November 6, 1969 POST SCRIPT Page 5 In a recent interview with Mr. Greenfield, Registrar at P. S. C., Professors N ew this reporter questioned the poten­ A n d O l d tial future and present status of by Peter O’Toole the college. Starting this semester, three When asked about the accredita­ former professors from PSC have tions which the College has, Mr. returned to school to carry on Greenfield told of the State Board further education. of Regents accreditation as the Mr. Russell, one of last year’s only one totally necessary. He accounting professors, is now do­ wondered if the Middle States ing graduate work at Finger Lake Board of Accreditation is really Community College in accounting. worth the cost. Accreditation in­ Mr. Davis, a prominent mathe­ volves many financial aspects that matics professor, is working on sometimes escape its advocates. his Masters degree in Mathematics “Unfortunately,” said Mr. Green­ at Clarkson College of Technology. field, “we cannot, as in the case of Mr. Bambina, known for his In­ many other schools, dip our hand troduction to Forestry class, has into the taxpayer’s pocket every- gone to Syracuse University to time we need. We (the college) live work for his Master’s in Forestry. by our investments, the students.” However, ten new professors In the Bluebook of Amerian Col­ have joined the Faculty. leges and Universities, P.S.C. has Mr. Jeffrey Baker, a member of a rating of 2-C (2 for the number the English Department, has a of years of study, C on an academ­ B.A. from Syracuse University and ic scale of A*B*C*D*E*). N.C.C. his Masters from the State Uni­ C. has a rating of 2-A. This, how­ versity College of New York at ever, is partly due to N.C.C.C.’s and strong voice. We are only giv­ Oswego. Mr. Baker is a writer for RECORD REVIEW en a glimmer of what each man affiliation with the State Education the Adirondack Enterprise. Program. At this point, Mr. Green­ JAMMED TOGETHER can do. Mr. James Forte, the new econo­ field expressed some regret, for he The one fault of this album mics teacher, now working on his by Albert King, Pop Staples, feels that P.S.C. is “ . . . a major which really hinders it is the pro­ doctorate the the State University and college in the fields of Hotel Man­ duction. In no song is any one of New York at Binghamton and, agement and Forestry, and basic­ On the record market, there are sound or guitar given any domin­ received his B.A. from Plattsburgh ally oriented toward science in the many, many good records that, be­ ance over the other competing State College. Although Mr. Forte cause of their esoteric nature, are sounds. This is what, partially, field of Liberal Arts.” is working with the outing club, What percentage of our liberal not brought to the general public. leads to the incoherence and lack his favorite pastime is “muck rak­ arts transfers and graduates con­ Jammed Together, by Steven Crop­ of listenability that the album is ing.” tinue their education toward a per, Albert King and Pop Staples, burdened with. Even the vocals Bachelor’s or graduate degree? Mr. Mr. Allen Pritchet, the new is one such album, done on the are submerged in the depth of each Agan, Assistant Professor of His­ member of the accounting depart­ Stax label. song. One can only imagine what tory, has just completed a survey ment has his B.S. from the State I istening to the album, one can the record might sound like under which quite accurately answers University of New York at Cort­ easily be confused as to what its the direction of a good producer this question. land and his Master’s of Business ourpose is. The record is not heavy like Jimmy Page. Administration from the Univer­ ; in fact, it sometimes emits In spite of all its faults, the re­ In this survey, 1020 forms weresity of Kentucky. Mr. Pritchet has sent to past students of P.S.C. To t ligh abstract quality. In some cord has its redeeming qualities. an interest in drama and believes rcspects, the record almost seems Among them is the old Ray date there has been a 42% reply. in “audience involvement.” Of these, 177 had gone on to com­ to be an attempt to bridge the gen­ Charles number, “What’d I Say”, plete 4 or more years. Of the grad­ eration gap in music, and to let sung by Albert King. In this the freaked-out generation know song, the back-up drums and bass uates who replied, 122 received THE SW ISS SHOP four-year degrees, and 34 contin­ from where their guitar idols de­ come together with the guitars rived their styles. Unfortunately, ued to the graduate level. Also re­ 37 Main St. and vocal to provide some of the plying to the survey were 146 stu­ the album seems to fail, due to a best rocking music I have ever series of forces which can easily dents who had withdrawn o rtrans- Lake Placid* N.Y heard. tear apart any good album. ferred prior to graduation. Of To help the album along is First, the record fails because of these, 55 received Bachelor’s de­ Steve Cropper, whose playing is The Complete Ski Shopits very nature. The three guitar­ grees, with ten continuing to the probably the best on the album. ists were drawn together to do the Cropper uses his guitar in a more graduate level. Hart Kastle "’bum, and there seems to exist an complete manner than either King Professor Agan expressed his en­ insensitivity between the musicians Raichle “Red Hots” or Pop Staples. He relies on the thusiasm at the heavy response that might not otherwise be, for full range of progressions and received from the ’68 and ’69 clas­ Rieker Scott Poles instance, if the three stayed to­ chords. His grinding sound does ses, which showed a large percent gether as a group. Because of this, well to offset King’s piercing high of them pursuing further courses Comfy Parkas the guitars seem to rip each song sounds, and Staple’s quivering of study. asunder, making a mishmash of middle-range tones. sounds. This is most disturbingly Y o u r B a n k • • • evident in “Tupelo”, a country bal­ After listening to the album INTRAMURAL lad which is narrated by Pop many times, one does become aware of its outstanding faults. (Continued from page 6) Staples. THE MARINE MIDLAND But even so, a person cannot help Listening to the sounds of the but be atti'acted to the record. ionship by losing late in the season guitars is also disturbing to the TRUST COMPANY Maybe the combination of two old to the Studs (7-0). listener. My main complaint must black men like Staples and Albert The Intramural football season of be directed to Albert King. Though King, joined by a young, white is over but there are more Intra­ initially exciting, the magic of Cropper, makes the album. Or may­ murals to be played. Since the NORTHERN NEW YORK King’s guitar abilities quickly be it’s just some sentimental spot football was so successful, Mr. fades, giving way to boredom, re­ in the human heart that makes us Franciamone looks with optimism SARANAC LAKE petition, and a sense of uneasiness. to basketball, volleyball, and soft­ This uneasiness is because of his feel guilty for not discovering these men sooner. ball Intramurals. In order to help persistent use of only the very Mr. Franciamone set up schedules high, piercing sounds that his ax quickly, all those forming teams (guitar), can produce. should' hand in rosters as soon as DEL BERGHORN’S possible. The student response has Most notable, however, is the been good so far this year, but re­ Member disturbing lack of vocals on the M U SIC SH O P member, that since this program is album. Of the ten songs on the for the students and made up by Federal Deposit Insurance album, only three have any vocals Musical Instruments them, only they can make it a at all. This is unfortunate, because Phone 523 2097 Corporation each of the three men has a flexible success. 131 MAIN ST. LAKE PLACID