Regular Session, 2010



FISHING/FINFISH: Provides for identification of certain saltwater finfish


2 To amend and reenact R.S. 56:325.2(A) and 326(E)(1)(a), relative to finfish; to provide for

3 identification of certain saltwater finfish; and to provide for related matters.

4 Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana:

5 Section 1. R.S. 56:325.2(A) and 326(E)(1)(a) are hereby amended and reenacted to

6 read as follows:

7 §325.2. Saltwater recreational ; total length

8 A. All saltwater finfish, except garfish and swordfish possessed by a

9 recreational fisherman, shall have the head and caudal fin intact until set or put on

10 shore. Swordfish and possessed by a recreational fisherman shall not be

11 skinned until set or put on shore. shall retain the caudal fin intact until set or

12 put on shore and those species of tuna which have minimum size restrictions may

13 have the head removed as long as the carcass length without the head exceeds the

14 minimum size requirement. All saltwater finfish shall be measured in accordance

15 with applicable law. Any garfish caught or possessed by a recreational fisherman in

16 the saltwater areas of the state may have the head and caudal fin removed but, until

17 the fish is set or put on shore, it shall retain a strip of skin sufficient to clearly

18 identify the fish.

19 * * *

20 §326. Size and possession limits; commercial fish

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CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored are additions. HLS 10RS-379 ENGROSSED HB NO. 888

1 E.(1)(a) All saltwater finfish except tuna, garfish, swordfish, and sharks

2 possessed by a commercial fisherman shall have the head and caudal fin intact until

3 set or put on shore or when sold. Those species of tuna which have minimum size

4 restrictions may have the head removed so long as the carcass length without the

5 head exceeds the minimum size requirement. Swordfish and sharks possessed by a

6 commercial fisherman shall not be skinned until set or put on shore or when sold.

7 No fin shall be possessed aboard a vessel unless naturally attached to the

8 original shark carcass. A shark may have the head removed so long as the carcass

9 length without the head exceeds the legal minimum size requirement, but the shark

10 shall have all fins intact and naturally attached, including the caudal fin. All garfish

11 caught or possessed by a commercial fisherman in the saltwater areas of the state

12 may have the head and caudal fin removed, but shall retain a strip of skin sufficient

13 to clearly identify the fish until set or put on shore or when sold. All saltwater

14 finfish shall be measured in accordance with applicable law.

15 * * *


The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]

St. Germain HB No. 888

Abstract: Provides for identification of saltwater fish including garfish and sharks.

Present law requires all saltwater finfish, except garfish and swordfish, possessed by a commercial or a recreational fisherman to have the head and caudal fin intact until onshore.

Proposed law authorizes garfish possessed by a recreational or a commercial fisherman to have the head and caudal fin removed but requires retention of a strip of skin sufficient to identify the fish.

Proposed law prohibits the possession of a shark fin aboard a vessel unless it is still attached to the shark carcass. Authorizes the removal of a shark's head as long as the carcass exceeds the legal minimum size, but requires that all fins remain intact.

(Amends R.S. 56:325.2(A) and 326(E)(1)(a))

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CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored are additions.