A Program of Harris County Protective Services for Children and Adults George Ford, Executive Director Ginger Harper, Program Director 6300 Chimney Rock Houston, Texas 77081 http://www.hc-ps.org/ 2013-2014 RESOURCE DIRECTORY FOR HARRIS COUNTY Designed for Agencies Serving Youth & Families This directory includes only the most commonly used nonprofit, United Way, church and government resources available to the general public and is not intended to be complete. Private, for profit services are sometimes included if there is a lack of nonprofits for that service, or they offer some free or specialized program to the community. It is intended to be an organized informational guide for professionals working with youth. Inclusion does not denote endorsement or recommendation. Directory information rapidly becomes outdated and a new directory is published annually. If you find errors or have information on new resources, please feel free to contact us so that we can stay as up-to-date as possible. For current information regarding state agencies, we recommend you contact the agency. A special thank you to the DHHS: Administration on Children, Youth and Families for underwriting the resource directory. Edited by: Paula Wilkes:
[email protected] Kristen Ballard:
[email protected] Revised by Yvette Torres and CYS Staff For additional copies call: 713-295-2530 Table of Contents I. Community Youth Services 4 II. Adoption 7 III. AIDS Resources 8 A. Direct Services 8 B. Information and Referral 11 C. Education 12 IV. Basic Needs 12 A. Clothing 12 B. Emergency Assistance 12 C. Food and Food Stamps 16 D.