An Investigation to the Fulfillment of Human Needs in Cairo's Gated

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An Investigation to the Fulfillment of Human Needs in Cairo's Gated ARAB ACADEMY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MARITIME TRANSPORT (AASTMT) College of Engineering and Technology Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design AN INVESTIGATION TO THE FULFILLMENT OF HUMAN NEEDS IN CAIRO’s GATED COMMUNITIES By SAMAR MOHSEN MOSTAFA KAMAL EL NAGAR A thesis submitted to the AASTMT in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Supervisors اﻷكاديمية العربية للعلوم و الكنولوجيا و PROFESSOR DR. DR. HATEM EZZAT النقل البحري- القاهرة HANY LOUIS ATTALA NABIH Professor of Architecture Associate Professor Associate Professor اﻷكاديمية العربية للعلوم و الكنولوجيا و and urban design النقل البحري- القاهرة Department of Architecture Department of Architecture Department of Architecture Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan Arab Academy for science Arab Academy for science Egypt كلية ,Cairoالفنون- الجميلة- جامعةand Technologyحلوان University-Cairo, Egypt and Technology-Cairo, Egypt قسم العمارة 2015 DECLARATION I certify that all the material in this thesis that is not my own work has been identified, and that no material is included for which a degree has previously been conferred on me. The contents of this thesis reflect my own personal views, and are not necessarily endorsed by the University. (Signature) (Date) We certify that we have read the present work and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and quality as thesis towards the partial fulfillment of the Master Degree requirements in Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design From College of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design (AASTMT) Date: 20th of December 2015 Supervisor (s): Name: Prof. Dr. Hany Louis Attala Position: Professor of Architecture and Urban design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University Signature: Name: Dr. Hatem Ezzat Nabih Position: Associate Professor ( Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design), Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Signature: Name: Dr. Sherif EL Fiki Position: Associate Professor ( Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design), Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Signature: Examiners: Name: Prof. Dr. Rowaida Reda Kamel Position: Professor of Architecture (Department of Architecture) Faculty of Engineering- Cairo University Signature: Name Dr. Ayman Wanas Position: Associate Professor ( Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design), Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Signature: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I thank God for giving me the knowledge and determination to write and conduct this research. Then, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to many, for their guidance and encouragement to finish my dissertation where only some I would like to give particular mention here. I express my gratitude to my supervisors, first Professor Dr. Hany Louis Atallah, whom encouraged me to research this topic and was a backbone to my research work .Then, I would like to thank Dr. Hatem Nabih for his guidance throughout the research while providing me with valuable references and feedback for my work and to whom I owe much for the practical part of the research. Also, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to Dr. Sherif El Fiki whom provided much care to every single detail of the research since the early beginning and for his regular encouragement to continuously improve the work to present a valuable piece of research where words are not enough to thank him for his support all over the stages of the research. Moreover, I would like to thank my family members, especially my mother and father, for their continuous encouragement, guidance, care and support throughout my academic and professional life. Finally, I would like to thank my husband who was by my side through my masters’ ups and downs to attain my degree with particular mention and thanks to my sisters and daughters for giving them hard time to finalize my work. ‘ الملخص لقد شهد النسيج العمراني للقاهرة و امتدادها تغاير ملحوظا في العقدين الماضيين و ذلك نتيجة اتجاه الشريحة الفوق متوسطة من سكان القاهرة الى البحث عن تحسين مستوى معيشتهم في سكن المجتمعات العامرنية المغلقة التي انتشرت فيااطرف القاهرة. لذلك اصبح من الضروري دراسة اﻹحتياجات اﻹنسانية ومدى تحقيقها داخل تلك المجتمعات المغلقة من أجل خلق بيئة متجاوبة مع إحتياجات السكان المعيشية. من أجل ذلك, سيستعرض الجزء النظري من البحث كﻻ من التصنيفات المختلفة للمجتمعات العامرنية المغلقة و تاريخها وبداية ظهورها في مصر, كما يستعرض ايضا النظريات المختلفة المتعلقة باﻹحتياجات اﻹنسانية. بناءا على ذلك, سيتم دراسة المجتمعات السكنية عمليا في ضوء النظريات السابقة من حيث مدى اشباعها لﻻحتياجات اﻻنسانية. سيتم ذلك عن طريق ادرسة نموذج محلي باستخدام منهجية التحليل النوعي مع استبيانأري شارك فيه ٤۳ شخص من السكان المحليين للمجتمع. و أخاير, تهدف كﻻ من النتائج النظرية والعملية الى مساعدة متخذي القراارت التصميمية و التنفيذية في خلق بيئة متجاوبة مع اﻻحتياجات اﻻنسانية و تحسين مستوى البيئة المعيشية للسكان على المستوى العام لتلك المجتمعات المغلقة. الكلمات الدالة: اﻻحتياجات اﻻنسانية- المجتمعات المغلقة- المجمعات السكنية- القاهرة , مصر. ABSTRACT In the last two decades, Cairene upper middle class residents have sought different living patterns to improve their quality of life. Since then, Cairo’s outskirts witnessed a major expansion in residential gated communities, in a way that has significantly influenced its general urban fabric. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the satisfaction of human needs within these gated communities, towards the accomplishment of more responsive living environments. To do that, the theoretical framework of this research first studies the backgrounds, classifications and evolution of these gated compounds in Egypt. The research then investigates the different theories of human needs. Residential gated compounds are consequently examined in terms of satisfying human needs, with reference to previously investigated theories. Hence, the theoretical findings are examined empirically in the context of a selected local case study to learn about the satisfaction of the human needs in the studied gated community. Towards this objective, the study employs in-depth qualitative analyses, together with a brief survey that involved 43 local residents, to investigate their perception to the satisfaction of human needs in their compound. At last, both theoretical and empirical findings are synthesized towards helping decision makers and designers in promoting better living environments, and enhancing the overall quality of life. Keywords: Human needs- gated communities - residential compounds- Cairo, Egypt, Table of Contents Page Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... i Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. ix List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ x 1.CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1 1.1: Inception ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.2: Problem Definition ........................................................................................................... 3 1.3: Research Aim .................................................................................................................... 3 1.4: Significance of the Study .................................................................................................. 3 1.5: Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.6: Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.7: Limitations of the Study ................................................................................................... 5 1.8: Research Structure ............................................................................................................ 5 PART ONE: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................... 8 2. CHAPTER TWO: THEORIES OF HUMAN NEEDS ...................................................... 9 2.1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.2: Approaches of Human Needs ......................................................................................... 10 2.3: Henry Murray’s Theory of Human Motivation .............................................................. 11 2.4: Achievement Motivation Theory .................................................................................... 12 2.4.1: Need for Achievement (n Ach) ................................................................................ 12 2.4.2: Need for Power (n Pow)........................................................................................... 13 2.4.3: Need for
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