2001 Fall Awards
SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AUTHORITY 1 2001 - FALL CYCLE GRANT AWARDS APPLICANT / PROGRAM AWARD NON-PROFIT Ballet Quad Cities 39,200 Bringing "Salute to the Quad Cities" to Iowa audiences Center for Active Seniors 30,000 Redecoration of main hall & public areas Community Health Care, Inc. 25,000 Parking lot & landscaping for newly renovated Dental Building Davenport East Pony League 7,500 Tractor DeLaCerda House, Inc. 2,700 Parking pad & floor refinishing Ecumenical Housing Development Group, Inc. 26,500 New windows for multiple locations & rehabilitation of 1018 W. 6th Street Edgerton Women's Health Center 8,300 Stork's Nest - incentive vouchers for participants Edgerton Women’s Health Center 14,496 Upgrade of "Medical Manager" billing & information system Friendly House 30,000 Acoustical ceiling tile & floor covering for gymnasium Garden Growers (The) 3,600 Build raised garden beds for Goose Hollow Garden Generations Area Agency on Aging 17,795 Family Caregiver Support Kits Generations Area Agency on Aging 19,320 Plates & trays for elderly home delivered & congregate meals Genesis Health Services 6,048 Hope Dental Clinic Gospel Sound Promotions 5,000 Quad City Gospel Music Festival Handicapped Development Center 33,463 Document & film duplicators Humane Society of Scott County 4,813 Training, shelter equipment & animal care equipment 11/26/01 SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AUTHORITY 2 2001 - FALL CYCLE GRANT AWARDS APPLICANT / PROGRAM AWARD Humility of Mary Housing, Inc. 20,996 Window replacement for 8 apartments Interfaith Housing Ltd. 32,000 Rehabilitation of East 6th Street facility John Lewis Coffee Shop, Inc. 31,628 Energy efficiency improvements for shelter/transitional housing Meal Service of Scott County, Inc.
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