A Nnual Report

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A Nnual Report SANBI Biodiversity for Life i AnnualReport INSTITUTE BIODIVERSITY NATIONAL AFRICAN SOUTH SANBI Biodiversity for Life For submission in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, No. 1 of 1999 August 2011 ISSN 0121-7460 We acknowledge the photographic contributions of SANBI staff, fellow researchers and conservationists with appreciation. Copies of this report are available from: SANBI Private Bag X7, Claremont, 7735 Tel: 021 799 8800 • Fax: 021 762 3229 or Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 843 5000 • Fax: 012 804 3211 Visit our website at www.sanbi.org Compiled and edited by Liesa Jossel www.madeplain.co.za Designed by David Davidson www.davidsdesign.co.za Printed by Shumani Print World on recycled paper SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL SANBI BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE Biodiversity for Life ANNUAL REPORT 2010|11 SOME USEFUL Acronyms ABRD Applied Biodiversity Research Division IDP Integrated Development Plan BCSD Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development IYB International Year of Biodiversity BGCI Botanic Gardens Conservation International M & E Monitoring and Evaluation BGIS Biodiversity Geographic Information System MoA Memorandum of Agreement BHCD Biodiversity Human Capital Development MoU Memorandum of Understanding BHCDS Biodiversity Human Capital Development Strategy NAMBAF Namakwa Biodiversity Advisory Forum BIM Biodiversity Information Management Directorate NBA National Biodiversity Assessment BotSoc Botanical Society of South Africa NBG National Botanical Garden CAPE Cape Action for People and the Environment NDF non detriment findings CBO Community Based Organisation NEHAWU National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (South Africa) CCBA Climate Change and Bioadaptation Division NEMBA National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act CFR Cape Floristic Region NEMPAA National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora NFEPA National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas CoCT City of Cape Town NRF National Research Foundation CoJ City of Johannesburg NRM Natural Resource Management COP Conference of the Parties NWCS National Wetland Classification System CREW Custodians for Rare and Endangered Wildflowers OHS Occupational Health and Safety DEA Department of Environmental Affairs PES Payment for Ecosystem Services DEA & DP Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning POSA Plants of Southern Africa DG Director General PRECIS PRE (code for National Herbarium, Pretoria) Computer Information System DHE Department of Higher Education SABIF South African Biodiversity Information Facility DoA Department of Agriculture SAEOL South African Encyclopaedia of Life DPW Department of Public Works SAEON South African Earth Observation Network DST Department: Science and Technology (South Africa) SANBI South African National Biodiversity Institute DWA Department of Water Affairs SATOL South African Tree of Life EAP Employee Assistance Programme SDF Spatial Development Framework ECPB Eastern Cape Parks Board SEDA Small Enterprise Development Agency ECPTA Eastern Cape Parks & Tourism Agency SETA Sector Education and Training Authority EIA Environmental Impact Assessment SK Succulent Karoo EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme SKEP Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility SUPAR Sustainable Use and Protection Agricultural Resources GCP Gardens Conservation Programme TMF Table Mountain Fund GDARD Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development TOPS Threatened or Protected Species GEF Global Environment Facility UNEP-WCMC United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring HCD Human Capital Development Centre HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individual WRC Water Research Commission HRD Human Resources Development WWD World Wetlands Day IAIAsa International Association for Impact Assessment (South Africa) WWF-SA World Wildlife Fund-South Africa SANBI Biodiversity for Life Our Vision, Mission and Values 1 Report of the Chairperson 2 Report of the Chief Executive Officer 3 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Understanding biodiversity and bio-adaptation to climate change through research 5 Creating models for integrated biodiversity management 9 Conserving biodiversity through our National Botanical Gardens 13 Providing policy advice and support to government 15 Building capacity and sharing information 18 Developing effective systems and processes and building our human resources 22 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 25 Partners 46 Contents Donors 47 Branches, Divisions and Directorates 48 Organogram 49 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 50 Statement of Responsibility of the Board 50 Report of the Accounting Authority 51 Corporate Governance Statement 53 Report of the Audit Committee 57 Report of the Auditor-General 58 Annual Financial Statements 60 Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 65 Materiality and Significance Framework 104 OUR Mandate SANBI’s mandate comes from the (h) must establish, maintain, protect and preserve (ii) the identification of bioregions and the contents collections of plants in national botanical gardens and of any bioregional plans; National Environmental in herbaria; (iii) other aspects of biodiversity planning; (i) may establish, maintain, protect and preserve (iv) the management and conservation of biological Management Biodiversity Act collections of animals and micro-organisms in diversity; and appropriate enclosures; No. 10 of 2004: (v) the sustainable use of indigenous biological (j) must collect, generate, process, coordinate and resources; disseminate information about biodiversity and the Section 11. Functions (q) on the Minister’s request, must advise him or her sustainable use of indigenous biological resources on the declaration and the management of, and (1) The Institute and establish and maintain databases in this regard; development in, national protected areas; (a) must monitor and report regularly to the Minister on (k) must allow, regulate or prohibit access by the public (r) must perform any other duties (i) the status of the Republic’s biodiversity to national botanical gardens, herbaria and other (i) assigned to it in terms of this Act; or (ii) the conservation status of all listed threatened or places under the control of the Institute and supply (ii) as may be prescribed. protected species and listed ecosystems; and plants, information, meals or refreshments or render (2) When the Institute in terms of subsection (1) gives advice (iii) the status of all listed invasive species; other services to visitors; on a scientific matter, it may consult any appropriate (b) must monitor and report regularly to the Minister on (l) must undertake and promote research on organ of state or other institution which has expertise in the impact of any genetically modified organism that indigenous biodiversity and the sustainable use of that matter. has been released into the environment including indigenous biological resources; 48. (3) The Institute must the impact on non-target organisms and ecological (m) must coordinate and implement programmes for (a) assist the Minister and others involved in the processes, indigenous biological resources and the (i) the rehabilitation of ecosystems; and preparation of the National Biodiversity Framework, a biological diversity of species used for agriculture; (ii) the prevention, control or eradication of listed bioregional plan or a biodiversity management plan (c) must act as an advisory and consultative body on invasive species; to comply with subsection (1); and matters relating to biodiversity to organs of state and (n) must coordinate programmes to involve civil society in (b) make recommendations to organs of state or other biodiversity stakeholders; (i) the conservation and sustainable use of municipalities referred to in subsection (2); align (d) must coordinate and promote the taxonomy of indigenous biological resources; and their plans referred to in that subsection with the South Africa’s biodiversity; National Biodiversity Framework and any applicable (ii) the rehabilitation of ecosystems; (e) must manage, control and maintain all national bioregional plan. (o) on the Minister’s request, must assist him or her botanical gardens; 60. (2) The Institute must provide logistical, administrative in the performance of duties and the exercise of and financial support for the proper functioning of (f) must manage, control and maintain powers assigned to the Minister in terms of this Act; (i) herbaria; and the scientific authority. (p) on the Minister’s request, must advise him or her on (ii) collections of dead animals that may exist; any matter regulated in terms of this Act, including (g) must establish facilities for horticulture display, (i) the implementation of this Act and any environmental education, visitor amenities and international agreements affecting biodiversity research; which are binding on the Republic; Biodiversity richness for all South Africans OUR 1 Ukunotha kweZemvelo (Biodiversity) kwabo Vision bonke abantu baseNingizimu neAfrika Biodiversity richness for all South Africans. Bohumi bja hlago go ma-Afrika Borwa OUR ’n Biodiversiteitsrykdom vir alle Mission To champion the exploration, conservation, sustainable use, Suid-Afrikaners appreciation and enjoyment of South Africa’s exceptionally rich Upfumesa ha thangalelano ya zwitshilaho biodiversity for all people. swa va-Africa Tshipembe OUR Values Ubuntu – Harnessing, caring, sharing and being at one with all creation Growth – Nurturing
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