Resource List The list of Multi-lateral Organizations Global Compact is comprised of international organizations working with both governments and The Global Compact is based on a set of COMPILED BY ADINA MATISOFF NGOs to alleviate economic, social, values and guidelines for businesses in INTERNATIONAL TRADE and environmental problems worldwide. the areas of labor standards, human rights AND CORPORATE SOCIAL These links give an indication of the and environmental practices. These RESPONSIBILITY extent of dialogue between China and the values, called the “Nine Principles,” are The following is a list of Internet interna-tional community, as well as the rooted in the standards of the International resources relating to corporate social extensive reports published by multi-lateral Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration of responsibility and human rights and organi-zations such as the United Nations Fundamental Principles and Rights of environmental issues, with an emphasis Deve-lopment Programme and the Workers, the International Declaration of on China. A resource list of this scope World Bank. Human Rights and the Rio Declaration. is of particular value for understanding The Global Compact’s main goal is the issues arising from China’s entry into to promote “good corporate citizenship” the WTO in 2001. The rapid increase in PERFORMANCE STANDARDS among global participants. Chinese-foreign joint ventures, as well as AND MEASUREMENT GUIDELINES investment in Chinese companies and Global Reporting Initiative the use of Chinese labor, requires greater (AA1000Series) (GRI) Guidelines effort to ensure adherence to domestic and international laws, the setting of Provides an assurance standard that A set of globally applicable guidelines performance standards and guidelines to reports which private corporations used by multi-stakeholders to judge a protect against abuses, and effective make public are an even-handed corporation’s economic, environmental, monitoring by multi-lateral and non- representation and truly accurate. Based and social impact on sustainability issues. governmental groups. on the five principles of completeness, The goal of the guidelines is to raise The Internet links are divided into responsiveness, relevance, evidence the standard of four categories: Performance Standards and accessibility, the AA1000 Assurance practices by utilizing businesses, and and Measurement Guides, Non- Series is used to help companies accountancy, human rights, environmental, Governmental Organizations, Law, and understand and improve their social and labor and governmental organizations. Multi-lateral Organizations. ethical performance. The list of Performance Standards Global Sullivan Principles and Measurement Guide are principles and Caux Round Table guidelines not ratified by governments, Stemming from the 1977 “Sullivan but considered to be industry standards The Caux Round Table is a network of Principles for South Africa,” these and best practices. They include the Global international senior business leaders principles are a blueprint for economic, Compact, the Global Sullivan Principles, who are committed to finding equitable, social and political justice in the and the ILO Declaration of Fundamental fair solutions to key global issues practices of hiring, training, and work- Principles and Rights at Work, among through ethical business leadership. The place tolerance. others. Also in this section are various Round Table advocates implementation of performance standard tools for self- the Caux Round Table Principles for ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles monitoring business and labor practices. Business through which sustainable and and Rights at Work (1998) Non-Governmental Organizations in- socially responsible prosperity can emerge cludes links to private organizations as the foundation for a fair, free and standards/index.htm monitoring environmental, labor, human transparent society. The Round Table has The conventions outlined in this document rights and corporate responsibility published many position papers on concern topics such as forced labor, issues within China and in relevant globalization issues. freedom of association and protection of international sectors. the right to organize, the right to organize The Law section provides links to China Capacity-Building Project: and collectively bargain, equal relevant international treaties and cove- Occupational Health and Safety remuneration, abolition of forced labor, nants signed and ratified by China, or discrimination, minimum age of workers, which China has demonstrated a willing- This report, published in May 2002 by the workers with family responsibilities, the ness to sign. These are documents to Maquiladora Health and Safety Support worst forms of child labor, and the rights of which all ratifying countries can be held Network, details a two-year project in indigenous and tribal peoples. accountable. Covenants and treaties China to train shoe industry workers in the cover the rights of women, children, areas of health and safety. The project Secretary of State 2002 Awards workers and minorities, as well as pro- included a needs assessment, formation for Corporate Excellence tecting against racial, religious, ethnic of a coordinating committee, and training and economic discrimination. of employees. 14071.htm assessment ofChina. United States.Itisamodelforfuture South Africa,Thailand,Ugandaand the India,Indonesia,Mexico, Hungary, assesses ninepilotcountries:Chile, and heldaccountable.Thereport maybemeasured record environmental bywhichagovernment’s standards andasanexampleofthe governance as anexplanationofenvironmental serves Institute.Thisreport Resources WorldProgramme, BankandWorld UnitedNationsEnvironmental Programme, by theUnitedNationsDevelopment 2003 inFebruary forthcoming A report ?PubID=3764 V Balance, “Decisions fortheEarth: W with AA1000andGRIguidelines. compatible Theseguidelinesare groups. within steeringandstakeholder as wellawidevarietyoforganizations partners, experiences ofitsorganizational the takenfrom The guidelinesare r guidelines, whichdealwithissues The pilotversiondevelopedasetof for Management(SIGMA) Sustainability IntegratedGuidelines SA8000certified. world thatare the a listoffacilitiesinChinaandaround auditors.Thiswebsitecontains accredited independent, compliance through includes allkeylaborrightsandcertifies forworkplacepracticesthat A standard (SA8000) Social Accountability8000 inChina. services healtheducationand products, for itsworkindeliveringhealthcare anditssubsidiariesinChina Maryland, ofBethesda, Chindex International and integrityinbusiness. the qualitiesofconscience,character companiesshouldpossess Exemplary inter-national businesspractices. out-standing corporatecitizenshipand of StatetoU.S.companiesdisplaying A egarding management ofsustainability.egarding oice andPower” wards given by United States Secretary givenbyUnitedStatesSecretary wards orld Resources 2002-2004, orld Resources The 2002 Award was presented to waspresented The 2002Award on thewebsite.It alsoacontributorto Fast Tracked inChina”andcanbefound EmissionsTrading“Orient Express: Gets isdescribed inthereport This program highlevelsofacidrain. aimed toreduce inaprogram with theChinesegovernment teamed Defense iscurrently Environmental abanonthepesticideDDT.creating hasbeensuccessful in organization theworld.Inpast, people around water, healthyfoodandecosystemsto health andoceanstobringcleanair ofbiodiversity,areas climatechange, Defenseconcentratesonthe Environmental problems. environmental most pressing solutionstotheworld’s law toformulate Combines science,economicsandthe home.cfm Defense Environmental conduct point codeofenvironmental endorsing theCERESPrinciples,aten- and medium-sizedcompanies,have multinationalstosmall companies, from than70 More for asustainablefuture. workingtogether and communitygroups advisors andanalysts,publicinterest investors, groups, including environmental than80organizations network ofmore The CERESCoalitionisaU.S.-based Economics (CERES) Responsible Center forEnvironmentally Company, andSCJohnsonWax. StarbucksCoffee Service, States Parcel includeUnited benefits. Suchpartnerships while yieldingsubstantialbusiness performance theirenvironmental improve W alliance/ Innovation The AllianceforEnvironmental Environment overlapping areas. However, manyNGOsoftenworkin missionstatements. their primary and CorporateResponsibilitybasedon Labor,Environment, HumanRights dividedintofourcategories: NGOs are ORGANIZATIONS NON-GOVERNMENTAL orks cooperativelywithcompaniesto being ofpeopletoday andinthefuture. and economicdevelopmentthe well- The IISDiscommittedtoenvironmental Development (IISD) InstituteforSustainable International availableonthewebsite. and deforestation theplasticsindustry on Chinaconcerning andprojects systems. TheIIEDhasreports andfood mining, thepaperindustry ofconcentrationare Some specificareas networking, educationandadvocacy. policystudies, research, levels through changeonallpolicy development toaffect The IIEDworksinthefieldofsustainable and Development(IIED) InstituteforEnvironment International sustainable development. maximize theircontributiontoachieving goalsand social, andenvironmental and worldstakeholderstoaligneconomic, as actingaliaisonbetweenindustries sustainabledevelopment,aswell promote develop,and metal industriestoarticulate, ICMM workswiththeworld’sminingand Metals (ICMM) CouncilonMiningand International well ashaltingChina’snucleartesting. as DamProject, Gorges to stoptheThree campaignswithinChinaare Greenpeace mental policies.Someofthemajor theirenviron- corporations toimprove and governments gradation andpressuring de- campaigning againstenvironmental watchdogorganization is anenvironmental International Founded in1971,Greenpeace International Greenpeace measurable goalsforrecovery.” management strategiesandestablishes thatmandatesproactive sector process asystemic,multi- through social problems and dedicated to“solveenvironmental with localandnationalgovernments”, “A successfulmodelofNGOcollaborations Plans Green impacts ofglobalclimatechange. signsandlocal which detailsearlywarning the,

REGULAR FEATURES 95 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO.1, 2003 They write policy recommendations on and the people living in and around them World Conservation Union (IUCN) international trade and investment, since 1985. They focus on education, local economic policy, climate change, measure- organizing and peaceful direct action. The World Conservation Union partners ments and indicators, and natural resource One of their largest campaigns is targeted with government agencies, NGOs, management. Many of their programs at Citigroup for their involvement in funding scientists and experts from 181 countries center on research and capacity-building in the Three Gorges Dam Project with the to influence, encourage and assist developing countries. The most recent China Development Bank. societies throughout the world to take care report available is “Trade and Sustain- of the environment and utilize ecosystems ability: Challenges and Opportunities for Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) in a way that ensures that any use of China as a WTO Member,” released in natural resources is equitable and November 2002. SVTC is diverse grassroots coalition that ecologically sustainable. The IUCN has for almost twenty years has engaged in worked in China to create a regional action International Petroleum Industry research, advocacy, and organizing plan for administering protected areas. Environmental Conservation Association associated with environmental and human The focus has primarily been on protecting (IPIECA) health problems caused by the rapid the tropical and subtropical forests growth of the high-tech electronics of China. IPIECA is a voluntary non-profit industry. Their goal in addressing these organization comprised of both petroleum problems is to advance environmental World Resources Institute (WRI) companies and associations at the sustainability and clean production in the national, regional or international levels. industry and to improve health, promote WRI is an environmental think tank that IPIECA’s mission is to develop and promote justice, and ensure democratic decision- uses scientific research, economic scientifically sound, cost-effective, practical, making for communities and workers analysis, and real-life experience to find socially and economically acceptable affected by the high-tech revolution in practical ways to protect the earth and solutions to global environmental issues Silicon Valley and other high-tech areas improve people's lives. World Resources pertaining to the petroleum industry. of the US and the world. Institute provides information, ideas, and In pursuing this mission, IPIECA works in solutions to global environmental cooperation with industry, government, United States Agency for problems. The institute educates about regulatory bodies, international agencies, International Development, climate change, environmental policy, academia and non-governmental organ- US-Asia Environmental Partnership danger to ecosystems and sustainability izations to address global environmental (USAEP) to motivate public and private action on issues related to the petroleum industry, these issues. WRI projects include finding including oil spill preparedness and re- The USAEP is a public-private initiative a sustainable transportation strategy in sponse, global climate change, biodiversity, under the auspices of USAID to bring envi- Dalian, and reports on China’s health fuel quality and emissions, human health ronmental sustainability to Asian countries. and environment. and urban air quality management. Its goal is a “clean revolution” in Asia by creating more resource-efficient projects World Wildlife Fund (WWF)’s Climate International Rivers Network (IRN) and cutting pollution. The USAEP is Saver involved with government and industry in IRN was established in 1985 as a both Hong Kong and Taiwan, involved in headline.cfm?newsid=105 nonprofit all-volunteer organization of projects such as waste management The WWF focuses on protecting and activists experienced in fighting economic- and infrastructure. saving endangered species, as well as ally, environmentally, and socially unsound determining global threats. The WWF works river intervention projects. IRN monitors World Business Council closely with the parks department in and critiques the policies of financial for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) China to establish and maintain protected institutions including the World Bank and areas. WWF’s China reports focus on provide substantial analysis and recom- WBCSD, formed in January 1995 through topics such as southern subtropical mendations for reforming their practices. a merger between the Business Council evergreen forests, northern plain decidu- IRN is currently focusing their efforts on for Sustainable Development (BCSD) ous forests, studies on the South China encouraging international financial in Geneva and the World Industry Council Sea, and endangered species. companies and institutions to consider the for the Environment (WICE) in Paris, is harmful environmental and social impacts a coalition of 160 international companies of the Three Gorges project in China. from more than 30 countries and 20 major Labor industrial sectors. The WBCSD council Rainforest Action Network (RAN) holds annual meetings where business Asian Monitor Resource Center (AMRC) leaders can analyze, debate and exchange The Rainforest Action Network has been experiences on all aspects of sustain- Focusing on Asian labor concerns, the working to protect the world’s rainforests able development. main purpose of the group is to promote r outside it.TheCLBhasup-to-date byworkerswhoorganize information T All-ChinaFederation of the official ontheactivitiesof public information independent tradeunionismandmake Hong Kongandattemptstopromote The CLBwasestablishedin1994 China LabourBulletin(CLB) T Beijing, Guangzhou,HongKong,Shanghai, in Labor Association.Itholdsoffices andtheFair Accountability International bodies,includingSocial 30 accreditation by the laborindustries.BVQIisaccredited companiesin tointernational certificates workingtogive credible firm accreditation management party BVQI isathird (BVQI) VeritasBureau QualityInternational sweatshop labor. Disney andtheGaptoenduseof Nike,Reebok, campaigns havetargeted sweatshops. major corporationstostopusing andleadscampaignstopressure industry, conditions ofworkersintheclothing It focusesattentiononthedeplorable workers. who fightfortherightsofsweatshop leaders,andstudents workers, religious byanallianceofclothing sponsored r newsmagazine andon-linecommunitythat isamultimedia labor movements. Asian to thepubliconissueseffecting r China.Thewebsiteprovides Southern Enterprises (SOEs)andmigrantworkersin inChina’sStateOwned included layoffs has solidarity andeducation.Pastresearch gender equality, , labor withattentionto issue-based programs or project publication workandrunning work, management,research information functions includedocumentationand inAsia.TheAMRC’s organizations independent anddemocraticlabor eports on worker protests throughout on worker protests eports It is ontheglobalclothingindustry. eports booksandpublicationsavailable eports, aipei, andQingdao. rade Unions.Italsoseekstopublish , and serves as asource Code ofConduct, andserves incompliancewiththe companies are that independent monitors,certifies the the world.TheFLAaccredits principal contractorsandsuppliers around labor practices,aswellthoseof their companies publiclyaccountablefor their independent monitoringsystemthatholds setsthepathforan The agreement code ofconductandmonitoringsystem. isan industry-wide Agreement FLA Charter theworld.The United Statesandaround therightsofworkersin to protect established organization FLA isanonprofit The FairLaborAssociation(FLA) labor rights. health andsafety, laborconditionsand and sweatshops,examiningworker on theendingofchildlabor, labor forced ETIfocuses forethicalsourcing. standard a codeofconductforgoodlaboras implementationof trade unionspromoting multinational corporations,NGOsand The ETIisaU.K.-basedallianceof Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) migrant workers. workers, homeworkersand for garment workingconditions ities aimedatimproving campaigns andotheractiv- coordinates andactivists.TheCCC arity groups solid- researchers, rights organizations, trade unions,humanrightsandwomen autonomous consumerorganizations, coalition of CCC isaninternational Clean ClothesCampaign(CCC) labor issues. attentiontoChina’s draw international theirrightsand workers regarding in 1997ChinatoeducateChinese network oflaboractivistsestablished living conditions.CLW a stemsfrom intheirworkingand for improvements rights ofChineseworkersandpressing 2000 forthepurposeofdefending CLW wasestablishedinNewYork in China LaborWatch (CLW) of laboractivists. anddetentions China, aswellarrests ICEM-A/P istheICEM divisioninAsia, management. with corporateheadquarters any allegedviolationsoftheagreements these andotherissues,tovoice on companies' globalperformance ICEM anditsmemberunionstomonitor bysecuringtherightof standards uniform international aim istoensure andequalityatwork.The environment, union rights,health,safetyand issues includetrade Some ofthelarger multinational companiesandsectors. negotiate onaglobalscalewith The mainfunctionoftheICEMisto (ICEM) Energy, MineandGeneralWorkers Unions FederationofChemical, The International Hong Kong. 23in tothefightoverArticle the Northeast in workers’protests in Chinarangefrom ofTrade UnionRights.Campaigns Survey calledthe and putsoutanannualreport ayear ICFTU alsopublishesseveralreports globalization amongotheractivities.The of andmonitor theeffects standards, against childlabor, tradeandlabor ensure campaigns anddirect unions organize with.Theselabor itisaffiliated country independentlaborunionsineach to create theworldstriving throughout organizations The ICFTUisanassociationof Unions (ICFTU) I r monitoringfactoriesinHongKong currently invested factoriesinChina.TheCICis conditions ofworkersinHongKong- policychange,andmonitoring promoting independenttradeunions, promoting empoweringworkers, service, direct includeadvocacy, workers. CICservices working forlaborrightsofindustrial The CICisafaith-basedorganization (CIC) Hong KongChristianIndustrialCommittee andVerite. Serveillance Kenan InstituteAsia,SocieteGeneraldu Testing Services, Compliance, Veritas,China: Bureau GlobalSocial 6monitoringcompaniesin accredited forthepublic.TheFLAhas of information nternational Confederation of Free Trade ConfederationofFree nternational un byMattel,McDonald’sandDisney.

REGULAR FEATURES 97 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO.1, 2003 which has working relations with the of sweatshop conditions in the global rights to physical and mental integrity, Chinese union. garment industry, including a living wage freedom of conscience and expression, and safe working conditions. The coalition and freedom from discrimination. AI’s International Organization of Employers is made up of various labor, community, China office runs numerous campaigns in (IOE) civil rights, immigrant rights, women’s China and is especially outspoken about rights, religious and student organizations, the release of political prisoners and The IOE is an international organization of and individuals who believe those who freedom of expression. A list of stories and employers from 131 countries who benefit most from the exploitation of reports about China can be found at: represent the interests of business in the sweatshop workers must be held labor and social policy fields and acts as a accountable. Sweatshop Watch campaigns china?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&Exp bridge between the employer point of view that are focused against companies who andall. and all United Nations agencies and other have sweatshops in China include Disney international organizations. It is especially and Levi’s. The group also publishes Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) vocal in the International Labour reports on the conditions of sweatshop Organization (ILO), and is crucial in workers in China. The AHRC was established in 1986 by ensuring that international labor and social jurists and human rights activists to raise policy is feasible for the employer in the United Students Against Sweatshops human rights awareness in Asian developing world and those countries in (USAS) countries. Through mobilizing public transition to the market economy. The IOE opinion on human rights concerns, the organization in China is the Chinese USAS/ AHRC pressures governments to end Enterprise Confederation. An international coalition of student groups violations of civil and political rights, as taking action against international well as economic, social and cultural The National Labor Committee companies who are allegedly in violation of rights. The AHRC sponsored the Asian environmental or social standards. The Human Rights Charter, a declaration of NLC was founded in 1981 as a labor-based group conducts boycotts and educational rights for people in Asian countries, and organization committed to opposing the campaigns toward sweatshop-free labor has focused attention on Hong Kong and U.S. government's interventionist policies conditions and workers’ rights. Article 23. in the Central American region. With head- quarters in New York and offices in Central Women Working Worldwide (WWW) Business and Human Rights Resource America and Bangladesh, the NLC has in Centre recent years expanded its focus to address The WWW works with women worker the economic issues that are shaping con- organizations around the world to support The U.K.-based Resource Centre is an ditions for democracy and social justice, women worker’s rights in the textile, independent international NGO established particularly trade policy, job exports, and garment and electronic industries. Efforts in 2002 in a collaborative partnership with international labor standards. The focus on providing educational material, Amnesty International and leading Committee undertakes public education, networking with global women’s unions, academic institutions. The Centre's research and social activism to support organizing meetings of women’s groups, website includes an online library covering worker movements in Asia, Africa and the representing the rights of women, and more than 50 topics, 160 countries, and Americas. fundraising. They are currently working with 150 industry sectors. The website also Labour Behind the Label to investigate provides links to a wide range of materials Social Accountability International (SAI) worker’s rights in garment industry subcon- published by companies, NGOs, tracting chains in Hong Kong. governments, intergovernmental SAI creates and implements independent organizations, journalists and academics, workplace quality standards for companies and includes reports of corporate in the labor industries. It accredits Human Rights misconduct as well as positive examples of qualified organizations to verify compliance "best practice." with and understanding of such standards Amnesty International worldwide. Besides the creation of the Human Rights in China (HRIC) SA8000 performance standard, SAI also Amnesty International is a worldwide runs conferences, trains and certifies network promoting internationally HRIC is an international non-governmental accreditation organizations, and presents recognized human rights. Their work is organization founded by Chinese scientists awards to labor industry companies. rooted in the ideals of the Universal and scholars in March 1989. The Declaration of Human Rights and other organization promotes universally Sweatshop Watch international human rights standards. Its recognized human rights and advances the primary function is to research and carry institutional protection of these rights in Sweatshop Watch is a coalition of various out action focused on preventing and China. HRIC publishes information, interest groups fighting for the elimination ending the most serious abuses of the empowers activism, educates the victims ofhuman rightsabuses,and educating abouthumanrights,protecting group Human Rights.Itisanon-partisan in TheUniversalDeclarationof proclaimed humanrightsas toprotect agency created Founded in1922,FIDHisaFrance-based (FIDH) FederationofHumanRights International published in2001. T the DevelopmentofSurveillance “China’s GoldenShield:Corporationsand inChinaentitled ontheInternet a report Rights andDemocracyhasmadeavailable institutions mainlyindevelopingcountries. r focuson theworld.Programs around defends humanrightsanddemocracy advocatesand thatpromotes, organization ICHRDD isanindependentCanadian Also knownasRightsandDemocracy, Democratic Development(ICHRDD) CenterforHumanRightsand International Against theFalunGong”. Meditation:China’sCampaign “Dangerous China”,and inNortheast Unrest the MaoEra”,“PayingPrice:Worker inChinaToday anditsOriginsin Psychiatry Minds:Political “Dangerous on Chinaare reports HRW worldwide. Themostrecent thehumanrights community tosupport enlists thepublicandinternational r hold powertoendabusivepracticesand andthosewho challenges governments abusers accountable,aswell callsforholding theworld.HRW around and exposinghumanrightsviolations monitoring organization, non-governmental Human RightsWatch isanindependent, Human RightsWatch (HRW) humanrightsissuesinthePRC. current publicationof HRIC’squarterly Forum, law inpractice”,aswellChinaRights andChina’scriminalprocedure protections humanrights “Empty Promises: migrantsinChina’smajorcities”, internal Exclusion: thetenuouslegalstatusof publications include“Institutionalized human rightsinChina.Themostrecent communityandadvocatesfor international einforcing lawsanddemocratic einforcing humanrightslaw.espect international It echnology in China” by Greg Walton,echnology inChina”byGreg Chinese legalsystem. withinthe China focusingoncorruption in initiated afour-yearRuleofLawproject andcorporations.TIhas governments tions, andmonitorscomplianceby and multi-lateralconven- policy reform ITeducates,advocatesfor corruption. r and corruption tional levelstoprevent TI worksonbothnationalandinterna- T law.” criminalprocedure China’s revised Ananalysisof and OpeningtoReform? Independence,” and“DefenseofRights “Lawyers inChina:Obstaclesto CriminalCode,” analysis ofChina’srevised “Wrongs andRights:Ahumanrights LCHRpublicationsare recent crimes. Three accountability fortheworsthumanrights systemofjusticeand international strong for workers'rightsandhelpingbuilda safeguards economic practicesbycreating r r change atthelocallevel,protecting andpeaceful fight forbasicfreedoms r r forthe violations andadvocatingrespect tionally indefendingcasesofhumanrights The LCHRworksintheU.S.andinterna- (LCHR) Lawyers CommitteeforHumanRights NGOs. as linkstovariousinternational ratificationsaswell and individualcountry onUnitedNationsCovenants information TheISHRwebsiteholds procedures. and United Nationsproceedings NGOsabout isinforming ofexpertise areas Oneofits andprotection. logistical support and strategic advice,informational training, suchasreports, services invaluable defenders andNGOs.Itprovides forhumanrights The ISHRisaresource (ISHR) forHumanRights Service International 2008 BeijingOlympicsinChina. inconnectionwiththe the environment campaigns focusesonhumanrightsand OneofFIDH’smostvocal liberties. theviolationoffundamental preventing eform the systems that create andfoster thesystemsthatcreate eform fair aswellpromoting epression, persecutionand efugees inflightfrom humanrightsactivistswho epresenting ule oflaw. Examplesoftheirworkinclude ransparency International (TI) International ransparency BSR is a global nonprofit organization that organization BSR isaglobalnonprofit Business forSocialResponsibility (BSR) Airlines. Eastern clients includeBaosteelandChina BSIPacific’slatest the Chinaregion. to andtrainingservices certification Shanghai andTaiwan thatoffer Kong, Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Beijing, inHong series. BSIPacifichasoffices the ISO9000managementsystem and businessinAsiancompaniesusing ofindustry andefficiency effectiveness the Systems, whichstrivestoimprove ofBSIManagement BSI Pacificispart News+Room/bsi-asia.xalter BSI Pacific for Taiwan.” Management SystemsinChina”and“SRI Legislationand “Environmental onChinainclude reports Future waspublishedinDecember2002. Frost Investment Challenge”byDr. Stephen inChina,The Businessand Standards “Labour Asian countries.Thereport andholdsworkshopsin reports country tomembers,butalsopublishes services thatnotonlyprovides web-based resource community investing.ASrIAisaprimarily engagement,and shareholder screening, thatfocusesonportfolio organization Itisamembership Pacific region. investingintheAsia mentally responsible sociallyandenviron- ASrIA promotes Responsible InvestmentinAsia(ASrIA) Association forSustainableand manufacturing inChina. Gap, twocompaniescurrently Sow hasfocusedonMcDonald’sandthe in dialoguewithU.S.corporations.AsYou investors ofsociallyconcerned interests forthe CSRP actsasarepresentative Corporate SocialResponsibilityProgram. the policies atcompaniesthrough socialandenvironmental progressive r corporatesocial dedicated topromoting As You organization Sowisanon-profit As You Sow Corporate Responsibility esponsibility. Itsmissionistopromote

REGULAR FEATURES 99 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO.1, 2003 strives to help member companies realize investment, purchase, and career WCF works closely with multilateral aid commercial success that is in line with decisions. organizations, like the World Bank Group ethical values and protects communities and the United Nations Development and the environment. BSR works with both Foundation Partnership on Corporate Programme (UNDP), on capacity building single companies and multiple industries Responsibility (FCPR) projects in developing countries. It also to develop models and leadership provides services such as the International practices. In March 2002, BSR held FCPR is an association of foundations Court on Arbitration. The purpose of this workshops on labor practices and working to link grantmaking values with UN-business cooperation is to assist standards and corporate social respon- their investments to promote greater social chambers from developing countries in sibility issues for suppliers in Shanghai. responsibility of corporations. FCPR fac- developing sustainable business services. ilitates and provides technical ass-istance Center for Reflection, Education and to foundations that want to be more active International Federation of Consulting Action, INC. (CREA) in social and environmental issues. Engineers (FIDIC) CREA is a faith-based social and economic Global Ethics Monitor FIDIC represents the international research, education and action business interests of suppliers of organization that uses the Purchasing bin/afx.gem?page=0 engineering and technology-based Power Index (PPI), a multi-cultural way of Continuously updated corporate respon- consulting services for the built and natural measuring the purchasing power of wages, sibility news provided by the French news environment. The member firms of each to determine sustainable living wages in agency Agence France-Presse. national association comply with FIDIC’s any country. This living wage allows for Code of Ethics which calls for impartial basic food, clothing, shelter and education. Interfaith Center on Corporate advice, competence and fair competition One of the organization’s services is called Responsibility and endorse FIDIC's Policy Statements and CREA Focus, a service for investors and Statutes. The association’s values are in investment managers on how to carry-out ICCR is an association of 275 faith-based line with the Global Compact, which enable socially responsible investing. institutional investors, including national the business community "to accept and denominations, religious communities, uphold our responsibilities to society". The Conference Board pension funds, endowments, hospital corporations, economic development funds The International Road Transport Union The Conference Board, headquartered in and publishing companies. ICCR and its (IRU) New York and Brussels and with branch members press companies to be socially offices worldwide, is a global, independent and environmentally responsible. The ICCR The IRU represents the international road membership organization that creates and provides statistical and monitoring reports transport industry. It speaks for the disseminates knowledge about on companies investing in China. operators of coaches, taxis and trucks; management and the marketplace to help both in large business fleets and privately businesses strengthen their performance The International Business Leaders Forum owned small operations. The IRU serves as and better serve society. With hundreds of an advocate for the industry in dealing with member companies worldwide, the The International Business Leaders Forum all international bodies that make Conference Board conducts research, is an international educational charity set decisions affecting road transport. The IRU convenes conferences, makes forecasts, up by the Prince of Wales in 1990 to works to improve the safety record and assesses trends, publishes information promote responsible business practices, environmental performance of road and analysis, and brings executives particularly in new and emerging market transport and ensures the mobility of together to learn from one another. economies. The Forum's membership people and goods. consists of more than 65 leading CSRWire multinational companies representing a Investor Responsibility Research Center broad range of business sectors and world (IRRC) The U.S.-based Corporate Social regions, all having strong interests in Responsibility Newswire Service highlights developing or transition economies. The Founded in 1972, IRRC provides research the positive initiatives of companies forum has published a number of on corporate governance, proxy voting and through press release distribution, e-mail management primers and source books, corporate responsibility issues to more alerts, corporate reports, and event including Human rights: Is it any of your than 500 subscribers and clients promotion. CSRwire provides member business? and Business and Human representing institutional investors, companies and NGOs with access to a Rights: A geography of corporate risk. corporations, law firms and other targeted audience of investors, financial organizations. IRRC’s research, carried professionals, consumers, and employees International Chambers of Commerce out through more than 80 professional who consider corporate social respon- World Commerce Federation (WCF) staff in the U.S. and the U.K., enables sibility policies and practices in their clients to make informed, considered of workersorhealth andsafetyviolations VeritéWhere auditorsidentifyexploitation safe, fairandlegalworkingconditions. ensuring thatpeopleworldwidework under zation establishedin1995dedicated to organi- socialauditingand research profit V V andplantlocations. information in influentiallobbies,management conventions), financialdata,membership behavior (suchasviolationsofILO including theirsocialandenvironmental theworld, 9500 companiesaround on information comprehensive provides NGOestablishedin1999.It French T T T investinginstitutions. socially responsible linksto amounts. Thissitealsoprovides companiesbyinvestingsmall irresponsible r andsocially environmentally are encouraging investmentincompanieswho companies, and sociallyirresponsible environmentally investmentfrom diverting United Statesanddevelopingcountriesby communitydevelopmentinthe to support investing.SRI’saimis socially responsible SRI isapersonalfinancesitedealingwith Socially ResponsibleInvesting(SRI) humanrights. lending, andprotecting predatory sweatshops, globalwarming, rights. SAN’scampaignsfocuson r corporate others toencouragegreater financial advisors,SRImutualfunds,and link SIFmembers,institutionalinvestors, cooperation withCo-opAmerica,seeksto (SIF),in Social InvestmentForum advocacy.shareholder ofthe Aproject r andanalysistothesocially information asaclearinghouseof SAN serves action.cfm ActionNetwork(SAN) The Shareholder philosophies. theirinvestment decisions thatreflect esponsible, andinfluencingthepoliciesof esponsibility andenhanceshareholder esponsible investing(SRI)communityon ransnational Corporations Observatory, a ransnational CorporationsObservatory, ispublishedbythe erité isaU.S.-basedindependent, non- erite by China. been signedbutnotyetratified by 148countries,thiscovenanthas in1976andratified intoforce Entered b/a_ccpr.htm Political Rights(ICCPR)(1966) CovenantonCiviland International TREATIES ANDCOVENANTS LAW--INTERNATIONAL and worktofindsolutions. stakeholders withhumanrightsconcerns needs ofbusinessenterprisesandtheir betweentheconflicting find resolutions theworld.Theyseekto around standards business practiceswithhumanrights seekingtoaligntheir organizations andmultilateral governmental multinational companies,non- Y basedinNew WMI isaconsultinggroup W discussions. panel workshops andinterview-style of aninteractiveprogram through issues and industry global,regional crucial Davos, Switzerland,whichfocuseson WEF’s flagshipisitsannualmeetingin change.The constructive makers toeffect fordecision- aplatform issues andprovide leaderstoidentifystrategic and religious laborleaders,media,NGOs organizations, r withacademia,government in partnership of 1,000multinationalcompanies,works The WEF, fundedbythemembershipfees W forChina. been produced allofwhichhave in-depth issuereports, laborassessments,and digests, country r Its mental aspectsofglobalproduction. ing onworkingconditionsandtheenviron- focus- issuesofglobalsourcing, explores Verité'sprograms. Department Research andremediation ers, educationprograms tion oftrainingsformanagementandwork- acombina- themthrough steps tocorrect in theworkplace,itdevelopsconcrete epresentatives, international epresentatives, includelaborlaw products esearch ork City that provides expertise to expertise ork Citythatprovides orld MonitorsINC.(WMI) (WEF) orld EconomicForum minimum wage or salary forworkers of minimum wageor salary 1990. Thisconventionestablishes abasic ratified by156countries,including Chinain in1953bytheILOand intoforce Entered 1951) Equal RemunerationConvention(C100, (ILO) LabourOrganization International years old. the legalworkingageforaminorat16 sets CRC in1992.Thisdocumentofficially Chinaratifiedthe inhistory. instrument universally acceptedhumanrights 191 countries,thisconventionisthemost in1990andratifiedby intoforce Entered (CRC)(1989) Convention ontheRightsofChild to discrimination”basedonrace. discrimination andagainstanyincitement ofthelawagainstany protection entitledtoequal thelawandare before equal states that“allhumanbeingsare 160 countries,includingChinain1981.It in1969andratifiedby intoforce Entered b/e1cedaw.htm (CERD)(1969) ofRacialDiscrimination Forms The ConventionontheEliminationofAll principles. to enddiscriminationbasedonthese and setsguidelinesfornationalresponses well aseducation,healthandemployment right tovoteandstandforelection--as in, politicalandpubliclife--includingthe equal accessto,andopportunities women's This conventionseekstoensure 169 countries,includingChinain1980. in1981andratifiedby intoforce Entered b/e1cedaw.htm (CEDAW)(1979) ofDiscriminationAgainstWomenForms Convention ontheEliminationofAll by Chinain2001. 145 countries,thiscovenantwasratified in1976andratifiedby intoforce Entered b/a_cescr.htm (ICESCR)(1966) Social andCulturalRights CovenantonEconomic, International

REGULAR FEATURES 101 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO.1, 2003 countries who have ratified the conven- Established in 1919, The ILO specializes in the United Nations that works to help tion and sets guidelines for the dealing with the UN to promote social developing countries in their efforts to relationship between employer and justice and internationally recognized achieve sustainable human development. employee pertaining to discrimination human and labor rights. The international The UNDP designs and carries out and exploitation. labor standards are in the form of development programs targeted at Conventions and Recommendations eliminating poverty, creating employment ILO Minimum Age Convention (C138, setting minimum standards of basic labor and sustainable livelihoods, empowering 1973) rights. These standards pertain to freedom women, and protecting the environment. of association, the right to organize, The agency acts as a liaison between collective bargaining, abolition of forced governments and local grassroots NGOs in Entered into force in 1979 and ratified by labor, equality of opportunity and planning crisis prevention and recovery. 116 countries, including China in 1999. treatment, and other work-related “Making Green Development a Choice” is This convention sets the minimum working standards. There are a number of ILO the 2002 China Human Development age at 16 years old and is an attempt to monitoring activities in China such as the Report focusing on the necessity of establish one standard on the minimum China Employment Forum, the Equal environmental reform for the coming 2008 age of employment for all workers, Remuneration Convention and the Olympics. It is available to the public at regardless of economic sectors, with a Minimum Age Convention. view to achieving the total abolition of child labor. Organization for Economic Cooperation United Nations Environmental Programme and Development (OECD) (UNEP) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) The OECD is a global governing body that The UNEP aims to educate, inspire and promotes democracy and market empower governments and people Adopted in 1948 and made up of 38 economies in its 30 member states as well worldwide to create an environmentally principles on the “inalienable rights” of all as non-member states. The OECD friendly world today and for future members of the human family. These Multinational Guidelines provide a set of generations. The UNEP focuses on rights include right to life, liberty and voluntary principles and standards for promoting environmental science and security of person, and freedoms of responsible business conduct that are information, as well as working with expression, speech and belief. Although consistent with applicable laws. OECD governments, NGOs, other UN the UDHR is a resolution and is not publications and statistics focus on departments and the private sector to legally binding, its main principles are economic and social issues such as raise environmental concerns in standards that should be upheld by all macroeconomics, trade, education, sustainable development. The Regional Member States. It has also inspired more development, and science and innovation. Office of Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) is the than 60 international treaties that The Center for Co-operation with Non- UNEP division that deals with China issues. compose a comprehensive body of members works with China to encourage international law and human rights participation in and adherence to OECD World Bank Group legislation. standards. Recent OECD reports on China include “China in the World Economy: The The World Bank is a financial institution Domestic Policy Challenges,” and “Foreign that loans money to countries to assist MULTI-LATERAL ORGANIZATIONS Direct Investment in China: Challenges and with their development programs. It is the Prospects for Regional Development.” world’s largest source of monetary assistance, disseminating over $30 billion Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement annually to client countries. The five (APEC) Officials divisions of the World Bank are: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Established by the United States in 1989, 42.shtml Development (IBRD), International APEC is the largest forum for economic Articles guiding the treatment of all Development Association (IDA), leaders from countries in Asia and the persons by any person, appointed or International Finance Corporation (IFC), Pacific Rim who are dedicated to free trade elected, who operate police powers which Multi-lateral Investment Guarantee Agency and investment. Leaders from its 21 include being treated with human dignity (MIGA), and the International Centre for member states meet on a regular basis to and upholding the human rights of all Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). discuss major issues, current events and persons. As well as making loans, the World Bank resolve disputes. In 2001 the APEC forum researches and publishes reports about was held in Shanghai. United Nations Development Programme development projects worldwide. The World (UNDP) Bank has produced numerous reports on International Labour Organization (ILO) China, including several on the East-West The UNDP is the development division of Pipeline project.