
Lyrics Training is a listening and music game that will help a lot with identifying what you hear in Spanish. You do not need to make an account to play. Select one of my favorite songs from this list. There are other songs on the website, but I don’t know them all, so be warned that if you play a song that isn’t on the list, the lyrics or the video may not be 100% school appropriate. If you play a song that is appropriate that you really like, email me the title and I can add it to my list.

If you really get stuck, you can cheat a little bit and peek at the full lyrics. Challenge yourself by starting at the beginner level and then working your way up to intermediate or advanced! Start To receive credit for this assignment, send a screenshot of your score to [email protected] You must have screenshots of 2 different rounds if you played at the beginner level or 1 screenshot of 1 round played at the intermediate level.

To play:

1. Select your difficulty level. 2. When you see the screen that prompts you to create an account, scroll down a bit and hit “Maybe later” to avoid creating an account. The website works without an account just fine. 3. Then fill in the blanks. Listen closely so you can hear what is being sung.

1. “La Libertad” by Alvaro Soler: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/alvaro-soler/la- libertad/HMdGuRFvcM 2. "Me Voy" by Julieta Venegas: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/julieta-venegas/me- voy/UNA9pBOepN 3. “El Mismo Sol” by Alvaro Soler: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/alvaro-soler/el-mismo- sol/Hw0ZDLkVJw 4. "16” by : https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/kurt-luis-fonsi/16/H7I4VxsKh7 5. “Barrer a Casa” by (guess who!!) Alvaro Soler and his real girlfriend Sofia Ellar. They wrote this song together after being stuck at home during Madrid’s quarantine: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/sofia-ellar-alvaro-soler/barrer-a-casa/HUHg21SKYU#b7w 6. “Vivir mi Vida” by Marc Anthony: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/marc-anthony/vivir-mi- vida/HA9pBOe1hA 7. “Capítulos” by the band Dvicio- another made at home during quarantine music video: https://lyricstraining.com/es/play/dvicio/capitulos-desde-casa/H21St7IKa2#b7c