S' PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. S ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2-VOL. 39. PORTLAND. MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 27. 1900. ISESrSiiUSSl PRICE THREE CENTS. AUTHORITATIVE DENIAL. WOULD HAVE KNDANUKKED LIFE. ■Tost before dark last night CUT Else trlulan Levi Camming, vrko bad been Hal it. Designs on Western Germany out since very early yesterday morning Hem (sphere Territory, with his assistants straightening ont AWFUL IF TRUE. CITY IN DARKNESS. this tangle of wires and making a general lnepeotlon of the nity, called upon Mayor November *6 —The Berlin, correspon- Hoblnson and Informed him tnat It dent of the Associated Pish ob- today wonld be dangerous to attempt to tarn tained the following authoritative state- on tne lights of either the Portland or ment as to the rumors that Germany has the Westl-rook Electric Light oompanlas. territorial ambitions In the western The wires were not only short circuited hemisphere. In many places bat some of them were lu ‘"The reports constantly recurring In in the street and with a big alternating oar* us Western Train Wrecked and the Amerloan press which Impute to Worst Ice Storm Known Passenger Reported rent running through them without for territory In the west- plans acquiring doubt some one would hare b»en killed are baseless. ern hemisphere absolutely before morning by stumbling onto them. doss not Intend In sny way to of 1886. 200 Lives Lost. Germany Maine Since Big One Besides this the danger of fire resulting In North, Central or acquire territory from crossed wires was eery great and Booth Amenoa. Bhe values tbs 2 Mr. Cummings told the mayor he did not of the United Btatee far too friendship oonslder It well to take any chanoes. to It such highly jeopardize by noqalrlng Mayor Hoblnson agreed with Mr. Cum- or small.'1 territory, large mlng8 and the electric light companies OFHOURS ONLY. took the same view of matters. The Port- QUESTION not Denied Rail- Sad Havoc With Trees land Electric Light company coaid Story Positively by Played have operated Its lights anyway, hut even Senator Cushman K. navis Is Slowly with the main trunk line to Ureat Palls road Officials. Pa,sing Away. and Electric Wires. In working order It wonld hare been Bt. Paul, Minn., November IW.—It now • 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ SyrufTigs ■■ seems to be simply a question of hours EXPANSION until United States Senator Cushman K. Davit passes away, the report from Ac/sflessait/fy attdJkmp//y. bis bed title this afternoon being that his BLACKSTONE CIGARS strength was slowly ebbing away. Hit and Com- Cleanses the C. & O. Train Said to Have Cone The addition to our System physicians do not anticipate dissolu- Telephone Telegraph Factory and In We now have a Gently Effectually tion but admit completed. immediately, practically of feet on three when bilious or costive. frontage 172 in W. Va. that so lar as any human agency Is able Suffered Through Bridge panies Greatly. streets, Endicott, Stillman and to know, detth It oertaln. Morton. form /resents in the most acceptable This i* the largest Factory ** — the lauratitc principles ofplants BANGOR’S Cl'REEW LA W. In New England used solely known to act most heneticiail}'. for the manufacture of Cigars. The sale on lilaekstono Cigars TO OET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Little Girl Goes to Jail for Being Out Is millions ahead of any other Late. 10-cent Cigar. — Richmond Wreck BUY THE GENUINE MANF D. BY Special Reports Freight Great diimage was done in Portland CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCQ Hut Ho Loss of Life. Bangor November HO.—A 15-jrear-old and also in IVcstern Maine yesterday by WAITT & SAN FRANCISCO* CAL. girl was arraigned In the polloe court BOND, Mnfrs., KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. LOUISVILLE this morning charged with having vio- tlic ice storm which was the worst since oil Blackstone St. — bott/e. For safe by druffists price 50*per lated the curfew law on Saturday night; --- trees were Mass. on a sentence contlf"'*’! from December Jan. 28, 1886. Hundreds of Boston, tame she was or- 33, ItWtl, on the cnarge and the dered to pay a line clfl <tod oasts. She ruined in this city falling November 26 —A on the Sc Ohio D said to was nnable to the money and Clncinnait, Ohio, Chesapeake ray-j> branches made a sail mess of the electric have been west of will the nay ^114**s In the olty ADAMS & special to the Commercial tribune Irom bound, consisting spend ANDERSON, CO., seven passenger coaches, baggage, ex- bouee of correction, 4 over the For the first time Charleston, W. Va says: V.1 wrires all city. Fire Insurance and mall oars. It Is said that Agency press WITH SIGHT. **lt Is hero that a Chesapeake MAY DIE reported among tbe passengers were ex-Uov. 41c- f | °|'N in years there wasn’t an electric street 31 Exchange Street. Ohio railway train went the State Auditor-elect and Kingsville, ».-An & through Corkle, Sherlll, Oat| ^iber Flrtt Class American and Foreign Companies sohooner' the middle had been State Senator Alexander M. Miller, unknown y "In in in Portland last night. Holt AC F, ANDEH30]f. CHAR. C Al»AMM. Greenbrier river bridge which > light operation gronnd oil S the tailors Tmm. J, Little. CoXYEhs K. Lea* h. lloods. It Is l'olnyF £lnd Tu.TbftS damaged by prevailing sup- the 7 for the masts Commercial was carried on with Washington, November 26 —The Post are lashed In c o lighting about 800 • posed that thero were people are above water. today morn- has received a message from the railroad The and were lost. All the Home'! £ in Amherst- difficulty. telegraph telephone on the train and that all telegraph operator at Hinton, saying ing tug has been trying the men wires are down at and near the crossing there Is no foundation for the story of a burg ryU-ase suffered To the east- Is snob a that |companies greatly. wreck on the C ic near that but there high * of thl6 river, and It is impossible to get O., place. Running have bee" It Is According to special 2 received by the her efforts f^ltless. ward these companies had the most any sort of continuation of the disaster. the #-u from Pott the train reported to have been feared that nufa expo- Kven the officials are unable to aid can m. some of the state were railway wrecked Is ons of the west bound spec- sure before reaSitti trouble and parts --■—c--- secure communication with points on ials tbe due In Charleston of C & O., INDIANS TO BE STARVED. cut off from communication with Port- either side of the river. early this morning and In Cincinnati FortYatosN. D, November 26.—The tonight. of the Indians have accepted with philosophy land last night. All companies Cincinnati. November 86 —There Ohio, the recommendation of Commissioner ha* been great apprehension tonight over lilohmond, Va November 26.—The were lines to Poston and to Jones that their rations be Immediately operating a report that a Chesapeake As Ohio pas- C. & O olliolals here positively deny tbe stopped. That hundreds will starve but with some The senger train had gone through the Green- story of a passenger train wreck at Montreal difficulty. slowly to death Is a foregone conclusion. brier river bridge, near Hinton, W. Va Ureenbrler river bridge and all stories of Their oondltlon Is pitlnble; their crops done to fruit trees in this section All through wires on that line ore any lost of.Ufe on the line. damage were a total failure and their rations down and It Is Impossible to reach The Dispatch had a special after mid- to thousands of were just enough to keep them alive. of the state will amount Greenbrier river or any points near It night from Honceverte, which Is within Many messages have been sent by those a few miles of tbe point at which tb WELLINGTON HEDGING. dollars. crosses the Ureenbrler. The who have had friends on that road today Chesapeake Washington, November 8ti.—In making a with no as It was not known what train. If any, special reports freight .wreck the caucus Hit of the Sen- up Republican thick woods In some loss ot at mentions PORTLAND IN DARKNESS. running through went through the bridge, but no re- life Allegheny and of Senator of ate, the name Wellington and at all to re- of trains In snch a was In utmost total darkness places points exposed Injury sponse s to any messages have been delay passenger way bus been omitted at his own Portland Maryland trees and limbs was tbe first to as to discredit the us tar us tbe eleotrlo street by falling ceived and they are accepted only subject entirely passenger has chosen a seat on the lust nlgbt request. He Is not known how trees wreck This to suffer. It many to delay. Charles B. Byan, assistant report. however. lights were concerned. applied Republican side, sna big limbs bare crashed down onto general passenger agent of the Chesa- tbe old seven wards of the city and to the BUHEAU OF AMERICAN REPUB- Lb Is wire since two o’clock Monday A Ohio railway, is here tonight SCHOONER AYR SAFE. fleering district as well. lie sides this peake Mather of the LICS. mi* of wires all morning. Superintendent Center of and he discredits the story entirely. Ue November 211—Sohooner Ayr, there was a general up Halifax, lompany outside of the trouble said there was a very bad landslide near Washington, November 26.—The execu- over the olty, the streets whloh are lined DiJlnB whloh has been from New York, twenty- be has been In tbe where bis far tive oommlttee of tbe of Ameri- shade trees were strewn with fallen baying city Attraction one of the Greenbrier rlverJbrldgee|not Bureau two out from Roothbay Harbor and with days lines have suffered more than Tab„, it ha* can held Its In some cases rendered Im- probably from White Sulphur .Springs, and liepubllos regular quarterly for whose almost had bean limbs and safety hope other has had a crew the a time fallen trees.
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