Ecclesia Anglicana ANGLICAN PROVINCE of AMERICA The Most Rev Walter H Grundorf D.D. Presiding Bishop MARCH 2015

OUR HERITAGE Giles, Cripplegate, and a prebendary of St. Paul's Ca- thedral, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, a prebendary and then of Westminster Abbey; Bishop and Scholar Dean of the Royal Chapel and finally Bishop of Chich- ester, Ely and Winchester. Andrewes began his ministry in 1578, a time when the Puritan movement was For many in 17th century Andrewes was considered trying to model the English Church on the the authority on worship and so what he practiced in Genevan, which would have meant dis- his beautiful chapel became their standard for the carding the episcopal and apostolic min- celebration of the Liturgy. istry, the Prayer Book, downplaying the As a preacher, Andrewes was highly esteemed by sacraments and dismantling the structure of . contemporaries and later generations. In modern Both Queen Elizabeth I, and the of Canterbury times Eliot referred to Andrewes as "the first great (Whitgift) appointed Andrewes as one of their chaplains and preacher of the English Church" who always spoke as prevailed on his skills as a preacher and theologian to ad- "a man who had a formed visible Church behind him, dress many of the issues raised by Puritans at the time. His who speaks with the old authority and the new culture, preaching and lecturing always stressed amongst the ob- whilst his sermons rank with the finest English prose of servance of Prayer Book, services to be taken by a properly their time, of any time." ordained minister, the Eucharist to be celebrated reverently, infants to be baptized, the Daily Offices to be said, and spir- But Andrewes himself would have said, as indeed he itual counseling to be given where needed. did to Sir Francis Walsingham, that his whole life and teaching were indebted to the Fathers. One has only For Andrewes the Eucharist was the meeting place for the to be reasonably familiar with the Fathers, to see how infinite and finite, the divine and human, heaven and earth. much of their teachings were preached by him. "The blessed mysteries," he wrote "are from above; the 'Bread that came down from Heaven, the Blood that hath been carried into the holy place.' And we are never so near Him, nor He us, as then and there." Thus it is to the altar we must come for "that blessed union [which] is the highest FEATURED PARISH perfection we can in this life aspire unto." Unlike his con- temporary Puritans, it was not the pulpit but the altar, that St. Peter’s Anglican Church was the focal point of worship for Andrewes. Deerfield Beach, FL The reason that Andrewes placed so much importance on Fr. M. Tracy Smith - reverence in worship came from his conviction that when Saint Peter’s Church is one of the we worship God it is with our entire being, that is, both bodi- original parishes in the “continuing ly and spiritually. At a time when little emphasis was placed church” movement. It was founded in 1968 and on the old outward forms of piety Andrewes maintained, "if named Emmanuel Anglican Church. The first mem- He hath framed that body of yours and every member of it, bers were former Episcopalians and services were let Him have the honor both of head and knee, and every held at the Oakland Park Women’s Club and were led member else." by lay readers. Within six months the congregation Andrewes ministry touched all walks of life. In addition to be acquired a vacant Mormon church building which is a principal contributor to the translation of the King James now the west half of Saint Peter’s Parish Hall. The Bible, he was chaplain to reigning monarchs; Vicar of St. first service was held in the newly acquired church building on June 23, 1968 and continued to be led by lay readers pending the arrival of the first priest, Rev.


Charles Simmons, in August of 1968. The parish voted to St. Anne’s Guild has appointed Jan Burdeno and change its name to Saint Peter’s in 1976, and the current Jeannette (Jean) Green to develop a ‘Greeters’ pro- church was built adjacent to the Parish Hall and consecrat- gram. Volunteers will participate in an orientation ses- ed on October 30, 1982. It served as the Church sion conducted by Greg Clarke and be asked to arrive of the American Episcopal Church under the direction of twenty minutes before the service to both welcome Bishop Anthony Clavier. During its early years the church and assist visitors. Jan and Jean are working to as- variously flourished and failed. It was an independent con- semble an official “Visitor’s Information Packet” com- gregation for a number of years as well as being a member plete with useful information about St. Matthew’s and church of the Anglican Orthodox Church of North America, the Continuing Anglican Church at large. As an adjunct the American Episcopal Church, and finally the Anglican to the program, Jan is creating a second information Province of America. packet which will be presented to people when they register as new members of the parish. The new Saint Peter’s is now under the leadership of Rev. M. Tracy handout includes a tear-off sheet on which interested Smith and has experienced steady growth in membership, persons may indicate their desire to participate. financial stability (their mortgage was paid off in February 2014) and outreach to our neighbors near and far. Weekly In honor of all moms, on Saturday, May 9, St. Anne’s worship services are held on Sundays and Wednesdays as Women’s Guild will be hosting an old fashioned Tea well as Prayer Book Holy Days as announced. There is party. All the women of St. Matthew’s are invited and Bible study, frequent fellowship events, an annual One-Day are encouraged to bring guests. It is hoped that you Lenten Retreat, an annual Blessing of the Animals, and will wear your hats and gloves to make this a “proper” outreach to the community in the form of a Food Pantry. Tea. Beside a variety of teas there will be finger sand- We have dedicated 2015 to parish growth so we may better wiches, pastries and cakes worthy of any grand tea serve our Lord both now and in the future. house. We are told there are to be door prizes that would please any woman. St. George the Martyr Anglican Church Welcomes Fr. M. Tracy Smith Foreign Students

Fr. Tracy is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickin- Fr Paul Rivard - Rector son University and New York University with St. George the Martyr Anglican degrees in Comparative Literature. He did Church, Simpsonville, SC, was his seminary studies at Knox Theological blessed to welcome over 60 in- Seminary. He and his lovely wife, Barni, ternational students from 15 dif- relocated from New York City to Florida in 1991 and began ferent countries to a Thanksgiving dinner event last attending Saint Peter’s at that time. They have two daugh- November. In cooperation with a local ministry called ters and eight grandchildren who all live in Florida. Fr. Tra- Cross Culture Network, the event was in the planning cy answered a calling to Holy Orders and was accepted as stages for several months before it came to fruition. a Postulate in the APA, and ordained Deacon in 2005 and With the efforts of both the church’s Community Out- Priest in 2006 by Bishop Grundorf. He has served as Cu- reach Team and the Foreign Missions Team along rate at St. Mary’s in Delray Beach, Florida and since 2008 with many parishioners volunteering and donating as Vicar and then Rector at Saint Peter’s Church. food, the evening was a great success. It was a very warm time of conversation and feasting as we intro- duced students to the church, parishioners, and the TENDING THE GARDEN traditions of American Thanksgiving. At the dinner, sign up lists were distributed to students for involvement in further special interest events to be hosted by members of the parish in line with their own specific expertise. In 2015, the foreign students will be invited to presentations on home built airplanes, classic British cars, model train collections, the printing St Matthew’s Church, Riverview, FL press, antique dolls and other interests of St. George Fr Kenneth Bailey - Rector members. Most are eager to participate. A line dancing


class is already scheduled! The seeds of a vibrant out- and Parishes committed to ‘A right to life’ to join us. reach have been planted and we look forward to both working and bearing fruit one day! Deanery of Appalachia All Saints’ Anglican Church Palatka, FL Conflict within Congregations Fr Frank Bartlett Priest in Charge On Saturday, April 18th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Matthew's Church, Weaverville, there will be a seminar On Sunday morning, Nov. 23, on conflict within congregations based on the book, 2014, Bishop Grundorf and his "When Sheep Attack" by Dennis R. Maynard. This is a wife, Mary, made a visit to All seminar for church leaders on how to handle conflict and Saints for the purpose of con- how to resolve it without damage to the congregation. firming four of our parishioners, This book is recommended reading for parish leaders. three young people and one L to R Fr Frank, Alex Beverly, Alec adult. They were presented by Garris, Bishop Grundorf, Braden Garris, and Jolene LaBeouf Fr. Frank Bartlett. Those con- firmed were Jolene LeBeouf, T. Braden Garris, Alexander Garris and J. Alexander Beverly. Following the service a luncheon was served in Barco Hall, with Greg Garris, Senior Warden, providing turkey and ham with the “fixings.” Many other dishes and desserts PERSPECTIVE were prepared by church members. It was a very festive occasion for the confirmands. The new members of the The Most Disturbing Trend Happening in Your church were presented with their certificates. Lay Reader Church in 2015 George Smith was also presented with his Chalice Bearer license by Bishop Grundorf. from - Christians Speak for the unborn It ’ s not easy to make that work Sunday after Sunday, amid the dog not wanting to come back inside and get- St. Peters’ Anglican Mission ting all the kids ready. But what helps, what makes it Waynesville, NC work, is that we don’t do it for us. We go because Jesus Fr. Michael Bolt - Priest-in-charge intended His people to grow in community (Colossians 3:1417). And—trust me—we need the growth. On January 21st, Father Michael Bolt of St Peters Anglican Mission in But according to Will Mancini, founder of church consult- Waynesville, North Carolina, accom- ing firm Auxano, the disturbing trend for many churches panied by Kay Edwards, Music Di- is in a decidedly different direction: rector at St. Peter's and her husband, Sam, embarked on a Cherokee Boys Club coach from Western NC to DC to “Specifically, in the last 2 years, I have see one common attend the March For Life held on the 22nd. Fr. Michael thread become a common rope. Its presence is now wrote, “Our companions were from three Roman Catholic ubiquitous; every church I talk with mentions this prob- parishes in the Charlotte Diocese.” lem…. I have never seen a problem discussed this com- monly amid a diversity of church sizes and denomina- EWTN estimated the March to have 450K participants. The tional affiliations.” weather was cool but kind. The march ended with a rally in What is this one trend? [Emphasis added.] front of the US Supreme Court where speakers told their own life stories about abortions. “What does this mean? Simply that people who use[d] to attend 4 times a month may only attend 3 times a month. In support of the march the House passed a bill prohibiting Members who used to come twice a month will only federal funding for abortion. This is a small step, and there come once a month.” is much more to do. Next year we will announce the date Why are so many Christians choosing to spend less time and time of the march and invite all other APA missions with a community of believers on Sunday? Mancini sug- 3

gests that there are many causes, but he specifically must be there.” cites three: Now, its your turn. Do you attend less frequently now Increased involvement in kids activities: parents eschew days than you used to? If so, what made you stop going church to let their kids participate in club sports as much? Are you seeing less involvement? How has your church overcome this? More travel for work: more business “road-warrioring” means less time for church Online church: people stay home and watch church on their tablets, Apple TVs, and phones That doesn’t mean pastors and local churches should just go down without a fight. In particular, Mancini thinks this trend actually presents us with opportunities—if we know how to make an impact. He gives three pointers:

1. Add value not venues.

Instead of just adding more and more activities, find ways to beef up the value of what’s already there.

2. Think training over teaching. 2015 LENTEN MISSION APPEAL Your congregation can get inspirational teaching on the $100,000.00 Internet. In fact, online churches often have better follow- up than some small congregations. What they can’t get BUILDING HIS KINGDOM is solid training that helps them grow in their faith on a This year’s Lenten Appeal is to fund the building of a personal level. Domestic Mission congregation. I have seen the critical need and the potential of building the base of our Angli- 3. Design for ministry ends not means. can Province in order to minister in an area where we We have lots of programs, but not nearly enough disci- have minimal presence, an area where there is interest pleship. Doing more as a church doesn’t necessarily but the lack of clerical leadership to help get a mission mean that people are growing. The trend toward less church energized and growing. The ambitious goal will attendance may have much to do with us missing the be to raise $100,000 for the chosen ‘mission church point of what church is supposed to be about: helping project.’ It would be used over a period of three years to people follow Jesus better. support a well-trained energetic priest who would relo- cate to the chosen area; i.e. $50,000 the first year, On a recent post on, Pastor Erik Ray- $30,000 the second year and $20,000 the third year. mond provided three keys for church survival that hit on The mission church will be expected to increasingly the same notes as Mancini’s article: make up the difference. My prayer is that as we consid- “Jesus gave the command that ought to characterize er our Lenten sacrifice for this Appeal, we will do so everything the church does. This is her mission. Every- remembering we are working at Kingdom Building. thing the church does is to promote people coming to Whether it is in a far off land or here in our country, our know Christ and grow in him. As a result, the church goal is to bring people to Christ. As you fast and pray as must be intentionally involved in evangelism. This in- part spiritual health, pray also for others in your Diocese volves the church at large and the individuals within the and Province as well as our Global partners who are church. The mood of the church needs to be evangelis- laboring for the Gospel in other lands. tic. +Walter The church also must be a training church. People need to grow in their understanding and application of biblical truth. This comes in many shapes and sizes from preaching to classes to community (fellowship); but it 4