Chelsea Barracks, Chelsea Bridge Road
planning report PDU/1640b/02 16 November 2011 Chelsea Barracks, Chelsea Bridge Road in the City of Westminster planning application no. 10/10496/OUT Strategic planning application stage II referral (new powers) Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 The proposal Outline application for demolition of existing former barracks buildings and warehouse, retention of chapel and reconfiguration of boundary railings, and redevelopment for a residential led mixed use scheme comprising residential, sports centre, retail/cafe/restaurant, health centre, non residential institutions, assembly and leisure uses, open space, ancillary management/support offices and car and cycle parking. The applicant The applicant is Project Blue (Guernsey) Ltd., and the architects are Squire and Partners, Dixon Jones and Kim Wilkie Associates. Strategic issues The principle of this large scale residential led mixed-use development is supported. The design is of a high standard and responds to the heritage context appropriately. The details of the design competition and the commitment to consult the Mayor on the reserved matters applications gives further comfort on the quality of the design. Taking into account all considerations the outstanding issues relating to affordable housing, housing mix, energy and transport have been adequately addressed. The Council’s decision In this instance Westminster City Council has resolved to grant permission. Recommendation That Westminster City Council be advised that the Mayor is content for it to determine the case itself, subject to any action that the Secretary of State may take, and does not therefore wish to direct refusal or direct that he is to be the local planning authority.
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