Oranges, thing of the sort, nor did I Intend to do Northern Turkeys, Bio a concise manner. did not strike It. He remained to — This she did In very tenoe, but Mr. Andrews said he allowed them Nicaragua, November 26 New Layer Figs, 10j lb. so." Managua, Boast Pork Loins, and she knew how half a minute and then X one anoth- She had a grlevanoe down picked walk around anu talk with The Nicaraguan minister of the treasury 15a lb. witness was Janitor McKen- Native Fowl and Gsese, All kinds New Nuts, without un- and stoou him on bis feet. He school and the The next l)uoks, to tell her story adding any him up er. He has ¥10 boys In this Is receiving offers from Europe to supply So the were Lamb, Table iialslns, lt'c lb. She said that a week cried some and said his ankle was hurt. ney, who said boys together Forequarter Spring Large Layer necessary details. Is small and suoh a rule Is neoesaary sliver for coining *800,000 pesos and offers yard Mr. Andrews took the Leaned Smoked Shoulders, ?,'sO noon some came to her 1 had him carried lntb the school aud when Coyne boy Nodheads, Snow, Nothern Spies Apples, ago Friday boye to prevent acoldents. of the same sum for coining fractional So qt He and him a little push. The was Good Cape Cod Cranberries, house and asked her how her son Wtllle put on the sofa In my ollloe. orled MoGowan—•• You say you heard gave boy his decision In 2Uo pk. Mr. ourrenoy. Me Is delaying and W » or Uve minute* and then oarried to Mr. Andrews's office and at Beets,Turnips squash, was. She didn't know that anything four stopped. the mutter something you didn’t that offers be received from Bo boy tbe hope may Flue Native 9j, 3 [or 250 New Sweet Cider, qL he hadn't The reason I didn't take him home or to one o’clock Mr. MoKenney Celery, had happened to Willie only understand, and then grabbed him by quarter the United States and Mexico. In the basement of the Fresh Catawba*, l®0 15 lbs. Silver Skin Onions, 25a home from school for dinner. The send him home was because bis Injury him down?” had seen him come the collar and pusbed lor 2.10 New Malaga Grapes, Fine Sweet Potatoes 25a told her that Mr. Andrews bad ao- did not seem serious enough. I left him Mr. Andrewa-“Y'e*.,• building. 15 lbs boys MM. FOAULKH TO WEI). Home-made Saurkrout, 9o qt., 3 lor 25o ousod her son of "picking" on a boy him on the sofa after the reoess and went Mr. Heseltlne—’' Wby didn’t you take Mrs. Coyne said that her boy had been Wo bust) Home-made Bloter Pickles, lk (loz. Bost Fine Potatoes, him to a When I back to Atlanta, Ua., November 00.—The Jour- named Haker and had told stop. to hear repltatloo. earned the boy to your office |lf you wanted to foroed to go there and had be oar-led the was still on the nal a despatch from SprlngUuld, "A s a matter of fact," said Mrs. Coyne, at noon boy lying punish him.” back up stairs. prime U.M. the Standard "Willie had not been picking on the sofa quietly and didn’t seem to be suffer- Ohio, saying Flagler, will Miss Keenan Uakqr hoy at all." ing any. I went aorois the street to the Oil magnate, marry In the Mr. Andrews had then, without cause, stable intending to get a carriage to take of Macon, tla., spring. JOHNSON & LAMBERT, -!H-5 — TII.SPIIOXE her boy by the shoulder and him home, but the stable door was looked...... grabbed Huyler’e Thanksgiving pantiles. Mohlot- him eome distance with great Then X went home and got my lunoh in- 24 Wilmot Street. pushed terbeok ® Folk Co, Lnev2:il2t violence. He had fallen against the fenoe tending to send the boy horns when I got Jjrti^se^Wo^l^iai^rWorl^withou^QOL^^USTj •1*0 on* from th* beam of W. A. Bead. Tbs Hnbetltute guarter-Uack. tij bus- NIMBLLARKOC*. IIKCUAllCOn. MAINE TOWNS. Some of tba fanes around the lower oor- ts oc Williams, is, as Its name Indicates, waa blown down by tba na, ^"tnetary a foot ball story, and tbe young people, gala, and».'arm* tree In tba cemetery (lalhernl hy On■ Bo- will donbtlees Bnl tbs book almost' as Item, or Ul.ml waa blown up 6r»~-'rooU; „ c- Interesting aa tbe gams Itself. There Is a cal Corrcipondcata. Tba roof of the barn oi —. waa started daring *he gale laas ; ~ood in It ahoot a boy who did ncl : tk Mngthl, DiiiilBills on Mobb, IbubsIwI and oil road 2%] Boland Cbandiei was lea "p.iar lair," but "gay* away his aide,' KK.NNKlHJNK. with team and waa blown out of the ‘ and thus fell Into Rut It all road Into tbe ditch, team nnd all. People disgrace. November 82.—The elec- in Kennohunk, thought that a Western cyclone waa oomes out for Holden better than could tric light wire vu broken near Meeper'e progress. have been axpeotel, and he at last wins etorm Merrill & the shippers Oyeter Bonn daring the wind Hackett, largest some laurel* and recovers his lost of are how honor. team apples in this town, shipping DIAMOND STAR: last Cousens's night Uzpressman a thousand barrels of applaa oer week The Animals ot -Kiop, by J. J. Morr, fortu- got tangled np In the wire, bat tram this town and other*. They have la n book for the little folk, for especlall;, nately there was little power on. The about a dozen men at work packing bnt will tbelr elders them. please nearly as boras danoed around Ireely but no quite K N. Gilbert and Ueo Field go to muoh. Mr. Mora travesties and modern- other damage was done. Anson and Madison this week, to pack ize* tbe fablee that have been OIL GO.: will The Mouaam Manufacturing company j applt* for Merrill Jk Hackett. They familiar to ns rrom ohlidhood. and Ids Somerset Of Los and a other town* In Angoles, f le erecting a new smoko stack, probably go.lnto pictures, which are are county. upon every purge, number of their are without California• i employes |M!ss May Greeley and 'Mrs. Geo. Bol- capital. One wonders at tbe skill wht< b abort work ror a few days a* a oonscauenoe. ton met with quite an accident a enables tbe artist to produce, so perfectly, Mr. O. K. ths new and time slnoe, while out riding one evening. Curtis, grocer another human expressions upon the faces of ani- They came in collision with t merchant, Is moving Into the ex- mals of all sorts and conditions. Capita Stock, $250,000. provision team and were both Injured to some They J. M. Kmery bouse Fletcher, s'reet tent Allas Greeley has wen confined in smile and sneer, look wise, silly and d Is- Into the Bon- bed from received at that .time, Par Value of Shares, $1. J Asa M. Seavey le moving Injury putted, jus: like people, and are curloutly but Is better now. ner bouse and may re-open the restau- human in This la one of the Mr F. W. Winter Is still running bis aspeot rant. work most mill with quite a crew of men at elaborate, aa well as unique, ot the of DIRECTORS. f A patty of about fifty Knights for him. He la manufacturing boxes. books for children. holiday V. V. Prr«. C. II. lilTrilTF. Wednes- Alineda Stevens la at work for Mr*. MHEBMERRORR, 0 Pythias went to Caps Porpoise, The Little Koike Illustrated Annual O. W. mi I N. Vk*"Pml in The child of Mr. Stanley yet very The Hlaok Cat lJof Well, i) pany. recently purchased by Standard Company, produced over p youngest (bell* tor Apple* are Tho of tho Horn® Oil which Fold for a few dollar* tier shareasliort Slovene ol Kennebunk died apples higher prloe*. that 1* left for the babies to k oil. stock Company, p Banding be- “guess.'* a share. Other W net nearly as weU as In years I* time ago cannot !*♦> purchased today for Je than $4 .Out) per lomphrikH last after a Illness. The keeping » week, prolonged Mies Johnson has made for them a show’ advances in the of their shares, anlliclcnt in niaity cases to make fore. pretty 11 very large price s funeral took lest Hev. U holders of their place Sunday, Mr. and family are to book of » fortunes for the stock. T. Mlllward Henry Bonney picture pnrsles, and you rend a ^ olllolatiig. move tbls week to Otlafleld, to remain bit, then you oome to a picture whit b • Bill K KICK. through tbe winter. I The Diamond Star Oil Company a and must ^ nnd w Mr. T. F. Keoor i and wile have gone represents word, you guee I owns and Is operating twelve (1J) producing wells right In the richest part of this region. bus November 25 —The h< t*-s iu Hit famous .'.tuxbull Oil 1-lelth* Blmerlok, very to Aubnrn for tbe winter. what It all means. It Is not very d:ft'» I 1 In sitilitiun It-" of woudcrtuUy productive territory (J heavy wind blow of the 21et did consider- J The company l» paying p a cult, but will give much pleasure u able damage in this section, unrooting PER CENT. MONTHLY DIVIDENDS build- children who have reached words of 2 0 barn tor John Thing, several ont CONCERNING BOOKS. just to In the near future. and which lias been with every prospect of increasing this rate *4per cent, monthly ^ The Kind You Have Always Bought, ings tor 8. T', Bradbury, and blew two two syllables T'be took baa the pretti- from the house of Frank Cram. is offered invodors at 25 cents * In ose for over 30 years, has borne the of obtmneys est kind ot a all red and i A Limited Amount of Stock per shanc> slgnatnre to cover, yellow, Herbert Seavey hits gone Boston, I have doxen of book* /) under bis anotber round and In one corner the black sits 0 notice. * and has been made per- where be Is at present firing on a shift- oat and subject to an advance in price without for and than which nothing ioorras 0 since its In the B & M freight yard#. boye girls, smiles. | > Th* prwi^d* «f thU Mb- au» to Ik derotrd to Ibr driving ol now wells. IboamaUrtally sonal supervision Infancy. ing engine the .1 ing tho earning eniiaelty ol company. ... w That the best of suoeess may attend him could bo more attractive nnd delightful. srh» ttuci SoC11 <'«n*i>nny I u* at Jt* In art a man whoso family name (tho horns, ^ Allow to you wish friends. ot the oil industry of the f9 is the of hi# many Such gay and beautiful covers, with 11 father and nous, of N-w York). Is olosefy lrtenilflrd with th« hmtory. “ lovely stories, than which there Is noth- a wale ran of as Ali Imitations nnd Jnst-as-good” arc but; Hon. Jf. B Wlggin, Insurance agent V t'nited state*. Its President, Mr. P V wchernu rhoru, has hat go ‘•xperteneo Counterfeits, contents to and of Infinite variety n the and lunnaeting^r i.m- 8vco and of Bouhelder matob, better. The dedication la— (* nn expert In the emit: uaii-.ii and lection of ! nds; in pmiim-lng ^ the health of cf Mr. ilachelder, ing tn and, plants, oml M Experiments that trifle with and endanger from Dana Estes & Co. 4 crude oil* and their varied products; erecting (brin ks, bortug rig pnnip.ug Those Messrs “To and Californio. v: lu the drilling of hundreds of wells iu Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana p Infants and ChUdren—Experience against Experiment. the Cist. (Portland: Coring, (short & Harmon,) Ktve girls I know Mr*. G. Moulton and her IN GUARANTEED, C. slater, are: Traveller's Talee of boutb Africa,by In the town of Halnt Jo,” YOUR VESTMENT 0 Mist Mattie Mason, have gone to Boston, Po confident i-; th" company that the price of its elm rev will advance ton much higher p Ueseklah The and It Is a book written especially for » enU where they will spend the winter. Butterwortb; Boy figure within the next few month s and so firmU their belief that, divii.e'd* per J vminir flrlrla Of If. f.hn nnthnr unrs “If 5 di.u ol nr. added, town for a few last week. llrnetw nf Tnv.e Itn I’aWfain Hftlnh this should seem to stock sold, to return principal, with 8 per any days story extravagant for further 2 for Castor Pare- hr nest Cortland left for Dover, N. 11., J desired l»y the investor. Apply at oneo particular.;. Cnstoria is a harmless substitute Oil, Hunch 111; Tne Substitute Hack, any of my readers, I can only reter their the 24th Inst where be has gone tD ac- Quarter It is Pleasant. It to some one tho a and Soothing Syrups. a Knstaoe The Aulraala of of many published e goric, Drops cept a position wltn wholesale drug by Williams; L. E. PIKE & CO., Baiikers, contains neither Morphine nor other Narcotio house. by J. J. Mora, and The Little counts of the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war. £ Opii.in, iEsop, CONN. SPRINGFIELD, MASS, a Died In Limerick, the 21st Inst after. will find that delicate and HARTFORD, substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys W rms Folk*' Illustrated Annual, What Did the Tney many t a long ana severe Illness Mr. Aaron: ind Uiack Cat Do? tenderly nurtured girls were -forced to and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W Chapman, at the ripe nge.ot bU years. Mr. by Margaret Johnson, been a resident of and enaure dangers and privations compare 11 Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Chapman has long Klta, by Laura i£. Klobards. and leavis a wide clrolo of to which Klta's adventures seem like the the Limerick, and Flatulency. It assimilates Food, regulates friends and acquaintances to respect bis From Messrs, L, O. Page & Co., (Port- Childs' play.” Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy atul natural sleep. memory. Une ton. Woodman, and a turvlve him. land: Lorlng, Short & Harmon) are Mrs. Klohards’s story is bright, fresh The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. daughter, Sarah, Died In Limerick, Friday, the 21st, of Chains, by Alsrla Lonlse Poole; The Ad- and original, wltb a pretty dash (f CO TO CONWAY’S pneumonia Mrs. Will Upton, alter a Is tbe aoeue of ventures of a lloy Deportir, by llarry humor, and Cuba opera- revere Illness of only two weeks’ dura Little Puritan’s for the as well as tbe GENUINE ALWAY3 tlon. A husband and one eon mourn Steele Morrison, and A tions, romantic, CASTORIA Her loss. The funeral occurred Sunday, First Christmas, by Kdlth Koblnson. practical elements of the narrative attended by the Kev. K. K. Cox. Two Klta Is the daughter of nn American selections were rendered vary upproprtute who has married a wife and SALE. The publish In the Hands of Spanish THANKSGIVING by the male quartette. Harpers In Havana. At first Klta Is the Cave-Dwellers, by U. A. ilenty. lives BUXTON. Accord- (Lorlng, Short & Harmon.) “Cuban, lacatlo, Impossible." Cbtoopee, November 23.—The high wind ing to her step.mother, "She teach her Glass and Plated Ware. of Wednesday ntgnt made things rattle • Mr. Dutterworth Is well known to all parrot to cry vlva Cuba Libre I’ She Crockery, around this vlotnlty. Amongst other her things which It did, it blew over a clothes readers of “The Youth's Companion'’ and play at open windows guitar, songs reel full of Mrs. Flora Anderson * wash- they are legion. Tbit, his latest volume, of Cuban rebels, forbidden by tbe author- it to the bottom side ing. tossing ground belongs to tbe Kduoatlonal Travel Merles ities.” This Is the Spanish half of COVERED up Also the old brick school bourn DINNER SETS. PLATTERS, OISHES, or Travellers' Tales of New and Klta's and the war he/ felt Its force, the rear end of sluddlng Lands, nature, developer Kind You Have odd to be The the Sets Always Bought and plaster, which was left when they Is oomposed of sketobes which vividly American traits, the result of whtoh 15 of our special Combination Soup Turoeos, patterns, was S3 closed out low. removed the brick, badly started picture reoent history. story tells far better than I oau. for H persons. Knglish make, decorated, very In Use For Over 30 Years. from the top that took out the win- and at they This writer's earlier the /. ag The name of Miss Marla Louise Poole clionp f0.50. down works, Zlg THC CtNTAUS COMPANY, TT MUNNAV •TB**T. NtW YONN CtTV. dows and pulied It this morning. This Sale 84.87 best kind of notion fcr Mr John Howard has built him a new Journeys, must still he fresh in tno minds represents the work a little above his in weie intend- and "Chums” Isa rues CHINA. shop, dwelling, of all who read them. They girls, storyjwldoh 10 Sets, 112 pices in choice decora'ion, which he expects to get out a lot of hoops of Inci- ed to enconrage educational travel, and from gay to grave.) baB plenty blue aud iitecu border, worth 00 a set. this winter. of different nations and two heroines who are called This Halo Salad and Nut Bowls. Bread and But- to n Thanks- related the stories dent, $6 97 The pastor expects preuoh ter Plates, Bone, Fruit and Bon Bon sermon on Sunday next. that wore connected with repressntative Mercy and Eeltgbt. There Is but one giving b'ue Dishes in and beautiful Ur. elder of Port- constant mention of a J & O, Mcakius ware, flowing unique shapes T'oayer, presiding life ana history. This new series Is or false note, the decoi attaint. land dlscrlot, will lie here on .Sunday 112 worth $12.00. the same kind, except that It pictures poor little deformed boy as “the dwarf." underglaze, pieces, evening, Djo 2nd, tor Q lartorly Confer- This Sale cr of Is and unnec- $7 93 ence countries that are at this moment This sort thing painful new school house has reoelved Its and one winces every time the The speolnl interest, while the author wisely essary, Grinley'fi hand decorated sots, 110 GLA SWARE. first coat of plaster, and in a few days Otherwise the says that—"Folklore Is the trnest his expression Is used story worth $ 17.00. more the skim coat will be put on, when pieces, today demonstatrates Is well told and with a very out a. Best Blown the carnenters will be able to go forward tory, and most oorrectly Interesting, Closing SI 1.87 Tumblers, 45c with their work to completion, without the. Hie and progress of a people. good, and not too evident moral. Banded Tumblers, 55c • much blndranoe. stories are at a whole Mr. Moirlson's The Adventures of a Common These meant, These are a few- only of our Tumblers, 24 = 'The selectmen of Buxton were running to indicate the condition of South begins with tbe formation in Diuncr Ware. and the lines between this town and tiorbum present Hoy lteporter, inauy bargaius Celery Trays Glasses, |0 to 25c club” l)an Solllvan and Omega with two of Gorham's selectmen Thurs-! Africa, to explain and illustrate Its his- of a “Hut by Preserve Bowls, IOc day. We understood that they were to : tory, with tbe Important events wbtob Aroble Dunn, where tbe boys eat dirty Individual Preservo Dishes, 2c the lines betweru this town and run have occurred slice colonization, and thus btead, drink bitter coffee, cook in the with the Standlsh Standlsb, Friday, themselves lampsT^ the reader to farther and gener- selectmen. incite investigation. open air, prepare TOILET SETS. Miss Jane Anderson Is the possessor of There is not a dry nor a dull page In ally for the seamy site of life Dost 1!. A H. Nic'ale Lamp., with that was Issued In the a marriage lloense tbe book, and all historical details are Later Archie becomes a “reporter;” shade and d im my compiet* year 13UU or one hundred years ago. 10 niece Decorated Sets from so Illumined and adorned by the writer a works bis way to Honolulu by peeling A "teat barpiiu, $f .48 West Buxton, November 2«.—Mr. Boy SI 73 to S'5 bright fanoy and kuaok of story-telling, vegetables on a Paolllo liner, and llnally P. Higgins returned home from Lisbon A lar^c lino of Decorated Globe the reader will think he 1§ simply arrives In Manila, where he has a fearful A new Hue of Crumb Trays and last Monday, where he has been at work that Lamps, with central draft burnar. tbc past.summer. being entertained, where be Is really gat- and wonderful experUnoe, such as being This Sale $2.50 to $!0 Brushes or Sera,ors, 50c to Si.25 Mr. Krnest Band and bride, ol Leba- IN OLD AGE As people get ing much valuable Information. oaptured by the rebels, and afterward in Yellow Pudding Dishes. Mixing Bowls, The volume u a handsome one, and Is making his escape. About this time he Common Lamps at lowest prices old their bodies dry up, like plants Hand s mother. Etched Pio Plates, at lowest prices. Mlti Tola Dodge, who has been spend crammed with Interesting Illustrations sees Aguinaldo, and, when the Amerloan city. when winter Their with her Mrs approaches. Ing a few days sister, Tbe Hoy Duck Hunters, by Mr. Kellogg, troop*} arrive, ueouiueo tuo ucru ui iuo Charles Sawyer, returned home last skin wrinkles and their a writer well and favorably known, is a regiment. At the last of the story bo joints Thursday. a whieb all are sure bids us and Is tor harden. The back aches. The Miss Eliza Hanson was taken suddenly beauty of book, boys farewell, just starting 111 last Sunday afternoon. It la thought to like Immensely. The Illustrations are Europe. and arms lame. shook at shoulders get to be a slight as of them are CONWAY'S unusual M. ot value, many j- First Cnrtstmas Is u Hollis High aobool closed last Friday A Little Puritan's The become . The feet of Audnbon plates. The legs tor a vacation of two weeks, alter a suc- reproductions dainty volume, containing a story of Mr. 1>. Har- of the relate are tender and sore. The natural cessful term taught by M. first chapters story oblefiy Colonial day*, charmingly told. It Is all ]NT3EW STORE, mon. Mr. Harmon will teaoh the winter and and tell to Dlok Thad Kingston, about how Christmas was oils of the are ex- term. unwillingly body bow went bunting. One doubts a they kept by Betty Bewail, aided by her un- Opp- CascoSt. and is FALMOUTH. little If the real mammas would have al- 520 Congress St., hausted, something regenerate brother Bam. Hetty and Bam lowed youngsters of so tender an age to needed to produce the Falmouth, November 26.—Mist Med ora were the ohlldren ot Judge Bewail of the Shaw le with handle at all, but this mother A. spending Thanksgiving guns per- famous “Diary," who hanged the witch- and that her sister In Somerville, Maes. that LIST OF CHOICE strength vigor mitted It, and we oan only hope hated the The schools have closed for their es and “popish festival" of in other small or ton and twelve will Nature herself supplies Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. Henry boys Christmas has been assistant in- not follow the example of Jack and Thad the earlier of life. Merrill appointed On the pretty oover Uetty and Bam ap- FOR SALE years of oustoma for Portland,and Miss to their destruction. However, It la all LOTS spector as large as life— bnt look- BUILDING Anna will take his place In the pear—not quite The best thing for this Colley very fascinating reading, and the heroes school at Falmouth. ing very jqu alnt and Interesting. 10 fine lot. for Summer Cottages at Ollawii Park. of the did not. In tbe least, mind View PiirK. is Omega Oil. It is a god- There will be a Thanksgiving service story A book written by Mr. Ueoty Is always 2 of the best lota at tho new suburb, •‘.Moiniiniii First Thurs- attacked etc all round suourb, t oyle at the Congregational chapel being by eagles, wildcats, as It were, 'l'he 32 the finest of the tine lots in thatpopular year if ever a drawing card, boys send to the aged day, at Id o olook a m. There will be a more tbe for tbe remarkable adventures, In and will read with avid- Park." sermon the pastor, Uev. J. A. Flint. delight them, for sale cheap. one. by the bettor tbe fun. 5 lots at reascndeu Park very there was It makes this ot an raid. The ity, story Apache lots on tho at « oodlorUn. HAKPSWELL. Uonehlll also la enter- 2 beautiful large Htglilamls Captain vastly scene at Ban where the eon Woodfords. the declining years of life opens Diego, 2 vetv line lots at UigHland Sqiinie, West Uarpswell, November 26.—A taining, and bla book, For the Liberty as as the best. of a leading citizen of Boston, a young 3 lots" on Norwood St., Woodfords. good free from the that gloom was cast over the community last forma tbe first of a line pains of Texas, of an honest fair price for as news was received fellow In tbs dress of a sal tor, has desert- are for combined with buyer _ ~ A r, k. Thursday, when of If you looking quality -— ~ three volumes—each complete In Itself,— interest —J £> J• the death of Kobert Alexan- ed from hla saves the lfe of a Mexi- as seller, then this list of lota will you. by drowning ship, well Do of North He ha.l been to be known as the ‘‘Mexican War lots are as safe as gold and tho fluest are boiug sold rapidly. a and find der Uarpswell. can gentleman, one Juan Barasta, and Covie Park Many grandfather grandmother mo 1 build a house to taste if teaching school on Urr's Island, and Merles.'' The history of Texas and her not wait too long. If you will buy of will your for this service has bis reward. to and l will in Oil the that does their started tor home ;nt night. In a small can to own architect and get a plau suit yon Omega only thing struggle for liberty is full ot romanoe Tbs setting ot the story Is vou \vl«h or you go your tloat. Ills friends watcbe 1 him from the Bpanish contract, will all tho work as though the aches real rub it and Incidents, for this territory rather plotruesque, and there Is a dash assist you in placing your superintend ^ any good. They simply Island until nearly across, and hoped he exoltlng not one cent for mv services. of romanos and love-making the variety home was my own and will charge had reaobed home but next morn- was settled by Amerloans, Mexloana, on their sore and the It safely, which Is said to be the sploe ot life Please call at my office and let mo have a talk with you. spots, pain stops. ing Ms body was found on the beach a and of vari- French, Spaniards pioneers One gets (roin this pretty volume a is for a to short distance from borne, his float having good everything liniment ought ous nations. It was also the home of the very good Idea of the cattle ranobes ot capsized when 'nearly across. Funeral other and Southern California, and ot the mauner Street. be good for. W!9 services were held Saturday afternoon. wild Comanche and Indians, . . . 53 Exchange In which they are carried on. L. M. LEIGHTON The young man wae a graduate of How- a for noted desperadoes. gathering ground M L B. W. uovifieod2w _____ dotn class of and was College, t>8, The country was overruru with deer, irlililVLU V' AJj principal of the High school on buffalo and the wild mustang,—which to lice and to for the true Urr s Island. The afflicted parents have If Both paint anything man. Paul S. R. the of all In their bereavement. made U a famous hunting ground. brotherhood of Of Caster, S., sympathy is wroug with H. E. Lamb MONEY H. Merrlman a load Hiss LOANED. W. brought Mexican War was a Specialist lu all chronic diseases, from 6-U Con- Capt. The picturesque -he digestive of lumber from Wlnneganoe ;to Urr's Is- gress 8f, to the Mt. Hope Health Bazaar, Now eeiles of battles, fought with superb organs, the en- AXXOUNC K6. 00 Bed lord St., between Forest Avenue an l land last week, tor Mrs. Hryce Huberts men little aoonstomed to tire is FOX Grove St., where no is more fully prepared to Mr Fred Orr and sister Locy. from courage by system STUDIO, all chr* nlc diseases of whatsoever nature town at Ala upset. The The of Her New Heirs and others to treat Hath, visited friends in Sunday military art The defext no, Opening I S Portland. desiring with all the modern and methods Bitters will >178 Congress St., improved Mr. Comfort Lanabee, from Webster were also* borrow on known to medical having more end tbe massacre at Uollad, money IMiAI. ES- jurisprudence, Corner, visited friends here last week. atreugth e d commodious offlce room and operating room, trous, but Ueneral Sam Houston came the stomach PIANO SALESROOM, TATE, NOTES, household furni- and will le < pen day m l muht to all wlm tic* and NEW ULUUCESTEK. tbe and under bis daring flawing Painting Modelling ture, pianos, etc. Business strict- sire consultation. Grove 8fe and Forest Ave., upon scene, and cure cars pas* the street, llemember ihe number- Upper Uloucester, November 20—We leadership tbe army of Santa Anna, tbe Constipation, Street. 66 Bedford Portland. e connec- 385 Congress in ly confidential. St.. Telepho had onr Urst snow storm of an; amount Clay, tion. octldtf Mexican general, war utterly routed. Inillgrsliun, _ last Saturday night and Sunday Al- NOv. 3. lOOO The boys who read this tumultuous tale and Opens though no sleighs were out on Sunday, Dyspepsia Pi* rr.ar The famous Ne.w tsiiglaiitl U Carrie I. STQCKBRIDGE HALL. yet would have got along better will long for tae time when they, too, Uilliousness. TKACHKH'*—(k rlr, Ko«, anybody a Ka.tman. Cnrtla A.IN-iry, runners than on wheels. battles of their anl ano will bo the loader. Guaranteed on tight the country, It Itri twrt A. IIIeli 1,,',l*o >*. Home for Ladies. visited tewn one strengthens School Young The gale which this as are class instrument at a low tak> part in suoh stirring scenes the nerves and strictly hij'b tic per week evening Loan Address STOCKHKIDflK HAI.I,, did some at the 110 a inontb bay elaas, Shawmut last week damage Go., night on YarmoHlbi Ale. envy Dan ■ el Full lurulsbeJ applica- A was blown here described; and they will brings resil- I'riCC' elasa. uarttesUri Heterouou-itl. Bev. Hubert L'odwnii. Jr. lower village chimney tion §eUSUi.t»l,tuSiii 68 MARKET ST.. PORTLAND, ME of and for in sleep. avHdlw-teodti noTMoatl j from the residence Lemuel Day, and Kalph being It. ing

a. an Of tba faithful, A. K. Walker; aeoond HISTBROOK. guardian of the faithful, V. H. Holding. Mr. (1. Fred Berry and wife, Conoord U Oh yes, •treat, bare returned from a very pleas- ant ten day*' trip to New York and Wash- M ington. D. C. we carry of Mies Lula Baris, president of the Ep- Wedding Anniversary Memorial worth League of the Clark them. Methodist ohuroh baa resigned her office, p Couple. A new lot received. Popular and has to Boston where she Is to jnet gone The fineat quality of material, locate permanently. E*" Strong frame*, handsome of Kooky Bill lodge, Knights Pythias, handles and every one war- has reoalved an invitation to confer the ranted perfect. As It Looks To You L -—— — m rank of page at the district school of In- handle* yon can have your Hares In the French '1 Shipment of Belgian struction to^be held In City ball tba latter choice of Silver Lingray. Or finish. Ivory, MONUMENT ANC CONGRESS of Ueoembar. The lodge will prob- gold SQ. SQ. part On'n Hflnl. at Ita next Partridge, Expwted. ably take action on the matter A Penang and Natural A Stein-Bloch Overcoat will meeting. © Woods Silver Mounted. always retain the same graceful A bewildering assortment of MOHlilLLS. GEO. H. GRIFFEN, smoothness that the mirror P reflects when first tried on. Home • Arriving son of Conductor John Bow- J owolor People The young It is rightly constructed by the Hoi Hand Ball road oompany Mft CONtiRKSl ST. doln of taih For Thanksgiving. who baa been 111 with the typhoid fever high-class journeyman s, l Is improving rapidly. from fabrics of finest weave bi.d Tbe Unity club will meet this evening AU linings of superior quality. at tba home of Mias Gertrude Bead, 710 as ns near Saunders street, It is fashioned correctly THANKSGIVING Forest avenue, FAIT! Wedding at St. Hyacinthe’s Woodfords. the most exclusive made-to- ^ Mr S. C. V who reoently pur- With a our well fitting Smith, pair of measure garments, and will ). Church Sunday. business of Mr. Albert onased the grooery gloves and one of our natty New York has had the store never disappoint the weare Dlngley, Forest avenue, veilings you are what the French call and has made sev- on su pnt In tnorough repair au fait. As it appears the ace, eral alterations about It. .... Our Specialty is the lowest priced so it is through and throng! GOODS Messrs George W. Uoagg and Ilarley glove that is worth buying and our ^SfrTamr^rsTT?^!^Sn3»fr™5night J. Gilman of f». B ; are to Stein-Bloch Overcoats Nraderlcton, latest and host street, observed tbs l«th anniversary of veilings are the things spend the Thanksgiving holidays at the Ready-to-wear, 116 to $'$0 The endless line of attractive their on Saturday evening at worn in New York. offerings wedding home of Mr. D. W. lloegg, Stevens ave- tbslr boms. Tbs affair took tne form of 11.00 and upward. forbids enumeration in near com- nue, Deerlng Center. CLOVES, anywhere a number of their Those are the ones. We a surprise party, The ladles-' otrule of Kockameeoook Imported of a few must suffice. friends on them and giving them liavo domestic for le»» pleteness-mention culling tribe of Bed Men, held 01A of their suc- glove* money. Middle St. a Dleaaant surprise. Mnslo and games and ALLEN & 204 cessful support and socials on Saturday MITTENS, 50o upward. CO., were and during the evening re- enjoyed evening at Bed Men’s hall. VEILINCS. 25c served. freshments were fits_-vr __a w 11_-i .... hnen hnnan ROASTED TURKEYS- Miss Starr, Main street, Cumberland from —I which has recently been moved THE I _ tnroe friends Mills, entertained a party of near Washington avenue to Allen avenue, fresh killed Tne Selected, plump native birds from nearby farms—six at tea Soturlay eyenlng. guesti U to be re- A. C. Noyes grooery store, BOLAND CLOVE CO. %%%%%% to twelve pounds each—roasted and aOe were Miss Swan, Mr. Tyler Wllbnr Den- stuffed, per pound modelled. The lower part, It Is under- llOV2tdtf nett and Mr. Frederlnk M Swan, Jr. stood, Is to be made Into a grooery store Miss Swan was formerly a classmat) and the upper floor will probably be need TRIED . . i ROASTED all recovered and the hcuses have been DUCKS, with Mlse Starr at the Friends sobool, Wells & as a real estate office by Messrs. Ii Is the 1*11 of \ the other mem- relieved of their cards. Time prove* the worth o leveijrlhinv. 10c per Frovlde'ooe, It. I., and and con- \ pound Little fluid, the local builders It wenrs oil the ex erior and exposes Ihe solidity bers of the were Dowdoln students # honesty. F party more su»* \ tractors. NEWS. \ or Itie worthlessness bt-nenil There is nothing who are on tholr way to Froyldcnoo, It. llABBOE ROASTED A benefit dance is to be given by Mr. eeptlhle to lime iliiin n Pit NO. Uul beware of judging F GEESE, I., to spend the holidays. ^ 30c Harry Poterson at Hoegg hall, Heerlng hastily. The per pound Master Hugh Bnbb Is spending the Item, of Iu4ere.ll Picked t’p Along jh Center, this evening. Thanksgiving holllays with his parents, Shore. The marriage intentions of Mr. Cbarlee ROASTED Mr. and Mrs. Howard Babb. Kooky Bill. CHICKENS, to Mies Abbott Tracey of North Heerlng * Master Babb Is to sail for England in On account of the severe storm the seas 555c per pound Etta Mabel Osborne of Highland square, Ueoember, where he Is to pursue a pre- In the harbor were very high yesterday have been recorded. and tossed like paratory coarse of study tor entranoe to and the vessels rolled CRANBERRY Our little neighbor, Helen Klohardeon SAUCE, lie to remain Bat this, no Pianos! Uxford university, expects oblps. notwithstanding of Leonard struct, who has been very I 15c per quart about nine disasters were along the coast. TiChickerini have been bel'o- e the many, many years, and near- F away years. reported public has greatly Improved. Tins Is Ihe brsi evidence of The board of directors of the ladles' ill, It Is that few oraft were out In ly 100,000 are In dully n*e. If you wish to select and buy vour own bird wo will stuff and Centre probable 4* ^ Miss Alice E. Jones of Heerlng v ntnl Sole representatives for these F circle of the Westbrook Congregational the storm. The packet schooners llattle popularity superiority. roast Turkeys for 50c; Chickens 25c. has returned to the Jackson studio for a "A I’innoa nud fourteen "liter 11 lie makes. ^ church will meet In the parlors of the Lorlng and Pendleton arrived In the af- F few weeks. r TERTIS CASH OK E ISV PAYMENTS. ohuroh, Wedr.osday afternoon at threo ternoon, the former having left Port liev. Everett S. Stnoicpole, D.D., of o’olook. Clyde In the morning and the latter Cambridge, Mas*., formerly pastor of the Mr. W. E. of the left Bootbbay In the morning California and Florida Ayer Kanger-Ayer has having Jamaica, Clark Memorial churoh, WoodforUs, weather. ES & ALLEN. In the encountered hard, % JON $ Co., of Eoxoroft, arrived oity yes- They rough CRESSET, been in Heerlng lately. TuTh&Sat Oranges, Manderins, Crape Fru't, Pine- terday where he will spend Thanksgiv- While off Seguln the seas were so ter- ^ Mrs. Little, oorner of Lelnnd avenue ing. Ills wife has been In tbe city for rltlo that the orew of the Coring hod apples, Bananas, Table Apples, and Leonard street Is reported better. %%%%%%, Malaga the past ten days. fears that they would lose their deck The P. U. Shakespeare olub ore now Cornichou3. Lieut J. M. Akerly of Ulddeford Is In load. But everything reeulted all right Crapes, Empress Grapes, reading “Love s Labor Lost.'’ the oity as the guest of Ur. A. E Cobb, The steamer Hibernian of the Allan Muin street. line, which arrived Sunday evening, We make IOOO BASKETS FANCY CATAWBAS, Mr Fred Main street, who SOUTH POKTLAm uooked morning. She left Phlnney, yesterday 15c basket. has recently gone Into the business of Glasgow on the Wth, and the passage measure per To _ breeding Belgian hares for tbe market Onr city baa fait tbe.'severlty of .be was a hard one. At times the seas were an over the steamer. J%.&ibbii& has.' received notice that Invoice of recant storm nnd Sunday night the p.lr so high that they broke MEN’S a doe of were six hares, line young ones, and was almost blue, violet, orange, in fact A oargo of about SO tons brought. \Jmbrclla Vpsetment. be to oattlemen also oame on THANKSGIVING pure English stock, will shipped every color In the rainbow, where elec- Ten returning CONFECTIONS. N. the SUITS and him today from Canoble, H., tricity was given an opportunity to piny the stsamer. They successfully passed Freshly made from the purest and choicest ingredionts. an actor on of the health officers. Or rather art I hares were imported by English Its pranks, 'l'be light lawyer street the examinations upsetment Ailnilrahle assort ill "tits at 15, lit. JO anil J5c lb. who was in the navy daring the war Into retirement nbout 11 o'olook, morning British Consul OVERCOATS went yesterday of \Jmbrella prices. Old Fashioned Mixed I.rokcu Candy. Freshly made with Spain, serving under Admiral and all telephonlo com- Keating ruoelved a message from Cock- day yesterday from granulated sugar, flavored with best Imported oils and colored Schley. The actor Is now sick and dis- munication with the olty was hard to port, N. S., from K. Churchill Cooke, At the with the harmless pure fruit colors of Joseph Burnett Co., Boston abled and has recently started in the l.imt)3 of trees, weak and owner of the schooner Alina, saying that get. hoary the hares for —a wholesome confection for children, lOo per pound business of raising the Belgian with nge, coull scarcely bear the ad- no tidings had been heard of her. The Price of Nutted Almonds, Nailed I'eesiu, Suite,I Peanuts; tbe market. ditional weight of encrusted loe and fell Alina Is believed to be the vessel that a Nuuildaln lost freshly shelled Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, Peanuts, Mr. ilarold 11. Boge has acoaptsd po- by the waysldo. Thu rain, however, was collided with the steamer Readv- Pistachio nnd Fliiaese I.lchis nuts. sition as book-keeper in the office of the not unweloomed to thirsty earth and week. There ore tears that she has Filberts. Piguoltas, In Portland all of Chestnuts for the Portland Company works now that has a good, wholesome soak- foundered and that the crew] of Italian smlfiug. Uenn 1 s to Miss To-Wear The marriage of Mr. J. ing,everything Is In readiness for a heavy nine men have been lost. Still there Is Mary Uemas occurred yesterday morning coat of snow. h*st us hope this Is next a possibility that she may have been res- at St lljacinthe's church parsonage, the In order. Agrlcuitaralists will not oom- cued by some passing vessel. Clothing* THANKSGIVING CAKES !! ceremony bolug performed by Mev. F'r pl tin and again, from a sanitary point, The furiyboat Elizabeth City will re- A U. Uccellos the pastor of the church. sume her trips today. Almond. Pecan auxl Wnlnut t’akc', I5c per loaf The marriage of Mr. Edward Jordan; Quality UNI Vli US ADUST FAIR. Pellce Augel t akes, coffee Ic.ed. 15c each Jr., of Portland to Mlee Mary Ktnmond SERVICE EXAMINATION. The circle of the Unlyersallet Charon C1VU. and of this oity. Is to ooour on Wednesday of Style will meet this afternoon with Mrs. Wil- An examination will be held at Port- PUDDING this week. A THANKSGIVING son, when the reports of the various com- land, December la, IS, 14 and 18, for po- The S. U. Warren paper mill company Fit Steamed and delivered in a bright now hoat quart tin— will be heard. It la likely sitions of draftsman, female Indus- holding with Its annual and mittees quite ship will in uocordance and a of hard sauce to servo with it, 25e that when the several receipts are tabu- trial teacher, Indian service; assistant packet custom, distribute this after- Guaranteed. generous the ladles ot ordnance for lated that the last fair by operator, department; Inspec- noon among their employes turkeys KENNEDY’S COMMON CRACKERS. the Unlvereallst obnroh will have reached tor of textile fables, quartermaster’s de- the approaohlng Thanksgiving duy. This nigh water mark and even broken the partment at large; writer, with knowl- 2e j*er dozen—6 dozen for lOo | year there are to be T70 turkeys dis- record. Net profits will not be far from edge of Frenob and Spanish languages, tributed among the men, this number be- the handBOme sum of $loO. navy department; olerk, with knowledge CIDER APPLE SAUCE. a lnorcase over last year. The CIDER JELLY. ing slight and S LOSS. of photography surveying, engineer STANDARD CLOTHING employes of the mill also NAT UOKDON CO., are_ Jsibojal- department at large; and on December lowed a holiday, a notice having been It la truly unfortunate that a promis- 15, for position of engineer, life saving W. C. WARE, MYr, 544 Congress S posted, that the mill will dose on Thurs- ing Westland colt not yet two years old, service. No scholastic tests are given UOV27.:* t OUR MINCE MEAT. day from eight o'olock In the morrnog should have died by blood poisoning. for theseposltlonsas applicants are graded and seeded until midnight. Mr Nat Gordon had one out of Sadie From oboieest Maine Baldwins carefully pared cored, on their age, experlenoe, character and Wilkes and not long sinoe the young washed and stemmed currant*, clu lled orange nnd lemon not be raisins, Intelligence. They will reqmrsd of WOODFOllDS. spirited animal broke away from Its pure pounded *pice3 and other ingredients equal caste, to appear at any plaoe for examination. Notes For Hen. peela, and running Into a fence sus- Fashion 25c per quart pasturage, The olvll service commission at Wash- tained serious outs. The colt was taken Uttering chapter, O. B. S., has received ington will furnish blanks and in- to Mr. Stanwood’s stable and the best an Invt Cation to visit Ada chapter formation od application. ot core was given It It died Sunday of Bid deterd Friday evening, 3 De- much to the regret of all lovers cl good SWEET CIDER. cember 7th. The invitation has been ac- AN IMPORTANT HEARING. Glove Wearing. horseflesh. The of souud from the fruit within cepted and it is expect ed tbat quite a pure juice apples—pressed Before Judge Peabody was begun an hours of sale. 16c |*er gull on party will attend. forty eight Mrs. J. O. York, who has been quite Important bearing on the petition of Mr. Wni. B. Watson, Forest avenue, sick tor some time, la Improving. Joslan H. Drummond, Jr., M. P. Frank No better gloves than Fownes' for Oakdale, a student at Bowdoln college, Miss Meta Tilton, stenographer at C. and Dennis A. Mealier,administrators of lit And service. Our eDtlre supply Is who has been quite 111 at the home of his a estate of the late F. O. J. Smith of M. Bice & Co., lu Portland, la passing the new tills seasonthese arc the kinds NATIVE ONIONS. parents, Is Improving rapidly and Is now BEST few days In Boston. Portland, for an older from oourt com- able to out of doors. most sought:—Indian Tan, English get executor of the leper pound There were no school sessions yesterday pelling George E. Bird, Castor (While they hist) The pupils of the Ooean street gram- Street. Oray Mocha, Gray because of the vory severe storm. will of the late Charles W. Uoodard, one mar school are to hold a lair early In De- Suede, Paris Pique Kid, English Kid, Mr. Anthony Bankin la quite sick at of the original administrators of the oeipber at Bawls hall. The proceeds are Grip Driving. his home on Front street Smith estate, to deliver to them some fao,- New to be used to pay up the balanoe of the We have Dent’s White Kid Gloves New Nuts, Prunes, During the past week several new 000 now in a local bank and belonging debt on the piano purchased a few with silk Insert Angers. families have moved Into the Knlghtvllls to the Smith estate. The defense asks New Fi?s, New Prunellas, months ago by the sohool. Warm Gloves with of silk, district of the oity. two new tene- from the oourt suoh a decree a* will pro- linings Bartlett the Forest avenue JThe Bros., or fur. New ments In the Matthews building are be- tect it In the administration of the God- wool, New Raisins. Evaporated Fruits, grooers, have sold out their Btock to C. rapidly pushed to completion. dard estate. New arrivals in Fancy Cotton, Lisle H. Thompson & Co. The goods have ing St. Lambert Butter, St. Lambert Cream. A oase of soarlet fever la reported In Meaher, Drummond and Prank ap- and Cashmere Hose, 25c to $1.00 a been removed to the Thompson Btora. the family of Mr O’Donuell at Cash for the petition, and Symonds, Mrs. James Barker, who has been the peared pair. &c., &c., &c. Corner. The cases at l'leasantdaie have Snow and Cook for the defense. guests of Mrs H M. Greene, Kevere street, during the summer and fall months has gone to Bo ton. Mr. Barker A CORN POPPER Has arrived at Seattle from the Klondike. .Jordan & JJomsted Filled with Bost Kiee Popcorn—warranted to pop 13c Deering chapter. O.lC. B., are planning 11ll’«COUCH to hold a publio party at their hall Ull & SYRUP SI. on December 11th. 571 Coii|fre

* ■H| v TO LET. ♦ 'And then she jest broke under It and VOS IUA The shock and itrmin of being # # tt # n # gut loony. But In snch a gentlelike word* In •cried nnder thl* head J# fired from ■ cannon daily F*rtf Real Estate Forty words inwrled «nd«r thla head W way. a circus one w««k tmz e*nt», enoh In •drones •At week ft*r M eaah fta »4tui(Wi through season, FOR SHE T00IY BY crate, "Slie was always a-lookin ont at the would seem to lie extraor- sen wantlu a to for she But it not TOR WALK—Detached bouseiin western part ol aud ship get Id, dinary. is RENT- Smith Ht, 7room*, with soperate 0(0. W. Brown, .18 Evrbaiine SI R nearly city, to close an estate. Contains 8 rooms., said he'd come hack ns soon as hs, so wearing upon the FORfront doom; 4* Htouo. 7 room* ; 96 4 rseual Ht. hamt 13 rooms jill Induce- "WHEN TOM woman's nerv- Improvement*,special could. He was a sailor, you under- average ments; 168 « room flat: m CongreM, Wllniot, Ob* new * room heuio with nil modern Im l ous as the strain house. 9 rooms, all W stand, and she'd seen women wait; system, Improvement*. #16.00: th£ drain of the ev- Cumberland. 7 room flat*. 1'UKDEKICK 8. provsinenw. and One new 10 room bouse In Coyle Park on for their whalers. Oh. be'fcas a-oomin Real Estate. 27 1 ery day life of the VAILL, Clifton street sure. Aud It's 20 now, aud COMES BACK.”# back, years I married woman, It Ouo 2 tenement bouse 4 years old. A aplen lid The fro LET—-Upper rent, 6 rooms. 40 Ktone; upper investment. he baln't never come tiack. only is not the slu.. It of ■ 67 grci^L rent. 6rooms, Hanover: rent, 41 Brack- One new 0 room house with all modern 1m- lake of tot run «••«•••« sea he cver'll tie on Is the the storm «U3 weafk the ett, 7 rooms; lower rent, Clark, 5 rooms; nt*. twining prnvem* A 12 6 IdStofifiiJSffS $$ 'twas inns- house, Lancaster, rooms. Apply to Seven fine bouse lot*. Fettendeo Park, will repiUr ""h *" brimstone and Are! P'r'ap# stone but the “continual WILLIAM II. rnn\"nlnn!'Ji‘ ipeif(tJi1 mndPI-E WILLARD, 1*4) Middle SL be told gfaesp to ekwe. “S25SMCLfeL"-l«« •*•»» beat, a Clmire In- alfnl her mind went out, for she didn't, dropping." So in woman’s 27-1 w- __ no sense of time much. life it is not the de- ■com to have great SALE—Hotel. 20 center •i^Safe*"* JOHN TVbECKET. #, mands her met pOR rooms, city. nSCKLLABI ROC*. But this waltln has wore her out. I'll upon gy -■ beautiful full of business and grounds, street, near which wear her out, but the first class In all It* E. o. lfV,nrtiA!'E~<>,l1P»rk Centre** be hack In a few minutes. It don’t appointments short time the first les- moms anil bath’ interminable of her Ixmu St Real Estate a only, i5ir»nSJ«i». */” l011/*!*3 leakage strength STEPHENSON,Mgr. Equity or on The best n«y n*odemieed, iivhidhig new plmnb* :•••••••• # seem square to leave her all alone Co., 467) Congress Ht., Room 3. 27-1 FREE-Forsons In singing piano. Ingand strain through the diseases that afiiect the deli- methods at a fair price. Call or address, heat; originalca>thl2.floe: price do It?” And Sol Downes and tor two CornufirtT, 1W9, there, cate organa. GEORGE A. LIBBY, So. 100 Forest avenue. '■T, famine, at j, womanly LET—Desirable rent of six room* and 20-1 11 *AUMKW * started on their courses. ffO■ Right hand bell. et John J. a'Uecket. IjUjl another tear To stop this ceaseless leakage ofc bath. Marked reduction of price to right SHffiy&.t"- on account of lateness of season. The girl wife, pressing unconsciously strength is as much the desire as the party Apply WANTED to sell the latest Inven- at 14 North SL 27-1 arm wns around of women. It can be done once for beats wvamlntta ami barred to her husband, whose duty VGENT8tion producing light; electricity; F<>!i,SA.f'E~HJlvPr» mouth Ply. kerosene; rock cockerels, line hlrils. I have ±± ±± stricken on the and for all the use of Hr. f 1*0 cheaper than agents coining money v ±j: & U her, looked in a way by Pierce]* LET—Convenient lower rent of six rooms. shipments. THE ,0r In Favorite This medicine is ■ now at largest factory; prompt lhe^i.H^r‘1 «iB.\,.,rT"' 2Ef*» hatching «H* ++ -:•+ ++ tbe with the Prescription. undergoing thorough repair, 28 LIGHT O. 24-1 W. «•'» for 26 eggs. {•. ++++++ still figure by window, WINTER Rent BKKT COMPANY, Canton, IM2-?,Jril?l2r50.tor k not a cure-all but it is designed ST. #14 per month, Water reKSMiX, 6 Day street, Cuinberhimf Mills, of damp fog floating In upon It, specially closet and wtyodshed on same floor. 20-1 gusts for a the cure of the an Tf had an 24-1 specific purpose, |kO YOU enjoy "Opera?” you ___ like a trailing, rent bride's veil. 1" or Mathushek Piano in your “How nice that breeze feels! That' chronic diseases to women. It RENT-On SL John street, lower tene- “Opera” RALE—A second hand kissed because It came from "that Is the peculiar house to play on. you would enjoy it. Others do. poit hot air furnace! It. you. "Eddie,” she said, poor dries the x ment of six room*, and convenient: “ob In first would Oil a sails well. I wonder up drains, allays *, IIOR sunny We have some fancy styles in walnut and ma- registers class condition. ship’s And be boro tomorrow. Per- me last *Jv"' u*e of stable if desired. BENJAMIN SHAW Apply to M. 1. you may creature that frightened night inflammations, heals fa hogany, Just received. C. C. HA WEB’ Music HltcfllNHOM, l&J Brackett St. If It Is blowing out the sails of Tom's St CO., 61| Exchange street 28*1 and Sts. 24-1 24-1 haps, If It weren’t so dark, I could see by stopping and saying ‘God bless yon, ulcerations and cures the Htorc, congress Temple and It over the ship pushing along the sails of your like a bird, all Isn’t It a shame?” she which are RENT -Three brick one ship, dears.’ Oh, displacements POR story house, yards are headquarters for poll SAI.R-Book bindery for sale. Tho ocean this blow hard and r block from near Brown poultry trails way? Oh, travel stained, creeping up over the said, ns the tears rolled loosely down at the bottom of woman’s Congress street, 0IRJOOclass barred rock Cockerells. ."“"hlnery, and fixtures of a laaik CLri v has 10 rooms ana well situated for high Plymouth “I'' bath, C. K. UAVIEB. 3.1 Rochester street. Cum- °'i easy terms. Address P. O. steady and bring him back! Perhaps horizon. But they wilt only be nearer her cheeks. In a hushed miseries. Prop., ii/!vA Then, tong, Wis'V lodgers. BENJAMIN HIIAW St CO., 61) Ex- berland Mills, Me., V <> Box 2 18l!», City. 23-1 he Is In the fo’oastlc now, with his cur- In the morning. And If you are out There Is neither opium, change street 20-1 I7fi._23 1 i WOTICIE—All kinds of done. brown head resting on his hands, are cocaine or other narcotic typewriting WALE— Elegant piano* mandolins. ly there, Tom, no wonder the stars a" circulars and *poR fro LET—Furnished rooms, first class with all mimeograph postal cards violins. guitars, banjos, harmonb-.is, of me. How tanned he will as contained in Favorite and lessons e-thlnklng a-shlning down ou us tonight bright! * modern conveniences at GO SL, envelopes addressed given superior violin and bnnjo strings. elarloiM ts. Hampshire at ROOM 12, First National Bank eoruf be after all this sailing round and as If they'd Just been washed. And ] Prescription." also one front room on first floor at 90 Quincy Iuiuted,n typewriting ts. drums, instruction books and every For five wife wu In 8L 24-1 thing hi the music Hne. for sale roundI on year# my Building.___23-1 by HAWKS, you, perhaps, are sitting there deck' almost condition, 4H < ongress street, 23.3 helpless suffering must call at once for "What a sweet smell tbe sen 1ms to- the from female weakness,” write* T. 9. RE NT at Wood modem repair watching ’em and wishing ship fords, a apart- CUSTOMERSwork left with Fred L. Merrill & Co., Jew- Everitt. Esq., of flagerman, Washing- Foilment of six rooms, with bath, hardwood SALE—Black walnut desk nightl 1 love to have It blow In over would sail faster. elers, or the articles will bo sold. Give me a l^OR bookkeeper's ton Co., Fla. I.ast September I floors, separate front door, electric lights, lo- a. for sale cheap, can l»e seen at lou Ex- some of call; I am still in business. FRED L. MER- those syrlngas. It rubs the “But I shall be here, Tom, wbcu you decided to try Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. cated near five lines of cars. Apply at 37 Lawn change SL jg-1 the medicine and RILL, AgL. 100 India street. 24-1 scent off and It all allied She took several l»ottlea of Ave. or FREDERICK VAILL, Real Est. brings along come. You won't have to wait a min- birth to a ten son on gave pound January 31st, Agt. MALE-—On a Visible is one of Hip poR Deerlng Highlands, block up with the brine and damp. It’s sucli ute for Nell. heart Is nett- 1898. She is uow souud aud well and doing her pITTSBURG Typewriter * of 2 houses 4 Oh, my Just ■ latest writing machines on the market. tenements, rent #54 per breeze I housework.” house to be let for the winter. month, in first class a warm, motherly tonight. ing with delight when I thiuk of It! Its work is always in sight, and no tipping tin* repair, 14.000 feet land, am- 11URNISHF.Da furnished house, located In western ple room for 2 more houses on to feel It strike face. It makes A Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense part it runs cany Etui does good work, it tho most desir- like my Ain't It kinder queer a womau’s heart gift. of and Address M. platen, able street, price suitable for Adviser 1008 is sent free city, very sunny pleasant. costs only 373. The "Agency is at 203 Middle Investment, must of Tom. It’s os If he were Medical pages, rress Office. 23-1 be sold. W. H. WALDRON 180 me think don’t wear out a-loving and a-lovlng? W., street, G. L BA & (JO., Middle on of to pay of ILEY._23-2_ 81* 21-1 reaching out his hand and stroking my does n receipt stamps expense And mine sometimes give Jump Send 21 one-cent LET—Lower tenement. 232 High Ht.. nine cases You only. stamps JkETECTIVK accept* anywhere guar- cheek. Oh, my darling boy! as If It were so fast that It postage TO rooms, not water heat, a most desirable 4" anteeing absolute fidelity to the interest of W. VA ILL, First National italik going for the bound volume, or •*PHKDKRICK paper 31 rent In Address F. K. DOCK- hi* collections made, criminals makes the of can't reach out your hand, degrle, can off the track. Or else It’s Address stampsR. good locality. clients, appre- Building, management real nlgli got for cloth binding. Dr. V. ERTY, Box 1019. 23-1 done. Write to BON in*, estate a also attends to investments from off In tbo 1 specialty, you, why tropics? that It wants you so much, darling, Pieice, Buffalo, N. Y. hended^shadowlug In r**al estate and mortgages, collects rents hud LET—On Walton SL. gives general attention to affairs of clients. know It. But you are thinking of Nell, that It out to Oh. this fJH) Doering District, just juatps you. ■1 near electric cars, 2 new rents, k rooms 21-1 aren’t while the waves come tum- you. breeze Is so friendly and kind, Tom. on the white sand there and F. DINGLEY, 1027 Forest Ave. 23-1 s \ | E \ bling in It seems to be trying to tell me some- C. Alexander & Co-, 4 roof longer than new shingles. Drop card to Il»ORgallons per day, all retail. For particulars the little blacklos come and stand about dearie. »:j 81. I. A. GO BEY, 117 St., for .address “K.’* this thing. Something you, Exchange LET—To a small a con- Newbury Agent office. 20-1 round under the cocoaunt tree? family, pleasant, state of 22-1 you big Wouldn't It he queer if you had kissed TOR GIRT. WJFR LOOKF.D OX TOR STILL FIO- TO venient rent of three rooms w ith sited on Maine._ _ blnckles! How look same floor. Price #7.00. at FIMt- No. this Poor little they up It as it blew over It does breathe URR BT TOE WINDOW. Inquire 10. Cut out and bring It to you? EltS SHOE STORE. 22-1 > FOR SALE. And no C10UPONour work rooms to it h her with r>o rents and Into your blue eyes! wonder. warm and sweet on me. I like to been the so she added: “Those must have REAL ESTATE. jet one of our 52.03 livnch Flannel Waists 14 li l> ii|.ri;lit Portland Com- It was like a rest, Tom, to look LET— Parties homelike made to offer Is one taking put my face up to It. Oh, Tom, come last words she ever spoke. I don't desiring pleasant, order. Tills good for week, pany boiler; H li. ImriZDiiinl 948-2. rooms for the winter would do well to call while M il orders at- p straight Into your eyes, your bright, Telephone T70 advertising. promptly At back! I’m waiting for you, hungering believe 1 want to stay on this Island nov23d l w* on MRS. CHAPLIN, 118 Winter street. Tele- tended to. CASCO St 1'1'I.Y CO.f 3*5 Congress (•iiKine, conililiun, a bar- that were so blue and __ laughing eyes for you, Tom”— any longer. Let’s get away ns soon phone in house. 22-1 St., Hoorn 3._ _ZM until. and had such a hold. SALK-Real Estate. We buy and tell clear • ••••*• wo can other for the as to some place IAOKreal e«iate or Handle on commission ami front room to let. Inquire at 11 MORTGAGES NEf real estate can ing the thought my having have Deco eugauad in business In Portland mo LET—On Forest Avenue. 2 rents of ft having mortgages maturing City. novlttf all the time, Tom. And wait- Is un- >btaln liberal loans at Real Estate wnitlng on a cliff and ns line a —she so”— years, and our Iinmclal responsibility A rooms each and new in first by applying house stuck to bath, furnace, ing does make time drag along. But questioned and facilities fur prompt attention class repair, will be let low for the whiter. W. .Mllce. First National Hank. FREDERICK S. DOR 8 A LE—-In the renter of the city, a 2 1-2 tear was his as If he were Like n grieving child she burled her wants Real * filling eye your unsurpassed. Correspondence 11. WALDRON & 180 Middle St 22-1 jrAIEL, Estate. 2M__ story house, containing 14 rooms, arranged It won’t seem long when you are back 93 Ex- CO., some glorious-poet Instead of only Sol head on his breast, and ho fondled her solicited. G. F. ALEXANDER A CO., for two families, has modern Improvements, I feel arms change street, I’ortWud, Me. ft Wilson, auctioneer*, re- good size Jot and low. and your great, strong a _23-i_ LET -Tenement of 8 rooms and bath, all sunny exposure; price Downes, the old ship chandler. There without word. NOTICE—Gos*moved to 154 to 160 Middle St., comer of For further of A. C. LIBBY me as ns can and in order, exposure and particulars inquire around Just tight they SALE—We tell you the whole truth TO perfect sunny large Ulver Stdtt & 42 1-2 street. 14-2 was poetry In that large, generous to our cemented cellar. at i>l Lancaster CO., Exchange I am to feel IjiORlet you do the rest. It s no news yard, Apply be. Oh, Tom, hungry your A Petty Swindler. corner of tear that stood In his rouml eye If his iegular customers that we sell the best bar- street, WilmoL 22-1 BALK—The onlv av‘liable lot of laud on my mouth. And then, then A well dressed woman has been In real es ate in Portland. We want on lips nose was and red and his faco was gains FOR ttw Western Promenade, located be- big to know ft. That idee house on LET—Rents, 00 Smith St, 7 rooms, with tween the residences of Meteors. Cartiand and we’ll get married. It won’t seem long, swindling some of the large stores sue- everybody 75c. stubbly rough with gray bristles. They j Hartly St., wh eh we offer for $2300, there Is TO •operate front door, cor. Ox forth 23ft MAINSPRINGS, Cooley. Also a first elasa tarnished cottage, sweetheart Tom. a scheme which tt. P. Brackett G near 4* then, at the of his mournful- cessfully by simple nothing cheat) about it only the price, St., rooms, pine; Stone, 7 The best American Mainsprings, mads by stable and land at Willard Beach, Apply that old bell paused sight ALEXANDER * ( U„ 93 Exchange St 231 rooms, in flue condition; 54 State, half house, he and Wall ham Warranted to TRUE BROS No. 89k Fore s»xeet. 31 -tf “How kind of mournful would fail If a person with less Elgin companies. ness, their wholo Ingenuous persons assur-j special terms, to desirable tenant, ami many or ore yenr. Me KENNEY, the Jeweler, out Us like one buoy sounds, sending cry mice It. She has usually HOB HALF—Special bargain, vclnute’s others. FREDERICKS. VA ILL, real estate, U mimeni J!y20dtf Interrogative. attempted j f 8 Square. WASTED— MALE It Ki r. as If It were chained there and wanted Stevenson and walk from electrics, elegant bouse, 1st Nat’l B’k Bldg. 21-1 given the name of Mrs. r^otns. all in line st 14.000 ft. “Poor Aunt Nell!" ho said In n husky repair, large ible, II Il/ION 8 SURE CURE for asthma will cure somebody to come and pity It. They her statements refer-' and, fruit trfes. est trade ever offered, $3000. 31 Revere »■ WANTED—Men to seem she fortifies by LET—Lower tenement, St.. ihs most stubborn cases, Caller .id tress organize library stations; voice. “It do sad. her a-dyln in II. F. ALEXANDER & »J St. rfiO 5 men wiih us 4 uiuiiicu. tic p uio GO.. Exchange J. Wood fords, consists of six rooms and has years making $150 month- uiuni ut, ui’ti (jcic merchants to three or four of their rHEARA HILTON, Druggist, 129 CoLgreis that lonesome Would ring 23-1 a fnrnaee. will let low'. of A. C* Installment plan; permanent PAKMKLKE waist and she's way. you Just j very Inquire 'L, Portland, Me. nov7-4 ly; arra round her little best customers ns women who eau L1BBY & CO., 42* Exchange St 21-1 LIBRARY, Chicago. 21-1 Btcp In a minute, young folks, and stay E*OB SALE—Property, con 1 ting of two It E W1 I.t, r.U Y household g<>est of work. arc honest, mar.ago waiting ship goes ward experience. In some way I lost town, balance as rent. G. K. ALEXANDER guarantee good My price* branch. with sympathy. She nodded her head. tind Park. 21-1 easonable. GKO, W. BARBOUR, 33* Con- Salary »12.» mount!), extra commiss- sea and rides up and down waves aud I didn’t discover Change ions. No but must take my pocketbook and street._ fess street opposite City Had. 1 if soliciting required, j general direction business an 1 be amblliou). waves and waves. was until I came to SALE—llrick house. Cumberland 8t.. LET—A fine seven (7) room lower ! that It gone pay rflO very Good lefcrenccs and $800 cash Ex- FORone family, 10 rooms, bath, furnace, set J flat : cold required. “God bless you, dears. Yon mustn’t bill in So and-so’s res- as not If my for lunch uhs. good f r Investment or home. O. K. water, hot water heat, open plumbing.cemented perleuce n.ai.agcr uacessa/y qualified In other respects. MANAGER, Drawer 7C Now mind my speaking to you. You don't taurant. I was very much embar- * LEX A N DE K & COn 93 Exchange St. 23-1 •ellnr, has Its own back and trait door, beaut l- PORTLAND POSTOFFICE L. M. Haven, Coi n. 5-4 know liow it warms heart to see rul large lot and location. LEIGHTON, my rassed, but they were nice about It. I roll SALE—Two family house, stable and V3 street 17-2 Exchange _ ARG E-house wan*• men and woman each other so. I know what » lot, central pan of city. #3000. G. F. capable you loving wish that your firm would let me have large I • to act as yearly A LEX AN D E R SCO., 93 St 23-1 OOMS for laundry or barber bouses general ag*i»ts. tf*OJ salary, it is. ain't it u Exchange shop; extra brllilant Oh. my pretty girl, $5 that I may return to the restaurant furnished or oiie at South expenses, commissions, oppor- utu\iml*hcd; tunity. STAFFORD DRESS New comfort to have him there and SALE—Two famllv house, 12 rooms and Portland ; four furnished for CO., Haven, right nnd pay that bill. They don't know light housekeeping; Conn. oetl7-4 FOR ath. central part o! city. f40*}. G. F. [mulshed house for beat. for two families. good solid property. G. experienced copyist; n-feellng. after i. ra. to 7.oo w. 6.rlck slated eleven rooms and Apply ndla streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. in.. t.30 and given bouse, roof, 8ros., ji»4 Fore bt. novs tf llr ANTED— A capable cook and good laun- other sections at 8.00 a. »" that I was waiting for Tom to come there. It seems a small for such >ath. laundry and pantry, large closets, bard- p. m.; In in., J.30 p. in. dress. Apply at 261 Danforth street In tlio game at < UTice 6.00 to j vood floors, double windows and screens, rooms, connected or tlug?e, ‘unday delivery window, 10.00 morning or between 8 and o in the evening. back and that the sight of them so a woman to \ prosperous looking work, j (team bea-; price $7#oo. g. F, ALEXANDER FURNISHEDw1th board, at 74 SP KING S t. ra.. 1.00 to 2.00 p. in. Collections from street 23-1 T._13-2 ; a. tender of each other and cuddling so hut she has been energetic enough to L CO., 93 Exchange 8t ^23-1 tuxes at 7.oo and u.oo ru., 4.00 and *.09 p. in. r*y OR FACTORY BUILDING-The luudays. c.oo p. in. only. loving like made me ache to have him and or WANTED SITUATION'S. get So siu apiece ifoui many HALE—Elegant residence. Cumberland OFFICEfirst floor of the the AiUtlVAL AM) liEFAKTCUR OF MAILS. ■|?OR building oceupied by here. there ain’t Ft.. West End. 11 rooms, bath and pantry, Snierlcau on Plum street is Oh, my sweetheart, the big stores. Express Company Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate ITTET PAUSED AT THE EIGHT OF HIS MOUBN- aundry and combination beater. large lot, 40 x >flered for rent. to E. a. Pori- in the world that con be so Apply NOYES, iflices and connections via. Boston & .Main* words inserted under tilts head anybody 06 It., $6000. G. F. ALEXANDER & (JO., 93 and Bank. !0-tt Forty IUL.NESS. Savings ailroad (Eastern Division.) Arrive at 12,15, dear as are to mel There! I Fie line No Vlrtoes. Exchange 9lreet. 23-1 one week for £5 cents, cash iu advaute, you -L L-.— -.." m.; close *.oo aud ind, she clinging closer to his arm, I .00 and 10.45 p. 11.45 a. m., he'd his arm round her Mrs. S. T. Rorer writes In The La- .00 and 6.00 Sundays, arrlvo 12.45 anu thought get SALE—Fine residence at the West End, p. m.; hey crossed the threshold on to the WANim t.oo o. in., close 11.45 a. xn.. 8.30 and 9.00 d. m. WANTED—A as a ^ position bookkeeper by soon. lies’ Home Journal on I Am FORlocated on corner of two of the best streets. — ■ — ... U- again pretty "Why Op- awl man of Address BOOK- jreaklng wooden floor, with the rag kVlll be sold at a great bargain. G. F. ALEX- Boston, Southern Western, and luteimc- experience. i “If you only know how ready every- posed to Pics,” making It clear that j Forty words inserted under this head liate offices and connections. vU Boston md K KEPEU, Box 676, City. 27-1 •ug at the door. Fat Sol Downes, with INPER & CO., 93 Exchange street_ 23-1 thing was, Tom, you’d hurry back. We ; hey are not healthful, supply but little >ne week fur 33 cents, cash In advance. daine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at new tear in his to take the CHiR S.\ I.E—The best store ami trade 0. 45 a. m., 5.30 and 8.20 p. iu.; close C.UO and 8.00 position as companion and as soon as eye place lutriuient and call for much work in general won't have to wait. Just 1 In I he state lor a live mau ,ud 11.30 a. m., ana 2.33 and 5.00 p. m. UWANTED—Areader a woman of experience if the one which had run down j a good iijieiiiug by young come to old 1 Just he tho a 0 make Owner lias business, EVAN TED—Party with small to In via Maine Central who can good references. Address “H,” you rowing up the wharf making. "Inslda pie complex money. other TT capital Join fimstem. KkUroad—Arrive give 1 ind tnsted bitter in his also dberal terms will be made to For a business that will prove to be « .0 a. 12.45 and 6.15 Office Portland Press. 24-1 and we can mouth, nlxture is she right party. enterprise .00 anu 4. ni.. p. in.; close shall meet you, go right frequently found,” says. I G. & )»erfect bonanza to the Investors, t all or ad- 1 back a lanlculars apply to F. ALEXANDER CO., j .00, lO.uo and 11.45 a.m., and 9.00 p.m. Sundays, itepped into the room moment, Ire.ss ROOM 5, 235 1-2 Middle Me. away to the church. That old bell ‘If It be a mtnco meat pie, especially a Exebunge street. St., Portland, rrive 12.45 p. in.; close 11.45 a aud y.uc yOUNPi man,age 20. wants a situation at light 1 is if to induct them Into their tem- I'l .■' 23-1 buoy sounded like tbe church bell for mo containing liquor, added to prc- _J , 1. m. X teaming, 5 years experience, strictly tem- Intermediate offices and conned* perate and can furnish the best of references. a was 1 iorury guardianship. lerve the mass—and It does so not SILVER NOT DEAD SAYS TELLER. Augusta. minute, as If it ringing for us, only via Central allroad—Arrive at 2.0# at B. F. DUNLAP, Employment Agent, A thin figure in a straight hacked lou Maine Apply going up the aisle. But It's crying n the jar, but in the stomach also—it is SPOT CASH—OLD GOLD. ; nd P.OO a. ni., 12.45 and c.15 p. in.; close at0.00. Gardiner, Ale. 24-1 ed wooden chair at Denver, Col.~ November-a«.—Senator a. in.. 4.15 aud 0.00 m. the open window bad. If It be a fruit such We pay spot cash (or old gold land give you 1 .45 aud 11.45 p. again, all alone out there. loubly pie, of leevee he We 1 uade the room deserted. A sum- lenry M. Teller Colorado, who highest price. also take it in exohauge Farmington, intermediate offices and oonnee T¥7ANTEl)—Position by registered druggist “It wouldn’t bo so light is or other acid the caue or oilier f ▼ as or clerk, will go any where hard, Tom, dear, cherry fruit, or of the goods. McKKNNKY. The Jewelsr, ons via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at day night 1 ner slmwi had down from her Washington tonight, speaking in State. Address Press If I could when come. slipped lias been both the Monument Square. sepisdtf 15 and 6.15 p. in. ;close at 7.45 a ia aud 12 in. CINCHONA, office, know Just you’d lugar inverted, by ffeot the silver the de- Ale. 22-1 ounded shoulders. Her black dress upon question Bocktani, intermediate offices and conneo- Portland, But I I’d wait for leat and the and wo have ‘Invert’ or schooner ft. ain’t complaining. ! add, oat of will said that he did sloop (00 Ions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive lad a shiny look where the thin shoul- Bryan have, WANTED—Keelwater-line) that can be used as a clerk would like a you forever, aud think 'twasn’t lugar of two sorts, one most prone to yacht, 2.46 and 6.00 p. in.; close at u.oo and 12 m. experienced position paying tot Intend to abandon tne silver if sloop, must have mast well must or retail can ler blades their edges question forward, bkowhogan, Intermediate offices and couueo* VN in a wholesale grocery store, too dear for such a sweetheart. And pressed sharp 'ermcntation. If this inversion of tho k* of good model and have cabin Give and command some :eoause of the result of the recent eleo large Ions, via Maiue Central railroad—Arrive at furnish best of references 1 for her arms were stretch- ill anti lowest cash to L. a igainst it, been the fer- particulars price F. L46 close at 12 in. trade. Address GKQCEi:, Press office. 21-1 you know it, Tom. That's comfort. lugar had performed by Mass. p. in.; d forward and her worn ton. £NO, Swampscott, 21-1 You know that Nell hasn't a long, bauds, , nents of the tract Island Pond. Ft., Intermediate offices and got digestive according "The silver Is not he vhlch they felt were white before question dead," ANTED— Man with ounecllous. Via Grund Trunk Hallway Ar* thought that ain't for you. And you j j 0 nature's plans, we could get from it good references to "and will be a live Wr Old Ive at *.16, H.45 a m.. 6.00 m.; 8.15 leath had touched them, were ontinued, question manage bulsluoss.of established p. Sundays FOUND. think of me, too. Don’t I know clasped , 1 amount of true food with less and close at 7.30 a 1.00 aud LOST AND you’re greater n American for to louse; salary $18 per week expenses pay- iu.; ul. b.oop.m. 1 ind rested on the window The politics years come, 5.00 in. Just as eager to get back as I am to ledge. of vital force. able eaeii week direct from h^adquatera; cx- uudays p. xpendlture nd 1 am of the that we allow face, with Its high cheek bones, firmly opinion ; >ense money advanced; position permanent Gorham, X. H., Intermediate offices and con- Inserted under this head have you? I ain't afraid of those “Taking Into consideration that the inclose self-addressed envl Forty word* rill return to a stamped *pe. ections, via Graud Trunk railroad—Arrive at vas turned toward the sea and the ultimately bimetallic for £5 cants* cash in advance* down there. You’ll of the fat the of | STANDARD HOUSE, 303 Uaxtou Bldg Old .15 and 11.46 a iu., and 6.00 p. in.: 8.15 otic week Bark, saucy girls mating by baking In the Sundays ilack, sightless eyes were dreamily ystem, my judgment only system ago. nov8-4 in. ; close at 7.30 a m.. LOO, 6.00 p. m. sun- look at ’em with your laughing eyes >le has robbed It of easy assimilation, a. m. I on Pine or Brackett To hat can secure stability of and ays at 6.30 and 7.30 p. m. OST—On Sunday, State, pen. the mouth, with its slightly , prices 1j a bracelet The Under will bo and give one of 'em a good sailor's kiss. he surrounded starch grains are more Montreal—Arrive at 8.16 and ILLS m. St., gold to the creditor and debtor." a and the same at 105 inrted Ups, clung the ghost of the qutty FOR 8AT.F. 00 m., close at 1.00 and 5.00 liberally rewarded ou leaving 'And she'll be the prettiest of the lot, lifflcult of solution, the ‘invert’ sugar p. p. n». Sunday xi-1 aint smile which had died there. It lose 6.00 p. m. State irone to we Si._ S’orn. fermentation, certainly WIT AND WISDOM, DOR SALE—Houses In Doeriug for $1,503 Sxcanton, Ft., intermediate offices and vas as sad as the note of a wild bird c eoiv "But I don’t care. I’m glad—for mve wasted our energy and a tre- $2,400, $3,000 $3,800, $4,000; also houses in ections, via Mountain Division M. c. H. H— AGENTS WANTED. n the wilderness, “sadder than a sin- ; *ortIaud for 52.200 to $5,01)0. Choice building .rrive at 8.20 p. m.; close at 8.00 a ra. them. You're coming back to me, , ucudous auiount of blood in the diges- i ots nt Oakdale. Fasscnden Park. Deerlng Bartlett. X. U.. intermediate offices and if- E DO NOT WANT or loafers to write :le star that seta at twilight in a land ! Philosophical. l!ghlauds and also choice cottage lots at Otta- coiv boys sweetheart, If you had to travel , ion of these materials, from which wo via Xf men of $200 to $500 per wa Park (Cliff Cottage) Cape KLzabctn. All ections Mountain Division M. O. H H.— us, ability only. if reeds.” The sea could not be seen I Snarley—What’s self esteem? ■rrive at 8.50 a. u. 8.20 month. Salesmen and agents, through endless lines of handsome wo- j | iave gained little.” Linda of real oaiat«» taken in exchange. Easy ana p. iu.; close at 8 a genera! salary^or it for a cold, Yow—It’s something we all hate to set i. and 12.00 m. commission, special Inducements— l£A< INK men to to me, and wouldn't all, damp fog, trooping erms. DALTON & CO.. 63 Exchange street. get they j Buehester. X. H.. intermediate FIRE ENGINE & .MOTOR CO., Racine, n upon the Island, made a gray wall n some one else, but which is a virtue If octtodtf offices and cotv get your heart away. For you love Juvenile Farmer*. ections. via Portlands Hoc lies iur railroad— vhlch shut out. It ve possess it ourselves.—Syracuse Her* it beat upon the A remarkable comes to US of a DOR SALE—Those magnltlceut building lots ■rrive at 1.20 auu 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 a. m., your Nell, don’t you, Tom, dear? And story Lid. C roman’s face, Its dark mois- on Fessenden. Pitt, William and Dart- LOO la what Is a woman to a man If he doesn’t leaving ■ear’s work done a of Bloom- aoulh streets, Oakda e. Perfect electric car by couple j Cumberland Mills, Gorham and Westbrook ure there. ervioe. sewers, sidewalks and Sebago; sure lo love her? She’s Just like the sunshine, leld township children. N'otwlthstand- Saccarappa) Arrive at 8.45 a m. 1.20 and C.')0 1 remedy for Nasal Catarrh which Is drying advance to double their present cost; Interest j “At first I thought she'd Just dropped m.;close 6.30 and 12.00 a iu. and 6.30 p. m. or a flower. He sees a handsome rose, | ng the fact that he is an Invalid, T. J. * nly 6 P‘r other taken in ex nd exciting to the diseased membrane should cent; property South Portland, Willard, and Cottage— For Women. ff and that 'twas the It will to DAL- Cape and he it down and smells It and asleep only fog Duncan rented 190 acres of wheat bange; pay you Investigate. rrive at 7.3). 11.00 a m. 8.00 close .630 Monthly Peculator lias pulls [ ot be used. What is needed is that which is TON & (XV f>3 street.ootlfdtf p. m.; Dr. Tolman’s brought hat made her face so cold. But I felt Exchange m., 1.30 aud 6.30 ni. or anxious women. then lets it go. That's what it is. But , ground last fall, and his children, a and p. happiness lo hundreds leansing, soothing protecting healing, Pleasantdale and Cash Comer— Arrive 7.30 no other known f her heart, aud then I Unowed what DOR SALE—New six flat block on St. There is positively remedy when a woman’s rooted In a man’s tirl 10 years old and a boy 14 years t uch a remedy is Cream Balm. Price 50 : High nd 11.15 a. m. and 4.30 close 7.30 a ia that will so and Ely’s C now rent'd for $1400 per year; strictly first p. in.; to medical science, quickly twas," said Solomon Downes. “Poor 1J nd 1.30 aud 6.30 ia never a heart, Tom, ’tisn’t that way, is it? , ild, plowed the ground with riding < ents at druggists or it will be mailed by Ely ! < bus and suit*.ble for trust »uniH or Individual p. safely do the work. Haro bad single most obstinate cases Lunt Nell! It's as It 1 60 I u estment. Builtlu 1800. DALTON & 181. AND MAMA failure. The longest and He breathes she Just well, though ilows; tho harrowed it and the bothers, Warren Street, New York. The CO., other her, goes running | girl 1 3 street. oc l.'dtf Peaks /stand—Arrive at la.00 a m., close are relieved in 3 days without fail. No lo seem her there ull 1 lalm when In the over Exchange through his blood, and his brain is full pitiful a-settiu j >oy followed with the drill. A man placed nostrils, spreads g t 1.30 p. m. remedy will do this. No pain, no danger, no lone and lookiu at the lie membrane ami is absorbed. A cold In the Long and Islands—hr- Interference with work. The most difficult of and she crowds his dying away vas hired to run the harvester, the Harpswell, Cheheague her, just heart, DR. AUSTIN r ve at 10.03 a m.. close at 2.00 ia cases successfully treated through corres- ea. You see," he lowered his J ead vanishes quickly. TCNNEY, p. land he wants her like a fish wants the voice, ( liUdren doing most of the balance of >fltce 514 Congress Street, over Foster pondence and the most complete satisfaction there was a 4k Co, STAGE MAIt.A in instance. I reliev e hun- summer visitor come here , ho work. was Avery guaranteed every Water. The thrashing eomplet- In diseases of the and Esr dreds of ladies whom I neversee. Write for ears ago, when she was nothin but a SUEPDKY CAMP INSPECTION.'* Specialist Eye Bouery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. m.; close at if were back! , id the other and the 190 acres f nu the of C«laa«es. further All letters truthfully i '"Oh, Tom, Tom, you day, ide attic fluiug s 00 p. ia particulars. and he j of ta to octlfidtf answered. Free confidential advice in all Warm air seems as if It were trappln handsome gal, thought fielded 4.000 bushels of 61 bhepley camp, bona Veterans ^sturday* Only. Cape KUtabeth and KnightvUle— Arrive at This pound matters of a private or delicate nature. Bear t was a vacation to make 1 « 30 a m. and 6,30 m. close at 6.00 a ia aud to me from As privilege Gazette. Inspected this evening by Division In- p. iu mind this la absolutely safe under blowing straight you. vheat.—Beloit (Kan.) l 00 p.m. remedy er love him ana then oat. 'Twas condition and will positively If it had blown over heart and slide pector Fred H. Brown of BlUdeford. Dl- MAlNSPRlGSlFc: Htfftuand Lake, P. O. formerly Duck Pond every possible your leave no after ill efTecls upon the health. By he time after he wont afore 1 on Warranted for l year. Tha best of J 1ride's .Vo. Wind A urn had warmed It for me. Tberel 1 longest ls] Commander, E. N. Corrleon la al- quality Comer, Windham, niatl sealed, $2.00. Dr. E. AT. TOG* that Imerlc.in mainspring*. McKKNNKY. Tlio J agmond and South Casco—Arrive at law a securely he could he was a scoundrel. Daily Pm bj cents ■ o MAN CO., 179 Xiemont St., Boatou. Masa* grasp 50 per month. expected In attendance. latehnialiaj’, Momuueul Squar,. septum 1.1 close at 2.00 p. ia BOftTOft 4933 KTKAMKKS. *«»». held...... *ace 4s, l»oi. Municipal.100 *6n ItlMIQ DATA Of Of KAN kTKAMKRI TRLKPHOHK »*5* MaineCentral U R7aiaia.oous.ictc 136 ltd lliilter. Kantry Creamer..M rw'M »«•> AND COMMERCIAL Butter. Vermeut ** -4%a- to* FINANCIAL •; ;eo Kaiser WdtO Now tort. -Bremen ....Not cons. S' Cheese. N. York and Vermt .. *§ mtg... .MW *•»» * mu Advance.Now York- -Co on.Not T, MCDONALD SfEAMBOATlO. Cheese, ease .... llbhlil* ^it,i9oo.4xUi*rsn.lpi Jot Oceanic....Now York.. Liverpool .. Nov 2! B"‘~'" Portland A lit Us Ogd*g ges.leoo. <»t*)00 A CURRIER Frntte Qultala*.New York.. lPOQsste&mers will leave Portland Water Co* • 4«. 19*7... .107 *fo Havre.Nov k< Beginning Oct l«ih, Numidtmn..... Portland.. .Liverpool .Nov 21 Portmnd Pier. Wednesdays and Fri- Apple*. Baldwin* .. 1 1* Mondays, Utter.Now York. .Dem«rare...Nov 21 days at ll a. m.. for Cousins’. Littlejohn's, notion Bioek lit' lemons .* *M* i.lit, Corinthian.Portland... Liverpool .. Deo I Great Chebeague (Hamilton’s Landing.) Orr’s In Effect Nov. Ittflt, l»oo. Prodnfts in * *0 Cancao.New York.. Laguayra .. Deo 1 Island small Point Harbor and of Staple Urauiei. 00.4* Bales of stock at the Boston Stoek BUNKER Ashdale. Quotations ....New Cnat. Exchange; Californian York..Glasgow_Dec 1 Ctindy’s Harbor. TRAINS LEAVE UNION STATION. RATb> Oils, Turpentine ••* New York. and at 2 Atchison.. ..mm.. 80% Campania.... .Urerwol... Dee 1 "ewto“ Tuesdays. Thursdsys Saturdays p. *AY bQUARK AS FOLLOWS: Leadiu? Markets. Raw Unaee l OH.. Boston AtMams. 107 Mlpneepoliv.... Now York. .LonSon> .. .Dee 1 dcJin m., for Camus'. LltUejenn’s aad Great Ctie- oU. York, pARK R,,w BI-DO Belled l.lnseed J do pfa 178 Worre.New .tttooa.Dee 1 K r u 11 be*«ue, jll.mlten’s Looting.) 7.00 a. m. For Brunswick, Lewiston (l-ow#r) Turnentlne.„ ... •• Statendem.Hew York..Rotterdam |>«„ | uni <10 BROADWAY Ke.urn and Frldaes— & liunu Mondays, Wednesdays Bailt, Botiklau *, Augtisu, W * ter rifle, ^itowUe- oil at 7.30 a. Lit le- i.igonla und Centennial bbL. dtlBJ* Central Massachusetts. 18% Bellaure.New York.. Booerlo.Dec I Leave Great Chef segue m., gan, Belfast. nml Vaneeboro rwr«t Prlrmt. Wlm IVatwMii Offlot. a. Msngor Bucksport. Kenned tat Petroleum, 130.. do 62 Crterle.New York.. Liverpool... Deo < John's 7.45 n. in- Cousins’ Island 7JO in., corn.a :or »» pfd. ting bt Jotn. »i. StepUo i. tblals), Grom Pratt's astral. I Maine Central. 161 Tartar Prlnee, New York. Naplos.dtc Dec Member* of >w York Com. Slock and arrive Portland 1.55 a. m. Houliou and Woodstock. let tnt Hock, B»« a m., Cumberland, w*® Union Phciuc ..81% HoveUee.NoW York.. Pernambuco Doo ( Now York Prodooo inbango. Oundy’* Harbor at and Market livlw turn a. F*rn,,MKton. Rango.ey Stove and furnace coal, retail... fO American Tel. Teutonic.Now York .Liverpool...,Doo I Hssall Point f.40 a. m.. orr’s Island m., | V?a«o and Tel.....160 Btoek*. Bonds, Drain and c»tton bought and s. vu7i*i0n' Franklin.. York. .Antworo ...Doo I Gr*-at Chebe igue «Hamilton’* Landing) 9.SB l'V2'> a. 6 Mexican Central .. 80 Noordiand..... Now •old at 1-18 commission. io share lots and up- iu. For Brunswick. Bsfh. I^wiston, Pea coal, retail. Porto Mco. t in.. L'ttle 9.4# a. m.. Cousins 9J0 a. m.. American Sugar...184% Arkedle. ....NowTork.. Dee wards. Bix per cent allowed oa all for John's Gardiner. Augusta. Waicrville. Pitufleiil. York. deposits arrive Portland ll.noa. m. (ord«ge-D«f». 4—rtoan Sugar pfd. Columbia.... Jew .Genoa.pad 1 margin. Bangor, ratten, Houlion aud Caribou via B. A Cordage— Patricia.New York.. Hamburg ... Dee I Aooounts subject to cheek on demand. J. H. McOO.IALT), Manager. A. R. R. reac- Parlolan..Portland.... Ltveruool ...Doo ( St. 19.40 r- tn. for New York, November 30—The American Wb .10*11 New York (JsotfttiMii of ItooKi end Bonds Daily market letter and quotation slips, Tel. 19-4. Office. 199 Commercial Express Brunswick, Llsbou I ruraossln... .Now York. .Glasgow ... Beo t manasl of and Fails, Lewiston via Brumwuk.Auguata, Water- which on the Manila.10%«|1H monthly qmotattons private ettmif tionary tendenoy weighed Manil aoou rope. 0**2Mi (By Telegraph.* Etruria.Now York.. Liverpool ..Tyse I oipher code mailed free on application. vllle Newport, Bangor. bucksport. Bar Har- of following ire the of Menominee-...Now York. .London .Deo f Jyaamucton Co. H. R. •took market daring the latter part gtsai. *»® eieamc quotations octttdtf bor, Oidtown. Greenville buek- ^The Pottodam.Now York. .Rotterdam). Deo 1 end KutalidtH lion WorKs. overcome today last week was distinctly Not. 24. Not 26. Dominion.Portland.. ..Liverpool... [loo I allan Line IS G5 P. ui. For Danville, ,Jc.,Rumford Falls, Nol.JJ New 4a. 187% York (Juracoa —Doo ( Bemis. Lewiston. and prloes resumed their upward course re*.I87H Htldur.New Farmington. Carrabuset, ..ao New ♦*. noun.187% 187% Italian Prince .Now York. .Boaarlo.Dee j Kaugeley, Blogbam, WatervlUe. Bkowbc gao. alvanoe was by no means uniform, New .Porto Itteo.. Doo t PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL I 96 Foe The 10 or.. 4*.re*.116% 116% Sail Juan.JlewYork.. p.ui Freepori,Brunswick.Rockland, com- New 4s. 115% Pern'bueo.. Dee 1C K. a. Augusta. WatervlUe. Skowue- the striking gains being confined to ...116% York.. Calling at Mosrllle. L.points, UenTer a k. »*. 1st. aprl.Hewbn.Haw York.. Bremen.Deoil san. Belfast, Dover and Foxcrott, Ureensrllle, few stocks In some stocks, and Ojea Brie Bangr.r, oidtown and paratively lirngi gen. «». 74% 76 Now York.... Mow York. S’tnamutoo .Dapij 9 From From From Mattaw.smkeag. and to Mo.:nan.«TTex. .Liverpool Deo li Bucksport Saturdays. the resistance was not more than enough Acid Carbolic...40 *83 Ida. 70% 70% Germanic.Newark. Liverpool. Steamer. Portland. Halifax. Kansas a S.10 p. m. For l.’oklsnl, AclU Oxalic.1* Pacmc consois....• Frtealand .... Now York. .Antwem... .Dec li Brunswick, BatU, hold their own 2* Direct. Augusta and WatervlUe to enable them only to Add tart. Oregon Nas.ist.109 109 Deuiehland ...New York. ...Deo 1! Trains Leave Portland 10 Nov. Numldlan.. .Wed. Nov. .Hamburg Direct 5.18 p.m. For Dauvtll* June Mechanic of weak- Ammonia. Texas raciflc. l. u. ista... .116% 116% Talisman.Now York, If 15 Nov. Corinthian.SftL 1 Dec. ton. while a small number positive .pemarara...Doo d 7 Dec. Falls a;wl Lewiston do ree. 62 .. 2* Nov. •Parieiaii.Thura. l>ec. ! Ashes, pot.0 /ns. 82 Tunisian.Portland .Liverpool. ..Deem For Lew!■ ten, 8.18, a m. LSO. end *6.C0 a to the 29 Nov. •Tunisian.Thura. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. H.90 Night Fiores* for Brunswick, ness gave slight Irregularity Huchu Union raclAc 1st*.IOC Vs York.. Havre ... ..Dee if p.m. I/eaves..•4t**},0 Bretagne.Now P. m. mo*- on the York.. Deo if 15 L>es. JSutmdin.fi.... Wed. it Jan. D rect Betn. Lewiston, Augusta, WstorvDIa. market. Bear traders operated WuolaUuns of stooas— Philadelphia. ..New Lacuayia... Island end *6d> began. Dee 1( For fond.8.16 a.m.,1.80. p.m 20 Doc. tCorlntiilan.Hat. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. Bangor. Mooseheal Lake, Aroostook a consider- Not. 24. Nor. 2«. Ethiopia.Newport. Glasgow.... ela short side of the market for 1 Borax... For Montreal, and C'kleago. 8.18 No cattle carried on those steamer*. County Oidtown. Bar Harl>or, Bucksport, Atchison. 39 30% Waetifn to < o. K. Vance There Brimstone.. 8V%®5 a. m. ahtf •e.O'i ra.. reaching Montreal at K. boro, 8t Stephen able period after the opening. Atooisoo dig..... 82Vs 88% p. IU1I S OF 1V4SS4KE. (< a at-), 8r. 81 John Cocaine* Muriate .per .. 6 5«* 7 00 jw m., and 7.03 ra. Andrews, and h!1 Aroos- board Central rscinc.. ■IANITURK A CM A IS ADC.NOV. 27. 7.00 p. took Coo vt» were rumors llylng about the early Cabin—$50.00 and A re Miction ty Vaneeboro, Halifax and the Cochineal.;«0d|48 Cbea k Ohio. f.6% For Qnebec at 6 p. m. upwards. The of last 86% of lo per cent Is allowed on return tickets ex* Provinces. train 'Having Saturday nigtit that bear operators Copperas...IMi® Cmcairatmir. A does not prominent Cream tartar.20Vk a uuraoT.186% 187% 8X2?::.::::: 2,n«”li! cepl on lowest rates. connect to Belfast, Dexter, Dover and stock -pH Der. a nun. csuat nor ■week had been taking up long Kx Logwood.12®lb 1X>.116% 116% Length of days.. 2 25! Moon iota :. 0 Si Arrive bxcoND Cabin—To Liverpool, London or Foxerof beyond Bangor. I DeL Lac.a. A West.180 190 Trains Portland. Notable In particular Oumarnblc.TO®l 22 Londonderry—$35.00 to $40.00. again. strength ! imover a iu U.. 22% 23% St k k k ao London. Glasgow. WHITE MOUNTAIN DIVISION. Olvcenne.20a7B From Lewiston, •a.OO, and 11.10 am.. 8 46 k—Liverpool, rnmors of Kne. new. 18% 13% Helrast. Lu louden or 8.80 stocks. aocompanled by Aloes cape .16m** m. y Queenstown, $£>09 s. w. For Lrldgton. Harrison. Fahysns, arte is ora... 88% 40 p. cates the market, Camphor.l MARINE NEWi^ aio* • n.0». Prepaid eei till $10.50. Bur ingt ui, Lancaster, St. Slier- changes of oontrol, helped | Illinois..186 136% From Island Pond, *8.08, sod 1M8 a m., half Tars. Rates to Johnsbury. Mvtrn .62*58 Children tinder 13 years, brooxe. Qu bee, Montreal. Chicago. St Paul and the bears were finally driven to i> ufi5 to i L/iKS furie i§ West. 36 38% 6.46 p. m. or from other points oo application to aud Opium.....4 Lase Minneapolis. Indigo. 86c*$l Mnore.210% 810% From Mon (real,and Quebec, *8.00 T. P. HcOOWAI, 490 Congress St, l.'A p. hi. For Hebago Laic*. llsr- oover. Wnlle tbs strength in tbs market Louis A PONT OF PORTLAND. Ct|teaao, Hrldgton. Iodine .3 7«*:( tfO j Nash. 81% 88% a m., and 1.48 p. ra. Portland, Me. rlsou North Fahyans, Lancaster. the Manuauan Clesaum. Hoous Conway. was renewed, there wae by no means Ipecac.4 00a* 50 ...... 110% 110% Foiclga Itsasiship Agsnsy, 4 Cotebmok a id Beecher Falls. Licorice, rt.16.5 20 Mexican central.12% 18% First !fstloaal Howls Betiding. Port- volume of buslnesB whlob has been MONDAY. Nov 25, 1900. Otbei trains week days. 6.00 p. ra. For large Morpnine.2 6*2 60 Mtc mean cqntrat. •Dally. kad, Mains Heoago Lake. Cornish, Brldg- ton. La North Bartlett ... nOV5tltf rlson, Conway aud tbe average for over two weeks past. Bear 011 bergamot.2 76*3 20 Minn. A »L i/xiis.. 03% 68% Arrived. Every Sunday train leaves Portland for Mor. cod liver.I S0w2 00 Minn. « eL Louis ma...... 99 99 lor New York Lewiston, Uorharo and Berlin at 7.30 a m. M1NDAY i rains. manipulation was evident not only here Seh K F Hart, Moody. Bangor American cod liter.1 OOgjl 86 Missouri Pscinc... 58% 60% In tow. 7 20 a. m. In marketB. London was a | leaking. Probably proceed Pullman Palace Lars are run on Taper train for Bangor. Bath, and hut foreign Lemon.1 00 « 2 20 | New Jersey central.143 143 for Salem, Sleeping Portland & Steamboat Co. for Rockland Sell Hattie Muriel, Si John. NB, trains and Parlor Cars ou ualna Boothbay except Ferry Transfer at Bath. this sales to that 60 New York central.140% 141% night day large boyer In market, Olive.1 00c$2 seh Allan. Small. Mlllbrldge for Boston. 12.4) in. For 2 Nortnern Pacino com. 71 Vs 71% India NTKAMKR IfiNTKltPH INK leaves East pt Biunswlek. Lewiston, Bath, estimated at shares. l'epu .1 75 a 00 Neb Mary F Cushman, Walla e, Boston. Tleket OOlre, Depot at foot of Augusta. WatervlUe and account being 80,01*) <•-* at 7 a. m. and Bangor. Wm ter green.2 6® Northern racitto Dfd. 81% 32% Stn>ut, Mlllbrldge lor Boston. Boothbay Monday. Wednesday Sch Daska, Street. at Bristol. 11.00 p. m. Night Exo.e s tor all polnti. __ for Portland, Ho. continued easy here and hardened Potass br’inde.*>0«£60 Northwestern. 166% Sell Harvard H Havey. Sullivan foa New Yori Friday touching Money Heron Harbor and rates for Chlorate.165 2o; •lu pld. Seh Clara Stevens, Bangor for Boston. Island. Boothbay Squirrel ARRIVALS IN I’ORTLAND. In London, resulting In Higher i»* J, Island. lonide.3 750*3 One. A west. 24% 24% Ulmer. Baimorfor New York. From No. Ton Sell Eagle. leave Franklin Wharf. Portland, at Bartlett, way aud Harrison. sterling exchange Tbero was very lergs Quicksilver.73;5;78 lteanma. 18% 18% Stanley, Bangor for Provlnoe BBIOGTOK & SACO RIVES Returning. 8.28 a. ewlston and * a.35 Seh Fanuy Earl, Turn. Thursday and Saturday for m.; Mechanic all«, Quinine. uock isinuu...... 1)6% 116% Tuesday. *• 8.48 southwestern bonds town* ...... n».; WatervlUe, Augusta and Rockland, baying of St. Louis Hbeunaro. rt. 76* I 60 128% RAILROAD CO. Harbor, Heron 8L raui.128% Seh Jnlla Baker, Perkin. Bangor for Nlork. Squirrel IshindfRoothhay Island, a. in.; Bailor, ^uirusta and Rockland. 12.15 was and Jit snake.3o<'40 I Old ...... 175% 176% 80. Bristol and Fast The market otherwise strong 3L 1'aui Sch Kva May, Godfrey. Bangor for New York Boothbay. p. in.; Hkow began, Farmington, humford Falls Saltpetre. 0(8)18 SL aui m umana. ..120 120 aug2dtf AT.Fit ED RACE, Manager. soles volue J Sen John J Berry, Bookland lor New Yoik. and l^-wist'Ui, 12.10 p. m.; Beecher Falls. Fab- quite active. Total par 84 Semin. IN EFFECT, OCT. 8. 1900 25<$3C rani A txliana Pfd. *'v" j br.. OCU IHIAli » yam .and 11.58 m.; seed.4 ® n 1 aaa n w nYPiiancar a n Brldg ou. p. bkowhegau, 180,100 ; Canary Mi 6H Texas acino. 18% 19% York. FOK IVntnrv llo lnviitln am< PiiaL IshH K n m Cardamons .1 2651 60 hen Is- 8lVe sch Smith. Bangor for New fit. John. m. S »*m. Bar United Stotes refunding two ; v carb.8’i union racine .. 81V4 Mary Augusta, uAouU DAT dlCAMDUAI UU. epi (C*!>ds), Harbor. soda, by * North Aroi.Mook : sal.avfcf# » wanaan. RooheiJe. Bririgfon, IVurri«oii, Brtdf- County, Moosehead Lake ;ir*l Han- sued and the lives advanoed one-quarter HoZt. for New York. 3.85 m.: Km Ruin- KiiH.hpr 5t «' Wubatu dig. 21 Soli Otronto. Bangor lon, Wed •iehago, South ttrtdff- Custom House Wharf, Cortland, Me. gar. p. gelt*y, Faru.iugtou. on 78c HockUnd lor New York. ford KmI'9 and Lewiston. r.45 m. ( and the threee three-quarters per cent i buuar lead..2n®22 Boston 5i Maine. 187 gch 8 M Bird. ji. lit-ago, 1 ttue. of.. «ch Hocklnnd for New Y;»rk. Waterford and Sweden. Montreal. Ouebec. No. I White wax.50a 55 New iora and now Sardinian, ion, WKKK HAY TI»1K TAIII.K. Fabyau*. Conway, the r st call. 203 W Webber. Damarlscotta. Br dgtun. 7.66 m.; Bar ll.u b'-r and Bangor, VtiroL blue.. HnM Old Col on ..202 Sch c Pendleton. vi. M. P. M. F. M. In KfTect Oet.‘40. IOOO. p. l®* Sch Hstile Steuben. I. 25 a. ni. Halifax. St. Houltou. 8t. ! Vani a. bean.$13®ftlft Adam* txures*.*86 Coring Klee, Leave PorthMui mcrr.kbo 1.05 e.o 0 For Forest City l.nnillii^, i’ralts Is- ! dally; .Tolln. Schs Forest Uncle Joe, and S U Pink Stephen. Bar llarbor, Bangor, 3.50 a. m. Castor.i 0»t *o | American express.»61 Maid, land, 5.30. 6.45. 8.00, 10.30, a. m.. 2.15, 4.00. 6.15 48 l8| I*aveBrldgton Juaction, kmmi 2.2s 7.81 SrxnAva- and l.'J5 p. m.; Mrs vnwK No* ofl Metals. u. ft. Bxnress..... Nam, Ashing. m. Bangor Lewliton, 101 Arrive Brldeton, 11.04 3.1* 8.21 p. Bangor, 1 25 h. in.; Ha'tfux. 8'.. John. Vance* Copper— Peome lias. OUVfc Return-G.20, 7.20, 0.15, 11.45 a. m.^ oO, 4.15, Money on mil closed steady 3g3Vi percent; 44 44 Arrive Harrison. 11.34 3.41 8.4S boro and Bangor, 3.50 a. in. 14 ,t,48 common.00 ®2 'Mi raoinc Man. ■* FHOW ODK C'ORllKSrOVnKNTV 6^.5 m. Ho octsdtf J A. Bennett. Supt. p. GKO. F. KVA V. V. & G. M. last loan 3; ruling rate —. Polish*! ! Pullman flBM. • 7 For « Island, C 45. 10.30 a. NS, copper.00*22 BOOTHBAY-H A It BO K, Nov 24 81d sch! asking's m., F. E. BOOTH G. 1*. fi T. A. at 6 u?i cent. Sugar, 184/4 in. BY. Prune mercantile caper 4% Holts.(X)ai2v)Vfc lcominon.732*4 Grace Webster. H .rigor lor Now York : Mary l 4.oo p. octodtf Y M sheath.CK)£lh Western union.84 84 Ketur.i—7.05. 11.50, a. in.. 4.2) p. m. hi fill iu* firm, vvtli actua’ bus Stewart. Sullivan for PliUadelnnla; C B Clark Exchange N« and Great Diamond Y Holts.O0f*l8 sottUusii it v pic. for New Olive Portland & Rumford Fails Fur Little Islands, I'oitluml 6l Yarmouth Klietrlc Co. 4 86 a4 de j and Maud flrlgus, Bangor Yur*; Ry. Ky. ness In bankers Mils *8 85% and Trefethens Lund Peaks lsl. Bottoms.25 £31 Brooklyn Rsou iransit. "4*4 do lor do; Annie C Stewart, do for Gloucester: lugs, *> tv '4J? 10.JO a. III., 2.16. (1.16 Leave FI in St. for E. maud and 4 81 V» ii4 81% six day*; t ostdd f ederal Steel common. 484a 49H Silver Wave, Shuhe. NS. lor New York; Hast and, 5.30, 6.45, 8.00, Peering. Falmoutti. Injrot.16v£l7 78 III. Underwood at «.15 a. in. hourly fill 12.45 4 « 4 tun mcr- do pin. 78 for Boston: Walden Holmes. 1900. p. spring ra•«- 4 82.u,4 82*/% and 86 86% "eru Light, Bangor In Effect Oct. w, — Straits!. Iletnru Leave I.title Diamond Island, in., half till *7.15. 9.15. 10.45 American tobacco.109 l09Vfr‘ for Portland; lmogeue, Portland foi 1». hourly 6.15. 7.45, clal bills at 4 8c% a 4 81 v* Antlinony.12®14 Sedgwick 9.10. 3.25. 6.30 ii*. in. Return—Leave Underwood at 6.10 a. I u» ..735 *3o Prince LeBuo, Bangor for Heston. DEPARTURES. 6.10. 7.40, ll.4oa.nl., p. p. Coke.73 ao 00 Tremont; Iteluin —Lc.ive Urrst Dlsniond Island. in. till t.io, lialf till 5.40, 0.40. 7.10, liar Stver 63% Metropolitan rtrreet it R...... 173 *7SVs In shs Kldora, Bangor for Portland: VS 8.30 A. M. and 12.55 noon. From Union Station hourly hourly 8l>eJter. C<»6 75 port, 6.«o. 7.36. 0.05. ll.3o a. in.. 3.20, 6.35 p. 111. For Yarmouth at a. Tcnn. coal « iron. 71*4 72*4 Boston for Buiiuor. William Can- • p.m. 0.45 Silver certificate-* G4*$6ft. ••••• II Card, Pickering, for Poland, Mechanic Falls, Uuckfield, SolderxM*.Mr «2* 81 4 kletlirn- Leave Trefethen's lauding, III. (111 1.45, 3.45, 4.45. 5.15, 0.15, U. a. Rubber. 30 Portland for Camden; Emily A Staples, do lui ton, Dlxfield and Rumford Falls. hourly Mexican dollars 50. .. X»ll»-Iron-laail. au Peake lsl mtf, 6.00, 7.30. 9.00, 11.30 a, in., 3.15, 10.45. Leave Yarmouth at 6,40 a. ui. ,, ton tine inai .. 8o% 7.45,0.15. Mill Wlnterport, 8..W a. m., 12.5T» n«w»n and 5.15 p. m. From Union 6.40 ni. HU 12.4'\ Governments strong. CLARK’S ISLAND, Nov 2 th-8!d fm Lonj p. hourly 1.10, 2.10, 2.49, 3.40, 4.10,6.10, Cut.2 r»"rS)2 70 Statiou for Mechanic Falls and intermediate For Hnncr’a Lauding. Loug Island, R.03, ii.40. 8.In. 9.441 p. ni. Stale bouds Rmtou .8ftr«M< Cove, sch Eugene Borda, for Now York. strong. Wire. 2 75£2 93 stations. 10.30 a. m.. 2.15 p. m. Sundays for Underwood at 8.15 hourly till were Railroad bonus strong Iron- BOSTON, Noy. 23 oo—The following From Union for Bemls. Return—8.45, 11.15 a. m., 3.00 p. m. II. 15.11.45 a. m., 12.45. half hourly till, 2'a EXCHANGE DWPATCHES. 12.55 noon. StatMfc Common. 8! toilay’s quotations ox Stour and tornt 7.4.'». 8 45. i'.43 p. ni. For Yarmouth 8.15. 9.15, ; ltelined. 2 froir SVNDAY TI.HK TABLK Hiil«c * *4 Ar at Halifax 26t, steamer Corinthian, 10.15, 11.15 a. in., 12.45. 1.45. 2.15, 3.15, half FLOUR. R. C. BRADFORD. Traffic Manager, Peaks hourly j Norway..4 (® 4V% Liverpool, ana sailed for Portland. For Forest City Lauding, till 5.15,6.15, 7.45. 8.45, 9.45 p. in. Leave Yar- The following quotations represent th* pay •»*•1 ents 4 10 « 6 OO Portland, Maine. Cast Steel. 8 £10 florins Passed Dover 20tb, steamer Dargal. Portland Island, 10.20 a ni., 2.15 p. in. mouth I hour 5 minute 4 earlier. tug prices In this market: Winter 3 UOASJSO.I E. L. LOVKJOY. Superindent, For island. 10.3) a. Ik. ; Mioesteel.3 a 3 » patents for London. Cushing's •4knitted stormy \ Cow ami steers... C« V It *ue. le reported Wdrlft. for vermin. Trains leave Unlou Stutisn for Scarboro Pe;poAdere 1 7%3t granulated 0 ». oo Westerns and oo Texans: Lnnibet. 17,* Including It will be replaced as soon as practicable. BOSTON m PHILAQEtPHIA < loaning. 10.00 a. m.. 6.20 p. in.; Scarboro »rusueti 6;. nrinio steers at 6 35.066 up: to me- 6V»c ;yellow Whltewood— good to poor Bruch. Pine l*o!n(. 7.00. 10.00 a. nL. 3.39. 4 26: selected feeders slow 3 and River. It's the to use TBI-WEEKLY SAILINGS. No 1&2, 1 in.$4 ®$45 dium 50«>5 60# [Penobscot Bay Malue.] only thing 6.25. 6.20, P. 111. ; Old Orchard, l»nro. Hid weak 2 6ta3 70j Texas •exports Sape, 1 in. :*8 4 20; mixed Stockers Mark Island Ledge Hell Buoy, red, nun drford, Kniiir brittle. 7.00. (L5 1 10.00 Common. 1 iu. 28® 32 fed steers $4^4 85; Texas grass steersat 3 26 was Beoause From Boston Tuoshy, Thursday, Saturday. LIVERPOOL.ENG. Steamship Vancouver— shaped, reported adrift Nov. 10, replaced a. 111*. 12.30. 8.30. 6,25, 6.24 p. 1 in No 1&2.$40 £t45 d 4 15. Nov. 23, 1900. It Is not a poison, in.; Kniurbnuk|iort| 7.09. IL5>. 10.00 a. ni., 40,283 bush Wheat 31 pk hams 385 cs c »rn oi Carolina raised and butchers at North Pine— Hors—receipts 88.000; F cm Phlladelpliii. Mon 'ay. Wednesday 1 .341, 3.30,^J. 5 p.m.; Well* Head,, 7.00. *.50 bdl dowels 741 ics ohk bicycle .3769 sacks to at Bv order the Light House Board. It will exterminate, 2 inch. No i .$2 *®$3r» at 4 70ah 06 good choice heavy 6 80; a. in. 3.90. ...25 ni.; North Berwick. Hoi- oatmeal 34. do 635 do buckw heat 203 do •• J. K. COGSWELL, p. pens NO. 2 .$2* £*32 rough and heavy at 4 65.*;4 76: light at 4 8(\g not :nd Ittiaford, Nonirri worth, 8.51 a. in., seeds 108u boxes ham and bacon 169 hales of Commander U. tt. Navy, It will stain, Fnday. 7.00, IVi. I1, a and 2 inch, No. 1.$30u$40 4 mu Vi; bulk of Males —. 12.30, 3.30, 5.25 p. rn It*»chr«ter. Parnitng- 97 3791 cs canned apples 796 bales inspector 1st L. H. DlsL no offensive From Central Wharf, Ronton. 3 p. m. Frew hay organs No 2.*28 £$38 Sheep—receipts 20.00V; good to choice weth- It lias odor, tittt, Alton Huy, \Yolfboro, g 50 a. in 12.30, wood loo cs i7 cts 99 1 erts Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia, at 3 p. m. In- pulp eggs pulleis Cyprus— er*. at 4 09u,4 So: fair to choice mixed st 3 «6a. 5.3*1 in.; I.akeport, Laconia, W'rlrt, ri7o boxes butter 1365 boxes cheese 1 in. 35 40 It is simple to use. surance effected at office. p. odtry Saps. 5} 4 Western sheep at 4 00*426; Texas Mcmorsuda. 8.61 a. in.. 12.3C p. in.; Mtiiclirc s tckt> Hour. 1 00; for the West the Penn. R. H. aad Plymouth, 6401 bbis apples coot) Common, in...... 1*8® 32 at 2 50a 3 6i>: native lambs 4 00:46 16; no Freights by Concord ai.d Nor; hern sheep Boston, Nov 25—Sch Jessie Hart, which wa« It will injure fabrio. forwarded connecting Hues. ib'. louuctiuut, Southern nine.$30£ 3 4 V South by WesUTU l imbs 75Q5 into this aornc weeks ago 7.0*».l, in.. 3.30 P- m.; Dover, Dieter. Haver- e or Clear brought port leaky in $ 10.00. Round Trip $18 00 Portland Whoictu xl lea r. pine— It la low cost, Passage DawreitCr, Dowell, 7.00, 8.60 a. 70 has been repaired, and was floated out of the Meals and room included. hill, in., tippers.$603} Msruii, Boston, 74.05. 7.00. 8.50 a. PORTLAND. NOV. 26. Select. 60£ GO Doidmiio dry dock on Saturday. For freight or passage apply to F. P. WING, p. rn.; And in., TJO p. in.; Leave Itontou Fine common. 46 £ 55 Telegraoh.' Sell« Myra B Weaver, recently ashore or Agent, Central Wharf, Boston. 12.SA, Flour auiet and steady at previous figures (By tor Portland, 8.39 a. Spruce. 18« 1 1 Nov. 2d. 1900. Handkerchief Shorn’, was floated Saturday, and K. B. Sampson. Treasurer and General Man- 5.5», 7.3*7. in., 1.15,1.15, with December ITS RESULTS ARE ABSOLUTE- m.; arrive I’ortlmi.!, 10.1 u. 11.50 a. in.. ■Wheat about steady *su.%0 Hemlock. 1 15 vgw YORK—The Flour niarKet—receipts will be patched and taken to the conslgnee’i ager, 89 State St, Flake Huildiug, Bostou, Mass. p. 12.10. 6.03. 7.50. p. in. decline at 70 Vi c: cash closed 70V»c. Novem- Clapboards— >1 bbls: exports 8.6« 6 bbMi saws 8.500 dock to discharge. oct22dlf 26.0 water _ X. 32® 35 and steadv wiibout % No. 1—For cockroaches, bugs. ber Co n at Chicago w as the con’er of i terest, Spruce pongs: moderately ait.ve SUNDAY TRAINS. Clear. 28® 30 ch from Do ill Mt Sic Port*. No. 2—For ants, moths, fleas. U»e in and n^e Saturday. Leave Union Station for Scarboro Ueach, touching highest polut years closing 2d clear... 26£ 27 Fiour—'Winter uts 3 50»8 90{Winter straights No. 3—For bed bugs, buffalo bugs. No 1.. 15® 20 YORK Ar s earner fit 4q ove t-aturday; Dec. closed % na#c higher 3 50 a 3 CO; Minnesota patents 3 90 d4 25; win- NEW 2oth, Cherokee, J«fl? ,«OSTOIt 25 60 Trinidad No. 4—For rats aud mice. Uiildeford, Jieu nebu uk. North Ber- f Pine. 8 tei extras Co*2 90; Minnesota bakers 3 uud Turks Isiaud ; Grenada, ; Damaletts Oa s unchanged, i’ork firm. Poultry i 1 wick, Dover, Kxeter, lluverhlll, Shindies— __ 3 (to low grades 2 46,a 2 Cl'. & Joanna. Portland; Douglass Haynes, Gardl amt firmer choice Western t rlceys sold 25: YOU OF/T the ItlOllT Livwrauoe, huwell, Roaton. 12.55, 4 33 mpp y Wheat—receipts .*8,975 bush’.exports 128,6(6 ner; Mary K Lyncn. do; Annie Si Reuben. Batl: BESUKE Clear cedar.2 50,$2 75 do: John Brace p. iu.; arrive Boston, 5.18. 8.2S p .iil at 1M«17c and northern choice 18c; chickens a bu; sales 2.100,000 busli futures. 8.000 bush J M Morales. Bangor; Hyena, PRS X No 1 cedar.1 25« i 75 B number, and if it does not do the kastkun i>ivimion. Linseed oil and Turpentine l nv- spot; spot easy; No 2 Red at 78V*e loo afloat: well. Stontngton; Mary Wellington, Hockpori trifle higher. Providence; Ida C Southard where directions are followed Spruce.*.7.* No 2 Red at 7«ft,kcelev; No 1 Northern Duluth Abide Bowker, work J.«avi> Union St-ttion lor Button and Way Laths, spee. ....2 60.£2 85 ( has H Georgetown, for Wll at 8.i*,» f o b afloat. no; Tnckey, Me, return us the empty package and we KiHtluua, e.oo a. ni.; HUtdrford, Kittery, urn v mia- Gun tier—81ft <»>. David Faust. for Ron The lollowtng quotationsleprsmuc pun Corn- 211.575 bush; exports 180.467 miugtou, Del; Bangor return Portsmouth, \i:»hurv|iurt, Salem, receipts dout. will your money. taie prices lor the market; Blasting...3 25$3 60 bush: sal-s 110.1 oo bttsh futures, 9*1,OOo bush Li uu, Hutton, 2.00, 9.00 a. m.. 12.45. 0.00 p. m.; Also ar 25tb, sells Alaska. Sand River, NS We will do the work for you If you Th*’ staunch and steamers “(JOV 60 «£d 25 spot; spot firm; No 2 at 46V*c In elev and 47c elegnn? arrivo Huston 5.57 a m 12.40, l.uQ, 9.05 |>. in.; Flout Sporting.4 do; K C Gates, St John, MB; Adi like. “BAY STATE” Drop shut, 25 lbs.1146 f. n. b. Utloat- Hamburg, HI MILKY” and alternately Leave Boston a* 7.30. 9.00 a. iu.. 12.30, T.'O, and low 75 a3 00 .1 I'm AnirilMtA. Mi per flue graces.2 and .1 70 UaTS—receipts uum. leave Franklin wharf, Portland, and India 7.45 iu.. anhre Portlund 11.45 a. ni.. 12.05 bakers.3 larger. steamer sell! y. Eprlng Wheat 7ft«4o'» bus; Ann; No 2 at 36%0; No 8 at 26% o; AMtfRI), Manhattan, Portland; wharf. Boston, at 7.00 p. m. dally. Sundays ex- 10.45 p, ui. Leatliei. J -spot Caiawainteak. Rock fcprlng Wheat patents.4 85a4 80 ! No 2 white —c: No 3 white at 29329% o; iraca Sylvia (' Hal'. Brunswick; OREN HOOPER’S eepteil1. New Fork— _____ W F Collins SONS, of modern Micu. and Kt.I.omsst. toiler..—4 I044 26 mixed Western at 25%&2T% ;tracx white Wes- laud; Mary C Stewart. Sullivan; These steamers meet every demand SIXDW TRAINS. Midi, ami bk Louis clear.4 oO * l*> Light.. Birdsall. Portland for Pliila In comfort and tf tern at 28Va*|34o. Gardmer; Percy Kenovniiiig Dept. Tel* 501-2 steamship service safety, speed, Winter Wheal 45 Mui Carson. of leave Union Station for Blddafonl, Klt- patents.4 40&4 Weight.r8 a'5J® Beet firmer; family 10 604# 11; mess at #9& delphin; Kit Bangor. novl3eodtf luxury travelling.! 26lb sells H Curtis tickets for Wor- tery, I'oi tsinontli, Newbury port, Salem, Corn aittl Fee 1. Heavy.28,$39 9 60. BOSTON—Ar Thompson, Through Provldcnee, Lowell, Good d’mg.26337 Baugor; Everett. Keltey; Julia Baker. Perkins cester. New York. etc., etc. l.ynn, Boston, 2.00 a. m., 12.45 p. in., arrive a Cut m als auiet; n ckle bellies 8X4410%. Corn, car lots. 47 60 Union backs. ...39$40 and Prince Bettor iron .T. V. General Button 5.57 a. m.. 4.C2 p. in. Leave Boston ! Lara is western steaiud at /06; Not Lillian, Grindw. Mills, LISCOMB. Manager. Corn, bag lots. 14 6 J Am calf.DO^fil 00 easy; Mildred A tor Port 1mmi, 9.00 a. in., 7.00 p. m« arrive — nominal; refined continent at Baugor; Pope, Irons, Sullivau; THOMAS M. BARTLETT. Agent. Meal, bag lots. (a49 Tobacco. closed easy: t •• W..J0 in. 7-ou. Percy. Kennebec. Oil — |*tii 12.10, p. a 7 06; S'A 8 40; compound 640 Vs. The cats, car lots. @3o Best brands.60 07 Ar 20th. schs Neptune, Manillas; Fred A Em k-Dally rx< ept M»md «y. Oats, baa IMS. 33.3 34 Pork outet: mess at 12 00313 00; family at Medium.3i>.cr45 erson, and Game Cock. Baugor; Emelina G 4%’. N. . lots..19 60 do 11; large Oct fsnoy 10% ; small 10%. $ Child. Erstport Lubeo. Calais S John N B Alfred, W ater- Middling, bag, OOftJIG BALT 1 MOPE—Ar 26th. sobs David I* Davis Rochester, Sprtngvulr, Mixed leeo.19 00£19 50 Eggs sc« id»; State and Penn 26327% ; Wes- boro. Snc«» Klver, 7.34 a. tu., l?»33, 5.33 p. in.; CHICAGO BOARD <•!** TRAI> Washington: J Holmes Birdsall, Bostor and all parts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and tern regular packing —c; Western loss off —c. Erwin, ACCIDENT. liurliuui, Westbrook, I'nmberlnnd Mills Dry Fft»li Mnckrrel. W11RAT. (latrer has been reported musing. Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. The sugar—raw is steady; fair rettuing at 8%c; W cstbrouk Jet., Wood fords. 7.33. 0.45 5 Oo Closing. cioe'ag. 96 lest 4XsC ;Molasse* sugar 3*se; CAPE Cumpobello mM 12.33. 3.05, 5.33. 6.20 p. ll\ Trains* «3 76 Centrinigal Portland lor Washington. N. B. Medium shore fish. Mondav. Saturday. refined quiet. Go«'dwin. INSURANCE CO. arrive from W'oreester, 1.07 p. ra.; 2 25 i/3 75 24th. sch Jusie Olaverrl, Pollock... Nov. 70% 71*% CHARLESTON—Sid FALL AHRAKOKNeNT. Rochester 8.25 a. IU., 1.07, 5.48 p. in.; Oor* CHICAGO—Cash ouotaions:* New York. Haddock.. @3 00 1H*C. 71l!* Hewitt, IKT MAI INTIS. bam and Wav 6.40, 8.25. 10.47 a. it*. 70% Flour steady. 24tli. sells 4 K Woodward On and after Novemlier 5, steamers Sialiou*. Hake—. 2 71* Jan. BOOIHBAY—Ar Monday, I. 07, 4.15, 5.48 D. in. 71% 71% Wheat—No 2 soring—e; No 8 do at 66V»o: Wm w on per box, sealed. @16 Amboy lor Ellsworth; Pickering, Bostor Over 2.000 of the best business and profess- will leave Railroad harf. Portlaud. Monday Herring, COKN Corn—No 2 at 463 leave I>. J. FLA NUKUS, Ci. P. & T. A. Mackerel, shore is. 00 No 2 Rea at 71V*u73Hc. for bangor; A Staples. Portland lor Win ional men In the Slate are protected by Its pol- and Thursday, at p. in. Returning St. @20 — Emily ° twdtf 49 4 5 49c: No 2 veilow at 4«S44bc. oats—No 2 c; Wisoasseiior ltockiand. no other Eastnort ami Lubeo ami Thurs- Mackerel, shore 2s. @$17 No?.... terport; Telegraph. icies. In Uie accident department John, Monday ______No a white at — Large ,3s. @$16 Dec.if.O % ?,«% No 2 while’ 26%c: 2«03ft%ci CAPE HENRY Passed in 24th, sch Charles Company has one-half the business in the State. * 3o% No 2 hve 46V«c: fair to ohotce malting Harley Davenuort. Bath lor New York. tickets issued and baggage cheeked 'lea. Molii set itatunt. May. 36% through ||hiKtr. Cofftta, at f>7£58c; No 1 Flaxseed at 1 62 til 63; No 1 Bid sch Anna to destination. received to 4.00 OATA FERN AND1NA- 24th, Pendla WHY ? gy-Freight up pugar—btaudura grauulaled. 6 79 N W Flaxseed 1 63%: prime Timothy seed at ton, Paterson. New York. p. m. line. hue 6 79 Nov 21% at 26. Lard at the DOMINION Sugar—Extra granulated.... 21% 4 2034 80; Mess Pork 11 ou$li GALVESTON—Ar 24th, sch Helen G Mose- The PREFERRED sells boiler For tickets and staterooms apply Pine Sugar— Extra 0.. 5 40 id.. 21% 21% at 7 lOtf? 20: snort ribs sides 6 7 637 76; dry Holt. Baltimore. Tree Ticket office, *70 Middle street, or for other ley. m lower Coffee—Klo. roasted. 18 raid May. 24 24% satte.l shoulders at 6Xfe@6Vs; short olear sides GLOUCESTER- Ar 24th, schs Annie F Kim policit* price. information at Company's office, Railroad wharf Montreal to Liverpool. Coffee—,lava and Mocha. 27@30 POBK at 6 863 6 96. bail, South-west Harbor; Grace, Stevens, Iron foot of State street. Teas— 4inoys. 2..^36 Butter ;aairles 12 Vs The PllEITKKGD pay* claim* J. F. From Portlaud. Nov. 1100 11 OO quiet—creameryl5424% Boston. LISCOMB, Superintendent. Steamer. Leas—Congous. 27 v<<60 422c. H YaNNIS—Ar 26tb. sch Gen Scott. Calais promptly. H. P. HERSEY. Agent Jan. 12 20 .2 07 __ Dominion. Dec. 8lh, 2 p. m. Teas—Japan. »5@*o Cheese active st 1041 l%c. Calais for New York; James A Freddie Eaton. Since April. 1809 when the company com Uambroman, Dec. 18tli, 2 p. ni. Teas—Formosa. 80:460 I.AUD. Fags quiet—fresh 20322. Parsons, for do. Molasses—Iorto Vtlco.... _ _ menoed writing its Health Policies which are STEAMSHIP Vancouver, Dec. 2vtli, 2 p. m. 88;g4o Dec.7 05 7 06 Fiom»—receiots 10.0(81 hbls; wheat 1 11.000; NEW ORLEANS—Cld 24th, barque Boylston MAINE CO. Molasses— Bar Padoes.. 32 <$35 the most liberal ones in the field, nearly 2,000 1901. Jan. tf »0 6 90 bush; c«ri! 348.000 bush: oats 166.000 oush; Small. New York. lulnud Sound 2 M olusses—common. 20 a 2 policies have been Issued for this agency and Long by Daylight. Dominion, Jan. 12th, p.m. AIRS O.oOo hush: barley 96.000 bosh. NEW PORT NEWS—Ar 26th, sch Charles 1 New 2 crown.2 25 rye nearly $6,000 has been paid our ollizeus under Kalslns, 00$2 14.000 bbts; wheat 188.000 Crocker, Kennebec. do 3 crown.2 26 <42 50 Nov. 7 76 7 76 Shipments—Flour Balch, them. NEW YORK DIRECT LINE. hush;! corn S04.000 bush; oats 142.000 bush Sid sch Wm C Carnegie, Lalthwaite, foi Boston to Llterpoo! »ii. Queeitstcw.i- do 4 crown. 2 60,0,2 75 Jan 6 36 6 37 26th, Our business was Increased In 1899 In Maine ve 6,000 busui Parley 6,000 bush. l ulsins. I cepe Muscatel. Bor (land. over wo per omit. We wish to do even better Throe Trips Per Week. Steamer. 7Mro'8Mi PORT SEN D-Sld 2 St Dauld __Frour'ftoston. Portland Dalljr Pres* Stoodtluotattons TOLF.Do—Wheat quiet: cash and November TOWN tb, ship lu luoo. Your aid is solicited, bend your Pork, beat, Urilau Pondry, I’c.trson. Town. New I upland, Dec. oth 9 a. m. 75c; Dec 76%c; May 79%c. Cape friends to us. Reduced Fat es -$4.00 one way. Pork—Heavv. clear...17 60 Corrected by Sw*u 6i Uarracc. b micar* 139 TAMPA—Sid 2 (tb, sch (.has 8 GUdder Commonwealth, Dec 12. Middle street. PORT backs.... .17 00. Kales, Boston. The steamships Horatio Hall and Man- KATES OF PASSAGE. a 10 STOCKS sob R leave Franklin Port- Pork—Medium.Oo 00 00 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 24th, Ralph hattan alternately wharf, Fust C abin—#50.00 and uu Re- Cotton Murksa. Fall Jobu D ileuoe and at 6 single. Beef—lieaw. ;.lo76@H25 Description. Far Value Bid. Asked Hayward, River; Paige, land. Tuesdays. Thursdays Saturdays, turn— ami to steamer for York direct. Return leave $100.00 up according Beef—light...lOQOtftO 60 Canal National Bank.100 100 102 tHy Telegraph. 1 THE C. F. IP AGENCY, p. in. New tug, ami accommodation. .. m 6 00 John F Ports Pier K. R.. and Satur- Boneless, nail bbls Casco Naiioual Bank.100 110 112 Nov. 26. ^Ar 26il». sobs Raudall, Crocker, at, Tuesdays, Thursdays »*c<«nd c abin—$35.00 and upwards single. oure.... K MANAGERS AND at 5 iu. Lara—tr.s ana nail hbt. 8Vfcft8a'a v umuerlaud National Rank.100 loo 101 NF.W YORK—The Cotton market to-uav was mouib; Mary Palmer, Haskell, Baugor; Joi« ADJUSTERS, days p. Return—$68.88 and upwards, according to Lard—tes and nail bbl.com.... 6Mtft6H National do 8aco. These steamers are superbly fitted aim fur- Chapman Hank.100 100 101 quiet; middling uplands 10%e; gulf 10%e; Sawyer, Reynolds, Me. steamer. l,ard—Pans pure... 9li<49% Fiist National Bank.100 100 102 sales ill bales. Sid fm Delaware Breaxwato 2tfth. steamei 80 Exrhuitice 8b, Portland, nished for passenger travel and afford the most eodu comfortable route between steerage—To Liverpool, Derry, Ijoudon, I.erd—Pails, compound...... 7Mi 376% Merchants* Natloual Bauk_76 101 103 Atlas, from Philadelphia for ortliud. towing Itea convenient and Belfast and GALVESTON—The Cotton maiket closed New York. Queenstown. Glasgow, #26.u*> Lard—Pure, leal. 10 @10*4 National Traders’Bank.100 100 102 barge 68 tor Boston. Portland and outfit free. quiet; middlings 9%c. J. F. General Steerage furnished Chickens. lUft 14 Portland National Bank.... loo 109 110 PERTH AMBOY—Ar 24th, sch A Hay ford LISCOMB, Agcut. to T. 1*. 430 Cotton m ixket M. Apply McGOWAN, Congress Fowl. 3 12 Portland Trust Co...100 1 45 160 CHARLESTON—The to-day New Y'ork. THOMAS BARTLETT, J. auiet: 9 1116c. Agent._ street, B. KEATING, loom 4. First National Turkeys. 16«18 Portland Gas Company. 60 85 90 middlings PORTSMOUTH—Ar 26th, sobs Ellen M Bax Bank CHARL88 947A Mi for New 8 Ban Ar 26th. »ch, Sarah A Reed, Eastport fo Building, ASHTON, Hams. 11'<£11 Portland Water Co.100 HO 112 MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day closed ter, Btonlngtou York; Sawver, PoilUn, Mt. Desart & MicMis St.b Co Coatreii street aud or for Khyahsthuori; Ueo A Pierce, Bangor lor Cot- Congress Square Hotel, Shoulders... 8l,i Portland 8t. Railroad Co. 100 160 160 firm; middlings 9 12-16c. for do; 8 Smith. Vlnalhuven Boston; C DAVID TORRANCE A Montreal. viaine Rockland: Ada tage City CO., Prod ace. Central R’y. IqO *90 170 NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed SorI Gilmore, Herbert, Bangui y-IOMMKMCIMQ Friday. April 2om. lh* oetfidlf 4 for Boston; JuiyFourfh. do; Portland In port 26th. Mb Nat Moader, notia R L Tay. Pea. Portland Ogdeusburg R. R. 100 60 61 c. Packet, V .learner Feans. 2 2522 30 quiet; middlings 9% Calais for do: Anuie Sargent. Rockland for do, Nat Meatier, D Howard: Spear, Miranda, Lain Pea. 3 00 a3 Beaus, Ca lfornla 25 BONDS. MOBILE—Cotton market Is «asy; middling Jouespoi t tor do. Urri. Vineyard, aud other.. Beaus, fellow 2oOu2 60 KustlilLthi, FRANK JONES STEAMBOAT GO; Eyes. Portland 6a 1907.117 lift 9%c. VINKYAltD-HAVKN Ar 25th. tug Cata HARPSWELL Beans. Bed Kldnev. @2 58 Porta. will, wvather permitting, leave Portland Portland 4a 1902—1912 Funding.. 103 103 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed wissa, with barge Kpliretta, trom Philadelphia Foreltrn Nov. 13. Steamer Aucoctoce Native Onions, bbl. 1 76 u,2 00 luoadays and Friday) at U.00 p. in' Beginning 1900, Portland 4s. 1913. ..10# in# for Portland; sobs Silver Spray, and commerce, leave Portland Sun- 1 run berries. Cod. 8 9 00 Funding easy; middlings 9%c. Bid lot Brtseu 2*tb. (steamer Pit der Uroue, lor Uockland. Bar Harbor and Machlai- will Portland Pier, dally Cape 60.a 6 a 114 ltockiand for New York; Geo H for Bangor 1906.1 Water.112 Mills, Rock Boutuamplou and New York. port aud intermedia-e landiuvv. K» days excepted, at 2.00 p. w., Long Island. 4o Maine. 7 0uj*7 60 Bath land for New York; C B and Grace Web So. 4%s. 1007, Mumcioal.101 103 I sropean Markets. Clark, 2S'.U. ateamer Irorn leave Mac!iU*p.'ri Monday* and J. lftle and Great Chebeague, l‘H® Island, Potatoes, bush.. for Maud and ArattAntwerp Teutonia, turning 66ft76 Bath 4a 1921. Belauding.101 103 •ter. Baugor do; Briggs, EHzafe Montreal. Thursday* at 4 a. m. lor all landlnx,. arriving Harps well, Bailey's and Orr's Island. Bweet Potatoes. Belfast 4s. (By Telegraptu) do for Emma 8 Island, and Jersey. $275 Municipal 1018.110 113 potter, do; Brings. Keuuebei Bid fm Bristol steamer lor Portland HAO p. m. Return for Portland—Leave Orr’s feweet. Eastern Shore. ®2 Oo Nov. Pardon D do 28tb, Metuuon, alais 4* 1901—1911 Refunding.... 100 102 LIVERPOOL. 26. 1900.-TU* Cotton (or do; Thompson. Franklin for Portland. UKO. F. BVAN'S. V. k. BOOT It BY above Landings, 7.U0 a. m. Arrive Portlaud, *«». Eastern fresh.... —..... 82« 36 Is at 6 tf-82d lor market easy 1 spot 1 sales l#,006 Dreadnaught, Pools1* Landing Fomtsi Kinsale steamer M*t u. r. * x. a. gje a. in. Baas.Western ... 80 Pasted Nor 1C, Dominion, ft Battalia at. bales. Monroeg Liverpool lot PorUAcd. J^ri ecUUU ISAIAH DANIELS, Gen. Mgk

\ \ .■. Vm-J'

^ •- , / U- c' ■. -. i j§ V^7 A Selling of Tha.rvksgiving Thirvgs. p I Christmas merchandise campaigning usually begins shortly aftej Thanksgiving. We begin ours this year with a “Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving" Sale of things specially desirable for this annual family reunion, both useful and decorative. There's interesting reading below for thrifty dollar savers.

Medium Far assorted about 3 Room 1 large Oak China Closet. Four doors Cat Cllaa Water Bottles, Rogers’ Warmntcd Rugs, colors, Basement. Dra.pery Dept. Dining and 2 small drawers for silver, etc. $3.30 to 13.30 till Ives, 99c for sot of 0 feet by & and a half, $17.89 instead of $45 $3.80, worth doublo Nnjcillc Sled Bongos, 4 of them, Fixings. Rogers' Wurrnuted Forks, Red Rolls for bolsters, to core-, Cm Olnss Sauce Dishes, Celery I) hole $19 instead of $48 1 large quartered oak Sideboard to 99c for sot of 0 size, worth Tollshcil Ash rtlemion Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Knife Real Deer 8kin Ruga, unlinrd, $2.50, $1.19 matoh. Has swell front and swell ends. Have asbestos lined oven. Keels, Malls and $2.40 Tables, $5.00 3 and 4 Peppers, Steel Knives and Forks, Largo mirror, cupboards Nickel Roman Silk Slumber Robes for Pilchers, Vases, Finger Bowls, of each Heaviest Teakettles, High Back Dining drawers, $33 Instead of $54 41c, set C 1 Parlor Set, 4 pieces upholstered etc. 16 oz. weight, extra heavy handle, couches, a Rood variety, very heavy fine I3 Chairs to mnlcli Either Iron or wood handles. $1.25 lu silk brocatelle, curved spout, sold for years at $.'!.00, goods, $2.87 3 Bound Oak and lDStoad of $38 Dining Dinner Sets Cul Gluts Tumblers, $23.48 $1.50 Equal to $3.50 and 4.00 ones, •S Tnbii s, polished, $15.00 $1 39 while they last the Kindred Things. For the R.est of 1 Oak Hall 8e»t, with leather seat, Snow Sliovds, with steel edge, Special Oak Chair* to Sot'n Pillows, 22 Inch, with cover* 3 Silver Ware, odd pieces, Tlo House. $6 87 instead of $12 IO crisis innlcll, worth $3.2.5, $‘2.O0 French Ilavllnnd of Cr.ino's washable art cretonne, 3* Genuine Knives, Sets of SpoODS, Ladles, Sugar Oak Chinn 112 fashioned 2 3>«eclion Oak Bookcases,new, “Rome” Coffee Pols, heavy $1,39 instead of $2.50 1JJ Quartered Sets, pieces, $34.98 Spoons, Cheese Scoops, Huttcr Knives, For Checkers, the old to Checker polished and in the latest Golden Oak nickle on copper, absolutely non-poison- > Closets, $12.50 $S5 Stone Filina Set*, pretty deco- Cold Moat Forks, servers, etc. Family game, 1 Mahogany Jelly etc., worth 7 Ic a color, sholves and brass rods ous, 8 pint size, $1.00, Poster cord 3 Italian lligll Chilli'*, ration, 112 pieces, $3.49 Worth (1.25 to 2.75. Table with drawer. Top is checker adjustable Pillows, hoavy edge, for worth $25, $ 17.08 down were 3 with tray, $1.25 English Sols pretty shades, 112 Choice Wednesday 98 cents board inlaid with squares of rosewood ourtains, Double Roasters, self locking, Applique work, tilled, $3,47, ind white instead of $9 $1.99 Cnne Sent High Chair, pieces, $7.98 holly. $4.50 extra heavy, size 14 by 10, -lNc 3 Silver for 35c “Handy" Carpet Sweepers, Others at $11, 12, 10.50, 18 and up. Jlugs, children, with tray, $1.10 Oak Stands, 24 inches square, pol- Blssell make; but of small size, on pur. delivers, fine quality, 40c Silver Top Glass Cider Jugs, Silk I loss Pillows In handsome M iliogany Dining Tu- New Whipped Cream Bowls, shed, with shelf below and gloss hall pose for sweeping corners and under 3 $1.19 Steel 'Paring Knives, polished covers, always $1.50, 89c hies, $30 to 100 Jap. Toklo ware, $1,00 each Foot, $1.09 tables, 89c Jjjj Banded Tumblers, 35c iloz handles, 10c kind for 5c Both varnlsli .and dull finish. Russian Tabourctlrs, Pyro-deco- 3 Sets, worth 59c New lilclal and Porcelain 2 Oak Roll S Special. Carving $1.00, Top House Desks, Knives with long rated work witii color work burned in tiro handsomest Chopping ■leal Stag Handle Sets, worth Lamps, styles yet 'or that are men’s 3 1 quartered oak Extension men, is, they size, Pictures, Etc. handles, 1 tc by electric point. Some have closets for $1.75, 99c shown. With globe complete, instead of 3J Table with 4 foot top. Extra $5-98 $13 the silver and chiua. All shapes. Other* all the way to $12.50. $3.50 to 13.00 Dining Room Subjects, in Chopping Trays, 20 inches long, 5 heaves are kept within the up 1 $25 1 Mahogany Inlaid Card Panel $2.25 up worth 19c piece, $11.89 table and come hand- Warranted shape, 35c, ^3 automatically Glass Sails and Fcppers, Bogcrs’ Teaspoons with emblems in Fable, inlaid Masonic In Man In all into place when wanted. some S different patterns, 98c u dozen Large Framed Pndeh, with ■trend Kaisers, rotinned, seamless, Sets, finishes, $1.19 3a pleased goods, op, fur “his” den. Si* This day only $li» instead of sterling silver tops, worth 35c, 19c 4 9c for set of six. earcl, worth $5, $2.10 and footed, usually 05c, 51c $4.89, instead of $S.50 Fisli ,\et lace male 95 $50. Curtains, edtre, Sew Salad lloivls. $1.00, 1.50, 1.96 Bogcrs’ Warranted Desert Enamel Bronze Mantel Clocks lion Gem Pans, 25c kind, 10c band in our own As rich and ’■ 2 sets oak Cane Oak Morris Clialrs, with strong by shop. quartered 99c for set of 6 OSc instead of and up. Very dainty. Spoons, $1.4$ lacy” as any worth $8.00 a pair. 3a Seat Chairs to match, ilavo ’ranie, reversible leatherette cushions Turkey Sets (1 heavy flesh fork, e® hand carved claw feet, Cul Glass Olive Dishes, Itogers' Warranted Tnhlc ind $4.00 adjustable book rest, com- Dining Room Black Clocks, 1 heavy single roast pan, 1 heavy bast- Special price Wednesday, $2.19 a $‘2*2 50 instead of $45.25 $3.15 and up Spoons, $1.09 for set of 0 pete, $11.98 instead of $10.05 $4.40 lustoad of $5.50 ing spoon, 1 dredger) regularly 55c, 29c pair 95_— O i ^ OUEN HOOPER'S SONS. ^ ^ * §

—- ■ > ■■ ■ INI— Mn ■■ I.. —■ -I ♦♦♦ H »«»»»»»• ««• have appointed Aldermen Frye and MUSIC AND DRAMA. Leonore, a role newly added to ber reper- FOOT BALL. toire. Tbe management In the pursuance THE PRESS. Thomas and Councilman Wocdslde, two more before tbe bat- of this to lend to recurrent Only days big to prlloy novelty Jrlflin and P.oberts n Joint committee of will this tle on the Forest avenue grounds for foot W.LUUUGLAS favorite works AKW AD Y KKTlsKJlfiMS TODAY. presentations THANKSGIVING recommendations for amendments ALMA CHESTER. wetk In the revival of ‘‘Caval- between Bowdoln 'var- | report Introduce, ball snpremuoy *3.50 MADE | to Portland's net, lorla lfustlcana, whlub Is to bo present- and the Fort Preble foot ball team. SHOE well. present polloe Despite the heavy storm an excellent sity O. C. El ed In conjunction wltb “H. M. b. 1‘ina- If you have been pay- : Frank M. Low. Keferees 1. JU. Elder, U. H, Anthoine audience turned at the Portland Both eleven* are In line und are SILVER. out fore.’’ Mr. as Tnrlddn and Miss shape ing ai.*».00 fop ulioes, A ( J. R. Co —2. re- Libby and Peter Stuart, before whom was theatre to a Fanchon as roles in for the to arrive. trial of W. L. l>oitir. | greet Alma Chester, always Thompson Lola, eagerly waiting day Owen. Moore & Co. Ian f*3.50 wlioes will & heard tbe claim cf Hannah E wbloh they have not appeared The team will oome In on one all want tabic to Eastman Bros. Bancroft. cently popular favorite with our theatregoers, previously Bowdoln convince you that your X in this Cnldenvood’s Bakery. Morrill cf Windham the Ham- country. of trains they Arc Just at Lambert' against and her company, which Is without the early morning Thanksgiv- good bo on this dear old * Johnson & A simple statement that Mrs. Flske in every way and ctst inviting s Fire Insurance company aa will be Oren Hooper Sons. burg-Hremen donbt one of the strongest popular would this season produce a now play ing day, and the game called SM.ftO letn. Over Mandard Co.—2. Silverware is neoes- X Clothing on burned buildings, the oompany resist- attractions that this from tbe Uerman has led to mtaapprehen- at 10 o'olook little time will be lost 1,000,000 wearern. day. Geo. C. Shaw A Co. prloed plays city. very of over in- ston In some Last winter Mrs * Allen & Co. ing payment on the ground An English melodrama, entitled “Hood- qutrters. In getting to the grounds. All the pre- sary. Our line of Carving Flske Amerloan rights to a [You Frank 1\ *1 Ibbetts & Co. ths olalmant the seoured.tbe surance, have awarded man was the and have baen made T. F. Foss & Boas. Blind," play presented, new Uerman play that was notably suc- liminary arrangements Sets, Knives, Forks and A. X full amount cf her polloy. F. Maul- same was to tbe it Is the desire of the $ the exceedingly well presented cessful In Berlin. According and management ♦ • and M. F, Hartlett of terms of ber oontruct wltb tbe author of Spoons (Rogers) is the Now Wants. For Sale, To Lot, Lost. Found ton for claimant, both In staging and acting. Miss Ches- to call the game promptly on time so and similar advertisements will be found ou Watervtile the defence. this play, Mrs. Flske must make a pro- can for ter was seen In a dual role of two that the game will be over at a little be- X largest and latest. Wo Fage tt under appropriate heads. sisters, duction of It this season, this neoseslty j J The Fraternity club was entertained noon. Nance Youlett and Jess Lendon, and being the result of the usual business ar- fore Those desiring reserved seats j X show you thousands of z last Dr. 8. C. Uoidon. pieces night by Paper gave a most llnlshed protrayal of the rangement made between author and should apply for them at onoe as there Mr. Charles S. actor In such cases for the of IX iu sterling and best silver Z WISH TO BUY A by totes, Esq. Subject, parts, especially the former whloh protection are only a few left. Bee adv. IF YOU " both It was not Mrs. Flskes’ In- Taxes parties. "State her an some Knives $1.50, Forks X in the allowed excellent scope for tention at any time to use the Uermtn FOOT BALL NOTES. X plate. HOUSE, advertise on oorrtr The property the northerly llnlshed The support play as a vehlole this season, as all ber 90 cents aotlng. througb- on the be- X $1.99, Teaspoons X and the been made to oontlnne In Commenting recent game DAILY PRESS- It’s read of Free Oak street, opposite ont was the ot Mr. plans^had very strong, acting " tween and are and the site lieoky bharp," which Is enjoying at Portland High school West- set. We doing a ♦ more Holders Jefferson theatre, lnoludtng Whlt9 being per by Property Irving very conspicuous. great a vogue as that of last season, In brook the Westbrook Chroni- now oooupled by William Nash, the Ulgb school, business in this line X His conception of Jack Yewlett, was aooordanoe with her contract as to the " large ; cle said: 1'here Is no the fact shoes are sold than other make is than any othar Portland dealer on Uak has bien a denying any clothing street, both forolble and The Uerman play Mrs. Flske will make at reason- manly. special- that Westbrook to hold the because they are the best that can be .up-io-dato goods X leased Mr. Charles Perry, and tbe production of that play during the last oxpectad paper. 25 cents a week by ties, which oonslited of tbe Ladell fami- made. fit like custom made shoes. week of her In hut Portlands down to a score of und this They able will make busi- * present oooupants bave bsen notltled to engagement Chicago, DO, prices for 40 words, ly of aorobats, a very clever aot; Dillon It will not bz used elsewhere this season. The style is the best and always up to date. vaoats December 1. The couUdenos probably bad much to do with by buUdlng, and two excellent and No title has been selected for the Wo __ t! norland, singers yet t noil direct from fno- X tbe boul will be ot the new wbloh the poor showing. The team's greats Including dwelling lanoeis; Fred Woodbury and Will J. American version play, RFST tor>’ wearor through our RFST back if do ♦ Miss Alloe Brown ot fault all has bten its failure to fll In the larco Money goods torn'down and a tine large busliess block has been made by reason, stores cities. Kennedy, a comedian, who Is both a Boston. $Q HO extra middleman's $0 Cf) BRIEF JOTTINGS. will be erected Mr It Is tbe praotlee and pront by aavlos of the few not suit. X by Perry. singer and dancer, are all excellent in Mr. Herne fls hie annual profits that others hare to arranging who were to In a little time *idd to the Intention of Mr. Perry to bt in work entertainment for the willing pat cunc qual- OUHC tbelr resppatlve order, and Miss Chester Thanksgiving poor OflUC ami to the wearers and teach tbe a few about itv, give OllUC on the In December. children of New York a labor of love for hoys points «• The Twltchell-Champliu oorapaqy of premises early has a company that does her honor and of w. L. 83.60 elxoes. !ness. Dou^ht; of tbe various tbe veteran actor, and will probably {give tbe game. That they have done so well ♦ their Waldo- lly the masting local no The of L. Portland propose moving will doubt be greetal with an exotl- the stfatr at Lyrio ball on 6th Ave near reputation W. Douglas McKENNEY, charitable at hall It Is surprising, but It only proves that boro canning plant to Union on account organizations City lent week's business which she la 42ni bt., on the holiday morning. Mr. $3.50 shoes for style, comfort, and wear | surely tbe material ! the: jeweler, X Is hoped to avoid tbe dnplloatlon of Herne's little to the number of though light, Is good Is known the X of the latter town being more acoeealble leservlng of. Ucrmlnle Is the bill ar- guests, everywhere throughout 9 ♦ whloh have many hundreds, will bp selected by tbe and that with praotlee even a better world. have to better satis- to tbe fanners who supply the raw pro- donations frequently at for the matinee, and The Dia- They give MONUMENT SQUARE. ranged school teachers of the ot have been X X to a fami- poorer precincts showing might made." faction than other makes, because the duct. Thanksgiving brought single mond Breaker arranged for the evenlDg tbe metropolis ♦ Westbrook Is booked for a game with standard has always been placed so high ly several dinners. Ban Baly, who has, owing to 111 health, #♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ performance. that the wearers more for their $$ resigned from the cast of “The Cadet Biddeford high school, Thanksgiving expect fnovj2cltf (83,783.47 linos and oosts shown In Coun- Sheriff-elect Pearson says that the than can 1 ! SEMB1UCH ON EUROPEAN AUDI- Ulrl,” whloh is now on tour, Is In New money they get elsewhere. for tbe Mission work has not thus far u»y. ty Attorney Libby's report year Uospel ENCES. York perparatory to a visit to the Ber- _ ending November 1 last, are to bo added progressed ns well as In former years. inndas for recuperation. Mr. Baly a “I have before three Czars In On Thanksgiving smoke Ml Favorltas. Portland Store, 546 Congress St. and oosts sung malady Is of a trilling nature, it Is said, Pomona (733.61 Unes earning through Up to this morning the reoelpts were Boblotterbeok’s. tU.tll&SAt-tf Mine. Sembrlch said, “and It but tbe oomedtan wishes to ba on the treasurer’s office, tbe smaller than at a Itussla," merely county making *luO corresponding the safe side of It, and takes no ohances Ivan oniy a wees oerore no was assassi- THATCliEK POST' INSPECTED, year's collections aggregate (34,601.98. date last year. who ms nwutn. Ice. nated at a filed that I sang oonoert before Petitions In bankruptcy have been Kev. Dr. Blanobaid will deliver the xnatcner x-osi no. in, u. a. «., was Alexander II. lie was In of course on mourning i i by Charles Langeller Lewiston, second of his of lectures THE COUKTsT Inspected at Its meeting held last eve- 50,000 [hen lor the Czarina, and only a few per- ♦ people in ronlaud by the last cen- j Joseph liushey of Watervllls, John Hen- “Studies In Christian History." this ning, by Past Commander Daniel Davis, rons were present, Then 1 sang during X tui. If all wero « nessy of Lewiston and Alderlo Heroine evening at quarter to' elgnt o'clock in Tbe ollioere were also nominated at the A :he season while Alexander HI. was of Hanford, Warren Nutting of Madison the vestry cf Congress Square church, meeting last evening and tbe annual •live, and after bis death before the pres- MUNICIPAL COUBT. I ECONOMICAL ! and K. Hathorne of “Saint Paul.” All In- Ceorge Augusta. Subject, persons election will occur next Monday evening. • faded re- ♦ nt Czar. Tbe Kutalans are tremendous- session tbe and had their garments The are At yesterday morning's of Moore Kleotroiytlo oompany bus terested cordially invited to attend. A camp Are and supper was enjoyed at ♦ would save in a year at Thanksgiving enthuslastlo over their favorites and dyed, they J been to deal In all kinds of The and J unlor S. S. Teach- ly Municipal court, Judge Ulll sent ltloh- incorporated Primary tbe close ot tbe meeting. • least * with them the older operas are more popu- tbe for 81 chemicals and their manufactured pro- ers' Union, this afternoon at 4,30 In the ard Measley to oounty jail days lar than In almost but $50,000.00. club M. C. A. build- any oountry Italy. on a warrant charging the laroeny of a \ Drink. ducts. Capltalued.at' (1,000,010. Camera room, X. MAINE PENSION. Let us save it. With a so cold It Is * help you 8 will be oountry astonishing chisel from Frank Cooper. A oats of scarlet lever at 67 Lancaster ing. Lesson for December 26 —The lollow- io Had the so warm In thslr feel- Washington,November De Les- jroonle Charles Call was held for the Superior street hat been reported to the board of taught by Mrs Margaret Qarmo. have to Maine : and admirations. are lng pensions been granted FOSTER’S DTE HOUSE, Miss ings They nearly grand under 1600 ball.'oharged with [ son In Norton. jury health, chlUTstudy by Abby people: 13 Preble Si. i ts enthuslastlo In Spain, altbough a maintaining a nulsanoe. 5 Mr. A. Q. Boblotterbeck Is to build a Mothers and Sunday school teachers liquor A ruby col- little less discriminating. But of all and ncuuii »»«♦♦♦ deep fine four story brink block at No. 683 Invited. For Intoxication Dennis MacCarthy ?♦>««♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦«*♦♦♦*« ored fruit punch. mdlenoes there are none so gratifying sentenoes Thom- Congress street. The building Is to have There will be a meeting cf Cumber- Stephen Cummingsreoelved jail John A. Weooster,Hartford, 113; Just the thing for to an •s.thoee of Paris artist.; There one of 80 and 10 as National a store on tbe ground floor while the sec- land Dlstrlot lodge. No. 4. I. O. (J. T., days respectively. Lawler, Home, 'i'ogus, $8. Conn put In here today with her jib- Weddings, ltecep- ian feel the sympathy of the listeners axo. t.ons and Wbist ond and third stories are to be fitted In the Temple street ball of Iholasp O.’UQINXI., widows, boom missing, as a result of a head on lor everything that Is well done." Huyler's Thanksgiving Dainties. parties. for offices and the top floor will be oa Tuesday morning at 10 o’olook. acorued November mlllslon In the Bound early this morn- lodge, KOT1B8. Sehlotterbeck & Foss Co. Special, 14,Amantha •julpDed^ with every^modern convenience Mr. John Stevens, the popular Coin- M Ireland, Caribou. $8 ing with sohooner Maine, balling from Louise suooess to for a dwelling. merclal street lumber surveyor, had tbe Meissllnger's leading » Long Island port. The Maine lost Pints anti rontralto roles with the Metropolitan TO ABKANGK FOB GOV1SBNOB- SCHOONEHS IN COLLISION. In Quarts. It le understood thatjthe aldermen will rare fortune to seoure a half dozen part of her head gear. The halls were good feingltsh UruDd Opera Company has oo- meet this week to KLKCT BILL. New 36.— Thick i vote on the telephone black duoks while standing on tbe end jasioned surprise aud oomment, as It Haven, Conn,, Noveinbsr not Injured. of tbs and Lastern Hobson's one the latter vus generally that she had a Schooner Lucy Hammond of Machine, petitions Ulrlgo of wharf day supposed At meeting of tbe or $1.50 Will make 5 •ever previously appeared In MH.BOWLES WILL BE CHIEF. 50oqt, gallon. companies. The special oommlttee ap- of the week, a very unusual occur- Kngllsh held last President Thompson Me., loaded with lumber for Hrldgeport, part ipera As a matter of fact Miss MeUslln- evening gallons. pointed to prepare a draft of the order rence for this of the harbor. was In tbe chair and there was a Washington, November 20 —The Presi- part rer has not only sung at Covent Harden good ; Samples and Information in regard to providing for the; admission cf a new Ths Chestnut street; auxiliary of the luring the itngllsh seasons there, but attendance. Tbe regular entertainment dent has decided to appoint Mr. Francis furnished on n addition was seleoted Sir preparing application. company Is ready to report. The board W. F. M. soelety will hold Its regular by Augustus oommlttes was empowered to make ar- Hood's Pills T.Bowles, naval oonstruotor In obarge of Harris to oreate In America the role of favors the admission of one of the new at 8 o'clock for the to be the New York yard, chief of the monthly meeting today p. be Wttoh In “Hansel and Uretel," In rangements banquet given Do not gripe nor irritate the alimen- navy of the Schlotterbeck & Foss oompanles, to It Is said. m„ In tbe ohapsl. Subjeot, “India,” vliloh she appeared In the leading oltles to Governor-elect Hill next Tueaday tary canal. They act gently yet bureau of oonstruotion and repairs Co., and lo accordance with an order lntro- Leader, Miss Marls W. Day. 3t this oountry. night. This oommlttee Is composed as promptly, cleanse effectually navy department, open the retirement The revival of “II Trovatore" at the Established 1800. dudoed by Councilman Woouslde, some Ths Beecher club will meet at 7 30 this follows: K. P. T. M. Bartlett, from active service next March of Hear detrupolltan Opera House on Wednesday Staples, time and Presi- the ago, Mayor Koblnson evening with Miss Charlotte J. Thomas, ; light was leat opn»ui«rable Interest by J. H. Pierce. Dr. H. F, Twitchell, W. Give Comfort Admiral Philip Ulohborn, present Prescription dent Wile in cf the oommoo oounell corner ot Uanlorth and State streets. hs first appearance of Mis* Suwokeeh as H. Dow. Bold by Ml druggists, 36 cents. incumbent. Dru«qP*t«.

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